Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 07, 1915, Image 1

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Motto: All The News When It Is News.
VOL 24.
Sinking of. Vessel by Terror Disa
vowedLoss of Lives Is Regretted
Agrees t3 Pay Indemnity to Fam
ilies of Americans Who Perished.
Wwiftn Kemptpar Union News Smlre.
Washington. Germany has com
pletely acceded to the American de
mands far aottlemont of the Arabic
case. The Imperial German govern
vment, in a letter presented by its am
bassador, Count Ton Bernstorff, to
Secretary Lansing, disavows tho sink
ing ot the vessel; announces that it
has so notified submarine) command
ers who mado tho attack; expresses
regrets for the loss of Amorican lives
Of and ngroes to pay an indemnity to
their families.
Official "Washington is both grati
fied and relieved by the diplomatic
victory. Tho communication deliv
ered by the ambassador pursuant to
general instructions from his govern
ment spread absoluto confidence that
thero would bo no more submarine
controversies between the United
States and Germany, for the document
reveals that stringent orders havo
been given to submarine commanders
to prevent such incidents as the
Since this case embraces the prin
ciples for which President Wilson con
tended In his notes following tho tor
pedoing of tho Lusitania and tho Fa
balla, the concessions made by Ger
many to tho American viewpoint are
generally regarded as paving tho way
for amicable settlement of all tho
cases which havo threatened sever
nnco of diplomatic relations between
the two countries.
Time Limit on Russ Demands on Bul
garia Has Expired.
London. Russia's ultimatum to llul
garla expired October 5, and, so. far
as was known in London, no answer
had been received nnd none was ex
'Ected. It is taken for granted hero that
King Ferdinand and his ministers are
definitely committed to the German al
lies, in return for territory to be ceded
after the ivar. Some ports, including
Constantinople nnd all that remains
of European Turkey, has undertaken
to assist actively In tho operations
against Serbia, thus hoping to open
the way for tho Austro-German army,
tho objective of which is tho Sea oi
The entente powers, in this belief,
have landed or are landing a force at
Saloniki, which will tako upon itself
the duty of protecting the main rail
way through Serbia and Greece and
Civo what assistance it can to the
Balkan allies, should they be attacked
by Bulgaria.
Slave Marriages Are Upheld.
Little Rock, Ark. The Arkansas su
premo court has declared the unions
of tho negro slaves In the ante-bellum
days legal marriages, even though no
marriago ceremony was performed.
Tho decision was given in a case in
volving property which a negro had
inherited from his slave grandfather.
His title was attacked on tho ground
that his father was an illegitimate
child. Tho court held that although
tho grandparents of the negro in the
present case never went through a
marriago ceremony, thoy wero legally
married according to the customs of
their time.
Defends His Sunday Order.
Omaha, eb. Mayor William Hale
Thompson, of Chicago, en routo to the
Panama-Pacific exposition at San
Francisco, told newspaper men hero
that his order closing Chicago saloons
on Sunday was tho following out of
tho "dictates of his conscience." The
mayor said: "This order will mean
tho closing or the saloons In Chicago
on Sunday for all time hereafter, The
order merely requires tho enforce
ment of the law, which has beon on
the statute books for years. I am sim
ply following tho dictates of my con
science. There is no alternative for
Rumania on Fence.
Milan. The hour has not arrived
for Rumania to onter tho war, in the
opinion of Premier Bratianp, express
ed to a deputation of parliamentary
delegates of tho opposition, according
to a Bucharest dispatch to tho Secolo.
Snow at St. Paul.
St. Paul, Minn. Tho first snow of
tho season fell here October 4, the
light Hurry continuing only a few min
utes. Germans Repulse an Attack.
Berlin. The British attack on tho
German fortifications nor',h of Loos
.has again been repulsed. The war of
jfico announces that tho efforts of tho
British wore fruitless nnd that they
sustained considerable losses.
Dry Forces Allege Frauds.
Minneapolis, Minn, Charges that
the "wel" forces committed wholesale
frauds in tho county option election
hero are to bo investigated by tho
"dry workers and presented to tho
grand jury
f liinu
Balkan Nation Is Ordered to Oust All
German Officers Czar Can't Sanc
tion Preparations for Fratricidal Ag
gression Against Serbia.
London, Oct. 5. According to tho
Times, tho Russian minister at Sofia
has delivered a formal ultimatum to
Bulgaria demanding tho expulsion ot
all German officers in Bulgaria within
twenty-four hours.
Tho text of tho ultimatum follows:
"Tho events which aro taking placo
in Bulgaria nt this momont give ovi
denco of a definlto doolsion of King
Ferdinand's government to placo tho
fato ot his country In tho hands of
"Tho presence of Gorman and Aus
trian officers at tho war ministry and
on tho staff of tho army, tho concen
tration ot troops on tho Serbian bor
der and tho oxtensivo financial sup
port accepted from our enemies by tho
Sofia cabinet no longer leavo any
doubt as to tho object of tho military
preparations of Bulgaria.
"Tho powers of tho cntonto who
have at heart tho realization of tho
aspirations of tho Bulgarian people
havo, on many occasions, warned M.
Radoslavoff that any hostllo act against
Serbia would bo considered as direct
ed agaiu&t themselves. Tho assur
ances given by tho head of tho Bul
garian cabinet in reply to theso warn
ings aro contradicted by tho facts.
"Tho representative of Russia,
which is bound to Bulgaria by tho im
perlshablo memory of her liberation
from tho Turkish yoke, cannot sanc
tion by his presenco preparations for
fratricidal aggression against a Slav
and allied people Tho Russian min
ister therefore has received orders to
leave Bulgaria with all tho staffs of
tho legation and consulates if tho Bul
garian government does not, within
twonty.-four hours, openly break with
the enemies of the Slav cause and ot
Russia and does not at once proceed
to Bend away officers- belonging to tho
armies of states which aro at war
with tho powers of tha entente"
Top Gained After One Game Puts Chi
cago Third Score of First Was
5 to 4 and Second 3 to 0.
Chicago, Oct. 5. Moro than 34,000
fans, 34,212 according to tho official
figures, saw Charley Woeghman'a
Whales put Chicago back Into the
ranks ot champions after an absence
of five years. Tho trick was turned at
Weeghman'B park when tho North
eiders defeated tho Pittsburgh Rebels,
3 to 0, in tho ultlmato gamo ot tho
double-header that wound up tho 1915
Federal leaguo season.
Leading tho race when tho contests
began, tho Whales wero dropped to
thtrd placo behind SL Louis when tho
Rebels mado a gallant uphill fight and
won tho first gamo, 5 to 4, after 11 in
nings of trlplo-rlveted excitement Joe
Tinker's men drovo Elmer Knotzor
from the crag In the sixth Inning of
tho afterpiece and when Bill Bailey
continued to blank tho aliens tho
North aiders wero proclaimed pennant
winners by the narrow margin of half
a game.
First Baseball Game for World'
Championship to Be Played
In Philadelphia October 8.
Now York, Oct 5. Tho first gam
ot tho world's series botween tho Phil
adelphia Nationals and tho Boston
Americans will bo played at Philadel
phia, Friday, October 8. Tho second
gamo also will bo played in the Qua
ker city the following day, Saturday.
October 9. Tho third and fourth
games will bo played in Boston on
Monday, October 11, and Tuesday, Oc
tober 12. Tho fifth gamo will bo played
at Philadelphia October 13, tho sixth
at Boston October 14 and tho seventh,
if necessary, will bo decided by tho
tossing of a coin.
Fast Chlcago-Peorla Passenger on
Rock Island Collides With Freight
at Rome, III.
Peoria, III., Oct. 5. Twonty-flvo per
sons wero Injured, three seriously, on
Sunday when tho fast Chlcago-Peoria
train on the Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacific railway collldod hoadon with a
fast freight at Rome, 20 miles north
of hero. Seriously injured: E. Mon
son, Chicago; Mrs. Thomas Irish, Po
orla. 111.; R. Thompson, englnoer of
passongor train.
Russ Quit Kormln River.
Berlin, Oct. 5. After their defeat at
Sarny and tho failure ot their attacks
tho Russians abandoned tho western
bank of tho Kormln. Tho number ot
prisoners taken by Gorman troops was
increased by 2,400.
Germans Killed in Wreck.
Amstordam, Oct. 5. A train carry
ing 40 German officers and 188 sol
diers plunged from a bridge between
Hoyst and Zeebruggo last Saturday
night and practically all on board
were drowned.
iHci" S"-ct5:..AIN. DRIVE OF
Tho lmmedlato objectivo of tho
map is Sommo-Py, which controls
Berlin Admits Position Has Been
Lost Allies Take 121 Big Ger-
man Guns.
London, Oct 2, Continuing tho ter
rific offenslvo which has netted tho
allies almost dally gains for tho paBt
week and has resulted In tho greatest
loss of llfo and prisoners of any sin-i-lar
period in tho entlro war, tho French
troops In Champagno district on
Thursday again broko through tho
Gorman lines west of Tnhuro Height
and at f)IU No. 191, capturing tho lat
ter strategic position and rendering
almost tho entire German railroad
from Cernay to Sommo-Py useless.
Berlin officially admits tho loss of
Hill 191 and tho penetration of tho
German lines southeast of Souchcz.
Tho greatest French gains contlnuo.
In tho Champagno region north of
Mesnll and farthor to tho oast be
tween Hill 190, north of Masslges, and
tho road from VUlo-sur-Tourbo- to
Cornay followed by bayonet charges,
Moro prisoners wero taken In this ac
tion, according to Paris.
Tho French statement admits tho
success of German counter-attacks' at
L'Ouvrago do la Dcfalto, but declares
a second attack was repulsed with
heavy losses to tho Gormans.
Tho recount of booty taken In this
fighting stneo September 25 puts tho
total of field pieces and heavy guns
captured from tho Germans at 121.
Eastward of Loos, which lies north
of Lens, tho British havo pushed on a
considerable distance on La Basseo
road and now occupy tho entlro oval
plateau ot which Hill No. 70 Is tho
culminating point.
Joseph Hlllstrom Granted Reprieve
Until October 16 Governor
Spry Makes Announcement.
Salt Lako City, Oct. 2. Governor
Spry announced on Thursday that ho
had granted Joseph Hlllstrom a re
prieve until October 1C out of cour
tesy to President Wilson. Hlllstrom
wns sentenced to bo shot at dawn on
Thursday. Tho toxt of tho governor's
messago to tho prosldent has not been
given out
Washington, Oct. 2. At tho request
of tho Swedish minister, W A. F. Ek
engren, President Wilson on Thursday
telegraphed to Governor Spry of Utah,
asking a stay of oxecutlon for Joseph
Hlllstrom, a Swedish subject convicted
of murder.
Tho Swedish minister said that ho
believed Insolent behavior of Hlll
strom during his trial had projudlced
court and jury against him.
Cincinnati Man Electeo Commander
In Chief at Washington Slay-
baugh Senior Vlco-Commander.
Washington, Oct 4. Capt. Ellas It.
Montfort of Ohio, who served for 10
years as postmaster cf Cincinnati,
wa3 on Friday elected commandor In
chief of tho Grand Army of tho Re
public. Montfort was chosen over
Frank O. Colo of Jersoy City and Wll
Ham J. Patterson of Pittsburgh Mont
fort received 539 votes, Pattorson 'I'M
and Colo 188. Gcorgo II. Slaybaugh of
Washington was selected as senior
Tennessee Town Burned.
Hamburg, Tenn., Oct. 1. Tho en
tire business district of this town of
1,000 population Is lovol with tho
ground, tho result ot a flro ot myste
rious origin which occurred on
Wednesday morning.
Turks Hit Foe's Vessel.
Constantinople, Oct. 6. "Our artil
lery hit an onemy cruiser which un
successfully bombarded our positions
on the Jouk height In tho Arl Burnu
dlBtrlct," says an official report. "Tho
cruiser steamed nway."
Berlin Property Loss Big.
Berlin, Oct. G. Tho Gorman com
mittee appointed to Investigate tho
damago dono by foreign governments
to German property estimates tho
amount of damago at $250,000,000, it
was announced hero.
French drive In tho region shown by this
tho railroad running behind tho German
Many Persons Were Injured and tho
Property Loss Will Run Into
the Millions.
Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 1. Tho total
death list In tho Gulf coast storm ot
this week Is 549, according to tho
latest reports reaching hero Persons
who have penetrated tho storm swept
district Inland havo rcportod that
scores aro dead, but these reports
havo not been verified.
Moro than 400 persons aro missing
in tho storm-swept area of Louisiana
and Mississippi,
Tho property loss will total nenrly
$7,000,000, accbrdlng toHho latest ad-J
vices received horo from tho storm
Most of tho loss of llfo reported was
In Frenlcr and Manshac, La. Tho
railroad agent at tho former town tolo
graphed that eight white persons and
seventeen negroes had been drowned
and many Injured"- when tho wind
drovo tho waters of Lako Pontchar
train into tho streets.
At Manshac, ten miles north, a rail
road section foromnn and slxtoon ne
gro laborers wero rcportod drowned.
Unofficial estimates placo tho prop
erty loss1 at Now Orleans at nearly $2,
000,000. Soven lives woro lost thero.
At least 150 porsonB were Injured by
tho collapso of buildings, falling signs
or flying glass. Hundreds of struc
tures woro unrootod or demolished In
various parts of tho city.
Tho maximum velocity of tho wind
was reported by tho Now Orleans
weather bureau as botwoen 120 and
130 miles an hour.
! t8Mffj
Paris, Oct 1. A dispatch from
Sofia states that tho cabinet headed
by Premier Radoslavoff has collapsed.
King Ferdinand has asked M. Malln
off, a friend of England, Franco and
Russia, to form a now cablnot
Providence, R. I., Oct 1. Mrs.
Elizabeth Blair Mohr was Indicted on
tho chargo of murdering her husband,
Dr. C. Franklin Mohr, nnd assaulting
with intent to kill Miss Emily C. Burg
er, tho physician's secretary.
Kansas City, Oct. 1. A five-story
fall from his ofllco window caused tho
death of Theodor C. Polzer, who la
said to havo carried Insuranco pollclos
aggregating $425,000 and to havo left
an additional cstato worth $500,000.
His accident policy totaled $85,000.
Mr. Polzer was president of tho Farm
ers' Loan and Trust company and a
real estato operator. Ho Inherited a
fortune from tho estato of bis father.
Ho loaves a widow.
Martinsville, Ind.. Oct 4. Curtis
McCammtck and his son Elroy, of Par
agon. Ind., were Instantly killed last
night when their automobllo won
struck by a traction car.
Wireless Record Broken When M.en
In Washington Talk to Others by
Radio in 'Frisco.
Washington, Oct. 1. Long dis
tanco wireless tolophony, the dream of
scientists for years, bocamo a reality
on Wednesday when tho human voico
was transmitted from tho Arlington
radio station, on tho outskirts of Vnsh
Ington, to tho Mnro Island station at
Snn Francisco, about 2,500 miles.
It Is bellovcd now that telephonic
communication by wlrohiBs botwoen
tho United States and Europo Is near.
Kuropatkln Gets Command.
London, Oct. 4. Gen. Aloxol Kuro
patkln has been nppolnted chief of
the Russian Grenadier corps, says a
dispatch from Petrograd Kuropatkln
was disgraced after being dofeatod In
tho war with Japan.
Band of Mexicans Retreats.
Brownsville Tox., Oct 4. A band
of botween 700 nnd 800 Mexicans,
which has beon threatening to Invado
Texas and Progrcso and raid ranches,
has retreated ten miles up tho Rio
Grando river.
Decision Rendered at Philadelphia
Says That Contracts Were a Con
spiracy In Restraint of Trade and
Therefore Illegal.
Philadelphia, Oct. 4. Tho United
States district court on Friday decided
tho antitrust dissolution suit against
tho Motion Ptcturo Pntonts company
in favor ot tho government
Tho Motion Picturo Patonts com
pany Is a holding concern. It was
charged by tho government that it
controlled most of tho moving picturo
patents In tho United Stntcs and also
bad a largo Interest In tho American
rights In foreign patonts. Tho suit
was heard over n year ago.
It was charged by tho government
that tho Motion Ptcturo Patonts com
pany and other defendants woro en
gaged In interstate and forolgn com
incrco In motion pictures, Alms, cam
eras, exhibiting machines nnd othor
articles nnd apparatus usod In tho
motion picturo art, lu violation of tho
antitrust law.
Tho court In Its decision says that
all tho contracts enumerated In tho
govornmont's petition nnd tho combi
nation thoroln described woro a con
spiracy In restraint of trado and there
fore illegal nnd that thoy constituted,
with tho exception ot tho operations
of tho Mellca Manufacturing company,
a monopoly in violation ot tho anti
trust laws.
Defendants named In tho original
petition of complaint besides tho Mo
tion Picturo Patents company aro:
General Film company, Thomas A.
Edison, Inc.. Gcorgo Klolno of Chicago,
Lubln Manufacturing company, Patho
Frcres, Solig PolyBcopo company ot
Chicago, Vltagraph company, Frank L.
Dyer, Henry M. Martin, J. J. Ken
nedy, William Polzor, 8amuol Long,
J. A. Bcrst of Chicago, Slegmund Lu
bln, Gaston Mollcs, Albort E. Smith,
Gcorgo K. Spoor of Chicago. W. N.
Sollg of Chicago.
With roferenco to tho Mollos com
pany, tho court snld:
"Tho Molles Manufacturing com
pany has denied (as havo all tho de
fendants) that It was In any sonso a
party to tho combination charged.
Wo havo gone over all tho proofs
without finding any which go to mak
ing good tho chargo against this par
ticular defendant. It Is, therefore,
oxcluded from the findings mado and
tho petition as against It Is dismissed."
Great Britain Shows American Gains
Are Enormous Says Germans In
spired Charges.
Washington, Oct 4. Groat Britnln'B
answer to reports wldoly circulated la
this country that sho has beon inter
fering with legitimate trado of the
United States with neutral European
nations for tho benefit of hor own ex
porters Is given In a noto handed to
Ambassador Pago in London by Sir
Edward Qroy, th6 forolgn minister.
and mado public hero by tho state de
partment Data and figures aro quoted at
longth to provo that whore Urltlsh
exports and ro-oxports havo increased
tho growth of similar trado from tho
Unltod States has boon many times as
largo, whllo in many ensos there havo
been vast .Increases of Amorican ex
ports, compared with decreases in
thoso from tho United Kingdom.
Tho noto, which Is In rcsponso to tho
British ambassador's report ot a rofer
enco at tho state department to tho
unfavorable Impression created horo
by reports of increases in British trade
with northorn European countries
sinco tho war began, suggests also that
statem .nts concerning Great Britain's
policy havo been inspired by German
August 13 Is tho dato of tho noto.
8eventy-Flve Others Burled Alive as
Result of Explosion at Hanna City.
III. All Are Rescued.
Peoria, III., Oct. 2. Ono man is
dead, ono is dying and 75 othors wero
buriod alive as tho result of an ex
plosion on Thursday night in tho mlno
of tho Logan Coal company at Hanna
City, 111. Flro followed shortly after
tho two men woro rescued. Tho blazo
was extinguished In two hours and
tho 75 mon wero rescued. Nono wero
Tho dead: Martin Porrlt, aged for
ty, Hanna City. III. Tho Injured:
Frank Robinson, aged thirty-two, Han
na City, 111., wtil die. No causo for
tho explosion has been determined.
Tho damago to tho mlno will amount
to sovurul thousand dollars.
Honor to Von Hlndenburg.
Berlin, Oct. 5, Field Marshal von
Hinilcnburg's sixty-eighth birthday
Saturday was colebratod In a nota
bio way, Ono thousand children drovo
nails In tho "Iron Hlndonburg," tho
statuo of tho field marshal.
Swiss Cavalry to Line.
Gcnova, Switzerland, Oct. G. Tho
Swiss federal council uqb ordered soy
oral squadrons ot cavalry to assemble
at Schaffhauson, Zurich and Frauen
feld Tho troops will bo Btationod
along the German frontier
The Chew That's GOOD
Such a rich, rare fla
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Get a plug and try it
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Make dates at Jackson Bank
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Terms Reasonable-Satisfaction Guaranteed
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415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa
JOHN H. REAM, Agent j
Dakota City, Nebraska. I