DA ROT A COUNTY HERALD Motto: All The News When It Is News. VOL 24. DAKOTA CITY, NEB., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915. NO. 3. FORI AT DU8NQ FALLS WON'T ANYBODY BUY? ALLIES SEEK LOAN FULL EXCHANGE OF VIEWS TO BE HAD IN TROUBLE WITH GERMANY. TEUTONS CAPTURE STRONGHOLD RUSS VICTORY AT TARNOPOL. ANGLO-FRENCH BANKtiRS CON-f FER WITH AMERICAN FINAN- CIERS AT MORGAN HOME. TENSION LESSENING rt V 1 HOPE OF FRIENDLY OUTCOME Evidence Submitted to Bernstorff by Uncle Sam Regarded as Conclusive Proof that German Submarine Was Concealed from Arabic's Captain. tVcstttn Ncmp(Kr Unlaa News Hmlc. New York. Prospects for a favor able adjustment of the controversy between the United States and Ger many depend entirely upon the atti tude which the Berlin foreign office j will take toward the recommendations made by Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, following his conference with Secretary Lansing. Details of the conference have be come known, throwing light on the critical point that had been reachod fin the relations botween the two countries. Tho Washington govern ment was almost ready to sever dip lomatic relations, but decided to delay taking any step until Germany could he furnished the evidence In lta pos session on the Arabic case. Friendliness and candor are under stood to have characterized the con versation between Mr. Lansing and the ambassador. The latter now has been given an opportunity to commu nicate freely with hiB government, so that It may he clearly understood in Berlin why officials hero are con vinced that torpedoing of tho Arabic could not have been a mistake, justi fied or unjustified. In view of the evidence the United States wants a disavowal of tho act, nd this was made clear to Count von Bernstorff. Arbitration cannot be an issue for consideration until the atti tude of the German government to ward the act itself iB placed on rec ord. Later the American government may take under consideration a pro posal to arbitrate, not the principle, "but what Indemnity should be paid for lives lost. Tension was lessened and there tjwas much more hope in both stats 'department and German quarters of a friendly adjustment than Chero haa been for several days. Much empha ,'3fvwas placed on tho fact that for the first time since relations became strained informal discussions are pro ceeding at both Washington and Ber lin, and tho freest opportunity for an exchange of views confidentially and informally has been made possible. In fact, it was predicted in German quar ters that understandings might now ho reached In advance of the writing of formal notes. ; The evidence which has been sub mitted by tho United States Is re garded here as proving conclusively that, until she submerged to launch the torpedo against tho Arabic, the German submarine was concealed be hind the sinking British steamer Duns ley, and could not havo been seen by the captain of tho Arabic. PRO-GERMANS OBJECT. Anglo-French Scheme to Borrow from U. S. Opposed. New York. Tho pro-German ele ment of New York's financial world probably will bo invited to participate if they signify that they deslro such an Invitation In floating the billion dollar credit loan which Great Britain and Prance hope to establish In this country. The moneyed faction of this ele mont, Wall street heard, will ho glad Xf to have a chance to help; another faction, composed largely of mlddlo western bankers with pro-German sympathies, would bitterly oppose par ticipation in raising funds for tho use of Germany's enemies, even though tho money will all bo spent in tho United States. I This was tho big feature in tho first day's negotiations of tho Anglo-French financial commission with Wall street bankers, who are endeavoring to as sist In adjusting the foreign exchange situation. Hot Day In East. Chicago. September 14 was th'e hottest day in Chicago this year. On the third consecutivo warm day, tho temperature registered 90 degrees at 2 i). m. Several public bathing heaches which had been closed for tho season ere ordered reopened. Threo deaths and a number of prostrations were reported from tho heat in Phila delphia. Since the beginning of the hot wave a total of eight deaths havo been reported as duo to tho hoat. Two deaths and a large number ot prostra tions, resulted from tho excessive heat in New York. It was tho hottest Sep tember 14 on record. German Drive Going On. h London. Tho German drive toward Dvlnsk goes forward unchecked, ac cording to tho Berlin official state- ent, and Field Marshal von linden- 4vrgs army iuib taken 5,000 prisoners r.iid forged ahead to within about thirty miles of the Dvlnsk fortress. Gen. Ripley Dead. Rutland, Vt. Brig. Oen. Kdward H. Ripley, who led the first federal bri gade Into Richmond after tho surren der ot Gen. Lee's army, died Septem ber 14 after a long Illness. 8,000 PRISONERS ARE TAKEN Petrograd Statement Saya That Largo Amount of War Booty Was Also Captured Czar Expresses Thanks When Told of Victory. Vienna, Sopt. 11. Continuing tholr terrific attacks to cut tho railroads from Lemherg to Kiev, tho Austrlans havo crowned ono phase of tholr gon eral action with success, capturing tho great Russian stronghold of Dubno. In tho capture of this fortress tho Toutons havo obtained command of tho railroad lines from Lomborg through Dubno to Rovno and thonco to Kiov and Odessa. Dubno Is ono of tho trlanglo ot fortresses protect ing the approach of Klov and is tho second to fall, Lutsk having been cap tured several days ago. This leaves only the third fortress, Rovno, In the way of rapid advance toward Klov and tho outflanking of tho groat Russ army, which has fallen back from Brest-Litovsk. Tho Austrian Iandwehr and cavalry entered Dubno on Wcdnosday. Thoy nro already advancing to tho north east, and if they take Rovno, only about forty-fivo miles away, it is bo Hoved that they can drive rapidly northward to tho aid of Mackonsen'B army, which is advancing toward Plnsk on tho road to Moscow. Military authorities hero attach great importance to tho capturo of Dubno and assert it may mean tho cut ting oft of large Russian forces in tho marsh district far to tho north of the fortress trlanglo and southeast of Brest-Lltovsk. Petrograd, Sopt. 11. A Russian vic tory In eastern Gallcla resulting in tho capturo of 8,000 Gorman troops and 30 guns is announced on Thursday in an official statement issued by tho war offlco hero. Enormous losses were also Buffered by tho enemy In killed and wounded, tho official state ment says. It characterizes tho rosult of the conflict as a "complete German defeat." Tho emporor, having received a re port o$ tho dofeat inflicted upon the enemy, sent an ordert'o express to his valorous troops his Joy and thankful nesB for their success and tho heavy losses Inflicted on tho enemy. An official communication from Pe trograd claims another big Russian success In eastern Gallcla. Following tholr roported victory at Tarnopol, It Is stated that southwest of Trombowla during tho 7th and 8th tho Russians took as prisoners 150 offlcors and 7, 000 men and that tho Toutons re treated hastily toward tho Rlvor Stry pa. Russian captures slnco Septem ber 3, Soreth front, total 383 offlcors, over 17,000 men and a great quantity of guns. FLASHES OFF THE WIRE 3COOOOC Copenhagen, Sopt, 9. A dispatch from Berlin attributes tho slackening 'of tho Gorman advance In Russia to 'sovero floods which aro hlndorlng op erations on the cntlro eastern front. Evansvlllo, Ind., Sept. 9. Thomas Bhorwood of Lexington, Ky., chargod with passing forged checks hero and said to be wanted In Detroit and othor cities, was sentenced to tho stato pris on for ono to five years. New York, Sept. 10. Gustav Stahl, tho German reservist, who pleaded guilty to perjury in making state ments that tho liner Lusltania was armed, was sentenced by Fedoral Judge Hough to ono year and six months In the Atlanta penitentiary, Clevoland, O., Sopt. 10. Clovoland and Canton (O.) capitalists havo closed a contract for $80,000,000 to supply Russia with 3,000,000 rifles. FOUL GIVES TITLE TO ERTLE Kid Williams Loses Bantam-Weight Championship In Rough St. Paul Battle. St Paul, Minn., Sept. 13. Johnny Ertle won tho bantam-weight cham pionship from Kid Williams on Friday night on a foul by Williams in tho fifth round. It had heen a rough fight, even, up to that time, when Williams fouled the St. Paul boy. This Is said to be tho first tlmo when a champion Bhlp ever changed hands In a ten round no-decision fight. Williams was tho favorite for the fight. Reforeo Bar tlus decision was popular. Williams' blow that lOBt him tho championship was low, striking Ertlo In tho groin. Doctors examined Ertlo and declared that tho blow was foul. Prince Humbert at Front. Rome, Sept. 13. Crown Prlnco Humbert, heir to tho Italian throne, arrived at army headquarters and was given an enthusiastic reception. Tho young prlnco will bo eloven years old o Wednesday. General B. F. Fisher Dies. Philadelphia, Pa., Sopt. 13. Gen. Benjamin Franklin Fisher, who was chief signal officer of tho United States army in tho Civil war, died on his farm. Ho was eighty-one yoan old. VVUiftV INDIANAPOLIS STAR. ANOTHER AIRSHIP RAID 8CORE KILLED IN LONDON BY BOMBS. Eighty-Six Persons Also Wounded Missiles Cause Many Fires and Considerable Damage Done. London, Sept. 10. Tho latest Zep pelin raid on London waB tho most de structive In history. It was officially announced 20 persons woro killed and 86 injured. Tho German naval airships invaded tho heart of tho largest city in tho world at midnight and rained explosive and incendiary bombs that started many fires in tho district whoroln aro situated London's most famous rhulldlnijs. Firemen wero called out to combat tho flames whllo tho Zeppelins woro still hurling bombs, and did their work with incendiary missiles falling all around them. It Is believed con siderable damage was done beforo tho flames woro extinguished. Tho number of casualties in Wednesday night's aorlal attack makes a total of 33 persons killed and 129 injured in tho raids of two suc cessive nights. Tho most alarming foaturo of this latest visit of the Zeppollns, however, was that thoy Invaded tho hoart of tho city tho western part wherein aro located such landmarks as St. James palaco, Westminster abbey, tho parliament buildings, tho Charing Cross railroad station, tho fashlonablo residential districts and, on tho edgo, tho great factories and warehouses. CZAR HEADS RUSS ARMIES Notifies President Polncare of France of the Change Kept Secret In Petrograd. Paris, Sopt. 9. Emperor Nicholas has taken over the command of tho Russian armies. Whether this will ro suit In tho comploto elimination of Grand Duko Nicholas is not yot known. Apparently tho czar's action has boon kept a closo secret in Petro grad bocauso tho first Intimation of this action would como In a personal dispatch from tho Russian ruler to Presldont Polncaro. Tho messago from tho czar to tho presldont follows: "In placing mysolf at tho head of my valiant army, I tako particular pleasure in addressing you, monsieur president, most sincere wishes for tho grandour of Franco and tho victory of its glorious army." TRAIN HITS AUTO; FOUR DEAD Members of San Francisco Theatrical Company Victims of Accident at Johnston City, III. Johnston City, III., Sept. S. Four persons wore killed and two others fatally injured when passenger train No. 120 of tho Chicago & Eastern Illi nois railroad hit an automobllo hero. ;Tho dead: A. Drownall, Tom McDon tald, Harry F. Dixon, A. Brown, nil of San Francisco. Tho fatally Injured: A. Brown, Jr., San Francisco; Oscar '.Moonoyham, W3st Frankfort, 111. . All excopt Moonoyham woro mem bers of a San Francisco theatrical troupe whom Moonoyham was driving to Johnston City, whero they expected to give a performance. Court-Martial for Colonel. Washington, Sopt. 13. President Wilson ordered a court-martial to con vene at San Francisco October 1 to hear charges against Llout.-Col. Lewis E. Goodler, Jurtgo-advocato In tho west ern department of tho army. Wood Alcohol Kills Three. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 13. Mr. and Mrs P. A, Glover of West End aro dead, and S. N. Boyd is seriously 111 at his homo as a result of drinking wood alcohol, under the Impression j that It was grain alcohol. i I Lit Ijllll I MAY PACIFY MEXICO SECRETARY LANSING CALLS PAN. AMERICAN CONVENTION. Expected That Meeting Will Be Final, and Plans Formulated for De cisive Action. Washington, Sept. 9. Secretary Lansing announced on Tuosday that tho A, B, C Mexican peace mediators aro to meot with him within a few days to consldor tho next moves by the American governments In tho Mex ican situation. It is expected this meeting will be the final one, and plana will bo for mulated then for decisive action. Whllo It Is not believed that tho mediators will detormluo on armed In tervention, it is expected that tho plan will bo given consideration in view of tho border raids. Irritation is increasing along the bordor, according to dispatches. Gcri oral Funston and othor military com manders on tho bordor aro uneasy whllo their troops stand facing across tho international lino tho armed forces ot Carranza. Tho dangers ot an outbreak Increase with tho hours. CROP BREAKS U. S. RECORDS Total of 5,641,000,000 Bushels of Grain Is Forecast as Yield of American Farms for 1915. Washington, Sept. 10. All records for grain production In tho United States havo been excelled. Tho government September crop ro port, issued on "Wednesday, estimated tho yield of wheat, corn, oats, ryo and barley at 5,041,000,000 bushols, an In crease of 94,000,000 bushels ovor tho final returns last year. Tho threo lead ing grains wheat, corn and oats will reach C.374,000,000 bushelB, ac cording to tho fedoral report. Tho de partment of agriculture sticks to tho 1,000,000,000-bushol wheat crop theory, and its latest estimate of 981,000,000 bushels is within 19,000,000 bushols of that mark. Well Informed grain traders and growers bollevo that tho whoat crop will exceed 1,000,000,000 bushols. Thoso figures Indicate 110, 000,000 bushols ln-oxcoss of last year's harvest. GERMANS WIN IN ARG0NNE Berlin Claims Gain of Quarter Mile Along Mlle-and-Quarter Front 1,000 Captured. London, Sept. 11. What appears to bo tho final desperato effort of tho German crown prlnco to smash tho French line in tho Argonno has come to a sudden halt. After penetrating the allies' front, according to Berlin reports, to tho depth of about a quarter ot n inllo on a front of a mile and a quarter, capturing moro than 1,100 prisoners, thirty-eight of whom wero officers, tho GermanB ceased tholr attacks as sud denly as they woro begun. Tho Ger man report details captures of forty olght machine guns and moro than sixty mlno throwers, Paris asserts that tho French lines wero maintained except to tho cast of Layon-do-IJlnar-villa, whero tho Germans captured part of a trench. Worker Killed In Powder Blast. Pnorla, III, Sopt. 11. William Moon, on employee, was killed and ono of tho mills of tho Western Powdor com pan's plant, near horo, was wrecked by an explosion. Officials could not j explain tho explosion. U. S, Cruiser Makes 28,000 Miles. Philadelphia, Sopt. 11. Tho cruiser Tennessee is at tho Philadelphia uavy yord from Haiti, completing what Is bolloved to bo a record for ships of her class of 28,000 miles covered with 'u 13 months MAY ASK FOR $500,000,000 Commission Begins Series of Negotia tions In New York Looking Towards tho Establishment of Huge Foreign Credit. Now York, Sopt. 13.-r-Tho Joint Anglo-French financial commission ot bIs mombors deputed by Groat Britain and Franco to r.djust tho foreign ox chango situation 'hero, reachod Now York on Friday aboard tho steamship Lapland from Liverpool. Thoy woro mot at Quarantlno by J. P. Morgan and II. P. Davison ot tho Morgan firm, who escorted them to their head quarters horo. Tho commission mot a numbor ot Now York bankora In tho library ot Mr. Morgan's homo and entered upon tho first of a sorlcs of negotiations looking toward tho establishment ot a big foreign credit loan, popularly bolloved to bo In tho neighborhood ot 1500,000,000. Prominent Now York financiers, in cluding tho presidents of somo of tho city's strongest banks, woro present, Informally representing tho American syndlcato of moneyed Interests which probably will attoiupt to undorwrlto tho loan; on tho other hand, repre senting tho British empire, France and perhaps Russia, woro tho six members of tho Anglo-French commis sion appolntod to doal with tho situ ation horo ou bohalf ot tholr govern ments. Tho British delegates aro Rt. Hon. Lord Reading ot Erlclght, G. C. D K. O. V. O. (tho lord chlot Justlco ot England) ; Sir Edward Holdon, Bart; Sir Henry Bablngton Smith, K. C. B., C. S. I., and Basil P. Blackott, O. B., of tho British troasury. Tho French) dologates nro M. Octavo Homborgy roprosontlng tho Fronch troasury, and M. Ernest Mallot, director ot the Banquo do Franco. CARRANZA REFUSES APPEAC "First Chief" 8purns Offer of Media tion In Reply to Pan-American Offer. Vera Cruz, Sopt. 13. Gon. Vonustl-, ano Carranza's roply to the appeal of tho United States and tho Latln-Amorl-1 can countries for a conforonco bo-1 twoon tho loaders of tho -various Moxt-1 can factions having In vlow nn adjust ment ot Moxlco's lntomccino strug-' glo, is a polite but unoqulvocal "no." In a noto issuod by Foreign Min-j Ister Acuna General Carranza has told tho diplomats that ho can permit ot no intorforonco whatovor by foreign) governments. Ho oxplalns that ho Is W control now ot all Moxico oxcopt tho stato of Chihuahua and Morolos and eJ part of tho stato of Sonora. Tho slgnors of tho noto to Carranza aro invited to como thorasolvoB, or to, sond representatives to somo safo point along tho Rio Grando for a con ference at which tho affairs of Moxico' may bo discussed "sololy from an in ternational point of vlow" and with tho idea that Carranza's government bo recognized as tho do facto govern ment In Moxico. Stress Is laid on tho assertion that' soon tho ontlro country will bo at poaco. Tho roply Innlsts that tho first, chlof Ib actuated by tho highest mo, tlvcs In declining to particlpato in the conforonco. SCHWAB HOME THREATENED Letters Threatening to Blow Up Sum mer Mansion Are Received by the Steel Magnate. Johnstown, Pa., Sopt. 10. Charles M. Schwab has rocolved threo lottors, tho last ono rocontly, threatening to blow up his beautiful summor homo "Iramergrun," near Lorotto, If ho did not Btop shipping stool and othor war matorlal to Europo for tho uso of tho' allies, according to information horo Mrs. Schwab and tho sorvants loft hurriedly and tho big mountain man sion Is closed right in tho holght of tho early autumn social season. "IraJ morgrun" Is ono of tho most beautiful country places In tho Allegheny moun tains. ALLEGED SPY MUST GO BACK; I. T. T. Lincoln, Pormer M. P., to Bo Returned to England Under Brook lyn Court Order. New York, Sept 13. Ignatius T. Tj Lincoln, a formor member of the Brit-' Ish parliament, who recently admitted ho had been a Gorman spy, was or dored by Fedoral Judgo Vcodor of; Brooklyn to bo extradited to England! to stand trial on a charge ot forgory. Swiss Arrest Germans. Lausanne, Switzerland, Sopt. 18. A, dispatch from Gonova says that tho Swiss authorities havo uncovered an extonslvo German osplonago systom In Switzerland and that moro than eighty Germans havo boon arrested. Health Body Electa Officers. Rochostor, N. Y., Sopt. 13. Tho fol lowing offlcors were elcctod by tho American Public nealth association horo: President, Dr. John F. Andor- son, Washington, D. C, and treasurer Dr. Leo M. Frankol, Now York. pear Head PLUG TOBACCO tBsV&kTNBVra- ntr n7 ft7lT'5?JJy3WW. gSjBi miiBBr THR AMERI0AN TOBACCO CO. The New Electric Ltght 'System is now being installed and if you contemplate Having your house yired for Elect ricity Oall or Phono CHAS. MILLIS, Electrician Dakota City, Nebr. Phone 11 1,60. ROWE'S Mtfft. All m NEW IDEA HUG OILER HLI1B One WPvl: Oiler IrfflSi For wm I lEiMiBBBaBV 60 liifflpi Hogs m llSHraHBBH UlL THE i QjkMW-tSJfa i,'t' -mi . .. r ., . "jii oi nuir. jjoes away witn bothersome dips and sprays. Disinfects pens nnd yards. Wards off dls. ease. Best and cheapest disease preventative nnd profit-maker you can find. FOR SAIE BV C. n. Londer&'an Waterbury v a. a ivwu it. Nebraska. R. D x. Licensed Embalmcr Lady Assistant Ambulance Service Wm. F Dickinson Ball 71 . JVuto 47I I 9 I J fff y psuran.ee (bmpafty Of HtWllAVtH.COHHlCnCVJT Rich and Pure The delicious fruity flavor of a chew of SPEAR HEAD is a reve lation to the man who has been chewing near good tobaccos. Only the richest, ripest of red Burley leal can produce that unique Spear Head flavor., is made of the highest quality leaf that grows, and it's made under just as rigid, cleanly and sanitary conditions as prevail in any pure-food factory. Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, mire chew. bucn a chew cannot be obtained in any other tobacco thaa ,,, . ... SPEAR HEAD. Sometimes Called Hog Rubbing PobQ The Only Oiler made without valves, cylinders or wheels. Can't clog, stick, waste oil, leak or get out of order. Re quires no attention winter or summer ex cept lining, uuarcniccd a Tears. Uses Crude or Rowc's Medicated Oil. Simplest and most satisfac tory oiler on tho market. Costa $2 to $12 leas; than others. PREVENTS DISEASE- Keens Pent and Yards Continually Disinfected Applies the vermin destroying oil right on tho Itch; heals the skin of mange, scurvy and other skin diseases. Promotes a Ileal thv skin nnd n smnnth crlnonv ... -t i.; ."w .r 415 Sixth Street Sioux City, Iowa I I JOHN H. REAM, Agent Dakota City, Nebraska.