Dakota County Herald. , j&lotta: All The Newts When It Is News. VOL. 2-1. DAKOTA CITY, 'NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1910. NO. 35. 3&m 9Bta S& jjr Grocery . -i. &. Specials for Saturday 7 Boxes Hippo Wash Powder 25c 3 Bars Jap Rose Soap 25c 2 pkgs Shredded Wheat 25c 2 Pkgs Post Toasties 25c 3 Pkgs Macaroni 25c 3 cans Pink Salmon -. ..25c 3 No. 2 Lamp Chimneys 25c 1 Gallon Karo Syrup 45c 1 Do. Lemons 25c HigRest Price Paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE W. L. Dakota City, Seasonable Announcement of Vacation Tours lo the Pacific Coast, the World's Round trip Summer Tourist rate mencing May ;lst, good to return to October 31st. Slightly higher for the circuit tour, including Pacific Coast steamer voyage or Shasta Route. The Burlington's through-servjce Coast routes via Denver and Scenic Col torado or through the Northwest direct or via the Denv6r-Caspr-Big ' Horn Basin line give the holder of a Burlington Coast ticket a combina tion of routes that includes the scenic, the highly developed regions and the attractive cities of the West. New Arrangement for Yellowstone Park: The Cody, East and Scenic entrance to the Park will have excellent automobile setvice to the Lake Hotel. This is one of the World's scenic auto tours, via the Government Shoshoni Dam, through the Forest Re serve and over Sylvan Pass during Park season. Pacific Coast passengers may go into the Park via Cody, resume their rail journey out via Gardner, paying extra only for such Park side-trip accommodations as they take. If you will inquire you will learn how Burlington through coast lines offer you the greatest inducements. zrc Ti 2l ft& ii i 1 1 1 m G. F. Hughes & Co Lumber, Building Ma- terial To 1he People &f Dakota, City t Viciwaty WE have succeeded Mr. Fred Lynch in the Hardware and Lumber business in Dakota City, and are here to stay. Our aim will be to treat everyone right, and alike, and will guaran v tee satisfaction on all sales and work done at our place of business. We will carry a full line of Lumber, Building Material, Hardware, Coal, Paints, Plumbing Material, Greases and Oils. We have a well equipped shop where we will do all kinds of Plumbing, Tin Work, Furnace and Stove Repairs. Also Concrete Work of all Kindsv Come in arid, see us Kiel's Get Acquainted H. R. GREER, Mgr. City ROSS Nebraska Greatest Rail Journey: general basis only $G0. daily, com H. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr Li. V. Wakelet, O. P. A., Otoahu, Neb. Hardware, Coal Dakota City, Nebr. Items of Interest Gleaned from Our Exchanges o Ponca Advocate: Mrs. Rakow went down to. Jackson last Friday to visit her son. Wvnnt Tribune: Mrs. E. .7. Morin wno n nncaonornr tn TlnWnfrn P.itv Tnn5- day.... John Johns and family are riaing around in u new ioru tour ing car. Dixon Journal: Mrs. I. II. Pil grim and two sons, of Sioux City, were week end guests at the A. B. Rich home. Mrs. Pilgrim is a sister of Mrs. Rich. Sioux City Journal 22: Mrs. G. L. Lillie and children, who :crt the winter in the D. C. Stinso.j home, have departed for then1 home at Maxbass, N. D. Martinsburg Items in Ponca Jour nal: Guy Anderson, of Hubbard, was calling on relatives and friends here last week . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bedford, of South Sioux City, is vis iting at the L. N. Mappes home. Lyons Mirror: M. M. Warner wa3 called to Homer, Thursday to act as one of the pall bearers for Mrs. Thomas Ashford, sr. The Ash fords were our old pioneer neigh bors in DakQta county. Mrs. War ner and daughter, Mary, accompani ed him. Sioux City Journal, 21: W. Bar tels, of Hubbard, Neb., had a con signment of cattle on Thursday's trade that sold at satisfactory prices. Some 2-year-old beeves in the ship ment brought $10.15, While a pack of mixed steers and heifers were good enough to land bids of $8.50. Sioux City Journal, 25: Born, in South Sioux City, Neb., Saturday, April 22, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Fouts, a daughter. . . .The condi tion of Mrs. Walter Miller, of Da kota City-, who underwent an opera tion at the St. Joseph's hospital Sun day night, showed improvement last night. Ponca Journal: The high school baseball team from Dakota City drove through here in cars baturday morning on their way to Newcastle where they expected to stage a game, but owing to the dampness it was postponed. They then made a return trip here expecting to play the game that had been postponed the week before on account of the snow, but again owing to the rain there was no. game and the boys de parted tor home through the mud without a single game. Tekamah Herald: Since W. P. Warner is the republican nominee for congress in this the Third dis trict, it will make our friend Con gressman Stephens think that he has had a "hoss race" before the cam paign closes in November. Mr. Stephens' treatment of his party newspapers has made many of them hostile and they will accord him very little or no support. Then his vote on the McLemore resolution was of fensive to many loyal Amercians. It is an attempt by a few in the house or representatives to invade and Usurp the proper function of President Wilson in conducting his diplomatic correspondence with for eign nations. Sioux City Journal, 20: The wed ding of Miss Ruth Kline, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Kline, to Mr Harold Bridenbaugh took place at noon yesterday in the home of the bride's parents at Morningside. Miss Lovice atrobel sang during the cere mony, which wasperformed by Rev Charles E. Tower before members the immediate families and intimate friends of the couple. The bride was gowned in a simple traveling costume of gray silk, with hat to match. After the service a dinner was served to the guests at a long table appointed in the wedding col ors, pink and white, and centered with a basket of roses. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs Bridenbaugh will make their home near Dakota Ulty. Sioux City Journal, 24: No bill for legal services rendered by form er Judge R. E. Evans and W. J Steuteville in the mandamus pro ceedings before the district court at Dakota City over the submission of the saloon question at the South Sioux City election has been filed with the city council, according to Councilman Fred Martin. The two attorneys assisted City Attorney Ward iiiVans during the entire trial, which lasted two days. Councilman Martin said that he did not believe any effort will be made to have the city stand the additional expense. EiV w tMfEHuSHKKEsisilfl iws HP11 JMm$m WMWm FRANK F. HAASE EMERSON, NEBRASKA. Republican Nominee at the Primary for State Senaln- from the Sixth Senatorial Distr composed of the counties of Burt, Thurston, Dakota and Dixon. The councilman said it was under Stood the fees of the attorneys were paid by subscription among the "drys," who did not want the li cense question voted on at the elec tion. The last .session of the ,old city council will be held next Satur day night. Reports will be submit ted by the various city officers, and old claims and bills will be disposed of. Mayor D. G. Evans and the new members of the city council will take office at a meeting the first Tuesday in May. No effort will be made toward the passage of an or dinance licensing retail or family li quor stores. Hose purchased by the city for volunteer hose company No. 1 in the First ward was given a test yesterday afternoon by members of the company under direction of Capt. Fred Martin, jr. Firo Chief Chief Frank Hogan witnessed the test. The company was organized three months ago and has thirteen members. Box Scores in the Journal The State Journal has announced that it will carry full box scores of National, American and Western league games throughout the base ball season. This means that read ers of the Journal who are lovers of the great national pastime are to be given the best there is in baseball reporting. For the fan who is un able to attend the game in person there is nothing so satisfying as base ball statistics in this form. The Evening News also begins, with the opening of the Western League, to issue a G o'clock Sport Extra. This will be a peach colored sport sheet detailing the league games and latest in war bulletins, for sale on the streets. The Journal is now selling at a remarkably low price, $3.50 a year with the Sunday Journal and its col ored comic and special features: or $2 a year without the Sunday paper. In cities where the Evening .News can give the readers better service, the News may be substituted at the same price as that quoted for the Journal. In addition to base ball, which promises to be an all-absorbing topic in many circles for some months to come, thousands of readers will want to follow the political conventions and the fall election. A year's sub scription to the Journal carries the subscriber through the next session of the Legislature. The thorough ness with which the Journal "cov ers" the legislature is a by-word among newspaper men and laymen the state over. Then there is the great European war and the Mexi can difficulty. The Sunday Journal carris many features of state interest, such as its recently added state news page de voted to social and allied events. sent in by the Journal's large staff of state correspondents. The color ed comic is a great thing for the children and Brisky and Zapp, the funny philosophers, will thoroughly amuse the grown-ups. Tie price is small, so write at once. Address STATE JOURNAL, Lincoln, Neb. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured ' with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, us they cannot reach I the teat ot tlie disease. Catarrh is a blaotltur couth tutlonal disease, and In order to cure It you roust tiko Internal remcdlea. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure U taken to ternally, and acta directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 not a quack medi cine, n was prescribed by one ot the beat physicians In this country tor yean and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed ot t best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, nctlnit directly on tin mucous surfaces. The perfect combination ot tin two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re sults In curlnir catarrh. Bend for testimonials, tree. I'". J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O. Bold. by Drunifltts. price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Wor Stxle GOO bushels of seed corn and 100 tons of bright alfalfa hay. Frank tiffing, Hubbard, Neb. Primary Election Results Total Vote Cast In County Primary 0 Precincts (D S3 Covington Dakota Emerson Hubbard Omadi Pigeon Creek St. Johns Summit 74 108 103 40 188 138 G8 140 140 44 112 85 36 28 59 33 2G 8G 81 107 17 26 6 79 Totals. 121 487 915 Nonpartisan Judicial Vote Chief Justice of Supreme Court Jacob Fawcett 225 A M Morrissey .305 Judge of Supreme Court LS Hastings 1G6 CAGoss 172 E Falloon 152 JRDean 1G9 J B Barnes 308 JCMartin 235 , A J Cornish 206 GeoJ Hunt 198 HS Palmer 148 S H Sedgwick 188 Judge of 8th Judicial District . GuyT Graves 4 533 HEBurkett 200 County Judge SWMcKinley 552 Harvey Phillips 98 Preference for President Wilson, dem 344 Ross, dem 42 Estabrook, rep 33 Cummins, rep 193 Ross, rep '. .. 87 Ford, rep 78 Roosevelt, rep 9 Hughes, rep 43 United States Senator Hitchcock, dem 27G Dunn, dem 85 Aldrich, rep 190 Kennedy, rep 210 Governor C W Bryan, dem 130 K Neville, dem 236 W George, rep 37 S R McKel vie, rep 140 A Sutton, rep 1G5 C J Miles, rep 62 WMadgett, rep 23 Lieut. Governor J Pearson, dem G5 Edgar Howard, dem 148 W Banning, dem 112 WKiechel, rep 74 T Nordgren, rep 60 H P Shumway, rep 270 Secretory of State CWPool, dem 294 WB Smith, rep 108 WSWaite.rep ,77 C P Hensel, rep 77 Addison Wait, rep 131 Auditor of Public Accounts WHSmith, dem 287 GW Marsh, rep 188 WL Minor, rep 180 'Our Customers, Your Patients ' The following letter is self-explanatory and shows how the dis. tillers view their own business. It is no wondec that Senator Borah said of the man who wrote this letter, "if he was not an idiot, ha : would bo a criminal." ' 'KENTUCKY DISTILLERS' AND DISTRIBUTING COMPANY "Kansas City, Mo., December 3, 1913. "Keoley Institute," "DvVht, Illinois. "Qen'Vmcn: "Our customers are your prospective patients. Wo can put on your desk a mailing list of over 50,000 individual consumers of liquor. The list is the result of thousands of dollars of advertising. "Each individual on the list is a regular user of liquor. "The list of names is new, live and active. Wo know because we haye circularized it regularly. "We furnish this list in quantities at) the prices listed below. Remittances to accompany each order. ; ,"40,000 to 50,000 $400 ' !' 20,000 300 10,000 200 ""We will not furnish this list in lots of less than 10,000. Discon-! tinuance of business January 1 is the occasion for selling our mailing' list. "Yours truly, KENTUCKY piSTILLERS, CO., "W. Franklin, President." Boys-Join Our Acre Corn Club-NOW Four Cash Prizes $40, $30, $20, and $10. Open for Boys 10 to 18. Five Counties Woodbury and Plymouth, Iowa; Dakota and Dixon, Nebraska, and Union county, S. Dak, Write or call for particulars, and Surely Enter. 'Twill help make better Farmers help you know our good band. THE MID-WEST BANK State Treasurer H Adams, dem 140 GEHalhdem 190 FCHamer, rep 1G9 W H Reynolds, rep 211 State Superintendent W H Clemmons, dem 271 A 0 Thomas, rep 371 Attorney General WE Reed, dem 202 G WBerge.dem 122 II Halderson, rep1 158 C P Anderberry, rep 84 RWDevoe, rep 127 Commissioner Pub. Lands & Bldgs .. AJSlinger, dem 26 G Shumway, dem 147 H Oberman, dem 45 EB Zimmerman, dem.... 73 Joe Lecdom, rep 135 HSCook, rep 80 F Beckman, rep 176 State Railway Commissioner AClute, dem 47 VEWilson, dem 109 . E Snyder, dem 44 , W S Ridgell, dem 45 K W Ralston, dem 58 HL Clarke, rep..., 50 N Johnson, rep 88 Thos B Long, rep 228 - C A Randall, rep 59 Regents of University PLHall, dem 21& , HDLandiB, dem 104 . G N Seymour, rep Ill SCBassett, rep 95, 1 E G McGilton, rep ...-,.... 35-, T M Hewitt, rep. . . . 85 , H L Sams, rep 48: Congress, Third District Dan V Stephens, dem 341 Wm P Warner, rep .381 , Otto Zuelow, rep 40 State Senator, 6th District Tom Conley, dem 3 Nels Johnson, rep 76 Thos Hansen, rep G6 Frank F Haase, rep 287 State Representative, 13th Dist. ' J J McAllister, dem 322 A M Chambers, rep . 366 County Clerk Michael RBoler, dem.... 335 ' George Wilkins, rei 361 . County Treasurer Chris Jacobson, dem 296' Justin S Bacon. ivp 420 Gounty Superintendent ( Anna Farrell, dem 7 Wilfred E Voss, rep 426 ' Sheriff- . TPHynes, dem.... 200,. John Mahon , dem 177; . George Cain, rep 399. County Attorney Geo W Learner, dem 319 Sidney T Frum, rep 376 County Surveyor Louis N Smith, rep-dem. . 19 ' County Assessor M T Beacom, dem '. . 309 J P Rockwell, rep 375 County Commissioner, 1st Dist. OW Fisher, dem..,. 69 " Ed Morgan, rep ,...1G3 County Commissioner, 2nd Dist, , , John Feller, dem. .,.0.... 214 . Roy Armour, rep 65, Louis Larsen, rep. ..65, "The Bank of Big Reserve" "Safe as a Government Bond" "