DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. 3 M SENATOR HARDING in E Address to G. 0. P. Convention by Temporary Chairman. EARNEST PLEA FOR HARMONY National Defense, Protective Tariff, Square Deal for Business and Straight Americanism 8et Forth as Country's Needs. Chicago, Juno 7. Senator Warron Q. Harding of Ohio as temporary chair Jnan of tho Republican national conven tion today sounded tho keynote of the Iarty'B campaign. His addreBa -was in part aa follows: Gentlemen of the Convention: It is good to greet this representative tody of that American Republican ism on which are centered tho high liopes of the republic. I can bellove nay, 1 know that a vast majority of tho people of our United States Is ex yoctlng the party sponsors hero assem bled to wrlto anew tho sacred cove nant of Republicanism, and reconse crate the party to tho nation's service suid tho people's advancement. That samo majority expects you to select a standard-bearer who shnll not only typify our expression of, faith, but shall so enlist tho confidence and trust of our American citizenship that the work of this convention will bo con .firmed overwhelmingly at the ballot lox next November. Tho country, wearied afresh by a disappointing and distressing Demo cratic administration, is calling for Republican relief, and there Is every inspiration, overy encouragement, ev ery confidence that tho light of Repub lican conscience, set aflamo in this orivontlon, will Illumine tho way to tho country's restoration. Wo did not do very well In making for harmony tho last time wo met. Tho country has regretted, let us for got and make amends to oifr country. Wo did not divide over fundamental principles, wo did not disagree over a national policy. We split over meth ods of party procedure and preferred personalities. Let us forget tho dif ferences, and find now inspiration and now compensation in an united en deavor to restore the country. The essential principles of Repub licanism are unchanged and unchang ing; the lofty lntont, the ludcstructl bio soul and tho undying spirit of Re publicanism are as dominant today as 1n tho destined beginning GO years ago, or at any time during tho inter vening years, and thoy are empha sized today by tho proof recorded to Republican credit in tho matchless chapters of American progress. The World at War. Much of the discussion of the hour 1s hinged upon a world at war. We need not wonder thereat, because tho normlty of tho conflict and tho Influ ences of its upheaval havo set man kind In upheaval. Tho traditions of civilization have been broken and in ternational laws have been Ignored. There Is a tidal wave of distress and disaster, there are violent emotions and magnified fears. There are the cxtremos of Incalculable sacrifices and measureless now fortunes not all American. There arc now won ders and new hindrances in com merce, changed balances of trade, new marvels In finance and utterly changed economic conditions. These liavo attended embarrassments in our foreign relations as difficult as thoso -which tho Individual citizen experi ences whoso every neighbor Is In--volved in deadly quarrel. Everything 1s abnormal except tho depleted con dition of tho federal treasury, which is characteristic of Democratic con trol, and tho facility of tho adminis tration In writing varied notes with out offective notice. Amid theso conditions has stood this unarmed giant, typifying the American republic, noutral and sane, to whom tho neutral nations have turned for leadership. Our national unselfishness had been proven, our dovotlon to humanity had been es tablished, our committal to Interna tional Justlco had long been pro claimed. The world had previously heard tho voice of American fearless ness, and all tho conditions single us out for leadership among tho neutral powers, but tho administration at Washington spoko with more rhetoric than resolution, and wo camo to re alize what tho warring powers soon camo to know, that the official Amer ican voice lacked the volume of de termined expression that once de manded International hoed, and we lacked tho strength of confidence In our own dofonses. For National Defense. Perhaps It Is a reminder more than a discovery, but thcr'o has como to us a conviction that this great nation, rich In resources and strong in pa triotic manhood, has been negligent concerning Us own defense. Wo havo dwelt In fancied rather than real se curity. Pride mingles with regret in this, because It suggests the mind of a nation so free from intended of fense that there waB no cultivated thought of needed defense. Our right eousness of purpose is portrayod in our trust In unarmed safety. Rut there Is a warning in bleeding Eu rope, and thore Is a call today for pru dent, patriotic and ample national do fenso. There Is no mistaking tho son timent. Wo are not thinking of tho hysterical, wo neod not bo moved by SOUNDS a preparedness which Is partisan In concuption. Wo need not bollevo In a defense propaganda Inspired by thoso who aim to wax fat In tho pro duction of arms and munitions, be causo thcro is none. I deplore tho teaching that an anxiety about our na tional dofenso Is Inspired by greed. Wo rejoice In free speech and free press and untrammeled opinion, but patriotism is illy promoted by the Im putation of false motives, whethor aimed at those who believe In defense or thoso who doubt Its wisdom. Such a teaching rends tho concord of citi zenship, which may develop a worse peril from within than from any en emy without. Though we do not pretend to be exclusive In our devotion, wo Repub licans bellove, "lncerely and soberly, In adequate national defense. We havo always believed In an ample navy, as invincible In modern might as John Paul Jones bulldod In our freedom's earliest fight. Wo hare In mind a protected commerce on the waters, and & seacoast secure in strong naval defense. Wo vero build ing to high rank among naval powers when tho Democratic party Interrupt ed, and wo subscrlbo to a stronger committal now, because of a new re alization of tho onvy which our wealth and our commerce invito, and a now appreciation of our command ing place in the affairs of tho world. I shall not say that It 1b ours to havo the greatest navy In the world, but noting the elimination of distance and tho passing of our onetime Isolation, we ought to havo navy that fears none In the world, and can say any timo and anywhero: Theso are Amer ican rights and must be respected. No Curse of Militarism. Let no one apprehend the curso of militarism in this fair lard. Wo do clare unalterably against it. Our free cltfzenshlp, walking confidently, absorbed In tho triumphs of peace, would tolerate no such blight on American institutions. There is no surrender of cherished Ideals. With that yearning for peaco which has marked our continued development, with that same committal to Justice which has given us front rank in tho -Senator Warren G. Harding. onward march of civilization, with that rare unselfishness which led us to unshcath tho sword for humanity's sako and put all territorial aggrandize ment aside, with that belief in the squaro deal, individual, national and international, which is tho foundation of American faith, wo mean to go on, an exemplar of .peace to all the na tions, an arbiter of justice to all tho world, a promoter of righteousness to all tho people of tho earth. At tho same time wo have more to do than to chart a national course through the waters surging with tho turbulence of war; our Inspiring course is on the highway of peaco. Our armed defense must over be linked with our industrial self-reliance, and tho nation worth dying for must first bo worth living for. Out of nature's prodigality wo havo Incal culable resources and limitless possi bilities, and there Is need only for tho unhindered application of man's genius and industry to make us as in dependent Industrially as we are freo politically. Amplo defenso rosts on industrial freedom and self-reliance as well as patriotic sacrifice, and Indus trial preparedness gives that assur ance of material good fortune In peace on which must be founded all our higher aspirations. The Protective Policy. Subsistence is the first requisite of existence, and we have the higher American standard of living because of tho Republican protoctlvo policy which makes of Americans tho best paid workmen in all the world. Out of the abundanco of employment and higher compensation, togethor with the beckoning opportunity which of fers every reward, we Americans have attracted the laborers of the earth, and set new standards here. It is not for me to put the stamp of relative importance on pending Is sues the Intolllgont voters will de termine that for themselves. But I know what they are thinking, and thoy believe that the protoctlvo policy which made us industrially and com mercially eminent Is necessary to preservo that eminence. I know thoy want it restored and maintained. For myself, I prefer a protective and pro ductive tariff which prospers Amer ica first. I chooso tho economic pol icy which sends tho American work ing men to tho savings banks rather than the souphouses. I commend tho plan undor which tho healthful glow of prospering business Is reflected In overy faco from tho great captain of Industry to tho schooling child of tho dally wago-earner. The Democratic party Is always con cerned about tho American consumer. Our Republican achievement Is tho making of a nation of prospering pro ducers, and by producers I mean ov ery human botng who applies muscle or skill or brain or all to tho conver sion of nature's abundanco Into the nocoasltles and luxuries of llfo or par ticipates In tho wayB and means ol tholr transportation and exchange Far hotter a high cost of living and ability to buy than a lowering of cost attended by destruction of purchaalnu capacity. Square Deal for Business. No honest business in this country It too big to be good and useful, or too little to bo protected and encour aged, and both big and Httlo deserv tho American shield against destruc tion by foroign competition, and pro tection from tho raiders, political ol otherwise, at home. Business and Iti agonclcs of transportation are bo In separable from each other and from the common weal that tho political party which does not pledge them o squaro deal, no more and no less, dooa not deserve the confidence of tho peo ple. The strength of tho buslncsi heart shows In every countenance In all tho land, and the weakness of that heart holds a nation 111. We must strengthen the heart of American bUBlnoss In government co-operation rather than official opposition. It is not inspiring to rcclto Demo cratic failures. I shall not dwell on that party's Insincerity or Incapacity. Tho country indicts and tho record convicts. It proclaimed tho sacred noss of Its pledges and then profaned them It professed economy and la staggered by Its own extravagance. It has turned adequacy or revonuo un dor direct and unfolt taxes to Insuffi ciency and direct taxation. The National Expansion. Tho president has said ours Is a provincial party, evidently forgetting the federalist founding of our nation ality and Republican expansion to greater national glory. The Demo cratic party not only falls to grasp our Immensity and Importance, It 1b sectional on the mainland and unheed ing of our island possessions. Its vi sion does not catch the splendor of Old Glory In the sunlight of tho world. Right new when tho devouring flames of war are burning most flcrcoly, when our national view must bo world-wldo to bo comprehensive, tho Democratic administration has pro posed to set adrift an island empire, in violation of our obligations to the world, to tho Philippine people and ourselves. No administration which hauls down the flag and nono which proposes to haul it down over can suc ceed in directing the affairs of tho American people. One century of marvelous develop ment has led us into anothor century of International sponsorship. This mighty people, Idealizing popular govornment and committed to human progress, can no longer live within and for ourselves alono. Obliterated distance makes it impossible to stand aloof from mankind and escape wid ened responsibility. If wo are to be come tho agency of a progresslvo civ ilization and God's great intent and to believe otherwise is to deny tho proofs of American development wo must assume the responsibilities ot influence and oxamplo, and accept tho burdens of enlarged participation. To meet the obligations we must first make sure of maintained mental, moral and physical health at homo. The American Spirit. In tho trayall of life, liberty and tho pursuit of happiness tho Amer ican soul was born. Set aglow at Bunker Hill, it was reflected in tho facos of patriots of a fearless repub lic, where men dedicated thcmsolves to tho solemn and momentous task which was traced by an Infinite hand. Thoy wore not all Americans by birth, but they wore dedicated Amor leans in tho baptismal rites of a new republic and a new patriotism. They could not all sign tho Declaration of Independence, but they committed all Americans to it for all succeeding time. Thoy could not all Join In mak ing tho Constitution, but thoy pledged tho Bucceeding millions of Americans to its everlasting dofenso. Tho gates of our ports havo swung Inward over since, there has been a welcome to tho foreign-born, whom wo asked to drink freely of tho wators of our political life and find their places in tho sun of American oppor tunity. They are an Inseparable and Important and valued part of Ameri can citizenship, and the few zealots of any origin who violate our neutrality do not and cannot impugn the loyalty or tho American patriotism of that great body which adds to the swelling chorus of "My country, 'tis of theo, Sweet, land of liberty." It is not surprising that In their hearts thero Is sympathy or partiality for tho land of their nativity when It is involved in a Ufc-and-death struggle like that which saturates Europe with the bldod of their kinsmen. Search your hearts deeply, my countrymen. One must bo human to bo an Ameri can, ho must have human sympathies and human loves, and I should pity tho. foreign-born and the sons of foreign-born whoso very souls are not wrung by the cataclysmal sorrow of tho old world. But sorrow Is tho test of soul and tho very altar of recon secratlon. This is tho momentous hour for tho blazing goui of Ameri can allegiance. Tho spirit of tho fa thers 1b calling, and the safety of un born Americans Is demanding and tho security of tho republic In requiring that now and hero and everywhere, under tho Star and Stripes, wo pro claim a plain, simplo, glad and unal terable Americanism. It must be tho offering of loyalty and dovotlon and lovo and trust, and llfo, If need bo, to thoso United States, now and ovor I lastlwr. Liberal Obedience. "Good hoavoiiB, Jano, why, when I lold you wo would havo to practice economy nt tho tabic, havo you canvas-back duck up boro and chicken salad down thoro'" "Why, dear, didn't you toll mo I must manago to make both ends meat?" YOU MAY LOOK YOUNG By Keeping Your Complexion Young With Cutlcura. Trial Free. Tho Soap to cloanso and purify, the OIntmoht to sootho and heal. Those super-creamy emollients do much to keep tho skin clear, fresh and youthful, ns woll as to keep tho hair In a llvo, healthy condition and tho hands soft and whlto. Freo Bainplo each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. Exclamation Apropos. "Somo of tho now cannon thoy nay carry over 30 mllos." "Great gunBl" FITS. KPir.rPST. FAIXrNO BTCKNKR.1 Stopped OnlcVlT. Fifty inn of uninterrupted ncreti of Jr. Kline'i Hptfoptr lJedlclnn Injures Uetlni reult. LAnaiTnfJLLlIOTTI.il RI. IK. KUN1! COMPANY, Had Hank, N. J.-AdT. Thero aro moro ways of deserving punishment than thero aro of escap ing U. mmmmmmmmmmmawmmma What is Castoria C ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Poregorio, Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substanco. It ago is lto guarantco. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishnoss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relievos Toothing Troubles, euros ConBtipation and Flatulency. II assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Dought, nnd which has been in use for over 80 years, has born tho cignaturo of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to decelvo you "in this. All Counterfeit, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments thai trifle with and endanger tho health of Infanta and j Children Experienco against Experiment. fjP s j - (Jsmulne Castoria always bears tho signature ofW&aj 4cJUM It'o Valuable Now. When William Jossup, who formerly operated a woolen mill in Princeton, died 20 years ago, ho left among IiIb offocts a large keg of Russian rod dyo s tuft. Each houseclcaning tlmo his son-in-law and daughtor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Woods, had to shift it around. Woods had tried to soil It to wholesalers in vain; they didn't need it. "Whafll wo do with this?" asked Mr. Woods, whon they cloaned house last Bummer. "PIlo it on tho trash heap and hum It; I'm tirod of looking nt it," said Mrs. WoodB. Doing a dutiful husband, Mr. Woods oboyod. Now tho Russian dyo is said to bo unobtainablo at any prlco, and the amount that Mr. Woods burned would have netted at this timo from $500 to $1,000. Tho loBera philosophically agreed that it's no uso to cry over "split milk" and havo dispensed with any worry over "what might havo been." Indianapolis Nows. Mean Suggestion. "Miss Gladys has such polish." "Do you mean in her manners or her faco enamel?" With monoy you can buy all tho friends you want, but they aro never worth tho prlco. For a Tip Serve New PostToasties Here's the why : The New Toasties have a delicate, true corn flavour un matched by any other corn flakes. Trial proves. They are the meat of choicest white Indian Com first cooked and seasoned, then rolled into thin wisps and toasted by quick, in tense rotary heat. This new patented process of making raises dis tinguishing little bubbles on each flake, and brings out their won derful new flavour. New Post Toasties the New Breakfast Delight Your grocer has them now. FRECKLES Now It the Tims to Get Illdof Theia Ugly Hpota. Thtre'i no longer the alltthteat need of feeling mliameil of your freckles, the pretcrlptlon othlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove theie homely spots Blmpty get an ounce of othlne double atrength from your drugglat, and apply a little of It night and morning and you ahould aoon that even the wont freoklea have begun to disappear, while the lighter onea have vanlehea entirely. It la aeldom that more than one ounce la needed to com pletely clear the akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. He aure to aik for the double atrength othlne, aa thla la aold under guarantee ot money back If It falla to remove freckles. Adv. Watch Wasn't Necessary. Tho colonol of n cortaln roglmont In Kitchener's army 1b a great stlcklor for obedienco, Instant anil completo. "Smith," ho said to his orderly ro contly, ;'I want you to rido down to tho railway station and got mo tho correct tlmo." Smith fihufilod his foot and flddlod wltn his fingers. "Woll, man," roared tho officer Irately, "why don't you do aa you aro told?" "Ploaso, sir," replied tho ordorly mockly, "I haven't a watch." "A watch a watch 1" Biiappod tho colonol. "What d'yo want a watch for? Just wrlto It down on a bit of papor." Appropriate Action. "I hoar tho young noblomnn Is spoons ou Gwcndolon." "Yes; It's mado qulto n Btlr." COYOTE FRIGHTENS THE TOWN Savage Animal Finally Driven Away by School Children Unawaro of Danger. A gaunt gray coyoto terrorized For tola, Cal. It was first noticed when It attacked two dogs at tho rosldonco of Thomas Dorlthy. Mrs. J. Hardy, who -was passing at tho time, narrowly escaped bolng bit ton when the coyoto broko away from tho dogs and attempted to attack hor. Tho dogB pullod It down again, how ovor, boforo it rcachod hor. During tho recess period It appeared at tho schoolhouse, hut tho children chased It In n body and frightened it away. TIiof woro not awaro of tho real danger. A numbor of hunters aro Bcourlng tho hills close to town in an endeavor to locato nnd kill tho coyoto. Modus Vivendi. "How did you como out?" aBkod his friond. "Will sho havo you?" "Hor answer," replied tho diplomatic nttacho, "is partially satisfactory. Enough so to continue negotiations. Sho says if sho ovor docB marry, It will bo a man of good looks, courago and ability." Judge. Unless a man la worthlosB mo chances aro that ho will novor become an export whittlor. - Top Breakfast The Army of Constipation la Growing Smaller Every Day, CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS responsible - they not only give relief they pcrma ncnuycurcioB- llsatioo. Mil lions use them for Billonineil. ladlfeition, Sick lUmhele, SauW SUa. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature I XkaUlNUrX -.thousands havo tt HPROTTRT 17 "d don't know it. it x swjkjdije, you wont good r,8Ulu you can mriko no mistake) by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho great kidney remedy. At druRtclsta in fifty cant and dollar sizes. Bample utr.e bottle by Par cel Post, also pamphlet tolllnr you about It. Address Dr. Kllmor & Co., Blnahnm ton, N. Y and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. Ileduce R-aaollne rout a 2(1. Itemorti carbon Ten cents trenta 100 nallon Kaaollne. n ditcee cylinder wear. Formula and Jlreo tlona aant for tl 50. Onaollne saved, buy tlrra. Auto Products Co., Ht, l'nul I'ark.Mlnn. Automobile Owner Clot our $4 device. Bava expenae extra tlrea Agents wanted 8AVAOH COUVANY, 4601 IIHIiXKI., CHICAOO. Canada For reliable IntormaUon regarding bnl neta openlnci. eruplojmeut of taint, write, enclos ing II fa S1RT1CR ftCHklU, U.t 10, B.f , "Mttra Cu. Sioux City Directory "Hub of tho Northwest" FOR 11K8T SKUVIOE BIIIF RICE BROTHERS Live Stock Coramtanlon Merchant nt SIOUX CITY, OhlcoBo or KanmnmOMj SEU WELD9NG, WACHINt and RADIATOR WORK ZZZ' ": SIOUX CITY WELDING AND MACHINE WORKS E.lHlUSSKAU,Mcr. Cor. Oth Writer Bt., BIoojc City, Iowa aai rk... iitj ttrko aaa, VAlr DEVELOPING lYoaaKs and PRINTING Send for Cntalojruo and Finishing Price Llat ZIMMERMAN BROTHERS. 603 Pierta St.. Steal Git, la, Better Than War. "Tho whole world Is preparing for war," said William Jennings Bryan at a pacifist dinner. "I know a man In Miami whoso good lady suddonly wont in for spiritual Ism. Did ho declare war? No; ha did not. Ho did bottor. "Instead of declaring war, tho Mi ami man took to accompanying his wlfo to all hor spiritualistic seances, and at ovory soanco ho got tho hand somo medium to procuro him mossagoa from his first wife, who was deatj and, ah, such tender, ouch loving mcfl sagos as thoy woro! "By this method tho Miami man soon put an end to tho spiritualistic idea in his housohold." No More. "Could you lot mo havo a samplo ot tho goods, pleaso?" asked tho ahoppor. "Sorry, madam," naid tho aalcsman, "but wo'vo boon obliged to discontinue) tho giving away of samplos since wo discovered tleat somo ot our customers woro having thorn mado up into batlv ing suits." In the Public Eye. "Jlbway seems quite at homo In tho spot light." "Why, that man rovolB In publicity." "Yob?" "It's a wonder to mo how ho so cludos himself long enough to tako & bath." aro .bbbbbbW a ""v ilHLs " .ebbbV! miTTir aaaaaaii.nuii'H.i . bV W! Aitf" IbbbbbW HiyirK BBBsnaanra Bflkl-a, Sr Bj3BBg.Mi iii &26&7rz AhlV' a "tILbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbF M '! 1 :.t 'IJ' tv y -m, SELi -T& it- Jtt- - 'I