lrws o DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. "w"' " v Hwmmm)f mr if A f HIGH PRICES GOOD CROPS And Good Demand for All Farm Products. It is no now experience for settlors located iu a fcrtilo country such as Wcstorn Canada, whoro lands may bo bought at very rcasonablo prices, to harvest ft crop that In ono season pays tho entire cost of their farm. Undoubt edly this was tho cxporlonco of many farmers during 191C, but ono lnstanco may bo quoted. A settlor who camo to Canada from tho United States Boino years ago decided to add to his holdings by buying an adjoining quar ter section near his homo at Warner, at $20.00 an acre, with terms spread over a period of years. Ho got tho land Into a good stato of cultivation and last spring put tho wholo quarter section In wheat. "When tho crop was threshed ho found that It only took half tho wheat on tho farm to pay tho A whojo purchase price of It; In Bhorti a slnglo year's crop paid tho cost of the land, paid all tho expenses of op eration and left him a handsome sur plus as profit. T,hls settler had soino adjoining land, and his wholo wheat crop for tho season amounted to over 18,000 bushels- Ho Is now plan 7lng to obtain somo sheep and invest his profits In Uvo stock which will as sure him a good living irrespective of what tho season may happen to bo. Canada's financial position Is ex cellent. All speculation has been elim inated, and trading is dono on a cash basis, with restricted credit Detailed figures of Canada's trado for twelve months ending October 31 snow how tho war is forcing Canadian trado into now channels. Ono of tho most extraordinary changes is in com merce with tho United States. A couple of years ago Canada Imported from tho United States two or throo hundred million dollars' worth of goods more than sho exported. Tho balanco of trado was all with tho United States. Tho balanco is rapid ly disappearing, and tho present out look is that by tho end of this year Canada will have exported to tho United States moro than sho has im ported. Tho figures for tho past four years aro Illuminating. They aro as fol lows: Exports. Imports. 1912 $145,721,050 5412,057,022 1913 179,050,796 442,341,840 1914 213,493,406 421.074.C28 1915 314,118,774 340,569,924 Four years ago, in 1912, tho balanco . v , of trado in favor of tho United StatC3 was no less than two hundred and .flixty-soven millions, and tills year, tho balanco Is reduced" to only thirty-two millions. Tho figures are extraordinary and rcfloct tho changed and now conditions in Canada. It looks as if for tho first time in nearly half a century this year Canada will sell moro to tho United States than oho will buy from tho Amorlcans. Advertisement. To a man who is down to his last penny a silver dollar looks like a wheel of fortune. FIERY RED PIMPLES Soothed and Healed by Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. Smear tho affected skin with Cutlcura Olnlmcnt on end of finger. Lot it re main fivo to ten minutes. Then wash off with plenty of Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Dry without irritation. Nothing like Cutlcura for all skin troubles from Infancy to age. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Giving a hungry man advico Is about as satisfactory as feeding ico cream to a wax doll. "GASCARETS" FOR f For sick headache, ,bad breath, Sour Stomach and constipation. Get a lOcent box now. No oddB how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how mlsorablo and uncomfort able you aro from constipation, Indiges tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get tho desired results with Cascareta. Don't lot your stomach, liver and bowels mako you miserable. Tako Cascarets to-night; put an end to tho headache, biliousness, dizziness, ncrv ousnoss, sick, 60ur, gassy Btomach, backacho and all other distress; cleanso your insldo organs of all tho bile, gases and constipated matter which Is producing tho mlBery. A 10-ccnt box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months. No moro days of gloom and distress If you will tako a Cascaret now and thon. All stores sell Cascarets. Don't forget tho children tholr llttlo In Bides noed a cleansing too. Adv. Trouble makers are as plentiful as peacemakers aro scarce. IL SENATE BACKS CHIEF PASSES RESOLUTION APPROVING PRESIDENT'S COURSE IN MEXICO. OPPOSED TO INTERVENTION Executive Sends Hla Thanks to Sena . tor La Follette, Who Introduced Measuro'ln Uupper House No Trou ble From Carranza. Wnshlngon, March 20. Senator La Folletto, Republican, introduced and tho scnato adopted without opposition on Friday a resolution approving Pres ident Wilson's courso In sending a punltivo expedition to Mexico and as suring tho Mexican people further that tho object of tho expedition was mere ly punitive. Tho text of tho resolu tion follows: "Resolved, by tho senato (the houso of representatives concurring), That tho use of armed forces of tho United States for tho solo purposo of nppro hcndlng and punishing tho lawless band of armed men who entered tho United States from Mexico on tho 9th day of March, 191G, committed out rages on American soil and lied into Mexico, Is hereby approved; and "That tho congress also oxtends its assurance to tho do facto government of Mexico and to tho Mexican people that tho pursuit of said lawless band of armed men across tho International boundary lino into Mexico is for tho slnglo purpose of arresting and punish ing tho fugitlvo band of outlaws; "That tho congress, in approving tho use of tho armed forces of tho United States for tho purposes announced, Joins with tho president in declaring that such military expedition shall not bo permitted to encroach in any de gree upon tho sovereignty of Mexico or to interfero In any manner with tho domestic affairs of tho Mexican peo ple." Word of tho senate's action was sent immediately to tho Whito Houbo and President Wilson directed that his ap preciation bo convoyed to Senator La Folletto. Satisfactory assurances regarding tho attitude of tho Carranza govern ment toward tho entrance of Ameri can troops into Mexico were convoyed to tho stato department by Consul Sll Hman, who is with Carranza. Ho ro ported no trouble from tho Carranza forces was to be expected. Tho Mexican situation was discussed at tho cabinet meeting and Secretary Baker read reports received from Gen oral Funston. Cabinet members agreed that danger of serious clashes with tho Carranza troops probably hau passed. ' Secretary Daniels told of the order ing of 500 marines to Pcnsacola, Fla., of tho naval transport Hancock, but later tho president authorized tho statement that tho movement had noth ing to do with tho present Mexican Sit uation. BLAST KILLS 24 MEXICANS Many Perish When Grenades Explode at Monterey, Mex. Loss j Is Heavy. Laredo, Tex., March 20. Tho post office and public baths at Monterey,1 Mexico, wero destroyed by lire, ac cording to private fcdvlccs reaching hero. Tho loss, it wjs said, will run far Into tho hundreds of thousands. All tho mall In tho post office was de stroyed. Tho origin of tho iiro is un known, but It Is believed to bo acci dental. Fourteen Carranza soldiers and ten civilians wore killed in an explosion of a carload of grenades and artil lery ammunition In tho yards of tho National railroad lines at Monterey, Mexico, last Tuesday, according to passengers reaching here from Mon terey. Tho news was suppressed by tho Carranza authorities becauso of tho tension existing between the United States and Mexico. All tho dead and Injured wero Mex icans. Immediately after tho explo sion a mountainous cloud of smoke spread over tho city and tho cry: "Tho Americans havo arrived," rang throughout tho poorer section. FULTON KNOCKS OUT FLYNN Fireman Takes Count After First Punch Delivered In the Second Round at Milwaukee. Milwaukee March 20. Fred Fulton, tho Rochester (Minn.) giant, knocked out Fireman u'lynn In tho socond round of their scheduled tou-round bout hero on Friday, thereby winning what he claims is a promlso from VVUlard to gWo him a battle for tho title. Tho knockout punch was tho .first blow struck in tho second round, and tho tlrst round was all Fulton. Higher War Tax In Germany. Borlin, March 20. Dr. Karl Holffer Ich, secretary of tho Imperial treasury, introduced In the relchstag tho bud get proposals and bills for now war taxes. Doctor Holfferlch inslstod upou tho necessity of rigid economy. Revolt In Bulgaria Near? London, March 20. A special dis patch from Romo asserted that n mili tary revolt Is Imminent In Bulgaria Tho populaco Is growing restless and the officials aro taking 'precautions, thf dlanatch said. DUTCH LINER SUNK STEAMER TURBANTIA VICTIM OF MINE OR TORPEDO OFF COAST OF HOLLAND. fHREE AMERICANS ON BOARD Vessel Carried Eighty-Seven Passen flora and Crew of Three Hundred All Are Reported to Havo Beer) Saved On Way to South America. London, March 18. Tho 13,000-ton Royal Dutch Lloyd llnor Turbantla, outward bound from Amsterdam for tho River Platto. with 87 passengers, threo of whom were Americans, and a crow ol 300 was sunk Thursday on Noordhlndcr lightship, on tho Dutch coast. A Central Nows dispatch from Amsterdam quotes tho captain, 11. K. H. Wytsma, as saying his ship was tor pedoed. Semiofficial reports from Ber lin claim that sho struck n mine. Ad vices indlcato that all on board were saved. Tho Turbantla was struck at about threo o'clock In tho morning, a great holo being torn in her stem. Sho re mained afloat, howovcr, until about 8:30. Sho sank about two miles enst of Noordhlndor light. Tho explosion put tho steering gear of tho vessel out of commission, but no ono on board was injured. Water running through tho gap In tho ves sel's stern ponotrntcd tho corrldom and engine room. It was alono owing to tho fact that tho modern construc tion of tho ship sho was In servico only, a year enabled her to float for sovoral hours after receiving her death blow, that tho loss of llfo was not heavy. Tho Turbantla, which carried a gen eral cargo and malls, was making for Falmouth, whoro sho wa3 to tako aboard passengers for South America, whon the explosion occurred. Her proximity to tho coast enabled rescuo ships to reach her quickly. Her calls for assistance wero answered by a life-saving vessel from tho Hook of Holland, tho Dutch steamship Kvaka tan and two other ships, ono Dutcli and ono Swedish. STRIKE AT PULLMAN SHOPS Four Hundred Laborers Demand Wage Increase Disaffection Spreads at Chicago. Chicago, March 18. Four hundred laborers employed In the car shops of tho Pullman company walked out Thursday on strike Tho strikers de mand an increase in pay of from 21 to 25 conts an hour. Deputy sheriffs armed with rifles marched beforo strikers of the Corn Products Refining company at Argo, whero disaffection among workers broke out In two new spots. In a strlko of 100 laborers at tho Patont Vulr.anlto Roofing company a man was shot ,No violence attended tho other walkout that of 100 section hands on tho Chicago & Alton railroad near Summit. SENATOR SHIVELY IS DEAD Veteran Indiana Statesman Had Been III for Several Months Family at Bedside at End. Washington, March 16. Sepator Benjamin F. Shlvoly of Indiana died at a hospital here on Tuesday after an Illness of many months. Senator Shlvoly died at Provldonco hospital, His wife, sovoral of his children and his secretary, MaJ. , B. E. Long, Jr., wero at his bedside. Senator Shlvoly had been 111 slnco tho middlo of last summer. A complication of diseases caused his death. The senator's death was announced In tho Bonato and tho senato immediately adjourned as mark of respect. WABASH CASHIER IS ACCUSED Robert E. Rlgby of St. Louis Said to Have Embezzled the Sum of $18,000. St. Louis, March 18. Robert E. Rig by, thirty-two, assistant ca3hlor In tho treasurer's office of tho Wabash rail road, Is alleged to havo made a volun tary confession that In tho Inst eight years ho has embezzled $18,000 of tho railroad's funds and lost it all In gam bling. Ho mado tho confession to F. L. O'Lcary, treasurer of tho company. In tho latter's ofilcc. Ho was lodged In tho city Jail. New French War Minister. Paris, March 18. General Galllcnl has been superseded by General RoquoB as minister of war. It was stated somo days ago that Genoral Gal llonl was ill. Tho doflnlto appointment of General Roquea was announced on Thursday. General Joseph Simon Gal llonl has been tho French jfninister of war slnco October, 1915. Beforo that ho wa3 military governor of Parla. London Standard Suspends. London, March 0. Tho Standard, founded in 1827, has suspended pub lication, tho result of the severo strain brought on by tho war. At tho tlmo It was established tho Standard fough against Catholic emancipation. Two Mexicans Sent to Jail. BrownBvlllo, Tox., March 20. Two Mexicans who two weokB ago tried to labso Miss Hattlo McClelland, a school toachor In Hidalgo county, wore given penitentiary sentences of Ave years each lu criminal court horo. HAD ALL HER AFFECTION One Woman In the World Who Was Adorod With a Devotion That Was Intense. Sho had known hor nlnco hor ear liest Infancy and novor taken a stop without hor guidance. Sho could not recall ono twenty-four hours not spent In her presence Whllo at tlmos in tensely wcnrled of hor, thoro was novor a momont whon sho would not havo ubandoncd anything for hor sake. That sho tyrannlzod over her and caused her to mako mistakes, at tlmos fatnl orrors, sho novor denied. But It novor Interfered with hor passionate admiration of her. Sometimes sho found horsclf going to oxtrcmo lengths for hor. When In troublo sho borrowed money for her; whon In grief sho tried despcratoly to console hor. Onco sho attempted to steal a woman's lovor for her. Sho thought her tho most won derful woman In tho world and that nothing was too good for hor. Sho was never jealous of hor, but sho tried to mako othcrB envy hor. Thoro wero times whon her lovo for hor caused her to forget reason. Thoro wero times, also, when for a short period sho hated hor, had contempt for hor. But sho novor failed In her service or to return In her adoration of horsclf. Judge. Scored on the Students. Prof. R. W. Leo of McGlll University Law school was onco addressing tho Ontario Bar association, and tho Oa- coodo hall students wero presont. Of courso Dean Leo's address had to bo punctuated by tho usual students' out bursts. Dean Leo touched on ancient and modern law and tho methods of lawyers and Judges. Taking up ono lino of legal problems, ho said: "Now, If I asked a lawyer' of such and such an ago this question, ho would answer so and so"--or something to that ef fect. "But," coming down to tho pres ent day, if I woro to ask tho same question of an Osgoodo Hall student " Instanly tho nolso began. Tho students yelled and cheered and ap plauded and stamped on tho floor and pounded their desks. It was somo noise, but at laBt it subsided. Dean Leo, unruffled, wont on to say: "If I wero to ask an Osgoodo Hall student, ho would answer, 'I don" know.' " Si lonco. City Has a History. Hamadan, the Persian city, seems to bo tho Ekbatana or summer resi dence of tho ancient Persian kings, whoro Alexander tho Great stored his enormous loot from Persia, estimated at over $205,000,000. But thoro Is to pographical difficulty about Identify ing it with tho earlier and still moro Interesting Ekbatana described by Herodotus tho city whero tho first Median kings, Dcloccs, realizing tho ideal of royal Isolation by shutting himself up in a palace on top of a hill, surrounded by soven fortified circles of different colors descending tho slopes In order, and nllowlng tho Inhabitants of theso to communicate with him only by writing. Admonition Applied. "Young man, don't you know that It's better to bo alono than In bad company." "Yes, sir. Good-by, sir." His Choice. ""Tho fireman In tho stablo Just now is looking for a horso." "I supposo ho wants a plug." I . . ..J .. ilJJIiI I . . J a : :w &&: tftwt ?.'?' i " y - ur cym. x & -vi y:v' , fSMmmL Growing Children jflrllllPS $$m&&flfa$ . there 13 no better food than mk$ 1fl$tw$$ urape-JNuts N. with cream or good milk. K$t!$&$;l Many diseases of childhood and youth are duo to i(5MfM tZfe faulty diet a diet that restricts the amount of needed p; W Y lirtmEa mineral salts, the lack of which, as your family physi- P365 Wl$m- rl 3 'Bljlfi c'an can te yu' ften leada to rickets and other P8 &ffl$M v. IvJJ diseases of mal-nutrition. A -.. . 5 " vf& yvkt Grape-Nuts, made of whole wheat nnd malted w? -v n wWfifbWsp v" M? kmtay 13 rich in these vital mineral elements uo $F'wdM ?$$JM necessary to health. ..,&., Je : 5mT-:$P$ '' wft$Yiz--3r This food tastes good, is easily digested, and many S''i$m!$$: W- letters from parents, after trial, testify "fl l$tf$f f'jlr "There's a Reason' v 1 i GOLDFISH CAME FROM CHINA Result of Observation Made by Orien tal Who Evidently Had an Eye for the Beautiful. Somo centuries ago an obsorvnnt Chinaman noticed a gay-colored carp swimming among somo other fish In a fresL-wntor pool. Tho Chinaman did not know It thon, but tho attention ho gavo to that llttlo fish started tho world In pursuit of anothor hobby. And that llttlo carp la Its gay clothes bocamo tho father of millions of finny beauties scattorcd today all over tho earth. Wo call them goldfish, a writer obsorves In tho Philadelphia North Aiuorlcan. Tho fish tho Chinaman snw wbb probably an nccldcnt it may havo boon an albino carp. Ho singled It out and bred other fish to It. That devel oped tho typo. Coldflsh woro swim ming around In nqunrlum3 and ponds In China long hoforo tho rest of tho world saw them. . About tho year 1400 tho .Tapancso Imported thorn from China. Two cen turies later they reached Europo. There Is a story that tho first goldfish in Franco camo ns a gift to Mmo. Pom padour. It is also known that Admiral Amnion of Undo Sam's navy brought somo of tho Urst goldfish to America nnd gavo thorn a homo In a pool at tho foot of Lomon hill, Falrmount park, in Philadelphia. Descendants of this goldfish today aro so varied and fantastic that tho Chinaman of sovoral centuries ago wouln't rocognlzo thom. Thoro are goldfish with two tails, goldfish with no scnlcB, spotted goldfish, and others adorned with nearly every color of tho rainbow. Now Camora Llko Telescope. A camera that can bo used for tak ing photographs without tho subjoct's knowledge, resembling in appoaranco a short toloscopo, has boon brought out In Europo, In Bplto of tho war's ab sorbing Interest, saya Popular Sclonco Monthly. A Ions almost Invlslblo Is located in the sldo of tho toloscopo, bo that tho photographer, pointing what appears to bo a toloscopo at somo dis tant object, can got snapshots of ob jects that interest him, directly at right angles to his apparent lino of vision. Tho lens Is equipped Avlth an ad justable shutter, so that snapshots or tlrao exposures can bo mndo. For tourists traveling In foreign lands such nn equipment would bo of consldorablo valuo, as natives often spoil negatives by unnatural posing and vacant star ing, and this llttlo camera would throw thom off their guard. In Europo thoy call those contrivances "dotoctlvo" cameras. Ono Good Shot. Bill Yob, I fired my rlllo at tho bear twice. Jill But you said you only had ono load of ammunition In tho gun? "That's right. I missed him tho first time, but hit him the second." "But I thought you had ono load of ammunition?" "That's right. I throw tho gun at him when 1 hit him." Keeping It Warm. "You've henrd of bottled wrath?" "You bet. My wlfo uses a thermos bottle." Lbulsvlllo Courlor-Journal. Tho man who Is always tolling whnt a lot of good ho would do If ho had tho monoy never haB any. CHARACTER FROM THE EYE' Those Who Will Take tho Trouble to Observe May Tell Much About Their Associates. Bowaro of tho shifting, faltorlng eyes that always look away from you. Small eyes usually moan an alert mind. If thoy look straight at you, steady nnd bright, llko a squlrrol's, you may oxpoct tho right sort of clovorncss, a quick tonguo and n gift for roparteo. But if tho amall oyes aro moro dim and do not look straight into yours, you mny look for tho wrong kind dt clovorncss, for llttlo dlshonostica and equivocations, and for a business Bhnrpnoss that is willing to sacrlflco too much for n llttlo monoy. Largo, "tranquil," "cowllko" eyes, on tho othor hand, aro less responslvo thnn tho nlort, bright llttlo bendy oyes;' but, onco 3tlr them to their depths, and thoy will look Infinitely moro intonso nnd meaningful than tho moro Im pulsive oyes. Round, protruding eyes show an nm bltlous naturo nnd a lovo of action. Tho longer cyos show moro tho tem perament of tho droamor. Tho most beautiful oyes In tho world nro vory cloar (that Indicates good health), nnd aro sot widely apart and rathor doop. That width of Betting al ways gives a certain expression of Bweot spirituality. Takes Place of Call Boy. No longer will hotel clerks havo to "pngo" tho corridors, lobbies and bars when a visitor asks for a guest who cannot bo found In his room, Popular Science Magazlno saya. It will only bo necessary to tako tho .key which Mr. Jones has loft at tho desk, and af ter a glanco say, "Mr. Jonos may bo found In tho grillroom." Tho lnbor-savlng dovlco which will mako this possible Is n novel koy lag which haB recently been patontcd by a Chicago Inventor. Tho tag, on which' tho number of the room In stamped, is oval, and is Imprinted with a clock faco. By moans of a pin iu tho center of tho tag tho koy may bo fastoued so that It will net as tho clock hand, indicntlng the approxlmati timo when tho user expects to roturn. On tho outer edge of tho tag Is n Herlos of small holes. Near thouo aro stamped tho names of tho various public rooms of tho hotel. Anothor pin Is attached to tho tag by means of a light cord or chain, and this may bo placed In any of tho holes, Indicating tho placo whoro ho may ba found. , Well, What Are Autos For? Ilor now olcctrlc waa standing out In front of hor houso. Sho vlshcd to call on tho woman who lived across, tho'streot. Of courso, tho olcctrlc was right thoro; thoro was no need of ono's walking. Sho got In, drove across tho street, turning tho machlno as Bho did bo, and alighted on tho op. poslto curb. ' ' The Reason. "None of tho governments has Is sued latoly ono of thoso whlto. uluo or red books. I wonder why?" 'J' "I guess it Is because thoy aro all In ono nnothor's black books." He Got 'Em. Customer Glvo mo a pair of spj. dors, Clork Er bog pardon? Customer A pair of web suspends ors. c VI ; vu ' m? v rf Tv'" w. i