Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 23, 1916, Image 3

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mmmw i
"Feel Like a New Person?"
says Mrs. Hamilton.
He used a pebble
in his day, to keep
his mouth moist
WE use
. "IC." "
3 "J W
Jt irtj ;
WRIGLEY'S gives lis a
wholesome, antiseptic,
refreshing confection to
take the place of the cave
man's pebble.
We help teeth, breath, appetite,
digestion and deliciously soothe
mouth and throat with this
welcome sweetmeat.
The Wrigley Spearmen want to send you
their Hook of Guui-ption. Send a postal
for it today. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.,
1327 Kcancr Building, Chicago.
Habit of Procrastination Has Never
Yet Failed to Bring Train of
Evils in Its Wake.
"Sometime" Is n useful word that Is
often overworked, remarks the Mil
waukee Journal. One says, "Sometime
I will do It," but the time never comes.
Sometime Is no tlmo when a kind deed
Is to be vilonc. Sometime Is no time
when n definite task Is to be done.
A thing put off beyond Its rightful
time encroaches on time allotted by
right to other duties. One may think
ho is gaining time by postponing the
duly of the hour. In fact, he is wnst
Ing time. "Tomorrow" and ever "to
morrow" has been the ruin of ninny.
Do now the thing that should be done
now. IIvo you had a quarrel, and are
you ready for reconciliation? Do not
postpone It. The other person may get
hardened In Ills views and become un
willing to bo reconciled. He may die
and leave to you a lasting regret that
j on had not made friends. Would you
help someone? Do not wait till help
Is past being help. Put off till "to
morrow" mending' the fence, and your
neighbor's cattle will have found the
weak place and made havoc with your
grain. Put off pajlng your insurance,
and perhaps a lire will destroy nil
you have. Debts do not grow less by
postponing payment. "Do it now" is a
good watchword. Say tho kind word,
do tho kind deed, perform the duty of
the hour.
Hat Season Now On.
"My wife asked me to mutch a piece
of ribbon for her tills morning and I
refused. Now I wish 1 had done as
she asked."
"What did she do?"
"She went down to match it herself
and ordered about $50 worth of stuff
(Sent home 'collect.' "
Electric railways of the United
States represent a valuation of $7:50,-000.000.
The Flavor Lasts
In the making of Grape-Nuts there is added to the
sweet, rich nutriment of whole wheat, the rare flavor
of malted barley, a combination creating a most un
usually delicious taste. The palate never tires of it.
People everywhere have found that
is the most nutritious and delicious cereal food known.
Every table should have its daily ration of Grape-Nuts.
"There's a Reason"
"Sympathy Is two hearts tugging at
one loud." Selected.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes
weak women strong, bick women well, no
alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. Adv.
"Have you given up dancing?"
"Yes. High cost of leather,
afford to wear my shoes out."
His Ailment.
"I found your son was suffering from
nostalgia, my dear mndnm."
"Mercy me, doctor I I never dreamed
it was so serlousTas all that. I thought
tho boy was only a little homesick."
Just as Good.
A small boy was loading an unusual
ly line-looking dog, when a "sportily
dressed man stopped to admire It.
"lias that dog of yours got a pedi
gree?" ho asked.
"I don't know," replied the boy, "but
he's got over a bushel of bones buried
In our buck yard."
Indorsement Guaranteed.
"Of course you have an echo some
where around tho place," said Miss
Cayenne. v
"A number of them," replied, tho
hotel man. "Shall I direct you to
"I don't wnnt one-for myseir. There
Is n man In the party win Insists on
being absolutely agreed with every
time he says a word." Washington
Youth the Loser.
J. P. Morgan, the famous financier,
was talking at n dinner In New York
about a young banker who hud failed.
"It was ids youth that made him
fall," lie said. "Youth lu always falling
failing in business, falling in love.
"Reniy do Gourmont tells us truly
that in the game of life youth lias all
the trumps all of then" but plays
recklessly, and Invariably loses."
The Swiss president serves ono year.
1 1
This photograph of the German submarine U-5IJ was taken at Newport, where tho vessel stopped for thrco
hours before starting on the raid In which It destroyed at least six steamers off Nantucket.
Drug Treatment Is Used On 200
Patients in Five-Year
Physicians Believe Cure May Result
from Experiments by New Method
.Local Treatments, However,
Necessary as Makeshifts,
Have Been Based on
New York. Marked success In tho
treatment of cancer by selenium has
been announced In medical publfca
ttoiiB by Dr Charles II. Walker, of 327
West Eighty-sixth street, this city. Se
lenium is a powerful chemical which,
taken Internnlly, In capsules, has re
lieved suffering in many cuses and lu
others has effected an apparent cure.
Dr. Walker, however, does not say
he has found a cure, .but he firmly be
lieves the trentmeut Is worthy of a
thorough trial.
"I havo treated in the last Ave years
more than two hundred cases," Dr.
Walker said to a Now York Tribune
reporter. "In many of them diag
nosis had shown beyond all question
the patient was a cancer victim, and
in few wns there much ground for
doubt. I can safely say in no case
was there a total failure in favorable
results from the use of selenium.
Believes Cure Was Made.
"Somo tjf the patients were near
death when I first saw them, and It
was possible to do nothing but relieve
n little of their pain. In other cases,
said by specialists to he beyond help,
f believe there has been a permanent
cure. If selenium will only relievo
pain It is worth using, and if it will
cure, the treatment should bo thor
oughly Investigated."
Sulfo-selene, a combination of sul
phur and selenium, the compound,Dr.
Walker useSj was worked out lu co
operation with Dr. Frederick Klein, n
biological chemist, of this city.
In 1011 Dr. Walker came to tho con
clusion, upheld by eminent authorities
on cancer, the dlseuso was not due to
n germ, but to n certain peculiar con
dition in the body, which might lie cor
rected by trentmeut with chemicals.
Experiments with selenium were be
gun and have been continued the last
live years.
First Clue to Treatment.
In a report published in "The Medi
cal Record" In 1912 eminent surgeons
staled tho remedy for cancer might
well lie a chemical substance.
"It has long been the opinion of
thoughtful students of tho subject,"
says the report, "that local treatments
for cancer, however, necessary as
makeshifts, have been based on a mis
conception. It Is qulto possible, for
example, that X-rays or the figura
tion treatment may lieiietU a super
ficial cancer at its point of origin, but
(lie danger of such growths lies largely
lu tlielr spread to distant and Inaccesl
Wo vital organs, where local treatment
Is Impossible.
"Wo believe it, therefore, axiomatic
i hut a ficientlllc remedy for cancer
shall be ono soluble In the blood,
transmissible by the blood and lymph
currents to all parts of the body, and
possessed of a selective affinity for the
cells of tho tumor to be destroyed.
"Such a remedy may quite couceh
ably be a chemical substance existing
In the outside world, and hy liappy ac
cident discovered to havo the desired
Dr. I-Ynncls (Jarter Wood, director of
the Crocker Cancer Research Fund,
speaking on tho laboratory study of
tho causes of the dlseuso at n meet
ing of the New York Academy of
Medicine last May, said It had been
established, almost beyond question,
hat cancer was not a germ dlKeuse,
nor in uny way allied to germ ills
'iises. Dieting a Necessary Aid,
"Dr. Klein and myself have prob.
.ihly not found the dual chenjJcal form
n which the uuo of selenium jvill be
most effective," said Dr. Walker, ''but
we hope to. Its use must, of course,
lie accompanied by tho strict dieting
lnoItablo In all treatments of can
cer." It is declared by medical authorities
ono of tho greatest difllculties In the
way of determining the actual value
of proposed cancer treatments, even
where several hundred cases are un
der observation, is tho question of diag
nosis. Tills can seldom be made with
absolute certainty unless the cancer
ous growth can lie seen. In many
cases tills Is brought about only by
In many of Dr. Wnlker's most suc
cessful cases no question of doubtful
diagnosis con bo raised. Ono patient
wns an Italian laborer, twenty-one
years old, operated on at the Massa
chusetts General hospital, In Boston,
lie was discharged from the hospital
after a microscopical examination had
resulted In n diagnosis of cancer of
tho stomach. The hospital chart
showed the operation had "relieved"
The patient enmo under Dr. Walk
er's caro eighteen months later with nil
the signs of recurrent cancer. Ho was
treated with selenium and n rigid diet
enforced. This was continued for a
year, with intervals of cessation from
all medication, and was stopped last
January. Two weeks ago the man was
working as a day laborer, bad suffered
no pain from the enncer in nioro tlmn
n year, hud a good appetite good col
or, and had gained !!0 pound slnco he
began the treatment.
Newspaper Correspondent Des
cribes the Bandit as He
Really Is.
Heavy-Llmbed, Thlck-Chested With
Abnormally Long Arms Mouth Re
'veala Savage Cruelty and Cun
ning of the Man. '
By Edmond E. Behr.
Field Headquarters, Punitlvo Expe
dition, Mexico. Although hundreds of
photographs of him have been printed
iu American newspapers, hardly oue
shows Francisco Vllln as lie really Is
in the tle.sh.
Mechanical limitations prevent, for
instance, an adequnto picture of the
Victor t'arlstrom Is holder of the
continuous flight record. He covered
the distance between Chicago and New
York in nctual Hying time of 8 hours
and .'17 minutes, not Including time out
for two stops, one of which was made
at Erie, Pa., on account of engine
trouble, and the other at Hammonds
port, N. Y. Tho daring aviator had
expected to lly between the two cities
without stopping. Although he failed,
lie established a new American non
stop record of 4fi! miles in 4 hours
and 17' minutes. Tho distance be
tween Chicago and New York as Cavl
Htrom covered It Is about 07C miles.
During the untlio trip ho nvornged
obout 110 miles an hour.
! ',, , .,, , , I I
Treatment was as successful In the
case of a man fifty-nine years old.
Ho" was told after diagnosis at Johns
Hopkins liopital, llaltlmnre, that lie
was suffering from cancer of tho
tongue. Radium was applied In April
and June, 11)15, but the patient told
Dr. Wnlker that he continued to grow
worse. In July, 1015, treatment with
selenium was begun and continued for
several months, at the end of which
lie returned to ills home in Canada
witli the ulcerations healed. Last July
ho wroto Dr. Walker that there had
been no sign of recurrence, and ho wns
attending to business regularly.
A womau, forty years old, wns op
orated on for cancer at St. Luke's
hospital In 1012. A microscopic exam
ination conllrmed the diagnosis. The
troublo returned In 10151 and tho se
lenium treatment was administered
for a year. Last August the patient
said she felt better than sho had for
many years and was suffering no pain
whatsoever. She was still gaining
weight, though tho treatment had boon
discontinued almost two years before.
Ono of tho most roinurknblo cases
Is that of the manager of n Stock Ex
change house, who In July, 10M, when
he was sixty-three, consulted two spe
cialists and was told, following an X
ray examination, that lie had cancer
and could not live only a shorty time.
He then weighed about 120 pounds.
Treatment with selenium was begun
and continued for n year, at tho end of
which ho weighed 187 pounds and was
attending to business. IJo litis since
continued well.
notorious bandit's eyes those yellow
ish, brown eyes before which hun
dreds of Mexicans have quailed. His
eye-balls protrude from their sockets
moro than tho uverngo man's. The
whites uro bloodshot. When ho Is un
gry, tho blood rushes to his cyc3 un
til they appear almost red. When lie
'. in a crowd, Villa's gaze shifts llko
li'litnlng to every part of the compass,
ptisslbly on guard against somo would
be assassin ; but when ho Is njpno with
n man, Villa's eyes boro through him
llko u knife.
Arms Out of Proportion.
Villa Is five feet, ten Indies in height.
Ho is heavy-limbed and thlck-cliestcd.
His arms nro unusually long. They
nre out of proportion to the rest of his
body and reach nearly to bis kiieces.
Ills hands, oddly enough, are as boft as
n woman's, When lie shakes bunds,
ids grrisp Is Hubby. Ho weighs about
180 pounds.
His head and neck recall pictures of
llotnan gladiators. Ills neck is thick
as n iiuin'ji thigh and very short. His
head Is! large, a llttlo too largo for tho
rest of his body. It Is crowned by
black, curly hull-, which ho rarely
brushes. A bald spot is beginning to
appear at tho top. Tho forehead is tho
one redeeming feature of ills counten
ance ; it is high and well-formed.
Ills skin is light brown but mottled
with dark patches, evidently tho re
sult of many years spent In the open.
Ills ears arc large anil ugly. His noso
Is wide-nostiilod but small. Ills cheeks
are fat.
The mouth reveals all tho savage
cruelty and cunning of tho man. Tho
short upper-lip does not conceal n
set of scraggly, dai k-stalned tooth. Tho
shortness of this lip, which rarely
touches the lower makes it appear us
though Villa were always grinning.
Tho thickness of both lips gives lilm a
hcnstlal, sensual expression that Is
heightened by tho slow, almost ponder
ous, manner in which ho moves about.
A .long, stern Vliln and a lower Jaw
that protrudes disclose the Inherent
cruelty In him.
Talks Like a Child.
A strango contrast to tho rest of
his physical make-up is Villa's voice.
It Is high-pitched and weak, except
when ho shouts orders. Most of tho
time, though, It Is a peculiar blend of
u whine and a drawl. To hear Jt and
not see tiie speaker, oue would think
n ten-year-old child was speaking.
His strength is a by-word among his
fellows. Ho litis been known to pick up
and set on Its feet u small mule. that
hud slipped and fallen while drugging
a caisson through miry roads.
Nutlvo refugees arriving nt tlilft
camp from tho South say ho is heavier
now than ho ever was before. IIo wears
a heard several Indies long and limps
from tho wound lie received ut fluer
reio lust March. Most of tho tlmo ho
uses n crutch, which Is strapped to tho
hide of ids saddle when Ito mounts
i u horse.
Kow Cnatlo, Ind. "From tho Um
I was eleven years old until I was sovcri-
teen I suffered each,
month bo I had to b
in bed. I had head
ncho, bockacho and
such patns I would
cramp doublo every
monthA. I did not
know what It wm
to bo easy a mlnuta.
My health was nil
run down and th
doctors did not do
mo any good. A. .
neighbor told my mother about Lydia.
33. Pinkhom'a Vcgetoblo Compound and
I took it, and now I feel llko n now
person. I don't suffer nny moro and.l'
nm regular every month. "Mrs. Haei.
Hamilton, 822 South 15th St.
When a remedy has lived for forty
years, Btcadlly growing In popularity
and influence, and thousands upon
thousands of womon declaro they owe
their health to it, is it not reasona
ble to bcliovo that it is an article of
great merit?
Jf you wnnt special ndvlco writ
to Lydln E. Pinlclmm Medicine
Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass.
Your lottcrwill bo opened, read
and nnsworcd by a woman and.
held iu strict confidence
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner dis
improve the complexion, brighten the cye3
Genuine must bear Signature
In Style.
"Was her dinner formal?"
"Formal? Why, even tho salads
weren't half dressed."
Tho cost of food today is a serious
matter to all of you. To cut down
your food bills and at tho samo tlmo
Improve tho health of your family,
servo them Skinner's Macaroni and.
Spaghetti two or thrco times per.wcok..
Children love it and thrive on it. It
Is tho host possible food for adults
Wrlto the Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha,.
Ncbr., for beautiful cook book telling
how to servo it in a hundred waya..
It's free tp every mother. Adv.
Iif tho up-to-duto school, the black
boards nro cleaned by a vacuum de
vice. Meat Eaters' Backache
Meat lovers are apt to havo back
aches and rheumatic attacks. Unlets
you do heavy work and get lots of fresh
air, don't eat too much meat. It's rich
in nitrogen and helps to form uric acid
a solid polaon tjiat irritates the
nerves, damages tho kidncyB and often
causes dropsy, gravel and urinary dis
orders. Dean's Kidney Pills help
weak kidneys to throw off uric acid.
Thousands recommend tliem.
An Iowa Case
C. EtiKomann. HOG
Fourth St., Fort
Madison, la., says:
"I surroicd from se
vere attacks of back
ache, together with
pains through my
loins and Boroncs3
across my Iddnpys.
After BlttlntT for
noma time and tliuh
trying to get up. I
had sharp, dartlnK
twinges all through
my bnelc. Itoarlmr
Coan's Kldnoy Pills hlnhly spoken of,
1 beitan uslnii tliem and It didn't tuke
5 Ihem lonir to rellovo me. 1 strongly
rocommend them.'
Get Doan' at Any Store, 60e a Box
't Mjr, lUJor, wl,itB go) fr iwlj hnUU nMiljrl
"TUt'i nur. l'r hvy lUil striking I ttUr fr
i t-eM than dishy, r any othtr leonllt tlmuitnt, Vv
Oiv ttrt ttit lMn pouf bit fr U r brnc hltU l iM
t j Wrll dnttwn VriniJjr onr father tu4 19 uit
German Syrup
Has for the last 51 years been steadity
used In all parts ol the civilized world
lorthe rapid relief of colds, coughs, bron
chitis, throat and lung Irritation. No
other remedy has such n rcmurknble'T
record of widespread distribution, 25c.
nnd75c. sizes at druggists everywhere.
If Ton have born threatened or haT O ALL8TONBS,
IKDIUKSTION.UAU or pains In tho rlabtE
ldo wrltu for valuable Hook of Information
iHVT'i M I I Ib
jgsmm liven
aB&W grikwi
& Jws. WjSSutm
w7n7u., SIOUX CITY, NO. 48j9lfi
L ?