UNTY RALD, Motto: All The News When It Is News. State Historical Society VOL 24. DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1915. NO. 14. DAKOTA CO EST37 ILL lino BITS THIRTY-ONE EMPLOYES KILLED BY TERRIFIC BLAST IN DELAWARE. VICTIMS ALL YOUNG MEN Dupont Company Officials Declare There Is No Evidence on Which to Hang a Theory Rumors Heard of an Outside Plot. WMtfrn Nettnpajwr Union News MltT Wilmington. Dol. Thlrty-ouo woik men weiu killed and seven fatally in juied in u terrific explosion of four ions of black powdor iit the upper Hugley ard of the Dupont Powder company. It as Hit worst accident that h.ts occurred in any of the com- liany'.s plaulM in a quarter of a cen- j turv. The uuisc of tho blast is not known. According to a statement is sued by the company, the origin "prob ably will always remain a mystery." Nevertheless a most severe investi gation lnih been instituted by tho ot licials of the company, and every em ploye who was near tho building that was blown to pieces was put through a thorough examination that some f clew as to tho causo might be learned Thoro was tho usual rumor afloat that some outsldo agency may have caused the explosion, but Dupont offi cials said there was not a shred of I evidence upon which to hang any the ory. Neaily all the victims of the blast were young men between 1C and 21 j ears of age. Tho greater number of them lived in and about Wilmington. VILLA INTO SECLUSION. Outlawed Mexican Leader's Present Whereabouts a Mystery. Nogales. His forces defeated and scattered by tho Carranza army of Gen. Manuel DIeguez, at Hermosillo, Fanciaco Villa, tho outlawed Mexican leader, has disappeared, according to leports received hero by Gen. Ah aro Obregon, tlw ,Garranza military chief. The report was based on statements of prisoners Gen Dleguez'e v!ctor at Hermosillo is said to have been complete. Three bundled Villa soldiers were found wounded after Uu- battle. Six hundred to "were said to iavo surrendered south of Magdalena wlJilo 200 moio gave up their arm.) at Llano. Tho remainder of Villa's forces, ex cepting thoso commanded by Gen Joe Hodrigncz, are declared to bo do moralized and Hurrendering in small' groups. Their trains, with two loco motives, were leported to have been abandoned at Mngdalena. fifty-four miles south of Nogales, and 122 mile north of Hermosillo. Merchants See Big Trade. I New York. Merchants here say . Americans bnvo rnoro money to spend for Chiistmas this jear than in any lollday season sluco K'OG. The btp stores are pioparing for a lecord trade and wholesale houses are unable to 1111 oiders in many lines. This is attrlb- uted to a rush of buyers from otlur, cities to replenish depleted Btocks. I Jane Addamo Taken to Hospital. Chicago. Jano Addams, settlecent worker and peace advocate, was taken to the Fresbj lei Ian hospital sufierlnp with a fever, vrhlch, it was said, was severe but not critical. The exact nature of her Illness has not been de termlned. Dr. Jameu U. Herrlcfc said that her illness Is not dangerou Freight Blockade in East. New York. Presidents of eastern A t lailioads meeting November 30 in the oftlce of President Hea, of the Penn sylvanla lines, to consider how tc move liom 46,000 to C0.000 cars of freight now hold up along the Atlantic seaboard, docided to appoint a com mlttee to deal with the Question President Host to Classmates. Washington, D. C President Wll son gave n dinner at the White House November 3 in honor of tho Princetor tlas-s of '73, of which ho was a mem bei For tho evening tho president wa.s iignin Tommy, tho name ) wliicl .ill his clasmatea knew him. Cudahys to Cut Big Melon. Chicago. Two million dollars o! new stock of Uie Cudahy Packing com p.m. authorized at a mooting of the din (tors last weoH, will, Jt was an nounced. bo distributed as a Christ n.ih "melon" to holders of tho olt .; 449.500 common stock. Big Game Is Plentiful. Duluth, Minn. Hunters icturniuF h if from the woods declare the pres ent big game season In northern Mlu ni'sotii In an extraordinarily good oni and that rnoro inoogo and dBer Imvt in en shot tills fall than in many yean pie ions. To Prlon for Election Frauds. Indianapolis. Four pefnons indict pd a ith Mayor Don M. Roberts in tin Tene Haute election conaplrucy cases hi, .e beon given nentencos by Judg p Andeison in tho United States ds tin i court list e. New York. A wan degcriblng liim pelf as Samuel White. 27, an inveuto: was arrested hure by police and e ci 'i service agent b, charged with lm Jr.K written insulting loiters to Mid 1 ciith U Gait Pietddenf VIHon' fl-in Ce ami !"T mother V' !' i' , 12 DIE II CYCLONE MANY OTHERS INJURED WHEN TORNADO SWEEPS HOT SPRINGS, ARK. THIRTY ARE FATALLY HURT Storm Sweeps Outskirts of Town Noted as a Health Resort Visited by $10,000,000 Fire In 1913 and Many Buljdlngs Were Destroyed. Little Hock, Ark., Nov. 2". Informn tlon obtained from passengers on a Hock Island train which reached liore on Thursday, placo tho death toll leaped by a tornado, which visited Hot Springs Into Thursday uftornoon, at 12 dead and 30 probably totally injured and ranny others less seriously in jured. Tim known dead arc: Mrs. B. E. Edwards and threo chil dron Mrs. Georgo Turner. Mrs. I'aul Canada. I lay den Poo. Two women and two children un identified. Negro woman unidentified. It was reported that tho city of Hot Springs proper did not suffer' any dam age but that tho storm swopt tho out skirts of tho town and also a farming district, where many farmhouses wero demolished. Pato Hite, a farm hand, is reported missing by a farmer. Tho town is yet cut off from all com munication by wire. No attempt has been niado to estimato tho property damage, but from roport3 received hero it is feared that it will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. The city is famous as a health re sort, having hot waters that flow from 72 springs in a spaco of ten acres on tho -west sldo of Hot Springs moun tain. Tho30 waters aro bcncllclal in a multitudo of diseases. Tho government lias an army and navy hospital there, built at a largo cost. Tho government bathhouses arc of graceful design and have attractive surroundings. Tho city has over 100,000 visitors every year, and consequently has many flno hotels. In 1913 it was swept by flro, which caused a $10,000, 000 loss. GREECE YIELDING TO ALLIES London Dispatch Says Announcement Concerninn Blockade Was Premature. London, Nov. 25. Announcement from tho foreign ofllco on Tuesday that no Greek ships aro being held or seized In ports of tho United Kingdom, in conjunction with dispatches from Greek and Italian sources, Indicates that tho diplomatic outlook In Greeco Is improving from tho allies' stand point. Italy has decided to send a military expedition to tho nalkans to help tho allies. Tho universal deduction Is that tho Greek government has satisfied tho Hritish demands, submitted by Earl Kitchener, secretary for war, who was in Athens last wcok. It Is assumed Greeco has furnished guarantees of tho safety of tho Anglo-French ex peditionary force. "Certainly no attempt will bo made to disarm tho nllies," said D. G. nhallis., tho Greek minister of Justice and guiding spirit in tho Skouloudis cabinet, in an Interview with tho Dally Mail's correspondent at Athens. "They can dig trenches and defend them selves if they must. Wo will even go to tho extent of establishing a cordon to safeguard their retreat." NEW HITCH IN PEACE PLANS German Delegates Give Notlco They Will Not Attend Conference at Berne, Switzerland. rierno, Switzerland, Nov. 24. Pro moters of the congress which it has been proposed to hold hero for tho study of basis of a durablo peaco have oncountered another obstacle Tho German delegates havo given notlco they will not nttond tho meeting an nounced for December 14, this follow ing tho oxamplo of tho French repre sentatives. It 13 understood hero tho Germans wero instructed by their gov ernment not to participate in tho pro posed congress SCHMIDT VERDICT IS UPHELD All Judges of New York Court of Ap peals Concur In Opinion Killed Anna Aumuller. Albany. N. Y.. Nov. 2.1. Tho Judg ment convicting Hans Schmidt, tho former Now York priest, of tho mur der of Anna Aumuller, was upheld on Tuesday by tho court of appeal? Judgo Cardoso wroto the opinion, in which all tho Judges concurred. Mile. Renkln Convicted as Spy. Amsterdam, Nov. 29. Mile. Juliette Renkln, slstor of tho Belgian colonial minister, lias been tried na a spy ut Brussels and convicted Suntenco has not boon imposed, says a letter smug Clod out of Belgium. To Honor Society Leader. Washington, Nov. 21). Viscountess Benolst D'Azy nas beon recommended for a war cross for service alio nas raudarod In a hospital In France. Hhi was a leader In Washington soclet) fur our. SHE MAY XtVV WASHINGTON STAR. FEN KILLED IN WRECK SHOW SPECIAL AND PASSENGER TRAIN COLLIDE IN GEORGIA. Proprietor of Carnival Troupe In Burn ing Debris Pleads With Train men to Kill Him. Columbus, Gn., Nov. 21. T.eu per sons aro known to bo uead and twelvo Injured as tho result of u collision on tho Central of Georgia railroad about eight miles from Columbus on Mon day. Passenger train No. 2, from Birmingham to Macon, collided head on with a special train carrying tho Con T. Kennedy Carnival company from Atlanta to Columbus. Tho wreck caught flro Immediately after tho crash. Tho known 'cad luuludo Fred Kempf, proprietor of one of tho shows, and his wifo, who wero burned to death whllo onlookers weru powerless to rescuo them. Mrs. Kcmpf's body was recovered. Rescuers found Kempf with his body half free. Ho begged trainmen to kill him rather than let him burn to death. Frantic efforts wero made to rescuo him, but without avail. Tho Kennedy shows had completed a woek'B engagement in Atlanta and wero to open Tuesdny in Columbus. Tho engineers of both tvatns mirac ulously escaped dd'th. Tho passonger train, It is said, had orders to take a siding and await tho carnival special, but by error ran in on the main lino and started for Macon. VWWIMWWMMW IMPORTANT NEWS f ITEMS I HWMWiMMHMMMUMUMMM Chicago, Nov. 21. Capt. P. D. O'Brien, chief of dotoctlves, was sus pended on Monday, following a prelim inary investigation by the civil serv lco commission of a polico slush fund purported to have been collected for tho defense of John J. Ilalpin, former head of tho dotectlvo bureau, and Do tectlvo Sergeant Walter O'Brion. Chief Healy in his suspension order mado Li out. Charles L. Larkln acting chief of detectives. Walter O'Brien, who is a nephow of tho captain, has boon con victed of accepting money for protect ing conlldcnco men and Ilalpin is on trial on a bribery charge. London, Nov. 25. Tho Evening Nows states that Tod Sloan, tho fa mous American Jockey, and a French actress hnvo been arrested in London and that Sloan will bo deported. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 24. Mrs Thomas R. Marshall, wifo of tho vlco prcsldont of tho United States, was op erated upon for an abdominal ailment at St Vlncont's hospital hero on Mon flay. Tho operation, according to tho hospital authorities, was in every wny a success. Dr. C. G. Pfaff, tho attend ing physician, stated that whllo Mrs. Marshall's condition was not serious, tho oporation was performed in order to avoid posslblo future complications. Coliseum, Chicago, Nov. 27. Law renco and Hanloy won Chicago's sec ond annual six-day rnco ut tho Coli seum on Thursday night, scoring 32 points in a Berlin finish Kyau and Thomas woro second with 35 points. Walker and Walthour woro third, with 45 points. Mitten and Ilui.sun finished fourth, with 54 points Only four teams of tho original 15 tlnluhed Teuton Ministers Threatened. Genova, Nov. 29. Tho Munich Ncu eate Nachrlchten states that tho mlu lsters of Gormany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey at Teheran havo been compelled to leave owing to threats of tho population to lynch thorn. French Rush to Take Loan. Paris, Nov. 29. Subscriptions to the Fronch government's "Loan of Vic tory" are oxceodlug all expectations It Is estimated In linanclal circles that Thursday's subscriptions In Parts alone exceeded 5,000,000.000 INSIST ITALY TO AID SERBIA TROOPS SAID TO HAVE LANDED IN ALBANIA. Serb Victory Reported Near Monastir 10,000 Bulgarians Killed and Wounded In Battle. London, Nov. 25. Itnllau troops have begun landing on Olbanlan torri tory to go to tho holp of Serbia, ac cording to a Chiasso dispatch to tho Journal Le SuIbho, forwarded on Tues day by tho Central News correspond ent nt Zurich. Tho Italian fleet is bombarding Do dcagatch, the Bulgarian port on tho Aegean sea, according to a Central Nows dispatch from Rome. Serbian forr-na rry;ng at Mount Zetovaty In central Serbia havo In' fllcted n serious defeat upon tho Bui gars and opened tho way to Leshovac, according to a statement by tho Serb Ian legation nt Paris. Simultaneous dispatches from French headquarter.' at Kavadar, Serbia, declaro tho Fronch nro hold ing tho Rajec gorgo and tht Bojhar sti bridge head on tho Ccnn against Bulgar attacks. The French admit re treat to tho right bank of tho Cerna after a bloody battlo with tho Bulgars along tho Rajec river, a tributary. Ton thousand Bulgars havo boon killed nnd woundod in fighting for Monastir. Tho Bulgar forces attacked tho town Saturday. Salonlki advices say. It was learned hero for tho fir t tlmo that the assault was repulsed Repeated earlier reports wero to tho effect that the town had fallen. BRAND WHITL0CK IS BACK American Minister to Belgium Reaches New York Refuses to Discuss War. Now York, Nov. 27. After fifteen days spent on tho most turbulent of trips, Brand Whltlock. Amorlcan min ister to Belgium, arrived hero on Wednesday on tho steamship Ityndnm. Mr Whltlock's connection with tho caso of Edith Cavoll, tho English nurse, and tho offorts ho made to save her life, led to tho report that ho was coming homo for good. This ho denied. "I am going back to Brus sels," ho said, "and I havo engaged my passage on the Rotterdam, sail ing December 28." In tho light of this Btntemcnt Mr. Whltlock explained that ho could not discuss tho wnr from any angle. TEUTONS FACE U. S. COURT Hamburg-American Officials Accused of Aiding German Commerce Raiders. New York, Nov. 21. Four officials of tho Hnmburg-Amorlcan lino wont on trial on Monday boforo Judgo Howo In tho criminal branch of tho federal district court. They aro charged with making onth to falBo clearances -n-' manifests. Tho government nllegeo tho real purposo of tho dofendnnts was to coal and supply Gorman commerco raiders. Tho dofendnnts nro Dr. Knrl Buonz, Georgo Kouttor, Adolph Hack melstur and Josoph Poppinghnuo. Doc tor Buonz Is managing director of tho Hamburg-Amcrlcan lino and la ono of the moBt Influential Gorman rosldents of America. Australia Plans New Army. Molbourno, Nov. 27. The common wealth government has decided to raise an additional 00,000 men, It was announced horo This will bring tho Australian contingent for tho war to 300.000. Italians Lose 1,000,000 Men? Vienna, Nov 27. A million Italians have boon killed or wounded in fight ing with tho' Auatrians, It la stated Tho loBson rupraseut all tho Italian? aro supposed to havo lost on every front. CLASH BORDER AMERICANS AND CARRANZISTAS WOUNDED BEFORE MISTAKE IS DISCOVERED. VILLISTAS FIRE ON YANKEES Funston'a Men Kill Forty Mexicans In Fight at Nogales, Ariz. General Ob regon Defeats Northern Leader's Force nnd Occupies Town. Nogales, Ariz., Nov. 29. Threo Amorlcan ininero woro killed, two American soldlors were probably fatally shot and one ullglitly wounded and foity Vllllstns woro killed by Amorlcan troops when tho Villa gar rlBon of 1,200 withdrew from tho Mex ican town of Nogales on Friday before an advancing foico of C.OOO Carran zlstas. Stephen Ltttlo of Fairmont, N. C, duo of threo United States soldiers wounded In n battlo with Villa troop ers In Nogales, Sonora, died horo. Ho was Bhot tluough tho head. Sovon Cnrranzlsta soldiers woro shot by American troops who mistook them for Vllllstas as they wero ad rancing on tho town. Threo Ameri cans wero wounded. Tho Carranzlstas under Gen. Alvuro Obrcgon occupy Nogales, whllo tho VUllsta garrison is scattered cast and west along tho border line. Many of tho Villa forco under Governor Ran dall Bought rofugo on tho American aide. Governor Randall himself was tho llrst to cross tho lino. The evacuation of tho town began at night. It was preceded by wholo salo looting. About 300 of tho gar rison got away on tho first trains. Tho Inst two trains on which about 900 soldlors woro crowded could not bo moved for lack of fuel. Troublo with American troops start ed about 11 a. m. when thoso soldiers after sacking tho town began to flro ucrosB tho lino. Colonel Sago, com manding tho Amorlcan troops, ordered tho flro returned. Of n band of forty seen firing across tbo border only ouo escaped. Early in tho afternoon tho van guard of tho Currauzlsta forco ap peared In tho hills near tho American lino west of Nogales. Mistaking them for Vllllstas again about to tiro on them, tho Amorlcan border guard opened with n volley. Too carran zlstas replied and a sharp exchango of shots ensued. Tho appoaranco of a Carranza soldier with a whlto flag was followed by explanations nud mu tual apologies. As tho Curranzlstns drow near tho last of tho Villa garrison fled south ward. Of thoso thirty-two woro killed by pursuing cavalrymen from Ohrogon's forco. It was by others who fled In tho same direction thnt tho threo Ameri can minors, Adolfo Monger, Lloyd Forrest and James S. Walton wero re ported killed twenty miles south of tho town. News of their murder wan brought hero by a Moxlcan rancher who says ho wltncssod tho shooting. Ho adds that ho could not loam of any reason for tho trlplo killing. Washington, Nov. 29. Threo Amer ican soldiers woro wounded, two ot them seriously, In a battlo with Car ranza troops on tho boundary lino at Nogales, Ariz., at noon, according to dispatches to tho war department. Gen. Frederick Funston is now on hla way to Nogales from Fort Sam Hous ton, Tex., to tako personal chargo of tho situation. Tho roports to tho war dopartmont stated that tho Carranza soldiers who entered Nogales, Mexico, shortly after Villa troops had fled Into tho Interior, opened flro by mlstnko on tho Ameri can forces. Tbo Americans imme diately returned tho flro aud sovoral Carranza soldloru and ofllccrs wero wounded. Tho wounded Americano aro Privates Herbert L. Gates, Ste phen Llttlo and Arthur L. Saute, all of Company L, Twelfth Infantry. Cates and Llttlo wero seriously wounded. GERMAN CRUISER DESTROYED 2,672-Ton Vessel Sunk by Submarlno Off South oast of Sweden Car ried Crew of 275 Men. London, Nov. 29. An allied Bubma rlno has sunk tho German protected cruiser Fraucnlob, according to a semi official announcement nt Petrogrud, says n Central Nowb agency dispatch on Friday. The Fraucnlob was a protected ' cruiser of 2,672 tono, and was built In 1 1901. Her Bister ship, tho Undine, was sunk, according to an official an I nouncement made to Berlin, by two j torpedoes from a submarlno on the nftornoon of November 7 whllo pntrol llng the south Swedish coast. Nearly ! tho ontlro crow was saved. Tho Fsuu 1 enlob and tho Undlno carried crew a l consisting of 275 men each. Intern German Deserter. Now York, Nov. 2D. Karl Schultz, tho German dusortor who arrived as a Btowaway, was ordored excluded by the board ot Inquiry at Rills Island. Schultz will be hold at Kills Islund un til tho cIoho of tho war. Witness In Frank Caso Held. Atlanta, Oa Nov. 29. W. W. Rog ers, ono of tho state's witnesses in the iriul of Lco M Frank, wuu bound over for murder. Rogers wns charged with killing Mro 8 C. Mcintosh, wfiom b truck with hla auto. 6 You Should Buy Wisconsin Land NOW Every day tho farms of Upper Wisconsin arc proving that the soil is fully as productive and desirable as in the southern section, and each year the development is more noticeable. We want you to visit Wisconsin and look over the convincing prospects for profitable farming and the certain advance in land value over present low prices. The remarkable growth of grassea and ex cellent water assure profitable stock raising. Markets are nearby, transportation is accord ingly low. Rvery effort will be made to assist you in locating a farm that will answer your needs. F. S. McCABE Industrial Agent Brokerage Uldg., St. Paul The G, St. P.,. E. F RASNVSSEN General and Reliable AUCTIONEER Poncdt, Neb. Box 424 Phone No. 3 It will pay you to see me , before going elsewhere lernis Rensonnblc-Satlsfnctlon Guaranteed smmmmMmhimtmmmmmMmmmBmamtmmmtnmmMmmmmmmmmmmBammam For Sale! Poland China Boar Pigs, big boned type, from some of the best herds in the country; also a yearling Shorthorn Bull. Walter Cheney Wrt,iSLi- Special Low Prices oh our Photos WIC HAVE MOVED and want your Photo work We do everything in the line of Photography. Photos made in all sizes by our new method quick as lightning. Bright and datk days all the same. Ideal for children. Latest styles and finish at about half the regular prices. See us and save money. Special inducements o wedding groups. Kodak Finishing Marker Studio G21 4th St., near Jackson St. JOHN i d0 OrHtWllAVtH.COMNtCTlCUTj I JOHN H. REAM, Agent; I . G. V. BELL Land Commissioner Hudson, Wis. M. & O. Ry. JJ for a Short Time Only Sioux City, la. H. REAM, Agent; Dakota City, Nebraska. 093(19 9 ' Satisfactory Kind