Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 28, 1915, Image 1

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Motto: All The News When It Is News.
Sl.Uc I lisloiica! Society
VOL 24.
NO. 9.
French Union with Defending Army
Relieves Situation in Macedonia
Violent Struggles Continue on East
and West Battle Fronts.
Wnttrn Nnupaper I'lilou Sown Herfltf.
London. Tho Set binn troops which
havo been bo gallantly holding tho lit
tip northeastern corner or their coun
try, whore tho Austro-German antUBul-
7arlan armies arc about to join, arc
being slowly forced back as the pres
sure upon them becomes greater. The
marquis of Lansdowno. minister with
out portfolio, In the Biitish cabinet,
regretfully announced to the house of
lords that ho feared they could not
much longer withstand the attacks.
In fact, all along the northern and
eastern frontiers of Seibia the Invad
ers arc making steady progress, al
though at great cost, as the Serbians,
p now that they havo leached tho hills,
are making them pay heavily for ev
ery mile covered.
It Is only In the south, where the
Trench have joined hands with the
Serbians, that tho Bulgarians aro be
ing hold. Hero the French and Ser
bians aro entrenching themselves and
awaiting reinforcements which they
hope will enable them to drive tho
Bulgarians out of Macedonia.
On tho eastern and western battle
fronts, as In Sotbla, heavy fighting
But Cannot Bar Business From His
Home Block.
New York. Efforts by John D.
Rockefeller to exclude all mercantile
business from the block'in West Fifty
fourth street, from Fifth avenue to
Sixth avenue, where he and his son
havo their homes, have failed, and a
firm of art dealers has leased the resi
dence of Commodore Morton E. Plant
for a store.
Mr. Rockefeller has been buying ov-iv-jjhouBe
in tho block where it was
jr-ived that business might get a foot
hqld. The last two houses secured
wero valued at $370,000, and It is esti
mated that his efforts to shut out the
shops had cost him closo to $r,000,000.
He was unable to buy the Plant home,
as it was understood the owner would
not sell.
125 Word3 a Minute.
New York. Miss Margaret B. Owen,
of New Yoik, has again won tho
world's championship as a typewriter
operator and the $1,000 tiophy which
goes with the title. In a contest hero
Miss Owen maintained for an hour an
average of 130 words a minute. Her
previous record was 132 words a min
ute. Warned to Keep Fewer Stamps.
Washington, D. C. Postofilce bur
glaries havo been so numerous of lato
that an order has gone forth to all
postmasters except of the first class
throughout the country to keep on
hand a smaller number of stamps and
other papors of a commercial value,
and to guard them moro carefully.
y ' Charles T. Granger Dead.
Long Beach. Cal. Charles T. Gran
ger, former, chief Justice of tho Iowa
supreme court, died hero Octoher 20,
aged 80 Ho retired in 1000, after
Jiavlng served on the Iowa circuit, dts
A jiiot and supreme benches since 1872
1o wan a former resident of Waukon,
Allamakee county, la.
Ruling On Compenesation Act.
Madison, Wis. The supremo court
lias held that tho typhoid fever con
tracted through' drinking water fur
nished by tho employer and resulting
In tho death of said employe is an
accident and within the meanings of
tho workmen's compensation act.
Woman Sleeps Several Days.
Sioux City, la. Mrs. G. B. Goudle,
of Miller,. S. D.. went to sleep October
21 at tho homo of her son. W. F.
Goudle, 2010 Douglas street, Sioux
I'itj Sho could not he awakened,
and at midnight October 2G death
No One Responsible.
New York. A coroner's jury has
tailed to hold anyone ctlmlnally re
sponsible for tho subway accident In
which eight persons lost tholr Uvos at
Seventieth aonuo and Twenty-fourth
street September 22 last.
Freight Cars for Rubs.
Pittsburgh. It is known here that
tho pressed steel car company 1ms
completed an older for 7,500 steel
ft eight cars for the Russian govern
ment One Hundred Lose Lives,
Manila A typhoon has partly wiped
out tho town of Tobacoo. One hun
dred persons were killed and tho rail
toad lino was washed away The gov
ernor general Is sending a relief ex
pedition to the strlckon district.
'ahiPgton, U. C Suspension of
po tal monpy ordei exchanges be
twn the United States and Greece
have been orderod by Poat master Geu-
ril I i 1 on pending tV nwotln
' m cl i nc v in ni iv iti 1
V- 1 tt, f , , r
Statement Declares That Governor
General of Belgium Warned Against
Practlcs Asserts France Slew Two
German Women.
AinBtordam, Oct 26, rta London.
Tho following Inspired telegram re
ceived from Berlin by way of Brus
sels, dealing with tho execution of
Miss Cavell, was publlshod here on
"As tho foreign press Is discussing
in an incorrect and exaggerated man
ner tho execution of tho English wom
an, Edith Cavell, for treason, tho cir
cumstances in tho caso, according to
the Tacts, may again bo stated.
"It was proved after a long trial of
tho sentenced persons, that they for
somo months past had boon engaged
in assisting Belgians of military ago
to enlist in hostilo armies and in on
abling French and English deserters
to escape tho country. They had many
helpers, and had organized branches.
"The governor general had repeat
edly issued warnings against such ac
tivity, pointing out that sovcro punish
ment for such action wa3 unavoidable.
"Tho guilty persons wero sentenced
In a public sitting, according to tho
law based on tho provisions of tho Im
perial penal code and tho military
penal codo for war treason and es
pionage. "No special law exists for Belgium
and no so-called 'usago of war' Influ
enced the verdict or tho court
"Tho accused, for tho most part, ad
mitted their guilt, and acknowledged
they wero awaro of tho oovcro penal
ties they wero risking.
"Miss Cavell was tho principal agent
In tho plot to enlist Belgians for tho
allies. With regard to tho assertion
that sho In the course of her profes
sion unselfishly tended other persons,
It may bo pointed out that she earned
a living by nursing, charging fees
within the means of rich people only.
"Women also havo been executed
In Franco, as was Instanced In March.
last when tho German woman. Mar-)
garote Schmidt, was executed at Nan
cy, and in May at Bourges, when tho
German, Optllio Moss, was put to
"Tho English government may re
member the cruelties committed by
Lord Kitchener during tho Boer war
on women and children.
"Our present enemies do not need
to protect their armies against n pop
ulation and a hostilo occupied coun
try, nor aro they under tho necessity
of pronouncing or executing such sen
tences, for they havo occupied so Httlo
hostilo territory."
Paris, Oct. 22. Fifty-two porsons
wero killed In an explosion on
Wednesday in a factory In the Rue do
Tolbiac, while 100f or moro wero In
lurel. Many of tho victims wero wom
an workers In tho factory, which was
wrecked, as wero the buildings In tho
vicinity. President Polncaro and Min
ister of tho Interior Malvy, who were
informed immediately of tho disaster,
visited tho sceno and gavo directions
to tho rescuing forces. An auto truck
was being loaded, when workmen ac
cidentally dropped one grenade, caus
ing an explosion which was followed
by two others in quick succession.
Washington, Oct. 22. Tho appoint
ment of tho following -postmasters was
announced on Wednesday at tho White
Illinois Josoph W. Davis, Harrl3
burg; G. W. Fromo, Woodstock.
Indiana Clarcnco E. Magers, Now
port. Wisconsin J S.Barry, Phillips; P.
P. Dugal, Cadott; Mary I. CrIIly,
Hanna; J. L. Masters, Torrlngton.
New York, Oct. 25. T. Waldo Story,
tho famous sculptor, died at his homo
hero Saturday from a blood clot on
tho brain.
Marengo, 111.. Oct. 25. R. M. Pat
rick, aged clghty-tivo, presldont of a
bank hero nnd father-in-law of Rev.
Newell Dwlght Hlllls of Brooklyn, was
knocked down by an automobile hero
on Friday and probably fatally In
jured. London, Oct. 25. Tho Bulgarian
port of Dodeagatch In tho Aegean sea
was bombarded by a British squadron
on Friday, according to a Router dis
patch from Sofia by way of Amster
dam. Manitowoc. Wis., Oct 23. Anton
Lang, who became world famous
through his interpretation of tho life
of Christ In tho Passion play given at
Oboramraorgau, has been killed In bat
tle according to word rocolved by his
cousin, Alois Lnng of this city, from
tho German government.
7,500 Belgians Deported.
London, Oct 20. Belgian subjects
betweon tho ages of sovontcon nnd
thirty-five havo been ordered to roport
to tho German commnndcr Seven
thousand live hundred so far havo been
deported to Germany
Buys War Supplies In U. S
Jew York. Oct 20 t'apt L. u.
Limn and I'apt 'Ihomns I'ernnnrio
of the Portugues army univwl on
tli American liner St Paul to imr
to . rntlit. ry u; piles for tho r gov-oraiucLt
. 3
Big Invasion of Country Forces Ser
bians to Remove Archives to
New Capital.
London, Oct 22. Unable, owing to
Bulgarian activity to the southward,
to effect a transfer to Monastir, Serbia
has sent her government archives
from Nlsh to Prlsrend, on tho Alba
nian frontier.
Tho Austro-German forceo are ad
vancing Into Serbia slowly but stead
ily, their latest claim being that a
junction has been effected west of So
mendrla. Tho railroad betweon Nlsh
and Salonikl has been cut by Bul
garians, sweeping over tho frontier in
superior numbers.
There is still doubt as to whether
tho Bulgarians havo cut tho railway
nenr Vranya, tho Serbian government
denying tho roport that they havo
dono so, whllo other accounts say tho
Bulgarians reached tho city, but wero
driven back,
Bulgarians havo captured istlp and
Cotfana, says nn Athens messngo to
tho Exchange Telegraph.
It Is reported from Frankfort that
the central powers havo decided to
undertake another campaign, this time
against Montenegro.
A dispatch to Reutor's from Odessa
says a mission tho Roumanian govern
ment Is sending to Franco nrrlved
there on Wednesday. Tho mission will
visit Petrograd. Presumably Rouma
nian entrance into the war on tho al
lies' side Is contemplated.
War Vessel Carrying 557 Men De
stroyed by British Submarine,
Says Petrograd.
Petrograd, Oct. 20. A British sub
marine has sunk a Gorman cruisor of
tho Prlnz Adalbert typo near Libau.
it was officially announced hero on
The Prlnz Adalbert was a cruisor
of 9,050 tons displacement, built In
1901. There was but one other ship
of this class, tho Frlcdrlch Karl, In
tho German navy, and tho victim of
the British torpedo is. believed to be
one of these vcssols.
They each carried n complement of
557 men, woro 391 feet long and with
a beam of C5 feet and a draft of
25 feet They each carried four 8.2
Inch guns, ten six-inch guns and small
er ordnance.
lllinolsan and Family Injured" In Auto
Accident Washington Man
Peoria, 111., Oct. 25. Josoph John
ston of Washington D C. aged twen
ty-two, wns Itillod when nn autouio
bllo belonging to State -unator John
Dailey was ourturned near Strcator
on Friday. Senator Dailey, tils wife
and their daughter, L.ucillo, und At
tornoy Hugh Wilson of this rlty were
injurod. Miss Dailey was driving tho
car. The Injured victims aro In St.
Marys hospltnl in Strcator. Johnston
is reported to havo been engaged to
marry Miss Dalloy.
Navy Re-Enlistments Jump.
Washington, Oct 20 Navy stalls
tics show that 75 per cent of tho crews
are rcenllRting as compared with 28
per cont about live years ago Credit
for the Increased re enlistment is given
to the naval reservo law
Canada Policeman Slain,
Winnipeg. Man., Oct 2li. Word was
received Hero that John Weight
Northwest mo'intod policeman nad
b'fi. Mi t tn ,i ' Mkr ami Mi( ne.tr
L1 V II. M t (i p I V rr J u t
to caU'jro the d j ' rti
Clttthnd Pltb Deafer
Eight Yankee Troopers Are Wounded
Outlaws Flee When Re-Enforcements
San Antonio, Tex., Oct 23. Throe
United States soldiers wero killed and
eight others wounded in an engage
ment with Mexican bandits near Ojo
do Agua, about two o'clock Thursday
morning. The troops guarding tho
place, which is near Mradon, Tex,
nnd about thirty mllos north of
Brownsville wero attached by a large
List of dead: Sergeant Shafor,
Troop G, Third cavalry; Private Joyco.
Company D, Blgnal corps, and Privato
McConncll, samo company.
Capt Frank It McCoy arrived with
relieving troops, and tho bandits foil
back In tho brush between Ojo do
Agua and tho Rio Grando. Addition
al troops were rushed to the scene
from nearby border patrol stations,
and search made for tho bandits.
Tho bandits apparently failed In
their purpose to tako tho American
troops by surprise. A picket reported
their presonco in tlmo to glvo the
troopers a chanco to tako position for
tholr desperate rcsistanco against
Tho fifteen soldiers, lighting one
against five, against Mexicans skilled
In brush shooting, held their ground,
although half of them woro put out of
commission, until relief camo from
Mission, two miles away, whoro
Captain McCoy took two troops In ro
serve. Captain McCoy took two
troops of cavalry, totaling about sixty
men, to tho rescue, and tho Mexicans
fled upon his approach.
At least five Mexicans wero killed
In tho battlo. Tho dead Mexicans
woro whlto hatbands bearing the
words, "Vivo Villa,'
Embargo Excepts Carranza From Or
der Henry P. Fletcher May Be
Washington, Oct 22. President
Wilson on Wednesday declared an em
bargo on the nhlpmcnt of arms nnd
ammunition to Mexico Tho presldont
signed a supplementary order, how
ever, which excepts Cnrranrn's gov
ernment from tho embargo und per
mits munitions tp go through to him
unhamporod. Tho prohibition nppllos
to tho factions opposed to tho govern
ment which tho United Statoa has
recognized. It virtually 1ms boon de
cided to name Henry P. Fletcher, am
bassador to Chilo. for tho now diplo
matic post.
Berlin Says Russians Forced a Divi
sion to Retreat and Captured 3,500
Teutons at Another Place. ,
rioiJln. Oct. 2:. A tiurumn division
has been forced to tetreat In tho
Styr region, suys an olllclal report Is
sued on Tuesday, it lost several
guns Another Cermnn rovorse, with
tho loss of 3,500 att prisoners, Is re
ported as a result of a battlo betweon
PltiRk and Vllna.
German Dives to Death.
London. Oct. 2C Field Marahni sir
John French says- "On tho 22d four
enemy uirmtm wero driven away Ono
of the German aeroplanes dived head
llrat from a height of 7,000 foot Into
wooil just behind the enemy's lines. '
Electric Strike It Ended.
Schenectady, N V. Oct 20. Tho
strlko for an eliht-hnur dny by 13.000
employees nf thn (Jc erul Electric
company's p!a t was settled by tho
strikers agree Hig to accept tho com
miuv's offer ct ttlrmcnt
Britain's Proposals Included the Ced
ing of Cyprus and Other Concessions
In Return for Military Aid Against
London, Oct 25. Greece has in
formed tho ontcnto powers that sho
cannot at present accept tho proposals
made in return for her participation In
tho war.
Thcso proposals Included tho ceding
of tho iBland of Cyprus to Grcoco. as
well as other territorial and llnanclal
concessions, In return for Grook mili
tary co-operation with Sorbin.
Tho Greok reply, which is lengthy,
reached tho foreign olllco Friday night
Tho text of tho document was not
mado public.
Tho reply was not unexpected. It
has often been stated In olllclal circles
that both Roumania and Groeco wero
withholding their assistance until tho
allies either won a decisive victory or
until their oporntlons had reached a
stngo which would prccludo tho over
running of tho countries by tho forces
of tho central powers or tho Turkish
and Balkan allies.
King George of Great Britain Pleads
for Volunteers to Save the
London, Oct 25. King George on
Friday night issued an appeal to all
classes of tho British peoplo to como
forward and share thqlr responsibility
in tho war. In tho message, which wan
Issued from Buckingham palaco, tho
king said tho end of tho war was not
in sight Tho message follows:
"To tho Peoplo: At this gravo mo
ment in tho strugglo between my poo
plo nnd a highly organized enomy who
has transgressed tho laws of nations
and changed Uio ordinance that binds
civilized Eurcpo together, I appeal to
"1 rojolco in my cmplro-'s effort I
feel prldo in tho voluntary response
from my subjects nil over tho world
who hnvo sacriilccd homo, fortune Hfo
Itsolf, in ordor that another may not
Inherit tho froo omplro which ances
tors of mlno built
"1 ask you to mako good thoso sacri
fices. Tho end is not in sight Moro
men, nnd yet moro, aro wanted to koop
my armies In tho Hold, and, through
them, securo victory and enduring
"In nnclcnt days In the darkost mo
ment over produced in tho men of our
raco tho sternest resolve. I ask you
men of all classes to como forward
voluntarily and tako your sharo In tho
"In freely responding to my nppoal
you will bo giving your support to our
brothers who for long months havo
nobly upheld Great Britain's past tra
ditions and the glory of her arms.
Mother, Five Children and Woman
Lose Lives Near Mount Clemens,
Mich. Husband Fatally Hurt
Mount Clcmontq, Mich., Oct 20. A
mother, her flvo children and her sis
ter weio instantly killed and ono man
was fatally Injurod at Fraser Cross
ing of tho Grand Trunk railroad, flvo
miles from here, on Sunday when n
Grand Trunk passenger train struck
an nutomohllo driven by William
Stoldt, u farmer of Avon township.
Tho dead aro: Mrs, Rachel Stoldt,
Avon township, forty-four, mothor of
tho children and wlfo of William
Stoldt; Miss Minnlo Englo, forty-seven,
Romeo, slstor of MrB. Stoldt; Pearl
Stoldt, seventcon years old; EBthor
Stoldt, fifteen years old; Hazel Stoldt,
twelvo years old; Mabel Stoldt, ten
years old; Martha Stoldt, six years
old. All woro dead with tho excep
tion of tho ono man In tho party. He
gavo his name as William Stoldt, a
farmer of Avon township. It Is said
ho will die. Just how tho accident oc
curred is nil conjecture.
Tormer Justice of U. S. District Court
Dies at Goshen, Ind., After Illness
of tcss Than Three Weeks.
Goshon, Ind.. Oct. 23. John II. Ba
ker, elghty-threo, retired Judgo of tho
United Stntos district court, for thrco
times a member of congress from tho
Thirteenth Indlanu district, nnd who
practiced law hero for nearly half a
century, died at his homo hero on
Thursday, following an illness of loss
than thrco weeks. Inllrmltles of ago
nnd stomach troublo were tho cauao
of his death.
Norwegian Bark, Sunk,
tandon, Oct 25. Tho Norwegian
bark Ciaslo, bound for Port Arthur,
Toxas. was sunk with tho loss of
sovon members of her crow off tho
Isle of Wight when sho collided with
n British steamer; 17 escaped.
Find More Dead Mexicans.
Brownsville, Tex., Oct. 25. Bodies
of two more Mexicans, who aro sup
posed to hnvo been killed In tho light
between Mexican raiders and United
States troops near Ojo do Agua, wore
found in the mosquito brush,
Secretary Shahan of Charity Board
Finds It Decidedly Unsafe and
Tho Dundy county Jail nt Bonklo
mnn wns severely condemned In a re
port on tho condition of threo Jnlls
nnd two poor farms InNobrnska filed
with Governor Morohend by J. W.
Shnhan, chief clerk of tho Board of
Chirltlos and Correction. The Jail,
according to the report, is n small
room, ten by twelvo feet on tho sec
ond floor of a building that is not
fireproof. It has no sewer connec
tions, no water, no toilets, and there
fore Is decided unsnfo and unsanitary
for tho housing or prlsoncrs. Whllo
Furnns county has a basement Jail
In tho co'urt house nt Beaver City,
tho reports says it is woll ventilated
nnd up to requirements. Tho county
farm was founds large and adequate
with a largo supply of stock nnd 160
acres of land. Red Willow county hiu
a basement jail at McCook, roported
iltted with all noccssary similar
equipment and kept neat by Shot Iff
L. A. Fitch. Whllo tho county farm
has only ono inmnto It Is roomy and
Nebraska had bit 14,261 automo
btlos when tho assessors In tho nine-ty-thrco
counties of tho stnto mado
tholr rounds, according to tho roport
of Secrotnry Beneckor of tho Stato
Board of Equalization. Tho Btnto'a
investment Is automobiles amounts,
in round numbers, to ?1G,000,000. Tho
avorngo value of automobllea In tho
state was ?365. Banner county had
tho fewest machines, with sixty, nt
an avorago value of $460. Sarpy coun
ty, with 275 machines, roported nn
average valuo of $400. Holt county
placed tho lowest avorago vnluo, with
$200. Douglas county roporlod -an
nvorngo value of $110 and Lancaster
Farmers and othorB interested In
tho progress of work being carried on
by tho Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion of Nebraska will find a concise
Btatoment of thcso projects in tho
twenty-eighty annual roport, which Ib
being Issued,' Tho annual roport of
the A(irIcttHjnl Extonslon Sprvico lit
included, in tho samo pamphlet A
copy of thl( publication may bo had
without c6ht to rosldonts of Nebras
ka upon application to tho Director of
tho Experiment Stntlon, University
Farm, Lincoln.
MIsb Edith A. Lathrop, who wns.
olected by tho normal board nt Koar
noy a week ago to n position In tho
training school and rural school de
partment nt tho Chudron Normal,
stated that sho will not accopt it nt
the salary offered nnd tho kind of
work specified. Sho hna devoted her
self to rural school mattere and pre
fers to continue along that line. Tho
salary at Chadron Is $1,485 h yoar, as
against $1,800, which sho now re
ceives In tho stnto s iperlntondent's
A boom in tho erection of country
school houses is on in this state, a
boom which hus not boon equaled in
years, nccording to tho muto testi
mony of tho stato bond record. Dur
ing tho pnat soveral months, accord
Ing to that record, thcro havo boon
moro Issues of bonds logistored with
tho stato auditor than during ontlro
years in tho past. Tho greater Bharo
of thcso Issuob como from western
and northwestern Nebraska.
Tho best way to market alfalfa hay
which was rained upon this season is
to food it to Ilvo stock, according to
tho College of Agriculture. On tho
other hand, tho feeding of poor nl
falfu hay 1b not considered as profit
able as tho feeding of good hay.
LambB fed poor alfalfa at tho experi
ment station roturned but one-half
tho prlco per ton which tho lot to
celvlng good alfalfa returned.
Three-fourths of Nebraska's annual
$2,000,000 flro loss is duo to careless
nesB and ignorance, according tc
Stato Flro Commissioner Ridgoll
who called upon schools, cities and
civic organizations to pay heed tc
Stnto flro day, November 5.
State Bacteriologist Wild says tin
public woll that supplies tho public
schools at Reynolds was found bad. A
privato woll at tho samo place was
still worse. Tho Fuller municipal
woll nt Pawneo City was found ltn
puro. Stato Roprosontative C. L. E. Shuts
or of Jofforson county nppeaipd bo
roro tho board of Irrigation at tho
cnpltol Saturday for n stato aid
bridgo at Falrbury.
Scctotary E. R. Royse of tho Stato
Banking board, will propose a law be
fore tho noxt legislature to provent
tho consolidation of stato and na
tional banks. Tho recent merger of n
Btnto and national bank n Omaha
rubbed tho fur of tho banking board
the wrong way and Royso'B proposal
is tho result Tho banking secretary
would nlBo havo a law passed permit
ting tho levying of an assessment on
deposits taken over by a stnto bank
from any national Institution for tho
benefit of the stato guaranty fund
Wise Builder Will Always Provide for
Porch That Is Comfortable In
All Weather.
A qaso beforo tho city bulfdlug com
missioner for decision hinges on tbo
question whothor a porch Is part of n
houso. It is a tochnlcal point tho
official Is to decide, involving nn in
terpretation of tho municipal building
codo. Technicalities aside, howovor,
tho question almost answers Itself,
of courso, a porch is part of a house,
says tho Clovoland Plain Dealer. In
tho modern houso it Is likely to bo
about tho most Important part for six
or sovon months of tho year.
Somo day a monument may bo eroct
od to tho memory of tho person who
first suggested tho porch, it nnyono is
nblo to fix his identity. Moro probably,
nn Investigator would find that tho
porch is a result of evolution llko a
modorn locomotive or nn automobile,
for which no Individual could claim
crodlt. Tho "stoop" of our grand
fathers, llko tho wheezy "lnjlno" of
pioneer days, has been exnltcd to a
position of high service and respect
Part of a house? Ask an architect
or a contractor. Tho modorn man
who plans 'a comfortable rosldenco
himself designs tho kind of porch ho
deems suitable to his comfort and
dignity and when that Is dono gives
secondary thought to tho rest of tho
houso. Tho porch must bo big enough
to ontortaln on, big enough to eat
on in seasonable weather; it must
bo scroenod for protection against in
soct posts. If ono wishes for comfort
do luxe ho may givo his porch a flro
placo and dofy cool evenings to driva
him Insido.
Tho sleeping porch, too, had edged
Us way into our social consciousness
In theso latter days. It also, is a big
part of tho houso, Doctors prescribo
and children cry for it.
Statistics lndicato a general lower
ing death rate among Americans, rural
and urban, Ono wondors whether tho
udvont of thi tib'Tiltous porch hiwi
had an: appreciable Influence in bring
ing about this result Tho gospel of
frosh air owos somo acknowledgment
to (his part of tho houso which lures
men, woman and children out of stuffy
rooms and fills tholr lungs with fresh
air. Tho porch knows no social caste;
It Is not a rich man's prlvllego alono.
Tho humblest homo may possoss it
and, in fact, usually docs. Moro power
to it
Overhead Telegraph and Trolley
Wires Effectually Mar the Beauty
of Any Town.
Tho two accompanying viows show
concrotoly tho effect in making tho
city beautiful of tho removal of tele
graph and trolley wlro poles from tho
main streets. Tho tolegraph and high
The Old-Time Practice of Using Poles
for Supporting Overhead Electric
power olectrlc wires aro strung
through tho alloys while tho supports
for tho trolloy wlro are anchored In
the walls of buildings. Tho views
A Modern 8treet Scene, Showing tho
Elimination of Poles and Overhead
woro tnkon at tho intersection of Stato
and Coramorclal atroots, Salem, Oro,
boforo and after tho wlros and poles
woro removed. Popular Mechanics,
His Kind.
"When a whale spouts, It i3 a pa
cificist oration."
"How do you mako that out?"
"Dooan't ho pour oil upon tho w
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