Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 04, 1916, Image 2

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    . - -'
Jones Measure Finally Passed as Sub
etltute Latter Declares Intention of
Undo Sam to Grant Independence
Ultimately, but Fixes No Date.
Wrttcrn N'twupstwr Union Urn Smlee.
Washington, D. C. Tho ndmlnlstra
tlon's fight for tho senato Philippines
hill with Its Clarko amendment au
thorizing Independence for tho IslandB
within four year3 was lost In the
house May 1. After voting 213 to ICG
to atrlko out tho Clarko amendment,
tho house, by a voto of 251 to 17,
passed as a substitute for the entire
measure tho Jones bill providing for
a greater measure of self government
in tho Philippines and carrying a pre
amble and declaring tho intention of
' tho United Slates to grant Indepen
dence ultimately, but without llxlng
. date.
Over tho heated protest of adminis
tration leaders, tho house, by a voto
of 203 to 154, instructed its conferees
not to agree to any declaration set
ting a definite tlmo for granting the
Islands their Indepcndenco. Speaker
Clark named Representatives Jones,
of Virginia, and Garrott, of Tennes
see, Democrats, and Towner, of Iowa,
Republican, as conferees.
Now tho bill goes to conforenco.be
tween the two houses, with tho oppo
nents of the Clark amendment sntls
flad thct It Is dead, at least for this
session of congress.
No Split Allegiance In United States,
Says Wilson.
Washington, D. C. America reawak
ened in nntlonal spirit through les
sons of tho war In Europe was tho
themo of an address by President Wil
son May 1 at tho opening of tho Na
tional Servico school military encamp
ment for young women.
In concluding, the presldont voiced
a'-warnlng that tho honor and integrity
of tho United States cannot ho tain
pored with. Ho prayed that tho coun
try should not ho drawn Into war, but
declared that if it should be, "In tho
great volco of national enthusiasm
which would be raised all the world
would stand once more thrilled to hear
tho voice of tho now world asserting
tho standards of justice and liberty."
The president expressed confidence
that in tlmo of trouble the great mass
of foreign born citizens of tho United
States would bo loyal.
Battle of Manila Bay.
Washington, D. C. Admiral Dewey
May 1 colobratod his eighteenth anni
versary or tho battlo of Manila hay.
No plans had been mado for any spe
cial colobratlon so far as the hero ol
tho day personally was concerned. As
president of tho navy general board,
Admiral Dowoy was at his desk as
usual giving personal attention to tho
duties of hlB office. Admiral Dewey,
whit1- la 79 years old, is in his usual
good health.
Lamar Loses Hs Battle.
Washington, D. C Tho supreme
court has affirmed tho conviction of
DaVld Lamar, "Wolf of Wall Strcot,"
in 'tho Now York fedoml courts on
charges of Impersonating Ropreacnta
Mvo A. Mltcholl Palmer to J. P. Mor
gnn'aud others with intent to defraud.
Lamar Is under sentence to sorvo two
years in tho penitentiary, and this ac
tion is tho final word in the cane.
Big Hotel Planned.
Now York. Tho Pennsylvania rail
road is to oroct tho largest hotgl in
tho world opposite its new station on
tho block front on Seventh avenue be
tween Thirty-socond and Thirty-third
streets. It will bo twenty stories in
height, contain 2,200 rooms, and cost
May Day Baskets for Wilson.
Washington, D. C Leaders of tho
woman's suffrago movement sent bas
kets of May flowers to President Wil
son and all tho members of his cab
inct, containing mossngos urging sup
port of a constitutional araendmont
giving women tho ballot.
Republic's President Impeached.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Repub
lic. Gen. Juan I. Jlmlncz, president
of tho Dominican republic, was Im
peached May 1 by tho chamber of dop
utles for an alleged violation of tho
constitution In connection AvRIt the
( ; March Totals Large.
. Washington, D. C Europe's pur
chaso of war materials In tho United
States totalod $340,000,000 at thu end
of tho first twenty months of tho wnr.
Earthquakes In Central America.
San Joso. Costa Rica. Twonty dis
tinct earth shocks occurred horo while
tho peoplo of tho capital woro In the
midst of the 1st of May festival. A
number of buIldlngH, including church
cs and schools, woro demolished. Tho
people fled to tho Btrouts and squares
fearing tho city was about to bo do
Lqndon. A Cannun submarine was
sunk pff tho onfit coaut April 27, It 1b
announced officially. Eighteen mon
on the submarine woro captured
British Aseert Prisoners Engaged In
Intrigues and Plots Against England
Planned to Continue Efforts and
Violate U. 8. Neutrality.
Washington, April 29. Secretary
anslng announced on Thursday that
tho United Stales had sent another
note to Great Britain demanding tho
rolcaso of tho 38 Austrlans, Germans
ind Turks taken from the American
steamship China by n Biltlsh cruiser
iff Shanghai. Thonctc was dispatched
and will ho given out for publication
Great Britain contends the men wore
engaged in intrigues and plots against
the British government and, having
been discovered, were fleeing to Ma
nila, whero they intended to contlnuo
.heir efforts which would havo embar
rassed tho neutrality of the United
London, April 29. Tho British noto
replying to tho protest of tho Amori
"an government against Interferences
with tho neutral trade, which asserts
tho right of Great Brltnln to regulato
tho admission to a neutral country of
goods ovidontly destined for tho en
amy, caused llttlo surprlso In diplo
matic and legal circles hero, as its
soneluslons hnd been discounted by re
:cnt decisions of tho prize tribunals.
A. summary of tho views of tho mem
bers of theso circlos may bo expressed
ts follows:
They do not believe tho controversy
will bo carried much farther during
:ho progress of tho war as no vital
:oncessIons hnve been mado by cither
lido slnco tho first noto was written.
Therefore, tho Bhlppors of detained
:nrgoea who can nfford tho delay will
iwalt conclusion of tho war to
mvo their cases settled by an lntcr
latlonal tribunal In tho belief that
men a court will grant them full dam
Two Members of Crew of E-22 Rescued
by Teutons, Says Statement
Issued at Berlin.
Berlin, April 29. Tho ndmlralty an
lounced on Thursaay that in a naval
engagement betweon German and Brit
!ah forces on Tuesday a British sub
marine tho E-22, was sunk and a Brit
.'sh cruiser was hit by a torpedo. The
idmiralty's statomtnt follows:
"Gormnn naval forces on April 25
!ank tho British submurino E-22. Tho
jermnns roscucd and mado prisoners
.wo men.
"A German submarine on tho samo
lay hit with n torpedo n British cruls
5r of tho Arcthusu class."
CrulsorB of tho Arethusa class dls
placo 3,000 tons. Thoro aro olght ves
ioIb of that cluss, tho Arethusa, Au
rora, Galatea, Inconstant, Royalist,
Ponolopo, Phaeton, and tho Un
Measure - Providing Conscription for
All 8lngle Men Withdrawn In
House of Commons.
London, April 29. A bill providing
conscription for all unmarried men
between tho ages o olghtoon nnd for-ty-fivo
without any exemptions, was
withdrawn in tho houso of commons
on Thursday after tho universal serv
ice advocates had opened a vigorous
attack against It. After a debate Pro
mlcr Asqulth nnnounced that tho gov
ernment would not press tho hill,
which had boon Introduced by Waltor
Humo Long, piosldent of tho local gov
ernment board. Tho discussion that
followed tho introduction of tho bill
Bhowed that tho measure was opposed
by all parties qb v.nfalr, several mem
bers urging that nothing but all-round
compulsion would prove satisfactory.
Senator Hustlng of Wlsccnsln Asks
Congressional Inquiry Into Flood
of Tolegrams.
Washington, April 29. In a stirring
ipooch on tho floor of tho sennto on
Thursday, Senator Hustlng of Wiscon
sin demanded a congressional Investi
gation into tho flood of telograms pour
ing Into congress on tho German
Araorlcau situation. ITo charged that
tho telograuiB wcro nil Inspired by a
central source.
Senator Ilustlng characterized tho
Bonding of tho tolegrams ub a "deep
laid plot to poison tho minds of tho
peoplo with tho bellof that tho presi
dent wants war."
More Rus8 Reach France.
London, May 1. A Uavas dis
patch from Marsolllos reports tho ar
rival thoro of a furthor contingent of
Russian troops, tho number of which
is not given, Tho Russians reached
Marsolllos nnd dlsomuarkod.
Four Children Burn to Death.
Marlon, Ark., May 1. Tho four
mall children of Mrs. Orpholia Young
ware burnud to ilonth in un open grnto
.Ire on Friday. Tho niotuar u.l gontj
o a neighbor's and loft the children
It is believed tho Zoppelins and tho German cruiser squadron co-operated
In tho raid on tho east coast of England, tho airships acting as scoutB
for tho warships. 1 Shows the probablo courso taken by the Zoppelins from
Wilholmshavon. 2 Shows the probable route of tho German squadron.
3 German battle squadron raids English coast at Lowestoft. 4 Zeppelins
raid eastern counties of Englnnd and drop 70 bombs over Norfolk and Suf
folk coasts. 5 Germans mado air raid on Dunkirk, Franco. C British war
ships bombard Zeebruggo and Gorman batteries off Heyst, Blankenborgho
and Knocko.
German Sea Raid Connected With
Outbreak Several Leaders Ar
rested, But Names Withheld. ,
London, April 27. Tho official com
munication issued hero on Tuesday
concerning tho situation In Dublin
"At noon yesterday serious disturb
ances broke out In Dublin. A largo
party of men identified with the Sinn
Fein party, mostly armed, occupied
Stophen's Green and took possession
forcibly of tho post office, where they
cut the telegraph mil telephone wires.
Houses also were occupied in Sto
phen's Green, Sackvllle street, Abbey
Btroct and along the quays.
"In tho courso of tho day soldiers
arrived from the Curragh and the situ
ation is now well In hand. So far as
Is known hero three military officers,
four or flvo soldiers, two loyal volun
teers and two policemen havo been
killed and four or flvo military officers
and six volunteers wounded. No ex
act Information has been received of
tho casualties on the side of tho Sinn
"Reports received from Cork, Lim
erick, Ennls, Traleo ami Tlpporary
show that no disturbances of any kind
havo occurred In those localities."
Augustlno Birroll, chief secretary
for Ireland, announced in the house of
commons the disturbances in Dublin.
Ho added that troops had been sent to
tho Irish capital and that th'o situa
tion was now well In hand.
Drive Turks From Strongly Fortified
Positions In Mountains South
of Bttlis.
Petrograd, April 29. Overcoming
enormous natural difficulties, tho loft
wing of Grand Duke Nicholas' army In
tho Caucasus has drivon tho Turks
from their strongly fortified positions
In tho mountains south of Bltlis and is
now advancing toward Dlarbekr, on
tho Tigris river, according to' official
advices received from Tlflls.
Bcsun, a small but strong fort built
at n height of more than 3,500 feet
nlmost duo west of Bltlis, has fallen
Into Russian hands, tho garrison flee
ing after dofendlng tho poBt for only
a day.
New York, April 27. Mrs. Ida Snif
ton Rogers Is free. Tho Jury refused
to hellove that sho, a notoriously lov
ing mother, could have been In her
right mind when sho poisoned her two
children. "Not guilty on the grounds
of Insanity," was tho verdict an
nounced in tho Bronx supremo court.
Washington, April 27. Tho British
ambassador, Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, re
ceived and roferred to tho state de
partment an anonymous threatening
communication declaring that any
treatmont of Sir Roger Casemont
othor than that duo a prisoner of war
of tho highest rank would bo a son
tonco of death against "him nnd othor
English servants In this country."
Opens Milk Rate Inquiry.
Chicago, May 1. Gcorgo M. Brown,
oxumtnor for tho Intorstuto commorco
commission, will begin an investiga
tion of tho rntoB charged for tho ship
ment of milk in tho hopo of establish
ing uniform rates.
Rojocts U. S. Board's Wage Scale.
Soward, Alaska, May 1. Tho An
chorage Labor union rejoctod the wage
scalo offered by tho fador.il arbitration
board, undenvorlng to settle th strike
among workman on tho govurnuout's
rallro.nl In Alaska.
Two Americans Lose Lives In Engage
ment With Colonel Dodd's Column
Near Tomachlo.
Field Headquarters, April 28, via
wireless to Columbus, N. M. Two
Americans woro killed nnd threo
wounded in anv engagement between
cavalrymen under Col. George A. Dodd
and 2C0 Villa bandits at Tomachlo, In
the center of tho Sierra Madrcs.
Tho Villa command under four
chiefs, Baca, Cercantcs, Domlnguoz
and Robs, was surprised In the lato
afternoon nnd routed. After the bat
tle tho Americans found six dead
Mexicans nnd nineteen wounded,
while n quantity of horses, arms and
equipment was captured.
Reports received here mado no men
tion of Villa himself being with tho
band, although It had been reported
previously that ho was in hiding in
tho mountains in that vicinity.
Tho Villa bandits wero encamped in
n Jagged, rocky defllo when they
caught sight of tho American column
riding toward thorn, about 4:30 o'clock
in the afternoon.
Immediately the Mexican bugles
sounded tho call to arms. Through
tho mountain pass the two commands
struggled, the Villa bandits dropping
all cumbersome equipment In a pre
cipitate fight before Colonel Dodd's
Once during tho flight the Villa
forces received re-enforcements and
attempted vainly to mako a stand
against tho Americans. When night
camo the pursuit bocamo Increasingly
difficult because of tho nature of the
terrain, honeycombed as it is with
mountain caves, gorges nnd trails, in
which thoro aro many Jagged rocks
Colonel Dodd pursued tho Villa ban
dits toward Minaca, his base, whero
ho is now reported to bo awaiting sup
plies. Tho 19 Villa wounded taken in the
engagement and tho 25 horses and
nrms captured woro taken to Minaca
to await General Pershing's orders as
to their disposition.
Secret Sessions of Parliament De
nounced by Press Universal Con
scription Demanded.
London, April 29 A brand now cab
inet crlslB has boon precipitated by
tho withdrawal of the military serv
ico bill. Tho bill, which wnB intro
duced Thursday, was immediately af
terwards recalled because of tho un
rest in Iroland.
That tho secret session of parlia
ment proved an utter failure and
showed weakness on tho part of tho
government was tho vlow vigorously
expressed by tho press. Many paporB
aro demanding universal conscription
without further delay.
Nominated for the Short Terrr iy the
Democratic State Convent on
at Indianapolis.
IndianapollB, Ind., April 28. United
States Senator Thomas Taggart was
nominated on Wednesday for United
States sonator for the short term by
tho Democratic stato convention.
No Troops for Anchorage.
Washington, April 29. Secretary of
tho Intorior Lane announced that ho
has requested that no troops bo sent
to Anchorage Alaska, whero laborers
omployod on tho government railroad
aro on strike.
Shoot Four Villa Men.
Columbus, N. M., April 29. Four
Mohican prisoners at Casns Grandos
nro reported to have boon killed by
American sentries on attempting to
escape. Scores of bandits captured
aro said to boheld ntsvarlous points.
Major General 'to Present U. S. De
mands at Once Troops Guard
Street as American Commanders
Ctosb International Bridge.
El Paso, Tox., May 1. MaJ. Gens.
Hugh F. Scott and Frederick Funston
mot Mexican Minister of War Alvaro
Obregon in tho customs houso in
Juarez on Friday Light.
Tho mooting was tho formal pre
liminary to tho opening of tho inter
national conference by which tho right
of tho United States troops to contlnuo
tho pursuit of Villa and hlB bandits
in Mexico la to bo settled.
General Obregon, standing-in n semi
circlo formod by members of his staff,
all of whom woro dressed in servico
uniforms, recoived tho Amorlcnn offi
cers at tho entrance to tho reception
room whero tho conferenco iB to be
General Scott, in civilian dress, ad
vanced first nnd shook hands with
Obregon in vigorous American fash
Ion, then proceoded to greet other
Mexican officers present. General
Funston followed and went through
tho samo formalities.
Several othor prominent Mexicans,
who had been Invited to attend tho
first ceromonles, including Mayor
Prlsto of Juarez, woro introduced.
Immediately after this, Generals Scott
and Funston wont Into an executive
conferenco with General Obregon.
This lasted an hour, and General
Scott then came out and announced
that tho meeting bad been purely so
cial. From the bridge to tho customs
houso it is about flvo blocks. Sta
tioned at ten paces along the routo
on both sides of tho street were Mex
ican soldiers holding their rifles at
present arms. There was no demon
stration excopt a mild cheer at the
conclusion of a salute sounded by a
buglo corps as the procession reached
tho placo of tho conference.
Fokker Among Planes Brought Down
in Day's Campaign on the
Western Front.
Paris, April 29. Numerous air raids
along tho western front in which Ger
man planes, including a Fokker, were
brought down, were reported by tho
war office.
A French squadron droppod 18
bombs on La Marche station in tho
Woovro. Ono German plane attacked
by the French dropped near Douau
mont badly damaged, and another fell
near Montfaucon.
A French aviator, piloting a Nieu
port monoplane, defeated a Fokker.
which fell behind tho Gorman lines.
Tho Germans dropped shells at in
frequent intervals during the night in
tho region of Avocourt, Esnes and
Action Demanded Because of German
Flights Over Neutral Soil Prom
ises Not Kept.
Borno, April 29. The flight of a Ger
man aeroplano over Swiss territory In
tho region of Porrentruy, occurring so
soon after a previous similar flight
over tho samo territory, has provoked
tho strongest Indignation In Switzer
land. .
This Is reflected In all sections of
tho press. Tho semiofficial Bund says
tho time has como to demand from
Germany something more than exnres-
'slons of regret or excuses.
Teutons Flee When Pursued by Brit
ish After Making Attack on Ea3t
Coast of England.
London, April 27. Two British
light cruisers and a destroyer woro
hit in a 20-mlnuto engagement with a
German cruiser squadron at daybreak
Tuosday, following a raid by the Ger
man on Lowestoft. Tho German ves
sels escaped. Four persons wore killed.
Sixty-Six Others Injured In Explosion.
of Kent County Munitions
London, April 28. Official announce
ment was mado horo on Wednesday
that 106 persons were killed and G6
Injured In tho recent exloslon In a
Kent county munitions factory. No
women were among tho victims.
Mrs. McLean Near Death.
Baltimore, Md., May 1. Mrs. Don
ald McLean, past-president of tho
Daughters of tho American Revolu
tion, is said to bo sinking rapidly at
a hospital hore. Mrs. McLean has boon
111 for sovoral weeks.
Turks Kill 800 British.
Berlin, May 1. Turkish troops an
llhllated four British cavnlry squad
tons, about M0 mon, in a battlo April
23 noar Quatla, about twenty-live mllos
east of tho Suoz canal. This infotma
tlon was contained in an official report
Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to
Animate Designate Week of May
15-20 to Further the Cause.
May 21st is to bo observed by hun
dreds of churches throughout the
United States as Humane Sunday. At
this tlmo clergymen are being urged
to preach sermons on tho subject of
kindness, particularly as It concerns
children and anlmalB. The movement
Is under the direction of Tho Ameri
can Humane Association of Albany,
N. Y., which is prepared to send out n
large amount of literature dealing
with this subject. A most vuluablo
leaflet has been prepnred for clergy
men which may bo had on request.
The week of May 15-20, Inclusive,
will bo known as Be Kind to Animals
Week by Societies for tho Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals. During this
week every effort will be mado to em
phasizo the economic and moral value
of treating animals humanely. Boy
Scouts nnd Camp Fire Girls are co
operating to make tho movement a
success. Work horse parades, com
mon dog shows, illustrated lectures
nnd the distribution of humane litera
ture are a few of the special plans laid
out by the local societies.
Tho anti-cruelty movement Is mak
ing very rapid progress throughout
tho United States There are now 562
anti-cruelty societies, a slight gain
over last year. Theso organizations
handled cases involving 212,215 chil
dren and 2,394,721 animals during 1915.
Negro Town a Success.
Birmingham, Ala. After seveial
years' strugglo against heavy odds,
including local' unsympathetic senti
ment and gloomy predictions of fail
ure by white people of neighboring
towns, Hobson City, the only munici
pality in tho United States with ono
exception which is wholly populated
and conducted by negroes, has won its
battlo by demonstrating that it is a
pronounced success.
When tho plan to found an exclu
sively negro town in the south was
proposed, scarcely any white peoplo
in the Anniston district, where it is
located, dreamed it would work out.
But the negroes were not discouraged,
and went ahead. Now Hobson City is
firmly established as a progressive
town an,d governs itself successfully
both in a financial way and in law
enforcement and observance.
Back in 1900 this exclusively negro
town was started by a band of
negroes who obtained a charter and
Incorporated. The population sIiowb
a gain of 150 per cent. No man with
out employment is allowed to stay in
the town. Either a Job is found for
him or he Is required to move away.
Tho town has four churches with a
combined membership of 700, n good
public school with 250 pupils, a dozen
progressive stores, water works, elec
tric lights, police aud sanitary depart
ments, a well built jail and a govern
ing board elected every two years. It
is tho only town in the state that is
out of debt and has money In tho
treasury. More than half the citizens
own their own homes. Some of its
resldonts produce within a stone's
throw of the town limits from $800 to
$1,500 worth of cotton and other faira
products, besides large quantities of
vegetables and fruits.
Hobson City's governing board con
sists of seven councilmen, a mayor
and four other municipal officers, in
cluding a chiof of police. Every resi
dent of tho town Is a negro.
Closes Baltimore Campaign,
Baltimore, Md. The eight weeks'
revival conducted by the Rev. Billy
Sunday camo to a close Easter Sun
day In a magnificent manner. And
Baltimore, that great last day, saw
96,000 people at the flvo services
Theso 96,000 brought Baltimore's to
tal for the great campaign up to
nearly a million and a half people
who heard the evangelist
From the million and a half people
thero came more than 23,000 trail
hitters, 1,843 of them on the last day
914 of them at the last service. Bal
tlmoro's committee believes that the
free will offering to Mr. Sunday wll.
show as large a figure as did Phil
adelphla. Philadelphia's was $51,000.
"Home Run" Baker and six other
New York American league club ball
players hit tho trail.
Many Sheep Killed.
Grand Junction, Colo Thirteen hun
dred sheep were shot by raldors near
tho Mosa-Delta county line, according
to reports roachlng hero. The hli-op
belonged to It. E. Baker, who is said
to have hnd fioquont clashes with m
tlemcu over tho use of the range.
Orders Inspection of Ships.
Vnllojo, Cnl. Onlois have been rr
cetved at the Maro IsUnd navy yard
directing nn inspection and sun y cf
all privately owned voasaU In th'e .Iif
trict that might be available la .. .