Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 08, 1916, Image 3

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    rT-.n vvuv if-nr
Some Have to Keep on Until
They Almost Drop. How
Mrs. Conlcy Got Help.
Hero is a letter from a woman who
had to work, but was too weak and suf
fered too much to continue. How sho
regained health :
Frankfort, Ky. "I suiTored bo much
with femalo weakness that I could not
do my own work.
had to hiro it done
I heard bo much
about LydiaE. Pink
ham's Vogctablo
Compound that I
tried it. I took three
bottles and I found
it to bo nil you
claim. Now I fool as
well as over I did and
am able to do all my
own work neain. I
recommend it to any woman suffering
from femalo weakness. You may pub
lish my letter if you wish. "Mrs. James
Conley,516 St Clair St,Frankfort,Ky.
No woman suffering from any form of
femalo troubles should lose hopo until
she has given Lydia E. Pinkham'o Veg
etable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
nativo roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigoratorof tho female organism.
All women are Invited to "write
to tho Lydia E. Pinklmm Medi
cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special
advice, it will bo confidential.
1 Tntnon and Lapus successfully
treatedwtlhtutkn!faniTMifn All
; work guaranteed. Come, or
. write for Ftxo Illustrated Book
2WW Ualtenlty At.. Mijiejpalit. Mlcq.
DAISY FLY KILLER g; ffi-fcf; ft
fllei. neat, clean, or
cheap. LaotD all
I season, iiidool
metal, caa'tiplll or tip
I oreri will not toll or
(Injure anything.
I Guaranteed cffectlrv
1 AlldealcrsortatM
zpress paid for ll.uC.
AECLD B0MIRI.1I0 D. Kalb At.., Brooklyn, H. T.
W. N. U.f SI0UXCITY,N0. 24-1910.
None Came to Claim the Body of Old
George, the Cornetlst.
About us everywhere in tho flotsam
of tho human tido are drifting myste
ries wo accept without Inquiry. There
are such peoplo in Sacramento as "Old
George the cornetlst," who recently
fell dead in New York city.
Day after day he appeared at the
sanib corner, offered his familiar tunes
to the admiring children and tho some
times abjuring adults, and collocted
tho pennies wherewith to buy food,
clothing and shelter.
No one ever asked him his right
njync, but tho children loved him.
Then ono morning, as Old Georgo
raled his horn to his lips, it clat
tered to tho pavement, and tho song
he was planning to glvo tho crowd
rattled in his throat as he toppled ovor
Tho children mourned him for sev
eral days. No ono camo to claim his
The Cynical Inventor.
A young inventor exhibited a ring
to a Jeweler.
"A now typo of engagement ring,"
ho said, "that I'm going to patent.
It will make mo a fortune."
"Humph," said tho Jeweler. "What
Is thoro patented about this?"
"It's adjustable," said tho Inventor.
A great many former users
of tea and coffee have learned
that there is a pure food
beverage made from wheat,
which has a delightful flavor.
It never exacta of its users
the tribute of sleeplessness,
heart-flutter, headache and
other ills often caused by the
drug, caffeine, in coffee and
suggests the snappy flavor of
mild Java coffee, but is abso
lutely free from caffeine or
any harmful ingredient In
stant Postum is in con
densed, soluble form, and
wonderfully convenient for
the home for the picnic
for travel everywhere.
If tea or coffee interferes
with comfort or success, as
it does for many users, try a
shift to Postum.
There's a Reason"
Brwv ipI
Efcr 8sKs3FxKi UuSwPvtVib
f Y
Dependable Washington Players.
Just whoro tho Washington team will finish this yoar is a matter of
conjecture Somo wise ones havo named as low as sixth placo for Grif
fith's outfit, but tho team should do better than this, for it has been ma
terially strengthened.
Tho Nationals' pitching staff, among the best in the American league, is
stronger this season than last
Poster is playing the best ball of his caroer and this is also true of
Milan. Ray Morgan is in great condition and Griiuth started with a team
bettor, collectively, than ho has over had before
Pat Moran Will Not Pay Fancy Prices
for Ball Tossers Halts on Ex
pensive Stars.
Since Pat Moran has boon in charge
of tho Phillies ho has purchased only
threo players Pitchers McQulllen and
Karl Adams and Outfielder Good and
for each of thoso ho paid tho waiver
prico. Ho did not draft a man last
fall, and ho obtainod tho right to sign
Outfielder Cooper for nothing.
Moran picked up Chief Bender and
Georgo Chalmers when they wero free
agents. Ho traded Dooin to Cincinnati
for Nlehoff and let Lobort go to tho
Manager Pat Moran.
Glanta in exchango for Stock, Dem
areo and Jack Adams, catcher. Ho
obtained Whitted from tho Braves, to
gether with Inflelder Dugoy, in a trade
for Sherwood Mageo. In other words,
the building up of tho champions has
Involved an outlay of not more than
?5,000 for playors' releases.
Moran does not bolleve in deals for
expensive stars, and as a result tho
Philadelphia club is a moneymaker for
tho first timo in a great many years.
Manager Leo Fohl Claims Strongest
Collection of Discards Ever
Put Together.
Leo Fohl of Cleveland says ho has
tho greatest team of discards ever put
togethor, not excepting , tho Booton
Braves of 1914.
With a fow exceptions every man
on tho Indian team has at ono timo
or another worn tho uniform of an
other major leaguo team and boon re
leased for one reason or another,
though it is hardly proper to call play,
era like Speaker, Roth, Daly and Can
dll "discards."
Cuban Twlrler Never Forgets What to
Do With Ball When He Gets It
Resembles Wlltse.
Emlllo Palmero, tho Cuban twlrler
of tho Giants, whoso splondld hurling
against tho Phillies In tho first gamo
of tho recent series may win him a
place on the regular pitching staff
of tho club, reminds ono for all tho
world of Georgo Wiltso in tho field.
Ho is accuracy itself in handling tho
ball, nnd ho nevor forgets what to do
with tho leather when ho geta it A
bunt to him must bo porfoctly placed
to advanco a runnor.
""iTI S"
I Wi88
In "Jack" Smith tho Cardinals have
picked out a real ball player.
McGraw has threo wlckod right flold
batters in Doyle, Kauff and Robertson
No ballplayer ovor improved hie
daily average by batting around at
Oh, yes, tho quick Witt of Connie
Mack often helps him out in tight
Georgo Stalllngs has no doubt that
Elmer Knetzor will make good undei
Ball players who try to bait Hank
O'Day thoso days aro certain to get
tho hook.
An echo from tho past Marty
O'Toole, of $22,500 fame, was sold to
Omaha, Neb.
In ono respect pennants and tho Red
Sox are alike. It takes an operation
to cure them. -
InBide baseball is a groat thing pro
viding tho other fellows don't take
tho inside outside.
Davo Altizor is going back. Yes,
running back, and robbing speed boys
on impossible plays.
Klopfor, ono-timo Yankee pitchor, is
one of tho main props of tho rehabili
tated Cleveland club.
Tho baseball shark who picked tho
Giants to finish one-two neglected to
specify in which season.
It appears that Tyrus Cobb has a
brother who resembles him in somo
respects, but not as a baseball player
If Pongo Cantillon wins flvo Ameri
can association flags in a row maybd
ho will get credit for having a ball
We hate to think what would hap
pen to National leaguo batsmen if
Alexander's "dead arm" ovor camo to
lifo again.
Shorten, the Rod Sox's now out
fielder, has cut some nifty capera
sinco opening day. Ho' is especially
long on hitting.
Miller Huggins, manager of tho Car
dinals, expects Leo Meadows to pitch
moro games than any other Card
pitcher this yoar.
A leaky buckot, n punctured tiro,
and a pitchor without support ard
about tho same in that they got about
tho same results.
Hugh Jennings still has faith in
""ill" James and believes tho big
pitchor will como through and provo
a big help to tho Tigers.
Wllbort Robinson hasn't played ac
tively for raoro'n n decado, but he's
tho greatest ground covercr In the
National league when ho sits down.
Cleveland Is basoball mad. Tho fans
of that city aro certainly entltlod to
do somo celebrating, for they havo
waited long enough for tho oppor
tunity. Connie Mack says that tho AthlotJca
did not got good weathor on tho train
ing trip and that his young pitchers
could not get tho right kJnd of a
Nervousness Sends Many Back
to Minor Leagues.
Young Players Unnblo to Get Mind Off
Huge Stands and Immense Crowds
Do Not Concentrate Their
Minds on Game.
Tho greatest enemy of tho young
ball player Is nervousness, according
to St. Loula Gloho-Doinocrat. Many a
youngster of promises coming up from
tho minors ruins his chances by "aero
planing" when he finds hlmsolf lined
up against playors of experience and
Ho is likoly to play far below his
normal spoed, and tho Impression pro
duced on his manager is faulty. Ho
may not havo a chanco to become fully
accustomed to Ills surroundings or to
get ovor his norvousuesB boforo ho is
railroaded back to tho bushes.
Tho best way for a playor to succeed
1b to try to forgot that ho is up in tho
big show and put his whole mind on
tho ball gamo. If ho can fall to sco
tho hugo stands nnd tho big crowd and
Just remember that ho Is playing n
game of ball and trying to do His part
toward winning it ho will suroly sue
cood if ho has tho nbllity. Tho playor
who is doing everything in his powor
to win tho ball gamo Is tho lad who
catches tho oyo of tho foxy manager.
Ono soHoub fault with many young
playcra la that they think too much ol
their baBO hits. This Is a natural fault,
for every playor, old or young, llkea to
wallop tho ball to somo far territory;
but tho real managor is looking be
yond that. Ho soes tho fellow who enn
hit with no ono on and two out and
doos not caro for his stylo. On tho othoi
hand, tho man who has tho nerve to
como up with tho smash in tho pinch
is tho man who is retained, oven If his
batting avorago is many points below
that of tho othor follow.
- o
"Iron Men" is tho latost nick- g
name for tho Toledo basoball o
club. Two Toledo Bport writ- g
ors aro using tho namo ex- a
cluslvcly in referring to tho
club. Whether it will bocomo
popular 1b problematical.
Rajahs and Brosna Hens wore
two names that for a short timo
seemed to striko tho popular
fancy, but fandom decreed that X
neither waa sultablo and ro- g
turnod to tho old namo of Mud 3
Hens. Whether tho now namo
will provo popular la hard to
predict Ono paragraph inti
mates that it would bo a shamo
to lot them drop behind nnd
rust during tho coming season.
When Former Giant Pitcher Began to
Slip McGraw Recommended Io
dine on His Neck.
When Art Frommo wns sent to tho
Giants by Cincinnati ho had somo sort
of trouble with his feet. Thoy bocame
yellow nnd calloused, and ovory day,
boforo going out on tho diamond,
Frommo would liberally paint his
pedals with lodlno. McGraw was after
the lead of tho leaguo. Ho was up
against it for pitchers, and bb Frommo
lookod good in warming up, ho asked
Art what ho thought of working that
gamo. '
"Mo? Why, say, I'll hold those guya
to two hits today," ropllod Frommo.
Art Fromme.
Tho Giants woro opposing tho PI.
rates. Frommo went well for two in
nings and thon bogan to Blip. Ho ls
suod two walks and struck a fellow,
filling tho basos. Then Wagner Btepped
to tho plato and hit tho first ball for
a two-Backer. McGraw rushed fran
tlcally to tho sldo linos and motioned
Art to loavo. As Frommo reached tho
bench McGraw turnod sarcastically to
him and remarked:
"So you paint your feet to koop thom
from getting yellow, do you? Say, go
In the clubhouse and paint a ring of
lodlno around your nock."
tifer -fOftaiai
'Go Great NorthernT,and Register at Spokie, Wenatchee,
Colville, Republic or Omak July 5th to 22nd, inclusive
350,000 acres of desirable agricultural lands of the south
half of the COLVILLE Indian Reservation located in the Columbia
River nnd Okanogan Valleys of North-Central Washington will be sub
ject to homestead entry. Go Great Northern" and have your choice of
five registration points including Omak. only registration point actually
on the reservation and reached'only by the Great Northern Railway.
Low Round Trip Fares
Round Trip Ilomcscekcrs' Fares to all registration points named will be
in effect June 20th, July 4th and July 18th. Summer Tourist Fares to North Pacific
Coast points, on sale every day, permit stopover for registration at Spokane and
Wenatchec. Both fares allow stopovers enroute at Glacier National Park cither on
going or return trip.
Send Hen for Colville Circular 38
Fill out eoufon Mow and mail ttJy,ftr dtttiUJ information, map JtUtti ant hotlUll.
K. C LEEDY, General Immigration Aftent
I E. C, LIXDY, Ginekal IuMtOAvnoN Aoiht
I GmT NoiTiir.nw Railwat, St 1'aul.Mihn.
I Send Colville Opening CircuUr 88
Value of Our Horses.
Thoro aro about ono hundred and
nlnoty-ono million animals in tho
United States and thoy aro worth,
roughly, six billion dollars. Is it any
wonder that Bclonco has bocomo In
terested In animals. Thoro aro ap
proximately twenty-ono million horsoa
in tho country, representing an in
vestment of two billion, threo hundred
million dollars. Tho dosplsed mulo
may not bo bo dosplsed when you con
sider that ho reprosonts flvo hundred
and sixty million dollars of our total
wealth and that his kind numbers
about four million flvo hundred thou
sand. Popular Sclenco Monthly.
Tho Rule.
"You must novor forgat, my boy,
Hint about one-third of all success is
puro luck."
"But how can you mako suro of this
"Why, by bolnu successful." Llfo.
The Net Result.
"Did you lalso anything on your
promlso to pay?"
"Oh, yes; I raised n smllo."
fi usiiW n
-- - w.w... wtv.... AAIWAW in 11JUAU
wheat, more oats, more grain for feed, 20 more cattle thari
last year and more hogs. The war market in Europe needs
our surplus. As for the wheat crop, it is marvelous and a monument of strength
for business confidence tobuildupon, exceeding themoatoptlmisticpredlctions."
Wheat averaged In 1915ovmf2B hushmspormcra
Oats muonagodn 1915 over 45 bushels pr acra
Prices are high, markets convenient, excellent land, low in price either !m.
proved or otherwise, ranging from 512 to $30 per acre. Free homestead
lands are plentiful and not far from railway lines and convenient to good
schools and chuichea. The climate is healthful.
There Is no war lax en land, nor Is there any conscription. For completa Infor.
S!J,ff tH!tJN?nl0H or .""'ent. "duced railroad rates and desciiptlve Vu.trated
pamphlet, addrecn Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, or
Canadian Government Asents
1H' !W
C E. STONE, Passenger Trafilc Manager
A Will of Nineteen Words.
In ono of tho shortest wills on rec
ord, Jnmoa II. Darling, who died on
Doccmbor 3, 1915, cuts off his sons
with hut $1 each and Icnves all tho
rest of his OBtato to his daughter. Tho
testament, which Is dated February
10, 1910, wbb filed In tho Orphans'
court. It contains nineteen words, as
"After death, I will my daughter,
Annlo C. Darling, all my monoyjand
bolonglngs, oxcopt $1 to my boiis."
Baltlmoro News.
8lmple Job and the Fancy Bill. ,
"Your bill doesn't squnro with what
you'told mo boforo I went to the hos
pital, doctor." 1
"What's tho matter?" '
"You Insisted that It was to bo Just
a slmplo ltttlo operation and thoro waa
nothing at all to bo alarmed at."
Detroit Froo Press.
Personally Considerate,
Kitty Uoggy Soft 1b continually
patting hlniBolf on tho back, isn't ho?
Peggy Yob; tho dear boy is solUnd.
.Ho dumb animals.
Three Hundred Million
Bushel Crop in 1915
Farmers pay for their land with oso year's crop
ad prosperity was sever so great
Recrardincr Western Cnnnrla n n crrnin
producer, a prominent business man
says: "Canada's nosition todav is I
rVinn vr TriorA in mnm
stops itching
and burning
vou are SufTrrfnrr with m .:,,rv.
rash or other tormenting skin-eruption, try Res
Inol Ointment and Resinol Soap. You will be sur
prised how quickly the itching and burning stop
and the skin becomes clear and healthy again.
Kcilsol Ointment and Rcttnol Soap
tuve ben prctcribtd by phrtlrtan tor
over twenty rear. Sold by alt druf
uti, (or free trial alte c( each writs to
Iteslnol Client. Co., Baltimore, Md.
Halml .Shavtnjr Slick $nott oUOy
sUvlut unytr Utidtr-fttcid ,
. : .