DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. k y Catarrh means inflam mation, which is dtagrna tionthe gorging: of the circulation with impure blotd. Coircct all catarrhal condl lions, wherever located, by the use of PERUNA, obtainable In cither liquid or tablet form at all druggists or the Peruna Company Columbus, Ohio I " Culgrave Manor, '0- ) 1 tonshue,,sprese,ved y-:mmm&:m9m I as a peace memorial -. ..Kfmssassr ain and the United ". "T: '.-'.- !&?!!ffifflfe jsssjEiiisraBaasrf states. tiere is an ' jL rWffift fci. interesting story of S7 -'-WES. the historical place , hpM SpK$ "' 1 ft iiH in 1 1 itrrSnn Men In the Trenches. Mon who have heon under flro In (ho trenchoa or In tho open, With bIioWb falling nil around thorn and mon stricken on nil felons, will toll you that thoy hail no fonr as long as thoy could llghfnnd bear their part In tho Strug Bio. Hut whon wounded, lying powerless and helpless on tho Hold, tho enemy descended on them, fear of tho un known, of tho long hours of wnltlng torturo, of what fnto had In store for thorn, has wrung groans front hearts thnt no pain could Inlluonce, Each sound, each movomont con talncd a monaco for which thoy had no name, no reason, but which was full of unutlornblo horror, and for which thoro was no rollof but merciful unconsciousness or removal Into tho zono of pcaco and safety. ow IT HEALTH Tho average man would lather Ioso ?5 on a horso race than a nickel through a hole In his pocket. BANISH PIMPLES QUICKLY Easily and Cheaply by Using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. Smear tho plmplos lightly with Cutl cura Ointment on end of linger and allow It to remain on flvo minutes. Then ho tho with hot water and Cutl cura Soap and contlnuo soma minutes. This treatment is best upon rising and retiring, but i3 effectivo at any timo. Frco sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Woman's Bilence signifies more than a man's because it is much less frequent. RECIPE GRAY HAIR. To li&M pint ol water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Ilarbo Compound, and H oz of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until It becomes the desired shado. Any drug gist can put this up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and re moves dandrufi. It Is excellent for falling halrand will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, Is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Fools and children can be relied up on to tell tho truth at tho wrong time. Makes Work a Burden! A bad back makes hard ivork harder. All day the dull throb and the sharp, darting pains make you miserable, and there's no rest at night. Mayho it's your daily work that hurtB the kidneys, for jarring, jolting, lifting, reaching, dampness and many other strains do weaken them. Cure the kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney .Pills. They have helped thousands and should do as well for you. Thousands recommend, them. A Nebraska Case Joseph Boeken- 1re tela i Sim' nauer, waiconeiu. Nob., says: "My back pained me se verely and tho kid ney secretions were Irregular In passasei and filled with sed iment. Every cold I caught made tho trouble worse, and at times I got so sore and lamo I couldn't move. Finally I was confined to bed. Seelnpr Doan's Kidney Pills rpcommendod, I used them. Tho pains soon left me, my kidneys were strengthened and I was restored to good health." Cet Doan' at A117 Store, 50c b Bos For a really flno coffco at a mod orato prico, drink Donison'o Semlnolo Brand, 3Gc tho lb., in scaled cans. Only ono merchant in each town sells Somlnolo. If your grocer isn't tho ono, writo tho Dcnlson Coffoo Co., Chicago, for a souvenir nnd tho namo of your Somlnolo dealer. Buy tho3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00. -Adv. Bulletproof Textile Invented. Tho Homo Corrioro del I'olesslna an nounces nn invention by tho curato of Arlano consisting of an Imporforablo tcxtllo fabric. Numorous riilo and re volver sholH have been llred at tho mntcrlol from n dlstnnco of a few ynrds without penetrating It. Tho projectiles nro said to have fallen without leaving a trnco on tho fabric. Tho euro will offer his invention to tho government. i Hjjfc ftorr?& of Hfer&hi'nfiortls Ancekoru N a quiet, rural neighborhood, At Wcssyngton, this was their family coat. whero the farmhouses aro quaint, And at Mount Vernon I myself havo noted An old cast-iron, scutcheoned-chimney-hack Charged with that heraldry. immk Mll'jiP DOAN'S "vvixy F03TEIUWILBURN CO., BUFFALO. W. V. A Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They arc Druiai, narsn, unnecessary. Try. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act genuy on tne liver. eliminate one, ana sootne tne aeiicate. membrane o: the. bowel. Cure Looilipitlon, Bllloutnco, Sick Head- ache nd lodlf tition, s millions know. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature Jam nADTFD A(2frAi.ic raiTTi r Mrmmirrjv ir- jazyvwr eoivrK lT2,il.KiHr EJ1 mi ys'QftJBrfssff:.!? ypimtic inn 'iwi urn 1 m m r-iaiawa $S 1 r?z-t Cure that Cold- Do it today &L 1 I CASOmfQUBNSNE owv Theold standard remedy In tablet form No unpleasant after effects No opi ates Cures colds in 21 hours- La Gnppo In 3 days-Money back if it falls Insist on genuine Box with red top Mr. Hill's picture on it-25 Ccnti. At Any Drug Store. W.H Hill Company Detrofe .ifj Wifi yw Tumors and Lupus successfully treated without k.ilfoorpaln. All vrork guaranteed. Come, or write far Trim I lltictrttt itnt. ?, Dr.WlLUAMS SANATORIUM ATvuuoivcniij at., rajaceapohi, nioa. DRI IPC I t-cat plies by a mild cafe !fllln-tSirfc aietbod without knife or CURED hospital operation. Estab lished fur years. Write for list of patients. C. Y, Clement, M. D 353 Good Blk., Dei Moines Wiitnnn V.. Coleman, l'utent tjtnyer,VaalilnKtoii, D.L'. Advice anrt liookn frer. ruu reasonable. IllstiNtrelersoiXi). Jleat sttvlwa. and antiquatod, Btands Sulgravo Manor, tho ono-tlmo English homo of the Washington family. Tho manor never really saw Georgo Washington or his fathor; or oven his grandfather, but tho Washington family possessed nnd occupied it during most of tho sixteenth and seventeenth cen turies. It is still possiblo to dis tinguish over tho main entranco to tho old building tho heraldic device of stars and stripes "which Washington accepted as his own coat of 'arms, and which is commonly re garded as tho origin of tho Amorican flag. In thq summer of 1911 tho suggestion was mado by a prominent member of tho British Pcaco com mittee that tho historical property should be pur chased and dedicatod as a memorial to tho peace ful "relations existing between tho two countries during tho past century, tho dedication to be ono oT tho features of the international celebrations in 1914. This idea immediately met with popular favor. Tho British committee acquired, the prop erty, and dedicated it to peaco between England and tho United States. The manor has boon made into a Hall of Rec ords, where matter pertaining to Anglo-American unity is kept. It is understood that a lecturo chair soon will be supplied by tho purchasers and that James I3ryce, ox-ambassador to tho United States, will be its first occupant. Charming Old Place. Tho manor is a charming piece of old archi tecture, gray with the rains, frost and sunshine of 300 years. Tho houso stands at tho eastern extremity of tho village of Sulgravo, In Northamp tonshire, and it is approached from the west by a pretty groon croft, separated from tho almost encircling road by a hedge. To tho right of tho gable end of the manor is a low stono wall with a larch gate, facing n small court, partly paved and partly in grass. From tho courtyard the house is entered by a handsome old 3tono doorway, apovo which a little, attic projects from a tiled roof. The flno old Tudor doorway Is surmounted by a shield containing tho Wash ington coat of arms, -which three centuries havo somewhat robbed of its original sharpness, but which is still unmistakable. What a fortuno had that shiold of a private English gentleman to become tho most notable blazon of all tho world! Strange to think that this littlo obscuro stono coat of arms in a se cluded Northamptonshire village should be tho original of so much should still bo extant. As strango to think of tho contrast between tho tor pid and monotonous rustic life surrounding it for so many generations with the rush and roar of oxlstonco In our great republic. Thoro is very littlo doubt that tho thrco stars and tho threo stripes furnished the idea for tho American flag. In tho flag, as in tho original, the stars signify divino Influence guiding tho bearer In tho right way; while tho bars denote ono who sets tho bar of conscience and religion against wicked temptations and ovil desires.' Tho colors, red and white, scorn to follow also; tho red mean ing military bravery and fortitude; tho white peaco and sincerity. Tradition attributes tho suggestion to Benja min Frnnklln. Tuppor ts probably right when, in his "Centennial Drama," ho makes Franklin say: . . I proposed it to tho congress. It was tho leaders old crusading blazon, Washington's coat, Ills own heraldic Bhleld. And on tho spur, -when wo must chooso a ijag . Symboling independent unity, Wo and not he all was unknown to him Took up his coat of arms and multiplied And magnified it, in every way to this Our glorious national banner. Ho adds, also, somo allusions to tho old man sion: . . . Tho Washingtons, of Wassyngton, In County Durhnm, and on Sulgravo Manor, County Northampton, boro upon "their shield Threo stars atop ... and for tho crest An englo's head upspringing to tho light, The architraves of sulgravo testify, As sundry printed windows in the hall 5 ?f laco & Seeds .Alfalfa $oScclCom!l.W:8weotC!oTcr CO. rurm ior s.ile und rent u crop pajmenli. J. Mulball, tioo Cltr, Ik. Sioux City Directory "Hub of tho Northwest." FOR UEST feF.ltVICTC SIIH' MCE BROTHERS Live Slock C oinmiHHluu Merchants at SIOUX CITY, Glilccso or Kansas OUy Tho old building is in an excellent state preservation. Tho main hall has a flno flrcpln and an oak beam colling. Tho ancient oak stair caso has vory beguiling twisted banisters and a fascinating secret cupboard at tho Intormcdlnto landing. Tho drawing room Is on tho second floor, as was tho custom in the days when It was built, and in ono of tho bedrooms it is said that Queen Elizabeth onco slept. Tho estato surrounding Sulgravo manor con sists of about two hundred acres of gently rolling land, substantially all of It in full view of tho manor. Tho ownership carries with It the lord ship of tho manor, "with tho nights, Roynlltles, Privileges and Appurtenances thereto belonging," and is subject to "a feo farm rent of lis Ed ($2.84) per annum." Sulgravo Manor is tho place In England most closely associated with tho name of AYnshlugton, and yet It Is truo that Georgo Washington him self attached littlo Importance to this fact. In tho early days of tho Amorican republic, ancestry was despised much moro than Is irow tho caso. In 1788 Georgo Washington refused to accept tho dedication of a book on heraldry becauso a por tion of tho community were: "Clamorously endeavoring to propogato an Idea that thoso whom thoy wished invidiously to des ignate by tho namo 'well-bom' wero meditating in the first instance to distinguish themselves from their compatriots and to wrest tho dearest privileges from tho hulk of tho people." But the ability to traco one's ancestors has n greater value in this country today than it had in tho days of the first president. Washington know very littlo about his own forefathers. When ho was asked about them by tho Garter Klng-of-Arms, ho Bald tho first of his family in Virginia had como from ono of the northern counties in England, possibly Yorkshire or Lancashire, or oven farther north. Later there was considerable disputation about tho rdot of tho family troo from which ho was descended, and It was finally agreed by genealogists that tho Washingtons of Sulgravo and Brighton d'd actually spring from the Washingtons in Warton, Lancashire, a place on tho Westmoreland border. Several generations of Washingtons of Warton aro recorded, and ono of thoso was tho fathor of Laurence Washington, mayor of Northampton In 1532 and 1515. Ho seems to havo taken up his residence nt Sulgravo, though membors of his family continued to remain at Warton for soveral generations. This Laurenco Washington had for, mother tho daughter of Itobort Kytson of Hen grave in Suffolk. This proved a matter of vory considerable Importance in tholr history, because it brought them into connection with tho Spon cers of Althrop and Wormlolghton, through tho marrlago of Sir Thomas Kytson's daughter, Cath erine, to Sir John Spencer of Wormleighton, whose grandson, Sir Robert Sponcor, was created Baron Spencer of Wormlolghton in 1603. In the process of timo tho Washingtons of Sul gravo appear to havo got into financial difficulties. Laurenco Washington entored tho wool trndo, per haps Induced to do so by tho fact that Lord Spencer was ono of tho great flock-masters of his day. This Laurenco acquired considerable riches in tho wool trade. In 1C39 ho hocamo possessed of tho Manor of Sulgravo for tho sum of thrco hundred and twonty-ono pounds, fourteen shil lings, and subsequently his purchased additional property. p Sundial With Washington Arms. Ho lidd many sons, ofwhom tho oldest was Robert, tho ancestor of Ocorgo Washington. Ho succeodod his fathor in 15R5, whon ho was of tho ago of forty, but ho does not seem to havo been so prosperous as his father. Yet it appears that ho was ablo to send both his sons, Christophor and William, to Oriel college, Oxford, whero thoy wore in 1588, tho year of tho great armada. Robert's oldest was named Laurenco, probably after tho mayor of Northampton, and in 10 10 Robert, In agreement with his con, agreed to soil Sulgravo to their cousin, Laurenco Makopeuco. Tho second Laurenco Washington then removed to Brlngton, near Northampton, his fathor per haps going with htm, though tho lattor was hurled In tho family vault at Sulgravo. Laurenco Wash ington had scventcon children, two of whom roxa The WajhittioJhte!d to high positions nnd woro knighted Sir William Wash ington of Packing ton In 1G22 nnd Sir Jqhn Washington of Thrapston in 1C23. Tho old church of St. Mary's, whore tho Washington fam ily worshiped for years, is near tho old manor, and Is in a good stnto of pres ervation. It forms a point of considerable Interest containing, as It docs, threo momorlal brasses on tho gray stone slab put down In memory of Lau renco Washington and his family. Thoso brasses consist of Laurenco Washington's cHlgy, a shiold bearing tho Washington arms, and tho following Inscription: "Horo'lyeth buried yo bodys of Laurenco Wash liiKto. Gent. & Anno his wyf by whom ho had Issuo lllj sons and ij daughts wo laurenco Dyed yo . . . day . , . ano 15 ... & Anno Do ceased tho vj of October ano DnllGGl." Apparently Lauronco Washington, great-great-great-grandfather of Georgo Washington, dovlsed tliis monument ns a memorial to his wife, leav ing tho (Into of his own death blank to bo filled in nfter his death. This, however, has nover been done. Two other records of tho WashlngtonB nro found in thp vlllngo of Brlngton. In this littlo township, not far distant from Northampton, stands tho houso f which tho family moved from Sulgravo. It was In this houso that Robert Wash ington died in 1G22, and In tho yard, engraved upon a sundial, is found tho Washington coat of arms. In tho Church of All Saints, near at hand, -whoro Robert Washington In buried, an Inscrlpton rends as follows: "Hero lies interred yo bodies of Ellzab Wash ington, wldowc, who changed this llfo for iimnor talltlo yo 19th day of March, 1G22. As alBo yo body of Robert Washington, Gent., hor lato hus band second sonno of Robert Washington of Sol gravo In yo County of North, Esqr., who doptcd this llfo yo 10th of March, 1G22, after thoy lived lovingly together." Lauronco Washington, grandBon of tho Lau ronco or Sulgravo, died In 1610, and is also buried hero. Unfortunately littlo of tho village of Sulgravo ns it was in tho days of tho Washingtons now re- mnlns. A disastrous tiro In 1G75 swept tho vil lage, and only a rollc may bo seen horo nnd thero In nn ancient Iioubo. Most of tho streots aro sot with neat brick housos. Coming toward tho Church of All Saints, ono might fancy oncsolf In tho business contor of somo minor Now England city, but with rathor loss of glaro and nolso, nnd tho community hold In a certain nboyanco by tho presence of tho old church. In dedicating tho manor as a memorial to tho peacoful relations existing hotween tho two groat English-speaking natlonB during a century, tho British committoo has created a pormnnont me morial of pormanont intorest. First to Die for Liberty It would bo difficult to say who was tho first man killed In tho Revolutionary war. Tito spirit of revolt prevailed and somo collisions between tho pcoplo and British soldiers occurred before tho war actually began. Tho battlo of Concord oc curred moro than a year boforo tho Declaration of Independence, but thero was bloodshed before tho battlo of Concord. Ono of tho earliest of thoso collisions was tho so-called Boston massacre, March 5, 1770, in which British soldiers flrod upon citizens, killing threo and wounding eight. Tho first to fall In this affray was Crlspus Attucks, a mulatto. Tho first roan killed in tho battlo of Con cord, April 19, 1775, was Capt. Isaac Davis of tho Massachusetts "mlnuto men." In tho battlo of Con cord tho Amoricnns lost 93 killed, wounded and missing, but no comploto list of names was preserved. PREPAREDNESS I To Fortify Tho System Against drip nben Grip Is prevalent LAXATIVB P-ROMO UUININU should bo taken, sa tills combination of Qulnlna with other Ingredients, destrors germs, acts as a Tonlo and Laxative and thus keeps tho system in condition to withstand Colda, Grip and Influeosa. Thern Is only ono "IIROMO QUININE. E. W. GKOVB'S slr taturo oa box. 15c. Of Course Not. Jaggs I was painting tho town rod last night. Wnggs I'll bet you didn't use walor-colors. To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcf ctable Compound Washington Park, 111. "I nm tha mother of four children nnd hoVo, Buf fered with fcmaio trouble, backache, nervous spellfl and tho blues. My chil dren's loud talking nnd romplnjj would make mo so nervous I could just tear every thing to pieces and I would acho all over nnd feel so sick that I would not want nnvono to talk to mo nt times. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and Liver Pilla re stored mo to health and I want to thank you for tho good they havo dono mo. I havo had qulto a bit of trouble and worry but It does not nfloct my .youth ful looks. My friends say ' Why do yoa look so young and well ? ' I owo It all to tho Lydia E. Pinkham remedies. , Mrs. Rout. Stopiel, Mooro Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. Wo wish every woman who suffers from fcmaio troubles, nervousness, backacho or tho blues could see the let ters written by women mado well by Ly dia E. Pinkham'a Vcgotablo Compound. If you havo any symptom about which you would llko to know writo to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advico given freoof charge? Too Vague. "I know a follow who is unusually successful In handling tho grip." "Is ho a doctor or a bellhop?" Tho longer a mnn does nothing tho moro ho scorns to llko It. Important to Mothors Exnmlno carefully ovory bottlo ot CASTORIA, a safo and suro romody for Infants and children, and soe that it Ttnnra tlin Signature o Qca&rffl$fc In Uso for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A slip of tho tonguo is often moro sorioua than a slip of tho foot. New Strength for Lame Backs and Worn-out Conditions Pear Mr. Editor: I sufforcd from lamo back nnd a tired, worn-out fooling. Was unablo to stand orect and scarcoly ablo to got around. It would usually como on at first with crick In small of my back. I took Anurlo Tablets and ray back commenced to get bottor. I did not havo to walk doubled over as I did boforo using thp "Anurlc." It is tho host romody I havo over taken for what It Is lntonded to rellovo. A. G. DRAKE. NOTE: Whon your kidneys got nluggish and clog, you euffor from backacho, sick-hcadacho, dizzy opolls, or tho twlngos nnd pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. "Anurlo" Is tho most poworful ngont' In dissolving urlo acid, as hot water molts sugar. Ask tho druggist for "Anurlc." put up by Dr. Plorco, in CO-cont packagos. FROM GIRLHOOD TO OLD AGE WOMEN ARE HELPED At tho first symptoms of any do rangemont of the fcminlno organism at anyporlodof llfo tho ono safe, really helpful remedy Is Dr. Plerco's Favorito Prescription for overy concolvablo ail ment and dlseaso of a womanly naturo. It is a woman's temperance medicino and its ingredients aro published on wrapper. Dr. Plerco'a Favorito Prescription Is a truo frlpntl to women in times of trlnl and at times of pain when tho organB nro not performing tholr func tions. For headache, backache, hot flashes, catarrhal conditions, bearing down sensations, mental depression, dizziness, fainting spells, women should nover fall to tako this tried and truo womon's medicine. But an heiress novor has causo to doubt her husband's love for her money. SEVERE KIDNEY TROUBLE YIELDS TO POPULAR REMEDY m2HE3H3H32n3E:HKH)e9S racinAihe Problem ( DecoratiiiR About four years oco I had a severe attack of Kidney trouble nnd Gravel of the Bladder. I was afflicted this way for one year and had severe painB in my back and shooting pains in my bladder; I got so bad that I was not nhle to work for about two months; I could not rest at night; I would have to get up revcral times during the night to urinate, and nt these times it caused me great pain. I rend so much nnd heard so much of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root I decided to try Swamp-Root; nfter taking several bottles I was restored to. cood health nnd I havo not been troubled with my kidneys and bladder since. I cheerfully recommend Swamp-Root to others with kidney nnd bladder troubles. Yours respectfully. P. II FLEMING. 802 K. 11th St. Pittsburg, Kansas. Pcrtonallv appeared heforo mo this 5th dav of May, 1015, F. II. Fleming, who subscribed to the above statement and made oath that the same i& true in sub stance and in fact. JOSEPH KEYS. Justice of the Peace. In anil for the County of Crawford and State of Kansas. Provo What Swamp-Root Will Do For You bend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilirp'inmton, N. Y., for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will nlso receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about tho kidneys and blad der. When writing, ho sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent' nnd ono dollar size bottles for salo nt all drug stores. Adv. Matrimonial bonds aro not always a safo and proiltnblo investment. mSStLLwkT p.,.,. jOi, jii-aBiofl mSi jflsF jtvfeHtT: 'V&SK AKN&7aflHBXl Tri r1rtSmrlnfy nrnriTMn fa lltn nmmtn'a irnKIm A If) basttno will solve this problem forthousands1! of women this sorinu. Tho Alabastlne "Free Decorating Servicer will assist you to procure the correct tones ancrcolor rombiaatlona that will hmon!it irf etUr with jroaf rug. furniture, draperies, curtain, sad worln rppucl. Alabastine The superior wall finish Piles Cured in k to II Day DrUKgtsls refund tuonor If PAZO OINTMKNT fills to cum Ilchlnir. Mind, lilniollna or l'rotrudlnii l'lles. lflrst application vires rollel. Wo. Uruguayan banks lmvo gold serves aggrogatlng $20,G45,GG7. ro- 51 Ilia Su-tftjlU Gt A EXjflg The tut wiUi which AkbtaUns eon be mied una applied, t rn of wonderful d of wonderful decorative 1 that can be obtained by Jilo Alabaatlne , tint. AlsMtlne preferable to the iratlva effects thi Intermlxloi wall caper and all other forms CX nninnf'K iu. The belt decorators sdrlM the uaeot atendU to produce decor atlre wall and celling' borders. Urdlnaril? . lUDdle coat (ran 60 cents to H.W each; but If you wlU write for tho free'AUbas tine I'acket." containing! hand colored proofs ot 12 ot the very latest itesdl effects, we will tell vou how rou can havo your choice if theee and 50 other at prae tlAilly no expense. Write today "' J'- Knvnii' for this otaolul In; itrvvt. Alabastlna In I lb. pnckc. In dry twdr form, ready to ml In cold wafer, la Vi It P!"'. hardware, drug a-nd general stores everywhere. Alabastine Co. 384 CraBdTille Rd. Crana' Rspldi, Mlci. W. N. U.. SIOUX CITY, NO. 8-1910. Kindliness Is tho truo wealth of tho mind nnd I bog you to keep it in your heart as a priceless treasure. Olustl. WASHINGTON'S APPEAL TO GOD Ono day a Quaker former was pass ing through tho wintor woods nenr Valloy Forgo at twilight. Suddenly ho hoard a voice, and, following tho sound, ho came upon Commander Washington upon ills kncoa in tho snow, his chooks wot, hlu voice plead ing brokenly for his country and his people. Tho ,farmor returned to hit homo, his oyos dark and solemn with conviction. "Georgo Washington will succeed," ho told his wife; "(loorgo Washington will succeed. Tho Americana will se cure their Independence!" "What makoa thee think so, Isaac?" mildly inquired his wife. "I have hoard him pray, Hannah, out in tha woods today, and the Lord will surely hear his prayer. He will, Han nah; thee rasv rest assured ha will." And ho did First Presldent'c Hljh Character. It was always known by his frionds, nnd it waa soon acknowledged by the whole nation, and by tho English themselves, that in Washington Amer ica had found a loader who could bo Induced by no earthly motive to toll u fulaehood or to break an ongago inont or to cqmmlt any dishonorable ItC't. Mon of this moral type are happily Hot ruro, and we h'aye all mot thom In our experience; but there Jg scarcely ifino'ther instancs in history of such a man having reached and maintained tho highest position In tho convulsions of civil war and of a groat popular agitation. Remedy In Religion. Ono of tho boat nllovlativos of nor vouiiiess, .in addition to rest, nnd such romodlos lis oxport medical advico may prescribe, is meditation on tho prom ises of God, perhaps accompanied by audible repetition of the vorscs ol Scriptiiro, us they may ocour to '.H" mind. Bumper Grain Crops wxS'SS' Good Markets-High Prices Whoat, Oats, Bacloy, AlfaUaand QpassBa The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Products Exposition at Denver1 were easily made. The list comprised Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most important being the prizes for Wheat and Oats and sweep stake on Alfalfa. No less Impdrtant than the splendid quality of Western Canada's wheat and other grains, is the excellence of the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that country. A recent .shipment of cattle to Chicago topped the market In that city for quality and price. Weitera Canada prodneed la 1915 onctoird as muck whe! '.T-TX a. all fr .& II. II. J C.-.-- ... ...a IFII llltfl. Illlll DfllhAll. ,- i viuicu vuatci, or o " ' cjpV Canada In proportion to population has a greater exportable surplus of wheel tins year xnan any country in the world, ana at iucscm. i"" juu can figure out the revenue for the pro ducer. In Western Canada yon will find ravfr, good markets, spienaiu w-uuu.o, v gSL tional social conditions, perfect climate fcSScis. nnrl r,rhr trreat attractions. Ther Is uo war fax on land and bo conscription. Send for Illustrated pamphlet and nslc for reduced railway rates, information as to beat locatiotw, etc Address Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or I. M. MacLachhu, Drawer 197,Walertown, S. D. R. A. Gairelt, 3UJ.cliooSt., St. Pari, Canadian Goromuicnt Agents r vg-r- mpr "K " l?L7-i' sJ"A Wa.WrlJ5a SaSalM mnmmim a v Rtu ur. n iij w.vji&zmvi m i&fw0 tfo 1 n wWSVKL. IM IsVaS " SM MI tttittfrnDLiwmi rami