DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. Vi WESTERN CANADA UMINUH UN i The 1915 Yield of Grain Keeps Western Canada to the Front. The great publicity that hns been Given to tho grain ylulds of Hib Prov inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan nnJ Albortn, the throe provliicos that com prise that portion of Western Canada cast of thn Uritlsh Columbia boundary, lias kr.pt Canada to tho front with a prominonco that Is merited. ' The grain crop of tho three- prov inces has now been harvested, and suf llcient of it lias boon threshed so that it is no longer a matter of estimate as to tho returns. It Is safe to say tha the entire yiold of wheat will bo up wards of 270,000,000 bushels, anil tho average yield well over 2G bushels per aero. In proportion to tho aggregate this is perhaps tho largest yield over known on tho continent. Most of this wheat will grade No. 1 northern, and hotter, and with pres ent prices tho condition of tho farm er is to he envied. Many Individual yields arc reported, and verified, ami thoy aro almost beyond belief, but they go to show that under tho enre ful system of agriculture that pro duccd these yields Western Canada would havo far exceeded a 200.000.000 production of wheat in 1015 had the system been universal. A It was not in ono or two districts that big yields havo been made known Tho reports come from all parts oi the 24.000 square miles of territory in which the growing of wheat is car ried on. Mr. Elmir Sellor, a farmer south of Strassburg, Saslc, lias harvested &,4l5 bushels No. 1 hard wheat from U!0 acres. las. A. Henner, near Daysland, Al berta, says hi3 wheat wont over 40 p bushels to tho acre, with an all round crop of 3.1 bushels to tho acre. J. N. Wagner, near the samo place, also lays claim to over 40 bushels ot wheat per acre. A Norwegian farmer, named S. A Tofthagon, not far from Daysland, had 23 acres of wheat which gave a yield of 47 bushels to tho acre. Well. then, near deletion, Alberta. D. Hi Englo of Humboldt, Iowa, owns a quarter section of land. This land was rented so that Mr. Englo should receive one-third of the crop, and this gave him $012 (in, his net rental for the crop, and thero was only 80 acres in crop. Scores of reports give yields fully as large as those given above. A largo field of spring wheat near Leth bridgo averaged GO bushels, another h'i and a third 50 bushels per acre. On the Jail farm at Lethbrldgo 25 acres ot Marquis wheat yielded GO bushels to tho acre and weighed 07 pounds to tho bushel. A test lot of ono acre of Mar quis wheat when threshed yielded 0'J bushels and a SO aero field averaged GO 1-3 bushels. This farm had 200 . acres under crop to Marquis wheat r and it is cpectcd the average from the wholo will exceed 50 bushels. In all portions of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, as well, remarkable yields are reported, many largo floHs show ing averages of from 40 to 55 bushels per agre. When tho story of this year's thresh ing is completed some extraordinary yields will bo heard of. Ono farmer west of Unity, Saskatchewan threshed 10,000 bushels of No. 1 northern from 200 acres and such instances will not be isolated. Considerable of the wheat grown in Western Canada is finding its way to flip mnrkota nf Hin T7,ilf,l dnt.-to ,,, $ withstanding the duty of ton cents ! ' TIC Ill, Q1..-.1 TKa ttlt.-.i 1.. ,U It..ll-.l l'.i cuo,,,. Aiiu JIUIICI III UIU Ullllf'll States finds Western Canadian wheat necessary for tho blending of tho high class flour that is demanded by some millers. Already near a hundred thousand bushels of the 1915 crop has found Its way to the Minneapolis, Du luth, St Louis and other markets. It was not in wheat alono that there were extraordinary yields. A farmer living south of Wadena, Sask., liar vested 900 bushels of oats from ten acres. S. A. Tofthagen of Daysland botorc referred to had oats which yielded 110 bushels to the acrb, while those of J. N. Wagner went 90 bush els to tho acre. . As Is pointed out by a Toronto pa- jf per Canada's great good fortune and splendid service as the Grannry or tho Empire aro revealed in the record harvest from her rich fields of wheat and other grains. "The roundation of its prosperity Is solid and enduring. While mints mny be exhausted nid lumber may disappear through iiu provident management, agriculture is n perpetual source or wealth, increas ing rriim year to year by the stimulus or individual industry and personal in terest. A wheat harvest ot .".36,250.000 bushels from 13,000,000 acres, an av erage yield of 2G bushels to the aero The substantial nature of this growth In production is shown by the fact that the harvest returns aro 72 per rent greater than tho average tor the past flvo yeais. The same satisractory and highly important success has been attained in other grain crops. The aggregate yield of oats is 481,035,500 bushels from tho 11,305,000 acres under crop. Of this yield 305,G-0,000 bushels are from the three Pralrlo Provinces. These provinces also contribute 30J, 200.000 bushels of wheat. The bar ley harvest Is 50.SGS.000 bushels from 1,509,350 acres, an average yield ot 33.7 bushels per aero." "Tho impression ono gets In going through Alberta, Sasbniohewan and Manitoba," said a traveler from tho East, "is that all tho horses and teams Not Gray Hairs liutilrccl tyes MaLo U3 look older t!ian wo are. Old a jo mil O Jll l.yes tcli-Ule. Horn Ft tttitfrlr CoaptnT Ctlctto Dont Telll Yoiii age and all the threshing machine en gaged mako no Impression on tho crops, and that it will tako six months to thresh tho grain out; but two weeks ago tho Canadian Paclilc rail way woro having a dally shipment of 1,700 cars of wheat from thn throe provinces, and n weuk ago thoy had got up to 2,100 cars a day. And be sides this there is the Canadian North ern railway and tho Grand Trunk Pa Nellie, so an enormous quantity must bo being shipped out of tho provinces Tho wealthier farmers arc building large granaries on tholr farms, while there is a great improvement in the storage facilities provided by tho gov ernment." It is thoroforc no wonder that tho greatest interest wns shown by those who attended the Soil Products Ex- position hold at Denver a short time ago, when it was demonstrated that it was not only in quantity that Western Canada still occupiod the primary po sition. It was thoro that Western Cannila again proved its supremacy. In wheat, it was early conceded that Canada would be u winner, atul this was easily the case, not only did it win tho big prize, but it carried off tho sweepstakes. What, however, to those who wero ropiesonting Canada at this exposition, was of greater valuo probn bly, was winning first and second prize for ntfalfa. Tito exhibits wero beauti ful and pronounced by old alfalfa growers to be the best they had ever seen. First, second and third cuttings of this year's growth wero shown. At this came exposition, there were shown some excellent samples of fod der corn, grown in the Swirt Current district. uiiiuu noiuB mo worms trotting rec- Topping the rango cattle market in fd- rlm,v,nS covered a mile in 1 mln Chicago a short time ago is another of " "a seconds. Mr. IUHlngs paid tho rents accomplished by Western , ?5',r00 ,tho llorso Canada thi3 year cil"nfi8. who has tho veteran On Wednesday. October 1.1. Clay ! mer of thoroughbred... Charles T. rtobluson and company sold ut Cht ! attorsn. England, buying year eago for E. II. Aiaunseil. Macleod. At- , "gs, ,for ,10xt season's racing about berta, a consignment of cattle. I" bead Washington, Baltimore and New York, of which, averaging 1,420 pounds, i ls, BlnBJ, f, I,pl11 MnB back tho Klory brought $8.90 per hundredweight, top- f tno, 01d Dominion as a breeding Ping the rango cattle market for the ' ,aco , tor thorouglibreds," said John week to date. Tho tsamo firm also ' Mana of New York tho other day sold for Mr. Maunsell 20G head, ..ver a Washington Post correspondent, aging 1.210 pounds, at $S.5&, without a I Mr HillinKa never thought of breed throwout. These were all grass cat ! '"B tlloro"Bli"rcds until ho becamo tho tie. They were purchased by Armour I ?wne'' f tho Cur,s Ncck Property bo and company. Clay. Itobinson ami J !i'w, Il,chnin'l, dovcloped by tho into company describe the cattle a ot very nice quality, in excellent condi tion, and a great. credit to Mr Maun sell, it speaks well for our Canadian cattle raisers thnt they can produce stock good enough to top the Chicago ' tabHsh blucgrnss pasturage. Ho ox market against stiong competition. I P,ccts t0 r,ccrult hls sUld from tho stal tlierc being over 4,000 range cattle on ' lions ,nml mare9 ho has Purchased ptM Mmt ,i abroad through Patterson and by pur sale that day. It is ono tiling to produce crops such ns ire referred to, and another to get them to market. The facilities of Western Canada aro excell-cnt. The railway companies, of which there nre three, the Canadian Pacific, ti.e Cana dian Northern and the Grand Tiunk Pacific, have the mark of efficiency stamped upon all their work. Ueaides the main trunk lines of these systems which extend from ocean to ocean. there arc branch lines and InternR feeders which enter into remote parts of the farming districts, and give to tin. f.nrmnr in.mn.iinio nnn..... m t,n world s grain markets Tho elevator capacity of the country is something enormous, and If thc figures can be digested, the full extent of the grain producing powers of Western Canada may be realized. The total elevator capacity is about 170,000,000 bubhr-la. or nearly one-half of the entire wheat production of tho Dominion in 1915. Of this large storage facilities the country elevators number 2.S0O, with a capacity of 95,000,000 bushels. Ad vertisement. To Protect Her Chest. Rev. Horace Leonard, continuing his campaign against cosmetics In Wash ington, said at an al tre&co luncheon: "A young husband at tho shore not ed that in dressing for dinner the oth er evening his wife had chosen a very decollete gown. " "There's a dampish sea wind blow in," ho grumbled. 'Don't you think you'd better put something on your i chest? " 'I've powdered It twict., dear," alio aonswered. 'Still, if you don't mind waiting, I suppose I might add another coat.' " A GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mr. P. C. Caso of Welcome Lake, Pa., writes: "I suffered with Back ache and Kidney Trouble. My head ached, my sleep was broken and un- refreshing. I felt heavy and sleepy after meals, was always nervouu and tired, had a bitter taste In ray mouth, was dizzy, had floating ots specks before my Mr. P. C. Case. ."'"". "ua, -, ,ua thirsty, had a dragging sensation across my loins, difficulty in collecting my thoughts and wns troubled with short ness of breath. Dodds Kidney Pills havo cured me of these complajnts. You are at liberty to publish this "lot ter for the benefit o any sufferer who doubts tho merit ot Dodd3 Kidney Pills." Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dodds Dyspepsia Tab lets Tor Indigestion have been proved. 50c. per box. Adv. Dyspepsia. "Pa, what is dyspepsia?" "it Is the remorse of a guilty atom neb, my son." Puck. Dr. Pierce's Pellets nre bet for liver, bowels nnd stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic Adv. A man isn't necessarily nollshed lusi because vou no bis finish. After Ills Movie go home und Murine oi.i I. yet, I wo Drops will rest, refresh and cleanse. Have It iundy. 8miU Boot ot tfco y apop r.qam TO BREED THOROUGHBREDS IN VIRGINIA Sfj Jfmf swMmy JifflEf -JSJ J l i "- "" VEii&aAsKwst KsrtJSJ&sESB&sbAA ; iv Sui . s.4X,5 s . .&7&.xr51t?-YSSrS5&z . . rjr'',wrc,sJifcc.vwMsiifcB3ir C. K. G. Billings on Uhlan, In nil the world thoro is no faster saddlo horso than Uhlan, tho famous , J?" 0WI1C(1 by C. K. Q. Hillings. V. . ou'"- u,lu ul ul llunBS 1lr- bont did at Curia Neck was to establish upward of a thousand acres of alfaira. It is the Intention of Mr. Hillings to turn under part of this alfalfa and es chases in this country. Already ho ls NEW CHAMPION GOLF PLAYER Robert Gardner, Young Yale Graduate, Recently Walked Off With Title at Detroit Tournament. Another now champion lias arrived with tho victories of Robert Gardner ! of cll,caSO, tho young Yale graduate, who recently walked off with the i crown of thc Unitcd States Golt aB" I Boclatioii, at Detroit, Mich. Gardner nullified to play J. G. Anderson, tho I Eastcrn l,Ia'or. bV defeating Marston I in a Bamo that lll"Rcd on nn 18-inch Robert Gardner. sliot. These tiny littlo pushes prob ably looked to Marston as hard as hitting a dime with a riflo from a thou sand yards, ror Gardnor won tho hole nnd took tho extra ono, and so quali fied to play Andorson. In his final match tho Chicago man showed the samo skill, and, nfter a close and very exciting battle, finally vanquished tho last man that stood bo tweon him and the championship. Switch Baseball and Football. Every spring tho baseball players kick becauso It is too cold tor base ball; every rail the football players kick becauso It Is too hot. Why not havo tho representative of these two sports get together and arrange to swap seasons? A 40-00 April tern poraturo is better for football than un 80-100 September temperature, and tho converse is equally truo. Johnny Evers' Big Salary. Second Baseman John Evers or the Boston Bravos receives $10,000 a year salary and Is under contract Tor 1910 and 1917. In addition to his salary ills contract calls for an additional $2,000 if Boston wins the ponnant; $1,500 ir the. team finishes second; $1,000 if it gains third placo, and $500 for fourth placo. Job for Jakey Atz. Tho veteran Jakoy Atz. who man aged the Koit Worth team of the Texas loague, will bo manager of one if th teams In tho New Orleans Win tor loague. Atz's team will he known as the GnKllglita. backed by a public service corporation and salaries are ald to be no consideration when It comeR to getting a winner together. McGraw Grabs Collegian. John McGraw dan another KmlMi indor Ills wine Ho l n pitcher who nails trom Columbia university 1 . I I ' . I World's Fastest Trotter. Interested In tho Peep o' Day stallion Cock o' tho Walk and ho hns half u dozen marcs of Amorican stock. "Whether his attempt to grow blue grass on James river land turns out well or not. it is a certainty thnt ho will produco raco horses at Curls Ncck. Blucgrass pasturago is woll enough, but it is not absolutely essen tial to tho production of the thorough bred. Thero is none at Harry Payne Whitney's Brookdalo farm in Mon mouth county, N. J. Monmouth county is colcbrnted tor Its potatoes. Yet Mr. Whitney's stud hns been the inost suc cessful in tills country these three or four yenrs. Moreover, tho lato Col. William It. Johnson raised good race horses a few miles to tho southward of Mr. Billings' placo boforo tho war. and moro recently tho into 'Virginia' Bradley bred tho Ameiican derby win nor. Rohort Waddell, twenty or thirty miles down tho river in Cliarles coun ty. Mr. Billings will find a subslltuto for bluegrass if it develops thnt the Curls Neck stud must havo one, no matter what it costs, for ho does not stop when ho sots out to do somothing nnd, being a man of wealth ho does not havo to bothor about tho cost." I ABE COUNTED HOUSE; t THEN FOUGHT M0RAN I $ Abo was fighting Owen Mo- $ ran, a former protcgo of Char- i loy Harvoy or San Francisco 5 Moran was tearing into him like $ a madman, with Attell ducking 3 and blocking languidly as ho looked around tho liouso. Slid- $ denly Abo grappled Moran nnd J wrestled him over to tho comor S whero Monto Attell, Abo's i brother, wns sitting. "Monte," said Abo sadly over g tho struggling Mornn's shoul- der, "1 toll you that thoro Isn't a cent more than throe thousand dollars in tho liouso. T T Pnillltml tlm lllnnnllnn n...1 .1... boxes myseir. Only thrcedol- lar people came in attor tho first round." j Then Abo settled down to tho less important business ot box- j lng Moran. 0LDIERS FIGHT UNDER FIRE Men Havo High Old Times With the Gloves After Coming Out of Trenches Disregard Shells. Lanco Corporal Koyworth of the Twenty-fourth County "Queens" of London, who was decorated with the Victoria cross for bravery In throwing bombs at a Gorman position for two hours Whllo oxposed to riflo firo. tolls this story of boxing among tho sol diers: "Atler coming out of tho trenches, tho men havo a high old tlrao with the gloves. Shortly nfter the engagement at Glvenchy wo went to a picturo pal ace, only three miles behind tho firing line, and saw some flno boxing. It was llko this: The building whoro tho scrapping was held had boon banged up by sholls, and It was easy to Imag ine it falling In a heap. "It was, nevertheless, packed with follows who, not being ablo to box themselves, let things go on tho mouth organ. Boxing gloves nnd mouth or gans are over so popular. I don't know what wo should do without thorn. "But tho boxing every contest wont to tho bitter end. Thero was no vic tory on points. It vas all a long, glo rious slug, and all tho tlmo.tho slug ging was going on shells were continu ally dropping around nnd about. But no ono bothered tho least littlo bit." Sox Train at Macon. Tho Chicago White Sox will do their spring training In Macon. Ga.. noxt year, ir tho porsuaslvo powers ot Macon's mayor and city council count tor anything. An invito has been sent Cliarles Comlskcy. Johnny Farrell Recovers. Johnny Farrell, tho Whales' second saekor. who was forced to quit during tho summer becauso or illness, hopeu to lio bad; in tho lineup next spring. Respect Ganrel as a Manager. Manager John Gnnzol or tho lirnolr reds, is a loader to bo roared noxt year No tins several strings out thnt will strengthen his club greatly.' Ono of them Is In tho catching dopartmont, whoro his toam was tho weakest. Many Called by Mack. Twenty-one pitchers wore ail that Connlo Muck used during tho soason Just ended. This number dons nol account for four or flvo ho hnd at the itnrt of tho season, an I turned loose betoro the gamo was many weov pju FIGHTER KEEPS BOOKS Miko Gibbons Docs Things in a Businesslike Manner. St. Paul Whirlwind Makes Record oi Doings of Boxars Me Is Likely to Meet In ning Makes Char acteristic Comments. Miko Gibbons hns originated n brand now system which makes boxing more of a businosB than over. Miko keeps books on nil his rivals. He ranks and handicaps men in his class in much tho samo way dopostera handicap race horses. He bases these handicaps on tils porsonnl knowledge of the men concerned or on newspaper roports of their best battles. Evory bit of strongth thnt a flghtor is known to possess Is Jotted down in tho dope hook, nlong with his weaknesses, his temperament, habits, etc. For In Blanco, hero's Mlko's dopo on Eddlo McGoorty: Lazy trainor. Hotter at 1C2 than IDS. Has dangerous loft hook. Heavy right is good coming in or going out of clinches. Billy Murray is put down llko this: Most aggressive of thorn all.. Gen erally feints twice nnd thou sends two long lofts to head. Doesn't vary stylo of attack, and that's his main trouble. Jimmy Clnbby is sized up in Miko's book In this stylo: Hardest mnn in tho business to out point. Has strong norvous strain thnt f --.. y IJ&EOU Mike Gibbons. affects his work. Is hardor than Mc Goorty, becauso ho has tho K. O. In cither side. Ho stnlls a lot, and a clever opponent can stnll with him. Commenting further, Miko says a really great boxer ls ono who can make his opponent do exactly what he doesn't want to do. Against an ng grcssivo slugger an opponent should try to minimlzo his power by taking tho forcing away from him. If you got him backing up his fighting forco Is gone. If you aro not doing well against n clover fellow at long rango, do something thnt will make him como to you, so thnt you can hang ovor tho crushing punch. It is any wonder that Miko has suc ceeded? INCREASED VALUE OF HORSE Some Instances Cited Where Good Jockeys Havo Multiplied Earning Capacity of Racers. "Drivers aro tho men who alono glvo ndded values to raco horses and mako thorn valuable for breeding pur poses," remarked a prominent horso man. "It is said Hamburg Bollo cost John C. Madden J5.000, but Androws mado her worth ?50,000." "Tho lato August Uhloin paid ?9,000 for the Harvcstor, but Ed doors mado tho horso worth about $50,000. "What Tommy Murphy did with Po tor Volo is on record, nnd had it not boon for Walter Cox, tho ownor of 1'oter Scott would not get $30,000 for his horso; nor tho ownor of Allen Win ter $50,000 had not McDonald handled him and won $30,000 In tho Itoadvlllo handicap. "Doxtor sold for $100 in Orango county, but Budd Doblo mndo him wortli $33,000 to Itohort Bonner, and had It not been for tho samo driver, Goldsmith Maid would not havo won $305,000. It was Splau who mado tho offbrcd' goldlng Itarus a $30,0C0 horso. Tho troublo io tho driver is hardly ovor considered, and if a raco horso proves to bo a plug and cannot win, it has a bad driver, but If It develops into a champion, all honors go to tho breeder nnd wealthy owner." McGraw Signs Young Cuban. Joo Uodrlguoz, rated as tho best first basoman in tho Cuban National league, has been signed by Manager McGraw of tho Giants. Rodriguez, who is twenty yours old, has been playing professional hall for only a year. Ho was tho star of tho Ko Browns Inst season, hnvlng gono to that toam last winter from a Ilavnna amateur team. Royce G6ea With McGraw. Stove Itoyco, tho collego pltchor, who quit last spring nfter signing to jln with tho tllants, studied luw all ummor, but now says ho will report io McUraw for tho training trip noxt .prlng. Wolrjast Wins Easily. Ad Wolgnst had littlo troublo in inning trom Uono Dolmont In oji -ght-round bout In Memphis. "' A wP a m?mmiKmmmmrm ChBSdren Cry 3?lio Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, nnd -which hns boon la uso for over ISO years, hns hornotho Bignaturo of s-J? - nnd has been mado Tinder his pcr- yvjTV-T2- Honal supervision since Its inlancy. ac-yr, scucSuM Allow no ono to dccclvo you in thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-fjood " aro but Experiments that trlflu ivlth nnd endanger tho health o .Infants and Chlldrjjn Experience against; Experiment What is CASTOR! A Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pares Corlc, Drops nnd Sootlilnjr Syrups. It ls pleasant. Ife contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio Biibstanco. Its ago is its guarantee It dostroys "Worms and allays Foverlshncss. For moro than thirty years lb has boon in constant uso for tho rollcf of Constipation, Tlntuloncy, "Wind Colic, all Toothing- Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving- healthy nnd natural Bleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the ii Use For The Kind! You Have Always Bought THt CCTITAUH COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. NOT GIVING ANYTHING AWAY Miser Could Not Understand Why Ho Should Not Get Paid for Rats Bred on His Property. Gov. Moses Alexander of Idaho was condemning, nt tho governors' confer enco in Uoston, a particularly mean trust. "This trust's methods." ho snld, "re mind mo of Old Sam llomis, tho miser. "Sam's warehouse was overrun with rats, and ho hired a rat catcher to clean thorn out. Tho rat catcher got to work early ono morning, and lato In tho afternoon presented himself be fore tho old man with a trlumphnnt air, an enormous bag ot dead rats on his hnck. "Woll. Mr. I3emls,' ho said 'I've cleaned your placo of rats accordin' to contract, and,you won't have to bothor about tho dead corpses, either, for I'm takln' them all away with inc. Look-a-hero.' "Tho rat catcher lowered tho bag from his sliouldor, opened It, and dis played a hugo mass of dead rodents. " The bill. Mr. Uomis,' he ndded, 'Is $2.25.' '"H'm, yes, $2.25,' ho said. 'But don't I get anything for tho rats?' " REAL SKIN COMFORT Follows Use of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. By bathing nnd anointing theso fra grant suporefcamy omollicnts impart to tender, scnsitlvo or irritated, Itch ing sld ns a feeling ot iutenso skin comfort difficult for ono to renllzo who has never used them for llko purposes Cultlvato nn ncqualnta-njo with thom. Sample each frco by v.iall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, Boston. RoM ovorywhero. Adv. Sore Trial. Tho man who doesn't smoko or drink is n soro trial to tho doctors. Thoy don't know what to tell him ho will havo to glvo up. Clovolaiid Lead er. Por a really flno coffee at a mod crato price, drink Dcnlsou's Scmlnolo Brand, 35o the lb., in soalod cans. Only ono merchant in each town sells Seminolo. If your grocer isn't tho ono, wrlto tho Donlson Coffeo Co . Chicago, for n souvenir and tho namo ot your Seminolo doalor. Buy the 3 lb. Canister Can for $1.00. Adv. Good Business. "What is a Humidor, papa?" "A financier, my son, is a mini who can harrow money and make tho lender pay interest on It." Used Whenever Quinine is Needed Does Not Affect thc Head rtrenuRo of Itc tonlo nml Inxntlre ellect LAX ATIVE 11KOMO QUININE will bo fouml better tliun ordinary Quinine fur any purpose for million Qulnlno 111 used. Dock not rniiHU ner TousncBB nor ringing In head. Ilemcmber there In only ono "llrotno Quinine. ' Tlntt In Laxu tiro llromo Quinine. Look for ulmiuturo oi E. W. a rove. 25. Adv. An ornery man's dog sticks to ills master. But a good man's dog often disappears, leaving iuTcluo. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pclleto are the original littlo liver pills put oip 40 ycais ngo. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. Thero ls moro or less graft In the construction of family trees. WHY "ANURSC" IS AN INSURANCE AGAINST SUDDEN DEATH. Sufferers from Backache, Mieumatlsin and Kidney Trouble Boforo an Insuranco Company will tako a risk on your llfo the examining physician will test tho ur'no and re port whothor you aro a ood risk. Whon your kldnoyfa get slugf?lh and clog, you auffor from backache, sick headacho, dizzy spoils, or tho twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism nnd gout. Tho urlno is often "loudy, full of sediment; chnnnols ofton got soro and sloop Is disturbed two or throo times a night. This ls tho timo you should consult somo physician ot wldo oxperlenco such aa Ur. Pierce, of tho Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Rullnlo, N. Y. Send him 10 conts for sample packogo of his uow dlscovory Anuric." Wrlto him your symptoms and soud a samplo of urlno for test. for Fletcher's Signature of Oyer 3 Years Nothing Unusual. Any protty girls nt tho hotel whero you spent tho summer'" "Yes, Indeed, ' replied tho man whoso fow remaining strands of hair wore laid out to the best advantage "Did thoy show you any atten tion?" "They showed mo Just as little a3 thoy could." "Tough luck!" 'I rathor expected It. You seo, they woro waitresses." A puzzle. "I say, jild man, that dog of mlno la a perfect wonder. I raised him from u puppy, and he's got almost hu man Intelligence." "you don t say so! I wonder whoro ho learned It?" You can rely on a man to keep Ms word when it is to his advantago so to do. If a woninn would havo the neigh bors respect her husband she must sot nn example. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels aro rignt CARTER'S LITTLE LIVRR PILLS gently butfirmly com pel a lazy liver do its duty. cures Con' tipation, In digestion, Sick Headache. and Diitresi After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature z ! Tumors and Ludub guecenafullv 1 TL, treated without knifeor pain. Alii VS "w. !"".""":. "" TI kt wrim wnf rrn firntfrnrAiiiAAL i . Dr. WILLIAMS SANATORIUM I i'ww uuiTcnii? ATt luancipeus, nuta. BUCK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED lir Cutter! Dllcklrj Pllll. Ixw priced, front, rtlUblo: preferred br weium fioc&uen. rxcaiue iniy r V sfm protect where ether veeolnei fell. R L fl Write for looMet nl U-ulmonlili. 1 . WrJL 10 lO-dOH pkge. Blicklij PIIH (1.00 -Jfla,VJ 80-dew pkge. DlMklta Pllll 4.00 !Je etij lnjn-tor, but Cutter best. The superiority of Cutter products U due to o?er IS rears of speclslltlng In vaccines and serums enly. Inelst ee Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct. The Cutter Laboratory, Berkeley, Cal., or Chisago. III. Pars Have Advanced Ship to RoRerf. WonlToIlbcralBra3f, f ullvaluaincnshiindnuickn turns. Wa Iirtvo best market in America for Pure, Hides, etc lio cornmleelon. Write today for frco prlco Trunp-ra' aunpiiom rt Factory prlco ROOEK i Fun CCrtlfANY, DcpU jj St, Louis, irlco list. rlcom Ml, Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest." con nircsT hkkvice siiu- Lire Stock Commission Mercrmnts nc SIOUX OITY, Uhlcaoc op KanaaaOlt? 3AITTY riHST ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF GOOD ENOUQII FOR EVKUVnODY NOT TOO GOOD FOR ANYUODVi W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 47-1915. Exporienco has taught Dr. Plerco that "Anuric" is tho most powerful agent in dissolving uric acid, as hot water molto sugar, besides being absolutely harmless and ls endowed with other properties, for it presorves tho kid noys in a hoalthy condition by thor oughly cleansing thom. Checks tho de generation of tho blood-vessels, as well as rogulatlng blood presauio. "Anuric" ls a regular Insuranco and life-savor for all big meat caters and tho30 who deposit llmo-salts In tholr joints. Ask tho druggist for "Anuric" put up by Dr. Plerco, In 50-cont packages. Dr. Plerco's Favorito Prescription, makos woak women strong, alck women woll, no alcohol. SoldIn tab lets or liquid. JmL$&jk B jmm CARTERS jOKSM kittle Jmm HivfcK jpwqm HflkLS, m-dfiiVi a Ii. iLrNi'c5rj'