DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA I- h W X WESTERN CANADA LEADS AS WHEAT PRODUCER 342,000,000 Bushels Wheat in 1915: In 1916 Many Farm ers Paid for Their Land Out of Their Crop. Tlnit Western Cunnilu is Indeed "Mistress of Wheat" to the extent that lis 11)15 oi op "exceeded, ncre Mr iiore, the production of any country on till qonlliie'it is n striking tact proved bj the follow In:: Ilguros: In ill.r tin' Dominion of Canada pro duced :t7! OUO.UUU Inmhols of wheat, which represented an average yield of 21) bushels to the acre. The United States produced 1.011Xor.t)00 bushels leld of 17 bushels per acre. The only serious competitors In wheat produc tion In South America were Argentine. With lTS.UUKlO bushels, or less than 12 bushels per aero, and Chile, with 30.000.WO bushels or 1U bushels per ncre. The three Western Canadian praltle provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta produced between them 812,000.0(10 bushels out of the total Ca nadian :i70.000.000 bushels. It will be BQen, therefore, that, outside of the United States, "Western- Canada pro duced considerably more than the com bined production of North and Smith America. Canada Is. of course a new settled country, and the fact that the crop of the United States was practi cally three times as much Is no dis couragement. The United States has at present more than twelve times the population of Canada in approximately the same area. To Illustrate further the greater pro ductiveness of Western Canadian land Wo submit the following (inures, show ing the 11)15 yields per aero. In the three provinces of Western Canada and In the states which In that year produced the greatest rpiantlty of Wheat. The Ilguros .are taken from the U. S. deparUm-iit of agriculture's an nual report and from the figures of the Dominion census, bureau: Bushels per acre 101.1 All Canada 20 .Western Canada only 20 1-5 Province of Manitoba 2S4-5 Province of Saskatchewan 28 1-2 Pro luce of Alberta. . . , IJ2 1-0 ' United States all 17 Montam 2d 1-2 Washington 2," 1-5 Wisconsin 22 :-1 Ohio 20 2-0 Iowa 1!) -1-5 ' Illinois IS) Pennsylvania 181-2 Nebraska 18 2-.1 North Dakota , IS 1-5 Indiana 17 1-5 South Dakota 17 1-10 Minnesota 17 Texas 151-2 Virginia lit !-;- Kansas : 12 1-2 Missouri 12 iJ-K) Oklahoma 11 IS-5 In 1010 the crop was not as heavy, but the yields In many districts were very largo. So largo, indeed, was the ucreage under cultivation In 1015 that the, resulting crop proved too large to bo all threshed the same fall. It over loaded railroads, and made marketing slow. A less amount of fall plowing was done than would have been dune In a less heavy year, because the aver age farmer was too busy with Ids threshing. All these conditions neees sarily reacted upon the acreage seeded In the spring of 1010. Add to this that labor last year, owing to the great number of Canadians who have enlisted, was scarce and high-priced and one factor In the decreased yield smaller acreage under crop was evi dent. Another factor Is that this year Western Canada lias experienced, In common with the entlro North Ameri can continent, conditions that have been less favorable to the production of big crops. The conditions have re sulted In smaller yield per acre and reduced grade of grain In certain local ltics. The nvcrago yield of wheat In the - three western provinces Is estimated by the government at about 1(! bushels per acre, oats 43 bushels, and barley 27 bubhels. The llnunclal value of their crops to Western Canadian farmers lias been greater this year than ever befote Owing to the high prices or grain that are prevailing, rofuniH have been re ceived that are extremely prolltuble. With wheat standing at the present time at over $1.00 per bushel at the Great Lakes, a wheat" crop at present figures would pay the farmer, even .supposing he had only the average ol 10 bushels per acre, over $iM).00 per aero. A large number are receiving $50.00 per acre some have received 75.00, nnd a few even more than that. This price of course, is not all profit : It represents the gross return, and tin cost of operation must bo deducted, but It does not. even at the highest fig ures, cost more than 05 cents to raise a bushel of wheal in Western Canada so that the profit can be figured accord ingly. It must be cinphnM.ed that the acre which produces a $.'10.00 crop cost in the Urst case, probably less than that. In the United States the same class of land would cost in many dls tilcts from $100 to 5200 per acre, and own then u return of Siio.oo would be considered extremely satisfactory. In Western Camilla tin best class of ng jicidturul land, capable of producing crops that In Mzo compure with nny country In (ho world except, perbapn soui.) Uuropeiii) countries, can be oh tnlned at, on the nvcrago, from 520 te I SHU per acre, with Irrigated lands some what higher. It Is no exaggeration whatever to say that a number ol Western Canadian farmers have paid for i heir laud entirely from the pro ceeds of lift year's crop, and this In elude men who hut year begun for the first time. Advertisement. All He Had Was Svmoathv. During tile severe storm that Hood , ed Oalvoston and caused some loss of life and much damage to property an artillery oflicer, on leavo of ah oneo, telegraphed to his superior nib cer In command of the coast defenses ut that point. 'Sympathy to the regiment; where are my clothes?" The answer he received was: "Sympathy from the regiment you have no clothes." He MiEIS" FO H BOWELS No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. Get n 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out the headache, biliousness, Indigestion, the sick, sour stomach nnd foul gases turn them out to-night and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then nnd never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom ach. Don't put In another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour fermenting food; take the excess bile from your liver nnd carry out all the constipated ' wnste matter nnd poison In the bowels. Then-you will teel great. I A Cascaret to-night. straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a eleariiead, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowe' action for months. Chll- dren love Cascarets because they never .gripe or sicken. Adv. Marriage Bonds. After the screen wedding Mr. Kross turned to his little boy, remarking, "Wasn't that pretty?" "Yes," lijvicpllcil, "but I am never going to get married." - "Why not?"' his father asked. "Iiecnue I have lived with married folki too long." 1 ANY C0PN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! No foolishness! Lift your corns -and calluses off with fingers It's like magic! I-I-I-I"! Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly ho lifted light out with the fingers If you apply upon tho corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively nil one's feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment It Is applied and does not even Irri tate the surrounding skin while np pl.vlng It or afterwards. This Announcement will Interest many .of our readers. If your druggist htiMi't any freefone tell lilm to surely get rt small bottle for jou from Ida wholcsnle drug house. adv. She Had Been Thinking. "Mother doesn't t In it' Mieil go to the theater with us ti-nuht, Albert." "Is that so? 1 have ;,ot three tick ets. What shall I do with the third one?" "fllve it to the man you always go out to see between the acts. He can sit with us, and you won't have to go out to see him." HIGH COST OF LIVING This Is a serious matter with house keepers as food prices are constantly going up. To overcome tills, cut out the high priced meat dishes and serve your family more Skinner's Macaroni nnd Spaghetti, the cheapest, most de licious and most nutritious of all foods. Write the Skinner Mf' Co., Omaha, Nebr., for beautiful cool; book, telling how to prepnre It In a hundred different wuys. It's free to every woman. Adv. History Falls to Repeat. "Well, dad," remarked the modern prodigal, as lie was about to shove his pedal extremities under the old man's mahogany, "is the obese calf ready for (lie slaughter?" "Cosh, yes!" exclaimed (he old granger. "I calkeilate It air; but, plague take It all. I feel klud'r mutj fer yew, so I reckon I'll let yew Jive annul her week." ACTRESS XELLS SECRET. A well known nctrrsB gives the follow InR roeipo for gray linlr: To half tilnt of water Add 1 oz. liny Hum, a amall box of liarbo Compound, und V4 oz. of Klycerlno Any druggist can put this up or you can mix It at home nt very llttlo cost. Full directions for making nnd uhq conio In each box of Iturbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray tialr, and mako It soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, la not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. The queotlon of extracting potash from wool btouiings Is belnj; 'uvosti filled. SLUGGSS L SELLING BLACK WALNUT LOGS, (Prepared by tho Unltod States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The following suggestions taken from United States Department of" Ag riculturo Farmers' ltnlletYn 715, Measuring and Marketing Woodlot Products, tuny be helpful to the farm er In securing n fair price for his trees. (1) Find out from as many saw mills and wood-using Industries as pos- Small Sawmill, Sawing Out Woodlot Products. filble what prices they offer for vari ous wood products, In order that ad vantage may be taken of tho best iiuir- ker. This applies to sales requiring' shipment as well as to local sales. (12) IJefore selling, Inquire from neighbors who have recently disposed of their timber and use their experi ence as a guide. Failure to do this lias resulted In many Instances In not getting the full value oftho product. (3)) Thoroughly Investigate nil lo- UTTLE POINTERS ON DUCKS Do Not Remove Feathers From Last ' Joint of Wing In Picking Flesh "Turns" Quickly. When picking ducks do not remove the feathers from tho last Joint of the iving or from the upper part of the neck near the head. Also leavo tho main tall feathers on. , If dressed ducks are to ho kept after they are dried off when they are taken from the cooling water, they .should he at once placed In the lee box. Duck flesh "turns" much more quickly than the llesh of liens or tur keys. A good mash for the young ducks which are to bo kept over for bleed ers Is made by mixing one part corn meal, two parts brnn, one part boiled vegetables, nnd one-half part beef scraps. These should he mixed dry nnd moistened with milk or water. TREATMENT FOR SORE NECKS Tannic Acid Is Recommended as One of the Best Remedies for Collar Galls Keep Collar Clean. Tannic acid Is one of the very best remedies for collar galls. It can bo se cured from any drug store and Is easily applied by rubbing lightly over Hie collar every niornle nnd evening If the horse Is wot king. Collar galls usually appear either at the top of the neck or at tho point of tho shoulder where an Improperly fitted collar rubs. It is Important that the collar be kept clean at all times In order that It may be kept from cut ling Into the neck, but special earn In keeping It dean Is necessary after these galls start. "An ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure." FARM EFFICIENCY On u great majority of farms success Is primarily dependent on three Importnnt faclors. These are: (1) The size of the farm business; (2) the yields of the crops ami the returns per anlnial, epresontlng the quali ty of tlie farm business, nnd (.'!) the dlveislty of Die business. Of course many other tilings Jmvo their influence, but tho farmer whoso business Is effi cient In these three respects Is generally successful. Those farms that are excellent In none of these respects nlmost univer sally fall. Those deficient lit ono or two may succeed, hut their chances of success ure greatly 'sKcncd. v n - - WZAVAWAVi V.' POINTS IN mflmmmem0mmmmijmifimm0)mmmmmi0&'mm'mmmmmmt'mtnw , t ! " ; W00DL0T PRODUCTS CUT FROM VrOODLOT. cal timber requirements and prices, since In many cases local markets pay better prices than outside innrkxts be cause of the saving of transportation charges. (4) Advertise In tho papers and oth erwise secure competition nmong out side purchasers. The expense .vill be small and outside buyers w 111 th is learn of chances to bid on timber In compe tition with local buyers. (fi) Secure bids whenever practicable both by the lump and by log-scale measure. A choice IS thus offered and the mora profitable form of bid can lie accepted. (0) Consider the responsibility of the prospective purchaser before making the sale, In order to avoid slow pay ment, costly collections, and losses. (7) Prior to making sales, .secure at least a fairly good estimate of the amount and value of the inateiial for Sale. Persons acquainted with the business of mcnsurlng or o.( limiting Umber can usunlly bo found in every region where timber has been handled In the pant. (8) Market the higher grades of tim ber Instead of using them on the farm for purposes for which cheaper mate rial will provo as serviceable. This should be done In ninny cases even If It makes necessary the purchasing and hauling of lower pi Iced lumber to the farm. Markets which pay good prices usually buy on grade, nnd Inspect closely. " (9) Itemcmber thnt standing Umber docs not deteriorate rapidly nor do the uses of wood change greatly within a few years. Tho owner, therefore, Is not forced to place his product on the market regardless of market condi tions. (10) Use n written tlmbcr-salo, agree ment In selling woodlot timber, par ticularly where tho cutting Is done by the purchaser. APPLY LIME AFTER PLOWING Countlcso Bacteria Work Only In Dark and Require Both Air and Water for Existence. While It Is bettor to uso llmo on ti'id soils at any time of tho yenr than not to apply any, soil bpeclallsts at tho Ohio experiment station recommend that this material bo used after plow ing for some cultivated spring crop. Tho lime can then perform Us full function In promoting tho growth of the bacteria that grow on clover roots. TIcm countless bacteria, so helpful to th r crops, work only In the dark and impure both water nnd air for their existence. Also, they can live only In soils either naturally or artifi cially supplied with lime. Lime spread on the surfneo and not stirred Into the soil can help the bac teria but little. They would dio there for lack of moisture, and the lime would bo dissolved and carried Into tho soil only after n long time. Llmo plowed under Is also out of reach of tho bacteria, which Jive chiefly In tho upper three or four Inches of soil whero air Is plentiful. Hence, apply ing llmo after plowing In the spring and mixing it by cultivation Into tho soil during the summer xnake condi tions most favorable for the clover crop laior. BEES OF GREAT IMPORTANCE No Farm Complete Without a Few Colonies Honey Is One of Farm- cr'a Valuable Assets. No farm Is complete In Its conveni ences ami business methods without a few colonies of Italian beens comfort ably housed In a most convenient hive. Honey Is one of the farmer's most valuable assets, and In many places a dozen colonies will gather 75 to 101) gallons of honey during a single sea son, worth In many places 75 cents a gallon. All the bee wants Is a mov able frame hive, In which tin honey Is stored In a convenient manner fm tho farmer to get at any hour he may wish to have honey and butter. TRACTORS HELP OUT HORSES Latest Invention as Applied to Farm Work Relieves Animal From Hardest Vork of Year. In years past labor-saving Inven tions shifted hard work from human hands to horses. This was flue for Minn, but not so flno for the horse. Hut tho latest Invention as np pllol to farm work does not shift the burden to tho horse; tho tractor relieves the liorf-o from the hottest, hardest grind of the year. feSWMri foments ISFluid Drachm I ALGOMOIi-ii l'l.i ju i 1 AVcvHlr,b!crrcpnrnlwofAs similnlinvUicIbodbyKeJuti- S I tiniitlieblomacaSonano'L. $ ! ti ,...n,nllniriiecslion i rhnrf.itn;nnilKcslCoiuAWS L- neither Onium.Morphhc nor blJucrnl.NoTXAnr,oTiCi J-rrnnbl . HlUrtmnt,&i4 tlbmt fcw hZtttnrrt flow ConstipalionnntlDiarrhoca. .i i?.,r,vimess nnu i HI V V-'V"cwi-p.p It rwuUtit!illcrrfionv'l!i,ancj I "' . r.t racSImilc iiqnnua- mm J&lBCEMTMraOoMPMK .. rlOlf. sr..i iyii"Z Exact Copy ol Wrapper. ?LSmi!9!3KS&Ul Out of the Ordinary. Oyer 1 know u man who hna been married ten years and never In nil Mint time lias his voice been raised In nimer against his better half. Xyer Ileinarkable, I must snyl Gyei Oh, I don't know, lie's deaf mil dumb. ES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girlsl Try Thlsl Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. Within ten nrinutea after nn appli cation of Danderlne you cannot llnd a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what 1 will please you most will be after a ' few w eeks' use, when you sec new hair, fine and downy at first yes but leally new hair growing all over tho scalp. A llttlo Dandeiine Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dandeiine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect Is amaz ing your hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, anil have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, , softness and luxuriance. Oct a 25 cent bottle of Knovvlton's Danderlne from any store, and provo that your hair hi as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you .surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If you will Just try a lit tle Danderlne. Adv. Friendly Suggestion. She (romantically) There are times when my whole life seems to be filled with unsatisfied desires. He (pracilcnlly) I used to have the same tumble 'until I got the halilt of using the newspaper want columns. Doomed. "I wrote fhls poem to kill time." "Well, you may be sure that time will have revenge and kill the poem," V - I WtL Vol Why Rheumatism Comes BY VALENTINE A close connection exists between theso two cold weather and rheu matism. I'rof. Alex. Haig, of Loudon. ' has the moBt followers in tho medical piofcHdion in the belief that the pres ence in the system of tints acid, or its i 'ills in excess, is tho real cause of liieu mutism. Hveryone bus recognized tho I'dferenco in the appearance of their .iter as soon as it gets cold ; there is 1 :on a copious i-ediiiieiit of brickdust. i (several caunes may lead up to nn accumulation ol uric acta in the system, which, in turn, causes iheuuatmui or gout, or creaky joints, or swollen fingers, 01 painful iuts. For 0110 leasou tho j ekiu does nut throw off the uric acid, by proiuso sweating, as in tlie not weather, and the kidneys are unable to lake euro of the double burden. Another reason Washing Stick sws'&r&s.ts J5 cmta at proctTH or Imin A. D. RICHARDS CO.. SHERMAN, TEXAS AGIC! m m For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria thi eiNTun aoMPANY, w Yonn orrv. Always Bears tlio f$r Signature )( r (f Use W For Over Thirty Years IZ To 'an Distemper CURES THE SICII And prevontB others bavlnir tho oisenscs no matter how iixposod. .10 itiiIh mill 1 n linlllc, ?r Mint ?tll n doirn iiuiii... AI! soot! drun!nt5 ""' turf irnmlH houses. SIMMIN SICIlirAt CO., CIipiiiInIb nml IlnelTlolo;lxti, GiiNlirii,'lntI., IT. S. A. Slight Mistake. A very short-sighted old gentleman going Into one of our large towns for tho first time, and coming from the heart of the country, seeing u man digging, went to him, and said : "My nmn, for whom dlggest thou this long and narrow grave?" Itut the man took no notice. Going closer, ho remarked again : ".My man, for whom dlggest thou this long and narrow grave'" "(lo on, you silly old fosall I" said tho workman "I'm only laying gasplpesl" More than one-third of the total population of Dublin consists of fam ilies living In a -single room. llelglum's population at the outbreak: of I he war was 7.700.000. Neglected Golds bring Pneumonia. Look out. CASCAIlAftf QUININE Tho old family remedy In tablet form safe, sure, easy to take. No onlatcs no unpleasant offer effects. Cures colil-i In 24 hours Grip In 3 days. Money back If It falls. Get the iieiiulno box with Hcd Top and Mr. Hill's plcturu on It 25 cents. At Any Drue Stora i nnd Tumors ucrrMfullr trrata! (rimiwri)"VjUout knife or pain. All work iruRrantred. Come, or wrfp tor free Sanatorium book Dr.WILLIAMS SANATORIUM 30mjiW.riltfA?..MI.n.t!i1.MI.D. AutfomohiBe School r.eurn a IniHlm-Ha In t,lx vreckti. No books. Eany to U-urn. Good Biu.iry. Krro cntulog. Nttiontl Auto Sckool, 2814 N. ZOtta St., Oaika, N.fcf. WhUoii K4'oleinaii,Wanb InKUin.lIU lluukJifrea lllifb. hi ruferoncos. Hon result. "nOUGHonnflTSrouBVnua i W. N. U SIOUX CITY, NO. 5-.1917f MOTT PIEROK, M. D. is that people do not drink na mucin wafer in cold vventbor as in summer, which helps to flush the kidneys. Again, they eat more meat in cold weather, and 6omQ people arc so susceptible that thoy soon dovelop rheumatism after eating meat. At all such limes poisons should drink copiously of hot water, say, a pint morning and night, and tako Anurio three or four times a day. This An uric comes in tablet form and can bo had at almost any drug store. It dis solves tlie urio ucid in tlie system and carries it outward. I would advise everyone to take Anuric occasionally, and continue for three or four weeks, and in that way avoid rheumatism, gout and many of tho painful disorders duo to urio acid. Adv. Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest." rou rhKuvioi:siiii Race broth ers Mve HUieli CoimnlHHton Mi-rclianta at , 8I0UX OITY, Ghloafjo of Kanvatt Git