Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 01, 1917, Image 8

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How an Agricultural High
School May be Ob'.ained
at Dakota City, Nebr.
There uru two possible ways of ob
taining the typo of school we have
attempted to explain in previous ar
ticles. First, by increased taxation
of our own district to the extent of
approximately $1 ,250 which would se
cure the state aid of an equal amount.
Second, a consolidation with adjoin
ing districts, especially district No.
2, would insure the success of such
a project.
In order to carry the plan through
without the cooperation of another
district it would mean an increase of
taxation to the legal limit of :$5
mills. The pro rata increase of tax
ation would be:
Asm ssotl Viilimtlon. Iiicreiui-tf Taxation.
S 100 $ 1.150
tiOO tStJU
GOO 7.80
l.ooo i.'i.oo
3,000 H9.00
1.000 52.00
0,000 78.00
10,000 130.00
This increase is figured on the
basis of the 22 mill levy for the year
l!)l-li)17. From the above state
ments it is easily seen what increase
you would have to pay in order to
secure for Dakota City a school of
highest rank.
Let us consider brielly the possi
bilities if district No. 2 were consoli
dated with our own district. The
total valuation of district No. 1 is
$175 2711, that of district No. 2 is
.SM8,!)84, making a total valuation
of $:2..2.77. A levy of 22 mills upon
this combined valuation would give
S7,lM.()f for maintaining the school,
which would be necessary if trans
portation were given to district No. 2.
What would this mean to the tax
payer in district No. 2V The follow
ing statements are based upon a levy
of (5 mills at present as compared
with a 22 mill levy which would be
necessary for consolidation:
AsnchwI Valuation. Iiicirnnvil Taxation.
$ 100 $ 1.00
()() .... '1 .80
000 0.00
1,000 10.00
U.000 18.00
'1,000 01.00
0,000 00.00
10,000 100.00
From a comparison of the increas
ed taxation pro rata in the two dis
tricts it will be ueen that it would
cost district No. 2 more additionally
than it would cost district No. 1 to
obtain the school alone..
It may be contended by the tax
, payers of district No. 2 that such a
consolidation , would amount to a
proposition by which district No. 1
would get a better school paid for
by district No. 2. Upon careful
consideration it will be seen that this
is not the case. Th benefits are neur
it v even v divided. District No. 2
would have tho advantage of a much
1 beiti'i' Kclionl nnil linvo tlin children
of the district at home for a twelfth
grade education. Transportation
would serve to oven tho benefits.
There are a much larger number of
pupils in district No. 1 who receive
tho benefits of tho better school, but
they would not got transportation.
Two routes could conveniently be
conducted through district No. 2
gathering the children from their
homes and delivering them safely
again each evening after school.
This feature of tho consolidated
school is working out very satifacto
rily where it has been wisely conduct
ed It is much more desirable to
have children transported in this
manner in a comfortable warm con
veyance under tho supervision of
u competent man than to have them
trudging along through snow drifts
and mud on foot. It always increases
tho attendance to the maximum of
tho town.
Tho advantage of the good graded
school over the one teacher school
should not bo overlooked. Compare
tho average rural teacher in the one
room school with thirty daily recita
tions of from five to fifteen minutes
each in length and very limited su
pervision, with tho teacher in the
graded school with twelve recitations
dally of twenty-five to thirty min
utes in length and careful supervis-
ion. Is tho one teacher school good
enough for your boy and girl?
The levy of 22 mills would not be
necessary if more territory were
brought into the consolidation. It
seems to mo a logical thing for a
considerable portion of the territory,
especially that within a radius of
four miles to tho southwest and
northwest, to unite in such a consol
idation. If this could be effected
the levy would bo reduced very much
and the transportation of rural chil
dren would quite evenly divide tho
benefits received. We have the
building, adequate to accomodate
250 children, and more, if necessary.
We have the land for agricultural
purposes. Surely, under the circum
stances, there is no other place in
this near community as well located
and as logically fitted for such a
If consolidation is attempted in
the rural districts contingent to ours,
and tho central school located in a
rural district it cannot bo of the ben
efit that our school would be. A
three roomed school would be tho
largest possible school, and there
would be too few children to insure
a full high school course, thus neces
Bitating tho continuing of tho high
school course away from home, and
limiting tho efficiency of the school
on account of the few teachers for
the work attempted. Too much ter
ritory would have to bo covered by
transportation in order to secure a
school comparable to ours. A build
ing and equipment as adequate aH
ours would cost not less than $20,0(K
To my readers in district No. 2
and others in contingent territory I
wish to write Very specially. Let it
be understood that I assume all re
sponsibility for what I have written
in this article, I believe 1 can ap
proach you from an unprejudiced
view point in tho cause of our mutu
al interests. I am aware of the fact
that consolidation has been discussed
and rejected before, and have per
sonally attempted to revive the dis
cussion to the point, of action. It
goes without question that district
No. 1 will be in favor of such a con
solidation if it is wished by the ad
joining district or districts. Having
once been urged by district No. 1,
however, it is felt that any initiative
in tho matter should begin in dis
trict No. 2. And in the interest of
tho bettor school I would like to
have a part in building in our com
munity. 1 am trying to call your
earnest attention to the question.
Time forbids that I might see you
each personally, but I shall appre
ciate greatly any expression of your
desires you may give me. I have in
my possession a limited number of
copies of the consolidation number
of the Nebraska educational bulletin
which I shall mail to several of you
at an early date. Will you kindly
read it and hand it to your neighboi
if he did not get one.
Consolidation will cost more than
the one room school. Good things
usually cost an effort. We recog
nize this fact readily in most of our
business and I am convinced that
most people do in their educational
business if they but see the need
and benefits, We will get more for
your money oy consolidation than
without it. Wlnle you pay little for
the one room school you get little in
return for what you do pay. And
probably your child will not have in
terest enough in education to go
through the high school. A very
large percentage of the leakage
from the rural schools at the sixth
and eighth grades could be averted
by an efficient graded school.
The benefits as summarized in the
consolidation number of the Nebras
ka Educational bulletin are:
1. Hotter teachers may be secur
ed and retained.
2. lipils now receive more indi
vidual help from teachers.
:. I'upils may have longer recita
tion periods.
4. Country boys and girls may
have all the advantages of tho best
city schools without their disadvan
tages. 5. Pupils may secure a twelfth
grade education and boat homo with
their parents every night at about
one-fit teenth the cost to the individ
ual patron.
0. More pupils are enrolled and
the averagedaily attendance is much
7. A supervisor on the job every
day and three or four times as many
visits from the county superintend
ent. 8. Hotter buildings and better
equipment will dignify tho school.
1). The larger boys and girls are
held in school.
10. Petty jealousies interfere less
with the school.
11. The larger teaching force
makes it possible to have special
classes for the older pupils who can
attend but a short tinie in the winter
months. Neither the city school nor
the single-room school can do this.
12. teachers may be employed
who have had special training for
special work.
lit. Larger classes ci eate a healthy
rivalry, interest and enthusiasm,
11. Organizations such as de
bating societies, glee clubs, bands,
baseball, teams basketball teams,
etc., will make school more attract
ive and contribute to the special life
of the community.
15. Transportation guards the
health and morals of the cnildren.
10. It decreases the cost per pu
pil and increases the efficiency of
the schools,
17. It increases the value of real
estate in the district just as street
car service increases the value of
city property.
IS. Prevents the drift to the larg
er cities and builds up the home
111. Provides a center for the or
ganization of Farmers' clubs, litera
ry societies, community clubs, ath
letic contests, institutes, lyceuin
courses, art exhibits, libraries and
women's clubs.
20. At least five times as many
pupils will complete the eighth
grade having done far more thor
ough work, than is usually done
in the single room school,
21. Leads to better roads and
farm conditions.
22. Producesa greater pride and
interest in country life and the coun
try home.
vn tp i
wvv m
( 1 "
ouDscription m
Report of the Condition ol
Tho Bank of Dakota County
of tuck" i I'hnrtM No. Ml, in tin Htnto of
Ni liuikii nt tin i !' f tii-inc) I'cIiiiim
i) l.l. lui;
iin.xoi in i-1
I.ohiib ninl Olicoiinta J 1I7,7i7 M
iiiiiift Nl l.l
IliuiMiiK lioune fui'iillliiu unci Il-
limn I.KrtT M
f 'urruiili-xDiMiieii, liixpsumllliU'r-
i'il tmlil 77S
line from niit'limd statu
ixinkK lm.us i
Oiirinnuj 4. ))(
Clolil coin t,in'i
Sllv ili'Ki'NlilHll'l'lltM. .U Ui! UH.M) (H
Total t Ml.h'Vt it,
Capital Htook until In
J i,im) mi
. 2, Kim lis
niu diiii mini
ITuillvlili'tl inolIU
1 1 1 1 1 v-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llOIHMltM Mill-
Ji-i-t to rlR'Ck 18J.31" H7
I)i Miami ciTtllk'iiliM or
ilnpoHlt &) W
Tlnii' cei tlllcutot uf (lu-
tmill 101.SU (18
(Hnlili'1'n flil'fkt out-
HtniKlliiK HIS (J3 2)1 1, 111 ffi
Dcnoiltom' toiurimt)- fund. l.uvi tri
.SU.A8J 4T
Utihl hi V Lt II II t U 4 t
I'lVIKWl IMlllltltniWU I
(Jmiiity of Dakota
I, l.i'ct). Ki'iu ni'y, cnililoi' of tliij aliovn
...,l 1.....I. .1 ..,.1... I1...I .....
mini.-.. imui, tit, iii-hjiij' nni'iu milk lilt!
MldklllDllll,.,lll,l l.l... I ...,.l (..........
w, n.tiii iiivii. iMi iii ivu.iiiiii iiuui;i;iJj I
tin- ii'poi t Hindi' to tin- state luilllclllK Ixiiik
A I I , M I t . 1 L" 1 1 I.' I. I t, v i, ..
(Ii'o. Dai tci, lilri'ctor. t'lisliler.
II.MUIY II. AIlAIIt. IJlll'Ctor.
HulMi'ill)i'(l anil swot n to licfoiu mil tills
l!Hh day of Keluuiiry, I!U7
l.oii'lto K. Kearney,
(H ai ) .Sulmy I'ulille.
My comiiiliKlnii i-xiiln h Jail, 1. WW.
Report of the Condition of
The Hubbard State Bank
of IIuIiIiiikI, cliaiti'r No. 711, In tin- itato of
Ni'liiaiLa, at tlie cIosh of IiiisIiioh IVInun
ry 13. IIH7.
Loans anil illxcoi'iits ! liU.TMMia
UW'llllUltM 171HI
HntiMiiK Iioiim', fn in I tint) ami Il-
tines S.tM HO
Cm lent cxpoiisL",, taxes ami Inter
est paid 1 St7 iW
Due from national and
state hanks S C7.I1I II
t'heclts and Ituins of (X-
e limine HH (X)
nniicncy l.illn (10
UttUl coin l.KO fj)
Slli r, nickels ami cents. n77 -'l lU.twi ill
Total Ull,i.0 ,u
Capita! stock paid In J lo.ooo m
S'liplus fund t, 71 l I'D
Undivided prollts l',s.t. 11
Individual deposits sub
ject to check . . ..J 72,021 VI
Demand curtlllcutcs of
deposit .. .. 1.2WI Ml
Time eel tlllcati's of de
posit (i'j.th'l r.7 1 15,81 S !iS
Depoiltois' Kuaianly fund 1,: 1'H
Total jFai,8.i 70
State of Nebraska, j
Oounti of Dakota. I H" I, Michael Waters,
cashier of the ahoe limned hank, do hetuby
sunn that the ahoMi statement lsacoriect
nail tiuecnp) of the ic,poit made to the
Mlnte liaiiklnit lioiuil. Mioiiam. Wvir.ics.
Attest-I. It. Waluis. Dlicclor.
D. I'". Waluis. Dllcctoi.
HuIisciIIhmI and suorn to before me this
Will day of li'chrnaiy. IUI7. (Ico. Timlin.
(skai.) Notary l'ltlillc,
My coiiimlnsloii oxplies Sept. 1ft, HUH.
Klisl pub. II I-lu
Probate Notice lo Creditors
In thu ' ounty Court of Dakota County,
In the inn lei of the estate (T Katillin
Mai ui eta W thclmlim Stalmus, deceased.
Notice Is hereby Klen, that tho ciedltors
of the suld d( sensed will meet thu oxecutoi
of said estate, befoie me, county Juduu of
Dakota county, Nebiaska, at the county
com t loom In said colint, on the VStli day
of May, IH17, and on the 27lh day of August,
IUI7, at in o'clock A. M. tach day, for tho
pui pose of pieseutlui; their claims for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance. Sl
mouths aie allowed for ciedltois to pie
seiil theli claims ami one jdir foi thu ex
ectitoi to M'ltle said estate, fioin thu Srttli
day of Kehruaiy, 1U17. This notice will be
Diinllxlicd In the Dakota County lluiald for
foui ueks successively pilor to lite i'SUi
da of May, 1WI7.
Witness my I and, and seal of said couit,
tills '.'iUIi day of f'ehiuaiy. A. D.. IUI7.
H. W. MeKlNl.Ki.
tHKAI. County Judge.
First publication ;i-l-iv
Probate Notice to Creditors
III the Counti (Joint of Dakota county,
Ill thu matter of the estatu ofMaiy )',.
Uoinlfcillou . deceased.
Notlcu Is heruby kIwii, that thu ciedltors
of the said deceased will meet thee xecutois
of hiilit estate, befoie inu, county JiuIku of
DaUotu county, Nubtnskn, at the count)
court loom In said county, on the '.'fith da
of June, 1UI7.MIUI on the '-'stb day of August,
1117. at Hi o'clock A. M. each day foi the
purposeof piesentiiiK their claims foi ex
amination, adjustment and allowance. SU
mouths aie allowed for creditors to piesent
theli claims and one ear for thu executors
lo settle said estate, fiom the ffth day of
l-'cbruaty, 117" This notice will be pub
lished In thu Dakota County Herald for
four weeks succehslxely pi lor to the &Mii
day of June, ltd".
Witness my hand and seal of said couit,
tlilT.VIb day of l'ehiuuiy, A. 1). 1UI7.
S. W. MoKlnlej,
Iskw.J County .Indue
Klrst publication ii-l-lw
To Thomas Maulil, .lefeiidant :
You will take notice that on the 2llh day
of I'Vbiuary, A. I). 11U7. ltaruutms II. Uilh
tile, Kllabetli lleiweir, Mary Josephine
Stiusoii. (Hive (I. Modulus, John II. Crib
ble and Thomas W.Oilbble, plaliitllfs, tiled
their petition In the dlstilct couit of Da
lota count, Nebiaska. thu object and
PllDUl of which me to leinow the cloud
to their title to the north half or the
noi tlieat iiuiii tei of section twcnt)-onc
(XI), township twent)-seeu IS7), noilh. of
inline eluhl (s), east of the nth 1. M , Da
lota count. Nubiaska, occasioned by
a patent and eop of a patent
doit! the I'nlted States to the defend
ant Thomas MiikIiI. the copy of said pat
ent Is'Iiik' iccoided In lleid Hook K.V at
Piute M. of the deed lecoids of said Dakota
county, that the defendant may be i n
Jolueil ft out euteiliiR upon or making claim
to said lent estulu and for general eiiultahle
You are iciiulied to answer the Mild pe
tition on oi befoie theUth day of Apill, A.
D. IUI7.
Ilainabas II. (lilhble,
Kllzabeth lleiweg.
Mill) Josephine stliiM)ti,
OIIe(l. Modulus.
John II. dibble and
Thomas W, dribble,
Notice Is lieieby gleu that by litue of
au oidei of sale Issued by (Icorgu Wllklus,
county cleik nud ex-olllclo clerk of tho
(list I let com t of Dakota county, Nehuisla,
ami illiccted to inc. tleoige Cain, sherllt uf
Dakota count), Nebraska, commanding
mu to sell the picmlscs hereinafter de
scribed to Hiitlsfy a certain decree of the
said illsti let com t of said county and state,
obtained at the February, A. D. U", term
iheieof hi faor of 1'. A. Wood against
Claieuce M Dudle), C. II. Dudley, Ida K.
Dudley, Jacob M llaxlngu, Call Meuten,
lohu I, Smith and tleiman Aiuuilcan Dje
Comp.iu), a coipoiatlMii, for the sum uf
seeii thousand two bundled twenty-foiu
and is Ki'dolinrs. wltn Inteiest at ten per
cent per annum, fiom the Mil dayof Kcb
ruaiy, A. D. IK17, and his costs taxed at
twenty eight and 7f luidollais, and acciu.
lag costs, I hae levied on the following
described propcrt) to-wlt: Lots seeu (7),
eight (m. nine mi. leu urn, eleven Ul and
twelve (IS), block thlrt)-sltl). Joy 1'lac.
au addition to the city of South Sioux I'll) ,
Dalota county. Nebraska.
And I will on the :ird day of April,
A D. IVI7. at ten o'clock A. M.. of said da) ,
at thu south front door of thecoui t hoiue In
Dakota Clt), Dakota county Nebraska, pro
ceed to sell at public auction to the highest
and best bidder, for cash, all of the aboe
descilbed property, or so inuoli thereof as
iua be necessary to satisfy said order of
sale Issued by said (leorgu Wllklus. the
amount due theieim lb the aggregate U-
Int? the sum of sevrn thousand two hundred
twenty-four and IH-lou dollars, with Inter
i st nt tho rate of ten per cent per annum,
fiom the Mil day of February, A. D 11)17,
ami prior taxi d costs nmountlng totwenty
cltfht and TolKMlolInu and ncciulng costs
OUcn under my hand this -Mil da) of
Kebiuary, A. D. 1SU7.
Oi.'uH(ir Caiv,
s'heillTof Dnkota count). Nebrnskn.
I'll st publication L'-S-tw
Probate Notice to Creditors
lu the count) couit of Dakota count),
In the i n n lie r of the estate of led Hill inc.
Notice is hereby glen, liial the creditors
of the Mild deceased will incut thu exeeu
tilx of said estate, befoie inc. county
Judge of Dakota county. Nebraska, at
the county court room In said county, on
the Mid day of Mh), IH17, and on the Hid
dni of August, 1117. at ! o'clock a in.
em h day for the puipoacof presenting
theli claims for xaniluatloii, ndjiist-
I .. Iff... .. ..... Ul. ,..,,, l.u I ,.
Ill lib 1,1111 lllllf , ltll . tl 1111. II,,,-, .,,,-
allowed fin ciedllois to piesent their
claims and one jear for the executilx to
seine ni(i einie, iioui uui ,nu (iiij ii
Kebruniy, 1017.
SM.I. (w.tl. tt.lll lui tiiil.llulinil 1,1 till! 1lfil.',l.
ta County Herald for four week" kiiccussIo.
. ...- . .. . ,... u...i ...... .. t.... me
ly pi ii, r ill inu oi ii ii ii j i,i .i ii j , 11.1, .
Witness my hand, ami seal of said court,
this in! dayof Kebruai). A. I). 1H17.
s. W. MrKini.k .
hka!.. Uounty.ludgu
First publication 'J-lfi-lw
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In tho County, Court of Dakota Countv,
Ni br.isk.t.
St in- of Nebraska.
Dakota County, is.
To Challes C. Ileermann, Ida lleur
uiatiu Hates, Fred W. IP ei maun, F.ilc N.
Ileeiinanii and Manual lioals, and all
persons lnteiested lu the i stale of hied
lleei man II, deceased :
(lu reading the petition of ('Unite C.
II..., r (ttt. I, t, ,,i-rivlMt it Hi, ,il di.tl limiiiiit i, ml
t.-i ...i. i.. ..... i'n .... -..-.ai ...u... ......
allowance of his account llled III this couit
on the nth day of Kebiuaiy, 11117. foi pioofs
of In Irshlp and deciee, foi decree of dlstil-
iiiiiniii a iiu kit ins (use uui k' ii" no iiu ins ii ii
tor of said estate.
It lu linriiliu jiifluiiiil tlitit . niil ii 1 1 rut i.
I fc i -i hi i iiiij (iiiiun (i iiiiii juii iiiki mi fti-
sons Interested lusald mattei may and do,
appear at the county com t to lie held In
and for said county, on the Pith dny of
March, A. I. lUI7,ut ! o'clock A M.,toshow
cause. If any there bi, why thu puiyei of
tut' p'LiLiinr'r siiuiiiii inn. ne Kiniiicd, niiu
Llllll. IIULIlt'UI (lie LJi-iiil'-ii(. ill -UUI L,eLILll,ll
and the hearing thereof be glen to all
pt'isiius unci esied in suld mailer o piiu-
llul.l...... .II.I.U 1.1 11,1. -.,.. i.... , ,. ,i... i,.,Ln..
IMIIIllKHl ulj ill bill, lilill I 111 LliU 1'linub..
County Meialdiii weekl) iiewspapurprlnted
in -iiiiu ciiiiiii, mi kiiii nwruessi e wi'tifci
prior to said dny of hearing
S. W. McKim.i-i.
skai. County Judge
First publication 'MMw
Notice of Opening Road
Notlcu to I.und Ow net s.
State of Nubiaska, County of Dakota ss.
To all who'ii lt may concern:
The commissioner appointed to view and
acute a road I u Dakota count) , Nebiaska,
descilbed as follows:
'J hat pint of the count) load cot. iinenc
Inu at a point on the section line between
sections 1" and 15, township I'll, range 7, In
Dakota county, Nebraska, 8" lods west of
thu noitheast corner of said section 1ft,
and tunning thence west otiu-half tulle to
the noi tliweslcornnr of the not theastiiuar
terof thu northwest quartci of said section
1ft, ami tbeie tci minuting at thu foot of
a high bluir, being known as thu Smith
road, has lupot ted In favor of tin- vacation
theieof, and all objections thereto, oi
claims for damages, must lie llled In thu
county clerk's olllce on or bofoto noon of
March itli, A. D. 11)17, or such toad will be
Micated without further icferencu theieto.
Dated this ilth day of Kebiuaiy, A. D. 11U7
duo. Wllklus.
County ClurU
Notice of Opening Road
Notice to Land Owneis.
State of Nobi aska, Dakota Count) ss
To all whom lt may concern
I'lic commissioner appointed to luw and
vacate u portion of the county road, know u
as load No. ft, and to Mew, and establish
and locate n road l mining fiom thu north
east corner of section iltfti, township (is;),
north of inline (8), east, In said county of
Dakota, thuueu westeily to the northwest
corner of said section lift, thence southuily
and southwesterly to Its Intersection with
the county read No. 1 4, and running through
section (ill) In said township Ss) lu n south
easteily diiectlou ami to acute so much of
said loud as Is descilbed us follows, Ho
ginning at a point on the north and south
section line between sections (81 1 and Sfti
lu township i '.'S), noi th of tannc (S) east. In
said county, whero said road leaves said
section line and fiom thence southwesiuily
tolts Intel section with thu said load No
tl, lunnlng from tho north Hue of said sec
tion (.11) In n southeasterly dlUTtlon io thu
south lino of salt! section I ill), said Intersec
tion being nt or near thu noithwest corner
of thu south wust uuurtur of tho north cast
Minuter of said section (ill i and also to It cute
and establish n roml descilbed as follows
Commencing at a point on tho nui th and
south section lino between said sections
(ill) and (IB) In township (28), north of iringo
(81, cast In said Dakota count) , wheio said
road propoMd to bo vacated leuos said
section line, thence south on said Action
lino to n point (iCI) feet north of thu north
east coiner of the south east uimrtur of the
north east iiuaiter of said section (ill),
thence oast parallel w I tht he south line of the
north half of the north east quai tor of said
kcctlon CH i to Intersect tho said load No.
41, tunning fiom the north line of said sec
tion HID ill 11 sotltheastLllv direction
thtougli said section to thu south line of
or sum section i;ii, said point of intersec
tion being at or near thu mu thwest cornur
of the south west (luartcr of the nnitli east
uuarter of said section ill and tei minuting
at said intersection, has leiuirtnl in Invnr
of the Micntlni; and rc-cstabllshinent ns
petitioned for, ami all objections thereto,
cr claims foi damages, must bullied In thu
county clei k' otllco on or befoie noon of
the 20th day of Marcl., A. I). 1017, or such
road will bo vacated as petitioned and that
part re-established as petitioned, without
fmther reference.
t Dated this 0th day of Kebiuaiy. A, D.1BI7
(leorKP 'Wllkln.M. County Clerk
Catarrh Cannot Be Cu?
With l.OCAI, APPLICATIONS, as 'fcev
cannot iciuh the scat of the disease.
Catarrh m u, IoluI disease, greatly in
lltiPiiCL'd by constitutional conditions, anl
In older to cure it you must take ai
Internal remedy. HuII'b Catarrh Medi
cine Is tuken Internally and acts thru
the bloud on tile mucous surfaces of thu
system. Hall's Cntarrh Mediclnu wan
.inscribed by one of thu best nhsslclani
in this count! y for years. It Is com
posed of some pf tho beBt tonics known,
combined with omQ 0f the best bkoJ
purlileru, Tho perfect combination of
the tnnredlonts lu Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine la what produces such wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free
' J; CH1SNBV & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All DriiKKlsts. 75c
Mull's Family Pills for constipation.
R R Time Table
C St. P., M.4 O.
Trftina loavo Dakota Oity at thti foi-to-ying
0:17 pm Omnhu 7 :58 urn
10:518 una Omahu 12.58 pm
7 :!iri uui . . . . Nowcastlo . . . . 10 :00 um
1:2W lm " ....'5:50 pm
daily oxcupt Sumlay. f do not stop
l'J:i:ipm Omaha '2:oH pm
C B& Q
No. 91 Locul ProiRlit 7 :1C m
17 " PasHongor,..12:u8pm
No. 92 Local Froight' 2 :2& pm
10 Local Pi8nougcr,,.0:19 pm
"Jnily. ilnily oxoopt Suiuliiy.
See Us For
Job Printing
Sturges Bros. Have Moved
to 315 Pearl Street
wlu-rc we will bo ;lacl to set-nil our old pal. mis,
and wc hope, inaiix new r.nt.. Tliis move is nec
essary, as the biiildinj; wc now have is too small
for our Rrowinj; bu;mr"
Stxres Eros
Old Location, -111 I'earl St. Sioux City, Iowa
Westcott's Undertaking
Auto Aiiibuhnico
Old Phone, '120 New Phone 2007
Sioux Caly Sows.
of Free Homesteads; ztx Wyoming.
You C;m M;ik ApplU:;n ion Now!
Character of Land: Oass-coveied urazinc: lands in Wyoming
north of the Platte river and east of the His 1Irni Mountains.
How Reached: Over th" Burlington's Centr .1 Wyoming main
line via Douglas, Casjiei or Gh ndo, and also by "the Burling
ton's Alliance-iiMidau main line for Xoitheastetn Wvoming.
How to Get Title: Three yeais' residt nee lequirtd with live
s months' vacation each year Permanent improvements to the
value of SI. 20 per acre required. Final proof within r yea is.
Residence taken up within 0 months of the date of filing
When to Go: Gj early this Spring if possible; jet the aiea is
large and will oficr an excellent choice as late as the Summci.
Information will be readily furnished applicants either by the
U. S land offices at Douglas, Sundance and Buffalo. Wyo.. or
by in?. Send at once for our circular of inform ition
HHSSHaS5V,5Sil V!V 1 -illfl nil!rl,iir.n
Great Worm Destroyer and
Hog Conditioner
Price $2.50 per .lujr. "i- Three Ju;rs fur $(5.00
Manufactuied by C. A. Wheelock, Beresford, S. Dak.
11. K. D. No. i). Phone 1118
Pleasant View Farm, Home of the Famous Silver Lake
Herd of Dtircc-ersevs
Guy G. Sides,
Phone 111-1,8
Fields & Sla
Gi-a.rvt Feed, Flour, S2iiy arvd. Coal
Phono No. Ditkottt City, Nobr.
Licensed Rmbalmer Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. F. 3Dxck.ixsozv
Uoll 71
Auto H471
Abstracts of Title j
. A 10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy I
of every Abstract I makt.. " J
I J. J. EIMERS, Bonded Abstractor.
T lll. .,.. ,.l1 l.. . .1
""" (.itwtiiiv.(. . u itiiB (Jll (JAUULiy W1IUI IO UO.
vS. H. HOWAKJ), Immigration Agt .
C 15. & O. U. R.
Kl(M I' iriniiu Stllft (nlii. '..
Local Agent
Dakota City, Nebr.
er C
'H.p) Sixth Street
Sioux City, lown
o tttssx! e utaea mesn ,s.