Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 06, 1916, Image 6

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Rumor of Qatherlno of Vllllstas In
Chihuahua Desert to Cut Expedi
tion's Line of Communication
Causes Fear on Border.
tVMttrn Ntmpapn Union New ferric.
Columbus, N. M. North from tho
town of Guerrero nnd cast of the line
of tho Mexico Northwestern railroad,
through Arroyos and over trails that
lead through the buttos and canyons
of tho SIcrro Tarahumaro, American
cavalrymen of tho Seventh regimont
nro riding night and day, Booking
Francisco Villa, according to latest re
ports received from field headquar
ters at Colonla Dublan.
Llttlo Information concerning tho
pursuit filtered over tho border, and
nothing doflnlto was received from of
ficial sources. Thoro woro persistent
reports, however, that tho forces of
Col. Dodd had captured the man who
was once tho "Robin Rood" of Mexico,
but becauso of the difficulty in com
munication have been unablo to mako
& report.
Lato reports from tho camp of Gen.
J. J. Pershing at tho front, stated
that tho track of a vehicle, believed
to bo a carrlago carrying Villa In his
flight, had been discovered.
Other advices said that tho Ameri
can cavalrymen woro riding through
tho mountains In tho toeth of a heavy
gale, which mingled with snow and
drizzling rain, cut through tho army
blouse and sweater Into tho very vitals
of tho men, but that not a slnglo man
Indicated a doslre to glvo up tho
Army men hero woro considerably
disturbed by numerous warnings from
confidential sources that Vllllsta ad
herents are gathorlng In tho Chihua
hua desert, both north and south of
Asconslon and near tho motor trail
leading from Columbus to Casas Gran
dcB for tho purpose of attempting to
cut tho American lino of communica
Fleet of Gas Bags Again Rains Death
on Island.
London. Tho coast of Scotland and
tho northern and southeastern coun
ties of England woro attacked by zep
jiolfns again Sunday night, according
to an official announcement by the
secretary of war.
Tho announcement says:
"A zeppolin raid took placo Sunday
night when tho coast of Scotland and
tho northern and southeastern coun
ties of England were attacked. Bombs
wero dropped at various places."
With tho exception of tho big air
raid of January 31, whon tho casual
ties wero G7 persons klllod and 117
Injured, tho zeppolin raids of Friday
and Saturday nights caused greater
loss of life than provlous aorlal at
tacks this year.
Tho total casualties for tho two
nights, according to an official report,
wore R porsons klllod and 1GC wound,
To Reopen (Famous Case.
Washington, D. C Tho colobratod
lnterraountaln rato caso bogun In 1911
nd disposed of three yoara later In
the supremo court was rooponed April
1 by tho intorstato commerco commis
sion on potition of tho Spokane Mer
chants' association and tho Novada
railroad commission. A hearing will
begin hero April 24 nnd a decision will
bo rendered as Bpoodlly as possible.
Schwab Buys Mammoth Factory.
Baltimore, Md. Charles M. Schwab,
chairman of the board of directors of
tho Bothlohom Steel company, finan
cier nnd multimillionaire stool mag
nato, has purchased tho Baltimore
Bheet and Tin Plato company, tho $3,
000,000 ontorprlso recently promoted
by J. E. Aldrcd. Tho purchaBO will
result in tripling tho originally pro.
posed size of tho plant.
Ready for Qotch.
Fremont, Nob. Whllo horo on his
way from Lincoln to his homo in
Dodgo, Joo Steelier declared ho was
ready any day now to tacklo Frank
Gotch. "Any sort of an arrangement
oulta mo," said Stechor. "What I want
Is a chanco at the champion who hand
ed his crown to Ordoman."
Milk Famine In Chicago.
Chicago. Chicago facod a Bhortago
ef milk April 1 as a result of action
taken by 10,000 farmers of tho milk
.producers' association, who domandod
n hlghor price from tho distributors.
Tho normal dally supply of 1,750,000
quarts was cut to 75,000, it was said.
To Place a Big Loan.
Now York.Tho loan to bo placed
in this country by tho Chinese gov
ornmont will probably amount to 5,.
. 000,000 and tho proceeds will bo used
in the purchase hero of supplies, it
was understood In banking circles.
Walte Signs a Confession.
Now York. What purports to bo a
.formal confession by Dr. Arthur Walto
that ho murdorod his father-in-law,
John E. Pock, of Grand Rapids, was
printed April 2 by tho New York
Teuton Confines Captain of Matoppo
In Cabin and Disables Wireless
Finally Captured by U. S. Officers
and Put In Irons.
Lowes, Del., April 1. Tho Brltlsk
steamer Mntoppo put In at this port
on Thursday with a thrilling talo of
piracy. A Oorman Btownway, armed
with two revolvers, had como within
a hair's breadth of capturing single-
handed tho vessel and Its cargo of war
munitions destined for Russia.
ICrnest Schulcr, tho German, Is un
der arrest. Ho is In irons nt tho fed
eral customs house in Lowes. Ho has
In his possession inonoy and papers
bolonglng to tho captnin. Nothing
can bo learned about him.
The Matoppo weighed anchor at
Sandy Hook nt night, bound for Vladi
vostok with a cargo of war materials
landed at Now York. Two hours later
Schuler camo out of his hiding place.
Ho put the wireless out of opera
tion, forced tho captain Into a cabin
nt tho point of his guns, searched his
papers and tho Bhip's safo and until
morning was In completo control of
tho ship.
Tho officers and crow of tho ship
wero terrorized through tho night by
tho man'B declaration that ho had
placed bombs In differont parts of tho
ship and that tho vessel would bo
blown to bits if they tried to attack
After running tho ship for a night
Schuler was rospoiiBlblo for his own
undoing. About noon, whon tho
steamer was oft Rohoboth bay, Dola
waro, ho insisted on being put ashoro.
IIo wa3 put over in a pilot boat, still
with his two guns, and mado for tho
In tho meantime tho Matoppo ran
up a signal asking for Immodlato as
sistance. It was seen by tho Bupor
Intondont of tho maritlmo exchange
reporting station at tho Delaware
breakwater and tho federal coast
guard crow at Lowes Immediately put
off In Its largo power launch.
Tho launch reached Schulor's boat
Just as ho waB approaching the beach
at Rohoboth. Schulor was ordered to
surrender and como into tho launch.
Ho throw his rovolvors overboard and
camo in. Ho was taken to tho cus
toms houso and clappod in irons.
Search 1b bolng mado for bombs on
tho ship.
German Navy Officer Is Arrested by
Agents of the Department of
Justice in Wetland Plot.
Now York, April 1. Capt. Hana
rnuschor, an officer of tho Gorman
navy and tho husband of Mmo. Jo
hanna Gadski, tho opera singer, was
arrested on Thursday by ngonts of tho
dopnrtmont of Justlco on a fcdornl
warrant charging him with bolng con
corned in a conspiracy on Soptombor
14. 1014, to blow up tho Wolland canal
In Canada.
Captain Tauschor's arrost followed
disclosures mado by Horst von dor
Goltz, alias Brldgman Taylor, who
was brought horo from tho Towor of
London. Captain Tnuschor Is head of
the Tauschor Arms company nttd Is
tho American representative of tho
Krupp Gun works of EsBon, Germany.
Miss Atlco Gertrude Gordon Announces
Her Engagement to Dr. Cary
Grayson, U. S. N.
Washington, April 1. Announce
nont was mndo nt tho Whlto Houso
jn Thursday that Miss Allco Gortrudo
Gordon, an hoiress and, formor ward
of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, had an
nounced in Now York tho ongagoment
to Dr. Cary T. Grayson, United Statos
navy surgeon and porBonal friend,
aldo and physician to tho president.
Miss Gordon 1b tho possessor of mil
lions. Mr. Gordon died flvo years ago.
Ho waB a world-famous brldgo build
or. Miss Gordon's romnnco is tho
'ourth in tho Whlto Houso sinco
Wuodrow Wilson bocamo prosidont.
Mr. Wilson and his two dnughtora
'invo boon married sinco 1i1b term bo
3; tin.
Immigration Bill Wins Again.
Washington, April 1. Tho Bur
nett Immigration bill, twico passed by
both houso and sonata and vetoed
loth tlmos, onco by formor President
Taft and tho last tlmo by President
iVilson, ngain passod tho houso. -Tho
voto was 308 to 87. Tho hoilse voted
lown a proposal by Roprosontatlvo
3abath of Illinois to strike out tho lit
sracy test.
New York Woman Held ns Spy.
Romo, April 3. Charlotte von ICuoh
nan, a Now York artist, was sentenced
to two months' imprisonmont nnd ban
fshmont on a chargo of doing secret
servlco work for Gormany In Liicorno.
Anothor woman got the sama sentence.
Bombs Kill Allied Troops.
Borlln, April 3. Two hundred Eng.
i&h and French soldlors woro killed in
German nlr raids on Salonlkl March
30, according to Berlin reports re
ceived on Friday. Nuraarous barrack
bouses woro destroyed.
Dentist Says He Gave Both Victims
Germs and Fed Poison Also
to Father-ln-Law.
Now York, March 30. Dr. Arthur
Warren Waito confessed en Tuesday
that ho killed his mothor-in-law, MrB.
Hannah Pock, with disease germs and
murdored his fathor-ln-law, John E.
Peck, with arsenic.
In making tho confession holaid the
groundwork for his dofeiiBO on tho
ploa of montal irresponsibility. Ho
attributed two natures to himself a
good and an evil one and said that
tho evil nature, a stranger to his real
self, dominated him when ho commit
ted tho crimes.
Tho essential part of tho dontlBt's
confession was mado to District Attor
ney Swann and Assistant District At
tornoyB Mancusco and Brothers in tho
prosonco of formor AsslBtant Attorney
Walter R. Deuel, who has boen en
gaged as counsel for Doctor Walto.
Tho lawyers walked into the private
room of tho alcoholic ward, to which
Doctor Waito had boon removed, and
found tho man lying on n bed rubbing
his hand across his forehead, seeming
ly In n shaken and uncertain condition.
"Don't you remember mo?" asked
Mr. Brothers. "You talked to mo last
"Did I?" asked Doctor Walte. Thoro
was a moment's pauso boforo Doctor
Watto spoko again.
"Oh, but that doesn't matter," ho
said; "it's all ovor now. I did it all.
I killed Mrs. Pock and Mr. Peck. Tho
man from Egypt mado mo do 1L Ho
was after mo for a long time. I couldn't
shako him off. I wasn't ablo to get rid
of him until last night.
"Ho's gone now, but 1 couldn't got
away from him for a long time. 1
don't know -what his namo was. I
asked him and ho didn't toll me. I
was afraid of him. I told Clara about
By "Clara" Doctor Walto meant his
wlfo, who is now In Grand Rapids.
Representatives of the district at
torney's ofllco are searching for tho
undertaker who ombalmod tho body of
Pock. Mr. Swann declared Walto had
told him that he had mado an agree
ment with tho undertaker that for a
consideration of $9,000 the latter
would testify Hint ho had used arsenic
in tho fluid with which ho embalmed
Peck's body.
Earllor In tho day Doctor Walto
talked freely to his brother and Ray
mond C Schlndlor, tho private detec
tive employed by tho Pock family.
More Airships for Mexico.
Snn Diego, Cal., March 30. Capt. V.
Clark, aeronautical onglnocr of tho
signal corps aviation school horo, and
Lieut. ThomnB DoWltt Milling, Junior
military aviator and Instructor In fly
ing, havo recolvcd instructions to
proceed to Washington to luspect,
purchaBO and test a number of now
aeroplanes to bo sent to tho expedi
tionary forces operating in Mexico.
Pullman Shops Strike Ends.
Chicago, April 1. Flvo hundred
strikers of the Pullman car works,
who struck two wccko ago for nn In
creuuo In wages from 20 to 25 cunts an
hour, returned to work. They agreed
to accopt a two-cont Increase
Train Robbers Take Mall.
Shrovoport, La.. April 1. Robbers
boarded Toxas &. Pacific mall trnlu
No, 23 at tho station hero as It waB
pulling out. They bound two mall
clerks nnd took two pouches of regis
tered mall.
Rear Collision Between Two East
Bound Trains Sideswlped by West
Bound Twentieth Century Limited.
Clovelnnd, 0 March 31. State, fed
eral and railroad Investigation of tho
doublo wreck on Wednesday on the
Lako Shoro railroad at Amherst, O.,
near horo, which cost tho lives of fully
twonty-soven persons and injured
forty, was begun here.
Railroad officers doclaro tho blame
for tho crash which piled up the
Twentieth Contury flyer and two other
crack Lako Shoro passenger trains in
to a tangled heap of Junk probably
will bo shared by two railroad em
ployees. Tho railroad company, in an official
statement explaining tho wreck, de
clared tho first section of train No. 86,
after stopping at tho interlocking
tower at Amherst, had started ahead
at flvo or ten miles an hour. Tho sec
ond section ran into tho first. Two
roar cars of tho first section fell ovor
on tho west-bound track Just as tho
Twontioth Century Limited, bound for
Chicago, was approaching. Tho Twen
tieth Contury collided with part of tho
wrockago on tho west-bound tracks.
The Twentieth Century was derailed
except for tho three rear cars. All of
tho passengers killed or seriously hurt
wore in tho rear car of tho first sec
tion of train No. 8G.
American Army Aviators Establish
New System to Expedite
Field Headquarters American Puni
tive Expedition, Colonla Dublan, by
Motor to Columbus, N. M., April 1.
A completo chain of aviation relays
from tho American border to tho front
has boon established. Tho main base
Is at flold headquartors. Tho advan
tage of tho relay 13 that It enables tho
planes to travel with fairly light loads
i rain ouo Hmuon to me next.
Paris, April 1. Tho Russian hospi
tal ship Portugal has been torpedoed
and sunk. There woro many wound od
soldiers on board at tho tlmo.
Borno, Switzerland, April I. Two
neroplanos of unknown nationality,
dropped flvo largo bombs at dnwn this
morning on tho Swiss -vlllugo of Por
rontruy, near tho French frotlor.
Sorao damago to property was caused.
London, April 1. Two thousand
munitiou workers aro now on strlko
In tho government gun factories in tho
CI;do district and reports from Glas
gow said tho labor troubles threat
ened to Bpread. Loss than 400 strikers
havo roturnod to work in splto of tho
pressure of union loadors.
Planeo for Big Warships.
Seattle, April 3. Tho Pugot sound
navy yard has boon Informed that all
largo war vessols will carry aoro
planus nnd equipment for launching
thorn. Ordors havo boon rocolved to
build launching ways on tho deck.
Quake Shocks Recorded.
Washington, April 3. Tho seis
mograph at Georgetown university re
corded severe earthquake shocks last
ing almost an hour. It was estimated
that tho quako took placo somo 3,300
miles from Washington.
Nothing Found by Police to Indicate
Suicide Compact Shot Once Before
Believed His Case Was Hopeless
Wrote Two Letters.
Chicago, April 3. Edward P. Cum
mlngs, superintendent off bcIiooIb of
Lansing, Mich., shot himself to death
In tho Stratford hotel here. At prac
tically tho Bamo tlmo Dr. Herbert
Cummlngs, hiB brother, swallowed
poison in Grand Haven, Mich.
Nothing has boon found to indicato
a suicido compact Pollco and rela
tives bcliovo neither brother know of
tho other's act. Doctor Cummlngs la
still alive, but his condition makes
discussion of tho death of his brother
E. P. Cummlngs, who until last No
vember was president of tho State
Teachers' association of Michigan,
feared he was losing his mind, accord
ing to tho belief expressed by his phy
sician and close friends in Lansing.
It is Bald that for many months Mr.
Cummlngs has been under a severe
nervous strain. His mother, suffer
ing from a montal derangement,
caused him considerable anxiety whilo
sho was residing In his home.
Mr. Cummlngs had been at Daytona
Beach for two months in an effort to
recuperate, following injuries iecelved
when ho shot himself last December.
According to friends and relatives, at
that time, he shot himself accidental
ly whilo cleaning his shotgun after a
hunting trip. Part of his heart was
torn away and tho fear that ho never
would recover his strength as a result
of his injury, is said to havo been
one of tho causes of his suicide.
Doctor Cummlngs swallowed tho
poison whilo recovering from injuries
sustained recently when he Blashcd
his wrists with a knifo. Tho Grand
Havon pollco assort ho previously had
mado four attempts to end his life.
Cummlngs registered at tho hotel
as "R. S. Brown, Detroit."
Ho loft two lotters one to his
widow and the other to Mr. Sea
grove. In them ho said ho killed him
self becauso ho "didn't want to become
a burden to his family and tho state."
Germans Capture Strong Position at
Malancourt Another Town Is Men
aced Paris Admits Loss.
London, April 3. Tho crown prince
has resumed his great drive on Ver
dun with furious attacks on both sides
of tho River Mouse.
Tho Btrongly fortified villago of Mal
ancourt, ten miles northwest of Ver
dun, was captured by tho Hermans on
Thursday night. Frontal attacks by
massed German legions drovo the
French out of tho villago, an Impor
tant highway communication point,
but tho French still hold redoubts com
manding tho highway. Tho Germans
captured 328 prisoners.
Throo heavy Gorman' infantry at
tacks wero preceded by a terrific bom
bardment from German batteries on
tho heights surrounding the town.
Tho German war ofllco announced do
fonslvo positions on both sides were
Tho French hold on tho villago of
Bethincourt, two miles east of Malan
court, is seriously threatened by the
capture of Malancourt
French experts estimate that tho
Germans havo lost 20,000 men in the
renowal of tho strugglo about Verdun.
Paris, April 3. French troops have
evacuated the ruined villago of Malan
court tho war ofllco announced on
Tho Germans drovo tho French out
of tho villago at night, attacking.
heavily throo times after a violent
In massed attacks the enemy ad
vanced on Malancourt, attacking In
threo different places. After a ter
rible struggle, raging for several
hours, tho French ndvanco guard bat
talion evacuated, having Inflicted
heavy losses on tho enomy.
Liner Chlyo Maru Grounded In Fog on
One of the Loma Islands South
of Hongkong.
Shanghai, April 3. Tho largo trans
pacific passenger liner Chiyo Maru
grounded in a fog on ono of tho Lenia
islands, south of Hongkong. Nino tug
boats and launches from a British torpedo-boat
destroyer haVo gono to its
asalstanco and aro taking off its 209
passengers from San Francisco and
Begin Suit to Bar Liquor.
Butler, Mo., April 3. Injunction
suits havo been filed horo by Prosocut
ing Attorney DoWltt C. Chastaln, seek
ing to prevent throo railroads from
transporting intoxicating liquors into
tho county.
Forty-Five British Sailors Drown.
London, April 3. Forty-llvo sailors
of tho British cruiser Conquest wero
drowned through tho capsizing of a
cutter during n galo, it was officially
announced. Tho cutter was being
towed by tho crulsor.
According to tho report of tho insur
ance comintui8SIon, pcllclos in force in,
tho state will aggrogato $1,110,000,000.
Bank deposits In tho stato increased
$30,000,000 during tho past yenr, the
largest amount over reported, accord
ing to figures by tho Btato 'banking;
Democratic namos cannot appear on
republican ballots, nor vlco versa, nor
can members of cither party pose as-,
progressives, according to a ruling of'
Secretary of Stato Pool.
Preparations aro boing mado for
maneuvers of tho national guards at.
somo point in tho state, to bo held on
a gigantic scale, in ovent of being:
called Into action In Moxlco.
Several towns ovor the stato havo
engaged supervisors and will conduct,
public school gardens during thoi
summor, In cooperation with tho ex
tension service of tho collego of agri
culture. General Hall is of tho belief that
It the war department looks favorably
upon an Interstate 'maneuver, tho
ovent may ho held oven If tho guards
men are not called upon to go to the.
front this summer.
State Treasurer G. E. Hall has de
cided to pay out all fees in his posses
sion for tho support of stato boards
and departments except fees paid to
him by State Food Commisslonor Her
man's oil and food departments.
Miss Bertha M. Ludwig, han beoni
appointed matron of the stato hospital:
for Insane at Norfolk. Sho is n. grad
uate nurse and has served as super
visor in tho stato hospital for insane
at Hastings and Is now an employe
at tho state hospital for insane at
Dr. Cummins, secretary of tho.
board of secretaries of the stato board:
of health, says that when people get
accustomed to frequent baths, and"
learn to keep clean, personally, ther
will have becomo so pleased with tho.
result that annual "clean up" proclam
ations will not bo necessary.
Attorney General Reed has assured'
the several interested county oillcials
who have written him regarding tho.
case of the Great Northern Railway
company vs. Blalno county, Involving
tho constitutionality of an assessment
that he will give the matter personal'
attention in tho federal court, and;
will prepare the necessary pleading.
Nearly half of the farmers In flfty
nlne counties of the stato will be un
ablo to supply their own seed corn,
this spring, and tho department of
agronomy at tho stato farm at Lin
coln has secured a list of names of
farmers who havo seed for sale and
who can supply those loss unfortu
nate. Nearly two thousand porsons arc on
the regular monthly payroll of tho
state of Nebraska. The exact number
as shown by tho warrant register of
the stato aduitor's office Is 1,959, or
whom more than one-third are in
mates of tho fifteen institutions under
the board of control, about tho same
number employed In the university
and normal schools, 223 aro depart
mental employes and 58 aro Jutlge3
and reporters of tho district court.
Secretary of Stnte Pool has orderpd"
another 10,000 automobile number
plates and he is not certain that will
be enough to supply tho growing de
mand. Tho numbers ordered run from
70,000 to 80,000. Tho secretary of
stato Is now selling plates numbered
above C3.000. As this Is tho first year
under tho now law that plates have
been sold in numerical order it is now
cortaln that there are more than 03,
000 automobiles owned In Nobraska.
The buildings started last year at
the stato farm aro rapidly nearlng com
pletion. Tho dairy building, boiler
house and horse barn will bo occupied '
some tlmo thlB spring. On tho new
city campus of tho stato university
work will soon start pn tho construc
tion of tho botany and chemistry
buildings, excavating for which 1b prac
tically complete. All that remains to.
bo dono on the dairy building ia tho
construction of the roof. Tho boiler
houso is complete. Tho equlpmcut for
tius building Is expected to arrive.
May 1.
Capt R. E. McMillan nnd Edgar Bag
noil, tho two men sent from Nebraska
to bo trained as aviators for servlco in
the United Stntes army, aro now' at
Newport Nowb, Va and havo begun
their course of Instruction at tho Cur
tis schorl located thcie.
Food Commlsslonei Harman has.
gono to Chicago to tonfer with a
government official In regard to tho
Investigations in progress regarding
certa'ln patont modlcines, ospeelally
those advertised as "cures," which are
believed to bo fraudulent.
Brown and Keya Pahn counties havo
applied Jointly to tho stato board of
Irrigation, highways and dralnago for
a stato aid brldgo to be constructed
over tho Niobrara river at McLean
crossing, to take tho place of an old
structuro which was carrlod out by tho
Ice this spring.
State Hotel Commissioner P. F.
Ackorman has reminded hotel koopers
that spring Ib hero and that they
should indulge in house cloaning, and
has designated April 5 as a day to b
Jeyoted to that purposo.