jtl 4 DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD. Historical Society Motto: All The News When It Is News. te VOL 24. DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1915. NO. 10. SUFFS LOSE FIGHT U 5. WARNS BRITAIN DISCOVERED AT LAST OPERATE ON 100 . f V WOMEN'S PLEA FOR FRANCHISE TURNED DOWN IN THREE STATES. OHIO REMAINS IN WEF CAMP Republicans Make Gains In Four Com monwealths McCall Is Governor In Massachusetts Democrats Win In Maryland and Kentucky. IVntem NrrnptW Union N'ewi Smlce Now York, Massachusetts and Penn sylvania defeated tho proposition of granting suffrage to women by over whelming majorities In Tuesday's election. In Massachusetts tho ma jijority against suffrage was over 100, ' 000, New York over 200,000 and Penn sylvania about 150,000. Republicans made gains In four states in tho elections Tuesday. They added n governor In Massachusetts, .. made general gains in Now Jcrsoy and Kentucky, and won an additional con gressman In Now York. B. C. Harrington, Democratic can didate for governor of Maryland, was elected by about 5,000 majority. Ohio defcatod tho prohibition meas ure by n majority of about 40,000. FIFTEEN LOST IN WRECK. Steamer Off Coast of Oregon Broken to Pieces by Storm. Marshfleld, Ore. Tho North Paciilc Steamship company's passenger steam er Santa Clara, plying between Port land and San Francisco, was wrecked on the south Jetty of Coos Bay, 170 miles south of Astoria, Ore., and at least fifteen of the forty-eight passen gers and crow of twenty-four men have been lost. Several women and children were aboard. Among tho dead is Capt. Gus Lofsted, of the Santa Clara. j. - Recover Body of Workman. Pittsburgh, Pa. Tho body of Frank Morgan, foreman in tho Ford Colli eries company mine, in Curtlsvllle, who, with two other men, was en tombed by a fall of slate, was recov ered lato after every available miner In tho district had worked for more than twenty-four hours in an effort to reach him. The body was badly crushed and it was believed ho was instantly killed. Tho othor two en tombed men dug their way to liberty. Drawing Closer to Nlsh. London. Tho Austro-Geromans and Bulgarians continue their advance In Serbia, and aro daily drawing closer to Nlsh. It is believed here, however, that tho Serbians will be able to with draw to tho mountains and resist tho invaders until tho assistance which tho entente allies have promised draws some of tho pressure from thorn. . Attendance Record Shattered. San Francisco. All attendanco rec ords at tho Panama-Pacific exposition were broken by tho crowds that as sembled to celebrate San FranclBCO day. It was officially reported that tho number reached 309,993. Tho pre vious high mark was mado on Febru ary 20, tho opening day, when tho attendance totaled 255,149. Lansing and Bernstorff Confer. Washington, D. C. Count von Bern storff, tho Gorman ambassador, and Secretary Lansing have had their first conversation since tho settlement of tho Arabic case and took under con sideration tho questions growing out of tho sinking of tho Lusitanla last May with tho loss of moro than 100 Ameri can lives. Wlllard Matched to Fight Burns. Now Orleans. Joss Willard, for the first tlmo since ho became champion hoavyweight pugilist of tho world, in Havana, will defend h's title In a twenty-round bout in Now Orleans early iji March. Articles for tho fight between Wlllard and Tommy Burns have been signed. To Drive Bars From U. S. Washington, D. O. Tho first step for a "saloonlosH United States" Is to bo taken by fiio Anti-saloon Leaguo of Amorlca In tho Sixty-fourth con gress, when it will have introduced In the senate and Iioubo a bill declar ing the national capital "dry" after 1916. Reform Forces Beaten. Philadelphia, Pa. After a contest waged with great vigor on the part of tho reformers, the Republican or ganization won a notable victory in Tuesday's municipal election. Down Municipal Ownership. Detroit, Mich. Detroit voted to re jected the proposition to purcha-.o from the Dotrolt United Railways the strout car lines und property within the ono-foro zone. Value Chicago Property. Chicago. Personal and real prop orty In Cook county (Chicago) U vl nod Rt $3,473,370,306. according to tho report of the board of roviaw pre pared for taxation purpoae. Tvelve Burn to Death. Now Vork Twelve persons wore burned to death in a fire which de st roved the three-story tenement houae at Sixty-sixth and North Sixth ,t rt. Il)(ol.ln. November 1 Mur' Dodu-a aw bi-li' ved to be m ti.e ruu, PRESIDENT IN NOTE TO ENGLAND SAYS KEEP HANDS OFF AMERICAN TRADE. ACTS ARE CALLED ILLEGAL Protest Sent From Washington Ex pected to Reach London This Week Couched In Most Vigorous Lan guage Yet Used. Washington, Nov. 2. Couched in moro emphatic languago than any yet employed Is the Amorican note to bo presented to Great Britain this week protesting against violations of Ameri can maritimo rights and demanding that further interference with our trudo shall cease. Tho United States declares: 1. That its sovereign rights have no on invaded by tho limitations, risks and liabilities imposed by Great Brit ain upon tho ships of neutral powers. 2. That tho procedure observed by Great Britain undor tho various orders in council Is illegal. 3. That tho British blockade, as do scribed in tho orders in tho council and applied thereunder, is not binding because it is not effective 4. That tho blockado Is ineffective In that it discriminates between the trade of neutral nations. 5. That tho effect of British opera tions is to blockado neutral countries, which, of course, is In violation of in ternational law. C. That British practlco subjects neutral ships proceeding to neutral ports to tho same suspicion of guilt which attaches to neutral shins bound for ports of enemies of Great Britain. 7. That British practlco results In tho solzuro of innocent goods export ed by Germany through neutral ter ritory to neutrnl states and exported by neutral states through neutral ter ritory to Germany. 8. That British practlco in Interfer ing with trade between neutral coun tries is not tfnly illegal but unfairly conducted. 9. That British practice Imposes tho burden of proof of innocence upon neutral shippers, whereas tho burden of proof of guilt should rest upon tho captor. 10. That tho method observed by British cruisers in .taking noutral ships Into port for visit and search works hardship upon tho noutral own ers and shippers and is not in accord ance with the requirements of interna tional law. 11. That tho contraband list as ex panded from tlmo to time by Great Britain Is arbitrary and in violation of recognized practice. 12. That British interpretation and application of tho doctrine of continu ous voyage is not in accordance with tho interpretation and application of tho doctrino by tho North during the Civil war. It Is fully expected tho British gov ernment will make some concessions as a result of tho impending represent ations, but it is not bolloved that tho underlying features of its policy will be substantially modified. Eagle Pass, Tox.. OcL 30. Twenty six carloads of Mexican cavalry horses, 16 carloadB of munition wagons and an armored motor car loft hero over the Southern Pacific railroad for Douglas, Ariz. They aro part of the Carranza troop movement over Amer ican soil, authorized by Washington. Paris, Oct. 30. The overflow of tho Basso river has caused several mil Hon francs' damago In tho region of Perplgnan, a historic city of southern Franco. A railroad brldgo was washed away at Rlvcsaltes, tho homo of Gen eral Joffro. Marshfleld, Wis., Nov. 2. An auto mobile trip on Sunday In a now ma chine cost tho liven of four of Marsh field's best known businesa'men when tho car was struck by a fast train at a depressed railroad , crossing near Unity. Tho dead: Peter Daul. aged forty-soven, proprietor Eaglo hotel; Philip Adlor, aged sixty-five, owner Adler Opera houso and director In two banks; Robert H. Schroeder, aged forty-three, alderman; Charles A. Glth ens, aged forty-two, real estate man. Washington, Oct. 3U. Hudson Max im, member of tho naval advisory board and veteran Inventor, called on Secretary of tho Navy Daniels and reported that he had Invented a new fuso for use on aerial bombs which will greatly Increaso their elllciency. By using tho new fuso, ho said, avia tors can time tho bomb explosion to tho fraction of a second. Tho dis covery will bo tried at onco at tho navy aeronautic experimental station at Pensacola, Fla. Austrian Wins Nobel Prize. Stockholm, Nov. 2. It has beon do elded to award tho Noboi prlzo In modiclno for 1914 to Dr. Robert liar any of Vienna university for his work In tho physiology and pathology ot the ear. Explorer Sails for Arctic. Dawson City, Alaska, Nov. 2. VII bjalmar Stofanason, arctic oxplnror, nas again startod on m cxpedit-on of sxploration into tho now continent "Milch ho has d.acovered in the tar North, ' TELEGRAPHIC NOTES Quick maby OPEN TH' SAFE. QUICK! I OUST DISCOVERED AM ILLUSTRAT&O MAGAZINE WITHOUT A PICTURE OP PRGSIDEMT WILSOM AND MRS. TALT IM IT) V .tfj -v : s&t &K And It's Liable to Be Wort OPEN ROAD TO TURKEY TEUTONIC FORCES JOIN BULGAR IANS IN 8ERBIA. First Connecting Link Formed in the Northeast by Invaders Purpose of Drive Accomplished. Berlin, Germany (via London), Oct. 29. J- Direct connection between the Austro-German forces in Serbia and tho Bulgarian army of General Boyad jtoff has been established on tho Dan ube river cast of Braza Palanka, ac cording to tho official announcement given out on Wednesday by tho Ger man army headquarters staff. The statement follows: "Dorbin, cast of Visegrad (Bosnia), has been taken. "Tho armies of Genoral von Koevess and General von Gallwltb have driven back tho enemy wherever ho has made a stand. "As regards tho main forces, tho general lino of Valyovos-Mornwos (on tho LJlg) Docola has been reached. East of this lino, tho Jnscnica and Rnca havo been crossed on both sides of Svllajacrenava. In tho Pok valloy Neresnlkn has been taken. "Forces advancing enst of Orsova captured twelvo heavy cannon near Kladowo. "At LJIuglcovac, on tho Danube east of Braza Palanka, direct connection with the army of General Boyadjloft (tho Bulgarian commander) has been established by patrols. Tho right wing 'of this army is pursuing tho enemy from Ncgotln northeast to southwest. Fighttnc continuos for possession of Knjazozac." Tho Junction of tho Austro-German armies with tho Bulgarian troops was mado In tho cxtromo northeastern cor ner of Serbia. BRIAND HEADS NEW CABINET Premier Wilt Also Act as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France Four Without Portfolios. Paris, Nov. 1. Tho following offi cial announcement of tho formation of tho now French cabinet was mado hero on Friday: "M. Brland stated that tho ministry has been formed and would go beforo tho chamber as follows: "Premier and minister of foreign af fairs, Arlstido Brland; minister of war, Gen. J. S. Galllcni; minister of marine Admiral Lacazo; minister of linanco, Alexandre F. Ribot; minister of tho Interior, L. J. Malvy; mlnlstor of com merce, Etienno Clcmentel; minister of public works, Marcel Sembat; mln lstor of Justice, Reno Vlvlnnl; colonial minister, Emllo Doumerguo; mlnlstor of public Instruction and war Inven tions, Paul Palnleve; minister of agrl culture.Julcs Mcllne; ministers of stnto without portfolios, Charlos do Frey clnct, Leon Bourgeois. Emlles Combes, Jules Guesdo and Dcnys Cochin. M. JUI03 Cambon will bo goneral secre tary for foreign affairs with a beat In tho cabinet." Fix Lumber Rate. Washington, Nov. 2. Tho inter state commerce commission llxed livo and one-half coins a hundred pounds as tho rato on lumber and lum ber products In carloads from More houso, Mo., to Thobos, HI. British Minesweeper Sunk. London, Nov. 2. Tho British ralno sweeper llythe was sunk In collision at the DunlunolioB on Thursday mgnt with the lose of 150 Uvea. The vaauoi hzz -uionoinp; tlm watora off the Gul lluoli nonlnsula. tag6, ra w I 1iL3 71 irm ) ' r a. ra J G"1! I! F nit i ID Wh Jirsf. I 13 naxL "iriwi i Jls w- ft Vs.-L' CHICAGO HERALD h a Lot of Money Some Time. r 27 DIE IN SCHOOL FIRE CHILDREN BURNED OR CRUSHED IN.' MAD RUSH. Three-Story "Building of St. John's Parochial School at Peabody, U". ..,viaBS" YP. names. Peabody, Mass., Oct. 30. Firo swept through tho threo-story brick building occupied by tho St. John's parochial school, burning or driving to death In tho panic that followed tho alarm 27 of tho COO boys and girls who a few minutes beforo had assembled for their dally lessons on Thursday, Twenty bodies havo been recovered from tho ruins. Twelvo of theso bod ies wcro removed from tho vestibulo, whoro tho Jam of terrified littlo ones had resulted in tho grentcst loss of llfo. Many others wero Injured In their flight down tho stairways and a few Jumped from tho windows of tho third floor. Tho first alarm brought a hundred distracted mothers to tho schoolyard, whero soon thoy wero Joined by oilier relatives of tho pupils, until tho bund ing was surrounded by a great croud of hysterical men nnd women; wno rushed tho police lines in a wild effort to reach their children. Tho pollco wero powerless to stop tho rush, but what thoy failed to do was accom pished presently by tho flames, which shooting from tho windows ot tho building, held back tho throng. Tho students, who ranged In years from seven to thirteen, wero In chargo of 16 sisters. When tho ilre started tho sisters marshaled tholr charges for a flro drill and startod them from tho building. Suddenly thero was n cry of fear from ono of tho throng. It wns taken up by a hundred others, and panic cnaued. Tho smaller children tell under tho foot of thoso behind them, and soon tho vestibulo was so Jammed with living and dead that tho flroraen could not forco an entrance. Tho 16 sisters escaped. Tho origin of tho flro remained In doubL Michael Dunn, who lives near tho school, said ho hoard a muf fled explosion. A largo percentage of tho pupils wero children of foreign parentage. In tho numbor wero many or Irish and Italian descent. GIRL FOUND SLAIN ON TRACK Miss McCallin of Prominent Pitts burgh Family Discovered Beheaded. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 30. The head less body of Miss Sophia McCallin. daughter of tho lato William C. Mc Callin, former mayor of Pittsburgh, was found on tho Pennsylvania tracks at Roup, a station within tho city lim its Tho body was go badly crushed that Identification was Impossible un til tho girl's nhsonco from tho oflice of B. S. Morrow, city comptioiinr whoso bccretary she was, started mi Inquiry. Woolwich Arsenal Damaged. London (by mail to Now Vork), Nov. 2. Woolwich arsenal, ono of tho big gost In tho United KlngJom.'wns dam apod In tho last Zeppolln raid. It Is reported that sovoral bombs tell upon tho arsenal, killing a numbor of moii. Dr. Blunt Is FOiind Guilty. Chicago, Nov. 2. Or. Arthur U Blunt was found guilty of violation of tho Harrison nntlnarcotlc law by the Jury In Judgo Landls' court on Satur day. Conviction carries with It n lino or Drlsou sentenco or js DOCTORS REMOVE APPENDIX FROM NEW YORK FINANCIER AT GLEN COVE HOME. BANKER'S CONDITION GOOD Operation Said Not to Be Result of the Shotting Lest July by Frank Holt Quick Recovery Expected, Ac cording to Statement of Physicians. Now York, Nov. 1. J. P. Morgan, underwent an operation on Frldny for appendicitis at his country homo, Glen Cove, Long Island. Tho operation wns reported successful and Mr. Morgan Is resting comfortably. Mr. Morgan was at his oillco Wednesday, but was indisposed Thurs day und remained nt his Glen Covo homo, ills physicians discovered ho wns suffering from n mild attack of appendicitis. To guard ngalnst a re currence tho physlclnns decided to re movo tho financier's appendix. Tho operation was performed by Doctors Mnrkoo, Lylo nnd Smith, who reported It to havo boon successful .r overy way and said that Mr. Morgan Is resting comfortnbly. Mr. Morgan's goneral condition Is so oxcollont Hint his prompt recovery is oxpected. Tho fncts wore contained In a state ment given out nt tho ofllco of J. P. Morgan & Co. So far as could bo learned tho operation is in no wny tho result of tho shooing of Mr. Morgan by Frank Holt at Glen Covo July 3. Mr. Morgan bus been regularly nt hlB ofllco slnco early August. Ho has beon vory ncflvo in business during tho Inst few months, especially In con nection with tho Anglo-French loan. R0UMANIA TO ENTER WAR? 450,000 Troops Mobilized on Frontier and Are Reported Ready to Aid Allies. Paris, Nov. 1. Tho Salonlkl corre spondent of tho Petit Journal learns from a rollablo sourco that Roumanla has mobilized 450,000 men, ot whom 200,000 aro concentrated on tho Bul garian frontier nnd tho rest on tho Hungarian frontier, whero impreg nable defenses havo fcocn constructed. Tho dispatch indicates Itoumanla's Jntontlon to enter tho war on tho sldo of tho allies. According to advices ro contly received tho Russians havo been seeking permission to send troops through Roumnnla to co-op-erato with tho allies in attempting to stop tho Teutons' drivo throuch tho Balkans. ' GERMANS WIN IN THE WEST Paris Admits That Foe Captured Ta- hure Hill Berlin Says 1,236 Prlo- oners Were Taken. London, Nov. 2. Gormnn troops, ro enforced by masses of men brought up from tho Russian front, aro being hurled forward In a well orgnnizod atttnek in an effort tq ponotrato tho French linos In Champagne Tho olll clal statement from Uorlin on Sun day announces tho summit of Butto do Tnhuro wns taken by storm, 24 officers and 1,215 mon being mado pris oners. Paris admits this loss, but de clares ovorywhuro olso tho Germans wero repulsed. CZAR'S FLEET SHELLS VARNA Attack on Bulgar Port Paves Way for Landing Troops to Co-Operato With Allies. Rome, Oct. 30. A Bucharest dis patch to tho Stofanl Nows agency, filed Wednesday, says that the Russluns havo begun an attack on the Black sen coast of Bulgaria. "A Russian licet nrrived at four o'clock this morning on tho Bulga rian coast," tho correspondent wires, "and Immediately begnn n bombard ment of Varna. Shelling was still pro ceeding nt eleven o'clock. Consider able damago has been dono to tho town." ARREST GEN. IGNACI0 RIVERO Former Mexican General Charged With Complicity In Murder or President Madcro Seized. Vera Cruz. Mexico, Oct. 30. Charged with complicity in tho mur der In Mexico City of President Ala dero, Ignaclo Rlvero, formerly a gen eral In tho Mexican army under Presi dent Diaz and financial agent of the Catholic party, was arrested here as he steppod off a ship from Now Or leans. Ho had been In tbo United States for the last two years. Blancho Walsh Is Dead. Cleveland, O., Nov. 2. Miss Blum ho Wulsh, tho nctrosB, died on Sundny at the I.nkeslilo hospital hero as tin- re sult of n general nervoua breakdown. Georgia Offers Wilson Wedding Ring. Dahlono, Ga., Nov. 1. President Wilson has beon asked to accept n ring mado of virgin Georgia gold for his wedding ring. If ho nccoptH tho citizens will "pan" tho gold nnd mako It into a ring. Chinese Premier Resigns. Washington, Nov. 1. Iloslgnation if Hbu Shin Chang, Cniiiuso premier, wns announced In an nlliclul tulegrnin. He la out of sympathy with the pio posed change- from tho republic to a monarchy. E. F. HASMVSSEN General and Reliable AUCTIONEER Make dates at Jackson Bank or write me (at present) at Assiniboi, Sask., Canada, at my pvnencr. Will be In Dnkota County iaIJUIM. about Nofmber lit Terms Reasonable-Satisfaction Guaranteed Autumn Travel Features To California: November is the last month of the San Francisco Imposition. The Burlington's through coast sleeper service, in connection with the Rio Grande through Scenic Col orado, will be maintained. The usual nine-months' round trip rates to California will be in effect all winter. To the .South: Winter Tourist rates to and through the South, Gulf resorts, Florida, Cuba, etc., are now in effect. They include attractive circuit route tours of the South which arc steadily becoming more popular for winter visitors. Nebraska-Iowa annual football struggle, Lincoln, Nov. 20th. You do not have to go east these days for high class foot bull. Nebraska Varsity will show it to you. Exposition folders, Southern Tours leaflet, descriptive fold ers of California and Southern lines, all free on request. We arc always at your service in connection with any tour you may have In mind. Special Low Prices on our Photos for' a Short Time Only WE HAVE MOVED and want your Photo work We do everything in the line of Photography. Photos made in all sizes by our new method quick as lightning. Bright and dark days all the same. Ideal for children. Latest styles and finish at about half the regular prices. See us and save money. Special inducements to wedding groups. Kodak Finishing Marker Studio G21 4th St., near Jackson f " DAKOTA CITY, $ ine J The Ki.it diw ri I m. Ji kK llheAtng p t : &, My wrr aw jgti' 2 lACsimmsmz i wTiTTT'nviimMmTiffii H. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr L. W. "Wakelict, G. P, A., Omaha, Nob. St. Sioux City, la. Nick Kirsch, Prop. Newly furnished and refitted throughout. The very best of accommodations offered to the traveling public and Commer cial Men. Board by the day or week. You are Welcome. NEBRASKA JSiZWifZilMkti&&WaiiS F&y' ""SBfnB I: The SAFE boys' magazine toiiu.fbnini'Only $1 a year AH Ixir for nil lxi, not a chlU't mpcr Clean o a ulilitly, full of pUturiw, Bil to li txn merj nioutn ilanly.lnsplrlnsitnrlMOftrjvfl.ndvcn tur, nthlotki, liUtory, school )ifi, write n lr mojt popular loyi' authon. Inrtmrti)foll artlclm. line article! on foiilb ill nd other ;port. DffpartmonU of Meclianlr, Kli' trMt. rjiotographT. l'opalar Stlciiw. How tn Mnkn ihlngi, Htatnp Col.eotlnc, Chli k'ni, I'ot,(lar ilunlotf, Invouttoni and Natural Vtonlr. American Boy, $1.UU HERALD. - $1.00 w T Both, for - $1.70 tfc ONE YEAR One DOLLAR