Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 29, 1916, Image 3

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    J& ("Mr- rf "'" a-1
rsi-- -T"
It's a Picnic Getting
If you
Spanish 05ve Picldes Sweet
Chicken Loaf Fruit Preserve
Luncheon Meats
7 J
Ma M MY'MM'mP'
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Chauffeur Had Overlooked a Matter
. That Really Was of the Grav-
Li est Importance.
As ho buttoned up his ovorcout be
fore belting olt on n motor tour, Jones
usked Ills chauffeur a few questions.
"Cnr nil ready? Have you put the
.spare Inner tubes In tho tonneau?"
"Aru the repair tools In tho box,"
and plenty of petrol in the tank?"
"Ycssir," replied the man again, pa
tiently. "Oiled It thoroughly?"
I "Yesslr." And this tlnio ho reeled
off n list of places to which he had
nppUed tho oil can.
The motorist's face grew black
when ho Hnlshcd.
"Why, you fool," he broke In, "you
have forgotten the most Important
place of all!"
The chauffeur stared at him In sur
prise. "You've forgotten the number plate
at tho back," snapped .Tones. "Take
the can and squirt some oil on It.
Then the dust will stick to It. Never,
forget to oil the number plate!"
American Fur Heads Preferred.
A furrier at Kingston, Out., slates
that the heads used for trimming furs
are now Imported from the United
States, according to Consul Felix S.
K S .Inluicnti wlwi wrltna "in nftYii.f
11$ was made to manufacture this class
of goods In Canada, but the result was
not a success. In the article received
from the United States, the skin, which
Is moistened beforehand. Is drawn
bver the head and dried and retains
Its form ; that made In this country
retains its moisture and the tongue
fnd teeth In time dropped out. There
was also a great difference In tho price,
bends from the United Stntes selling
at 1.C0 per gross and the Canadian at
$12.50. With tho duty and other charges
tho American article Is higher In price
than the domestic."
"Why docs this country tend always
to belittle Its wealth, Its works, Its
men and Its power to meet calamity?
It does, and yet we are thought to bo
a people unembarrassed by modesty.
Yunkee Loastfulness Is a proverb In
tho world, but no Yankee ever told
quite all the truth. Ho never dared,
nnd, besides, he could not mnke him
self believe the whole length and depth
and breadth of it. Distrusting their
g? own judgment, the American people
lack confidence In their great estate.
The temperament Is rich In daring,
faith and optimism, but poor lu confi
dence, which is a quality that comes
with time. A young people perhaps
should not have It. It Is not good to
have everything. New York Times.
And they have a charming new flavour delicious,
different, the true essence of the corn not found in
corn flakes heretofore.
The intense heat of the new process of manufacture
raises tiny bubbles on each delicious brown flake and
these little puffs are the identifying feature.
These new flakes are firmer, crisper, and don't
crumble in the package in comparison, ordinary corn
flakes are as "chaff."
Your grocer can send you a package of
New Post Toasfies
Ready for a Picnic,
cioojc i
Reluh Ham Loaf Veal Loaf'
Jellies Apple Butter,
Pork and Beans
Ready to Serve'
Food Products
ItuUl on Lllhy't at
out grout'
Bridegroom's Admission Satisfied
Small Boy as to the Disappear
ance of the Jelly.
It was a happy day for Algy when,
after a courtship of many years, he
sat at the wedding breakfast beside
his wife.
Unfortunately, ho was of a very shy
temperament, but on this momentous
occasion his nervousness was painful
to behold. The long table was lined
with the usual large number of ad
miring and criticizing friends, one of
whom proposed the health of the bride
and bridegroom.
I5ut the climax came when tho
bridegroom rose to respond.
"On this or this cr most sus
picious auspicious occasion," ho
Jerked out, "I feel" a long and em
barrassing pause "I feel too full for
wonK." Having concluded this bril
liant bit of oratory he sat down again.
"(rent Caesar! I told you so,"
piped Algy's newly-acquired brother
to his school chum, in a voice audible
to nil. "That's where all Uio Jelly
went to!"
United States Ahead Again.
While many of the most Important
electro-chemical and electro-metallurgical
Industries nre of American
origin, and have been developed chlolly
In connection with the Niagara Palls
power development, electric steel refin
ing started originally In Europe, but
at an early date all tho noteworthy
European electric steel furnaces were
Introduced Into this country, nnd the
work of the American steel man has
left Its mark on electric steel furnace
designs, says the Electrical World.
During the Inst year the Increase In
the number of American electric steel
furnaces was 78 per cent, and as a re
sult the United States Is now lend
ing all tho countries In the world In
the number of electric steel furnnces,
while Germany held the leading place
up to last year. On Janunry 1, 1910.
the United States had 711 electric steel
furnaces In operation or under con
struction, compared with 53 In Ger
many and -10 In England.
Little Nonsense Now and Then.
"I think It's very unkind the way
some of those politicians mnke fun of
the 'fnvorlte sons,' " remarked Mrs.
T wobble.
"Oh, I don't know about that," nn
swered Mr. Twobble. "The average
political convention Is n nerve-wracking
affair and I presume the delegates
feel that they are entitled to n certain
amount of relaxation."
"Life would bo so much better and
brighter If we would only let It be.
Dont' worry. "
Unlike common corn
flakes, the New Post
Toastiea don't mush
down when milk
cream is added.
Lee Magee Rated Second to Ty
Cobb by Manager Stallings.
Would Not Be Surprised to See Re
juvenated New York Team Lead
American League Catchers
Are Doubtful Quantity.
In tho opinion of that pcrformor of
baseball miracles, George T. Stallings,
manager of tho Braves, Loo Magco,
outiloldor of tho Ynnks, Is second only
to "Ty" Cobb as a ball player. Stall
ings also doclares that it would not
causo him tho least Burprlso to soo tho
rejuvenated Yanks lead tho Amorlcan
league this year. "Leo Magoo Is tho
aco In tho Yankeo dock," was tho way
Stallings put it.
"Somo people hnvo questioned my
Blncerlty in rating Mageo Just behind
TyruB Raymond Cobb as a ball player.
Yet that Is whoro I plnco him.
"I would havo paid nnythlng within
reason to get him for tho Braves. If
ho isn't a sensation in tho American
loaguo this year I'll bo sadly mistaken.
"Tho Yankees can win this year. It
wilt bo a closo raco, I imagine, in tho
Johnson circuit. Given fair catching
and a few breaks of tho game, Dono
van will bring home tho bacon."
"I honestly bellovo thnt your Yan
kees havo a wonderful chanco to win
tho pennant in tho American lenguo
Lee Magee.
this season. Tho only thing that I am
doubtful about Ib tho catching depart
ment. "Tho Yanks havo tho pitching
strength, a clover infield with Baker,
Pecklupaugh, Godeon and Plpp, and a
romarkablo outfield with Malsel, Ma
geo and Gllhooloy.
"Nunamakor I know is not a grent
catcher. Nor is ho oven a good one.
Tho youngsters must como through.
Donovan must find in Alexander and
Walters a backstop abovo tho aver
Advocated Rule Preventing Catcher
From Squatting Between Plato
and Base Runner.
Hank O'Day has been in wrong sov
eral times in his long career. But
once ho was right. That was when
ho advocated, recontly, a condition
which would prevent tho baseball
backstop from squatting betwoon tho
Umplro Hank O'Day.
runner and tho plate, whllo tho ball
Bpoeds toward him, making It impos
sible for tho player to roach tho cov
eted scoring pan, writes Ed Wray in
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Tho general public has rather ex
alted tho catchor who pulls such
stunts, on the theory that any player
showing BUch devotion to his team
that ho Is willing to incur injury, it ho
can halt tho enemy, deserves a re
ward. On the samo theory, tho boy that
robs a bank to help a starving brother
ought to bo exalted.
In tho instance of tho backstop no
new rule is really necessary, If offi
cials would onforco tho oxlstonco of
regulations against Interference. For
interfering is precisely what Mr. Dead
Game backstop Is doing, when ho In
terposes his body, without tho ball in
his possession, ready for a bonafldo
attompt to tag an opponent.
Tho rfilos should entltlo tho runner
to a chanco to touch the plato or tho
base; any condition which prevents
this Is illegal.
wBft.stV ii WByy'iTSvMwyshvMhoaTy
w. W R . . - ... -,., . ..., ,., ..,.., ..w
TSsmG&t jzmrjr&vwr'
"Demon Davo" Robertson, whoso
heavy hitting started tho Giants climb
ing out of tho collar, is tho sensation
of the early baseball season.
And Davo Robortson Is tho best an
iwor to tho arguments of thoso who
think John McGraw is a basoball dodo.
"Demon Davo" was undor age, study
ing votorlnnry surgery and pitching
hi n TIdowator leaguo club down In
Virginia, when McGrnw first got n lino
on him. With his father's permission,
Robortson was signed up to a contract
giving his services to tho Giants. Ho
played a little moro in tho Tidowatcr
league and then wont back to collego
In North Carolina.
Robertson Is a big, powerful follow
and a groat all-around athleto. Mc
Uraw advlsod him to cut out football
for fear somo injury might intorfero
with his ability. Robertson had been
playing baseball under an assumed
name. Back in collego ho couldn't
avoid gottlng into tho football lineup
again without making somo awkward
explanations. Ho played football. As
a result, in tho last gamo of tho sea
son ho had his loft shouldor broken.
"And right thoro," says John Mc
Graw, "I lost tho greatest southpaw
tho gamo ovor know."
Robertson's shouldor mended, but
a pitching arm must bo a perfect mil-
Edgar "vVlllott Is making good in tho
Western loaguo.
Elmer Myors 1b not only a good
pitcher but u lucky ono.
Naturally nil the pitchorB look good
when Ty Cobb Isn't well.
"Hughoy" Jennings of tho Tigers ad
mits that his team is slowing down
It's ono thing aftor another for tho
New York Yankees, yet they koop
Leo Mageo of tho Yankees an
nounces that ho is pulling hard for
Bonny Kauff to mako good.
Tho fan who called him John Tor
toise Moyors hasn't sco him In pur
suit of a foul ball this season.
Armando Marsans la rivaling Ernlo
Johnson aa ono ox-Fed who Is good
enough to play major-loaguo ball.
Whon a major leaguo team Ib sup
plied with good loft-handed pitchers It
clwayB stands a chanco in tho raco.
Tho Chicago Vblto Sox havo a now
outfielder. Ho Is Clarenco Parker,
who halls from a collego at Dubuque.
Having secured Pltchor Boardman
from St. Paul, tho Sioux City club dis
posed of Pitcher Bcrnlo Doylo to To
peka. Pltchor Rubo Bresslor lastod through
one gamo for tho Nowark IndlanB, and
then Manager Tonney sent him back
to Connio Mack.
An odd thing about International
leaguo double-headers Is that they usu
ally manage to mako ono of tho doublo
bills an extra-Inning affair.
It begins to look as If Paskort and
Whlttcd will havo a hard tlmo keeping
Cluudo Cooper, one-tirao Giant and
Diookfed, out of the regular Ilnoup.
It took Chnrloy Horzog Just ono In
ning to discover that ho was not an
outfielder. Ping Bodlo has boon at it
eight years and still Isn't convinced,
chine. Ho was nover able to Btand
tho rack of pitching again. Aftor
finishing his studies Robortson report
ed to McGraw and wont to Marllu
with tho Giants.
Wiso peoplo advised McGraw to lot
tho cripple boll player go. Thoy said
Robertson nover would bo any good.
Robortson offered to go through tho
season without pay, but McGraw kept
him an Insisted upon paying htm tho
salary his contract callod for. Ho hod
tho youngstor's Bhouldor treated and
lot him rest. Thrco years ago Robort
son went to Marlln ngaln with tho
Giants. Ho tried to pitch, and put tho
weak shoulder out of commission. Mc
Graw Induced Mike Finn of tho Mobllo
team to tako Robortson for tho soa
son and uso him as an outfloldor.
Right thoro "Demon Davo" bogan to
pick up again. Ho couldn't pitch, but
ho could play In tho outflold and ho
could knock tho sonms out of a baso
ball. Ho becamo tho hitting sensation
of tho South. And then McGraw
reached down nnd took him back
again. McGraw had boon sticking to
Robortson principally bocatiBO ho know
tho boy could hit. Ono morning at
practico in tho Polo groundB ho saw
Robortson tako a short swing at tho
ball and knock it into tho conterfield
Ed Reulbach Participated In Classic
In 1910 Ha3 Another Chanco
With Braves In 1916.
If tho braves win out nnd "Ed" Reul
bach gets into tho big sorics, ho will
hnvo tho unusual distinction of parti
cipating in two world'B sorloB, no loss
thnn six years apart 1910 with tho
Cubs and 191G with tho Braves. ThiB
Ed Reulbach.
Is probably tho record a distance of
six years between tho big ohanceB for
the monoy. Fow pltchcru last long
enough to como back at six-year inter
vals for world'B Berles coin, and tho
rocord to dato is that of tho Athletic
players, who wont flvo years botwoon
world's aorloB from 1905 to 1910.
Myer Is Dubbed "Chief."
PlayerH on tho Athlotics havo
dubbed Catcher Myer "Culof," but ho
boars no rcBomblauco to Cliloi Moyors,
Ho Ib rather small for a big leaguo
backstop, being built on tho lines of
Ray Schalk. - .
Medicine Which Made Sur
geon' Work Unnecessary.
Astoria, N. Y. "For two years I
was feeling 111 and took all kinds of
tonics, l was net
injfworso ovcry day.
would ache. I wna
always tired. I could
not walk straight
becnuso of tho pain
in mybnek and ihad
pains in my stom
ach. I went to a
doctor and ho said I
must po under aa
operation, but 1 did
not go. I rend in
tho nanor about
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound and told my husband about it. I
Bold 'I know nothing will holn mo but I
will try this.' I found myself improv
ing from tho very first bottle, and in two
weeks tlmo I wno nblo to sit down nnd
cnt n hearty breakfast with my hus
band, which I had not dono for two years.
I am now in tho best of health and
did not hnvo tho operation." Mrs.
John A. Koeniq, C02 Flushing Avcnuo
Astoria, N. Y.
Every ono dreads tho surgeon's knifo
nnd tho opornting table. Sometimes
nothing olso will do; but many times,
doctors sny thoy nra necessary when
they aro not Letter after letter cornea
to tho Pinkhnm Laboratory, telling how
operations wcro ndvised nnd wero not
performed: or.if performed, did no good,
hut Lydia E.Pinkhnm'o Vcgctablo Com
poundwaa used nnd good heal th followed,
If you want nclvico write1 to
Ijydla 13. Plnklmm Medicine. Co.
(confidential), Lyim, Mass.
l7 Cutttr'i tllieklit Pill. Low-jrlcr-d.
froth, rellibltl prfirrt b
WUra itockratn, Uwtuw thiy
prottit whir .thr vaotlnii fall.
Wrltci for booklet and trutmonlila.
IV'UBH PHI. UlftORICI 11111 1 I.V.
Th. aittvi.lft.lfw
Imlit oti Cutttr'i. If unobtulnabl., ordir cUreet.
Th. Cutt.r Li.oritory, Otrkeliy, CaJ.i tr Gbliui. ItL
Hprlnklo onri or two Allen's Foot-KuRO powders
In tliu i'oot Until mill Houk ntul rub the feet. It
tukcH tho Htltitf out of Corns mid nunloun nnd
nuii-rUntr, Hi'hluir feet. Then for luHtlne comfort,
Bhiiko Allen's Fool-EaRO Into your bYiocs. Ali
dealers nell It, 2.V. Uiiinplo package FltKE
AddrcBS, Allen 8. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. V.
u. rJirvwatuiii. lu ..voinil ini .OTUDll ..IT.
Every Woman "Wanto
Dissolved in water for douches stops
palvic cfttarrh, ulceration nnd Inflam
inbtlon. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkhom Med. Co, for tea years.
A healing vrondor for nn.nl catarrh,
ore throat and sore eye j. Economical.
fin .iu.onan.ty cjcuiiina and ocnniiidil power.
lilunnlaJPrcu, 50c. lldnif jiilj, or pottraU bf
jnt3L. ThaP.itooTo3ftCoinp.ny. Ration, Mw.
New Woods for Print Paper.
KxhutiNtlvo tests hIiow that 11 new
woods that Is, woods not hitherto
used for this purpo.su give pronilso
of helnj? Miltuble for tho production,
of news print paper lu this country.
White anil red fir nre the most prom
ising species lu the national forests In.
California, although lodgepolo until
western yellow pine nnd Doughis ilr
may sometimes bo used, declare tho
government nclentlsts.
Buffer -with Itheumatlxm or Neuritis, ncutoor
chronlc, wrlto for my FKKIC BOCK on Rhetinm
limn lu Ciumo nnd Curo. Mont wonderful book-.
BVfr written, It's nlmohitely FIU;K. Jchho A.. '
Cuite, Deut. O. W., llrocUton, Mubm Adv.
Its Meanness.
"I don't wontler they glvo fato n
woman's box, for she's so mean to
other women."
"IJow HO?"
"Here It's1 leap yenr, nnd In half.' '
the world nil tho men are off to tho
war whero tho women can't get ut '
them to propose."
So Paw Says. ,
Llttlo Lemuel Sny, paw, wlinte
would you cnll a wealthy neighbor
hood? Paw Ono In which every family
patronizes tho Iceman, my son.
There Is u limit to evcryono's capa
bility, but fow havo renched thclr
Ilnilt. I'uro Iron rusts llttlo.
1U Ml" Wl&f lliu"H
Write for free booklet "Points to be considered before
purchasing a iewlne Machine." Learn the facts.
Kill All Flieo! Thi5r.2
FUttdinrwUrfl.DttUy fly KIIUrattreU ndkl!UiJJ
CI. Nfftt, elua, ornuzuotsU, conrenUot. andckuirju
gpp'wraHMTfiHH'tlBLLV 1Um. tt"
f 1U.UI, u'i .oill.r
Ho l.l.UI.ot.Uo.
for. rUitt . Ou.r
.d.aa.Ut.. Aikrvr
Daisy Flv Killer
fftlrf by ..!rt, r f ,n .
T lr.a. (I.MJ4. Il.fc.
HAF10I.D80MEHS, 160 D.K.IbAv.., Brooklyn, H.Y
Wntion R.Coleman.Waih-
lngton.U 0. Hook. free, llleb
oil leniences, licit results.
fTTTVf Alfalfa M, Sweet 01
Nrr I IV for .l. nd ronton
Alfalfa W, Sweet Olorer U. Karim
fnraalii sinrl rnnt in ami. . t..sniu
cmfi 1i.1TtriAl.tu
800 City, lui.u
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of tho Northwest"
iron iiicsT HKimcK muv
Live Stock Commlsulon Merchants at
SIOUX CITY, Oliiaaao or Kansas Oily
W. M V., SIOUX CITY, NO. 27-1016..
SO.tfoi pko. Dlatkltt mil 4 9
-uit.i i,vuu''-s uul Ir Oil .V
fi nimi r noyiaiTT ji
& '" "ilitf 4C"i " l,Tslgr'iii "" '