T JJAKOTA COUNT HBRALD, DAKOTA GIffV, NEBRASKA. v Editorial Union Advocate June 1st, 1916 "Thd publisher of the Union Advocate had occasion to visit the Mid West Bank one day recently and had to wait in a line 18 picas long we mean 18 persons long before he could get access to 'The Man Behind' and his welcoming smile. A noticeable feature of the crowd (which we are told is an everyday common occurrence at 'The Little Bank 'round the Corner) was the num ber of working people touching elbows with business and professional men, plentifully interspersed with fine looking women. The thought which occurred was that the Mid-West is, in truth, the working folks bank where the small depositor is as welcome us the one with a sackfull of gold. And there's a reason for all this. Mr. Kearney, the president and chief factotum of the Mid-West, is a loyal friend of the common folks and believes with Abe Lincoln that the lord must have especially loved them, because he made so many of them Work done on the Mid-West Bank or on any property belonging to its owner, is always unioc made that can be depended on. The unfailing courtesy and accommodation of this bank account for its success in as large manner as does its reputation for absolute safety." mm Report ol the Condition al The Bank of Dakota n Minty of Jiiekion.Olmrter No. (V.l, In tin .. oof Nobmsku, at tliu elo-u of Mishit- .,, !!!), 1010. 11K8O0K0KS Louns find discounts t 181,012 10 Overdrafts :oi is llankltiK liouso furillturound fix tures 4.207 28 Current espouses, tnxesnnd Inter est pnld 1,W0 20 Duo fiom nnt'l mul stiitu banks 82.M3 at Currency B.H78 IX) (told colli l.SlfiOO .Silver, nickels nndeents... 1,012 HI PQ.Oilu 85 Total I 218,211 22 I.tAIUI.UlKS Onpltnl stock pnld In t 20,000 00 Surplus fund r. 4.UO tw Undivided profits ,. 8,172 67 Individual deposits sub ject to check Ul.lKVi 87 Deiunud certlllcntes of deposit ' 2tVS 00 Tune certlllcntes of de posit 78.178 2 Due to nntloiml uud stnte banks ll.i:w 68 183.01107 Depo9ltois' guaranty fund 2.127 48 Totnl J 218,241 22 Statb ok Nrhhahka, Uouuty of Dakota. I, Leo O. Kearney, cashier of the above named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement is acoriect and true copy of the report made to the state bunking board. attkst: IjRk O. Keaiinev, M.O. Ayres, Director. Cashier. IIaiiry II. Adaih, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 6th day of June, 1S1. I.orotto K. Kearney, Csrat.) Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 4, 1D18. I I I TSr tt AAUUai AiJ'VO Found a V-shaped pin. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. Regular meeting of the Masonic lodge Saturday evening. Officers will be installed. t ss Report of the Condition of The Bank of Dakota City of Dakota City, charter No. 891, In the state of Nebraska, at the close of business May 2U, 1V10. IIK80DHCI.-H Loans nnd discounts t 171,8ft! 67 Hunklng house furniture and fix tures 1,000 00 Other real estate 2.60H 65 Ourront expenses, taxes and Inter est paid 4.0IS Xi Duo from nat'l and state bnnks.. GO.lVi) OS Curroncy 2,744 (Kl Hold coin l,se) i Silver, nickels and cents. COS 08 4,092 08 Total t 255.65W 10 T.JAJIII.fTICH Capital stock pald'ln t 20,000 00 Surplus fund 4,000 00 Undivided profits f,852 00 Individual deposits sub ject to chock t 80,002 81 Demand certificates of deposit. 1,433 85 Tunis certificates of de posit 118,890 Oil Duo to national und atnto banks 13,070 60 '2-J.t,2u7l05 Depositors' gum unty fund 2.408 65 Total t 253,55V 10 State nv Nkiiicahka, j u County of Dakota, i ,, I, Harry II. Adair, cashier of tho above named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement isa correct and true copy of ;1ih report made to thestato bunking board. Attest Hairy II. Adair, M. O. Ayres, Director. Cashier. Geo. Carter, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 6th day of June, 1910. I. J. RrMKMH. (hkai.) Notary Public, My commission expires January 20, 1917. Condition of State Bank The Report of the Hubbard of Hubbard, charter No. 743, In the state of Nebraska, at tho close of business May 29, 1916. HEHOUllCKH Loans and discounts I 80,040 14 Overdrafts 109 11 Hanking house, furniture and fix tures 2,450 00 Current expenses, taxes uud Inter est paid 18188 Due from national and state banks I 69.709 19 Currency 1,880 U) Gold coin 1,000 00 Silver, nickels and cents. 622 08 02.001 22 Total 1140,104 85 l.r ABILITIES Capital Btock paid In 10.000 00 Surplus fund 4,700 00 Undivided profits 470 52 Individual deposits sub ject to check 1 43,638 12 Demand certificates of doposlt 7,489 OS TJiuo certificates of de posit 78,488 94 129.614 69 Depositors' guarnuty fund 1.818 64 Total $110,104 85 State of Nebraska, County of Dakota. ( " I, Michael Waters, casuier or tne nuovo named uanic, uo lie re by swear that the above statement Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the state banking board. Mioiiael Watkjis. Attest J. it. Waters. Director. D. K. Wators, Director. Subscribed And sworn to before me this 6th day of June, 1910. Geo. Timlin. (heat.) Notary Public, My commission expires Sept. 15, 1918, City: Meat Market sw rf0j Fresh and Cured Meats Fish in Season Cash paid for Hides Wm. Tri??s Proprietor Dakota Oitj ---t---M"-- lit M t Here are 'Real' Bargains t 1G0 acres, 2 miles from Royal, T t Antelope Co., Neb., at $40. I G20 acres in Sioux Co., Neb., T t at $12.50. Good Terms. X Am n the go all the time, and f this is howl get Real Bargajns. 1 Henry Francisco j I Rojal, Nobr. 4 Preserve and beautify your home with Mound City Paint and Varnish. For sale at Dakota City Pharmacy. Dr. H. E. McKenzie and Miss Katherine McKenzie, of Morning side, la., were visitors at the home of Rev. P. J. Aucock on Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Budd and son, Wil fred, of Spencer, Neb., and -Mrs-Clyde Post, of Sioux City, were din ner guests at the Aucock home on Friday. James Rossiter, an early .resident of Walthill, died at his home there Monday night. Deceased was a brother-in-law of Leonard Ross, of this county. 0. A. Kindig has sold his interest in the garage at South Sioux City to his partner. P. E. Nagle, and will go to southern Missouri where he has land interests. A baby daughter, the first born, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larsen, of this place, Saturday. It is needless to say that the parents are proud of the little Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Andrews, of Emerson, came down last Friday to see their new granddaughter at the Geo. Coughtry home. Mrs. Andrews remained until Monday be fore returning. Walter Olmstead, age 78 years, died last Wednesday, May 81st, att the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dell Caster, in South Sioux City, of ail ments incicent to old age. Deceas ed was a civil war veteran. -A son, E. Olmstead, resides southwest of Dakota City. J. B. Clendennen, of Canton, S. D., representing the Engle road drag, was looking after business here on Tuesday. Mr. Clendennen is a son- in-law of the late R. E. Eastcott, at one time a resident of Dakota City, and made frequent visits here in those days He informed us that Tom Eastcott was now city auditor at Mitchell, S. D. Judge R. E. Evans, Frank H. Forrest and Sidney T. Frum were passengers to Omaha Monday to attend the annual session of the Masonic errand lodge of Nebraska. Mr. Evans went as a member of the committee on jurisprudene, while Mr. Forrest represents the local lodge. Mr. Frum returned Tuesday to attend to matters in the district court. Judge McKinley officiated at six weddings the past week. They were. Henry R. Thomas, of Sioux City, and Marion R. Schellens, of South Sioux City, on the 31st; Carl R. Graves and Laura Oakes, both of Leeds, Iowa, on the 1st; Charles E. Green and Dorothy Johnson, both of Sioux City, on the 1st; Geo. W. Baldwin of Creighton, Nebr., and Elda May Buffington of Ewing, Neb., on the 5th: Max B. Zechanovich and Freda Puterbaugh, both of Sioux City, on the Gth; Edward Kuehler and Lulu Kobold, both of Sioux City, on the 7th. There was considerable disturb ance in town Monday morning. No, it wasn't a fire, or a riot; it wasn't a circus even. Just a bunch of khaki clad boys whistling, shout ing, and carrying blankets, sacks of potatoes, fishing rods, toothbrushes, and almost every imaginable and sometimes unimaginable thing. It was just the Boy Scouts leaving for came The Methodist preacher was in the thick of it, sweating and smil- mtr. Questions to right of him. questions to left of him, volleyed and thundered. Somehow every thing got straightened out and the boys marched through town. At the Ross store the boys stopped to interview Mayor W. L. Ross and some of the Town Board. They had with them a handsome enameled fountain which they handed over as a gift to the town from the Boy Scouts of Dakota City. Having re lieved their minds of this little mat ter they resumed their trip to the lake with visions of big fish in their hearts. Good luck to them! We wish them a happy time and safe return. The two patrols are: Kan garoos Johnson, Antrim, Ansnes, Frederick, Krumwiede, Stinson, VanHorn, Graham. Wolves Leach, Johnson, Warner, Seymour, Hanson, Lahrs, Sanford, Kinkle. Scout Master F. J. Aucock, Assistant Keith Evans, M. 0. Ayres was confined to his home by sickness the past week. Attorney J. J. McCarthy of Ponca was here on legal business Tuesday. Grant Holbrook and wife of Sioux City were over Sunday visitors hqre. Homer was defeated Sunday by a team from Sioux City, score 4 to 3. C. C. Frum of Winnebago, was a Saturday night visitor with his son, Sidney T. Frum, in this place. FOR SALE 15 acres of standing alfalfa. Will sell part or all of it. F. B. Learner, Dakota City, Neb. John Mahon was down from Sum mit precinct last Thursday night, n guest at the J. P. Rockwell home. Eddie Ansnes has gone to Hubb ard to work on, the section with his uncle, Emil Young, during tho sum mer. Miss Margaret Bridenbaugh re turned Monday from a two weeks' visit with friends in Omaha and Lincoln. The Ladies Aid Society of tho M. E. Church will meet Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. George Wilkins. . The Bears go to LeMars, Iowa, Sunday, and a big crowd of rooters arc planning to motor up and help win the game. Joe Harnett, of South Sioux City, and Fern Washburn, of Sioux City, were granted a license to wed in Sioux City Tuesday. Frank M. Sides came home from Lincoln last Friday, where ho is a student at the state urn rs'.'y, and will enjoy a few weeks Vacation. Mrs. Nels George IT .sn fell and broke her ankle at hei nome south west of town last week. She is get ting along nicely at the present writing. Mrs. Homer B. Hetts and children are expected here from Dallas, S. Dt, Saturday for a short 'visit at the home of Mrs. Hetts' brother, Ed Frederick. An adjourned term of district court convened here Tusday. The case of Mullally vs. Halstead, et. al., involving the sale of a piece of land, is beintr heard. - Stott Neiswanger came up from Lincoln Friday evening, where he is a student in the Nebraska Military academy, and will spend his vaca tion at home. County Treasurer Bacon has in vested in a "tin tommy," and on Saturday afternoon drove to their old home at Mission Hill, S. D., re turning Sunday evening. Judge R. E. Evans returned- last Friday from Saratoga Springs, N. Y., where for the past month he had been in attendance at the quadrenial conference of the M. E. church. D. H. Hager, who has been suff- "ering with an infection of his eyes for several weeks, is now able.to be out and around again. He had a1 close call of losing .his eyesight.-' ' Mrs. H. E. Walker returned Tues day from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Wisner, Nebr., and Win ner, S. D. She was accompanied home by her niece, Miss Ellen Han sen. Rev. F. J. Aucock united in mar riage on May 22nd, Harry O. Carl son of Emerson, and Edith G. Wright of Sioux City; and on June 1, Chas. E. Green and Dorothy Johnson, both of Sioux City. James Fisher and son Francis came over from Spencer, la., last Friday and spent the week with rel atives here. They returned home Wednesday, accompanied by Mr. Fisher's mother, Mrs. I. W. Fisher. Prof. C. E. Simpson disposed of his household effects here last week and on Friday departed for Ft. Dodge, Iowa, where he will make his home with a niece. Frank Pow ell and wife have moved into the house vacated by Mr. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Taft left Sunday, for Aurora, Nebr., where they will make their future home. Mrs. Taft was formerly Miss Vira Baugous. Both these young people are teachers, and the wedding, which took place a year ago, has been kept a secret until now. The Bears were defeated at Cryst al lake bunuay by the New Method Laundry team of Sioux City, in an interesting game, 5 to 4. The "washee" boys scored three in the second inning, and the Bears tied it up in their half. In the sixth the Laundrymen started scoring again by pushing another run across the plate, and the Bears came back and deadlocked the score again. The winning run was scored by the Soo boys in the seventh. Batteries: Bears Sides, Best and Lahrs; Laundrys Donaldson and Rock well. The Dakota County Farmers As sociation, through County Agent Beckhoft, have secured the assist ance of Mr. Jas. Wonders, highway engineer of the U. S. Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C, in planning a system which will make for greater efficiency in road building in the county. Mr. Won ders reported to County Agent Beckhoft Friday, and met with the board of county commissioners, after which several sections of the county were visited. Mr. Won ders comes well qualified and with a rich fund of experience. He will remain here lor some time, during which all parts of the county will bo visited and if possible a demonstra tion road will be built during this time. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS (OFFICIAL.) Dakota Olty, Kelt., May. H. 1014. The board of county commissioners of Dakota county, Nobraskn mot pursuant to adjournment. Members present- Thomas Loin?, chairman, Oliver W. Kisher, A, Ira Davis, Sidney T, Kriiin, county attorney, and Geo, Wilkins. county clerk. When the following proceedings wore had. tO'Wlt: It was moved by Kisher nnd seconded by Davis that olork bo ordorcd to notify Holt MaiuifncturliiH Company of Peoria, 111. .and UiiMolUinuler Manufacturing Uonitmny. of Minneapolis, Minn., to cancel orders for ono 25-15 ii, r. Uatorplllar Tractor and one Ilellance Grader. Voting Aye Klshor and Davis. Not votliiK IjOiik. Hoard orders clerk to notify Mrs, Dole, a county charite, that no further provisions will bo furnished herself and family at the expense of the county. Hoard orders clork to notify Miles T. Hellly, manager of county farm, to dismiss John llounn, a county olmrue. Olnjms rejected, as follows: A. II. Tryttstad, sick call to poor farm t ,8 00 The following claims wero allowed on tho county u'onornl fund: Hello Harnett, meals furnished Jur ors nml refund of taxes In error.... 17 111 Neluaska Telunhono Uo., 3 months j phono rent and toll calls 61 :tt J, H. llacon, 1UUU stamped envelopes nud stamps 25 40 Nebraska (Julvert and Mfg. Co., one Austin slip with runners , (140 Mull A. Huhmted, publishing cone mlsslouers proceedings and legal blank , 57 i II. N. Wagner, publishing commis sioners proceedings and bond pa per i 27 J. I. Meredith, coal furnished poor.. 1(J 50 K. A. Wood ft months liouso rent for Bnyre 85 IX) tl. I). Wood, making scieens, etc., forOo. Supt's.oflleo. II 75 State Journal Company, election supplies, etc 120 70 Mike Mlmnaugh, hall rent for prl- . maryelectloi 5 00 S. A. Stlusou, niovlslons furnished Mrs. (Jolo, J.1I.M: county, 1.1.00 :n K5 G. F. Hroyhlll, seed for poor farm, delivering ballots, etc 7H l University Publishing Uo Ulwiuur- tor examination questions H 21 John lllleman, salary, laundry for ptlsoners, shaos, otu 61 NO ulrlng outhouse. ,tiid meals for pils- 1 50 UK) CO For Sale Good second hand mower and Janesville disc cultivator, both in first-class working condition. Will H. Orr, Dakota City, Nebr. It. I.. Hroyhlll. i Geo. Onlii, salao oners.. Geo, Wilkins. cash advanced A. NIs sen, county charge, sUimp, etc.... 1H 01 A. H, Hawes, proscriptions for poor. (1 U) Huso I'ub.Oo., 1 Indox.etc i Hi W. I.. Koss. provisions furnished Mrs. Cole, G. Sayro and county 89 61 Perkins Hros, U primary election supplies 6 06 Miles T. Hellley. boarding Thomp son, Peyson. Oiler sob, Doug and Hogan, tSHJi.'); nursing Thompson, $.11.00: repairs on windmill. 1.!!5.... 120 00 Wostcott Undertaking Co.. casket 'and burial for Herman Hanson..., '2.100 John Ryan. uiovIhIoii furnished Mrs Mlxor in excess of allowance 41 C.9 II. J. Mc Arthur. professional services tendered Provancba family, etc., 66 00 Austln-Hoad Machinery Co.. lenalrs for grader , 8 50 Claims allowed on road dracclnir fund as follows: Treff Deroln, 27 hours dragging roads, man and steams (Hi 20 Geo Pcury, 25 hours dragging roads, man and 2 teams 15 on Nebraska Culvert and Manufacturing Co. 1 Western road drag IS 00 A D I.Uchkc, IV hours dragging roads, man and 2 teams 1140 Win f Ifuhl. 11 hours dragging roads, man and 2 teams ii Co Dan Klchardson, 22H hours dragging roads, man ana fi teams l't Ml Wm Drown, 10 hours dragging roads, man and 2 teams 0 00 M J Hy..fs, IH hours dragging roads, man and 2 teams 10 B0 Hoy Arm ur, W hours dragging roads, man and 2 teams IH 00 ItdOnenv, 20 hours dragging roads, man and 2 teauis 12 00 3eo l'enrv. 5 hours dragging roads. man and 2 teams, and toil ... .'! 48 ftav Itocli. :) hours dracclnc roads, man and 2 teams 1 HO Dell Mldklff, 5 hours dragging roads, man and 2 tea mi 3 00 John o 3' hacker, ;lo hours dragging roads, manatid 2 teams 18 00 V.J Dlchorst. hours dragging roads, "man and 2 teams IH CO Claims allowed on road district No 1, aB follow n: Geo l'enrv. road work. 2 men and 1 team 1 day 0 00 Geo Penry, road wcrk, 3 men and a teams, 1 day 12 00 Claude Penry, road work, l man and 1 team, 1 day..... 4 00 Claims allowed on road district No 4, as follows: " J M ICennellv road work. 1 man and 1 team, 1 day t 1 00 Ilenrv Knutlsen. road work. 1 man and l team,!! days 13 oo Claims allowed on load district No 5, as follows: Walter Elliott, road work. 2 men and teams, 2 days SIS 00 KJ i-lchorst, road work, 2 men and 2 teams, 2 days 10 00 Clalmn allowed on road district No 7, as follows: . D Ittchardson, road work, 1 man.tl day's $10 00 Claims allowed on road district No 8. as follows: Ifred .l.irnhsnn mm! work. 1 man and 1 team, 1 day CO iu j tiynes, roau worK, mi-u auu i team. I il.iv and 1 man and 1 team. 1 dav... 10 CO Claims allowed on road district No 9, as follows: Tlnv'Armnnr. rn.iil work. 2 men and 2 teams, H( days 25 Claims allowed on road district No 14, as follows: Hugh McKeerer, road work, 2 men and 2 teams, VA days !C3 50 Claims allowed on road district No in, as follows: Wm P Kuhl.'road work1 man and 1 teain,o',S days W Claims allowed on road district No l!, as follows: Charles Hoch. road work, 2 men and 2 teams, sdays t-4 00 It G Owens, road work, 2 men and 2 teams, 4K days 80 00 Claims allowed on road dlsirlctNo 21, as follows: Joseph Hagan, road work, 'see claims) 899 16 John Jlecncy, road work, 1 .man and 1 team, it days -1 00 !(eni fr nrpen renalrlne road ma chinery ..- 975 Ilenrv .Inhnnnn. road work. 1 man and team, 4 days 10 "0 II J uobielgh, road work, 1 man and team, 2 days 8 00 TICHartnett, road work, 1 man and team, K day " 00 Claims allowed on road district No 22, as follows; Treff Deroln, road work, 10 claims, see record 1158 03 I.oiila Deroln. road work 12 00 Walter Frlcken, road work. 1 man, 2 days 4 00 Fr.inlr lOrlr.lren. road work. 1 mail. 1 team, l!j days 49 10 Oeorge Deroln, road work, 1 man, 1 team, 8K dajs 10 00 P A Kockwcll, road work, 1 man, 1 team, Wi days 74 00 M W Green, road wotk. 1 mail. 1 team. W. davs 1800 Frank r.nHler. road work. 1 man. 1 team. 7 davs 28 00 Ktlw.-inl (lrccn. ruad work. 1 man. t teaui.4tf days moo lioaru auiournensinc uie, Geo. Wilkins, County Clerk. RI.AL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John 0. Larson and wlfo to I,. Mildred Alton, pt of lots 6, 6, 7, 8. bile 2, Kalr View Add. to Homer, wd 1 1S0O Uella llnrwoodet al to Peter Herons, soJi notf and o'A soU sec. 4-28-8, Dixon county; swH nwiiand w t swM seu. a-W-l), qcd 1 STNSON'S Specialsfor Saturday, JunelO .. ..I " , - ,, - III I II f ' Fos- this IEvy Only 1 lba-1 English Walnuts . . . , 20c I 25c pkg Rolled Oats 20c 3 pkgs Polly Prim ' '. . . 1 25c 1 sack Mystic or Splendid IMour $1.70 Heinz mixed pickles, per tncasurce. . . '. 8c 9 Bars Brown Laundry Soap 25c ', Cans Corn, Peas or Kraut 25c 1 cans Hart's cut wax Beans . 10c All kind of Ladies Dresses and Wrappers 85c All kinds of Fruits at lowest prices for Saturday. Shoes have been advancing in price from month to month. Ours are selling at the old price. Stinson's Eakotec Cliy, Nel3ra.sk.83c Fields & Slaughter Co. DISAMSRS IN Grairif Focd, Flour, Hay artid. Coal KRED SCHROEDER, Malinger l'honoNo, 4 Dakota City, Nobr. The Most and the Best for so little The Youth's Companion McCall's Magazine 52 Issues . . 12 Issues and a Drett Pattern 'VIIE leading family weekly of America. Hareserials. short nlorica. andsnoclal pages for nil. Splendid new feature Pictorial Issues covering great cventB, National and International. ( l THE authority in dressmaking. 1,200,- ovo women follow its lend in economi cal dressmaking,! ancywork, etc. Stories, and helps for women. Ono ISc latest Dress Pattern included. All for $2.1064 Issues An ideal supply of reading for all tho family Send $2.10 (Expret or P. O. Money Order) to tho publUhen of paper In which IhU Offer appears and set THE YOUTH'S COMPANION for 52 weeks, nnd tho 1910 Homo Calendar. (This Offer is to new Youth's Companion subscribers only.) McCAIX'S MAGAZINE, every month for ono year: aleo choice of any 15-cent McCall Dress Pattern FREE for 2 cents extra to cover mailing. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS "HOLCO" SEED BOOK For 1010. A coni nlcte list of the best Vegetable, Farm and Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Plants. 80 pages illustra ted culture notes. Write today, it is free. "IIOLCO" SEEDS are FRESH-TESTED SeedB. The Holmes-Lethorman Seed Co. 224 Tloveland Ave. Canton, Ohio For Rent or Sale The Spencer property in Dakota City. Apply to Wm. P. Warner. Going West? Wantsome reliable information about any of tho country west of the Rockies California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexica, Texas? Want to know something about farming opportunities, railroad rates, routes, automobile highways, hotels, resorts, prices of land, methods of farming, etc.? It's our business to know all about this Pacific Slope country. Sunset Magazine is the one big national magazine, reflecting the life of this country and giving accurate information con cerning its,, growth and development. Send 10 cents for a Batnple copy of Sunset Magazine and write us a letter asking for whatever information you desire concerning any state in the West. SUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE BUREAU Sesirk. FVeinoIaco Herald Job - Printing X t i b iv - - . v ' t-j'ys' TEST"! ft5t.