Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 20, 1916, Image 3

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. '
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
8ays wo can't look op feel right
with the system full
of poisons.
Millions of folks batho internally
now instead of loading their Dystem
with drugs. "What's an inaldu bath?"
you say. Well, it is guaranteed to per
form miracles 1 you could bollovo
theso hot water enthusiasts.
Thorc aro vast numbers of men and
women who, immedlatoly upon arising
in tho morning, drink a glass of real
hot water with a tcaspoonful of limo
atono phoophato in it. This is a very
excellent health measure. It is in
tended to flush tho stomach, liver, kid
neys and tho thirty feet of intestines
of tho provlous day's waste, sour bile
and indigestiblo material left over in
the body which, if not eliminated every
day, becomo food for tho millions of
bacteria which infest the bowels, tho
quick result is poisons and toxins
which are then absorbed into tho
blood causing hoadacho, bilious at
ks, foul breath, bad taste, colds,
stoi.uich trouble, kidney misery, sleep
lessness, impure blood and all sorts
of ailments.
People who feel good one day and
badly tho next, but who simply can
tiot get feeling right aro urged to ob
tain a quarter pound of limcstono
phosphate from any druggist or store
keeper. This will cost very little but
la sufficient to make anyone- a real
crank on tho subject of internal sani
(.v'lon. Just as soap and Lot water act on
the skin, cleansing, sweetening and
freshening, so limestone phosphato
and hot water act on tho stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels. It is vast
ly moro important to batho on tho in
sido than on tho outside, because tho
skin pores do not absorb impurities in
to tho blood, while tho bowel pores do.
1 Poor Percy.
At a dance Perclval Claude was pre
sented to a beautiful young girl from
an adjoining town, and during the eve
ning it was his great happiness to
lead her out among tho papier macho
palms for ico cream and angel cake.
"And so," said tho girl, in response
to Pcrcival's story of his life, "you
have never married?"
"No," answered Perclval, "I shall
never marry until 1 meet a woman
who is my direct opposite."
"That should not bo hard," returned
tho pretty one with a faint smile.
"There are bright, intelligent girls In
every part of tho town."
With Cuticura Soap and Ointment.
Nothing Detter. Trial Free.
Batho tho affected part with Cuticura
Soap and apply tho Ointment. For ec
zemas, rashes, irritations, plmplcs.dan
druff and soro hands Cuticura Soap
and Ointment aro supremo. Nothing
bettor, cleaner or purer than these
Buper-creamy emollients at any price.
Freo sample each by mail with Book.
Address postcaid, Cuticura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold overywhevo. Adv.
A German substitute for sole leath
er withstood six weeks' test of tho se
verest character.
You never realize how dearly you
have paid for your whlstlo until you
try to sell it.
.C.-ivrf trii. fr.-ulpmarlc ftitrnstiirft f P.inl P.
Skinner from till packages and exchange free
for Oniida Community Silverware. Write
J- 'today for free 36-page recipe book and full
' ( information.
Ington.D.O. 11 00 In tree. inch
ed roiorences. lied remits.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest."
rem best service snip
Ltre Stocl; Commlnnlon Merchants at
EIOUX 0TT. Chlaaao or Kansas City
SjfJtff4 Tumors und Lupus Buccesrafollj
Jo?ws4 treatafl without lcnlfnnnbin ,f
W? work guaranteed. Come, or
I.?, r. Ulll,Afttt!0 1U.fPAn
ita, "'" i"Ji.iu JHA 1 UKIUftl
. Z3fl3Ua!Tentt7 At.,ML'mipolii,Mina. j
by Cutter1! Olackltg Pilli. Ixw
prtr i, fresh, reliable; preferred by
Western atix-kmsn. tu. ,uia thty
protect where cttiT vaccine fall
rltn for t jW and testimonials.
IC-doie pk,t Blackleg Pills JI.PO
C-do pkie. Hlaealta Pills 4.00
1 Mir inierVir tmt Cutler's best
The urrl rlty of rutler products Is due to oier 15
inr rf Mc-muln li acelnu and serums only.
Insist on Cutters, 1 ur, buliub f. order direct.
Tho Luttw Laboratory, Berfcsloy, Cil., or Chicago, III.
-,.-TN laylnjr up No hospital
C I KB E SB w-"l,?.?-..N0s2L urlebr
C. Y. Clement. M D., B53 Good DIk., Dca Moloai
JV. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 17-1916.
Rodman Wanamaker Is Building
, Second Giant Craft to Fly
Over Seas.
Will Be Ten Times Power of America,
Which Was Sold to Great Britain
at Outbreak of War To Carry
Crew of Six Persons, Fuel
and Provisions.
Now York. Tho construction of a
new America, to bo tho largest air
craft ovor built and to hnvo sufllclcnt
power and speed to cross tho Atlantic
ocean in 30 hours, was announced to
local aeronautical authorities by Hod
man Wanamaker of Philadelphia, pres
ident of tho Aero Club of Amorica.
Tho ordor for tho huge air mnchlno
already has been placed with tho Cur
tlss Aeroplane company by tho Ameri
ca Trans-Ocean company and is now
under construction.
Mr. Wanamaker was tho owner of
tho old America, in which an attempt
to fly from Newfoundland to England
was to have been mado in 1914. Aftor
completion it was launched in Juno of
that year, achieved a trial speed of
CO miles an hour and was ready for
tho transatlantic flight when tho war
John C. Porte, a lieutenant in tho
English army, who was to have had
command of tho trial trip ncross tho
ocean, returned to his regimont In
England and tho proposed flight was
postponed until after tho war. In Oc
tober, 1914, howovor, under what was
reported as a contract made contin
gent upon England's entrance into a
war, tho Amorica was sold to Great
Britain and was Bhipped to that coun
try aboard the steamship Mauretania.
While nowB concerning tho British use
of tho huge airship has been censored,
Amorlcans returning from abroad
havo assorted that tho great hydro
aeroplane has proved all tho claims
made for it prior to tho war.
Ten Times Power of 0ther3.
Tho new America will be ton times
tho power of the old one, will be of
design different from anything ever
constructed, and will bo by far tho
largest airship of any nature over
Rodman Wanamaker.
built. While tho details of tho con
struction havo not been mado public,
it is understood that tho new craft
will bo equipped with six 12-cyllnder
motors of 300 horsepower each, giving
a total powor to the airship of 1,800
This power, it is believed, will bo
easily capable of sending tho America
through tho air at a speed of 100 miles
an hottV.
In addition to attaining tho highest
Bpeed yet reached by any largo air
craft, tho America will bo enabled by
its largo size to carry without tho
slightest trouble a crow of six por
eons, fuel, instruments, provisions and
equipment necessary for tho proposed
In his letter to Air. Hawley, Mr.
Wanamakor told of his insistent dosiro
to cross tho Atlantic, in tho belief that
it would bo tho ilrst stop in tho evo
lution of commercial air linos con
necting all tho continents. His letter
In part is as follows:
"Pursuing my purpose to build an
aircraft that will cross tho ocean, tho
America Trans-Ocoonic company was
incorporated, and tho company, acting
for me, has placed an order with tho
Curtlss Aeroplane company for a new
craft that will havo mora than ten
times tho power of tho old ono. It
will bo of special design, entirely dif
ferent from any aircraft heretofore
built, and especially adapted for alight
ing on and arising from rough seas,
and therefore eminently fitted for tho
transatlantic flight. It la now under
construction and will bo tested at tho
Atlantic coast aeronautical station at
Newport News.
Sees Aerial "Liners."
"I still bollovo that the first crossing
of the ocean will bring quickly In its
train aerial liners, which will regular
ly cross In tho air from continent to
cor.nnont. The .Irst crossing of the
" "
KS; B HWXKEtiSIl .. 7"
The America on
Atlantic ocenn will only mark an
epoch in aerial navigation, and this
faith in its future is nnothor impor
tant reason for tho cxlstenco of tho
America Trnns-Occnnlc company. I
hope to sco tho day whon this com
pany will bo running aorlal Minors'
regulnrly across tho Atlantic and oth
er oceans."
To indicate that his faith in ocean
norial navigation had not swerved
from his former bollofs, Mr. Wana
mnkor also quoted in his letter ox
tracts from a letter written by him
in February, 1914, prior to tho launch
ing of tho old Amorica.
"The crossing of tho Atlantic ocean
In ono flight of an aircraft," read
Mr. Wannmaker's letter of that date,
"is to my mind aB important to norial
navigation as was tho voyago of Co
lumbus to transportation by water.
"What man can do once, ho can do
any number of times. Onco tho At
lantic Is crossed in a single flight of
an airship thero will soon follow reg
ular transatlantic trips and a fixed
safe transatlantic passenger air lino.
"Tho crossing of the Atlantic by air
is not a matter merely of initiative,
nor of daring, nor even of skill; it is
a problom of science."
Tho fact that tho Curtlss plant has
Country at Last Is Entirely Free
of Foot-and-Mouth Dis
State and Federal Governments
Brought to Better Understanding
Which Will Insure Efficient
Co-Operation In Future.
Washington, D. Cr Tho long fight
against tho foot-and-mouth disease is
over. ' Tho socretary of agrlculturo
has issued an order removing all foot-and-mouth
quarantines and restric
tions against tho shipment and movo
ment of llvo stock. Tho order spocl
lically removes tho quarantlno from a
small territory In Christian county,
111., tho last area which was under
suspicion. Along with tho removal of
this local quarantine, the various fed
eral orders restricting shipment of cat
tle aro rescinded, so that dealers can
now ship their cattle as before tho Ilrst
quarantlno was imposed.
Upon notification that tho United
States is free from tho discaso, all
foreign governments which havo
placed embargoes on American cattle
aro expected to remove those em
bargoes, so that cattle raisers will then
bo able to resume shipments to theso
foreign countrlos.
Tho magnltudo of tho work of eradi
cation and control carried on by farm
ers, shippers, and tho stato and federal
governments is shown by tho fact that
before being controlled, tho dlseaso had
gained a temporary footing in 22 states
and tho District of Columbia. The
dlseaso appeared and was controlled
in 269 different counties.
The importanco to tho stock-raising
industry of eradicating foot-and-mouth
dlseaso may bo judged from tho ro
sults of'thls plaguo in Denmark, whoro
tho dlseaso appeared at about the
samo timo that it broke out in tho
United States. Tlio area of Denmark
is approximately equnl to that of tho
three England states Massachusetts,
Connecticut and Rhode Island. It is.
however, a great dairying country,
and it has been estimated that tho
losses in milk in ono year caused by
tho foot-and-mouth discaso havo
amounted to approximately ono-thlrd
of tho total cost of eradicating tho
pestllenco In 22 states of this country.
Tho Danish authorities were unablo to
carry out their former policy of slaugh
ter, and were compelled to rosort to
such measures of control as could bo
established by quarantines and other
As a result of better understanding
botweon tho state and national govern
ments,'1 representatives of tho depart
ment bellovo that many of tho ob
stacles which confronted tho authori
ties in tho past outbreak, would not
bo encountored in dealing with any
futuro occurrence of the dlseaso. Tho
veterinarians, however, will not abnto
their watchfulness for somo timo. Ex
amination of animals and animal prod
ucts offered for import will continue
to bo unusually strict. Tho depart
ment, moreover, particularly urges all
farraors and cattlo jandlors to notify
their statu vetorlnarlnns untl tho de
partment of any suspicious cases of
soro mouth combined with lamoness'
In their animals. Thoso in clinrgo of
tbo eradication work are confident tbat
a Trial Trip.
been for some timo nt work upon a
hugo aircraft had been rumored, but
that Mr. Wanamakor was going to con
tlnuo his efforts townrd a crossing of
tho Atlnntlc was not doflnitely known
by many persons until tho other day.
It 1b stated by local aeronauts that
tho designs wcro proparcd by Glenn
H. Curtlss and W. Starling Burgess,
and that tho very best neronautlc en
gineers In tho country, supported by
unlimited financial aid, havo been
called to their assistance
Coram, Cal., Has as Many Public
Jobs as It Has Man Resi
dents. Coram, Cal. Coram, Shasta county,
tho smallest incorporated city In Cal
ifornia and onco a popular mining
camp, with a population of 24, of whom
nlno are men, has eight ofllces to fill
at tho municipal election. Ono of tho
men, C. W. Barkor, at present a city
trustee, also is JuBtlco of tho pcaco.
Ho will not seok re-election.
Evory man in tho city will bo an of
llceholdcr unless somo of tho women
can bo induced to accopt municipal
tho dlseaso is wiped out, but thoy wish
to uso every precaution to dotoct and
control any sporadic cases that may
develop in remoto districts.
Eleven In England Close Entirely,
Nine Others Aro Nearly
London. A reduction in tho prison
estimates for tho coming year of
$500,000 or about 12 per cent and
tho shutting up, in wholo or part, of
a score of prisons. Thoso aro some
of tho visible evidences of tho reduc
tion of crime in this country owing to
tho war.
Of tho 20 prisons closed or In proc
ess of closure, 11 havo been cloned
entirely, all being situated In towns
of moderate size, llko Chelmsford,
Hereford, Stafford, St. Albans, Dovizop,
and so forth. Of four others a wing
only has been given up. Arrango
ments nro now boing mado for tho to
tal closing of five more.
It 1b true that not qulto all of tho
diminution in criminality can bo as
cribed to tho war, for tho process has
been going on since 1901, undoubted
ly as a result of tho greater Intelll
genco of British legislation.
In their last report tho commission
ers of prisons ascribed tho decrease
in criminality to threo chief causes
namely (1) tho drifting Into tho army
of a conslderablo section of tha pop
ulation from which tho criminal
classes ordinarily como; (2) the now
demands for lnbor and tho greater fa
cilities for making a livelihood by hon
est means; and (3) the restriction oi
tho sale of liquor. Experts havo nt
doubt that It is tho last of theso thru
causos which has been most Influen
His Master Lets Him Slide Over
Mountain Snowdrifts With a
Truckco, Cal. Hank Weber, with
his snowshoo horso, arrived nt Trucked
tho other day after a hair-raising trip
down tho mountainsldo.
After leaving tho Southern Pacific
snowshodB at tho summit, tho way to
the bottom of tho mountain was almost
straight up and down, with many
drifts of Bnow nearly fifty feet deep.
Tho only way ovor somo of tho
drifts was to tlo a ropo on tho horn
of tho saddle and let tho horso slide
down. Tho horso slipped on ono of
tho drifts and foil to tho bottom, al
most a hundred feet below, luckily es
caping injury.
Old Man, Cave Dweller.
Fulton, Mo. II. H. liodo, deputy
state highway commissioner, has dis
covered that Callaway county bus
a cavo dweller In ono of tho bluffs In
tho hills northwest of Cedar City.
CuHoub children first discovered tbo
ian when thoy cautiously crept up to
tho mouth of tho cavo, and fouild him
sleeping on leaves and dried vegeta
tion. His lire smoldered near tho on
franco to tho cave and near at hand
wuro somo prlmltlvo cooking utensllu,
fashioned out of stone.
During tho day ho parries load aftoj
load of fagots and logs to keep his
tiro going, and apparently ho lives in
comfort. Children reported him to be
a kind looking man, with a lone boar-4
J to iv tc avoid
These Three Women Tell How They
Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of
Surgical Operations;
Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but they
should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills
peculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkhanv
Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of
women after they have been recommended to submit to anl
operation have been made well by Lydia E. PinkhanVs
Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters. All
sick women should read them.
trouDio, ana x nnieu 10 uuvo it uunu ua . mu wu
paina and my
way. I rivo you
it S81
HsflJtslSsssf JsssssssssssssssflsUUr
DCCaUSO X lull BO muilhiui limn i vui dwi u(,uuu
Mrs. Fued Behnke, Marinotto, Wis.
.. j iV 111
With lomaio trouDics tnancouiu not uu aiiytuiutj, uuu uui sxwf
said I would havo to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk
without help so when I read about tho Vegetablo Compound and what
it had done for others I thought I .would try it. I got a bottlo of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a packago of Lydia IS.
Pinkham's Sanativo Wash and used them according to directions.
Thoy helped mo and today I am able to do all my work and I am welly?
-Mrs. Turn Dwrrcit, 989 Milwaukeo Ave., East, Detroit, Mich.
Bellovuo, Pa. u I suffered more than tongue can tell with terrible?
bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and,
they aU told me tho same story? that I never could get well without
an operation and I just dreaded tho thought of that. I also tried a'
good many otner meuicines uwy
? iiT irii m m trinnA
ham's Veeotablo Compound a trial Tho first bottlo helped, I kept
, i 2i s -. T )! lrvisi.t YirVinf if la t fvn fiimr nnxr 1
am picking up in weight I am
1U Will UU UlU Breuwai, jutuaum w .u . .. - - yar--
tunity to recommend it to any other suffonng woman." Miss Irenk
FROEMcnEit, 1923 Manhattan St., North Sido, Bcllovue, Pa.
If you would liko special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkllnm,
Mod. Co. (confldGntial),liynn, Mass. Your letter will le opened,
read and answered by a woman and held in strict confluence.
"Thcro rocs another married man,"
saiil the girl nt tbo candy counter.
"How do you know?" aBkcd tho
"Ho used to buy a thrco-pound box
of candy twlco a wcok, and now ho
buys half a pound onco a month,"
"Did Do noorc havo anything to say
when tho toaBtmaster called on him
at tho banquet?"
"No, and it took him nearly an hour
to Bay it."
Tho mikado of Japan ia going to
build a $3,000,000 hotel on imporiul
ground in Tokyo.
Thousands of women who aro now
blessed with robust health cannot un
derstand why thousands ot othor wom
en continuo to worry and Buffer from
ailments peculiar to women when they
can obtain for a trifling sum Dr.
Plcrco's Fayorito PrescripUon which
will Burely and quickly banish all
pain, distress and mlsory and restoro
tho womanly functions to health.
Tills prescription of Dr. Plcrco's ex
tracted from roots and horbs la a torn-
peranco remedy.
To got rid of irregularities, or ca
tarrhal condition, to avoid pain at cer
tain times, to overcome irritability
and weakness, waste no timo, but get
Dr. Plcrco's Favorite Prescription in
liquid or tablet form thio very day.
Unusual Celerity.
A lady who had Just'rocoivcd an in
teresting bit of news said to hor llttlo
"Marjorlo, dear, auntio has a now
baby, and now mamma is tho baby's
aunt, papa is tho baby's uncle, and you
aro her llttlo cousin."
"Well" said Marjorlo, wondcringly,
"wasn't that arranged qulck7" Bos
ton Transcript.
Tho law resomblcH tho ocean in ono
respect. Tho greatest troublo is
caused by breakers.
Buy materials that last
1 lU aHfTaa
Fully guaranteed
General Roofing Manufacturing Company
Jl orld i largai manufacturers
.V.- Tort fit I1M( Ihlluldla Gt. LmUi DmUi
-nmi, H,i,ii ia.iia fi.il n.auia
Win T vwni-. fn fVin rWlnrfirtfli
ho told mo I must havo an operation for a femaloj
hands and feet wero cold all tho
timo. ltooic iiyttia Ji. nnKuanrs vegeuiuio ww
nMin,l nwl Ttrnn niirwl nnrl T frwl hfit.tfir ill OVOrV
permission to publish my name
DotroiOIich. "When I first took Lydia E.
't:r.1.V.nmSn TTVirrnfnMn iVvmnrtiinrl T wnn fin T11T1 lriVTl
t- .1. . all 1 w H-iil ji rinn !.
tvuiu -vwiuuwuuku w "'"""
ofl-m'cjofl mn in iHvn T.vrlin. E. Pink-
20 years old and weigh 145 pounds.'
mnm nnrl A
Watch Your Colts
Fjor CourIis, Colds nnd Distemper, tinCL nt tho first symp
toms ot any such ailment, Rlvu small doses of that won
derful remedy, now tho most unod In oxlstonco.
E0 ccntfl and $1 a bottlo; J 5 and 10 tho dozen, of any
druKKlst, harness denier, or dollvorod by
Sl'OlIN UISDIOAij CO., Clietiilnd, Goshen, Ind., V. S. A.
Perilous Waters.
"Sho is vory shallow."
"That may bo; but moro than ono
mnn 1ms gono boyond his depth chas
ing her."
important to Mothors '
Examlno carefully every bottlo ot
CASTORIA, a safo and suro remedy for
infants and children, and sco that it
Signature of (2L&$HZ:
nMH.M it.
In Uso for Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria'
Vhonovor sho asks her husband for
( money ho glvos hor aBsent."
"Gracious, whnt a moan man!"
This is a rocont discovery ot Doctor
Pierco, hoad of tho Invalids' Hotol,
Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments for sev
eral years proved that thoro ia no
othor eliminator of uric acid compa
rable. For thoso caBily recognized
symptoms of inflammation as back
acho, scalding urine and frequent uri
nation, as well as sediment in tho
urine, or if uric ncld in tho blood has
caused rheumatism, "Anurio" actB
quickly. In rhoumatism of tho Joints,
in gravol and gout, invariably the
pains and stiffness which so froquontly
and persistently accompany tho dis
caso rapidly disappoar.
Send Dr. Pierco 10c for largo trial '
package Full trcatmont 50c. AU
"Can I lntcrost you in a sot ot
Knowitall's encyclopedia?" asked tho
gentlemanly agent.
"Not for tho next olghteon or twenty
years," said tho farmor. "I've got
forty-seven volumes of agricultural re
ports that our congressman fiont mo
last winter, and I'vo got to read them
through boforo I tucklo anything else."
Safety First.
"I'll let you Into my schemo on tho
ground floor."
"Aro thoro any oxlts?"
For sale by dealer
nt reasonable price
of Hoofing anil Jiufuima rupcra
ClM.U.a I'llULarfk lt.lr.ll 8. rraaclM (litWaall
lamtnipoiii Allots uickia.aa llomloa uaui l(