Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 01, 1917, Image 5

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i nmniTi ' ..l" '. " IM'W I'";"' "H
bAttcn'A county kEuAtD, dvkotM cifY, toBBRAakA.
hmiii i hi J, in. i i,iii. i wii " im i"'jii-BHiiirmii nnu$
Del JO
A CUt X &a
I wil! sell at public auction on the above date
40 head of Pure Bred Registered Sows
Including 1 f Head of Tried Sows and 30 Gilts
'I he tried sows ate mi g ml mothers and splendid individuals. I have sacrificed
my breeding herd in order to make this sale attractive.
The gilts are big, long, stretchy ones, with good backs and two good ends.- There,
is not a bad fooled or small boned sow in the Catalogue.
They are bred to two of the best boars that money could buy.
Crystal Lake Illustrator, is by Proud Cherry Illustrator, the first prize yenilitirr
at Sioux City, he by the grand champion Illustrator, which sold for SISIS.OU in the open
sale ling. N
Big Sensation 2nd, is by the grand champion, Big Sensation at the Nebraska
State Fair and the grand champion sow at the same show.
Catalogues aie now ready for mailing, and I will be plesed to send you one on
your request. m
I A Sale will be Held in Heated Pavilion
Dakota City, Nebraska. John B. Evans, Prop.
Thero 13 more Catarrh in this section
of the country tlif.11 all other diseases
put together, and for years It whs sup
posed to bo Incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to euro with local treatment, pronounced
It Incurable. Catarrli I3 a local disiaso,
greatly influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requlies constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by V. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional
remedy, Is taken Internally and acts
thru the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces
of the System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any caso that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
P. J. CHKNEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by DrtiBgists, 75c.
Hall's Family l'ill3 for constipation.
' First pub 1-18-Hw
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
of Will.
In tlio (Jouuty tlottrt of Dakota Uounty,
State (if Nebraska, Dakota Oounty as.
To Knilllo Illume. Olara Illiiine, Houtilco
Illumo, WlulfiPd Illuiuu, MaiKurot Illuino,
Francis Illume. Mlldied Illume, Donald
Illumo, and to all poisoiih ltituietcd In the
ostatoof P'reil illume, deceased:
On rending the petition of Kinlllo Illume
praying that tho Instrument llled in this
courton tho 11th day of Januaiy, 1U17. and
purporting to be tho last will and testa
ment of tne said deceased, may be proved
and allowed, and ipcoided as tho last will
and testament of Fred illumo, deceased;
that said Instrument bo admitted to pro
bato, and the administration of said estato
bo granted to lOmlllo Illumo asoxecutrlx.
It la lioroby ordered that you, and all per
sons interested in snld matter, may and do,
appear at tho county court to bo held In
and for said county, on tho !lrd day of
Febiuary, A. I). 1017. at lu o'clock A. M to
show causo, If any tlioio be, why tho piny or
ot tho potttlonur should not bo granted, nml
that notleo of tho pondoncy of said potttlon
anil that tho healing theieof be given to nil
poisons interested in said matter by pub
lishing n copy of tills ordor In tlio Dakota
Uountv Herald, n weekly nowspnper print
ed in said county, for three successive
weokspilor to said day of heating.
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this 12th day of January. A. D , 1017.
8. W. McKi.ni.ky,
iskaj.J Oounty Judge,
Bethlehem's Bid on Shells
for the United States Navy
To the American People:
The Secretary of the Navy lias awarded
contracts amounting to over $3,000,000
to n British bidder for 11 and 16-inch
projectiles for tho Navy because of very
much lower pricea ottered by the English;
Wo know nothing of tho basis upon which
the British bids were made, but the pub
lic It entitled to know the fucts upon
which we ourselves bid for this work.
Two years ago wo took contractu
to make 4,200 11-Inch shells at a
price of $1,515,000. Up to now
not a alnglo shell lias been ac
cepted by tho Cm eminent, al
though we have expended, in
wages, ninterials, etc., on these
orders $522,8111, and we have not
received n SINGLE DOLLAH on
these contracts.
In addition, a 1 1 Ural interpretation cl
U10 contract might muko iu liable foe
penalties amounting to 1678.016
In tho light of our experience, and hav
ing no other Imais, wo bid for 16-inch
shells upproxitilutely the same rate per
iwund us that which the Navy Depart
ment actually awarded n 1 t-inoh shell
coutruct one year ago.
Bethlehem Steel Company
EUGENE U GIUCE, 1're.idtat
Local Items
Judge R. E. Evans was at Pender
on legal business Friday, and at
Wayne Monday.
Attorney F. A. Wood went to
Woodbine, la., last Friday for a few
days' visit with his parents.
Lynn Carnahan, of Ossawatomie,
Kas., visited his wife and baby at
the A. 0. Sides home last week.
Preserve and beautify .your home
with Mound City Paint and Varnish.
For sale at Neiswanger Pharmacy.
The I. O. O. F. lodge will hold in
stallation of officers next Monday
night, and all the officers are request
ed to be present.
Arthur Seymour returned to his
home at Ryder, N. D. last Thursday,
after a two weeks' visit with rela
tivts here, and friends at Homer.
Mrs. Mollie Broyhill is recovering;
from an ntfaink of t.hn trrinno Urn-
sister, Mrs. W. C. Mitchell, of South
oiuux uuy, was down to see nor
Stott Neiswanger came down from
Corsica. S. D.. last Fridnv. whorolm
is working in a drug store, and
spent a few days at home. He re
turned to Corsica Monday.
Harry A. McCormick and son, of
Wynot, Nebr., were hero Thursday
of last Week, hnvinrr ViPfin ilnron tn
attend the funeral of Mrs. McCor-
mick's mother at South Sioux City
the day previous.
D. Van de Zedde was taken ser
iously ill with an attack of pleurisy
at Newcastle last week, where he
has been operating a lunch counter
for some time past. His son Harold
went up last Wednesday evening
and brought him home.
Ihe trial of E. W. Blancett,
charged with the murder of Clyde
Armour near Glorieta, N. M., in
October last, will probably be held
atSante Fe this week. Blancett
has about recovered from the self
inflicted wounds in his attempt at
suicide when arrested at his home
in Friday Harbor, Wash.
Dr. T. W. Bartlett of Sioux City
and formerly of this county, living
at one time on the farm now owned
by Judge R. E. Evans just north of
town, died last Friday, the 2fith, at
Los Angeles, Cal., where he went
in (most of health. Tin wn vi imra
old, and is survived by his widow,
one daughter, Miss Helen Bartlett
and one son, Phillip Bartlett.
The nreliminnrv lmnrinrr nf "iJ,.o"
Blomberg, who was arrested at
umana last weeK in connection with
the theft of 400 pounds of trolley
wire from thn Hnwnni otmn ....
line, is still hanging fire. No defin
ite tune nas neen set for the hear
ing. About MO pounds of the stolen
wire was recovornd fmm nn nmni,.,
junk dealer, Lew Harding, who was
uruugnt, nere last weeK in connect
ion With tho CORP.. ITn hrnnr.1,1
Attorney Howell and Tom Dennison
uiong wim mm irom umnha and
was released on bonds,
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted
at G. F. Broyhill's
The Herald 1 year, $1.
Regular meeting of the Masonic
lodge Saturday evening.
The schools were closed Wednes
day on account of the blizzard.
Mrs. John C. Sullivan was here
from Hubbard on business Tuesday.
Keith Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Evans, is seriously ill with
The Herald turned out a 97-page
law brief the past week, alonir with
the other work of the office.
Miss Aileen Stinson was an over
Sunday visitor with Miss Frae En
trakin at Sergeant Bluff, Iowa.
Vico T. Ericksen of Homer, and
Alta E. Francisco of Hubbard, were
granted a license to wed in Sioux
City Tuesday.
Mell A. Schrnied returned Sunday
from a two weeks' stay at Mason
City, Iowa, where he holds a job in
the M. B. A. order.
The land belonging to the Fred
Biermann Estate was sold at refer
ees' sale Friday. The property was
all bought in by the heirs.
The Herald printed sale bills this
week for Mikkel Mikkelsen's sale
near Hubbard, which will be held
next Wednesday, Febr. 7th.
2949 Cockerels, Hens and Pullets.
49 varieties chickens, geese and
ducks. Seeds and treew. Aye Bros.,
Blair, Neb. Box 19. Fret1 book.
Geo. W. McBeath w ant tc Omaha
Monday to check over the tccounta
of the South Sioux City school dis
trict in the United States district
court. v
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips, of Car
rington, N. D., arrived here last
week for a few weeks' visit with
relatives and old friends here and in
Sioux City.
Mrs. Geo. Wilkins and daughter,
and her sister, Miss Sadie Sinclair,
expect to leave today, Thursday, for
the home of their parents in Lincoln
on a several weeks visit.
Ed Easton was down to the Dean
Cornell home near Thurston the
past week. He expects to leavt; to
day, Thursday, for Saco, Mont.,
near which place he will file on u
claim. His two son3, Max and
Arch, and daughter Miss Mary Eas
ton, reside in Montana, and all have
good claims.
The boys basket ball team from
the high school, composed of Gerald
Hall, Charlie Schmidt, Raymond
Ream, Dewey Heikes, and George
Biermann. with Hrirfio Anannu no
substitute, played tho Emerson boys
at Emerson Saturday nip-lit. losing
ai tO 49. Thi Wfl! tlinir (l om
and they made a very good showing.
x jui, uiurenco Lamon, Harold Van
de Zeddo. Art Cliricitnnenn nml lr.Un
Wasmund accompanied the boys on
uiu inp.
0, L, Randall wob a visitor at Fre
mont over Sunday,
A fine baby boy was born to Mr,
and Mrs. Wm. Wilson Monday.
S. A. Stinson went to St. Paul,
Minn., Tuesday evening on a goods
buying trip.
A baby girl was bom to Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. E. Heikes Wednesday, but
the little one died at birth.
The Order of Eastern Star will
hold a special meeting Friday even
ing of this week for initiation.
Mr3. H. II. Adair visited at the
home of her brother, John W. Grib
ble, in South Omaha a couple of days
last week.
II . E. Gordon, who has been the
efliciennt depot agent for the Bur
lington in this place for the past two
or three years, has tendered his res
ignation to the company and will
enter the employ of the Consumers
Ice Co., in their Sioux City office on
February 7th, at a more substantial
Capt. Wm. Luther, one of the last
suryiving Missouri rivermen, who
operated a ferry boat between Cov
ington and Sioux City, died at his
home in South Sioux City Monday
night of senility, age 80 years. Mr.
Luther, who is said to have served
in the confederate army, came to
Dakota county from Arkansas at the
close of the war and located at Cov
ington, where he soon afterward be
came interested 'in the ferry busi
ness. He was one of the builders
and owners of the big pontoon bridge
which was erected between Coving
ton and Sioux City, and which was
formally opened on May 18, 1889.
E. C. Palmer and fJohn M. Moan
were associated with him in the
bridge enterprise, which cost$40,000.
Capt. Luther was horn September
27, IS 11, on a farm tear Centralia,
111., moving from there to Arkansas
when 8 years old. He was married
in 1SG2, to Mrs. Adaline Jackson, a
widow of the nephew of "Stonewall"
Jackson, who was killed in his first
battle. The funeral will be held to
day, Thursday, from the Methodist
church in South Sioux City, Burial
will be in the Floyd cemetery, Sioux
Petit Jury
The following is the list of petit
jurors drawn for the February 5,
1917, term of tho district court of
Dakota county:
Walter E. Miller O. A. Kindig
Harry II. Adair William B. Evans
William Rungo L. A. Dunn
P.J. Goodfellow J. J. Pollard
William Covell George N. Martin
Adolph Bartels, John B. Schabcn
Wm. Oehlerking Fred W. Dohrman
J. B. Sullivan Henry A. Austin
E. H. Loomis Henry W. Lahrs
A. Downey Eric Beermann
E. A. Bakke Chris Christensen
E. C. Wilbur Wm. Beardshear
District Court Dates
The dates for the terms of district
court for the Eighth judicial district
for the year 1917, have been set by
Judge Guy T. Graves, and are as
Dakota County Feb. 5; Oct. 15
Thurston County .... Feb. 20; Oct. 1
Dixon County Mar. 5; Dec. I!
Cedar County Mar. 19; Nov. 12
The first day of each term is set
for hearing naturalization applica
R R Time Table
C St. P., M.A O.
Trains loavo Dakota Gitj at tho fol
lowing timo :
0:17 pm Oraalm 7:G8 um
10 :38nm Omuha 12. 08 pm
7 :3f" am . . . . Nowonetlo .... 10 :00 am
1:32 pm " ...5:50 pm
daily oroopt Sunday, f '1 t atop
12 :1 3 pm Omaha 2 :G8 pm
C B& Q
No. 91 Local tfreiRlit . . ....7:15am
17 " PaHHongor'.. 12 :58 pm
No. 92 Local Freight' 2 :25 pm
10 Local Pa88ongor,..0:19 pm
"daily. daily oxoopt Sunday.
Meat Market
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish in Season
Cash paid for Hides
Dakota Oitv
- 4-t-f -f -f -f -M-
t Here are 'Real' Bargains f
t 100 acres, 2 miles from Royal, t
1 Antelope Co., Neb., at $10. I
020 acres in Sioux Co., Neb.,
1 at $12.50. Good Terms. t
4 Am onthe go all tho time, and X
X this is how I get Real Bargains.
Henry Francisco t
f IlAjnl, Nobr. 1
Specials for Saturday, Feb, 3
For this Da.y Only
- PkS Kgg-'O-See 25c
2 lbs Millar's Coffee -. 45c
2 Bottles Catsup .' 25c
2 Cans Peaches 25c
2 Cans Green String Deans 25c
Stinson 's Pride Baking Powder - 22c
3 pkgs Soda .' 25c
li pkgs Toothpicks 10c
Strip Bacon, per pound : 22c
25 discount on Men's Pants, Winter Underwear
and Sweaters
Dakoi&i. City Nebraska.
Westcott's Undertaking
Auto Ambulance
Old Phone, 420 New Phone 2007
Sioux City, Ipwe.
General and Reliable
Pono&t Neb.
Box 424 Phone No. 3
It will pay you to see me
before going elsewhere
Terms Rcnsonnble-SatlHfnctlon Qunrantecd
Licensed IJmbalmer Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wnrn. F. Dicltunson.
Ball 71
A. -uto 8471
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa
Dakota City, Ncbrnskn.
Burpee's Seeds Grow gSKfcotew
, , ,,. 1 he name Burpeo ii an Hur.
ancc of "Seed of Quality." Burpee' Annual for 1917 it brighter
and bHtei than ever. Il ; ii i mailed free. A poitcaid will bring it.
W, ATLEE BURPEE & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.