DAKOxA COUNTY HERALD Motto: All The News When It Is News. VOL 24. DAKOTA CITY, NEB., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1015. NO. 4. A E u. s, CLEARING OUT A BAD NEST -w- DRASTIC IS mis BRITAIN VILNA IS CAPTURED WmWlMTl n ( u GREATEST WAR BUDGET IN HIS. TORY PRESENTED IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. A JOLT FOR BIG INCOMES Very Rich Must Contribute Almost One-Third of Their Revenue Work Ingmen Earning $14 Weekly Are Caught In Net. WUru Ncwupapnr Union Js'twj Htrrlce. London. The greatest war budget in the world's history was Introduced , iu tbo bouse ot commons September 21 Ly Reginald McKcnna, chancellor of the exchequer, as another stop toward financing the war. which is costing Great Britain nearly $26,000,000 a day. New military requirements and changed methods of warfare have cre ated over night additional expendi tures which had not been reckoned with, even in tho comparatively recent estimates of David Lloyd-George, the munitions minister, necessitating in this budget, tho third since the out break of hostilities, tho most drastic and far reaching taxes in the history of the country and involving even free trade. Hereafter automobiles, bicycles, moving picture films, watchos, musical instruments, plate glass and hats will pay a tax of 33 per cent ad valorem, though, as Mr. McKenna explained, tho objects of such taxation are "purely temporary and without regard to a permanent effect on trade," being de signed to encourage imports and rom cdy tbo foreign exchange situation. Spirits and beer, which havo been the subject of so much agitation, re mained untouched by tho new sched ules. The principal blow fell on in comes, tho existing tax on incomes not only being Jumped 40 per cent, but its scope widened so as to catch even worldngmen earning as little as ?14 weekly. Tho very wealthy must contribute to the government more than one-third of their revenue Tho 1-cent mall will bo abolished entirely and tho weight heretofore car ried in the malls for 2 cents will be Teduced. Tho sugar tax, though largely In yj?ised, will mean only an extra iVfcriny per pound burden for tho gen eral public, for the sale of all sugar is now regulated by the royal com mission, which will reduce the price to refiners and dealers. CARRAN2A GETTING RESULT8. Consul Blocker Reports Conditions to United States. Washington, D. C Conditions in Mexican territory controlled by Gen. Carranza are rapidly becoming nor mal, according to advices to tho state department from American Consul Blocker at Piedras Negras. Tele graphic communication, which for many months had been paralyzed, now is open to Mexico City, as well as to Saltlllo, Monterey, Zacatocas, San Luis Potosl, Aguascalicntcs nnd interven ing stations. Hailroad communication is in tho process of repair, and rapid strides are being made, according to official advices. The dispatch of mails to Mexico City has been resumed, according to an announcement from the postoflico department, and mail for the capital and outlying districts, which had been accumulating at the border, is being forwarded via Laredo. Consul Blocker, describing condi tions at Piedras Negras, stated that the Carranza administration was ex tending guarantees to all foreigners and had distributed circulars to sol diers warning them that any molesta tion of peaceable people and their property would result in severe meas ures of punishment. Bankers Endorse Big Loan. Denver, Colo. Tho investment of American capital in Europe at tho present time was Indorsed by tho con vention of tho Investment Bankers' Association of America, in session here. The delegates expressed ap proval of a policy of extension of for eign credits, "not as indicating either partiality or prejudice, but solely as a matter of business and practically as a necessary outcome of existing conditions." Tho sentiment of tho del egates was crystallized In a resolution Introduced by V. It. Compton, of St. Louis, chairman of tho special com mittee on agricultural credits, and passed unanimously by the conven tion. Death Ship to Be Sold. Chicago. The steamor Eastland, which capsized in the Chicago river July 24, drowning 812 persons, has been ordered sold by Fodoral Judge Landls to satisfy a claim or $34,500 for the work df raising tho boat from the river bottom. Tho ship will bo sold at auction on Docomber 20. Memphis, Tenn. Polico and dotoc ttves declaro thoy nro without a tan gible clow ns to tho identity of the (9 1 erson who Septomber 21 killed a ,voman known her as Mrs. Marguerite Favaur, an actress, and J. C. Crowell, manager of n Greenwood, Miss., oil mill, in a faslilonablo apartment build ing hore. The murdoror set flro to tho room in which the bodies wcro found, in an effort to hide evidonce of tho orlme. Winchester, Va.Wllllam A. Baker, chocolate manufacturer and banker, died at his homo here, aged C5 years. WILSON AND LANSING COMPLETE NOTE TO ENGLAND SEA POLICY UNFRIENDLY. CALL SHIP SEIZURE ILLEGAL Persistent Oppression of American Commerce and Blockade of Neutral Ports Is Denounced In Latest Mes sage as Unjustified by World Law. Washington. Sept. 20. -President Wilson nnd Secretary of Stnto Lan sing conferred at length on Friday on tho completed note of this govern ment to Grcnt Britain, and on the phnscs of tho controversy with Gor many over tho sinking of the Arabic Tho points of tho now note to Great Britain, as obtained from officials who havo had part in putting it into pres ent form, are: That as tho United Statos has re peatedly and consistently denied spe cifically every one of the Justifications set Up by Sir Edward Grey, tho British minister for foreign affairs, and Lord Crewe, his assistant, this government cannot fall to regard tho persistent op pression of American commorco as un friendly. That Great Britain acted illegally when sho took cases of seizure and de tention out of tho domain of diplomacy and made thorn merely matters for tho British prizo courts. That the argument by Great Britain for such action is indefensiblo, because It Is based on tho ordor in council, wulch is itself in illegal policy. That tho establishment of a block- ado under tho order in council which prctonds to include neutral ports, is not Justified by international law on tho more suspicion that neutral ports may bo made the basis for unneutral acts. That tho contention of Great Britain that cargoes may bo seized and do talned on suspicion alone, without any assertion of reasonable proof, is abso lutely untenablo under any form of recognized law of nations. That tho United States has hereto fore given Great Britain notice that H would not tolerate acts such as in the packers' case, which were based on tho Illegal wlthdrrwal of questions oi seizure and detention from tho cate gory of diplomatic questions. ThQ United States has in fact filed Iti caveat, putting Great Britain on no tice. It is stated that there is in tho not no suggestion of an ultimatum or a do raarid for a definite answer frofcj Great Britain within any specified time. STEFANSSON, EXPLORER, SAFE Discovers New Land Southwest of St Patrick Island Was on Ice for Seven Months. Nome, Alaska, Sept 20. Tho powe" schooner Rubv arrived from Herscha' island, on tho Arctic coast .west o! j tho mouth of tho Mackenzie rlvor with news that Vilhjalmur Stefansson the Canadian explorer, who with twe companions, Storkcr Storkorson ant Olo Anderson, set out from Martii Point, Alaska, March 22, 1014, ovel tho frozen Polar ocean to search foi supposod new lands in tho Beauforl sea, Is not only alive and well, but hni accomplishc'd every purpose for whlct tho hazardous Journey was under taken. Capt 8. F. Cottle, mastor of th Ruby, says that Stefansson Is on Banks land, east of the Mackenzio outfitting for continuance ot tho ex ploratlons to tho westward to ascor tain tho full extent of tho now land ho discovered southwest of St. Pat rick island. Stefansson discovered s contlnuanco of tbo continental shell several degrees west of Banks land and even determined its southern Urn its, but was unablo to continue hit explorations to tho north and west. BIG WAR 'FUND FOR BRITAIN House of Commons Gives Premier As qulth $1,250,000,000 to Carry on Conflict. London, Sopt. 17. Tho credit of $1, 260,000,000 asked for by Promlor As quith to carry on tho war to the mid dle ot November was formally voted on Wednesday by the house of om mons. In making tho motion for tho war credit tho premier announced that from July 18 to Fcptcmbor 11 tho dally not expenditure for tho war had been J17.500.000. Tho now credit asked will bring tho total up to $0,310,000,000 since tho beginning of tho war. Tho war cost for tho next fow weoks will mount still higher, Asqulth said, approaching $25,000,000 a day. Tho $1,250,000,000 appropriation, ho declared, will last only until tho third week of November, Anthony Comstock Is III. New York, Sopt. 21. Anthony Cora stock Is seriously ill at bis homo nt Summit, N. J. Tho veteran vlco crusa der Is In so weakened condition that It is feared that his soventy-two years will mnko it dlfllcult for him to rally. Austrlans Defeat Italians. Amsterdam, Sopt. 21. After a tierce strugglo, Austrlans on the Carnlc and Italian Alps havo captured the Italian positions over a front nearly two and a halt miles long, according to dla- I oatcheB recolvod from Vienna. U 'ITTSBUROH OUPATCH. i . fcBB.- 7---' ENVOYS GET THREATS ALLIES' BANKERS GUARDED BY NEW YORK SLEUTHS. U. S. Won't Interfere as Long as Big Loan Is Used to Purchase Sup plies Many Protests. Now York, Sopt. 17. Alarmed by tho increased flood of threatening let ters that continued to pour in on tho Anglo-French flnanco commissioners at tho Hotel Biltmoro, tho hotel man agement doubled its forco of dotectlvo guards and advised tho commission ers not to aunounco their movements in advance Every member of tho commission is followed by two guards wherever ho go;s, and they go about separately to divldo tho danger of attack by anti allies fanatics. Moro than fifty threatening letters havo been received by tho commis sion. Their contents run tho scalo from nbuso to threats against the lives of tho commissioners. Washington, Sopt. 17. Protests ngainst tho Anglo-French credit loan being negotiated In this country wcro rocoived nt tho Whito House in tele grams from various parts of tho coun try. It was intimated that the adminis tration would not tako any action in tho matter. As long as tho loan Is in tended to pay for goods to bo exported from this country, it was pointed out that tho country's neutrality is not bo lng violated. ARABIC EVIDENCE TO BERLIN U. S. Sends Data to Germany Wilson Expects Modified Dis avowal. Washington, Sopt. 17. All of tho evldenco dealing with tho sinking of tho Arabic complied by tho United States has been forwarded to tho Dor lln foreign ofllco through stato de partment sources, at tho request of tho German ambassador. It will bo considered by iho Gorman admiralty in tho light of tho report inado by tho submarine commanuor Count vov Bernstorff Is understood to bellevo that when this evldenco, much of it tho sworn statements ot American citizens, is considered, that part of tho Arabic noto Justifying tbo action ot tho submarlno will be with drawn voluntarily and a modified disavowal, strong enough to satis fy Prosident Wilson, will bo sub stituted. ACCEPT BERLIN EXPLANATION Germany Telia U. 8. That Liner Hes perian Was Not Torpedoed by German Submarine. Washington, Sept. 18. Tho caso of tho Allan linor Hesperian, which was destroyed by an explosion about two woeks ago near Fastnot, has become practically a closed Incident at the stato department. Secretary Lansing received tho report of tho Gorman ad miralty In this case on Thursday, and tho department Is disposed to accept tho German explanation. Tho main point In tho admiralty roport Is that tho vessel could not havo boon de stroyed by a Gorman torpedo, for tho reason that tho reports from subma rines at tho tlnio ot tho accident show that none of thorn was In that locality. To Admit Canadian Cattle. London, Sopt. 20. Secrotary Acland ot tho government board of agricul ture announced on Friday that the Im portation of livo Canadian cattlo would be allowed It they aro slaugh tered at tho port ot landing. Dutch Purchaso Aeroplanes. Washington, Sept. 20. Tho treas ury department waB notified that the Dutch government has purchased 20 Curtlss typo neroplunes as tho result of a series of experiments held at Los Ancolos. BRITISH SEIZE MEAT FOUR CARGOES, WORTH MILLION8 OF DOLLARS, CONDEMNED. Products Owned by American Packers Are Declared Forfeited to the Crown by Tribunal. London, Sept. 18. Chicago packers woro defeated In tho British prizo court when that tribunal handod down a do-, cision on Thursday confiscating to tho crown largo Amorlcan cargoes taken from merchantmen. Tho prizo court hold that theso cargoos woro ultimate ly destined for Germany, to bo used by that country for hor army and navy. The firms whoso contentions woro ovorrulod by tho cout woro Armour & Co., Swift & Co., Nelson Morris & Co. and tho Schwartzschlld-Sulzborgor company. At the conclusion ot Its decision the court granted leavo to appeal, provid ed $25,000 socurlty was posted as se curity for tho costs of further pro ceedings. Tho Judgmont was delivered by Blr Samuel T, Evans, president of tho court It involves tho cargoes of tho Norwegian steamships Kim, Alfred Nobol, BJornstJerno-BJomson and Frld land. All tho goods on theso vessels, con sisting principally ot Amorlcan meat products, aro confiscated, with tho ex ception of a small portion which tho court released to claimants. Tho meat cargoes, shipped for tho most part by tho great Amorlcan pack ing companies and valuod by them at $15,000,000, woro found by tho presi dent to bo destined, except for some small items, not for consumption in Denmark, but for delivery in Germany. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES Worcester, Mass., Sopt, 17. Mre. Martha Flako, olghty-thrco yearB old, nnd Doris Erlcson, sovon months old, died horo from tho intenso heat, and Mrs. Cnrrlo Eager, thirty-live, of Provl donco, was prostrated while waiting for a train In Union station. Washington, Sopt. 17. President Wilson Is going "homo" to Princeton, N. J., September 22, to voto in tho Now Jersey primaries, it was an nounced at the White House. ' Ho will also go to Princeton October 19 to voto In tho election. Boston, Sept. 17. Tho official torn poraturo in this city at noon was 01. Schools In nearly all tho cities and largo towns wcro closed at noon. Moro seasonable conditions wero pre dicted for tomorrow. ; Bmwnsvlllo, Tox Sopt. 20. At least twenty-two Carranzlsta -soldiers are belloved to havo been killed on Friday by Amorlcan troops In two bat tles along tho Rio Granda Thero wcro no American casualties. Both battles wcro started by tho Cnrranzlstas, who llred on American troops. Ono took placo beforo Mata moros, tho Mcxlcun town across the Rio Grande, tlireo miles from hore, and tho other at Los Ebunos, fifty miles north and west ot Brownsville. As a result of tho attack by Car ranzlstas on American troops sorlouu International complications nro fenred. New Aviation Record. Washington, Sopt. 21. A now.Amor lean noroplano rocord for duration for pilot alono Is hold by Lieut. Walter U. Taliaferro ot the army, Ho mado n mark of 9 hours nnd 48 minutes sus tained flight nt San Diego. Burman Lowers Kccord. Providonce, II. I., Sopt. 21. Hob j arman In a Pougcot car twlco low ored tho world's record for ono rallo on a speedway hero by driving a mllo In 40 1-5 seconds, following with a mllo in 45 73-100 seconds. GREAT RAILWAY CENTER OF RUS SIA FALLS 8LAV3 FLEE FROM GERMANS. TERRIFIC BATTLE IS FOUGHT Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg Now Controls Route to Petrograd and Moscow Czar Loses Important Rail Lines Defenders Are Routed. Berlin, Sept. 21. Vilna, tho great railroad and industrial confer of north western ltussja, has fallen botoro the German drlvo, which has tnkon 15 great citlos nnd fortresses slnco tho capture ot Wnrsaw, capital of Poland. Tho gonl upon which tho eyes ot Geuoral von Illndonburg aud all Gor many has boon sot slnco Warsaw was entered, was enpturod Sunday by tho forcos of General von lSlchhorn, which havo boon lighting stubbornly eastward slnco tholr capturo ot Kovno throo wooks ago, Tho most dosporato Russian reoiBtanco encoun tered in tho ontlro Gorman offonslvo has boon crushed, and Germany now holds tho koy to tho vital railroad sys tem of Russia. Tho coveted lateral railway from Rovno in tho south to Riga in tho north, with linos oxtondlng from Vilna to Potrograd, Moscow, OdosBa and through tho very heart of Rub sla Ib now controlled by Gorman forces. Tho capturo of Vilna, a town of 170, 000 population, and ono of tho manu facturing contors ot Russia, is tho sev enteenth similar buccobs attalnod slnco tho German drlvo, which started on May 2 against Przomysl, has crossed Into Gorman soil noar Warsaw and tho Lublln-Cholm lino in southorn Poland. Tho actual capturo ot Vilna, though prodlctcd as immlnont Blnco tho tall ot Brost-Lltovsk sovoral wooks ago, appears to havo boon accomplished at last by a desporato rush ot Goneral von isiciinorns forcoB, aldod by a simultaneous offonBlvo by Gonorals von Scholz and von Gallwltz and Prlnco Leopold of Bavaria, conquoror of Warsaw. Tho official announcomont that tho Russians woro routed completely at tho fall of Urn city loads' to tho a?-, sumption that though tholr lossos in men killed nnd wounded woro groat, no body of troops was surrounded and captured. DUMBA PROTESTS HIS RECALL Austrian Ambassador In Letter Lansing Snys Action Is Unjust Sought to Aid Hla People. to Now York, Sopt 21. Doctor Dumba, Austro-Hungarian ambassador, has ad dressed to Secretary of Stato Lansing a lettor protesting tho roquost for his recall as unjust. Tho lettor is dovoted mainly to a do foiiBo of tho ambassador's plan to find other work for tho nationals of his government employed in American munition plants Excopt to say that ho takes excep tion to Mr. Lansing's chargo that ho confessed to having conspired to bring about strikes in Amorlcan munition works, tho ambassador makes uo rot oronco to tho intercaptod letter to tho Austro-Hungarian minister for foroign affairs, upon which tho roquost for hla recall waB based. DELAY ACTION ON MEXICO Mediators Agree Some Faction Must Be Recognized Aspirants Must Prove Capability. Now York, Sopt. 21. Tho Pan-Amor-lean conference on Mexican affairs an nounced at tho conclusion of its meet ing horo on Saturday that each of tho diplomatic representatives would roc ommond to tholr government that in their judgmont tho tlmo has now como to extend recognition to a government in Mexico. Tho faction to bo recognized was not decided on. Thoy decided that tho do facto gov ernment aspiring to recognition must possess "tho matorial and moral ca pacity necessary to protect tho lives (f nationals and foreigners." MRS. DRUMMOND IS DEAD Former Mrs. Marshall Field of Chi cago Dies In England Mother of Two Richest Boys In World. Chicago, Sopt. 21. Mrs. Maldwln Drummond, formorly Mrs. Murshall Field II, Is dead In England, Mrs. Drummond died on hor cstato, Cad- land, near Southampton, on Saturday. In addition to Marshall Fiold III Mrs. Drummond Is survived by two other children Henry and Gwendolyn. Tho two boys aro said to bo tho richest in 11)0. United StateB. Germany Will Annex Land. Geneva, Sopt. 21. Tho Lausanno Ga tetto says it has lcarnod tbnt tho (lor man government has decided to lssuo i declaration nnnoxlng to tho (lerman emplro tho occupied territories in franco and Belgium. French Lose at Bray. Berlin, Sopt. 21. French forceB But tered heuvy losses southeast or Uray, K widespread explosion behind tho French lines preceded tho opening of tho tight, which was successful to tho Germans. Fruity Sweetness the kind that Ken tucky sunshine puts in to the rich red Burley leaf makes every chew of Spear Head a luscious satisfaction You can't get that; rare sweet flavor in any chew except, Spear Head ,. PLUG TOBACCO The" making of SPEAR HEAD is conducted strictly according to pure -food methods in a great modern factory that's as spic-and-J span as a good housewife's kitchen. For a third of a'tentury SPEAR HEAD has been sweetening the lives of thousands of chewers. Let it sweeten yours. ME AMERICAN TOBACCO OO. The New Electric Itght System is now being installed and if you contemplate having your house wired for Elect ricity Cull or Phono CHAS. MILLIS, Blectrlolnn Dakota City, Nebr. Phone 11 60. MMMHHMHHHnaHHMHBlHanHHHHWHHn NEW IDEA HOG OILER .oner Wmm RarocwJl IHHMB M For KmBWIB t if SHIB so m UmHHBH I -VTIME -j . .. - tAw uj timr. ijota away wim bothersome dips and sprays. Disinfects pens and yards. Wards off dis ease. Beat and cheapest disease prcventaUve and profit-maker you can find. fOR SALE BY C. n. Londerg;an SJ22rl???? Licensed Etnbalmer Iady Assistant Ambulance Service Wm. F. DIcItaiAson. IftLd.rt&dkii3g Auto 471 I f'h 0OW I I nfJ 7 ipuraitc'euntpaiiy Or NtWHAVCN.COMMlCTICUT Mralr .BHi TV livHill H (Someffmes Catted Hag Rubbing Posfl , The Only Oiler made without valves, cylinders or wheels. Can't clog, stick, waste oil, leak or get out of order. Re quires no attention winter or summer ex- u.-pt lining, wuarameea 9 loars. Uses Crude or Rowe'a Medicated Oil. Simplest and most satisfac tory oiler on the market Costs 52 to 12 less than others. KILLS HOG L1GE! PREVENTS DISEASE Keeps Pens and Yards Continually Disinfected Applies the vermin destroying oil right on the itch; hcala tho 6in of mange," scurvy and i other skin diseases. Promotes a neauny BKin and a smooth glossy 415 Sixth Street Sioux City, lowu JOHN H. REAM, Agent Dukotu City, Nebraska.