DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. ( SOME OF OUR BLUEJACKETS IN CUBA w WII BOWELS GftSCARETS V WOVK W Ssf Ww VI fir ' tfl Wo sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. Got n lO-ooiit lio now. Turn (ho rnsctiN out th headache, biliousness, Indigestion, the sick, sour stomach nnd foul gases turn them out to-night niul keep thorn out with Gascnrets. Millions of won nnd wotnon take n Cu&cnivt now and then and novcr know the misery caused by n luzy ltvor, clogged bowels or an up'-et stom ach. Don't put In another day of distress. Lot Cnscarsts cleanse your stomach; remove the sour fermenting food; take- the excess bile from your liver ami enrry out nil the constipated waste matter nnd poison In tho bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret to-night straightens you out by morning. They work whllo you bleep. A 10-ccnt box from nny drug store means n clear head, swcot stomach and clean, healthy liver nnd bowel action for months. Chil dren love Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. Adv. Shining Example. "The forehead in the case of an in tellectual man, nnd n studious man especially, is likely to heighten after thirty." Ah, yes, of course. There Is the case of Robert FIt.simmons, nctor. Dear old ttob. They say he is tremen dously studious. Studies for weeks to commit to memory : "Strike this ten der woman If you dare," or some other great line In the play. Louisville Courier-Journal. CUTICURA IS SO SOOTHING To ftchlng, Burning Skins It Not Only Soothes, but Heals Trial Free. Treatment: Bathe the nffected sur face with Cutlcurn Soap and hot wa ter, dry gently nnd apply Cutlcura Ointment. Itepent morning nnd night. This method affords Immediate relief, nnd points to speedy healment. They are idenl for every-day toilet uses. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. High Pockets. I'atiencL ion know small pockets for valuables, intended to bo fastened to linings of ladles' shoes, have been patented. Patrice That's convenient. They are made so high now that wo won't have to go very far down to reach them. Important to Mothers Examlno carefully every bottlo ot CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It T?oora tha Signature ot C&AM&. In "Use for Over 30 Yoara. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Mum's the Word. Doctor Something wrong with the fenby? Mother Yes, doctor; ho got hold of an old dictionary some way, and chewed up two pages out of it." "Did you give him an emetic?" "Yes, doctor, but I can't get a word out of him!" ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known actress gives the follow ing recipe for gray hair: To hnlf ilnt ot water add 1 oz.-Bay Hum, a. small box of liarbo Compound, and K oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. Full directions for making nnd use come In each box of Bnrbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hnlr, and make It soft and slossy. It will not color tho scalp, la nt sticky ot greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv. Half-Watt Lamp Popular. There hu.s been a wide adoption In England of the half-watt metallic 111a ment lamp for interior lighting, nnd It Is said that had it not been for the lighting restrictions the half-watt lamp would probably have supplanted the arc lamp for outside lighting. EAT LESS MEAT Excessive eating of meat Is not only tremendously expensive, but It Is posi tively Injurious to health. Iu place of meat try Skinner's Macaroni and Spa ghettl the mast delicious of all food and tho richest In nutriment. They can be prepared In a hundred appetiz ing ways at small cost. Write Skin ner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Neb., for heautl ful Cook Book. It's free. Adv. In the Same Fix. "h!" said we, reading tho headline. "Mr. Lloyd George, wife of the Eng lish premier. Is a fighter, too." "Aw, well," replied the Mlssourian, "the sent hnln't got nuth'n on mo on that score so is mine!" Exchange. Pcml 10c to Dr. Fierce, Invalids Hotel, Huflnlo, for largo trial package of Anunc for kidneys euros backache. Adv. Thirteen Lucky Miles. Patience I soo that 1!5 per cent ot the lino of a railroad being built In Switzerland will bo through tunnels. Patrice That Is a case where nG i.iil. howover superstitious, could pos mM think thirteen unlucky. HelpI Helpl III Turk ought to make a good . i.iiiifieiir -he's a born Auto-irpn. BmM ti Ti-vucript. siiMsifiisiiiiff-"fc-i-"?"'A-:-g-" These are a few of the sailors of Simple Folk of the Carpathians Bewildered by Passing of Giant Armies. BOAST OF ROMAN ANCESTRY Picturesque Scenes in Roumania De scribed by Correspondent Chil dren Are Genuinely Handsome, But Cleanliness Is an Unknown Virtue. By OSWALD F. SCHUETTE. (Special Correspondent of Dally News, Chicago.) With Gen. von Falkenhnyn's Army In Roumania. If a stage director could put this picture Into the smugglers' scene In "Carmen" he would have u fortune. But nobody would believe It to be real. It Is tho temporary Internment camp for civilians into which the Ger mans have converted a spacious Greek church of Hucar, in the heart of tho Itoumauian Carpathians. Most of the city has boon burned. All men of mil itary age are gone. But the houseless inhabitants that remained nad to be concentrated where they could be watched, for this city Is an important base for mountain operations. And such a camp. Such colors and types. Tho stained glass windows of the church fade before the gaudy ap parel of these Itnumaniun women. Young and old alike wear the loudest of red skirts. Above the waist there Is n little more Individuality, but not less color blue, white, green, yellow and a few black. Some are richly em broidered, others aro cheap print cloths. But all are garish. We found the original slit skirt here as though the skirt were but an out growth of "blanket" days. Yet these are not an aboriginal type, like our In dians. Clothes are no civilized after thought for them. Their proudest boast is that they are descendants of the Hoinans. Many of them reveal the Roman pro file. Some of them are genuinely hand some, especially the children! but they Bcem to age quickly. Apparently there Is no summer in their lives. They jump from spring to full and winter In a day. Only a few of the women between llf teen and forty years revealed traces of the beauty of their daughters. As for children, there seemed to be plenty of them. Garb of Old Romany. The men all wore the typical Rouma nian garb tlght-flttlng trousers of cot ton or woolen goods that had once been white, hut probably laundered ordy in frequently ; a white shirtlike affair that hung outside the trousers, halfwuy to the knees, like a kilt, and a little tight jacket. Few of the men showed any traces of Itoman ancestry. Cleanli ness would have hurt none, although It might have lessened the picturesque. All about the big churchyard were gathered families and "neighborhoods," cooking primitive meals by open llres. One group was particularly worth ob serving. It might have been the city council of Itucar, for all 1 know. Around a lire sat 112 weather-beaten patri archs, grave almost to silence. As we came up their deliberations stopped ab ruptly. They arose, took off their dirty sheepskin caps, bowed and stood silent with an air almost of servility. It Is a typical Houmanluu expression. For, not even excepting Itusslu, Houmnnla still seems to have the most serfllko peasant folk. All arose but one. lie was an old man, though not tho oldest there. In stead of wearing a dirty sheepskin cap, ho had one of black. Ills features were well cut, his eyes und nose re vealed at least the possibilities of in telligent ancestry. lie had the air of a man of Importance. jn the stage he might well have been tho chief of a mountain tribe. Finally, lie, too, arose nnd greeted us, though sullenly. Later wo learned that lie was ono of the wealthiest men of Kiicar, but could neither rend nor write. No Interpreter to Tell Story. We could not umlei-Mtiuu" ilieir mil gunge, and they nindo little elTort to get Into n conversation with us. A woman from u neighboring camptiro came over to say something, lint we had no Interpreter und her story was lost. But as an eilinuliiglcal exhibit the picture belonged in the Smithsonian Institution ut Washington. In the iliiirch the scene was Just as V turi'Mu but tho air was too thick ANCIENT ROMANY iS S ilu Atiierleiui nuvj now .stationed at TRICKEN BY WAR for an extended Inspection. About forty families were enenmped on the tloor, with n strange collection of household paraphernalia. Besides the door, the only possible ventilation was a broken window pane. What seemed to cause particular complaint was the broken pane, not the ventilation. You could not help feeling sorry for these poor mountain folk, driven from their homes by a war of which and about which they knew nothing, and In which they had no Interest. To them Bucharest was as far off as Berlin. Not one but envied the prosperity of the noumanlans on the Hungarian side of tho Carpathians. Yet tho war had wrecked their city and their homes, and strange German soldiers were marching through their streets In pur suit of tho fathers and brothers who had fled with the Roumanian army Into the mountain fastnesses beyond. So far we had passed column after column of heavy baggage trains car rying provisions and ammunition to the front. Now our automobile slowed up, as wo picked our way through a marching regiment. They were n dusty lot of men, loaded down with henvy knapsacks and their winter equipment. For the nights aro bitterly cold in those passes. Yet they sang as we passed them and seemed as cheery as though they were going on a mountain lark. That Is, most of them did. For some of them it was a hard struggle with no pleasure ahead. The head of this column had Just reached the crest and left the road. For down the other side there was no need of following the long windings over which our automobile had to go with brakes set. The soldiers scam pered freely down the bluffs, reaching the bottom almost as quickly as we did. But again we hud to climb a long and tedious hill on the other side be fore we came to the valley In which tho war operations were now on. The Darker Side of Marching. A week later we made he same trip, AT OF Disabling of Geier at Honolulu Brings Back Incident of Spanish-American War. TRIED TO RUN CUBA BLOCKADE Interned Prussian Gunboat Makes Dash From Havana Harbor, but Is Rounded Up by Coast Guard Cutter Manning. New York. The Interned Prussian gunboat Geier, which was reported In recent dispatches to have been dis abled at her pier in Honolulu, at the outbreak of war In lflM was cruising In the Puclllc and while en route to the California coast was pursued by three Japanese armored cruisers. In order to escape, the German ship made her wuy Into Honolulu, hut Hading that the Japanese maintained a blockade off the Hawaiian port the Geier Interned. As a precautionary mensure, It is said, the breech blocks of the Geler'K guns were removed and sent ashore, as vero also tho malu crankshafts and c.vlln der heads. iJiirlng the Spanish-American war the Geier sprang Into prominence by an attempt to demonstrate the Ineffective ness of the American blockade upon Havana. The Geier had obtained per mission to pass through the American blockade at un early period of the war, at a time when u strong American naval force was present before the Cu ban port, and she remained iu Havana until only u few lightly armed cutters and converted lighthouse tenders were on guard, the heavy ships having been withdrawn under Admiral Sampson to the eastward. Made Dash From Port. Picking her time, the Geier ono ntt eruonn In May, 1893, tuado a dash out of port, hugged the coast In n run" to tho westward, and would have made good her getaway without being spoken to had It not been for tho unexpected arrival a few hours earlier before Ha vana of tlie newly built and fast const guard cutter Manning. At the llrst cry of "Black smoke ! coming out of Haviinu 1" which went ui) from every masthead lookout of J the American vessels simultaneously (lunula. mino, Cuba. this time following General von Fnlken hnyn himself on an Inspection trip of this front. And now It rained. The gorgeous beauty of these wild moun tain crags, the purple mists that veiled tin garish colors of the peaks, the fas cination and the splendor of what Americans call Indian summer wore gone. Everything had assumed, as If by magic, drab colors. The misty rain heat against us before an Icy wind. The steep roads became perilous with slippery mud. There was no song from the soldiers that we passed. Dripping, soaked, they plodded wearily and slowly. The horses of the baggage trains seemed to feel the snmo way about It. The automobile trucks floun dered In the mud nnd many had nar row escapes. It Is no light task to nnvlgato one of these giant cars on a crooked, slippery mountain road. On little shelves of tho mountainside were smoky bivouac fires trying hard to burn. About them were drenched soldiers trying to dry their soaked equipment und uniforms. Hero and there Happed tiny dog tents Into which these soldiers would creep for the night In the hope that tomorrow would bring a bit of sunshine. Wounded Know No Hate. Around u turn iu the road came u slowly moving, weary ox train. Tho oxen seemed to mind the rain less than the horses. It was the contents of tho wagons these oxen pulled slowly and ponderously through the mud that made our auto slow down as we passed them. Each wagon contained u num ber of wounded lying In the straw. It wns In this section that the Rou manians had attempted to stop tho German advance by blowing up tho road at three abrupt curves. They had done their work well. The explo slons tore off the whole shelf on which the road was carried. But the Ger imin engineers had done their work equally well. They hurriedly built tip a wall at about the middle of tho dc stroyed road, then dynamited away n big chunk of the overhanging moun tain side. This fell against their new abutment, and in three hours the Ger muns wore able to put artillery ovr the new road. CUTTER RECALLED x- the senior officer present hailed tho Manning, which was close liv. thrumMi the megaphone In the following lan guage : "Manning, there! "That fellow coming out of Huvnun Is probably the German warship Geier. He must be overhauled at all hazards. You have the only ship present that can do II. Go In, and good luck to you 1" With a Hash the Manning's engine room indicator wns whirled to full speed ahead, the bugles sounded nil hands to quarters and In another In stnnt the Manning was tearing through the water at full speed. Steadily she crawled up, and as she did so her of fleers could see the stranger's hull stendlly rise on the horizon. Then the gun sponsons came In view; her llaf was showing, but it was now plain Hint tho vessel ahead wns not only u large cruiser, but unmistakably the Gelor. A heudllne in the const ahead compelled tne stranger to haul out more to sea, and as she did so she slowed down, then .stopped, and slowly there flut tered to tile gall' end the Imperial (lag of Germany. Cutter Circles Around Geier. The Manning, without stopping her great speed, tore under the Color's stern, put her helm hard-a-port and made a full lound of the German cruiser, as much as to say, "Well, you didn't gel out without being spoken to." As the Manning spun round tho Gorman the olllcers of the Geier stood at salute, which was curtly acknowl edged from tho Manning, and then as the Manning headed buck a great roar of laughter burst from her men, for there, coming down In tho dlstui as fast as they could steam, was evi ry one of tho eight little American guard vessels, the fastest not able to make more than ten knots, and not one enrrv. ing more than u fow six-pound guns, hut they were nil determined to be in that light If It was possible to get there. The slguiflcunie of the (ieierV vet lay In the fact that if slif had been able to break through (lie Amorh an cordon without being spoken to she could, on arrival at Vera Cruz, wln-ro she put In a few days later, have cabled to Merlin that the American preten sions to a blockade before Huwmu weie unwarranted, and therefore th alleged blockade was not rrcognlzublB Many Women in this Condition Re gain Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Convincing Proof of Hms Fact. IIS mmmam Mrs. O. M. IIiiines, llidgway, Fbnn. Mrs. Iiindsoy Now Keeps House For Sens. Tennille,Gn, "I want to toll you how mnchlhavo been benefited by Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegotablo Compound. About eight years agol got in such a lowstato of health I was unablo to keep house for threo in tho family. I had dull, tired, dizzy feelings, cold feet and hands nearly all tho time and could scarcoly Blcop at alL The- doctor said I had a ecvero case of ulceration and without an operation I would always bo an invalid, but I told him I wanted to wait awhB& Our droggisb advised my husband to got Lydia E. Pinkhanrii Vegetable Campoundl and it has entirely cured mo. Now I keep hooss tor seven and work in tho garden somo, too. I am so thankful I got thia Baedieina. I feel as though it saved my lifo and havo recommended ft to ethers and they havo been benefited". Mrs. W. E. Lindost, IL B.S, leanille, Ga If you want special ndvlco wrlto to IiydZa E. <feasi Xcdl cino Co. (confidential) Lyim, Mass. Your letter will b opened read and auswered by a woman and held in ntadet coafideace. Shipping Fever Km)! Strong Material. The professor was sricnklnR to tho clnss roKimlliiK Iron nnd steel for building const met Ion. "Wlmt Is tho strongest material which can he put Into a houso?" ho asked. "I.IinburKer cheese," promptly re plied tins boy, spunking from experi ence. LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS How to looBcn a tender corn or callus so It lifts out without pain. Let folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes n size smaller if you like, for corns will never ngnlu send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. Ho says that n few drops of a drug called freezono, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, Instantly re lieves soreness, nnd soon tho entlro com, root nnd nil, lifts right out. Tills drug dries at onco nnd simply shrivels up tho corn or callus without even Irritating the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezono obtained ut nny drug store will cost -very llttlo but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. If your druggist husn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get n smnll bottle of freezone for you from hla wholesale drug house. adv. Good Old Patrons. Willis -Do you think a knowledge of tho lillilu Is necessary for a busi nessman nowndays? Clllls Yes, Indeed ; Ignorance of It cost Hump, the mall order man, n hun dred last week. Some fellow copied n lot of names out of Chronicles and sold It to Hum)) us u mailing list und Hump sent out circulars of hts new safety razor to half u hundred patriarchs of tho Old Testament before he got wise. Judge. Krauce in 1!)1( exported to tho Unit ed States goods valued at $110,30-1,051. What Is Uric cAcidl Everyono lias uric acid in tho ByBtem, but naturally in small miantities. Ex cessive amount is cniiBcd by eating too much meat nnd foods that ferment in Btomncli. Tho kidnoys, being tho Altera of the blood, aro supposed to separate and throw tliii poisons out of tho system. Weak, tired and overworked Uidnoya fail to do this, hence tho uric acid accu mulates and tho urate Halts aro carried by tho blood to tho tolid tissuo structure, cnusing backncho, lumbago, rheuma tism, dropsy, drowsiness, and tired feeling. To overcoino tho troublo is only a matter of toning up the kidnoys, and this is best done by a treatment with Annrio. threo times a day. Anuria is a recent discovery of Dr. Pierco ci Buffalo, N. Y., and can bo obtained at any drug etoro. Experience taught Doctor Tierco that Amino is a tnoro powerful agent than llthia in dissolving urio acid, and it is I then carried out of tho eyetcm. Rldgwny, Perm. "I Buffered from female troublo with baokacho and rain in toj cede for ovor sovon months bo I could not do any o xny work. I was treated by thrco different doctors and was getting discouraged when mytdstcr-hviawtold mo how Lydia E. Pinkham'u Vecctoble Compound had helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my health, so I now do all of my housework which ia not light as I havo a litllo boy threo years old.1 iJnGoenra, Plnk Kr. Kpliootlo. -IXotctnprr and all b and throat diseases cured, nnd all other, no natter heir "exposed,'' kept from having any of th dtivatoea irltb ttlOirV0 IHSTHMIMCU COMPOUND. Tbr to ai-x dears fun cure n cnBo. Ono 50-ccnt bottl cvamntrod hi do ia. Drat thing for brood marcs; aetn oa the blood. 60e a. bottle, 5 dozon bottles. Druggists and hartMim chops or manu tacturors sell It. Agents wanted. Sl'OlIN MEDICAL CO., Chraleta. Cnksa, faxL, U. 8. A Many a auta who awta Ids success to his wife tlocsut owe her much, at that. Alfalfa seeil, 98; Sweet Clover. $8 J. W. UuInaU, ELotcc City. Ia. Adv. , A gauge tew nctm Invented for nccu rately dctrrnilnlns tiui cntouot ot mola turo In luiatrcc Mistaken Zeaf. An old AuntraliAu fanner visited bid daughter, wbo tuid saUmaearaars oa tho bneba of teer cttaJrs. As he was Bitting by Uie window, be pled th minister coming to visit "Jetto," an aha wns called. As she went to answer thfl door, her fatber, not twins a-cowtoraed to such 0807, snatched all the antl macassars off t&e cflalru and threw; them under JJks ta&fe. "Aye, Jrea, buss, jino- I was to get yer washing oot o'the way sforo thai minister came In." said the old manj when the tuhsfaCer had Etrse. BEWARE OF sudden colds Take - 4$& cascaraBquimike The OA barfly Nmly-ta tssi form-esfc ware, atssr to take. No opUteo uo imgWmwm ofeer cSoetx. Cures ocU ta M kocxsGrie la 3 darn. Mooer backs faSa. Get the ceaulsa boc m2 Lad Top and Mr. iiuira putarn oa tt-XJ i -A AagrDcaa; Slma ECZEMA Money bmck assVuts qmttim If lllNTO CCJXX Ullm la is treatment of ITCV. KXX2MX, skla Htxamn. lMe too at druKXUt.r ttirrrt. mm LLIKltrtt "nOUGHMRATS"g2: Ifcasa , Wftm. wmuTimn oatM W. N. U., SIOUX CTTY,. HO. &-M17. Tlin ONWABO MAflCtt of BreaehltteT sad deep puXbA Coushs la trxBECud by Doctor ticrca'a Oddest Hd4tcaJ Dtecorery. la thaw scrofulous coadf! Una at tho blood which to vtt (Vamrrnplton ; tm eevcreL Itatfertna Cuoghs, toi Wealc Lung, which threaten you wtft this txtot disuse, and often oilier help has felled this nudiclm ts x proved reread,. As s. blood-claxnsar, 8rcairth-n9itun!r, and tonla It In sera ki beswflt. In oik Hvtrif4SiBy It . Mstklsi I tuft Throat alleciiiuw. uv to. every dheasa that can be s-trifaas thruaglk tho blood. It novr t&Ik is bsBcGC ox cure. Ia tablot or liquid tuna. The machtottfr of &a hoiy jaesaV to bo well -oJkd, tape guai ctoalltloa lust as th miiirmihffo, mvima essjiaa or ulcyclo. Why ifevuU tfea tonga neglect; hla own tsadtfuy am stun tkxt of hla hojfio tat si aant Y moss pooplo do ntjfsrs shianitisc OeaA the STBtora MX taasa cam a. ssJb wMb Dr. Keraofrigtensiim WUst ml c tl