Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 07, 1916, Image 8

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t - ,
S, A
, '
At S6e Rialto
Homer, Nebr".
"Peg o' the Ring"
7th Episode : Friday Night
Saturday Night "The Cost,," a western play,
and "What's in a Name"
Show Ruiis Tuesday, Friday, Sat
urday Ol Siixdsvy NigKts
Dec. IStli, Special "California Rodea"
Admission 10 cents
Duroc Jersey Male Hogs
These are fine Thoroughbreds,
although not registered
Wm. Carter
Telephone 1 J 22-1,3
Dakota City, Nebr.
Arc you beginning to think about
reading matter for the fall and
winter months? You will make no '
mistake if you put The Post, Ladies'
Homo Journal and Country Gentle
man on your list. But whatever
magazines you prefer I have them.
Get my catalog, qr, 1 will duplicate
any offer made by any responsible
agency or periodical.
Mrs. Gertrude M. Best,
Phone 97. Dakota City, Neb.
imkotu City, Neb., Nov. K7, 1810,
Tim lamrd of county coniniliSloners of
Ilnltolii ooiliity, Knhrnakn mot In regular
i'8ilon. Monition) trecntt Tlios. H. I.oiik,
clmliiimn. A. Ira Dnvls, Oliver W. Flslier.
Hldnoy T, Kruin, county attorney, nnd
Geo, Wllklnx. county clerk.
, Wlii-n the following procet'dliiKi wero
liml. to-wit:
lloiinl order that county clork write war
rant on cominlftglonor dUtrlot No. 2 for nil
claims liuretoforo nllowid UKInst rond dis
trict No, 22, for which county clork did not
vvrltu wnrrnntson nccouut of no funds and
85 nor cont of lovy written.
Jloard orders clork to write warrant on
protest fund to Ira Wnddull for 19. 11, tlio
siinio Ik!Iuk for oxcoss value of Improve
Hid ii t for year IMG on Kovorniueni lot 13,
section SI, township 29. raimeS.
Hoard appoints I), 0. HeiTernan Justice of
the pcaco for Hubbard precinct, for years
1017 and 1018, and approves his bond.
Hoard approves bond of J S Ilacon, county
treasurer; 10 VnnOleavc, overscorof road
district No. 1;W li llroyhlll, ovcriicer of
road district No. 6, and Harry Jensen, over
seer road district No. 1C.
Tlio following clnlma were allowed
on the county ucnernl fund:
Fred Schmidt, four counts of evi
dence In liquor cases of James and
Oarvoll S 200 00
A Ira Davis, livery hire 20 00
W K AIIpii, casket and burial of Au
Kiist Kitutz 2i 00
Dettch 4 Lamar, reblndliiK two rec
ords 4 00
Miners on Flra Department, hall rent
for primary and general elections. 10 00
Austin. Western Hood Machinery Co
repairs for (trader 8 76
Miles T ilellly, boarding poor and
niiralnt? Thompson 11U 4fi
It K F.vans, asslstluir in piosecutliiK -criminal
cases , lf',6 (0
Nebraska Telephone Do. toll for Oc
tober and Novombcr 10 60
Oeo Harnett, live days cnrlng for
prisoners 10 CO
Ml I lift in A Scott Co, supplies and
motor books, :n 46
Geo (Jain, salaiy, boarding prisoners
and postlm notices 1(54 K0
K A ISI.uiuliur (Jo. coul furnished to
poor 12 fll
F A Wood, six months rent for
Stiyro ao 00
J I Rockwell, three dnyg nctltiK ns
balllir (500
Metropolitan supply (Jo, supplies.... 6 21
UcinliiKtou Typewriter Oo, coupon '
book 7 ou
John Ittlemau, salary and expense
for prisoners bH 20
J A lllll, livery for evidence in crim
inal cases .i 8 00
O 11 .Maxwell, professional services.. 77 00
a F Hughos A (Jo, fuel for court
house, poor, etc 208 60
"Vlllago of Dakota Olty, light for No-
v.emher , 1000
Fred Scliriovor & Oo, repairs and
coal hods 3 30
Molllo Oalu.sovontoen counts of ev
idence In case of Humidors, Oar-
veil, Nolson and Wolf..., 426 00
Tlio following claims wero allowed
on the county bridge fund: '
K A II Lumbar Oo, bridge material
furnished county J..,, 107
man nnd tram, district No. 4...... .1 1000
Louis l'edorson. 6'4 days rond work,
man nnd Itinindrui let No. 4 !S 00
T J llnrtnett, !' days rond work,
limn nnd team, district No, 4 . ,. . In W
Harry John-on, 34 days rond work,
mnn find tonm, district No. 4 14 00
F A I'.ounds, 16lS days rond work,
2 men nnd 2 team, district No. fl 124 00
Percy Hale. 1'f dnys rond work, man
nnd team, district No. H CO
John Holm, fl days .rond work, man
and team, dlstrlctNo.lt 24 u)
Henry Illorumnu, i'tdrtyi rond work
man and team, dlstrlctNo.il 6 oo
Joe Kbel, 2H days road work, man
and team, district No.ll 10 00
Walter Kbol,2days road work, man
nnd team, district No.ll 8 00
Hugh McKeever, 11 dnys road work,
2 men nnd 2 tennis. dlstrlcONo. 14. 80 on
Dennis Mitchell, 4'idnys road work,
man nnd team, district No, 14 1H 00
Ohnrles Smith, 12 dnys rond work,
man nnd temu, district No. 18 48 Oo
Henry Schrocder, 1 dnys rond work.
man nnd team, district No. 1(1 4 00
Nols Anderson, 12 dnyt rond work,
man and team, district No. 16...... 48 00
James Ilcndrlcksen. 6 dnys road
work, mmrand team, district No. 10 20 00
Nels Anderson, 19 dnys rond work,
innn nnd team, district No. 18 76 00
Olirls Krlckten.lh' dnys road work,
man and team, district No. 18 0 Oo
Geo Jensen, $ days rond work, man
and tenni. district No.'.lfl H 00
Harry Jensen, 1 days rond work,
ninu nnd tenni, district No. 10 4 00
M McKlvergnn, HO&dnys rond work,
2 men nnd 2 tenuis, district No. 18.. 244 oo
M McKlvergnn, 4 dnys rond work,
man nnd team, district No. 18 lrt 00
Alliert Carpenter, lS.'s dnys road
work, than and team, district No. 18 64 00
Albert Onrpenter, 8 dnys rond work,
man nnd team, district 18 12 00
Walter Klltott, 1 days roud work,
innn nnd tenin, district 19 4 00
John I' Olsen, sharpening Kinder-,
etc, district 1H 18 60
Hans Hoiinlcksoii, 2y,'i dnys road
work, man nud tnm, district 20. . 118 00
John llartnett.H1 days rond work,
man nnd team, district 21 is CO
Joseph Hagan, 0 doyB toad work,
1 man, district 21., 15 00
T K Hnrtnett,4days road work, innn
nnd tenni, district 21 18 00
Frank Smith, 2'j dnys road work,
2 men and 2 tenuis, district 21 15 00
Whereupon the bonrd adjourned to meet
Monday, December 18, 1916.
George "Wllkins. County Clerk.
78 71
9! 11
First publication 12-7-4W
Probate Notice to Creditors
In the county court of Dakota county,
In the matter of the estnte of John Bike.
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors
of the suld deceased will meet tlio admin
istrator of said estate, boforo me, county
Judge of Dakota county, Nebraska, at
tuo county court room in said county, on
the mh day of February. 1817. and on the
29th day of May, 1917, at 10 o'cloak a.m.
each day for the purposo of presenting
tueir claims lor examination, adjust
me nt nnd allowance. Six months are
allowed for creditors to present their
claims nnd one yen&for the administrator
to settle said estnte, from th 29th day of
November, 1916.
This notice will bo published in the Dako
ta County Herald for four weeks successive
ly prior to the 28tluday of February, 1917.
Witness my linnd.und seal of said court,
thls29th day of November. A. D..1916.
8. W. McKinlky,
heal County Judge.
9 Jr
Tifoe Tounrist Sleeper Way
to California.
The BURLINGTON'S Personally Conducted Tourist Sleeper
Parties to California arc one of the best patronized features of
'its Passenger Service. You should arrange to join these parties
and go in this comfortable way.
BURLINGTON Denver train No. 3 along the Omaha-Oxford
line carries these sleepers for California; they all go via the Rio
Grande through scenic Colorado by daylightt and direct to
Southern California via the Salt Lake Route, or to San' Fran
cisco via the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific roads. Con
nections with these tourist sleepers arc made daily in Denver
from Southern Nebraska main line train No. 17, and every
Wednesday on the St. Joseph-Denver main line No. 17 there is
a Personally Conducted through tourist sleeper to Ios Angeles,
via the Southern Pacific and San Francisco.
Ask for "California Kxcursions" and let me assist vou to join
these parties at first available place enroutc.
II. IS. Gordon, Agt., Dakota City, Neb.
i. W. WAKEtiEY, Gonorul PuRBopb'or Agout,
1001 Farniim Ktrrot Omnlin, Nob.
Ft Dodge Culvert Co, 0 culverts
I: ,v It Lumber Co, bridge material...
Theodore Klchorst, '4 days bridge
work ,...., 125
V IMSuck, 2 days bridge work f. oo
W K Hucklaud, muiio 6 00
M F Kvuland, 1 dnvu brldgo work. .. 2 60
Dave Nolson. y2 days brldgo work... 1 26
Walter Klllott, 2 dnys hnullng bridge
plank, man nnd team H 00
MJ Klchtrst, 2days bridge work.... 6 00
Tho following claims were allowed on
road dragging fund:
'j oil n Thncker, 50 hours dragging
rouds.mnunnd 2 teams $ no 00
linos llonnlclcson. 62 hour dragging
roads, man nnd 2 teams ,. ill 20
Harry Mataan, 9 hours dragging
roads, man and 2 teams 4 40
Walter ICtMjt, 6 hours dragging road,
man and 2tcnms... ;i 00
Henry Kbel, Jr, U2 hours drngglue
roads, innn and 2 teams .,' 19 20
John Holm, 45 hours dragging roUds,
innn and 2 teams 27 00
Oeorgo W Itanby, :i5 hours dragging
roads, man and 2 teams 2100
Thu following claims woro allowed on
commissioner district No 1 . t
K it 1$ Lumber Co, paint and posts
for culverts 9 72
John Holm, painting ami putting lu
culvert posts, 4 00
Thu following claims wero allowed on
commlsslouei'dlstrlct No, 2:
K A II Lumber Co. paint nnd culvert '
v posts 82 15
Hans lloniilcksou, )U dnys tilling lu
brldgo, ninu nnd tenni 78 OJ
Louis l'edorson. n dnys, 2 men and
team, tilling bridges 20 CO
Herman Nolson, i day, man nnd
team, tilling bridges , 20 00
Hoy Armour, 6 days, 2 men and 2
teams, road work, eta 40 20
TrelT Doroln.r. days, man nod tenni,
tilling bridges , si 60
Nick Anderson, 2), days man and
team, road io &o
Q II Ogburn, todays man and team,
road work..., , 7111
TrelT Doroln, 6 days man and tenni,
road work , wjfi
Frank Long, 2 days innn and team,
rond work h 00
J.OUU Doroln, 6 days man and team,
rond work gi 00
John Hnrtnett.&dnys man and team
road work so 00
11 hvuns. 2 dnys innn and team,
road work ,' 8 00
1 roll Heroin, r.'j dnys innn and tenm.
road work Sim
Troll Doroln. N days man and team,
road work 4$ 60
Joseph Haau, 10 dnys setting and
pulntlug posts , ss jo
Tho following claims were allowed on
commissioner district No. U;
John 1). Thacker, 21h days grading,
4 men and 4 tenuis, etc 2vToo
John II. Harris, a dnys, man and
team, and setting posts 14 00
John Hv Harris, 1 days rond work,
man and tenni 4 m
John MldkllT.UtUo-s road work, man
nnd team .". , hod
Dnlil Mldkltr, IS days road work,
munuiid team,, , rs iht
It (I Owens, 2 days roud work, man
nnd team.. ,,,,, h 00
K A II Lumber Oo, potts and pnlntK, H 60
John DThackor, a days tilling bridge,
mini and team 7. 6 00
Tho following claims wero allowed
on tl,j nmd dlHtrlot fund:
Lnrs Morteiuen, 4 days road ivoik,
First publication 11-7-4W
Notice is hereby given that on or before
January 1, 1917, sealed bids will be received
at the county clerk's olllce for furnishing
books, letterheads, envelopes, stationery,
and blanks as follows:
Records, 8 qr. plain, each.
itecords, Har, ruien, printed beads, loose
leaf, MoMllIen patent back.
Hecords.Hqr, plnln, printed heads, loose
lenf, McMlllen patent back.
Hocords. 8 qr, printed, looso leaf, McMll
len patent buck.
Hfbords, 0 qr, plaid, each,
Hocords 8 (ir, ruled each.
All books must be made of the best linen
ledgor paper, full Russia binding, to open
flat, and to correspond with boojes now In
Lett6r headB, full sheet, printed, best
quality paper, per D and per M.
Letter' heads, half 'sheet, printed, best
quality paper, per I) and per M.
Knvelopea, printed, No, 1, size 6, white,
Knvolopes, printed, No. 10, inanlln, per M,
Knvelopes, printed. No. 11. inanlla. per M.
Banford's. Carter's or Arnold's ink. per at
Hartford's, Carter's or Arnold's ink, per
Hponcorlan. Gluclnum or Glllett's pen
points, or equal, per gross.
jrabor or uixoirs ponans, uexagon, per
I A H Hardmuth, Mophlsto copying pen
ells. No.7Ubhnrd,por gross,
lllue or red checking penolla, porgroas.
Henato scrntcli yadi, per doz-
Typewriter paper, size piixlsH, best qua!
lty, per ream.
I.egnl blanks, half sheet, per U, D and M.
iegai blanks, quarter sueet. per (J. JJ. M
Ijgiil blanks, eighth sheet, per CD undM.
Separate bids will also be received for
publishing delinquent tax list, per descrip
tion for land nnd for lots: and for commis
sioners proceedings and such other notices
na lulll lu. PAnillpuil tiv thdhnnnl nl nnn.
as will be required
by the board of com-
For printing bar dookots, each opening.
The board reserves tho right to reject
any and all bids.
Accepted bidder tojflve bond for faithful
performance of coiitmct.
Dated nt Dakota City, Nob., Nov. SO, 1918.
, George Wllkins,
County Clerk.
Stato of Ohio. City of Toledo,
Lucas County, as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
la senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured bythouso of HALL'S CATAItrtH
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken In
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free,
V. J.' CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Bold by all druBRlsts. 7Sc.
Hall's Family I'llls for constipation.
A Home and Independence
In Upper Wisconsin
Fettile acres along the line of the Chica
go, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry ,
within a few hours of the wonderful mar
kets of St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth,
Superior, Milwaukee and Chicago.
Send for
Free Illustrated
Valuable information for the settler look
' ingfor a location in a community offer
ing an ideal climate, nearby markets and
excellent educational facilities. ,
Ask. for folder No. 52 JR.
Mailed free upon Request
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha
G. fl. MacRALv, General Passenger Agent
General ant Reliable
- Foncev,
Box 424
Phone No.
It will pay you to see me
before going elsewhere
Terms Reasonable-Satisfaction Guaranteed
'i BaK'.iS3EfJBi,
Sturges Bros. Have Moved
to 315 Pearl Street
where we will be glad to see all our old patons,
and we hope, many new ones. This move is nec
essary, as the building we now have is too small
for our growing business.
Stxares Bros
Old Location, 411 Pearl St. Sioux City, Iowa
Westcott's Undertaking
AutQ Ambulance
Old Phone, 42G ' New Phone 2007
Sioux City, Iowa
Licensed Kmbalmer
Ambulance Service
Lady Assistant
Wm. F Dickinson.
BII 71
Auto 6471
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa
Graduate Veterinary
Calls sntwercd day or night
Phone 59 Homer, Neb.
TferT. -
or NcwHavcn.Cohnecticajt
The Herald, $1 per
Dakota City, Nebraska.
iftti MtiMtHttgmMHi'0
tuWsf"vaaiai J-