Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 19, 1915, Image 8

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1 i
Destruction of Transport Royal Ed
ward by German Torpedo Consid
ered a Serious Blow at Present
Time Russians Continue Retreat.
?VS V If H 1 1 Mara
(Vntrrn N'fwiprf t'nlon Nwi 8wlf
London. Tho sinking In the Aegean
sen by a German submnrlne of tho
British transport Royal Edward with
heavy loss of life probably 1,000
lias shattered the proud tradition of
the British navy of having transported
hundreds of thousands of men across
the sea without tho destruction of ono
troop-laden ship.
On two previous occasions trans
ports have been attacked. Tho Way
farer was torpedoed by a submarine
In the Irish sea, but the vessel waB not
sunk and only live lives were loat. Tho
Manltou was attacked by a Turkish
torpedo boat In tho Aegean sea, and,
although tho ship was not damaged,
fifty-four lives wero lost through tho
breaking of a davit as a boat was be
ing lowered.
The loss of tho Royal Edward Is a
serious ono at this moment, The mon
it carried wero not part of a new ex
pedition, but wero reinforcements for
tho Twenty-ninth division, which has
been on tho Galllpoll peninsula slnco
tho first landing and which received
such high pralso from Gen. Ian Ham'
llton In his report of tho initial and
subsequent operations.
Tho Ilpynl Edward'B destruction Is
not likely to delay operations recently
undertaken, for, with tho Russian re
tiroment in tho oast and tho continu
ance of tho Balkan negotiations, the
necosslty for achieving something defi
nite in tho assault upon the Darda
nelles is growing greater.
Tho retreat of tho Russians from
Poland continues, and it is believed
thoy probably will havo to fall back
farther than tho Ilrcst-Lltovsk line, as
Berlin reports today that Gen. Lits
mann has stormed and taken the forts
on tho southwest front of Kovno, cap
turlng 4,500 prisoners and 240 guns.
'" wwrf. J
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B wr'w-VTVv?rnrgi im MM
&zw&?j?rjZ$ FjRz&Di&ai at jyz,jtfpaz?rjV&tv& rz
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Lynching Takes Place Almost In Sight
of Phagan Home.
Marietta, Ga. Leo M. Frank, con
victed of tho murder of Mary Phagan,
was taken from tho stato prison farm
at Milledgevlllo Monday night by n
small band of determined men, was
brought to within a fow miles of the
Phagan homo in this city at daylight
Tuesday and hanged to a treo near the
Marlotta-MUlodgevlllo highway. The
body, barefooted and clad only In pris
on trousers and shirt, was found at
8:30 o'clock. It is beliovod ho was
lynched about daylight. Frank's body
dangled from tho troo for sovoral
hours, whllo a throng from the sur
rounding countrysldo gatherod about
tho sceno. By a vote of tho crowd
tho body was cut down without mutila
tion and taken by automobile to At
lanta, where another throng congre
gated to vlow it.
The gang which took Frank from the
prison dormitory apparently worked
quietly nnd rapidly after thoy began
tholr 100-mllo automobile rldo from
Milledgevlllo. Tho scene of tho lynch
ing was within a fow hundred yards ol
two farmhouses, occupants of which
said thoy noticed nothing unusual dur
ing tho early morning hours, Ono man
who lived half a mile farther away
"said he saw four automobiles passing
his house, but thoy did not Attract un
usual attontlon.
There Beomod to bo ovory Indication
that tho hanging had boon carefully
planned. Tho oaso with which Frank
was removed from tho stato prison
farm, difficulties left In tho way of
pursuers, nnd tho,suddon disappear
ance of tho band after tho lynching, al'
pointed to thorough preparation.
-Coast Gale Serious.
Templo, Tox. Two or throe lives
have been lost in Houston as tho re
sult of tho coast galo, and tho dumngo
Is estimated nt ?5.0QO,000 thoro. Mea
ger wireless messages tell o( serious
damage in districts fronting tho sea.
Boats took people from buildings on
main streets to tho United States
transport Buford. Many towns In
southwest Texas wero hit hard, furi
ous wind reaching 200 miles north to
Waco. Tho greatest damage In Gal
veston, judging from tho meagor wire
less messages and the tales of such
refugees as left boforo tho full fury
of the hurricane wan folt on tho island,
occurred In the districts fronting the
sea. AU buildings on tho water front
wero ruined, this clrcumstanco being
almost a repotltlbn of tho city's ex
perience In previous storms. It will
bo weeks, probably, boforo the full
extent of the property damage can be
given accurately.
Washington, D. C. Gen. Carrama
will reply to tho Pan-American appeal
to Mexico, It was learned here. He
will reject tho pence conferonco pro
posals urged by Secretary Lansing and
Latin-American diplomats and, It Is re
ported, will suggest that tho conferees
use their Influence to obtain recogni
tion for b,l government from tholr
respective republics.
Bainbridge, Ga. John RlgginB, a no
gro 63 years old, was lynched hero lato
Tuesday by a posse. Ho was accused
of assaulting a woman, who idontlllod
AUGHT in Hampton Roads, forced to
submit to internment at Norfolk, re
quired to live aboard their ships,
tho ofllcors nnd mon of tho Gorman
converted cruisers Prlnz E'tel Fried
rich and Kronprlnz Wllholm havo
transformed tholr vessels Into com
fortablo homes. On tho ships more
than C00mon aro living contentedly.
4 Tholr contcntmont Is a trihuto to tho
olllcicncy of Gorman methods nnd to tho gene
rosity with which thoy aro treated by tho United
States navy dopartmont and naval ofllcors. As
few restrictions as posslblo havo boon placed
upon tho Interned crows, and reasonable requests
havo boen promptly granted.
From tho momont tho visitor stops upon tho
gangway of tho Prlnz Eltcl Frledrlch, which also
loads to tho Kronprlnz Wllholm, ho sees evi
dences of preparations for a long stay and com
fortablo living. Tho crulsors, formorly trans
atlantic liners, with commodious cabins and ex
pansive docks, havo boon cleared of all ovldonco
which usually marks tho warship. Awnings havo
boon stretched to protect from tho rain or sun.
Everything not needed by a ship out of commis
sion is out of sight.
About two hundred mon nro dally grantod
Bhoro loavo. In tho caso of tho enlisted mon and
noncommissioned ofllcors tho leaves of absonco
can bo grantod by tho commanding ofllcor of
olthor cruiser. Thoso loavos novcr excood 12
hours. Tho majority aro for six. In tho caso of
tho ofllcors nil loavos of absence must rocolvo
tho sanction of tho yard commandant or officer
of tho day United 8tatos naval officials, In other
All loaves specify that tho mon thus quitting
tho ships must not loavo tho Jurisdiction of tho
Norfolk yard. This Includes tho porta of Nor
folk, Portsmouth, Nowport Nows and Hampton,
oa well as Old Point Comfort nnd tho seaside re
sorts. Whoro leaves nro doslrod to go hoyond
this yard Jurisdiction, special permission, with
tho approval of tho yard commandant, must bo
Bocurod from tho navy dopartmont. Theso must
flpocify tho places to bo visltod, tho object of tho
visit, and tho duration of absonco. As yot thoy
havo boon grantod only to ofllcors.
It Is no uncommon sight to boo Gorman sailors
on tho streets of Norfolk. Thoy nro also often
at tho Beaaldo rosorts. Thoy havo received tho
nlcknamo of "Sissy," bocauso of tho pocullar caps
thoy wear, with ribbon stroauiors falling almost
to tholr shouldora. Tho pocullar baggy manner
In which tho blouse is worn, with tho protruding
largo whlto collar, a rollc of plnaforo days, and
tho numerous rows of brass buttons adorning tho
uniform, mako them easily rocognlzablo. Thoy
nro usually found In groups of from three to six
soldom In larger numbora. Thoy aro romarknbly
ordorly, nnd although froquont patrons at tho
bars nnd tho boor and music gardens, aro novor
flnnn Intoxicated. It is tho local bollof that this
is duo to practlco making porfoct that they
nro well trained for "carrying a load."
When on shoro leavo tho principal umusomonts
of tho Gorman sailor nro sight-seeing, social
drinking, and, as n negro would say, "orating"
with Gorman-Amoricans, of whom thoro aro a
considerable number In Norfolk. In tho beau
tiful residential soctlons of tho city thoy aro
repeatedly observed on Blght-sooing trips. Thoy
Invariably walk, and show llvoly interest In tho
buildings and water front.
In tho ovonlng tho Gorman sailors aro to bo
found at tho rothskollors of tho various hotols
or tho boor saloons. Somo of them are always
mere, enjoying thomsolvos In a quiet manner.
Usually they nro nccompnnlod by Germans In
civilian clothes who know tho town.
Tho woll-known Gorman neatness characterizes
thoso sailors, whothor aboard ship or on shoro
loavo. Thoy pride thomsolvos on personal clean
HnoBB, neatness of appearance, and military
bearing. They are seemingly always on droBS
parado and yot It Is not ostontatlousnosa. The
majority nro clean shavon, and appear to hare
just Jumped from tho barber's chnlr. A numbor
wear tho kaiser mustacho; somo havo a patch of
hair, a "bunny'a tall," on their chins.
Somo of tho men ashore make their headquar
ters at places of buslnosa kept by local Germans.
Ono tho most popular bocauso convenient In
coming and going to tho Interned crulsors Is a
Jeweler's shop, AmorlcnnB are wolcomod by tho
sailors and treatod cordially. Thoy talk fresly of
their llfo on shipboard, and of their hopes of
Gorman victory. Howovor, undor instructions
One Trooper Slain.
Brownsville, Tox. About 100 Mexl
cans under cover of darkness Monday
night forded the iUo Qrando near Mor
codes, about thirty miles up tho river
from here, and partly surrounded
twenty-ono men or the Twolfth United
Slates cavalry. They killed ono troop
er and wounded two.
London. A dispatch to the Dally
News from Athens says; "French and
British aeroplanes havo flown over
Constantinople. They threw bombs on
Oalata, causing bwvjr casualtleV
from tholr commanding ofllcors, thoy Immediate
ly becomo silent In the presence of newspaper
mon. Thoy havo been well drilled In this re
spect. Two kinds of currency nro used by the Gor
man sailors. On shipboard Gorman coins aro
used exclusively. Mon granted shoro leavo uso
American money. On each ship there Is an
ofllcor whoso duty it Is to oxchango American
for Gorman nnd Gorman for Amorlcan coin, as
doslrod. Tho sallora havo been Instructed not
to attempt to apend tho Gorman coin on shoro.
Visitors to tho ships, desiring to purchaso any
thing, must pay for It in German coin. Tho
American money Is promptly oxchanged for tho
Gorman by tho oxchnngo ofllcor. Thousands of
pooplo In tho Norfolk region now havo Gorman
coin luck plecos for tho pockot. Many persons
visit tho ships for tho purpose of securing a
Gorman coin for this uso.
Each of tho Interned ships is equipped with a
commissary dopartmont. Practically ovorythlng
wanted by a sailor Is for salo. Tho Germans aro
urged to buy on tho ships, as thoy secure what
la wanted at only a fraction above cost. Out
siders with Gorman monoy can purchaso any
thing desired, except uniforms and equipment.
Portions of tho ships havo boon sot asldo for
boor drinking and smoking. Tho quarters aro
commodious. Hero German sallora and tholr
frlondp can bo found, smoking, sipping tholr beor,
eating light lunches, and gossiping volubly In
Gorman nnd broken English.
At first theso ship boor gardens wore open to
all. But a local clergyman and an ex-chaplain of
tho navy, with several friends, ono Sunday wont
aboard ono of tho ships, enjoyed tho hospitality
of tho Germans, and drank beor. Thon tho
clorgyman fired a bombshell at his congregation.
It was tho story of how tho law was being vio
lated each Sunday on tho Gorman cruisers by
tho salo of Intoxicants. It was tho sonsatlon of
a day, but local pollco officials found themselves
helpless, Inasmuch as tho alleged violations wore
committed on a federal reservation and on a
foreign warship. Tho navy department ruled
that It had no Jurisdiction, further than a roquost
to tho Gorman commanders not to pormlt tho
lndlscrimluato salo of Intoxicants on Sunday,
Such a request waa made, and as a result tho
salo of boor and othor drinks to Amoricans was
discontinued. '
But this dooa not mean that a visitor on tho
ship cannot got something to drink and pay for
it himself. Tho way to obtain a stoln of boor
whon on on6 of tho Gorman crulsors Is to treat
a Gorman sailor by getting him to "treat" you.
Thoy aro always ready to accommodate you, al
though treating Is not a German politeness, as
It Is In America. All ono has to do Is to furnish
American monoy. Tho sailor will oxchango It
for German coin. Ho also ordors tho drinks.
Sailors act as waltorB. But thoro is no effort
to ontlco you to buy. Tho cost of a Btoln of beer
is about two and one-half contB. Tho light
lunchos sorved aro also roasonablo In price. Ono
gives his order nnd It la flllod with remarkable
On shipboard, whllo tho rules havo been re
laxed sufficiently to relieve monotony, thoro Is
no lack ot discipline. Tho men are divided Into
watches, nnd during their service hours nro om
ployed nt tho occupations necosBary to make llfo
comfortablo aboard ship.
Card playing Is allowod, roadlng rooma aro
provided, and on dock games, such as quoit throw
ing, tako place. Llko American sailors tho Ger
mans havo their ship mascots monkoys, parrots,
dogs, cats.
Excopt when on duty the officers ot tho cruis
ers are rarely soen. Thoy havo their quarters
separato from tho men, koop to thorn, and sol
dom tnko part In tho pastime Yot there Is a
marked want of aloofnos from tho men, when
they aro thrown together. Thoso Informed do
claro that tho officers aro close studentB and
Bpond much time reading. Nearly all apoak Eng
llsh fluently and read It readily. In conversa
tion thoy are reticent and noncommittal.
Rumors havo boon ropoatedly circulated in
Norfolk that tho Gorman officers have boon spy
ing and gathering Information for tho Gorman
military machine. It is oven whispored that they
havo dotatlod Information as to navy yards, forts,
warships and harbors. Navy officers of tho yard
who have kopt those mon constantly undor watch
laugh at such charges.
Besides tholr activities on shipboard aomo of
wo uermans giro time to farming The com-
Thc Famous Sturges Bros. Harness
Ilf they Don't Have Them, write or call on
Sturges Bros., 411 Pearl St., Sioux City, la. J
Fields & Slaughter Co.
Graixv, Feedf Flour, Hay and Coal
Fred J. Parker, Manager
Phono Ns. 4 Dakota City, Nebr.
Iff, ' -', s-.?' 1
mandor of tho navy yard recolved a request from
tho commandor of tho Prlnz Eitel Frledrlch that
tho men bo allowed to cultivate n small strip ot
land near tho interned Bhlps. It is a part of a
tract acquired sovoral years ago by tho navy de
partment for tho enlargement of tho navy yard,
and on which a new mammoth drydock is to bo
built. Tho request was granted.
A couplo of acres or more wore turnod over to
tho Germans. Among tho crow are farmers, who
understand Intensified farming. Tho soil of tho
tract Is of tho richest varloty. Using spades In
stead of plows and Industriously wloldlng hoes,
theso mon quickly4 worked a transformation. Cab
bage, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, beets and
turnips wero planted. In another thirty days it
is declared that tho crop of vegetables will bo
sufficient to provldo for nil of tho wants of tho
Germans for the rest of tho summor and far into
next fall.
When tho Kronprlnz Wllholm intornod thoro
was an epidemic of berl berl to chock. More
than seventy mon had tho disease. Today tho
epidemic Is practically over.
Early after tho internment, according to re
ports recolved from tho navy yard, and upon tho
request of tho commandant of tho yard, tho sail
ors of both cruisers wero Hnod up by tholr ofll
cors and given Instructions that In conversa
tion off tho ship strict neutrality must bo ob
served. Thoy wore urged not to talk of German
aspirations, ot German successes, and abovo all
warned to avoid bragging. Thoy wero warned
that such conduct would probably lead to diffi
culties with thoso who favor tho allies, and would
moan punlshmont and withdrawal of shore lib
erty. Thoso Instructions have boon rigidly ad
hered to by tho German sailors.
Nick Kirsch, Prop.
Newly furnished and refitted
throughout. The very best of J
accommodations offered (o the
traveling public and Commer
cial Men. Board by the day
or week. You are Welcome.
W pLlcgd Thompson BarnQldfiQldw
Lloyd-George Is Aiding In Care of English
Unfortunates. -
A schomo for tho training in remunerative work
of unmarriod mothers was Inaugurated recently
ot a meeting of Evangelical church women in
tho Welsh chapel, Charing Cross road.
A houso has been taken in a small country
town, at tho foot of tho Wiltshire downs, whoro
14 young women will shortly bo recolved. It is
lntonded that each girl shall learn domestic
crafts, gardening, or poultry rearing. Tho in
struction will bo given in tho course of tho ordi
nary work of tho house, commencing boforo and
continuing after tho child Is born.
Doctor Salooby said that It was a sign of
progress that in a Calvlnlstlc chapel people
should consldor tho claims of tho unmarried
mother, and ho characterized tho work that wnu
about to bo undortakon not only as religious, but
ns hygienic In tho highest senso of tho word.
"In so far ns you savo a single young mother
from tho llfo of tho streets," ho said, "you are
protecting tho future generation from lndescrlblo
Mrs. Lloyd-George, who la deeply Interested
in tho oxporlmont ot caring for unmarried moth
ers on constructive lines, was unable to nttond
tho mooting, having boon called into tho country
to soo hor llttlo girl, who is ill. With many others
intorostod in social welfare, sho fools that more
could bo dono to reclaim young mothors It a
course of training could bo given to them on
broader and more Interesting lines than those
ot tho pasL
The homo, which Is picturesquely called "The
Hotreat," will have theso Ideals bofore It In all
Its various activities, London Chronlclo.
Westcott's Undertaking
Auto Ambulance
Old Phone, 420
Sioux City Iowa.
New Phone 2067
"Isn't this tho third tlmo I've soon you on this
particular stretch ot highway?"
"Yes," replied Plodding Poto. "I ain't got no
place to travol. There's a gan of men fixing tho
road a mile ahead and aflOtMr 6 mile back.
Either ono ot 'em Is euro to Oaof mo work if I
come near enough."
Pure Bred
eron Stallions
NONE Td &&&
For some reason boat knows ttj tho femalo ot
tho spectos, tho engagement was Off
"Leave my presence V eho oxclalmod In a tono
rodolont with Indignation.
"W-why," stammered tho young man In the
parlor scene, "you n-nover gave ma any p-pres-ents."
Accepted Idea of Twenty-Four Hours
I by No Means Uniform,
Not everywhere and always does tho
natural day lncludo 24 hours, It meas
ured from sunrise to sunrise.
A day Is not a flxod numbor ot hours,
but tho length ot time during which
the light of the sun illuininos any part
of tho earth, In somo parts of Norway
tho day lauts from May 21 to July 22
witnout Interruption In Spitsbergen
tho longeBt day Is three and a halt
months, and tho shortest two and a
half hours of actual light.
At Potrograd tho longest day Is
nineteen hours and the Bhortost Ave.
At Hamburg tho longest 1b seventeen
and tho shortest seven, nnd In London
tho longest Is slxtoen and a half and
the shortest eight hours.
The ancient Jews fixed tho begin
ning of tho day at sunrise; with tho
Umbrtans it began at noon, and tho
Egyptians and Komans flxod the time
at midnight, a custom adopted by tho
United States and by most of tho Eu
ropoan countries.
It Is a mattur ot common knowlodge
that tho longest day ot tho year 1b
June 31 and tho shortest Decomber 21
(sometimes the 22d), This lattor Is
tho tlmo whon tho sun Is farthest
south on its annual slant over the
Tropic ot Capricorn, making tho maxi
mum declination to tho axU ot tho
All ovor tho world this date marks
although in ovory caso It Is not tho
shortest day. In places south ot the
Equator they are enjoying tho longest
day. At tho South polo on this date
It Is high noon of tho six months' day,
and at tho North polo it la midnight of
tho "great night."
Foreigner Is this what you call a
popular government!
Amorlcan (proudly) Yes, Blr,
Ti,ftrnl'nnrrrtinn wtiv l it Mini vnii.
I.W.X.O..W. . ..w. ....,, . .v .. JUKI
high officials aro always so unpopular!
JALLANS, 88396. Imported by W. L. Declow, of
Cedar 'Rapids, Iowa, foalod March 24, 1909, black in oolor.
CAPTAIN, 90975. Bred by J. P. Anderson, of Agenda,
Kansas. Foaled May 1, 1912. Oolor bluok.
Eaoh of theso handsome stallions weigh between 1800 and 1900 tbs.
Doth thoso Stallions will stand for sorvioe at ,my barn in Hubbard,
and anyono interested in Thoroughbred Peroherons should call
and Iuh oct them.
Terms: t0 'nB,,r0 maro iu foal, $20 to insure oolt niuo
days old, If maro is sold or removed from the county
sorvioo tea booomos duo nt onoo, Due caro will bo taken to prevent
uooldonts, but at rlak of owuor of maro if sho sustains any.
Owner and Attendant. HUBBARD, NEBR.
I Abstracts of Title!
A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy
of every Abstract I make.
J. J. EINER.S, Bonded Abstractor.
I '