Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 21, 1915, Image 1

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W 7
Motto: All The News When It Is News.
VOL 24.
NO. 8.
Latln-Amerlcan Nations Follow Lead
. of United States Henry P. Fletcher
Slated for Ambassador to De Facto
Western Newspaper Union Nw Smlce.
Washington, D. C Venustlnno Car
ranza was formally recognized Octo
lyr 19 us the chief executive of tho
republic of Mexico by the govern
ments of the United Stutes, Drazil,
Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay,
Colombia and Nicaragua.
Each of the governments sent a let
ter to Elizeo Arrctlondo, personal rep
resentative here of Carranza. All
wero couched in the same form, and
that of tho United States added a
formal oxprcssion of an intention soon
to accredit an ambassador to Mexico.
Henry Prather Fletcher, at present
American ambassador to Chile, prac
tically has been decided upon as tho
next ambassador to Mexico.
Secretary Lansing's letter of recog
nition referred only to the intention
to accredit an ambassador soon. Its
text was as follows:
"Elizeo Arredondo, Esq., Washing
ton, D. C, Oct. 19, 1915 My dear Mr.
Arredondo: It is my pleasure to in
form you that the president of the
United States takes this opportuni
st extending recognition to tho de fac
to government of Mexico of which
Gen. Carranza is chief executive.
"Tho government of tho United
States -rill be pleased to receive in
Washington a diplomatic representa
tive of tho de facto government as
soon as It shall please C5en. Carranza
to designate and appoint such repre
sentative; and, reciprocally, the gov-pt-nment
of tho United States will ac
credit to the de facto government a
diplomatic representative as soon as
tho president has had the opportunity
to designate such representative. I
should appreciate it if you could find
it possible to communicate this infor
mation to Gen. Carranza at your par
liest convenience.
"Very sincerely yours,
4 f "Robert Lansing,
"Secretary of State."
New Jersey Voters Cast a Negative
Jersey City, N. J. New Jersey reg
istered at tho polls October 19 an
emphatic no to woman's appeal for
the ballot. Indications shortly after
midnight were that the white and yel
low banners of "votes for women" had
fluttered down to defeat In each of
the state's twenty-one counties, and
that the majority against adoption of
the constitutional amednment to en
franchise women was between 50,000
and 00,000.
Naval Program.
Washington, D. C Official est!
mates of the navy's part in the admin
istration's billion dollar national de
fense program hnvn been made public
by Secretary Daniels. They show that
within five years it is proposed to
spend $502,482,214 on construction of
now ships, development of aircraft
and creation of a huge reserve of am
munition and guns for the navy. Tho
five-year building program contem
plates tho construction of ten dread
naughts, six battlo trulsers,1 ten scout
cruisers, fifty destroyers, fifteen sea
going submarines, eighty-live toast de
fense submarines, four gunboats, one
hospital ship, two ammunition ships,
two fuel oil ships and one repai: ship.
The last of these vessels will he built
and in commission lute in 1924. On
naval aviation it is proposed to ex
pend 56.00fr.000 during the five years
and on reserve munitions $25,000,000.
These figures, with the addition of
$48,518,127 for completion of ships al
ready authorized or now under con
' struction, make up the total of more
than half a billion dollars to be ox
pended upon the navy in addition to
the regular budget, which appropriates
$100,000,000 a year.
$72,000 for Stock Exchange Seat.
New York. Tho sale of a seat on
tho New York slock exchange for
$72,000 Is announced. The price Is $2,
000 higher than tho last sale a few
days ago, and Is several thousand dol
lars higher than a number of sales
between four and six months ago.
Posses Kill Ten Mexicans.
Brownsville, Tex Ten Mexicans
have been killed by posses becauso
of their alleged complicity In tho
wrecking of a St. Louis, Brownsville
and Mexico passenger train and the
slaying of threo Americans and tho
wounding of four others.
War Declared by Italy.
Home, via London. Italy has do
. clared war on Bulgaria, according to
J Jan announcement by the Stefanl News
Great Wheat Movement.
New York. What Is aald by grain
men to be the largost movement of
Canadian wheat through the United
States over recorded la now going on
Uirough this port,
Victims Were on Way to Attend Con
vention When Crash Came Struc
ture Weakened by Flood Motor
man Leaps From Train.
Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 19. Ten
bodies hnvo been recovered from tho
wrcckago of Union Pacific motor
train No. 579, which plunged Into
Fancy creek, near Randolph, Kan., on
Six other bodies aro thought to bo
In tho submerged baggago car and
over fifty persons wero Injured. Many
of tho victims wero school teachers
who wero bound for Randolph to at
tend tho Biloy county teachers' con
vention. The names of tho Identified dead fol
low: Dr. Louis Atwood, Topeka; Mrs.
Stella Chapman, Manhattan; Albert
Cyrene, Randolph; Mary Giles, Man
hattan; Alma Jellln, Randolph; Ethel
Retzcr, Stockdalo, Kan.; S. O. Retzer,
Stockdalo; Thcodoro Smith, Tecum
boh, Nob.; Carl Stonoborg, Randolph.
On the train wero 75 passengers.
Tho train consisted of a motor Car and
a trailer. It was speeding northward
when it struck a bridgo over Fancy
creek which was weakened by high
waters caused by a three-Inch rain
Unablo to stop his train, tho motor
man set his brakes and then leaped
Into tho torrent. Tho combination bag
gage and passcngor coach plunged
into the water, but tho trailer, con
taining a party of school toachors,
stuck to tho rails.
A wild fight for life followed tho
plunge of tho motor. Miss Perry, su
perintendent of Riley county schools,
was in tho trailer and sustained seri
ous injury.
Paris, Oct 15. Count Henri do
Voguo, son of tho lato Viscount Mel
chlor do Vogue, and a nophow of Mar
quis do Vogue, president of tho cen
tral committee of tho French Red
Cross, has died of wounds received
In battlo. Tho military medal was
pinned on his breast a few minutes
before ho succumbed.
London, Oct. 18. A lono British sub
marine has won a naval victory over
Gorman warships in tho Baltic, sink
ing a destroyer and two torpodo boats
and putting another destroyer and a
cruiser to flight, say dispatches from
Sweden to newspapers of Copenhagen.
Tho submarino E-19, operating near
Faxo, sunk a German torpedo boat
Wednesday. A German flotilla re
turned Thursday, but fled after tho
submarino sank another torpedo boat.
While operating in tho sound tho
submarino was attacked by a Gorman
cruiser and two destroyers. Tho sub
marino lodged a torpedo in ono do
stroyor, which sank with a terrific ex
plosion, tho crew being lost.
Charleston, S. C, Oct. 18. Six men
aro under arrest and two companies
of militia nnl a largo forco of deputy
sheriffs aro patrolling tho btrocts fol
lowing a shooting on Friday which
cost ono life and resulted In tho seri
ous Injury of four other persons. Tho
shooting occurred just outsldo tho
room where tho Democratic city ex
ecutive commlttoo was to meet to can
vass tho returns of tho municipal pri
mary of last Tuesday. Sidney J. Co
hen, a newspaper reporter, was killed.
Of tho four others shot only W. A,
Turner Is in a critical condition.
British Submarines Destroy
Carrying Troops In the
Baltic Sea.
London, Oct. 19. British subma
rines aro rolentlessly driving tho
German flag from tho Baltic. Flvo
Gorman transports havo been sunk
by British undersea boats operating
In tho Baltic, says an official state
ment from Petrograd. Tho statement
adds that ono transport was run
J. B. Fuller, Who Left Wlnslow, III.,
Returns From Chicago In
Freeport. 111., Oct. 18. J. Bradley
Fuller of Wlnslow, 111., tho banker who
disappeared Scptoraber 13 and whoso
bank subsequently was thrown Into a
receivership, reappeared In Wlnslow
on Friday. Ho told frlendB ho Intended
to rolmburso tho bank's patrons for
every dollar lost
Three Negroes to Hang.
Hamilton, Gn Oct. 18. John
Wright, Sam Couch and West Story
negroes, wero convicted of separate
murders and sentenced to hang No
vember 10. Thoir victims woro also
U. S. Seek German Officers.
Washington, Oct. 18. No leavoa oi
nbsonce shall be gtvon officers or crew
of tho Prinz Eltel Krledrlch. tho Gor
man auxiliary cruisor Intoniod at Nor
folk, until tho six missing ottlccrs r
h Tggillp L)d.bS6S llji
. ? vyf(WwZ&PShsv d j Mr
I. VoMfaFf V fetiutoire j Hultuch . SJ j
nisvetwcfcs ' ' . I
it&iuvi?!Jbyffrcfftf en Go he He
Tho allies aro making dosporato efforts to break tho German lines and
capture tho city of Lena, tho loss of which, strategists say. would forco
tho retirement of all tho German forces In- northern Franco, perhaps driv
ing them back at far as Llllo. Tho British aro attacking along tho en
tiro front between La Basseo and Loos, north of Lens. Tho Kronen, whoso
recent drives won Souchcz and Nouvlllo St. Vapst, aro striking at tho
heights of Vlmy, which domluato tho fiat lands stretching northeast to
Many Women and Children Among
Victims No Serious Damage to
Military Material.
London, Oct. 10. Fifty-flvo persons
wero killed and 114 Injured in tho Zep
pelin raid over London on Wednes
day night Fourteen of tho 55 persons
killed and 13 of tho 114 wounded woro
military casualties, according to an
announcement mado on Thursday by
tho official press bureau.
Tho text of tho announcement fol
lows: "Tho press bureau of tho war of
fice announces that a licet of hostile
airships visited tho eastern counties
and a portion of tho London area and
dropped bombs. Antiaircraft guns of
tho Royal Field artillery, attached to
tho central force, woro In action, and
an airship was seen to heel over on its
side and drop to a lower altitude.
"Flvo aeroplanes of tho Royal Fly
ing corps wont up, but owing to atmos
pbcric conditions only ono aeroplane
succeeded In locating nn airship. This
aoroplano, howovcr, was unablo to
overhaul tho airship beforo It was lost
In tho fog.
"Some houses wero damaged nnd
several fires wero started, but no seri
ous damago was caused to military
material. All fires were soon got under
control by tho firo brigade
"Tho following military casualties,
in addition to tho ono announced last
nlght,v havo been reported: Fourteen
killed nnd 13 wounded.
"Tho homo ofllco announces tho fol
lowing casualties other than tho mili
tary casualties reported above.
Men. Women. Children. Total
Killed ....27 9 5 41
Injured ...G4
Total ..91 39 12 142
"Of theso casualties 32 killed and 95
injured woro in tho London urea."
Third National Meeting of Marketing
and Farm Credits to Be Held
in Chicago,
Chicago, Oct. 18. Tho third national
confercuco on marketing and farm
credits is to bo lied Id In Chicago, No
vember 29th to December 2, Inclusive.
Tho call for this meeting Ib Issued by
tho general committee of tho National
Conference on Marketing and Farm
Credits, and by tho National Council
of Farmers' Co-operatlvo associations
At this meeting, representatives of ag
ricultural, educational and banking In
terests of ovcry bectlon of tho United
Stntes will bo brought togethor to
framo legislation necessary to socuro
an easy flow of money to agricultural
operations, t secure tho standardiza
tion of. farm products and to encour
ago tho organization of agriculture.
Greece Seeking to Buy Grain.
Zurich (via London), Oct 19.
Gropce Is negotiating for tho purchase
of a largo quantity of grain irom Ron
mania. Bulgaria, It Is said, has grant
ed the requeit for its transport to the
Uroek frontlor.
Movie Plant Fire Kills Three.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 19. Three girl
stenographers wore burned to death
and damago of $600,000 muuined as
tho result of an explosion In tho store
room of the Mutual Film company
Jury Out Two Hours Crowd Cheers
When Verdict Ibr-Rcad-ln the
Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 15. Mayor
Joseph E. Boll of Indianapolis was ac
quitted on Wednesday by tho jury on
tho charge of conspiracy to commit u
felony at tho prinfarics, registration
and election in 1914. Tho Jurors wero
out two hours. Tho verdict was re
ceived with a storm of applauso from
those gathered In tho courtroom.
It becamo known that only four bal
lots wore takon by tho Jury, tho first
ballot showing nlno for acquittal and
threo for conviction. Tho threo who
had voted for conviction switched to
acquittal on tho fourth ballot. Stokes,
Waggoner and DIttrlch woro reported
to bo tho Jurors who voted for convic
tion on tho first ballot.
Prosecutor Ruckor said lmmodlatoly
aftor tho verdict was received that ho
had no statoraont to inako as to
whothor ho would contlnuo tho proso
cution of tho other defendants on tho
Joint indictment ou which Mayor Doll
was tried.
"It's what every decent citizen of
Indianapolis oxpected," said Mayor
Boll when asked for a ntatement re
garding tho verdict.
Mayor Bell was surrounded immedi
ately by a large crowd of his friends.
Mayor Bell was indicted with Thom
as Taggart. Chief of Police Samuol V.
Pcrrott and 125 others Juno 22, and on
July 9 four moro persons wero In
Munlclng Voters Recall Commission
Government Official After Bit
ter Fight at Polls.
Munlslng, Mich., Oct 19. Mayor
Thomas G. Sullivan, elected under tho
commission form of government la3t
Junuary, was ousted from office in tho
recall olectlon hold on Saturday. Dr.
G. A. Truoman was elected to succeed
him. Tho plurality against Sullivan
wob 98 votes. Sullivan Is tho first
Michigan mayor who has boon re
called. Tho fight at tho polls was a
bitter ono and flvo arrests on charges
of Illegal voting woro mado.
Berlin Says Slavs Have Been Defeated
in Region of Mltau and Thrown
Back Against the Styr.
Rorlln, Oct 19. Gorman forces un
dor Von Hlndenburg havo driven tho
Russians from positions about Mltau
and Gross Ekau and taken many pris
oners, according to an official report
issued on Sunday. Tho Russians liavo
also lieon thrown back across tho
Styr near Mqlczyze.
More Armenians Flee Turk,
ffow York, OoL 1!). Twenty thou
nand moro destitute Armenians and
Christian refugees from eastern Tur
key havo readied Tabriz, Persia, the
Presbyterian board of foreign mis
slohs was notified here.
$400,000 for Pastors' Pensions.
Los Angeles, Oct. 19. Tho general
conference of the E angelical associa
tion decided on Saturday that the
nucleus for a pent on fund to re
lievo superannuatod ministers should
amount to $100,009.
FIVE-YEAR COST $500,000,000
First Year's Plan Will Call for Two
Dreadnaughts, Three Battle Cruis
ers, 25 Submarines and 1G Destroy
ers To Build Own Ships.
Washington, Oct IS. Socrotary
Daniels" naval program, which has
been npproved by President Wilson,
provides an expenditure of $500,000,
000 during a flvo-yoar period.
Tho exact amount to bo expended
each year has not been decided, but
tho first year's program probably will
call for two dreadnaughts and threo
battlo cruisers In addition to about
twenty-llvo submarines, sixteen do
stroyors and probably llvo scout cruis
ers. Tho five-year program calls for six
teen capital ships ten dreadnaughts
and six battlo crulsors.
Tho total amount to bo appropriated
for construction tho first year will be
In tho neighborhood of f 100,000,000, but
slnco about $2S,000,000 of this sum is
for threo battleships authorized last
year tho total Increaso in tho naval
appropriation bill is likely to bo ap
proximately $72,000,000.
Secretary Danlols said ho wanted to
Increaso tho capacity of tho various
government navy yards and do much
of tho now warship construction in
thoso yards.
Secretary Garrison's plan for
strengthening tho military establish
ment nnd organizing a great continen
tal army for defense proposos tho fol
lowing: 1. Regular prmy of 140,000 men. an
Increaso or 5D.000 mon in tho present
2. A continental army, 400,000
strong, enlisted for six yenrs for eorv
Ico within tho continental United
States. Theso mon would sorvo two
months a year for tho first threo yoora
with tho colors, undergoing a period
of Intensive training. Tho remaining
threo years would bo on furlough, sub
ject to call In tlmo of need.
It Is estimated that 40,000 of tho
510,000 men thus provided for would
ho noncombatauts of tho medical
corps or other auxiliary forces not in
cluded in tho fighting lino.
Behind this army would bo tho Na
tionnl Guard, now somo 125,000 strong,
but whoso numbers might bo substan
tially augmented by tho organization
of tho continental army.
British Diplomat Succumbs at Home
In London Well Known In United
States as Envoy to Mexico.
London, Oct. 19. Sir Lionol Cardon,
long connected with British diplomatic
sorvlco nnd moro recently British am
bassador to Moxico, died on Saturday
at his homo horc. Sir Lionel was born
in County TIpperary, Ireland, in 1851.
Sir Lionol first becamo a figure In tho
relations botweon tho United StntoB
and Moxico when, upon his arrival in
Moxico City Junt aftor Hticrta had de
clared a practical dictatorship, ho pre
sented his credentials. His action was
construed In somo quarters as a virtu
al recognition of Huerta and tho lat
tor's acts. In February, 1914, ho was
called to London for n conference In
April ho was appointed minister to
Brazil. Ho returned to Moxico City
and remained until September, 1914,
when ho was forced to leavo tho cap
ital by Gcnoral Carranza.
Hooper Hits Homo Run In tho Ninth
and Breaks the Tie Score
5 to 4.
Philadelphia, Oct 15. Bill Carrl
gan's Red Sox brought tho world's
championship series to an abrupt closo
on Wednesday by dofcatlng tho Phil
adelphia Nationals, 5 to 4, In the fifth
gamo of tho series.
, Tho score:
Red Sox... 0 110 0 0 0 2 15
Phillies 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 04
Batterlos Foster and Cady; Mayor,
Rixcy and Bums.
Official Statement Snys Bombs Wero
Dropped on English Capital and
Other Places.
Berlin. Opt. 1C An ofllclal report
given out on Thursday by tho admir
alty regarding tho Zoppelin raid on
London says that, In addition to drop
ping bombs on tho English capital, tho
waterworks at Hampton and tho town
of Woolwich, where there is a great
arsenal, wero heavily bombardod.
Great fires aro reported to havo fol
lowed tho explosion of tho bombs.
Bandits KIM Ticket Agent.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 19, John
Franks, agod sixty, ticket agent at
tho Pennsvlvnnla rullrnml titniinn in
Brldgcvlllo, wns shot and killed by two
burglars who rilled tho cash box In
tho ofllco and mado their escape
Loan Emissaries Go Home,
Now York, Oct. 19i Threo English
inomborH of tho AiVgloFrench loan
commission, Lord Rending, Sir Henry
Babblngton-Smltli and SI. Edward
Holdin, sailed for homo aboard th
American liner St. Louis.
Ms M j '' ."WfSfil I1
General nnd Reliable
Make dates at Jackson Bank
or write ine (at present) at
Assiniboi, Sask., Canada, at my
nvnntmn Will bo In Dokota County
i-Ajjcusi.. about November ist
Terms Reasonable-Satisfaction Guaranteed
One iMP
Oiler SrfflHT
For m WmsSBI
50 H -MjliffM
Hogs m aWMJBHtB
sr f & m m
I U ALL THE I ff.Oiafc.
a vtimc, 4
"" -4WRnh.am i
l.t,- ,ii- .-j ,,..""" "l "a,r- .woes away win
...w.u .r uuuiuys. uisimects pens ana yards. Wards off dis
ease. Ucst and cheapest disease prcventati vc and profit-maker you can find.
C. fl. Londergan S'R
licensed EJmbalmer 3ady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm.F. DickixxsonL
Bait 71
Auto 8471
, j
t it a.trjw r-
' ;TJr j
! .m- i
yisumnc company
or NewHavin.Cohmecticut
The Rich Chew
You want your chew
to have the luscious
jrichness of ripe fruit.
Spear Head lias it:
You want to taste
that fruity flavor long
as the chew lasts.
Spear Head holds it
is made of tho most richly
ilavored red Burley.
In only a very small part
of the annual Burley crop
have the natural juices
reached that perfect rich
ness required for SPEAR
most delicious of. all
chewing tobaccos.
(Somoffenos Called Hog Jtukblng Posfi
The Only Oiler made without valves,
cylinders or wheels. Can't clog, stick,
waste oil, leak or get out of order. Re
quires no attention winter or summer ex
cept tilling. Guaranteed 5 Years.
Usea Crude or Rowe's Medicated
Oil. Simplest nnd most satisfac
tory oiler on the market Costa
$2 to S12 less than others.
prevents oisnaso-
Keens IPGns and Yards
Continually Disinfected
Atmliftfl tri vermin rlcfrnvTnrr
oil right on the itch; heals the
iRKin oi mange, scurvy and
lothpT flfc!n HiunAa PmmntH n
healthy skin and a smooth glossy
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa
H. REAM, Agent
Dakota City, Kebra'-ka. I