Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 16, 1915, Image 1

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    Sl&U- Historical Society
fl m
Motto: All The News When It Is News.
VOL 24.
no. i.
Technical Objections Raised by South
Dakota and West Virginia Go Un
heeded Time a Week Ahead of
Democratic Gathering.
ttntcrn XevtiDUirr Union Nw Sctkf.
Washington, D. C. Chicago was He
lected by the republican national com
mittee as the meeting place of the
1U10 republican national convention,
to be held Juno 7, one week before the
democratic convention In St. Louis.
The vole stood: Chicago, 31; San
Francisco, 13; St. Louis, 7; Philadel
phia, 2.
Earlier In the day the committee
had determined upon the date for the
convention, a much discussed problem
with sentiment for and against meet
ing before the democrats pretty even
ly divided. The decision was reached
without :i roll call, and somo said a
record vote might have brought a dif
ferent lCBUlt.
Technical objections raised to an
early date by representatives of West
Virginia and South Dakota, where pri
maries to elect convention delegates
are held Juno G, were swept away by
the adoption of a resolution which will
permit placing the names of candi
dates from these states on the tem
porary roll of the convention, with the
argument (hat certification by tele
grap from the proper state authorities
after tho primaries will be valid au
thorization for tho seating.
Release of Germans and Austrlans
Seized on U. S. Ship Demanded.
Washington, D. C The United
States government has cabled Ambas
sador Sharp at Paris, tor presenta
tion to the French foreign office, a
note vigorously protesting against the
lemoval by tho French cruiser Des
cartes of six Germans and Austrians
from the American steamships Caro
lina, Coamo and San Juan. Immedi
ate release of tho men is asked on the
ground that the seizure of citizens of
any nation from an Amerlcanyessel
on the high seas iB without legal jus
tification and constitutes a flagrant vl
olltaon of American rights.
The note was dispatched by Secre
tary Lansing lyith tho full approval oi
President Wilson. It also is under
stood lo have been discussed by the
president with his cabinet
Bulgars Pursue Allies.
London. The next big battle will,
in all probability, bo fought in Greece,
despite tho efforts of tho Hellenic king
and government to save their country
from the, horrors of war. The British
and French forces have made good
their retirement down tho Vardar val
ley and are now approaching Salonikl,
where reinforcements are being land
ed, wiille reports received in Paris
and Rome say that the Bulgarians
have crossed the Greek frontier in
pursuit. Tho reports of such action by
the Bulgarians came soemwhat as a
surprise, as It had been thought that
such a move by them would provoke
the Greeks, ana that consequently it
the entente allies are followed at all
their task would bo allotted to the
Austrlans and Germans.
In Girl's Garb, Attends Party.
Lincoln. Neb. Fifteen-year-old
George DeFord, freshman in the Ne
braska state university, has set that
Institution by the ears by dressing
himself up in girl's clothing and in
that garb attending a "mixer" from
which all boys and men were ordered
barred. Implicated with young DeFord
were nine young women, and the ten
have been suspended by the univer
sity authorities until January 1.
Chinese Make Appeal.
San Francisco, Cal. An appeal to
President Wilson not to recognize tho
Chinese monarchy was mailed to
Washington by Tong King Chong,
president or tho Chinese Chee Kung
Tong, known as the Chinese Itepublic
association, which Is said to have a
membership of about 60,000 In the
United States and 300,000 In North,
Central and South America.
Farms Yield a Big Sum.
Washington, D. C Secretary lions
tor's annual report places an estimate
of $9,873,000,000 on the value of Amer
ican farm crojrs and animal products
for last year, a valuation without pre
cedent. This, however, probably will
be eclipsed by the present year's
Peking. Yuan-Shl-Knl, president of
the Chinese republic, has accepted the
throno or China tendered to him by
the council of state.
Move to Oust Marshall.
Washington, D. C Representative
Buchanan, of Illinois, tpok his contro
vorsy with United States Attorney
Marshall over Labor's National Peace
council to tho floor or tho houso De
cember 14 by Introducing articles ror
Mr. Marshall's Impeachment. Labor's
National Peace council, of which Rep
resentative Buchanan was president
until Inst July, now Is under invest!
ration by the federal grand Jury at
Now York undor the direction or Mr.
Marshall, who has declared It was1 fi
ll Mined with Qerman money.
EB 10 HID U S.
Chief Calls Himself n "Militant Demo
crat" Says U. S. Is Reserve Force
of the World Nation Also Great
Peace Influence Makes Two Talks.
Columbus O., Dec. 13. Prepared
ness by business men to mobilize
tho resources of tho, uatlon as a
measure of national defense was
urged by President Wilson hero on
Friday in a ringing address bo
fore thu Columbus Chamber of Com
merce. Ills words wore given added
slgnliicanco by the disputes ponding
between tho United States and Austria
and Germany.
The president declared that If tho
United States preserves Its self-pos-session
In tho present crisis it will
have great inlluencc in reconstructing
the peaceful courso of tho world and
In bringing the nations together again.
Tho president's address was ap
plauded by a nonpartisan audience of
1,100, Including many of tho leading
otllcials and business men of Ohio.
While ho had not written it out in ad
vance, ho had thought it over careful,
ly. His theme was tho "Statesman
&hlp of Industry." Tho president told
tho business men that it was lrapossl
blc to separate business and life. Tho
history of busln ss In tho United
States, he said, vas tied up with the
history of the nation.
Need of ships lo carry the commerce
of the nation was emphasized. Slnco
the War of IS 12, ho declared, tho Uni
ted States has purposely attended
first to Internal affairs. Some business
men, ho declared, sought foreign
trade, but ninny disregarded It.
Tho banking and currency law
passed during tho present administra
tion was lauded by tho president, as a
great aid to foreign commerce. Until
It was passed there were hardly any
foreign branches of American banks.
Ho criticized tho policy of protec
tion. Business, ho declared, should be
efficient, but It should not bo organized
in order to secure monopolies.
Ho opposed tho Injection of politics
into business. Ho described himself cs
a "militant Democrat" and added that
the Democratic party wanted to help
Repeating tho idea expressed In his
last message to congress, tho presi
dent said that ho bolieved in liberty of
all peoples. Ho declared aggressively
that as long as ho was president Mex
ico would bo allowed to choose its own
Tho European war, ho declared, had
put the United States in a now rela
tion to tho world. This t.atlon will
have to bo the rcservo force or the
world, he asserted.
Ills message to the value ot tlu
church as a forco to savo society was
given by President Woodrow Wilson
in his address at tho closing session
of tho Conference on Church and
Country Lifo when he spoke- to more
than four thousand people who
packed tho great Memrrlal hall hero.
Alter his address, which was applaud
cd repeatedly, tho president lott ror
It was his second address or the
day, the first being one to business
men at a noon-day luncheon. In addi
tion, ho met 5,000 Ohloans at an after
noon reception In the Ohio capital.
Tho audience at both mcetlnts
cheered tho president.
"Enact a law," tho president said,
"that docs not rellect the moral Judg
ment or tho community, that is tho
moral Judgment only or a small minor
ity, and the peoplo will not understand
It. Law Is only a record ot achieve
ment. Christianity is tho only iorco
that can transform lire."
Ills tribute to the church as the or
ganized instrument or Christianity had
been given earlier In his address,
when he declared that whilo Christian
ity might save tho soul or tho Individual
to himself, it was only the church
that might savo society.
Emperor Has Personally Withdrawn
Captains Boy-Ed and Von
Washington, Dec. 13. Emperor Wil
liam has personally withdrawn Cap
tains Boy-Ed and Von Papen. the naval
and military attaches or the German
embassy hero, and has made a per
sonal request that tho United States
secure sate conducts for them unci
their successors. This was formully
announced on Friday by Secretary
It was made plain by tho ambassa
dor that thu recall or the navul and
military attaches was pnrfrctlv Halls
factory to Emperor William, who tian
.died the case himself.
Boy Drowned In Lake.
Mason City. la.. Dec. 14. While
looking at comical section or a Sun
day newspaper Henry Thomas, aged
twelve, stepped Into an nlr holo on
Clear lake and was drowned. The
body was recovered.
Robber Raids Art Institute.
Chicago. Doc. 14. A lone thlof raid
ed tl.o Art Institute on Saturday, bold
ly smashed a glass case and vanished
with a gem collection alued at $50,000.
A rope dangling from tho skylight was
the on)) clou.
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Tho Champagno district has been tho sccno of constant fighting sinco
tho big French offcnslvo of last September. Tho Germans recently cap
turcd 500 yards of trenches on hill 193 on Butte do Soualn, but tho French
almost Immediately regained tho lost ground.
Contlnous Construction Program for
Next Five Years to Cost Half
Billion Dollars.
Washington. Dec. 13. Full details
of Secretary Daniels' continuous naval
construction program Involving tho
expenditure of half n billion dollars
In the course or tho next llvo years
are contained In his annual report
as head or the navy department, made
public today. Battleships are still the
primary need, ho declares. IT his pro
gram Is carried out, tho navy would bo
composed of tho following vessels
built or building in 1021: Battleships,
first line, 27; battle cruisers, G; battle
ships, second, line, 25; armored cruis
ers, 10; scout cruisers, 13, cruisers,
first class, 5; second class, 3; cruis
ers, third class, 10; destroyers.
1US; fleet submarines, 18; coast
submarines, 157; monitors, C; gun
boats, 20; supply ships, 4; tucl ships,
i5; transports, 4; tenders to torpedo
vessels, 5; special types, 8; ammuni
tion ships, 2.
American Vessel Reported Sunk Has
Been Taken to Unnamed Port by
Warship, Says Page.
Washington, Dec. 10. Tho state de
partment received a second dispatch
from Ambassador Pago at Rome on
Wednesday stating that ho had been
inrormed that tho Communlpaw Had
been captured by a warship and taken
to a port unnamed In Ills message. Tho
source of his Information and the na
tionality of tho captors wero not men
tioned. Earlier advices from Ambassador
Pago reported that an American ship
"held to have been the Standard OH
tanker Communlpaw" had been tor
pedoed and sunk off Tobruk, Tripoli.
More details as to tho Communl
paw as well as tho Standard Oil tank
er Petrollte, reported attacked by a
submarine in the Mediterranean last
Sunday morning, are being awaited.
Flames Sweep Hopewell, Va. DuPont
Plant periled $3,OCO,000
Damage Done,
tilchmond, Vn., Dec. 11. Flames of
mysterious origin nearly wiped out tho
town of Hopewell and threatened tho
great DuPont powder plant Just out
side Its borders following tho arrost
of a man caught while placing a high
exploslvo In a DuPont warehouso,
where a largo quantity of guncotton
was awaiting shipment to tho Anglo
French allies.
The entire business section of Hope
well was destroyed. Tho loss Is esti
mated at $3,000,000. Thousands of
families nro homeless. Ono negro
caught looting was lynched. Looting
and rioting marked tho progress of tho
llro through tho business ecctlon. Con
sequently a riot call was sent to Rich
mond. In response state soldiers wero
rushed to the scene from Petersburg.
2,300,000 In Petrograd.
Pctrograd, Dee. 13. A census of tho
population ot Petrograd that has Just
been taken shows a total or 2,300,000
Canada Won't Hang Woman.
Ottawa. Ont., Dec. 11. The women
or Alberta have won their fight to save
tho lifo or Mrs. Annlo- Huwkes or
Macleod, sen.eucod to hang for tho
killing of her husband's afllr.lty. She
will servo ten years in prison
Yaqui Indians on Warpath.
Topolobampo, Mex., via radio to
San Diego, Cal., Doe II. Vaqul In
dians aro on the warpath and mo mill
ing the American settlement In the
Vnqul valley, according to reports
Just rccolvod from Uuuymas.
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Says Would Bo Folly to Offer Terms
In View -of "Guilt and
Berlin, Dec. 11. Germany will make
no peace proposals to the allies, but If
tho entente powers offer terms com
patible with Germany's dignity and
safety, tho Gorman government Is will
ing to discuss them. Imperial Chan
cellor von Bcthmonn-Hollwcg so an
nounced In tho reichstag on Thur'sduy,
Tho chancellor vas cheered as r-o
rose to make his promised reply to
tho socialist Interpellation on the ques
tion of peace niiA, ho ws cheered
again as ho frankly stated the .gov
ernment's position. Ho had Just re
turned from n conference with Em
roror Wllllum at army headquarters.
"As long us In tho countries of our
enemies the guilt and Ignorance of
statosmon aro entangled with confu
sion of public opinion," said the chan
cellor, "It would bo folly ror Germany
i mako peaco proposals which would
not shorten but lengthen the duration
ot tho war. First the masks must ho
torn from their fac'c3.
"At present they speak of a war of
annihilation against us. Wo havo to
reckon with this fucL Theoretical r
guments for ppaco or propositions will
not advance us, will not bring the end
nearer. t
"If our enemies make peace proposl
tlons compatible with Germany's dig
nliy and safety, .W.i vo shall alvv.iy
bo ready to discuss them
"Tho war can bo terminated only
by a' peaco which gives human cortl
tudo that it will not return. Wo all
agree about that. There is and thero
will nlways bo tho root of our
Tho reichstag voted full upprovn:
of tho government's position as re
gards peace, which was set forth by
tho imperial chancellor, Dr. von Both-mann-Hollwcg.
Portland, Oro., Dec. 13. Tho llrst
high school unit or tho Oregon Nn
tlonal Guard was mustered In at the
Jefferson high school today. 20 boys
and two Instructors entering tho serv
ice. Pittsburgh, Pa., Doc. 13, Between
1,000 and 1,500 Iron moldcrs employed
in foundries In Pittsburgh and vicin
ity aro on a strike as a part 'of a na-tlon-wldo
movement for an olght-hbur
day. Tho men demand an olght-hour
day at the sanio rato of pay an now
received for nine hours,
Readvillo, Mass., Doc. 13. A large
steel battle piano of a now typo was
given n successful test here. Tho
now aorjul fighting machine Is de
scribed as or twico tho size or the
ordinary aeroplane, with a torpedo
body and twq gun turrets.
Washington, Dec. 13. Tho stuto de
partment announced that Great Brit
ain has consented to allow two car
goes or dyo stulls to como through to
this country from Germany provninii
they aro consigned' to Secretin y ul
Commerce Redlleld.
Mrs. Martrall at Capital.
Washington, Dec 14. Mrs Mar
shall, wife of tho vice-president, ar
rive! hero on Monday from Indianap
olis. Vice-President Marshall bus ac
companied her. Mrs. Manual! Is re
covering from un Illness.
Wilson Gives Pin to Fltncoe.
Washington, Dee. ,14.WrPHlilnr
Wilson went motoring with his fiancee.
Mrs. Norman (lalt. to discuss plan"
ror the wedding ceremony. Mrs Gait
Is woarlug a bar pin or diamonds, thu
girt of the pmsldont.
Official Statement Issued at Sofia Says
That Bulgars Have Occupied Five
More Towns In Serbia Greek
Troops to Leave Salonikl.
Berlin, Dec. 14 (via Sayvlllo). Tho
ifllclul statement Issued here on Sun
Jay is as follows:
"Tho Vnglo-Frcnch troops, after suf
fering a series of dcclslvo defeats by
ho army of General Todoroff, aro re
peating In miserable condition over
.ho Grcolc frontlor. Their lossos In
men and material of all kinds, accord
ing to tho report ot our allies, huvo
been extraordinarily heavy.
During tho InBt two days C,500 pris
oners havo fallen Into the handB ot tho
Austro-Ilungarlans advancing on thu
Albanian border mountains.
"Between Rojaj, which was taken on
Saturday, and Ipok, tho enemy left bo
hind 40 guns."
Sofia, Dec. 13 (via Borlln and Say
vlllo.) Tho ofllclnl statement Issued
hero Is as follows:
"Advancing south ot Kosturlno tho
Bulgarians havo reached tho Kozlu
Jaro river and havo occupied Calkll,
Tartarli, Rabrovo, Valandovo and Hn
ilovo. Before General Sarrall's head
quarters wo captured a largo quantity
Df provisions and snnltary materials.
"AgahiBt tho Serbians wo havo occu
pied the eastern part or Struga.
"Following tho engagements against
tho Anglo-French forces tho battlo
Holds woro found covered with dead
French and English."
Paris, Dec. 14. According to Infor
mation received hero from Athons.
tho Greek governnicrit has agreed to
withdraw its troops from Salonikl.
Lieut. Col. Bromwell May Have Been
Murdered for Plans of Pacific
Coast Defenses.
Washington, Doc. 14. Tho war de
partment has begun Its investigation
of tliq mysterious death of Lieutenant
Colonel Bromwell' at Honolulu' with e
view of determining whothcr ho was a
victim ot a Japancso spy. A meager
report was received by tho department
on Saturday saying that Lieutenant
Colonel Bromwell had committed sui
cide. "I will never believe that Colonel
Bromwell committed suicide," sail
Richard A. Harlow, a closo friend ot
the family. "I spent two months iu
Honolulu last summer and visited tho
colonel often. Tho work that ho was
supervising and laying out was ot tre
mendous importnnco to this country.
Ho was determined to kcop It a secret.
Not oven American civilians wero al
lowed boyond a certain point on Dia
mond Hill, tho old crator which ho
was fortirylng.
"From what I know of tho situation
and of Colonel Bromwoll, no ono could
uvcr convlnco mo that ho took his own
lifo. His family relationships were
Ideally happy.
"In his household ho employed Jap
ancso servants, but I do not recall that
ho over suspected any of them."
Box of Ammunition From the U. S.
Believed to Have Exploded In Fac
tory at .Havre, France.
Paris, Dec. 14. Tho Inquiry Into
tho causes of tho explosion at the Bel
gian, government's largo powder fac
tory at Havro hos taken tho direction
of discovering whether it wns duo to
German machinations In tho United
States. Latest reports show that 15d
persons woro killed by tho blast.
Two hundred and fifty tons of pow
der blow up In an annex whoro sov
oral boxes or ammunition from Amer
ica wero stored.
Property within a two-mllo radius
of tho factory was wrecked by tho ex
plosion, All the doors and windows
In tho big Schneider gun works near
by ,wero blown In, killing several
Austrian Seaplane Aviators Bombard
Ancona on Adriatic and Escape
Despite Heavy Fire.
Vienna. Dec. 14, viu Amsterdam and
London. An Austrian Beaplano squad
ron bombarded the railway station,
tho electric workB and points of mili
tary Importance at Ancona (on tho
Adriatic coast or Italy) and roturnod
unharmed In tho face of a heavy flro,
according to an official statement Is
sued at tho war ofllco.
Freedom for Turk Women.
Berlin, Dec. 13. Turkey's participa
tion In thp war Is bringing a greater
degreo ot freedom to tho Turkish
women. Tho Turkish ministry an
nounces that women aro to bo em
ployed In tho money-order post ollices
One Killed In Shop Blast.
South Bethlehem, Pa., Doc. 13.--Ono
workman was killed and fifteen
tollers wero Injured by nn explosion
In tho plant whero tho Bethlolicm
Steel company was making shell fusu!
for the entente allies of Europe.
You Should Buy
Wisconsin Land NOW
Every day the farms oi Upper Wisconsin are
proving that the soil is fully as productive
and desirable as in the southern section, and
each year the development is more noticeable.
We want you to visit Wisconsin and look
over the coavincinjj prospects for profitable
farming and the certain advance in land value
over present low prices.
The remarkable growth of grasses and ex
cellent water assure profitable stqck raising.
Markets are nearby, transportation is accord
ingly low.
Kvcry effort will be made to assist you in
locating a farm that will answer your needs.
Industrial Agent
Brokerage Bldg., St. Paul
The G, St, P.,
General and Reliable
PonoA. N!b.
Box 424 Phone No. 3
It will pay you to see me
before going elsewhere
Torms Reaaonable-Satlsfactlon Guaranteed
The warm and beautiful ""Southland," with its O.lf and
Florida seacoast, its attractive cities and hotels, is a winter
playground and outdoor region. Railroad tours comprehend
the whole South, going thru one section and returning thru an
other, including New Orleans, Mobile, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Sa
vannah, Washington. Jacksonville is the destination of the gen
eral circuit tours. There are lower rates applying over the sawe
route in both directions to Southern and Texas Gulf destinations.
The Burlington has three gateways to the SouthKansas
City, St. Louis or Chicago, with excellent service via each one.
Inquire for the Burlington's new "Winter Tours" leaflet. Com
plete presentation of tours to the South, West Indies, Cuba and
the Canal Zone.
Special Low Prices on our
WE HAVE MOVED and want your Photo work
We do everything in the line of Photography.
Photos made in all sizes by our new method
quick as lightning. Bright and datk days all the
same. Ideal for children. Latest styles and finish
at about half the regular prices. See us and save
money. Special inducements to wedding group.
Kodak Finishing
021 4th St., near Jackson
or NewHavin.Comiiicticut
I'm iii ii i imniwiii
0. W. BELL
Land Commissioner
Hudson, WU.
M. & (X Ry,
H. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. 'Wasslxt, G, F, A., Omaha, Nob,
-for a Short Time Only
Sioux City, la.
Dakota City, Nebraska.