Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 05, 1915, Image 1

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Ue llistoiienl Soti.r
Motto: All The News When It Is News.
VOL. 23.
NO. 40.
Changed Conditions of Warfare Re
quire New Application of Principles
Alleged German Atrocities Call for
Extreme Measures.
ITwUrn Nwsppf Union Nw 8tlc
Washington, D. C Great Britain's
replies to the latest American repre
seltatlons against Interference with
i neutral commerce reject entirely the
r contention that tho orders in council
are illegal, and Justify the British
course as being wholly within inter
national law.
"Unsustainable, either In point of
law or upon principles of Internation
al equity," is the British reply to the
American protest against the block
ado of neutral ports, with an invita
tion to submit to international arbitra
tion any cases in which the United
States is dissatisfied with action of
British prize courts.
Great Britain's reply, embodied In
two notes, one supplemental, was
made public here August 3 and In Lon
don simultaneously by agreement be
tween tho two governments. With tho
notes was made public also tho cor
respondence over the American steam
er Neces, seized by the British while
en route from Rotterdam to tho Uni
ted States with goods of German ori
gin. All tho correspondence aggre
gates 7,000 words.
Changed conditions of warfare, tho
British note contends, requires a new
application of tho -principles of Inter
national law. The advent of the sub
marine, the airship and the alleged
atrocities b'' German troops In Bol
Etfui. are eUed as Justification for tho
"oxfcrcise of extreme measures. Tho
blockade is Justified on the contention
that the universally recognized fun
damental principle of a blockade is
that a belligerent is entitled to cut
off "by effective means the seaborne
commerce of his enemy."
Tho note reiterates that Great Brit
ain will continue to apply tho orders
complained of, although not without
Jftory effort to avoid embarrassment
To neutrals, and observes that tho
American statistics show that any loss
in trade with Germany and Austria
has been more than overbalanced by
the increase of other industrial ac
tivities due to the war.
More than Score Meet Death Prop
erty Loss Millions.
Erie, Pa. Twenty-five lives lost, as
estimated by the police, millions of
dollars of property damage and the
city in total darkness Is the result of
a cloudburst August 3 that culminated
in a flood that inundated a largo sec
tion of the city.
Tho heavy precipitation caused
dams south of the city to burst, flood
ing the main business streets to a
depth of five feet, and in some sec
tions reaching to tho second story
windows of dwellings.
German Army Slows Down.
London. The stubborn resistance
which the Russians are offering to tho
Austro-Germans, and the slowness
with which the forces of the Invaders
were able to move during the first
of the week has led to tho belief In
some qunrtors that the German supply
of ammunition is beginning to feel tho
effect of tho protracted struggle and
that Russia may yet save tho Polish
capital. Previous experiences with
German tactics, however, has been
that a temporary slowing down was
followed soon by greater efforts, and
when Field Marshal von Mackenzen
has concluded his present operations
in tho southeast field, Marshal von
Hindenburg, it is expected, will renew
his heavy blows on the Navew front.
Palestine Hit by War.
Philadelphia. Fruit growers of Pal
estine standi to lose $30,000,000 be
cause of the European war, according
to a letter received hero from George
Kiat, general commissioner of com
merce, with headquarters at Jaffa. Tho
writer says tho trees are dying for
want of watering and for want of
petroleum to spray thorn. Tho region
has been visited by locusts and vege
tation is ruined. The loss nt Jaffa
and its vicinity alono in estimated nt
$30,000,000. Tho Ottoman government
has seized every bit of petroleum on
Wage Increase for 7,000.
Now York. A wage Increase to
more than 7,000 employes of the Stan
dard Oil company, of Now Jersey, In
its Bayonno and Jersey City, N. J.,
plants has been announced by George
B. Olfford, general manager of the
Philadelphia. A cablegram received
today announces tho selzuro of the
American schooner Laura C. Anderson
by a British cruiser, which took hor
into Gibraltar. Tho schooner cleared
from Newport Nows, Va., Juno 29, for
Melilla, Morocco, with a cargo of bi
turrinous coal. The message received
by tho agents for tho schooner con
tained no further information.
Snult Sre Marie, Mich Capt, Mc
Lean (.T thp steamer Lakeland, re
ported ni-m inpr thruush a pnowstorm
on Ldn.1"1 ni i rioi An ust 3
Outlines of Proposed Arrangements
Calculated to Restore Constitutional
Regime Through Compact of ths
Various Leaders.
Washington, Aug. 2. From respon
sible sources doflnlto information was
obtained hero concerning tho plan now
receiving tho support and sanction of
tho United States government in Presi
dent Wilson's effort io assist In tho
solution of tho Mexican situation. Ita
main features are:
"Recognition of that member of the
Madoro cabinet who is entitled undor
tho law of presidential succession to
tho ofllco of president of Mexico.
"Installation of this porson as pro
visional president of Mexico, with the
support of all tho loading factions of
Mexico. N
"Recognition of this now provisional
president's government by tho A. B. O.
powors of South Amorica.
"United States government to glvo
its activo moral support to tho now
provisional president.
"Factional loadors and tho military
gcnoral on tho field to promlso to sup
port the' provisional government pro
posed for the purposo of restoring
tho constitutional order In Moxlco
pending elections and tho Installation
of a permanent president.
"Villa, fcapata and Carranza to walvo
all claims to executive power in Mex
ico and agree to an armistice
"Villa and his supporters having al
ready given assurances that they will
support that member of Madero's cab
inet who Is regardod as entitled under
tho law of presidential succession to
tho ofllco, Villa in the event of Car
ranza's refusal to accept such a peace
plan, Is to proclaim Vasquez Taglo or
some other member of Madero's cab
inet as provisional president.
"United States government, In such
a contingency, to lay an embargo
against shipment of arms to the Car
ranzlstas or any other faction that
may oppose tho new provisional presi
dent by forco, whllo permitting freo
shlpmont of arms to tho forces sup
porting the now provisional president
"American financiers to furnish the
financial sinews for tho support of
tho provisional government of tho new
Funeral Processions Make Way
Through City's Streets During
Rain and Fog.
Chicago, July 30. Wednesday was a
day of general mourning In Chicago,
set apart by Mayor Thompson In a
proclamation as a day of public sor
row ovor the loss of nearly 1,500 lives
on tho steamer Eastland in tho Chi
cago river last Saturday. It was ob
served by tho closing of all city of
fices and Bcores of business houses.
In a driving rain hundreds of fu
neral processions made thoir way
through the city's stroots, each cor
tege led by the body of ono of the dis
aster victims. Every hearso in tho
city of Chicago was In use. Theso
wero not sufficient, and many bodies
woro carried to tho burying grounds
in auto trucks, wagons, automobiles
and carriages.
Murphysboro (III.) Attorney's Wife
Found With Her Head Split Open
Mob Threatens Prisoner.
Murphysboro, 111., Aug. 2. Mrs.
James H. Martin, wlfo of ono of tho
most prominent attorneys in southern
Illinois, was murdered Friday aftor
noon with an ax. A former negro serv
ant who was sont to tho stnto re
formatory by tho Martins for a theft
and who was paroled a short timo
ago through the efforts of Mrs. Martin,
was arrested. A mob began to gather
before tho county Jail and the sheriff
hurried his prisoner out of town in an
automobllo to forestall a lynching.
Tho crime was committed In tho
Martin homestead, tho woman being
found by sorvanta with her head split
Federal Grand Jury In Los Angeles
Charges $1,600,000 Mall Fraud
Los Angeles, Aug. 2. A secret In
dictment, it became known, was re
turned by tho federal grand Jury
against J. K. Tennant, said to bo a
wealthy promoter, for alloged con
spiracy to uso tho malls in a schomo
to dofraud, Involving, It is said, $1,
600,000. Tho Indictment culminates
an investigation by tho federal au
thorities. Russia Needs Supplies.
New York, Aug. 2. Samuel Clous
hanok, a prominent Russian financier,
arrivod hero Friday on tho Russian
liner Kursk to porsuado American
steamship mon to open traffic with
Russia by way of Archangol.
French Submarines Hit Zeebrugge.
London, Aug. 2. Successful re
taliatory submarine warfare by. tho
French against tho Germans is report
ed In dhratches from tiii Copenhagen
Polltlk'-n, whkh say nrat dmago
has been done at Zecbruggo.
Many Bodies Placed In Vaults Because
Men Cannot Dig Graves Fast
Chicago, July 30. Fivo hundred of
tho Eastland dead wero buried
They wont to tho cemeteries on all
tho city's stroetB long lines of car
riages and automobiles hearses and
trucks that wero used for hearses.
They wero so thick on tho roads to
tho burying grounds that one proces
sion frequently had to wait until an
other went by. Undertakers woro un
ablo to get ub many hearses as they
needed. It was no uncommon sight to
sco fivo boxes on a motor truck
draped in black and purple and whlto
big boxos and medium and small
Tho burying took all morning and all
aftornoon. Many bodies wero placed
In vaults for there wero not men
enough to dig graves for them.
Tho city wakened early at tho toll
ing of bells. It was raining, and dark,
and cool. Tho undertakers arrivod,
tho carriages or automobiles pulled
up beforo tho doors of tho mourners,
and soon the processions woro under
way to the churches, and then out to
Mount Carraol, Mount Olivet, Calvary,
Bohomlan National, St, Adalbert and
Forest Homo cemeteries.
Community services woro hold In
tho Church of Mary Queen of Heaven.
Tho crowd stood outside, heads
bared to the rain. Tho wpt came In
through the chinks In tho uncompleted
roof; tho singing of tho choir girls and
tho chanting of tho priests camo out
to tho crowd In undiminished volumo.
Bishop Paul P. Rhodo preached In
Polish and his eyes woro wet at times
and his hand shook with emotion.
Los Angeles, Cal., July 30. Tho con
stitutionality of tho California alien
land ownership law was uphold by Su
perior Judgo Lowis It. Works in a de
cision In which ho ruled that tho state
alono could question tho right of an
alien to hold land.
Grafton, O., July 30. Four men who
wero supposed to bo beating tholr way
to Cleveland wero burned to death
hero when a Big Four freight train
Jumped tho track near tho depot and
caught fire.
Pretoria, South Africa, Aug. 2. Gon
oral Mullor, ono of tho leadors of tho
Boer revolt, was sentenced to two
years' Imprisonment for treason.
Albany, N. Y., Aug. 2. A statoment
from tho conservation department do
clared that "squattors" both rich and
poor, soon aro to bo ojoctod from stato
land In tho Adlrondacks and elso
whoro. Thoy occupy thousands of
acros. According to tho statomont,
Robort Colllor,,tho publisher, has boon
notified that ho must -acato an Island
In Lako Georgo, if8w occuplod by his
sunimor resldenco.
Steel Workers Get Raise.
South Bothlohem, Pa., Aug. 3. A
voluntary Increaso In wngos avoraglng
about ton per cont was grantod tho 17,
000 omployeos of tho Bothlohom Stool
company, according to tho announco
mont of Prosldont Grace.
Morgan Back From Cruise.
New York, Aug. 3. Apparently fully
recovered from tho offer ts of the bul
let wound luflli ted by r.rUh Murntrr,
J. P, Morgan rofirned to Glr ,. ,, L,
I., having returned frrm a craio on
board his steam yacht.
Execution Carried Out After Every
Legal Effort Had Been Ex
tended to Save Him.
Osslnlng, N. Y July 31. Charles
Becker, former police lieutenant In
New York, went to his death In tho
electric chair in Sing Sing peniten
tiary shortly beforo six o'clock Fri
day morning.
His was tho fifth life which the
state domanded for the conspiracy
which resulted In the murder of Her
man Rosonthal, tho gambler, who was
shot down In front of tho Motropolo
hotel in New York on July 10, 1912.
Becker had been convicted of hir
ing a band of thugs to do away with
Rosenthal to prevent the exposure
of police graft in Now York city's
The four gunmon who wero convict
ed of the actual shooting "Dago
Frank," "Lefty" Louis, "Whltoy"
Lewis, and "Gyp tho Blood" wore ex
ecuted April 13, 1914.
Becker's execution was carried out
only after overy legal effort had boon
extended to save him. Ho was con
vloted in the first trial ending on Oc
tober 24, 1912, and was sentenced to
death, but later was grantod a new
trial which, howovor, resulted In a sec
ond conviction on May 22, 1914, and
tho passage of the second death sen
Aluminum Company's Employees on
Strike 8herlff Is Reported
as Missing.
Malono, N. Y., Aug. 2. Three com
panies of militia havo boon ordered to
Massona, N. Y., by Governor Whitman
to assumo control of tho situation aris
ing from a strike among tho em
ployees of tho Aluminum Company of
America. Wires from Massona havo
boon cut and it Is impossible to learn
what dlBordors havo ensued which
caused the governor's action. It is
roportod, however, that rioting has oc
curred botwoon bodies of forolgnors,
who compriso tho greator part of tho
working forco, and that Sheriff Day
of St. Lawrenco, who wont to tho
sceno, is missing. Dissatisfaction over
tho wage schodulo now In forco and a
foud between tho labor factions aro
given as tho causo of tho strlko.
American Seamen Killed by Snipers
Marines Ordered to Port
au Prince.
Washington, Aug. 2. Two Amerl
can seamen wero killed during the
fighting which followed tho landing of
Admiral Caperton's forces at Port au
Prlnco, Haiti, Socretary of tho Navy
Daniels announced Friday.
As a result of theso casualties and
at tho request of Admiral Caporton, a
regiment of COO marlnos was ordered
to embark upon tho battleship Con
necticut at Philadelphia, to proceed im
mediately to Port au Prlnco.
Lightning Kills Militiaman.
Now Castle, Dol., Aug. 3. LewlB F.
Wagnor, a mombor of Company C, was
struck and instantly klllod by light
ning during a sevoro storm which
paBsod over tho oncampmont of tho
Organized Militia of Dolawaro.
Heavy Losses for Teutons.
Geneva, via Paris, Aug. 3. A gen
eral Italian offensive has forced tho
.strlairi to cvart if' hme of their
p. 'Hon". wHh rmrr h.t, on tho
i i i trm' linn i T n 1 1, says
Uo TfibutK c u I lit.
Germans Announce Capture of 95,023
Prisoners During July Cxar'a
Troops Evacuate Polish Capital
Says Report.
London, Aug. 3. With tho evacua
tion of Warsaw by its civilian popula
tion apparently completed and tho re
tirement of tho military forces active
ly under way, according to various
dlspatchoB rocoivod horo, a closo
analysis of tho situation Is basis for
tho belief that hundreds of thousands
of tho army of Grand Duko Nicholas
may bo trappod In tho great trlanglo
botwoon Ivnngorod, Novo Gcorglovsk
and Brest-Lltovsk.
Tho latter fortress, tho greatest of
tho groat dofonsos of Poland, la tho
goal of tho floolng Russians, 115 muos
oast of Warsaw, and with tho capturo
of tho Lublln-Cholm railway by tho
Teutons thoro is hut ono lino botwoon
WaVsaw and Brcot-LItovsk for tho
transportation of hundreds of thou
sands of men, Incalculable amounts of
munitions and vast qunntttlos of sup
plies from tho abandoned fortresses
and tho city of Warsaw, In which tho
Slavs aro ovidontly determined to
leavo not so much as a brass tack
which might bo of uso to tho inva
ders whon tho city Is occuplod.
Tho Gorman oillclal Btatomont says
9G.023 Russians, 41 guns and 2C0 ma
chlno guns woro captured in July be
tween tho Baltic and tho Plllcn.
Tho official statomont also an
nounces an advance past Cholm, on
tho Lublln-Cholm railway, and Just
wgst of tho Bug, which tho Russ aro
oxpoctlng to mnko their next deter
mined stand If Poland Is evacuated.
It is apparent that all hopes of tho
Russians Ho in tho safo transporta
tion of tholr nrmlos and munitions to
Borlln, Aug. 2 (Wireless via Say
vlllo). This morning's papers an
nounce tho reduction of Lublin by
tho Austrian cavalry forces which
definitely Interrupts Russian railway
communications botwoon Warsaw,
Ivangorod and Brest-Lltovsk, leaving
opon only tho direct lino to Sledwoz.
Evldontly tho ovacuatlon of War
saw has already bogun. This Is con
firmed by reports from Russia to Eng
land, Franco and neutral countries.
The Genova Trlbuno publishes a
dispatch from Its Innsbruck corre
spondent that tho capturo of Lublin
cost Gonoral Woylsch 70,000 mon In
killed, wounded and captured. The
correspondent adds that in nn advance
of sovon miles with sovon army corps
Field Marshal von Mackonson lost 35,
000 mon. .
According to tho samo dispatch tho
Russians killed 6,000, wounded 8,000
and captured 1,300 of tho Eighth Gor
man army corps south of Przasnysz.
Liner Iberian 8ent to Bottom by Ger
mans for Ignoring Signals
to 8top.
London, Aug. 3. A Gorman subma
rine has sunk tho Loyland lino steam
ship Iberian, causing tho death of
sevon persons, including an American
namod Whllo, off the south coast of
Iroland. A trawlor roscuod tho 63
Tho Iborian was a British stool
steamor of 6,223 tons. Hor command
er was T. B. Jago.
Washington, Aug. 2. An officlnl re
port rocoivod from Wosloy Frdst,
Amorican consul at Queonstown, says
tho Iborian waB first attacked by sholl
flro from tho Gorman Bubmarlno for
rofuslng to halt and was then torpo
dood after tho surviving mombors of
tho crow woro affordod an opportun
ity to oscapo.
Tho Iborian was on tho way to
Boston from Liverpool whlthor sho
had takon a cargo of Amorican horses
and mules for military usos. It is
said Whllo lived in Boston.
Washington Gives, Consent to Send
Marines Ashore Situation May
Be 8erloU8.
Washington, Aug. 3. Franco has
boon given permission by tho United
States to land marlnos at Port au
Prlnco, Haiti, for tb protection of
tho French legation In that city,
where Admiral Capertou is In control.
Navy officers say tho situation may
bo mado critical for tho 400 marlnoa
In Port au Prlnco at any moment.
Thoy estlmato tho population at about
60,000. Thero are thoroforo about
12,000 mon capablo of bearing arms
In tho city and su&urbto
Miners Given Bonus.
Calumet, Mich., Aug. 3.- Tho Wol
vorlno and Mohawk Copper Mining
companies In paying tholr 1,200 em
ployoos Included an extra check for
llvo por cont of tho total wagoB of
Juno as a bonus.
Germans In Turk Plants.
Constantinople, Aug. 3. Six hun
dred German mechanics and muni
tlons experts havo arrived here to
tako chargo of tho sin 11 manufactur
ing plants '..ilcU supply tho Turkish
f V lak Ma "
pear Head
The New Electric Iytght System is now being installed
and if "you contemplate having your house wired for
Call or
CHAS. MILLIS, Electrician
Dakota City, Nebr. Phone 11 L00.
Mountain and Coast Tours
For those looking up shorter vocation tours, tho Darlington offers an
attraotfve list, auoh bb:
(1) To Denver, Colorado Springs, Eates Park, tho very center of
Colorado's Bummor life
(2) Tho Glaoior Park trip, wonderfully aoonio and very oheap. Send
for printod mattor.
(8) Tho Yollowstono Park tour, either via Oody or Gardiner. Any
kind of a tonr you want boyond.
(4) Tho boantifnl Blaok Hills, with their forests, auto drives, and Hot
Springs, S, D., with its delightful plungo bathB, This region is near to joa.
(5) Tho Dig Horn Mountains, with Sheridan and Rnnohcstor, gateways
to a sooro of ranoh resorts, Ask for Dig Horn booklet,
National Power Farming Demonstration,
Fremont, August 9th to 14th.
Thio interesting ozhibit of tractors is of untold interest to farmers. Dem
onstrations in a Hold of a thousand acres, 40,000 in itttondanao. Here you
will soo improved farm machinery that will revolutionize farming,
Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. F. DiokixYson.
Ball 71
yVxsto 0471
J r.PA ft
" iirouiiiirw.iAjurLruiru
TheSweetaess Lasts
You can't chew the
fruity sweetness out of
Spear Head because it's
a part of the tobacco:
That rich, ripe, red Bur
leyflavor keeps on pleas
ing you as long as you
keep on chewing.
has a distinctive quality, du$
not alone to the top-notcK
tobacco leaf it's made of, but
also to the way it's made.
The most expensive
modern processes keep
Spear Head fresh, sweet
and pure at every stage of
its journey through one of
the greatest plug tobacco
factories in the world.
Start chewing Spear
Head now,
H. E. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakkle, G, P. A Omaha, Neb.
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, lowu
H. REAM, Agent J
Dakota City, Nt'hu ska. 1
mvsvi mtreiea a ctuaass