Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 11, 1915, Image 2

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1 ' Yj III! TnTTTO
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,y A-Auwa""''
This photograph Of great stores of-hclls, which has J ust reached America, gives oomo Idea of tho preparations
made by tho French for tho recent offenBlvo In tho woBtorn war zono Tho picture was taken near a hidden battery.
Mrs. Gait Is a Woman of Mani
fold Interests.
Will Not Follow Precedents In Wed
ding Ceremony Society Breathes
Easier Over Resumption of
White House Functions.
tho theater. Sho drives her own eloc
trie automobile about Washington.
She playB a fair gamo of tennis and
her golf has Improved rapidly under
Mr. Wilson's tuition. Sho proved an
ardent baseball "fan" at one of tho re
cent world series games and It Is
said that tho prosldont arranged to
seo this contest at his fiancee's ex
pressed wish.
Mrs. Gait has not dovotcd herself to
her own nniusoment by any means.
Sho Is active In St. Thomas Episcopal
church, where sho was for some time
chairman of the Hector's Aid socloty.
Besides otlior local charities she has
dono much work for tho mountain
whites of tho South, nn activity In
which tho Ilrst Mrs. Wilson was also
a leador. Mrs. Gait's efforts havo al
ways been most unobtrusive.
Bear, When Surprised, Claws Horse
back Rider's Artificial
Sunbury, Pa. John Davidson, a Cat
awlssa mountain farmor, who Uvos
near tho town of that namo, says ho
Is glad ho has a woodon leg, for It
saved him sorlous hurts In a battlo
with a bear.
Davidson says ho was riding homo
back along tho Susquohanna, which
skirts dense mountain growths at that
point, when ho saw a black bear fish
ing In tho river. It would dlvo down
and como up with a Huh In Its mouth.
Angered by hlo approach bruin
dropped n Ilsh and gavo chaso, but
Davidson drow his revolver nnd llred.
Ho missed, nnd tho animal camo on
nftor him and bit and clawed at his
woodon log.
He (lrcd again, and thon a frolght
train nppronched on a railroad near
by. This, together with tho tooting
of tho locomotive whlstlo, frightened
tho boast and it dropped to Its feet
and nmblod off into tho woods. Tho
farmor oxhlblted a torn pair of trous
ers nnd lacerated wooden leg to his
frionds as proof of tho truth of his
Indian Women Devote the Winter
to Fancy Work.
Passing of Season of Feasts and Dane
Ing Enables Squaws to Devote
Time to Making Indian
g ooiLCf? eooig wash jfcoot-i '
y mm' Sj ". o
milk . room nryz
fOi t-r v.
New Yorkers Find Some Odd Uses for the Taxi
NEW YORK. "There nro many queer uses for tho taxi slnco they havo
becomo popular," said an old Jehu whllo waiting for a prospective fore.
"Of course, I havo carried dogs bofore, but thoy wero always chaperoned.
Tho lady in 23, down tho street, sends
Floor Plan of Dairy House, Showing Gsneral Arrangement.
Honey In Court.
Dutler, Mo. For weeks a swnrm of
boos has been noticed around the
cupola of tho Dates county courthouso
Tho county court ordered tho veteran
Janitor, Fleetwood Thomas, to Inves
tigate. Ho found tho bees had depos
ited about GOO pounds of honoy. Ho
took It to tho grocery storos and real
ized about $75 from tho sale.
Washington. Twlco before presi
dents of tho United States havo taken
unto themselves wives whllo in their
high ofrtcc. It Is safe to say that
Woodrow Wilson and tho wlnsomo
Edith nollInE Gait will follow neither
of tho two precedents sot.
President John Tyler evidently dis
trusted hla public. Two years after
tho death of his first wlfo in 1811, ho
camo to Now York, nnd whllo he pco
plo woro Billl under tho impression
that his wedding to Miss Julia Gardi
ner of New York was several wcoks
off, thoy learned suddonly that tho
chief oxccutlvo had led nls brldo to
tho altar in tho Church of tho Asccn
Blon. It was almost an olopoment.
There was a similar lack of warn
ing, though not .quite bo extremo,
when President Grovor Cloveland mar
ried Francos Folsom, probably tho
most beautiful of nil tho brides of tho
Whlto IIouso, in 1880. Tho engage
ment was published two wcoks before
the day when tho ceremony actually
took plnco; but tho day and tho hour
wore not announced until nbout 48
hours boforo tho arrival of tho bride
oleqt and hermothor in tho capital,
Thoy had 'Just como from several
monthaJn Europe
Tho guests at tho Clovoland wed
ding numbered fowor than forty. Tho
only oillclals presont wero tho cabinet
nnd tho president's privnto socictary.
Tho scono was set (n tho bluo room.
Thoso In confidence of Mrs. Gnlt
horo bollove sho will nrrango every
thing for n flno old Virginia wedding,
not nn unwieldy affair, but on tho
other hand nothing hurriod or Ill-con-sldorod.
Those who havo visited tho Gait'
homo in Pennsylvania nvonuo ngroo
that tho futuro "first lady of tho land"
Is a queen of hostosscs nnd a marvel
of forethought and graceful tact.
All in all, Washington society has
loarnod of tho prosldont's coming
marriage with a fooling akin to rollof.
Tho capital is a distinctly less lively
and gay affair with no Whlto House
social season to set tho pace.
With Mrs. Gait at tho head of tho
president's establishment Washing
ton's groat hostesses will breathe
easier. Sho haB never llgurod large
on t.ho nocloty pagos of tho newspa
pers but alio has a largo clrclo of
friends and thoso ngreo bIio can bo
depended upon as a wprthy succov
Bor of a long lino of gracious presi
dents' wives.
""All Washington wlntor functions aro
arranged so as not to Intorforo with
Whlto IIouso engagements. For UiIb
reason no other Invitations can go out
until tho Whlto House schedulo Is
known. v
Tho second Mrs. Wilson Is an at
tractive dressor and she may well set
tho fashion for women of her age.
When walking nbout Washington
Mrs. Gnlt was Beon in a whlto serge
tailored BUlt tho Jacket decorated In
military fashion In white silk brnld,
whlto kid low shoes, whlto silk
hosiery and a small black velvet hat.
For a woman of about forty years
Mrs. Gait 1b strikingly handsomo. Sho
has dark oyos and wavy dark hair,
splendid tooth, a peach bloom com
plexlon nnd regular features. It is
when sho smiles, howovor, that sho Is
Hortoxcoedlngly warm, sympathetic
naturo makes thoso who havo tho hon
or of entering hor homo Immediately
at oaso and sho ha3 tho faculty of tho
great French dames of cautlng thoso
conversing with hor to feel thoy havo
never bororo been so brilliant,
Tho president Ib not a poor man,
but It 1b probable that Mrs Ualt will
bring him a fortuno greater than his
own. Her husuann ib unurrstoou to
havo loft her about $250,000 As hor
expenses havo nover boon large, thlB
has beon increased considerably She
owns tho century-old Gait Jowelry
Btore In Washington, which two of her
brothers run ror ner. Mr8 norliort S. Curponter led tho
Mrs Gait Ib a woman of manifold Now York Stato Suttrago association
interests. Her homo is full of good division of tho monster parado. Sho
Looks, which Bharo with hor music tho is shown hero returning tho saluto of
long winter evenings. Sho is fond of a fellow marshal.
ASKS U. S. TO FIND MOTHER I Jnnlta Myers, says hor husband dlod
. a few years ago, leaving nn CBtato In
WmsJm I i if 4 5fAi'
Thomas, Okla. Now that tho
Choycnno social season has onded
with tho closo of summor tho women
of tbo tribes havo moro lolBuro for
making and decoration of moccaBlns
nnd other Indian trappings. Their
children nro at school, their homos
aro stationary and dances and feasts
Dealers In beadwork havo learned
that thoy got host results by supply
ing tho Indian woman with all her
materials and thon paying for tho
work when finished. In this way an
oxport boador will recolvo hotter pay
than sho might bo ablo to do If sho
had to got, tan nnd cut hides for
Tho design for beadwork Is often
agreed upon beforehand, as well. In
this way tho Indinn Is saved from do
cislon and tho dealer can bo suro ho
will get tho designs and sizes which
havo boon found to suit tho markets.
Moreover, this provonts tho low in
stops which nro invariably found in
moccasins madq, for Indian wear.
Tho Indian (baa worn bootless foot
gear for bo many generations that his
Instep is not as high as that of most
civilized mon, and and tho result Is
that, If left to themselves, tho moc
casin mnkers turn out footgear that
fow whlto pooplo can woar.
13ut for all this tho pattorn, making
and beaded design aro gonulno "In
dian" In ovory respect, nnd hnv'o boon
cnrofully copied from old modols Tho
presont system probably has dono a
great deal to prcsorvo old Indian pat
terns, which might havo beon for
gotten or changed if left unstandard
ized. It Is romarkablo with what doftness
and speed an oxport can cover a pair
of buckskin moccasins, using only a
thin strand of Binow and a sharp awl.
Tho Indian woman has boon adopt at
this work for years upon yoars, and
hor best work Is easily distinguished
from tho cheap and Irrcgulnr work of
Tho art work of Choycnno women
and Choycnno mon Is qulto different.
Tho man's art Is realistic and Is in
tended to roproBont things as thoy
aro. lie uovotcu ms nucnuon io
painting topees, shlolda and buffalo
robos, and those pictures aro nover
twlco tho aamo.
Tho women, on tho othor hand, cm
ploy unchnnglng geomotrlcnl designs,
squaros, circles, triangles and lines.
Flowering Hne3 and llowor patterns
aro utterly unknown to tho women of
tho plains trlboB, and whonovor seen
should bo regarded with suspicion by
the collector, as It Is raoro than prob
able thoy camo from Gormany.
In rending tho designs on a mocca
sin ono can usually say that the
triangles aro topoos If thoy stand up
right round tho solo. If not, und os-'
poclally If they aro polntod toward
Bomo othor flguro, thoy stniid for ar
rowheads. Evory Indian design moauB some
thing and somotlmos tho colors have
a second significance, qulto Independ
ent of tho design. A square with
trlanglos pointing toward It repre
sents a buffalo attack by hunters
with arrows. Without tho arrow
heads about It a squaro Is usually
meant for a star. Diamonds stand
for lakes.
Somotlmos moccasins woro mndo
with a bunch of frlngos a foot long
at tho hool. Thoso woro Intonded to
smooth ovor tho tracks by tho wearor,
so that nnyouo following htm might
bo unablo to know who had paBsod.
Of courso thoy also woro decoratod,
especially when tho wearer was
As time goos on and buckskin bo-
cornea scarcer tho makers of moc
caBlns will havo to turn moro and
moro to othor kinds of leather, It thoy
do not havo to glvo up making thom
(Prcpnred by tho United States Depart
ment of AKiiculturc.)
I3ccauso recent developments In dai
rying havo caused a largo demand for
a dairy house which will fulfill sani
tary requirements, plans for a practi
cal and inexpensive dairy houso are
suggested in Farmers' Ilulletln C89 of
tho United States department of agri
culture. For thoso who tiro striving
to lmprovo tho quality of their prod
ucts Buch a building Is an nbsoluto ne
cessity. Milk which Is poured or
strained in tho barn, or allowed to
stand there, is liablo to bo contami
nated by bacteria and to absorb stable
odors. As soon as tho cow's milk Is
drawn It should bo carried to the dairy
houso, to ho strained and cooled Imme
diately to GO degrees F. or lower. An
uptodato sanitary dairy houso Is pro
vided with all tho facilities for cooling
milk In tho moat economical and expe
ditious manner.
For convenience tho dairy houso
should bo near tho barn, yet so far
from It that no barn odors can bo de
tected In tho house, and should bo on
woll-dralned land which slopes from
tho houso.
Tho principal purposo In building a
dairy houso Is to provide a placo where
dairy products may bo handled apart
from anything else. To carry out this
Idea It Is necessary to dlvldo tho Inte
rior of tho building so that tho utensils
do not havo to bo washed In tho same
room whoro tho milk Is handled. The
Idea of absolute cleanliness must al
ways bo kept In mind; therefore there
should bo no unnecessary ledges or
rough surfaces on which dirt may
lodge. Ventilators aro necosary to
keep tbo air In tho milk room fresh
nnd freo from all odors and to carry
steam away from tho washroom. Win
dows aro of great Importance, as thoy
admit sunlight and fresh air and facili
tate work. In summor tho doors and
windows Bhould bo screened to exclude
fllea and othor Insects.
It Ib lmperatlvo that there be a plen
tiful supply of cold, running water at
tho dairy houso. If It Is not possible
to havo a regular water system, water
supply may bo piped from an elevated
tank fed by an engine, windmill, hand
pump or hydraulic ram. Tho dairy
man can 111 afford to spend his tlmo
carrying water In a pall to cool milk
and wash utensils.
For tho proper sterilization of uten
sils nn abundanco of steam or hot wa
ter Is needed. A pail or can may ap
pear to bo clean and Btlll may contain
numerous bncterla which will hasten
tho souring of milk, causo bad flavor
In buttor or cheese, or spread conta
gion. Aftor tho utensils aro thoroughly
cleaned thoy should bo elthor scalded
with boiling water or steamed.
Tho dairy houso should bo so built
as to economize labor to tho greatest
extent. To do this tho building must
the milk room and tho washroom is
to hold bottles In which tho composite
milk samples may bo kept. Tho closet
can bo opened frVim cither room, so
that tho samples from tho milk room
may bo placed In tho bottles In tho
closet, and when It Is desired to test
tho milk they can bo reached easily
from tho washroom; this arrangement
makes It unnecessary to carry bottles
from ono room to tho other.
Over tho tester In tho washroom a
shelf may bo placed for tho purpose
of keeping the glassware used in tho
Babcock test and tho scales for weigh
ing the samples of cream.
Tho equipment of the dairy houso
consists of a 1V6 to two horso power
vertical boiler which supplies steam
to tho sink and to the steam Jet In the
drain board, a galvanized Iron wash
sink, n can rack, a Dabcock tester, a
concrete cooling tank, a milk cooler,
and milk scales. A separator may
also be located In tho milk room.
Routine Work In the Dairy House.
After each cow's milk Is drawn It
should be carried to tho milk room,
weighed, recorded, sampled and
strained for the composite test. It is
then run over tho cooler, uslnic cold,
running water for the first coaling.
out her poodlo every day, sometimes
with hcrsolf, sometimes with n pretty
French maid. Hut yesterday morning
when I called tho old lady comes out
herself with tho barker done up In all
sorts of baby clothes, and says: 'Fluf
Ho will go out for a rldo all alono to
day, and you'll tako good caro of hor,
wton't you? Good-by, Sweetums' and
then sho tucks tho mut In as If it was
tho queen of England. Say, you could
havo knocked mo over with a spark
I atarted off for tho park In a sort o' dazo, with that kyoodlo Bcttln'
Tho foist friend I mot, who's drlvln'
Insldo starln' out as sassy as brass.
private, almost fell out of his seat when ho saw mo. and askod mo if I was
drlvln' for tho S. P. C. A. Wo git n lot of queer business, anyway. There's
a lot of business drlvln' swell kids to school, especially on rainy days. You
see, tho kids aro put wlso to tho taximeter works and keep tab on It, so they
won't bo overcharged. Then we oftqn gets a call from a Jowelry storo and
havo to drive a woll-dressed young fellow from tho shop to somo swell houso
onFlfth avenuo. That means that a big diamond tiara or something worth
a lot of dough Is being delivered to somo damo In tho mllHonalro bolt.
"Another lot of folks who havo got the taxi habit aro tho auction cranks.
Thoy aro mostly women, andthey buy a lot of stuff and uso tho taxi for a
truck. Say, bo, I havo carried everything in this machlno but a piano Tho
milliners aro on to tbo gamo, too, and call for us to carry one of their girls
with a fancy hntbox as big ns a millstono. I suppose when they nro sending
a regular lallapaloosa bonnet thoy don't dare tako a chanco In a crowded
street car. Tho taxi Is used by tho banks to cart money a lot, too. Only
tho other day I took two fellows with two grips from an uptown bank to a
Wall strcot bank. After thoy had delivered tho grips and started uptown
ono of tho fellows said: 'Do you know what was In thoso grips?' 'No,' says
I. 'A million,' he says. 'I'm glad I dldn'Uknow It before,' says I, 'or I'd been
likoly to bust Into a lamp post from excitement."'
,W',r' .
An Inexpensive Sanitary Dairy House.
When a .can filled with milk from tho
cooler It is put into tho cement tank,
which should bo filled with ico and
wator well up on the neck of tho can.
Tho milk should bo stirred frequently
until thoroughly cooled. When tho
milk is not being stirred tho cans
should always bo kopt covered, to pre
vent tho entrance of dust, dirt, Insects,
etc. Never mix warm milk and cold
milk or cream.
Tho doors of tho milk room should
be kept shut except when necessary to
pass in or out.
When all tho milk Is cooled tho
coolor, pails, strainers, etc., can bo
carried into tho washroom, whero thoy
should bo rinsed In cqjd water and
then washed with hot water and wash
ing powdor. After this thoy aro rinsed,
steamed and inverted on tho drain
board. For this purpose two pipes may
be used, ono carrying cold water, tho
othor steam; thoso may bo controlled
by olthor hand or foot lover or a single
Jet, fed by both cold water and steam,
may bo Installed.
Merrill Trained Bear Qualifies as a Chauffeur
EltRILL, WIS. John Akey's bear, Alice Teddy, Is rapidly becoming civi
lized. Somo tlmo ago Alico took up roller skating, but this sport v.ow
boreB her and she Is learning to operate an automobile. Almost any day Allco
may bo soon whirling through tho
Btreots in a machine.
Morrill inhabitants who aro forced
to uso their legs In getting from placo
to placo aro Voicing stronuous objec
tions to allowing Allco at tho wheel,
claiming the bear has not been proper
ly Instructed in rules of the road and
thoy aro hi danger of being run down
Thus far no formal protest has
been filed. Those who aro in favor of
curbing tho Joyriding activities of
Allco havo not yet been ablo to clto
any statute that Is boing violated. The law contains provisions intended to
stop any person or persons from reckless driving, but Alico docs not claim
to bo a person. Some say there is a law against Intoxicated persons operat
ing a car, but there, again, her identity saves her, and besides sho Las not
yet taken to drinking. Some of tho moro interested persons claim special
legislation will bo necessary if Allco Is to bo kept off the road.
And In tho menntlmo Alice Is taking hex dally spin. She has becomo an
oxport at guiding the machlno and is fast matorlng tho complicated pedals
controlling tho gears and speeds. In time her owner hopos ho can train Allco
to mend punctures, but Just now ho Is afraid to Intrust this task to her, fear
ing tho effocts of hor claws.
When Alico comes honking down tho street in her nobby motor cap,
goggles and linen duster strangers in tho city stop and gasp, but Merrill citi
zens long ago gavo up In despair at the antics of Alice.
Tl 1 1 1 n'a ft" DArlPl:';!
II II II 't y '' t' T "1 1 1 1 1 , "T
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.'Tu.V.iJl .JL-JkHlmrew- ti
.ugffl?ayi t? ." py pipi w
jf TULO'' STOMtS JJ EJfy.'!A "SI
Cross Section Through Dairy House.
to nvold unnecessary
Indian Woman Has Not Seen or Heard
From Her Parent In Thirteen
KansaB City, Mo.An Indian woman
about twenty-four years old with a
child almost eloyen years old was in
tho federal employment ofllcos re
cently eoeking aid in finding hor moth
er from whom sho has not heard in
thirteen yearn.
The wnman, who Bays bor name is
Chicago of $20,000, but that sho Iiuh
been unnblo to collect any part of It.
Her child, sho says, ts with relatives
In Chicago.
Her mother, sho states, has boon
twlco married since alio last saw her,
and' her father, married hor mother
under tho namo of Johnson. Tho
mother was a Cherokee Iudlau.
Butterflies on the Wing.
Dowey, Okla. Millions of buttor
IHoh presenting n kaleidoscopic spec
taclo of colors, flow for hours toward
tho south ovor this city recently. Tho
buttorltloB How at au average height
of 100 foot.
In tailors' slang, to "kick" an em
ployer is to ask him for work.
Killed 400-Pound Bear.
Macon, Ga. Tho hldo of a huge
boar weighing ovor 400 pounds, klllod
In tho Ocmulgoo swamp, near Phillips,
Is being proudly oxhlblted to his
friends by Oscar Paul, a seventeen-yoar-old
lad living in Dullards.
Hoodoo on Brake,
lied ford, Ind. Whon tho northbound
Monon accommodation arrived horo a
half-grown black cat was found on tho
end of a brako beam. Tho porter ex
citedly hustled tho cat from tho beam,
regarding it as a hoodoo for tho train.
bo arrangod
It Is not posslblo to submit a plan
that will suit all conditions, but It is
bellovod that tho accompanying design
will meet tho neods of tho averago
dairy that ships olthor milk or cream
In cans. This plan Is capable of con
siderable variation to adapt it to a
wldo sphoro of usefulness. For larger
dairies the sumo arrangement may be
usod on a larger scalo, each room bo
ing mado of greater slzo.
Outline of Construction and Equipment.
Tho building Illustrated herewith
Is 20 foot long, 10 feot wldo, 8 feet C
lnchos high In tho front, G feet G inches
in tho rear, and has a shed roof. Tho
oxtorior of tho building may bo cov
ered with sheathing and building pa
per or with woathorboardlng and
shingles, tho doctdlng factors boing
exponse. durability and appearance.
Tho lntorlor, howovor, should bo care
fully finished, so that tho walls and
colling may bo smooth and froo from
corners or projections on which dust
or dirt may accumulate.
The building should havo a good
concroto floor pttchod to drain through
boll traps, Tho Bide walls as high as
tho window should bo plastered with
commit on metal lathing. Tho remain
der of tho walls and colling may bo
covorod with matchod boards and then
painted with a whlto, washablo enamel
paint. Ventilating flues should extend
through tho root from tho ceilings of
tho cooling room and washroom. The
windows should bo hinged, as shown
in tho drawings, and set to bo flush
with tho Insldo wall when they aro
The llttlo closet In tho wall bctwoen
Lack of Care Greatly Assists Germ
Pay Careful Attention to Food,
Water and Drainage.
Improper food, impure drinking wa
ter, lack of cleanliness, bad drainage,
absenco of sunshlno, Insufficient venti
lation, ovorwork, exposure to extremes
of heat and cold all of thoso conjtrlb-
uto to loss by diseases among Tarm
animals. Thoy do not Rill of them
selves, but they weaken the nniraal'u
powers of roslstanco against disease
gorms. It Is because of this fact that
tho gorms of tuberculosis, of anthrax,
of glanders, of blackleg, of cholora
and of other diseases nro able to get In
tholr deadly work.
Careful attention to food, water,
drainage, tbo admission of sunshine
and puro air, tho need of rest, tho pre
vention of oxposuro, thoroforo, means
health to ono's animals, and that
means moro monoy In pocket.
Tho fnll season Is tho tlmo to seo
that provision is mado for tho comfort
of tho farm animals through tho wln
tor. Extension Dullotln No. 44 on
"Barnyard Sanitation," by H. Preston
Hosklns, University farm, St. Paul,
Minn., will holp to solve many of tho
problems likely to como up in making
preparations for tho winter.
Philadelphia's Snake Market is Affected by War
PHILADELPHIA. It now como3 to pass that the European war, which is
tho regular catalogued alibi for anything and everything during thoso
tremulous days, has put a crimp In the world's output of long and vicious and
poisonous snakes. This Information is
given chiefly for tho benefit of persons
who may nqj be awaro that Philadel
phia leads the United States In tho Im
portation of snakes, which tho blondo
ladles in the tent shows swing around
like so many sawdust dolls.
The snake man said that his firm
has sold some 8,000 reptiles this sea
son, and that tho firm's cash business
will hit around tho $60,000 mark.
"Wo havo had nothing from Af
rica or tho so-called mysterious Asia
sections since the war began," ho said, "but wo have been doing a whopper
business with our domestic and South American varieties.
"It can be seen readily that tho war has helped to Increase the consump
tion of our home-grown snakes, tho same as it has aided homo production In
other commercial linos.
"Somo people havo an Idea that the snake business is dying out, but
that's a mistake. I started In the show business with old Adam Forepaugh
In tho soventles, and I've been In this wholesale snake gamo for tho last 28
years, night horo in Philadelphia, too, and tho business holds up every
This snake-distributing game is conducted on a purely business basis.
Cash In advance is the universal rule. Tho snake man showed a telegram
from Now York. It read: "Sond a nice assortment of snakes, about $15
worth, C. O. D."
Onions and Some Other Vegetables
Fed to Fowl Will Impart Objec-
tlonable Taste to Egg.
Sanitation Is Important In a hem
houso. An egg may bo absolutely
fresh, warm, In fact, from tho heat of
tho hen's body, and Btill not bo good
or tnste good It tho bird that laid It
has beon Improperly fed. Onions ami
somo othor vegetables when fed to a
hen will Impart a tasto and odor to
on egg.
Eggs coming from hens that have
had impuro or polluted water ox
which get audi wator whllo roaming
about tho farm, aro unsanitary.
Birds housed In dark, damp or
drafty houses becomo debilitated,
and although thoy may continue to
lay fairly well their eggs aro not good
for food, any moro than Is tho moat
that comos from tubercular cows.
Ferocious Automobile Runs Amuck in Hammond
HAMMOND. A ferocious little runabout spread panic In tho stroets of Ham
mond recently. Tho machine was a now ono, fresh from tho factory, and
bolonged to John Arthur of Gary. Ho took It out for an airing. Although
it was a llttlo skittish, ho attributed
this to lack of exercise or overfeeding
Arthur drove tho car through Ham
mond at a fast clip, and was going nt a
good rate when tho machine shied at a
now-atylo fox-trot skirt und backed
Into a water plug.
Tho plug snapped off, and a stream.
of water shot Into tho air and descend
ed on Arthur's head. Just thon tho
machine balked and refused to movo
until Arthur, half drowned, oscaped
from tho driver's seat. Then, snorting
and chugging, tho car galloped wildly up tho street, swaying from sido to
side. Several pedestrians ran out and waved their hats in an attempt to
"shoo" it back, but tho fear-crazed mechanism was beyond control.
Finally, worn out f:om Its exertions, tho motor camo to a halt. Fred
Grady, a garago man, started to tow it to his automobile sanitarium.
This enraged tho motor. Aftor bucking and kicking for a fow moments
It crashed violently Into tho rear of Grady's saddle-broko machine, snapped
tho tow lino, and again started away at 50 miles an hour, chasing Grady,
who had leaped from his machlno and flod for his life.
A tolonhono nolo and several rods of fenco that carolessly neglected to
get out of tho way wero rlppod down by tho angry auto, which thon slipped
and fell on Its side.
Sufficient Space for Hen.
From four to six squaro feot per
hen is considered a sufficient amount
of space, whero flocks of 100 birds
aro kopt, and whero smnllor flocks
aro kept It is vory deslrohla to glra
thom moro space por uob.
A fow minutes a day spent In an eloc
trio cage giving high frequency waves
will enable a man to got along with
loss food, according to a French sci
entist. Thero aro almost Inexhaustible de
posits of asphalt in tho Philippines,
which will now bo vorked for tho
eastern markot by an Island company.
Trinidad and northern South America
nro tho main sourcos of present as
phalt supply
It is believed that large quanltles ot
an oil with many commercial uses can
bo obtained from tho nuts of tho coyol
palm, which grows prollflcally In cen
tral and tropical South Amer'ia.
Work has been begun on a system
of locks and weirs that will make tho
Murray river In Australia navigable
far Inland ind supply Irrigation to
abou. 1,500,000 acres of land.
To avoid pressuro on tho noso or
ears a Nebraska Inventor has pat
ented eye glasses that are suspendoa
from a head band.