.,, - -v-pr' ifr "fTCTBASS DAKOTA QOUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. S' GUARD YOUR FAMILY Peruna protects the family against ( coughs, colds, catarrh, brot.chitls, catarrh of the stomach, liver and kidneys. It is just as sure to relieve a case of catarrh of the bowels as it is a case of catarrh of the head. Anyone suffering from catarrh, sevr fc or mild, acute or chronic, in any organ or part of the human body, should at once get a bottle of Peruna. As soon as the value of Peruna is fully appreciated in every house hold, both as a preventive and a relief from catarrhal affections, tens of thousands of lives will be saved and hundreds of thousands of chronic lingering cases will be prevented. Peruna, indeed, is a household safeguard. A course of Peruna never fails to bring relief in such cases, since there is no remedy like it, as thousands of people have testified. Perunrt Tablets aro now available lu convenient tins. Gubv to take "H" and "but" are among tho little things that count. aoioCas And iho Agency for Your Territory Get a Car Free and qualify to make $3000 to $5000 a year and up In tho Automobile Busi ness. A Postal brings full details of this great Free Auto Offer. Write ejuick before your territory Is taken. Address mo liko tlils-l. Ha Bush, President, BUSH MOTOR COLLEGE, Inc. DEPT. 401 -BUSH BUILOINQ NorthClarkStrectand Chlcaao Avenue, Chlcaco, III. I Tumora and Lupus successfully . treatedwithoutknlfcorpain. All ? work guaranteed. Come, or 1 wrItoftirt'rnniltnKfritnrinnib ' Dr. WILLIAMS SANATORIUM 2M3 Unlrity AT.,MbaMiIii, Minn. Pi L E S IN A FEW DAYS no mying up iNO uospniu operation No pay unless cured. Write C. Y. Clement, M. D 055 Good Elk., Des Moines FOR SALE-160MixedTaI all cultivated, barn, cood house, orchard, silo, wells, alfalfa, ling houses, all hof: fenced, tchoui close, suro crops. H.CiO-W 0U0 cash, balance terms. No trades. H. S. IiAWRKNCB, LONB WOLIf, OKLAHOMA pateuti i Wnt8onE.C;olomnn'WaJ . lnuton.D.t!. llooksfrec. High ' cat rclcrunccsl lite, results. Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest." FOIt 11EST SKItVICK SniP s I.lve Stock Commission Merchants at SIOUX CITY, Glucatjo op Kansas City W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 13-1916. Get mm FUEE wm.ai.it,., Magnificent '(tm-t-m w Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a All women ought to know the wonderful effects o taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: Harrisburff, Perm. ""When I was single I suf fered a great deal from female -weakness because my work compelled me to stand all day. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for that and was mado utrongcr by its use. After I was married I took tbo Compound again for a female trouble and after threo months I passed what tho doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle that it came away as ono generally goes under the knife to havo them removed. I never want to bo without your Compound in tho house." Trs. Fi:ank Kkobl, 1042 Fulton St., llarrisburg, Penn. Hardly Able to Move. AlbortjLoa, Minn. "For about a year I had sharp pains across my back and hips and was hardly ablo to movo around tho house. My head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After taldng Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and Liver Pills, I am feeling stronger than for years. I have a littlo boy oiglit months old and am doing my work all alone. I would not bo without your remedies in tho house as thero aro nono liko them." Mrs. F. E. Yost, 011 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up. Pittsbunr. Penn. "Your medininn lms linl nod inn wnnrlravfiillir. "Wlinn T wno n rA, was always sickly and delicate and irregularities. Three doctors gave I would go into consumption. 1 i-iuKJianvs vegetamo tmpounu ana witn tho third bottle began to feel better. I soon Uecamo regular 5t I Pt strong and shortly after I was married. Liiv i-nnvn Mm nmo otonr. inn h nm able to work hard every day." Mrs. Clementina Dur.imrNo,3:l Gardner StTroy ITU, Pittsburg, Penn. t fe 'All women aro Invited to wrlto f dao Co., .Lynn, Muss., for special Tho public educational system ot Qreatdr Now York shows a total regis tration of 8111,885 pupils. Cost Time. First ox-Convict You said you had n diamond pin. What did It cost you? Second Ditto Six months. Nothing New. Reader Ilavo you any modern 11c tlon? Librarian No( madam; our book buyer has boon on a six mouths' trip. Judge. Women Showcta' Their Skill. Tho skill with which women can do even tho heavy work on a farm was shown In a recent plowing match at Aspull, Preston, Lancashire, England. Tho Wifo of a farmer and her twenty-one-year-old servant managed to beat all but ono man competitor. Tho woman had only practiced plowing a week boforo tho match. It Is Bald that tho night boforo tho match somo person had removed tho shares and points of all tho competitors' plows, rendering them useless. Tho women ' went round tho district In tho morn ing, borrowed rusty shares and lit tings, and got them ready for tho match. SWAMP-ROOT STOPS SERIOUS BACKACHE When your back aches,, and your blad der and kidneys seem to be disordered, re member it is needless to Buffer go to your nearest drug store andget a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swnmn.nnnt. Tf. la n nlivcirinn'a prescription for diseases of the kidncya ( arm bladder. It lias stood the test of years and has a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousands of cases. This prescription was used by Dr. Kil mer in his private practice and was so very effective that it has been placed on sale everywhere. Get a bottle, GOc and $1.00, at your nearest druggist. However, if you wish first to test this Rreat preparation send ten cento to Di. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. There's nothing like an obstacle for getting In a man's way. HOW WONDERFULLY RESIN0L SOOTHES ITCHING SKINS! If you have eczema, ringworm or other itching, burning, sloop-destroying skin-eruption, try Rcsinol Oint ment and Reslnol Soap and sco how quickly tho itching stops and tho trou bio disappears. Rcsinol Ointment is also. an excellent household remedy for dandruff, sores, burns, wounds, chaflngs and for a score ot other uses where a soothing, healing application is needed. Rcsinol contains nothing of a harsh or Injurldus nature and can bo used freely even on tho most irritated sur face. Every druggist sells Reslnoi Ointment and Reslnol Soap. Adv. Fifty vocations aro taught In tho United States navy. 10 .,,., i,l t! suffered from mo up and said I look Lydia E. j r mn ..! to tho Lydia E. Plnltham Mcdl- advico, it will bo confidential. lisi in raw ' Wl I ! I I I I IMM-W1 Vt fi I I I I "llllllll--, -Illllllli I IT? sH? mM'vA FACES BIG TASK HUGHS Difficult Problem Confronts Amer ican Army In Mexico. MEXICANS WILL AID VILLA General Funoton Has 32,000 Troops With Which to Guard 1,200 Miles of Dorder and Pursuo Bandit. Washington. Tho llrst question which comes up in sending an expedi tion after Villa is that of tho troops available Tho only troops immedi ately availablo aro thoso of tho regu lar army. Of tho 1G regimontB of cav alry, thrco and a third of them aro out of tho country and thercforo not availablo. Soven aro already on tho border, leaving four and two-thirds which can bo sent. Of tho field artillery, ono regiment of light and ono and a halt regiments of mountain aro on foreign servico, and thorororo not availablo. Ono regiment of light, ono of horse, and half a regiment of mountuln aro on tho border. In tho rest of tho country thero is only ono regiment and that is a siogo ono, tho guns of which aro too heavy to bo used with such an ex pedition as tho one after Villa. Nineteen Infantry Regiments. Of tho 30 regiments of infantry ten and two-thirds aro on forolgu serv ice, 15 aro already on tho border, leaving only four and a third availablo as a ro-enforcoment. Tho first tlmo tho troops wero mobilized on tho Mex ican border companies of coast artil lery were organized Into battalions and roElmcnts and used for infantry. At tho present tlmo, however, duo to our strained diplomatic relations with Germany and more or lo3S strained re lations with other powers, t.io coast artillery cannot be spared from tho coast defenses. This means wo havo availablo to guard our Mexican border nnd chase Villa 11 2-3 regiments of cavalry and 10 1-3 regiments of infantry, 48 field uns nnd 10 mountain guns. Ar tho roglni'i'ntP. aro at peaco strength, this givua n forco of about 32,000 to guard 1,200 miles of frontier through a coun try easily crossed by troops in any direction and to catch Villa In n ter ritory with which ho is thoroughly fa miliar. Mexicans Will Aid Villa. A great advantage possessed by Villa is that every Mexican will aid him in every possiblo way. Ho never will lack Information ns to whero our forces aro and ns to what they aro cto'.ng. On tho other hand, when ques roned by our men they will always Mo and glvo as much misinformation as possiblo. Villa can causo our troops serious embarrassment by retreating practi cally straight south. It is truo that thero aro Carranzlsta forces occupy ing most of tho principal points north of and Including Mexico City. South of Mexico City is tho terri tory held by Znzatn, who has nover como in sinco tho original Maderc- rev olution. Whilo littlo has been heard from him in this country, ho generally has mora followers than had Villa in his palmiest days. Ho oxcitcs oven raoro terror among tho natives thnn does Villa. Ho has threatened Mox lco City itself on more than ono occa sion. For theso reasons thero prob ably would bo littlo difllculty in Villa getting through Carranza forces to Zapata, should ho wish to do so. Must .Guard Communications. As our troops advance Into Mexico their ilno of communications, becom In., longer and longer, will need moro and moro troops to guard It. Also, the natives -will como moro and moro to bollevo that a genulno invasion is being mutlo. At tho present tlmo so much hatred of tho American exists just south of tho lino and so much hatred of tho Mexican just north of it that a clash between CarranzlBtas and tho American troops is possiblo at any tlmo. Tho farther our troops penetrate into Mexico tho greater tho tempta tion to tho Carranzlstas to Join Vil llstas and attempt to cut thorn off. This would be all tho easier, ns duo to tho present nominally friondly afc tltudo of Carranza his troops occu py positions near nnd along tho bor der which, of course, will bo between our expeditionary forco and tho sup porting forces on our eido of tho bor der as soon as tho expeditionary forco will havo advanced any distance into Maxlco. Question for Inventor. Tho Inventor of tho vlnoless potato now claims that ho lias crossed the ginseng with tho parsnip. This opens at last a Hold of real valuo for tho ginseng, but why thus contaminate tho character of a moral and -ro-spectablo parsnip?- Addition to Smithsonian. A collection of 10,000 bottles, con taining specimens of tho ocean bottom secured by vcssols of tho United States Coast and Geodetic Survey on tho Atlantic, Gulf nnd Pacific coasts has boon transferred to tho Smithson ian institution. The Human Mind. Our minds aro liko certain vehicles when thoy havo littlo to carry thoy make much noise about It, but when heavily loaded thoy run quietly. Eliuu OurrlU - BIG ARMS ORDERS FOR U. S. RUSHED Four Great Plants Turning Oul 2,000,000 Rifles and Many Shells. Philadelphia. Tho four greatest war munitions factories in the world, the Midvnlo Stool and Ordnanco company, tho Homingtoij Arms company, tho Ed dystono Ammunition corporation and tho Baldwin Locomotivo works. wUh tholr many subsidiaries, Btnnd ready to open up their plants to tho United States government on a minuto's no tice. This was announced by Samuel M. Vouclaln, managing director of tho Remington Arras company and a mem ber of tho board of directors of tho Mldvalo Steel and Ordnanco company, nnd Alba Johnson ot tho Baldwin Lo comotivo works. At tho same tlmo it was acknowl edged for tho first timo that all of thoso companies aro rushing tromon dous orders of rlllos and shells, all placed within tho last six weoks, slnco tho Mexican situation ;nd foreign re lations becamo moro serious than ovor before. Tho Romington arms company at Eddystono Is rushing an order for 2,000,000 rifles, tho Eddystono Ammu nition corporation is pressing ovory availablo man into servico to turn out in record timo 2,500,000 shells, tho Baldwin Locomotivo company has ro celved an order for 17,000,000 stco forglngs, and tho Mldvalo Steel and Ordnanco company is hard pressed and also flooded with orders for all ot theso things for tho United States government Not only aro theso great concerns ready to throw their factories opon to government, but Mr. Johnson stated that tho Baldwin Locomotivo works la ready, if necessity should ariso, to abandon tho manufacture of any other product than war munitions in order to assuro tho government nn unlimit ed sourco of supplies should tho oxpo dltlon into Moxico provo a harder task than it is boliovcd it will, or it any emergency should ariso. This would placo at tho disposal of tho government tho greatest plant for the purpose over assembled under ono head. VILLA PLANNED RAID ON ' AMERICA LAST OCTOBER Columbus, N. M. Pancho Villa de cided last October to wago war on Americans according to papers found on tho battlefield opposito hero yes- tcrday. This step, according to Villa's per sonal documents, was taken Immedi ately following recognition by tho United States of tho Carranza do facto government, and began with tho in stitution of Villa's campaign in So norn, which ended disastrously at Agua Prieta on Novcmbor 20. An Invitation of Gen. Emlllano Za pata to march north and join In an attack on tho Unltod States was sent by Villa in January, according to copy of ono letter found. Tho lottor was dated San Geronlmo, Chihuahua, Jan. C, 101C. "I shall not expend another sholl on brothor Mexicans," Villa wroto in tho letter, "but will proparo and or ganize to nttack tho Amoricans on their own soil und lot them know that Mexico is a land of tho freo and tho tomb of thoruless crowns and trait ors." SOCIETY WOMEN TRAIN TO BECOME NURSES Chicago society women who havo taken tho first governmental exami nation as reserves to tho Rod Cross sorvlco, do not expect to bo called for servico during tho Mexican campaign. Mrs. William P. Conger, president of tho class of women who took tbo examination at St. Joseph's hospital under tho supervision of tho Slaters of St. Vincent do Paul, said: "Wo aro not full-fledged reserves to tho Red" Cross just yot, bocauso wo havo two more courses and examina tions to take. These will requiro at least six months or moro. "It nn emergency should nriso, how over, and tho government should wish us to glvo our services, believing ub competent, I, for one, would bo will ing to go to tho border. I feel suro tho other twenty-ilvo mombers of tho class would bo willing to lend their services, also." HURRIEDLY ASK BIDS FOR AUTOS FOR MEXICO Cleveland. Automobllo manufac turers hero havo been hurriedly nskod by tho war department to submit bids for supplying Gi motor trucks, 15 mo torcycles and two wrecking wagons for the campaign In Mexico. 9 Tho war department acted on a request from Genoral Funston. Tho need for tho machines Is so urgont tho customnry method of advertising for blda was abandoned. Wanted It Fairly Understood. "What aro your objections to mo as a son-in-law?" "To toll you tho truth," roplled Mr. Comrox, "I havon't any serious objections. I may seem a lit tlo roluctnnt. Hut If you got into our family and don't liko ub, 1 don't wunt you to blame mo." Washington Star. At Least a Little Longer. "Can you como to tho Jowelcr's with .1110,10 morrow, dourost? I'd liko you to choose tho ring yoursolf." "In that case perhaps you'd bettor save up o littlo longer, darling." Llfo til!- n.T. y c'v njTx. Net ContcntoiyFlttldPrachms. fi VITTO I Vi-Vi'VIaM 9tJULLlAUUbi alcohol- apr.rt ctitt AVcjJcintlcPivi)aralIonforAs -iimilalingt.ieFood'-nuIi'cijukv find Ihc Stonucltinnd Bowels of. Projnolcs DigcslioaChccrful; hcssiTntl Rert.Confains neither Opium,MorpIiIiic nor Mineral. Not NAkcotucI Atx Srnnq r hum Stia (Vanltd Sugar, Kinttrorttn ratvr A-riccf Remedy Iol-CouMImi tlonSoiir SfonrackDiarrhoert, WormsJlcvcrisluicss and LossofSliiep; Facsimile Shjanliinffi CgMffZSSu .. TnevCeimun company; NEW YORIC. Bxact Ccpy of Wrapper A fronzled ilnnnclcr is ono who pro vides for his family nt tho oxponso of thoso who aro not cognizant of his game. To keep clean anil healthy take Dr. Pierce's l'lcasant Pellets. They regulato liver, bowels anil stomach. Adv. Habit is a cable. Wo wcavo a thread of It ovory day, and at last wo cannot break it. Horaco Mann. Even when tho ofllco seeks tho mnn it sometimes costs a lot to hold it down. tlM. H '..,y.r, Tm i i,i i, f ii'ii'ii:.',',1 ,v:' ' ilLi 11 "-" PS 3tSai:7aifT - eemiajMi "WPS'S"-'1 Efficiency built the Panama Canal, after inefficiency failed. The efficiency of the Panama Canal doubled the effective ness iof the U. S. Navy without adding a ship to it. It took over 8,000 miles out of the trip from New York to San Francisco and changed the highway between London and Australia from jSuez to Panama. Efficiency ihsures against lost motion it produces the ut most service out of equipment and yields the finest product, at the least cost. Certain-teed Roofing is an efficiency product Every advantage that men, money and machinery can offer is used to increase the production, maintain the quality and lower the cost. Each of the General's enormous mills is advantageously located to serve the ends of efficient manufacture and quick distribution. Each is equipped with the most up-to-date machinery. Raw materials are purchased in enormous quantities and far ahead of the needs of manufacturing, thus guardinc against increased cost due to idle machinery. This also insures favorable buying, and the pick of the market, Expert chemists at each mill arc employed to select and blend the asphalts, and every roll of CERTAIN-TEED is made under their watchful care. CERTAIN-TEED resists the drying-out process so destructive to ordinary roofing, because the felt is thoroughly saturated with a blend of soft asphalts, prepared under the Tormula of the General's board of expert chemists. It is then coated with a blend of harder asphalts, which keeps the inner saturation soft. This makes a roofing more pliable, and more impervious to "the elements than the harder, drier kind. CERTAIN-TEED is made in rolls; also in slate-surfaced shingles. There is a type of CERTAIN TEED for' every kind of building, with flat or pitched roofs, from the largest sky-scraper to the smallest residence or out-building. CERTAIN-TEED is Ruaranteed for S, 10 or 15 years, according to ply (1,2 or 3). Experience proves that it lasts longer. General Roofing Manufacturing Company TVbrW Laruttt Manufacturer of Roofing and Building Paper Now York Clly Chicago Philadelphia St.I.ool. Bo.ton CUvoland IMtiibuigb Detroit San Franciaco Cincinnati Haw OrUau . LoaAntrclaa MinnaapolU KaoaatClry Scattlw IndlanapoUa Atlanta Kktimond Houiton London Sydney CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the $ SignatureyMj.ir hX Use j For Over Thirty Years THC OCNTAUH COMPANY, MtWYOBH CITY? COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent this loathaome disease from runnlnc through your atabln and euro all tho colts suffering with It when you beRln tho treatment. No matter how younr, .Sl'OIINVS ts snfo to uso on any colt. It Is wonderful how It prevents all dlotompers. no matter how colts or horses at any ago aro "exposed." All good druggists and turf sroodB houses and manufacturers sell Sl'OHX'S at 50 cents and 51 a bottle; $5 and $10 a dozen. Kl'OIIN MEDICAL CO., ClicinlatN nnd llncterlolosliitii, Oonhcn, Ind., V. S. A. Cruel Comment. "Mr. Smlthors says ho would dlo for mo." "Ho can't. Ho's too bald." Tho greater part of Chllcau coal ia so soft that fully 30 per cent of it is wasted at tho mines. Throw Off Colds and Trcvent Criri When yon fri-l n cold cooing on. tutco I.AXA' Tivu 1MIUMU (jUINlNH. It ronioYcn camo o Colds and (lrh. OnlrOno "HUOMO QU1N1N1L' 11. W. UUOVU'dslgnatuto on box.Uc ?v Talk is so cheap that many a man has to tako it back. run ROOT! M. O. i l tE"" -svrwtxsrirrw- " VCT. :zsmr - ' Air -- - "i ru I