(,5W,"V 'ert' itbiwiw mmiiSfiiU'Mnsgsa i k if kl DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. -- AMERICAN WAGON TRAIN FINDS GOOD CAMPING PLACE jN-.f1' v-f-.w-',., 'i - ' --- v ---.-. " . ' ' -.v- . , . . , . .d&S. 2&s;N,5 P . ! J' ,. . .-. 1., W. . ,. '5S,srU.v5'''r T vN ylViJSSiVS Jt MWuntmMOi-ril I. . . - - ?-. : .""- - I i5i.v ' ! !f!9?W- ! . ' "ffl"'i HMJ5 'UYJI IO. 'IWffill .: 1 . - ' II J Wfl' 3 jrfH&UfiAR ' jrWM&tt wv .uuDi 5 u JM..I' -Mr raawsr w ffffiH4m- a-jxm jskbkot i.. L jnr"' -: i-rx i J. Ul .'-. .? V tew; i mwsi .17 iM?K(S . im& ?'i,'!Zrl WW jm' - ? - s.xm asftamm ixV-" ST' ', y. " fy'''. P .y.? Wi.. vfcjf &EaJm .!X 1 pW; " dA2B TH "V. .WaVifcV MMlif. AmiBH'' . ,M WMmwMm?4iM' ; v -1 .J sf'S',siiSKr.3":;iv- wtt4.? oiwm !.' 'i'ncst" i ', .vt.5.jr j MWM? WmS&f aSIBffl??aBKSSfflWVJ wuvy i"tr .w k" jt vb j -. v ' v. u v j ajr rwiti vii-v .-. -w,jbr H,'nrjiy-: r.,,xri'j . jv s viwt. iwriui jo -V ffMr:'tLTHft i 1 Wf,r,FAiW,,y4raV.fcVra.V .. utt v v; jc a wtnr. rj m- -v-. . vik .vi- r Ai-r jjj-jji.i n ((imj xiij ' --i- r .r-ir simm. triiiutjBfrj rr.f . xr- tbc .' v !MSii!FA '4Vii. fJlit1ajKi.S?W?K 71WSTif'Vlifti'".-!!f Ti aaijKicWJ4y,l$A1'W . 3rfT " -SWf 3TOasftraBisa3affisa saaavOTOT;iiuiS'j?fty-:' .v-?vijaff ..x. -. ?aijttreiJi5MrftB3rasRSj .?, t'MJi3sflJKf?rftiys. a&wsGjaiicfcwjsjfitafctoirtGse 5-ti xvsSeslKsfe Bi8&&Jmm?f v 4 TjIp - . - ,.z 'ti tin'U'' iw irc"Tv"'.x:'-i ir r .s.'-ETL'.j?afr ja .-r-. j - .vwofclrtJtAiviiiJP'?5nftJx.;-yv' &r!$&&fy SW&kl5SS ?P' riWMMIt ij9& B&5 . 5 k-325ffiBaw Sw ff-w2,xu,"B a v: ' ;4vi:: iUAK&SiaS? ' .' - CM r S .- , " V---.V-7 o" ? W ' ' " ' . ' Wjvj ?fHra?i . 2 Hist i 1 rv II M ni it v it.. ." i.i 'frlZ'" s4x ? . -. W . . . . . O. jr., '. v 3 J ' i- ..' . s IBP V -- V im: t .HHtUNMitL'Sa ;'. StSI-U : P . 'vvhi Wagon train of tho Amoricau expedition in Mexico arriving on tho outskirts of Las Cruces to camp for tho night. They had juut completed a 32-mllo hike through tho mountain passos of Mexico. Tho arid mosa of Mexico is not broken up with many watering places such as is depicted in tho photograph, so much care is oxcrclscd in selecting stopping places for tho night. ST. PAUL SCHOOLBOYS ARE BIRD LOVERS ?KK3'ssssr:fti?Jsrc tr. A I &. ! The boys of tho sixth and seventh grades of the St. Paul, Minn., public schools with their birdhouses on their way to tho bird exhibition held in tho Auditorium, St. Paul. John Burroughs opened tho exhibition by pressing an nlectric button at his homo at Westpark, N. Y. Over 5,000 boys took part in this unique exhibition, and tho hundreds of different designs of birdhouses excited the interest of thousnnds of visitors. The exhibition Is in lino with tho movement to make St. Paul a city of birds and flowers. SHE RECRUITS IN CANADA iff i it nr-ir-i r - r i. mm I IViEXICAN RAIDERS UNDER GUARD Mr3. Clam Sanderson Laub, hero photographed in her military costurao, is tho only woman recruiting olllccr in Canada. Sho has been at that work for several months in and about On tario after spending more than a year In hospital work in France. Precious Language. Languago Is tho amber in which a thousand precious thoughts havo bo'jn safely embedded and preserved It has arrested ten thousand light ning iluBhoB of genius, which, unless thus ilxed and arrested, might havo boon as bright, but would havo also been as quickly passing and porish ing aa tho lightning. Words convey thq mental treasuros of ono poriod to the generations that follow; and laden with this, thoir precious freight, thoy sail safely across gulfs of tlmo in which umpires havo suf. ferod shipwreck, and tho languages of common life havo sunk into obliv ion. Trench. y" v fj "t.wr "' - scf KtKf ffifrffljrTfn tiKdV?Kt$ fSf&vt 'flflw1 :y238JgSgii8P5m 'Iheso Moxlcans were membors of tho party that raidod Columbus, N M,, and wero picked up in the mountains. Thoy are guarded.by American soldiers. FIELD HOSPITAL AT CASAS GRANDES FIRST PREPAREDNESS CAMP FOR WOMEN OPEN Scones at tho oponlng of tho llrst preparedness camp for women at Chevy Chaso, Md., near Washington, whoro a. Ihousand socioty women aro learning tho essentials of war-timo duty. In tho center Is Bhown tho raising of tho camp flag. Above is President Wilson marching to tho ceremony. Below is a section of tho khaki-clad campors. AT THE END OF SIX DAYS' HIKE ,v& vt $-wyw.Na1xsVA, jajw, vsMill Sw -, -zv$rvrjaw$ - A f" S. WV ,. U ... j., ot j. ...AA .1. v. . V.Ol-' VS '4NWAV?A. UltwlM jL-S.. '.OC V rb '..i " " ?tftm-XizRz-'iK -" " . jswj' .. -TT:""'')(Ja.s".N ! '.-'-; ,i ' , V '--i S,",y-v iJESP. Mm J- ' M:ti I i il s sy.n ,. ". ! ' m: '! IJi sSJr'Cl. I (s -iK. - .J- .: JU W-" .. - ' t" . . S !.. wi ', .."-'. !. i':. s4 , r i " - ;.r.' -.'''. '- - f! 'ggss-iafeaaiSj? Companies D, B, P, Q, and II arriving in camp "somowhere in Mexico" utter a six days' hiko across the. desert, LEADERS OF THE SUFFRAGE PARADE VICTIM OF AERO ACCIDENT When tho National American Woman Suffrage) association stagos Its big parade in Chicago on Juno 7, the opening day of tho Republican convention, :ho marchers will bo led by theso two olophunts carrying tho "sufTrago plank." l'ho combination will symholizo tho demand of tho women for a suffrago plank In the Republican platform. Tho elophants will bo driven by Miss Portia Willis of New York, who is hero shown between them. m iWiiMMiwmiwmnimiwmiMmKVBmsamtml Soventh field hospital corps at Casus Orandcs, where all tho Injured ami the sick of the expedition are being cared for. A HOME BWLT FOR VILLA'S FAVORITE fNftg"'l S5 Willie "IQK!fPx4a;8 ffromffiBWM?rrfify Do Lloyd Thompson, tho aviator who was seriously hurt In uu aorflplano ac cident on Long Island. Ho is wearing, tho costumo designed by AdmlraL Peary for nv&iora who fly in tho hlghi-eraltitudcs. RANGE FINDING'-IN' MEXICO Soldiers of the expoditiennry iorca piactlcing with tho ra'isulltider on thq open mesa of tho Mexican plain. ?nKfVfryni .Xw v XZi:XSZimZ&& This residence in Chihuahua was erected by Villa at great cost for hlu favorito wife, "Luz." After ho ovacuatcd tho city it was looted and partly destroyed by a mob. Needed Repairing. Tommy, aged throe, had fallou and huit his kueo, and as he sat rubbing tho injured part ho suddenly looJiQd up und said. "Mamma, did God muko mo?" "Yob, dear," was tho. reply. "Woll, then," continued, tho youthful phlioaophpr, "if ho had pny plecoa left I. vflali Ua'd mond ray Kuoo." IV 1 1 1 I !, : 'V u - :u .Mjaa