Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 06, 1916, Image 6

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The Heart of ByVinieE-Roe
Night Wind
Illustrations by Ray Walters
v TTT-rw'rfryffwTTTTT--'""'-"- - - .
vupiiKUi ujr uvuut jjchu buu wuwwii
Sllotz of Daily's lumber enmp illrerts
n stranger to tho camp Walter Saiulry
Irtroluces hlmsplf to Jolin Dally, fore
in in, us -'tho Dllllngworth I.uihImt Co ,
or most of It." Ho makes nrtiualntnnte
Jltli the camp nnd tho work he has coins
from the East to superintend and maUe
CHAPTER III Continued.
Out of tho near gloom, which was
lightening a bit with dawn, tho log
trail roso, nn nggresslvo snakollkn
trough climbing uncompromisingly at
nn angle of 3C degrees, Its center n
straight plno log sunk to Its surface,
which was polished llko Ivory, Its
slightly curving sides tho same. How
many tapering trunks had gone Into
Its two miles would bo hard to say, for
In somo places they had sunk and
been coverod In tho dip, say, over tho
rldgo where tho real mountain began.
at the turn whoro It wound around tho
Hcforo ton minutes Sandry was
brenthlng heavily, though ho said
nothing nnd kept closo at Daily's
hoels. Tho logger strodo forward anil
upward with an easy, climbing lift
that rippled every muscle In his loose
body, while tho man from the citlos
strained and heaved In painful labor,
slipping on tho wot earth, floundering
In tho rotton bark and brush that
lined tho wny. They climbed beside
tho trail, not In It. Ahead of thorn tho
gang of mon had long slnco disap
peared from sight and hearing.
The forenoon that followed was tho
oponlng pago In a new chapter of his
life, and Sandry bent all his faculties
to a grasp of outlines.
Ho stood Bilontlr watching tho work
go forward. Tivsy had reached tho
cutting. Herf, In n wide dip high
above the- Trorjd. It seemed to tho
Easterner, was a hugo clrclo of activ
ity. Closo bosldo tho built trail a sec
ond donkey cnglno fussed and
Bcvtamcd, reaching out uncannily on
nil sides for the great logs, to haul
them In with screech of spool and
strain of cablo nnd turn them over to
tho mysterious steel ropo" that came
constantly crawling back on Its trav
eling" lino. This was called tho "yard
ing onglno" tho ono at. tho foot of
tho trail bcsldo tho rollway nnd tho
track being known ns tho "roader."
Tho monotonous song of tho cross
cut saws had begun whero tho buck
ors wore converting sovoral hundred-and-flfty-foot
trunks Into handling
A llttlo bolow, two foot-wide planks
uome flvo or six foot long had boon set
Into n giant yellow pino about eight
feet from tho ground, ono on either
side, nnd on those two mon woro stand
ing, tholr flannel shirts open at tho
throat, tholr sleeves rolled up from
arms of steol and leather, their headH
bare. Sandry watched tho bending of
tholr backs, ovory muoclo outlined
under tho clinging shirts, tho play of
tholr knooB, tho wholo easy rippling
of tholr ontlro bodies with tho regular
glvo and tako of tho long Baw. Tho
boards, known as springboards, tobo
and dipped with tho oven motion.
These men wero fallors, and pres
ently thoy would lay tho towering
monarch of the groat woods to tho
fraction of an Inch in a given placo,
ready for tho buckors, tho hook-tendor
and tho cablo.
In tho meantime tho logs already
down wero Hwlftly stripped of tholr
limbs, cut Into thirty and forty foot
lengths, rolled Into tho trail with
poavoy and cant hook, nnd sent up and
over tho rldgo to tho accompaniment
of shrill tootB from tho whistle-bob's,
restless cord, tho straining of rigging
nnd tho squeak of fiber on polished
Tho built trail ended hero In tho
shallow hollow between tho first
rldgo and tho groat mountain boyond,
though up tho faco of tho latter it was
prolonged by a cleared path sharply
defined among tho donso growth of
tho timber.
Ho was Impressed by tho magnitude
of tho country. On oyory hand tho
lifting hills wero clothed In troos, closo
-ackod and of such girth and height
as to Boom almost grotesquely impos
sible. Humanity was dwarfed to in
significance llko an ant crawling on
a cathedral column.
Sandrj looked around. Up to this
distance tho woods woro dottod with
cuttings whoro tho groat stumps
glowed white nmld tho vivid green
und tho dourls of slashings uud trim
naturo, denno and untouchod, waiting
for tho hand of pygmy man to como
and tako her lavish treasures.
I3y nine o'clock tho sun was shining
above tho peaks and tho fog had van
ished from tho valleys, and nlthbugh
It was lato fall thoro was no fooling
of tho death, of tho year. On tho con
trary, thcro was a sense of bustle and
hurry and work beginning with the
advent of tho ralnB. Tho tldowator
slough was bank-full and mud-brown
with thick grass and water growths
along Its edges. Tho stranger uncon
sciously drow great brcathB of tho
sweet air of tho high hills and began
to fcol dimly something of their
John Dally was everywhere, looking
at this, lending a hand at that, shout
ing somo good-natured Instruction
horo and thoro, ovorBoolng with nn
englo oyo each minuto detail of tho
Ono of tho now owner's first impres
sions was that in this man ho had an
object of great valuo. Ho was Just
thinking this whon thoro camo ono
long blast from tho donkoy over tho
rldgo and tho mon dropped their tools
in tholr tracks, tho two on tho spring
boards Jumped down, leaving tho saw
Just whoro tho call had caught It, far
out on ono sldo, and tho foreman came
up to him.
"Dinner time, Mr. Sandry," ho snld.
smiling, "I 'spect you'ro protty hun
gry." "What?" cried Sandry, "why, I
hadn't thought of It! Is It posslblo
wo'vo been horo flvo hours?"
"Suro. Timo goes fast In tho hills."
Thoy began to climb tho .trail, tho
mon straggling out ahead nnd bohind.
tho youngost forging forward In tho
eagerness of youth nnd healthy appe
tites, tho older characters, all ot thorn
hardened woodsmon, taking It moro
Boforo they wero half wny up, how
ever, Sandry was breathing heavily.
"Might I ask," said Daily, 'some
thing about tho change In tho com
pany?" "Cortnlnly. Thoro hns simply been
an outright salo of tho Interests, all of
ie&f&?Ci l V"Sr
Ho Stood Silently Watching the Work
Go Forward.
which, or nearly all, I bought from
Dllllngworth & Krazor. ' A fifth, I bo
llovo, Is Btlll owned by a Mr. Itakoham,
who Is somowhero in South America
I havo como out to tako absolute
chargo and learn tho timber business "
"I Beo. And you've had no oxperl-
"Nono," said Sandry a llttlo shortly.
"Maryanna Humphroy! but'my fpot
is tender 1" complainod a voice bohind.
Sandry glanced quickly back. Three
lumberjacks wore plodding up tho
slopo, their Beamed and woathored
faces sot intently on dinner. On one,
n red-headed chap of somo thirty-six
or eight, poworful and rugged, ho set
his sharp oyes.
"But I'm acquiring it." ho finished,
"rapidly. Discharge that man."
Dally did not turn.
"I can't." ho said, "ho'B Just quit."
Old Reins In New Hands.
Tho East and tho West had mot. It
was apparent in ovory essontlal that
nilngs which combined with tho forn had to do with Sandry and his men
und hazel brush and othor under-. In common.
growth to mako a' perfect tanglo. But It showed whon ho sat among them
beyond, along tho now-cut trail, was at tho head of tho long tablo, In tho
way ho used his hands, his knife and
his food. It glared whon ho spoke, it
paraded in his clothes, and most of all
It stood forth pitilessly when he sat
by himself at night In tho plain little
room under tho dripping oaves. Thoy
woro nearly always dripping, tho pane
behind tho spotless curtains was al
ways black nnd gllttoring, thoro wns
nearly always the shut-in sllcnco that
rain Imposes that donso sllonco, lis
toning nnd lonesome.
Sometimes, to bo suro, It wns only n
llttlo Oregon mist that saddened tho
night outsldo, but It had tho same
effect on tho young man from tho
midst of Uto In Now York.
Ho wns East nnd he know it. Also,
tho men had known It from that first
speech In the doorway of tho cook
shack. Thoy spoko of him among them
selves ns "Dllllngworth," nccompany
Ing tho word with grins, tasting Its
flavor as dollcately as any bo-spectacled
professor of tho East dallying
with a now derivative
Nowhoro In tho world Is discern
ment brought to a finer point than in
tho lumber camps and mills of the
Northwest, among that floating gentry
of tho plko nnd peavoy, tho knoo-laced
boot and tho "turkey," who, pass hero
nnd thoro with tho seasons, picking
critically at tho speech and doings of
mnny places.
Also, nowhoro Is thero a stronger
projudlco against any manifestation of
personal superiority, any exploitation
of what may Ho east of tho Cascades.
To them tho man nnd tho placo are
ono Eaet and Eaatcmor.
Thoy felt for him that contempt
which only tho soasoncd fool for tho
Inexperienced. And with tho quick
ness which was his characteristic, the
now owner sensed tho feeling nmong
thorn. It only added to that Jumblo of
sonsatlons and Impressions which had
crowded thick upon him from tho first
and which ho had had no tlmu to
assort and got under control. Ho had
simply laid them away for futuro at
tention. '
In tho meantime ho went quickly at
tho work of settling himself In the
now environment. A load of lumber
was brought up tho slough on tho
punt from tho mill at Toledo and four
mon woro put to building a small of
flco. It was set nt tho edgo of tho
fllough, n bit bolow tho cook-shnck.
whero ft commanded from Its two cast
orn windows and door tho track, tho
roadlng donkoy, tho log-trail and tho
rollway, and from tho southern ono
tho winding slough, tho rest of tho
track and tho lower rollway, whero
tho donkoy onglno loft tho logs, Its
duty done. After that thoy rolled
down with much splashing to tho nar
row ribbon of water which, with ev
ery flood lido backed In from tho bay,
lifted them high nnd trundled them,
grinding and groaning, slowly down,
perhaps to tho mill at Toledo, perhaps
to bo laced together with mammoth
chains, built into a groat raft and
towod out to tho ocean to voyago
along tho coast, down to southern Cal
ifornia or up to Portland. A tiny,
wheezy tug fussed about tho b'ackwn
tor for tho express purpose of starting
tho monster rafts out on tho ebb
Inside tho now ofllco woro Installed
a roll-top desk, a enso of books, n mnp
or two nnd sovoral chalrB, bosldo a
small stovo. Hero, with tho four plno
wnllB around him, Walter Sandry nt
last looked around and called himself
at homo. Tho drawers of tho now
desk woro full ot documonts and mem
oranda, the hlUory, with statistics and
rocords down to the minutest detail,
of tho Dllllngworth Lumber company.
Theso ho set himself to mastor as his
first stop toward tho vast golden goal
of tho dream that had brought him
Very shrewdly ho docidpd to tako
nothing out of tho cnpablo hands of
IiIb foreman. Thoro had been n sort of
tonso pauso In tho enmp pending this
development. Whon It became appar
ent that things wero to go on as
usual the work wont forward as If
a lino had been loosonod.
Big John Dnily had gono about (lur
ing tho fow lhys of uncertainty with
the unruffled calm of his q'uict naturo,
though thoro was a small, a very small
ache somowhero Insldo him. Ever
since ho could remember, his llfo had
boon cast In Daily's lumber camp
when his father, old John Dally, had
loggod with oxen on tho custom slopos
of the Coast rango and thero was no
Jerkwater railroad In to Ynqulna bay.
Whon a 200-foot fir had tottered out
of lino and sent tho old man forovor
Into sllonco In tho roaring thunder of
Its fall, tho boy John, at seventeen.
had picked up tho reins of government
In the camp and carried on tho work,
Rbettid nnd aided by that efficient
general his mother With the years
of his young manhood ho hnd worked,
following tho wilderness ns progresn
pushed It backward to the bay, seeing
llttlo of tho outsldo world savo per
haps for a trip, onco In threo years, to
Portland or down to San Francisco,
and always during tho past It hnd been
tho Dllllngworth Lumber company
Into whose vast holdings tho rump had
cut Its way.
Always there hnd been no hand of
power In tho hills avo his own, no
supervision oxcoptlng tho annual Visits
of some member of tho firm who wont
over things, nodded, estimated, took
figures and went nway. Ho hnd car
ried on his camp himself fought since
be could remember with tho Yollow
Pines company, whoso holding wero
vast aB thoso ot tho Dllllngworth, and
had not thought of change
When Walter Sandry settled quietly
down with no volcb In tho doings of
tho camp, Dally drow a good breath
and wont ahead onco more.
As for tho now timber magnnto, ho
Bat down at tho new desk on tho first
day of his occupancy of tho little ofllco
on tho slough's edge and wroto his
first letter.
It was on a printed letterhead:
DIlllnBWorth Lumber Company,
Toledo, OroKon
Dear Dad: Excelnlorl I fancy I'm on
top of the world! Wish you could stop In
here for nn hour's chat. Tho counlrv
would umare you ns It lias mo with Its
mfRhty blKness. You feel llko an atom
crawling on the sea's floor too small to
count. The hills aro like our beloved
Cntskllls, only they are their wild cousins
from tho wilderness, unkempt and savage
There Is wealth here. Dad, untold
wealth and I Intend to Ret a handful of
It Tho timber Is unsounded. It reaches
away to tho Slletz reservation on the
north and on beyond. These Indians
como Into camp once In awhile with
baskets, n timid sort of people, flitters,
not lighters Tho stumpagQ Is maijnlfl
( ent Wa aro the company, though wo
have a rival, a formidable one, tho Yellow
Pines, which operates to the south of us
I havo met none of their people ns yet,
but mv foreman tells mo there Is, and
always has been, bad blood between us
Well, dear old cllnp, I must got warv
you Write me all the happenings that
concorn you there. Tell Illgglns If ho
neglects one tiling about you I will skin
him nllvo when 1 come home for a flying
trip .
I hope, sir, you aro feeling comfortable
and will go Into the winter In good shape
When the spring comes on 1 believe we
tan bring you out here with comfort the
Pullman service Is smooth as glass across
continent. And 1 know the trip would
benefit you
As he wrote these words tho young
man'n bright blue eyes softened like'
n wnmnti'n nnd n iHm irty Enrrln1
about his lips. Ho knew, on the word
of tho greatest specialist of two conti
nents, that the dignified old gentleman
to whom they were addressed, a white
haired gentleman with tho finest bear
ing nnd the gentlest heart, tied Irrevo
cably to an Invalid chair, hud nt the
most but n sennt yenr to live. Yet ho
wroto of hope nnd travel and return
ing health, wrote determinedly with a
forco that must communicate some
thing of its light to tho lonely wreck
left by tho tldo of life stranded nt tho
edgo of that mighty, flowing stream,
tho metropolis
Ho Hnlahcd tho letter with a com
mendation so tender, so indicative of n
groat affection, that It did not sound
llko n man's, n son's to a father
rather llko n daughter's to an ailing
mothor, signed, sealed and sfcunped it.
and sat for many minutes holding It in
lila hand staring hard with drawn
brows nt tho yellow pino of the new
walls. Again tho faint shadow of Bnd
nesa, ot regret, flickered from the past
across hi 3 features. Then ho sighed,
rose with his graceful quickness nnd
straightened his shoulders. As he
closed tho desk nnd stopped from tho
ofllco ho felt that he had gathered up
tho reins of the now llfo.
lty. Oftt'her thoy two, tho girl nnd the
dog silent with a common consent
llko wild things of tho woods, sought
the wlnd-Bwopt top of tho groat stump
on the western ridge. Hero SlleU
looked dowu on tho drooping Blope
and wondered of tho cities nnd I ho
sen. Ho had come from them both
She had nover scon n rami llko him
His clothes wero different. His speech
wns unlike. So woro IiIb hands, whlto
and flpo grained.
Also thore was another of his pos
sessions that alio know in ovory lino
and turn, Black Bolt, tho splendid
horse that stamped nnd whinnied with
Impatlonce In the lean-to bohind the
filing shed. She could no moro let him
nlono than alio could rofrnln from lying
down to drink from n mountnln rill
Ho cnlled to hor blood with Irreslst
Iblo forco. Day aftor day sho crept
shyly to tho lean-to nnd dreamed,
watching tho slope nnd tho log-trail
"Oh, you beauty!" Bhe whispered
with n soft hand on tho arching neck.
"Oh, you beauty of tho world! God
made you strong to sorve nnd beautl
ful to bo loved!"
And nt Hint moment, on that par
ticular day, Walter Sandry stepped
Into the doorway of tho lean-to. At
his foot nn tho sill tho girl whirled
upon him, her dark eyes wide with
fright and confusion.
"I I " sho stnmmored llko a child.
Sandry looked nt her for tho first
time keenly.
"You aro fond of the horse?" ho
But hor tonguo clove suddenly to
tho roof of her mouth and ono of tho
Inherent silences that sometimes fell
upon her shut her lips.
She dropped her eyes, twisted her
fingers in Black Bolt's mano, and then
i, r7t
i 1 alt i
I Mi
Confederation of Germanic Tribes tho
foundation of Countries of Ger
many and Franco.
fhe name Franks was applied about
.lie middlo of tho third century to a
confodetatlor. of Qormanlc tribes
dwelling on the middlo nud lower
lllilne. Later thoy became divided
Into two principal grpups the Sail
un. Inhabiting .tho districts on both
Bides pf tho lower Rhino, and tho
Jtipuarlans, Bottled on tho middle
P.lilne, In tho third ana tourtn con
furies hordes of them began to move
lo-niiwardB and aftorwardB Into Uaul.
In 35S Emperor Julian, although ho
defeated tho Salian invaders, allowed
thorn to establish themselves peram
runtly in Toxnndrla, tho country be
tween tho Mouse and the Bcholdt-r-nm
'this time Frauklah chiefs and
u-nrrlors frequently served In tho Ro
nan armies; and during the fifth cen
tury they rendered valuable service to
the t'njpIre'-ujV stemming tho tldo ot
hnrbarloaJnvaslour By tha tfme tho
Snllan Kfanksliad made themselves
masters of northern Caul, whllo tho
Rlpuarlans woro concentrated around
Cologno. Under Hlodowlg or CloviB.
king of tho formor confederation, tho
Frunks woro converted to Christian
ity, whllo by his conquests In cen
tral Gaul, nnd by his subjugation of
tho Alomannl and tho Rlpuarlan
Franks, ho not only extended his do
minions us far as tho Loire in the
ono direction and tho Malno In the
othor, but ho laid tho foundation of
what subsequently dovelopod Into tho
kingdom of France.
Sumatra's Tea-Growing Industry.
Tho island of Sumatra, now in
courso of development as a tea pro
ducer, and roported to bo capable ot
producing heavy yields from mature
plants, baB followed up last year's In
troductory porlod by larger supplies,
and tho industry has received much
encouragement from tho abnormally
high valuos of tho past year. Tho toas
havo already secured a "good will" in
tho market Tho area under tea now
approaches 8,000 acres, nearly all of
which have boon opened out ou tho
east coast from Assam scod.
Painter Learned Something About
How Business Is Conducted In
the Realm of Nicholas,
Whon Professor Tuxon, tho Danish
artist, had finished his great work,
"Tho Coronation of Edward VII." ho
rocolvod. It appoarB, an ordor from tho
Russian omporor frr a copy of this
painting, for which tho czar was to
pay 12,000 rubleB.
In duo course tho professor ropnlred
to Potrogrnd to deliver the painting.
Ho was granted an audlonco with tho
czar, who oxpresscd his satisfaction
with tho picture and who handed tho
profossor nn order for tho sum agreed
When tho professor presented tho
chock for payment ho was told that
au ordor from the emporor was sub
ject to 1 discount, and ho had, there
fore, to accopt a sum considerably
smallor than tho faco valuo of the
iloforo his doparturo from Rusla
tho professor had a farowoll audleuco
with tho czar, who, lu tho courso ot
Wild Blood 'nnd Horseflesh.
Tho fall drew on apaco. Sometimes
tho austere gloom of the mighty coun
try thrilled Sandry with a strange
compelling; oftoner It held him at a
dripping window with n load of lead
on his heart. Ho hnd no companions
John Daily, easy, simple, suggesting
tried forco, wub IiIb only comfort. In
him ho found something vnguely fine.
ns tho plain llttlo Btouo at the bottom
of clear waters takes on a certain
simple beauty. Thoy spent nn occn
Bional evening together in tho little
ofllco. talking of tho work, and tho now
owner asked and learned many things
Into tho ample heart of white-haired
Mn Dally Snndry hnd stopped that llrst
night, wholly without Intent.
"Ho speaks llko a man," she opined
decisively, "nn' you mnrk my words
ho'U prove himself so, If his hnnds are
Of tho girl Slletz ho had senrcoly
taken a moment's notlco. Ho did not
oven know that when sho served him
Bilently at tho oilcloth covorod tablo
tho two long braids woro tlod togeth
er nt tho nape of her neck bo that by
no chanco could thoy fnll ugninst his
hand. Neither did ho know that tho
dog Coosnah watched him alwnys with
pnlo oyes Of these two ho know less
than of any others In camp with whom
ho had as much to do. As for tho girl
horsolf, sho kopt nwny from his vlcln-
conversation, asked him; "Did you
got your money, professor?."
Profossor Tuxen replied that ho had
not Intended to mention tho mattor,
but slnco his majesty himself raised
tho question, ho would sny that ho
had received only part of tho money.
At this tho czar seemed not nt nil
surprised, but cnlmly mndo out an
othor order for the sum which had
been deducted from tho original
nmount. nnd thus Tuxon got bis
inouoy. Washington Star.
New York's Imports of Wood.
Now York state produces loss than
ono-thlrd of tho rnw material used In
her wood Industries. In aplto of tho
popular improssion that tho introduc
tion of concrete, brick and steel Is do
ing away with tho uso of wood, it has
boon found that tho stato Is yonrly
using more wood per capltn tbau ever
before. Moro than twice us much
wood is UBOd por person today than
50 years ago. Moro than Blx tlmas as
much wood per person Is used in Now
York state than in Germany, and moro
than ten times as much as In Great
Looked Around and Called Himself at
with a gliding motion, soft-footed and
swift, went past him, running toward
tho cook-shack.
Tho incident was nothing in itself,
but it set the man thinking of her
He had seen adoration In the oyes sho
bent on tho splendid animal, heard It
In the words, stilted and incongruous
"Queer youugstor," said Sandry to
That night after supper ho camo out,
contrary to hia custom, from tho little
south loom vjlth its patchwork quilts,
its crocheted mat and its antique
Bible, Into tho big eating room.
Ho found Ma Dally rocking in tho
little chair, her tired old hnnds lying
comfortably on the Portland Weekly
spread out on her slanting lap. The
wall lamps In their tin reflectors all
vered her white hair exquisitely and
brought out softly tho thousand kindly
creases on her ruddy faco.
On tho end of tho bench drawn up
to tho stand Slletz wns sitting, weav
ing a mat of long grasses, and her
lingers wero doft as an Indian's.
Behind hor on tho bench lay Coos
nah, head on paws, oyes blinking
"Como In, Mr. Sandry," said tho old
lady In hor rich volco. "Draw up a
chair. Wo'ro restln'."
He sat down and bent a smile as
brilliant as his blue eyes on this hardy
old mothor of the wilderness. From
tho first ho had folt hor personality,
though ho had no time to pay moro
than a passing attontlon to it.
"I should think you'd need It," he
said. "How do you manago to keep
up tho stroko?"
"Law bless -you!" sho laughed eas
ily, "I ben trained to It. I'vo cooked
In camp, young man, for forty-two
year straight ahead."
"Then you've aeon tho growth of the
country tho coining of railroads, tho
making of towns."
"Right from tho bottom up. Soon
'em grow from threo cabins an' a cow
ered wagon."
"You've witnessed the inroads of
tho world on this fine timber, too."
"Yes, an it hain't teched yet. I've
soen It cut up ovor the Range an'
down this sldo, an' thoy's double
sturapago for overy aero that's bon
cut, botweon horo'n the coast."
Precious Metals In India,
Precious metals contlnuo to accu
mulate in India in enormous quanti
ties In spite of tho war. This 1b
brought out by tho figures of tho gol
und silver Imports of tho, current yoar,
which aro now published. Theso show
that after deducting all exportations
thore has boon in threo mouths an ad
dition to tho stores In tho country of
no loss than 158 lakhs worth of gold
und '.229 lakhs woith of silver. In tho
sumo period tho mluts In India havo
struck off tho largo sum ot 36 lakhs
of rupees which has thus also been
added to tho circulating wealth of the
Inhabitants, a total valuo ot ovor
Nesting Golf Balls.
A golfer who wnB playtng over the
St. NuotH Huntingdonshire, links m
England tho other duy hit Ills ball
Into u hedge, and, after searchiug for
it some timo without success, ob
served a bird s nest From curiosity
moro thun with any expectation 01
finding his ball thero, bo looked into
tho nest, and found not only tiis own
ball, but threo others as well. Tall
story, but actual fact!
Bf i'.JU I"l. - ' ' H'lHi" " ', '
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STAim! a 58.
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kmffK E3Yol '
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Mfo&lW' lUyy XBdKWilKSl
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Save the Trade-Mark
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Macaroni and
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and get a complete set of Oneida Community
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Beautiful Bridal Wreath pattern. Send us the
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Nine Kinds Skinner's Products
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These delicious foods can be prepared 53
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perfectly balanced.
Skinner's Macaroni Products are made from the
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Get a completo set of Oncidn Community f
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Macaroni Products. A
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Neb. f Town
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Bumper Ciraiii Cropsv
Good Markets High Prices
Prizes Awarded to Woeicrn Canada for
Wheat, Oats, Darioy, Al fat fa and Grasses
The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Products
Exposition at Denver were easily made. The list
comprised Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most
important being the prizes for Wheat and Oats and
sweep stake on Alfalfa.
No less important than the splendid quality of Western
Canada's wheat and other grains, is the excellence of
the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that
country. A recent shipment of cattle to Chicago
topped the market in that city for quality and price.
Western Csaaja produced ia 1915 one-third as much wriest
l as all ef tho United States, or over 300,000,000 busneli. ,
Canada in proportion to population has a greater
exportable surplus of wheat this year than any
country in the world, ana at present prices you
can figure out the revenue for the pro-
Hlf jAa Ta4 iKAniAVM ln Arln 11 'CmJ
SrJd&itl afl H!?Xrjii K.0(K markets, splendid schools, excep-
im&M 4 tI iSPSrS58' t'0,,al social conditions, perfect climate
arsftMWIsMhsVliiifiiisJBfefcSgggo-a and other trreat attractions. There
Is no war (ax on land and no conscription.
Send for illustrated pamphlet and ask for reduced railway rates. Information as to best locitionaietc-f
Address Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or i
J. M. MacLachlta, Drawer 197,Watertown, S. D. R. A. Garrett, 311 Jackson St., St. Paul, MicnJ
Canadian Government Agents '
11 If JllJfatrsWyi I y
He Knew.
"Oh, it must be terrible to bo starv
ing in tho midst of ahundnnco."
"You bet It Is. I carved tho turkey
for a party of twenty people at my
house on Christmas day, and I thought
I never would get anything to oat myself."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
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Infants and children, and see that it
TlAatci T10
Signature of (LaSJ7T&6;JUA'
In Ubo For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Hetcher'e Caatoria
More Cheerful Topic.
"Don't you llko to read about llfo
In foreign countries?" asked the on
thuaiastic young woman.
"Well, that depends," answered Mr.
Dubwaite, thoughtfully, "on 11 lunibor
of particulars."
"Just at present llfo In forolgn coun
tries is so full of horrors that I much
prefer to read about Ufa hero at home."
Frequent Shampoos With Cutlcura
Soap Will Help You. Trial Free.
Procedo shampoo by touches of Cu
tlcura Ointment If needed to spots
ot dandruff, itching and Irritation ot
tho scalp. Nothing bettor for tho com
plexion, hair, hands or skin than
theso super-creamy emollients. Also
as preparations for tho toilet
Freo sample oach by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Bold overywhero. Adv.
Painless Method. '
DoAubor I wondor why the art
committee failed tc hang my picture?
Crlticus Perhaps thoy thought It
would be (ess painful to electrocuto it.
' Such Is Life.
"Llfo is just ono darned thing after
"What's tho mattor now?"
"I'vo boen taking dancing lessons
for six months Just to please my wife,
and now I've got to begin all over
again and learn to danco on skates."
Ho who start3 out to meet thoublo
has a short Journey.
The Family
Against Colds
The old standard remedy In tablet
form No unpleasant after effects No
opiates Cure coldo in 24 hours La
Grippe In 3 days Money back ii it
Insist on senulne Box with red top
Mr. Hill's picture on It 25 Cents.
At Ay Drag Store
W. H. Hill Company, Detroit
Watioa E. Coleman
l'atent Lawyer.Wasblngura.
B.C. Advice BDd books fre.
Oates reasonable, Hlgtieat references. JJest eeiYloea.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of tho Northwest."
Over 18,000,000 visited tho Panama
Pacific exposition.
Even tho worm will turn perhaps
into a butterfly.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants at
SIOUX CITT, Ohlcaoo op Kansas City
mmaKS and printing
Bend for Catalogue and Finishing Price List.
ZIMMERMAN BROTHERS, COS Pie res Sl..Si.aiCltT, la.
Furs W Wool
to Uollts & Rortrs. Sioux Citr.
lows. If we en the goods,
you get the money. Uave,
your bank look us up
V Pattern
I el a No. t
J Hies I
A N U R I C !
The Newest Discovery in Chemistry
This ia a rocont dlscovory of Dr.
Piorco, who is head of tho Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo,
N. Y. Experiments at Dr. Pierce's
Hospital for sovoral years proved that
thcro Is no other eliminator ot urio
acid that can bo compared to it. For
thoso easily rocognlzod symptoms ot
inflammation ns backncho, scalding
urine and frequent urination, as well
as sediment in tho urine, or if uric
acid In tho blood has caused rheuma
tism, it is simply wonderful how suro
ly "Anurlc" nets. Tho host of rosults aro
always obtained in cases ot acute
rhoumatiam In tho Joints, in gravel
and gout, and Invariably the pains and
tlffnosB which bo frequently and por
slstontly accompany tho disease rap
Idly disappear.
Go to your nearest drug storo and
simply ask for a G0-cont packnge of
"Anurio" manufactured by Dr. Piorce,
or oven writo Dr. Piorco for a large
trial package (10c). If you suspect
kldnoy or bladder trouble send him a
sample of your vratei and describe
Bymptoms. Dr. PJorce's chemist will
oxamino it, thon Dr. Pierco will report
to you without feo or chargo.
NOTE. "Anurio" is thirty-seven
times moro active than lithia in elimi
nating uric acid, and is a harmless but
Tollable chemical compound that may
bo safely given to children, hut should
bo used only by grown-ups who actu
ally wish to restore their kldnoys to
porfect health, by conscientiously
using ono box or moro in extreme
cases ns "Anurlc" (thanks to Dr.
Pierce's achievement) is by far tho
most porfect kidney and bladder cor
rector obtainable.
' v, u,,isiSs '-kmmst.4ve!ii .