Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 31, 1916, Image 6

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    Bb lH
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King's Troops Seeking Entry Into tho
Plains of Transylvania In Effort to
Assist Russians In Their Dash
Along ths Border Lines.
WeMtni Nrnipirtr Union New Btnlre
Rumania has thrown In her lot with
tho cntento allies by declaring war on
Austria-Hungary and almost simultan
eously Germany haa announced that
alio Is at war with Rumania.
Already tho troops of King Ferdi
nand are seeking entry Into tho plains
of Transylvania through tho eastern
Carpathians toward ?ronBtadt, tlio
chief city In Transylvania and In tho
direction of Hermannstadt, evidently
In an endeavor to press northward
through Transylvania toward tho Buk
owlna and Gallclnn hordors and to
tako In tho rear of tho Austro-Gcr-mans,
who nro trying to provent tho
Russians from entering Hungary.
Nothing has como througll to Indicate-
what preparation has been made
by tho Bulgarians to offset a probablo
nttack by tho Rumanians along tho
Danube front or a posslblo attempt
by tho Russians at Ivan by. means of
tho Danubo and through Dobruja or
by tho Black sea. It Is estlmatod
that Rumania will bo able to throw
nearly a million men Into tho field.
Except In tho Macedonian sector,
llttlo important fighting Is reported
from tho fronts. Along tho lino where
tho Teutonic allies aro In contact with
tho Serbians tho British and French
and Berlin and Paris report additional
gains for their respective forces.
Satevo Garrison, Sane Ammunition,
Chihuahua City, Mex. Threo hun
dred Villa bandits captured tho town
of Satevo, Chihuahua, fifty miles south
of hero, according to reports to Gen
Jacinto Trovlno. Tho -outlaws, under
Urlbo Arnngo nnd Martin Lopez, Bur
rounded tho town and, after six hours'
battle, tho garrlBon, numbering 200,
under Capt do la Fuento, being with
out ammunition, was forced n evac
uate Villa himself was not with the
outlaws, It was said.
Tho dispatches, whlclf carno from
Gen. Ellzondon, mado no estimate of
tho casualties on either side, but said
that both tho bandits nnd government
troops loBt heavily. In tho early hours
of tho engagement a number of out
laws vero captured and oxccuteij.
Gagged and Left In. Clump of Bushes
Robber Secures $3,000.
Detroit. An automobile bandit Is
said to have held up and robbed Har
old Isboll, a collector for tho Standard
Oil company, of approximately $3,000.
iBboll was found bound nnd gagged
behind a clump of bUBhca in a suburb
of Dotrolt and declared ho had been
dragged thoro bv tho bandit who '
driven hla machine across tho path
of iBbell's car, forcing him ot como
to a stop. Iubell told tho sheriff that
as ho camo to a stop tho bandit point
ed a pistol at him, and, bolng unarmed
ho was compelled to Biirronder a small
ling containing about $3,000, collected
from various gasollno dlBtrllx"
tlons just outsido tho city limits. Is
boll's cries attracted a workman, who
relcasod him.
Borden and Party Safe.
Chicago. News of tho safo arrival
at Nome, Alaska, of John Bordon, mil
lionaire Chicago sportsman, and oth
ers of his party, who woro shipwreck
ed in tho Arctic was rocolvod by Mrs.
Borden in a cablegram from hor hus
band. Bordon said tho cntlro party
wan safo and In good health, but "ivo
no Information regarding hla futuro
Ben Williams Dead.
Gulfport, Mass. Bert Williams, onco
bodyguard for Jofforson Davis, presi
dent of tho confederacy, nnd who was
President Wilson's caddy when ho
played golf at tho country club hero
two years ago, died hero. Tho negro
was woll known over tho country bo-
cause of his history, thousnnds of poist
cards bearing his picture bolng sold.
Year's Profits Large.
Now York. Tho nntfual Btatement
of tho Pnclllo Mall Steamship com
pany shows that tho year's profits
amounted to more than 21 per cent on
both proforrod and common stock.
Army Reserve Corps.
Chicago. Commercial organizations
of all largo cities throughout tho mid
dlo we' ' will bo asked to aid In form
ing tho quartormastor'R rosorvo corps
of tho United States army,
Chinese Laborors for France.
Paris. Ono thousand Chlnoso labor
orB arrived nt Lyons, Thoy constitute
tho first contingent ot Chlnoso who
aro to bo brought to Franco for work
In munition factories.
Swiss Military Mission.
Bcrno, Switzerland. A military mis
sion consisting of olllcors of tho Swiss
army will soon loavo for Colombia to
roorganlzo tho army of that South
American republic along Swiss lings.
Thq officers aro sent at Colombia's r
Russians Defeat Turks In Dig Battle
at Rachta In Armenian Campaign
Slavs Recapture Much From Otto
man Army.
.Sofia, Aug. '20. Definite gains
against the French nnd Serbian force
operating on the Snlonlki line, the
linnllillliitloii of n French regiment
southwest of Luko Dolriin nnd n re
trent by tho Serbs soutliwurd from
Kustorlu a 10 reported In thu ofllcial
Dulgar war olllco statement Issued.
Tho statement In part reads:
"Bulgarian troops, In ndvanclug
south of Fiorina, occupied on August
2U Kosotour and Knstorla. The de
feated Serbians nro retreating south
ward. The Bulgarians operating in
tho direction of Lerlnu, Banlca and
Oorntchoro captured on August HI a
strongly fortified position on tho crest
of Mount Malku Nle.e.
"On the following day they attacked
the Serbians on tho Vurdur In their
new positions nt St. Splddon, Hill 207
iinu Tcliegunakl pMilnu.
"Wc captured soen officers and 200
men and also a nu.nber of ipiick-ilrera
and machine guns and other material.
The fighting continues.
"Additional Information shows that
tho One Hundred and Seventy-sixth
French regiment, which participated
In the fighting on the 21st, lost 50 per
cent of Its effectiveness. We found on
the Held 250 bodies.
"On our left wing in the Strtunn
valley we cleared the left bank of tho
river of the enemy. Wo burled 500 of
tho enemy."
Snlonlki, Aug. 2C In their efforts
to throw n lino of strong defensive
works all tho way across eastern
Greece, from Lake Tnhlnos to the Bul
garian frontier, tho Bulgars have pre
cipitated n general engagement with
Greek troops which is still In progress
nenr the Struma valley.
l'otrognul, Aug. 20. Russian troops
lmve defeated four Turkish divisions
(80,000 men) In a grcnt bnttlo at Rtleh
tn nenr Mosul, capturing two entire
Turkish regiments, It was' announced
olllclally. Many cannon and much
other booty were taken.
Pctrogrnd, Aug. 20, via London.
Russian forces operating In southern
Turkish Armenia have reoccupled
Mush, captured by the Turks on Au
gust 8, says an official communication
issued by tho war department. Tho
statement adds the Russluus captured
2,J!00 prisoners.
Quits Southern Armenian City Fol
lowing Defeat at Rachta Russ
Repulse Teutons.
I'ctrogrnd, by wireless to London,
Aug. 2(1, It Is announced that tho
Russians lmve resumed their ndvnnco
along tho cntlro Asiatic front. Tho
Turks have evacuated Bltlls, in south
ern Turkish Armenln neur Lake Van.
Tho lllght followed tho Russian rcoc
cupatlon of Mush and tho defeat of
tho Ottoman forces at Rachta.
Austro-Germun forces beforo Kovol,
in Volh'ynln. attempted to take tho of
fensive In the region of tho villnge of
Vellek, but, the war ofllco reports,
wero repulsed.
Federal Trade Commission Decides to
Look Into Baking and Milling
Situation If Asked To.
Washington, Aug. 25. The federal
trade commission, according to one of
Its high officials, will take steps on Its
own Inltiatlvu to prevent any increuso
In tho price of bread If tho present agi
tation among bakers for an increaso
The commission also will Investigate
tho entire baking and milling situation
In tho country If u formal request Is
received from some responsible com
plnlniint, even If there Is not an in
crease in the price of bread.
American Fishing Schooners Captured
Off Iceland by Patrol Vessels and
Takes to Shetland Islands.
London, Aug. 25. The American
fishing schooners Mnxlne Elliott of
Gloucester,, Mass., and Lizzie Griffin of
Bangor, Me., seized off Iceland by Brit
ish patrol boats, ltavo been taken to
,viu-.i, m;uuiiii maims, me Aiuer-
lean schooner Luclnda J. Lowell, on
the way from Gloucester to Norway,
also was taken Into Lerwick, but was
released after her cargo of dried her
ring was unloaded.
Ready for Another Voyage.
Berlin, Aug. 28. All of the mem
hers of tho roturned merchant sub
marine, Deutschland, Including Capt.
Paul Koenlg, have declared their
readiness to undertake another voytigo
to tho United Status.
New Golf Champion.
Griind Rapids, Mleli.. Aug. 2S. Mrs.
F. C. Letts, Jr., qf Cincinnati, on Frl
lay nfloruoim won (ho woiiihij'h west
mi golf championship 'y tfenlliu
Mlhs Laurie KnlMir of Chicago, thrcf
x and one to i;o, v
6 , MzM&ffimi J
TSIeV,v-. ifeS? , jSf
Berlin Statement Says Enemy Has
Been Halted in Volhynla, Galicia
and Carpathians.
Berlin (by wireless to Sayvllle, L.
1.), Aug. 25. Despite their determined
attacks in many sections of the front
In Volhynla, Gallcln nnd tho Carpa
thian regions the Russians have been
unable to gain uny ground from the
Teutonic forces, according to the Aus
trian ofllcial statement of August 22.
The Russian losses in the fighting
along the lower Stokhod, northeast of
Kovel, were particularly heavy, says
tho stntcment.
A correspondent of the Cologne Ga
zette on the Russian front says that
In tho fighting near Llorodenka, in
eastern Gallcln, from August 14 to 17
tho Russians lost 5,000 Mlled, while
the total of Germnn casualties was SO.
Gains for the Teutonic forces In the
Carpathians nortli of Cnpul, where po
sitions recently taken by the Russians
were stormed nnd recaptured, are an
nounced by the wnr ofllcc.
I'etrogrud (via London), Aug. 25.
The Germnns resumed tho offensive
south of Brody, where the Russians
are attempting to nppronch Lemberg
from the northeast. The war ofllcc
statement of today says tho Germans
wero repulsed. The Russians captured
two heights on the Hungarian front.
German Merchant Submarine Arrives
at the Mouth of Weser All
on Board Well.
Berlin, Aug. 25 (by wireless to Sny
vllle, N. Y.). Tho merchant subma
rine Deutschlnnd nrrived nt the
mouth of tho Weser on Wednesdny, ac
cording to the Overseas News agency.
All on board nro well. The Deutsch
lnnd started on Its return trip from
Baltimore on August 2. It escaped
tho cordon of allied ships which wero
watching for It.
Secertary Lane, Justice Gray of Dela
ware and Dr. John R. Mott of
New York Will Serve.
Washington, Aug. 24. Secretary
Lansing announced on Tuesday tho
appointment of American members of
the commission to treat with Mexico.
They are: Secretary of tho Interior
Franklin II. Lane of San Francisco,
Justice Gray of Delaware, Dr. John
R. Mott of New York. All threo lmvo
accepted tho appointment.
Appropriation Bill, Minus Provision
Which Caused Veto, Is Approved
by Upper House.
Washington, Aug. 25. Tho sennto
missed tho nrmv niinrrmrinMnn Mil
with an amendment replacing tho nrti-
eles of war lit it, but minus tho pro
vision which caused tho president to
veto it last week.
Plague Deaths Decrease.
New York, Aug. 20. A substantial
decrease In tho number of Infantile
paralysis deaths and new cases Is re
ported. During tho 21 hours ending
nt 10 a. in., :i0 children tiled and 100
wero stricken.
Hermit Yachtsman Ends Life.
New York, Aug. 20. Stephon . M.
Van Allon, the hermit yachtsmnn.
committed suicide In the cabin of his
costly motor boat Wunter on tho North
river by discharging the loads of u
double-barreled slwtgun Into his hroa'
I ponY b'long-
Legislation Which Will Prevent
the Recurrence of a Similar
Washington, Aug. 24. Tho subcom
mittee of the rullwyiy executives ap
pointed as a board of strategy to frame
a reply to President Wilson's demand
for concessions to the men that will
prevent a general strike have made n
It Is understood they have recom
mended the granting of tho eight-hour
tiny, but with a string tied to it.
The purpose of the string, It Is said,
Is to make possible n withdrawal of
the concession If tho president does
not give satisfactory guaranties of
much desired new legislation.
Tho announcement of the prelimin
ary report of tho committee of eight
members followed within n few hours
after a cabinet meeting on Tuesday at
which President Wilson's nttltuda on
the controversy wns given unanimous
approval by his ofllcial family.
It was ndmltted the principal hope
now Is to commit the president nnd
the government to definite assurances
providing two things:
1. Legislation which will prevent a
recurrence of a similar occurrence be
fore all the processes of a judicial In
vestigation have been exhausted.
2. Practical guaranty thnt tho rail
roads will be, compensated for the
money loss they clulm they will sus
tain by granting nn eight-hour day.
Berlin Says That the German Battle
ship Was Damaged by British
London, Aug. 25. The Germnn bat
tleship Westfalen wns hit and slightly
dumnged on Snturday by n British tor
pedo. It was ndmltted In a semiofficial
telegram from Berlin on Wednesdny,
according to Reuter's Amsterdnm cor
respondent. Tho Westfalen, however,
It is declared, continued cnpablo of
maneuvering and will shortly be ro
palrcd. Gasoline Shortage in London. '
London, Aug. 20. Of tho 7,000 taxi
cabs plying In tho London metropoU
tan area, 2,000 will bo withdrawn at
six o'clock each evening owing to tho
shortage of gasoline.
Erie, Pa., Aug. 23. Two heavy
cranes, said to havo been overloaded,
broke at tho National foundry, killing
nt least four workmen and injuring
six or seven others.
London, Aug. 24. There is no foun
dation for tho Berlin report that Nor
man Angcll, the pacifist, has been sen
tenced to prison for refusal to perforin
military service. Mr. Angell is be
yond the ago limit of Hnblllty for huch
$500,000,000 Teuton Relief.
Berlin, Aug. 2S. The amount raised
by German municipalities for relief of
families of soldiers has readied about
SSOO.OOO.OOO. Tlie federal treasury
will Him over to tho municipalities
about 125,000,000.
Plague Close's All Schools.
Ilurrisburg, Pa., Aug. 2S. Samuel fi.
Dlxou, stato commissioner of health,
decided that nil schools public, pri
vate and parochial mtifct remain
closed until September IS. because of
Infantile iKirnlyMs.
Raider Driven From Seaport Town by
Antiaircraft Guns-Beriln Asserts
That City and Butteries Were
Bombarded at Night.
London, Axig. 2S. Eight persons
were killed nnd 30. Injured in the Zep
pelin raid on Thursday night, it was
announced olllclally. Ono hundred
bombs were dropped. One Zeppelin
reached the outskirts of London.
Two or three raiders came in over
tho enstcrn counties nnd dropped over i
I!0 bombs without cnuslng any casuui
tics or damage. Another raider nt
tempted to nppronch a seaport town,
S nenv. y nrcti on uy anunircrau
i. was driven off to tho. eastward
..... ... ... i
after dropping 19 bombs in tho
without reaching their objective.
Another raider succeeded In reach
ing tho outskirts of London, where
explosive nnd Incendiary bombs were
dropped nnd casualties occurred among
tho civilian population as follows:
Killed, three men, three women, and
two children ; .Injured seriously, three
men nnd four women; injured slight
ly, 'four men, seven women nnd three
children. In nddltlon, one soldier was
seriously and fourteen wero sllghtjy In
jured by broken glass.
Berlin, via London, Aug. 28. Tho
city nnd southwestern district of Lon
don were bombarded on Thursdny
night by German airships, nn ofllcial
statement Issued by the war office says.
Batteries at Harwich and Folkestone
were nlso attacked, says the state
ment, which adds that "everywhere
very good effects were observed."
Head of Peoria See, Succumbs After
Long Sickness Weakened by
Hot Wave.
Peorln, 111., Aug. 28. Archbishop
John Lancaster Spalding, noted pre
late of the Roman Catholic church In
Illinois and a resident of Peoria con
tinuously since 1877, when ho was
chosen for the position of bishop of
tho newly created Peoria diocese, died
at his residence here on Friday. lie
had been 111 for a number of years,
having suffered n paralytic stroke In
1000. Physicians in attendance re
port thnt the recent heat wave left
the aged prelate in a weakened con
dition, and his decline wns rapid.
Bishop Spalding wns elevated to tho
position of archbishop of SeyphophoIIs
in 1909. He wns consecrated bishop
of tho Roman Catholic diocese of
Peoria, III., on May 1, 1877. One
project of mngniflcent scope orig
inated by Archbishop Spalding was
the Critholic university at Washing
ton. Archbishop Spalding wns born
in Lebanon, Ky., June 2, 1840.
Capt. E. J. Spratllng Is Shot and Killed
in a Militia Camp by Mrs.
H. C. Adams.
Mncon, Go., Aug. 28. Capt. 13. J.
Spratllng, F compnny, Fifth infantry,
National Guard of Georgia, was shot
and killed In front of his tent at the
stnte mobilization camp nenr here on
Friday. Mrs. n. C. Adams of Atlanta
was arrested on the statements of sev
eral officers and men that sho shot tho
militia officer. She declined to make
any statement. Airs. Adams wus
turned over to civil authorities, who
placed her in the county Jail.
She gave her Atlanta address nnd
said sho was married nnd had three
U. C. Adams, husband of tho wom
an, said that his wife had been trou
bled with nervousness nnd hnd been
treated by Cuptaln Spratllng, who wns
n physician In private life. Mrs.
Adams told her husband, ho said, that
she had objected to remarks she suid
the physician made to her.
Berlin Asserts They Total 496,050
Tons 25 Teuton Craft of 02,667
Tons Sunk.
Berlin, Aug. 25. The German admi
ralty Issued a statement nssertlng that
the losses of he British and French
navies in llno-of-buttlo ships and cruis
ers to August 1 comprised 72 vessels
with a total displacement of 40Q,0.")(1
Tho German looses In the same
classes during tho snnie period wero
2.r warships with u toti(l of G2.007
It wns stated that tho list of Brit
ish and French warships Included only
those losses which had been estab
lished definitely.
Typhus In Mexico.
El Puso, Tox., Aug. 28. An epl
denilc of typhus has broken out In
Aguascallentes, Moxlco. A letter re
celved from there says thnt carloads
of corpses aro being curried out for
burial dully.
Germans Blacklist Dutch.
Amsterdam, Aug. 28. Germany hn
issued u blacklist of certain Dutch
firms which nre denied German goods
and Dutch merchants who supplj
I hid mucKiistcd urms are tlueaUA
.v'.th a similar boycott.
A number of officers nnd privates
Eelcctcd from tho troops on tho border,
liavo roturned, and will do recruiting
eervlco In different portions of tho
As do'.ogatcs from Nebraska to tho
American Institute ot criminal law
and criminology, which meots August
29 at Chicago, Governor Morohcad has
appointed iH. B. Floharty of Omaha, L.
W. Colby of Bcatrlco and T. J. Doylo
of Lincoln.
Tho state board of assessment has
fixed tho stato tax lovy at C.l mills, a.
reduction of .7 of a mill from last
year and a reduction of 1.7 mills from
tho year beforo last. Tho reduction
was mado on tho general fund lovy
which was cut from 4.1 mills to 3.4
A machine gun company has been
formed at Camp Llano, and Lloutcnant
Gardner of tho regimental staff, ono
sergeant and threo privates have been
sent to Harllgen to receive instructions
It, TYifinVilnrt tnna nnrl mntnp IrllolrH
. ..... . l...J M..L. .MV.U. fc. ..ui.v.
a,n pau, formcrl o tho regl.
mnin, atnf, w, ,, pnmn,ni1nP
staff, will bo commanding
According to reports from tho office
of State Superintendent Thomas rcpre
I sentatives of rural school districts
, from alb over tho stato will meet at
i Llncola during fair week to discuss
problems of country districts and to
i suggest many needed changes In tho
present school laws.
As a result of a complaint mado to
the railway commission a few days ago
by representatives of tho U. C .T.
and tho T. P. A. prosecutions will prob
ably bo started against tho Rock Island
and Missouri Pacific railroado for ,
charging higher rates on excess bag
gage than they aro permitted by law
to do.
Harvey Musscr, president of the
Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrico interurban
road, appeared boforo tho Nebraska
railway commission with a request to
lssuo $300,000 additional stock. Mr.
Musser said his request was in fur
therance of plan3 to ultimately extend
tho line to Omaha from it3 Lincoln
terminus at University Place and
Horses and mules for tho two Ne
braska regiments havo reached Camp
Llano. Each regiment received twelve
aorses for mounts nnd sixty-seven
mules for supply wagons and ambu
lances. Most of the animals were un
broken, but wero pressed immediately
into service and aro now working
woll under the saddle and in the har
ness. A consolidated report ot tho build
ing and loan associations, showing
their condition Juno 30, has been com
oloted by tho stato board. The report
shows seventy-two associations with
assets amounting to $47,917,847. Tho
Increase of these associations during
tho past year in loans is ?5,055.GG4.96;
in stock, 55.726.809.58; in cash, 5574
-nrrnn. in non.r. f,m,i iKBin?r.
UVUtUV p 4U ICdUKU 1UUU y .1 t,u .. v
According to tho monthly report of
tho weather man, George A. Ixiveland,
tho month of July beat all records in
Nebraska for sunshine, tho average
number of clear days being twenty
threo, 11 per cent higher than any
July record. Six days woro partly
cloudy and two days cloudy. July,
191C, camo near establishing another
record. Only ono month, July, 1201, In
forty-ono years has boon hotter.
Tho constitutionality ot the Albert
aw has been attacked in an appeal
carried to tho supremo court from
Douglas county by Gcorgo Brenner. It
appears that Brenner was enjoined
under tho law, and haled into court
m a charge of violating an injunction.
Ho was fined $200 for contempt of
court nnd sentenced to nlnoty days in
tho county jail. His sentence has been
suspended pending tho trial of tin
Stato Superintendent A. O. Thomas
has received word that Miss Edith
Lathrop, formerly ono of his assist
ants has received an appointment in
tho rural school department of tho nu
tlonal bureau of education. Miss La
throp passod an examination two
years ago for appolntmont in this de
partment. Tho stato normal board of
Nebraska offered MIsb Lathrop the
presidency of tho stato normal school
at Chadron, but sho declined It.
Expenses of conducting tho stair
government and supporting state lustl
tutlons and enterprlsos nro on a lower
per capita basis than In moat other
states of tho union, according to fig
ures which havo been collected from
two dozen states in the central and
eastern sections.
Firo losses in Nebraska havo great
ly decreased from preventablo causes
and fire hazards havo been removed
In scores of cities and towns, through
tho efforts of employes under charge
of Stato Flro Commissioner Ridgell.
Short courses in homo economics
ire now being hold In farm homes,
country schools, churches and halls
under tho auspices of women's club-?
directed- by tho county agricultural
agent, and Instructed by tho home
economics dopartmont of tho upivcr
sity college of agriculture. In this
way tho farmer's wlfo who wants to
become a pupil of up-to-dato homo eco
nomlcs can attend tho courses wlthou
much difficulty. Tho first count 4)
short course was held nt a farm hoinTi
near Ponder, and forty women at
tended the course, which laotcd four