Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 08, 1915, Image 6

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rmovr oty
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cofirncvr er the eoBBi-ntmiii company
I Comte de Sabron, captnln of French
cavalry, takes to his quarters to raise by
liand a motherless Irish terrier pup. and
names It Pltchoune. Ho dines with tho
Marquise d'Escllgnac and meets Miss
Julia Redmond, American heiress, who
sings for him an English bnllud that
lingers In his memory, Sabron Is ordered
to Algiers, but Is not allowed to take
servants or dogs. Miss Hedmond offers to
tako care of tho dog during his mastor's
absence, but ritchounc, homesick for his
jnnstcr, runs away from her. The Mar
quise plana to marry Julia to thp Due do
Tremont. Unknown to Sabron, Pltchoune
follows him to Algiers. Dog and mnster
rneet nnd Sabron gets permission from
the -war minister to keep his dog with him.
Julia writes him that Pltchoune has run
nway from her. He writes Julia of llt
choune. The Due do Tremont finds tho
American heiress capricious. A newspa-
fier report that Sabron Is among the mlsB
ngr after an engagement with tho native
causes Julia to confess to her aunt that
nhe loves him. Sabron, wounded in an en
gagement, falls Into tho dry bed of a
Xlvcr, and Is watched over by Pltchoune.
After a horrible night and day Pllchouno
leaves him. Julia goes In Bcarch of Sa
bron, rcportod missing. Tremont takes
Julia and the Marquise to Algiers In his
yacht, not knowing their errand.
CHAPTER XVI Continued.
With his godmother ho was entirely
nt case. Ever since she had paid his
trifling debts when he wns n young
man, ho hnd adored her. Tremont,
always discreet nntj nlmost In .love
with his godmother, kept her in a
state of great good humor always, and
when sho had suggested to him this
littlo party he had been delighted. In
speaking over the telephone the Mar
quise d'Escllgnac had said very
"My dear Robert, you understand
that this excursion engages you to
"Oh, of courso, marralne."
"Wo both need n change, and be
tween ourselvoa, Julia has a little mis
sion on foot"
Tremont would bo delighted to
help Miss Itedmond carry It out.
Whom else should he ask?
"By all means, any ono you like,"
said his godmother diplomatically.
"Wo want to sail tho day after to
morrow." Sho felt safe, knowing
that no worldly people would accept
an invitation on twenty-four hours'
"So," the Due do Tremont reflected,
as ho hung up tho receiver, "Miss
Redmond has a scheme, a mission!
Young girls do not have schemes and
missions in good French society."
"Madomolsolle," ho said to her, as
they walked up and down on the deck
In tho pale sunset, in front of tho
chair of tho Marquise d'Escllgnac, "I
never saw an ornament moro becom
ing to a woman than tho ono you
"Tho ornament, Monsieur?"
"On your sleeve It is so beauti
ful. A string of pearls would not bo
moro beautiful, although your pearls
aro lovely, too. Aro all American girls
Red Cross mombora?"
"But of courso not, Monsieur. Aro
nil girls anywhere ono thing?"
"Yes," sold tho Due do Tremont,
"thoy aro nil charming, but thero aro
"Do you think that wo shall reach
Algiers tomorrow, Monslour?"
"I hope not, Mademoiselle."
Miss Redmond turned hor flno eyes
on him.
"You hopo not?"
"I should Hko this voyage to last
forever, Mademoiselle."
"How ridiculous 1" '
Hor look was so frank that ho
laughed in splto of himself, and in-
stand of following up tho politeness,
be asked:
"Why do you think of Algiers aB a
field for nursing tho sick, Madomol
sollo7" "There has been qulto a deputation
of tho Rod Cross women lately going
from Paris to tho East."
"But," said tho young man, "there
are poor In Tarascon, and sick, too.
Thero 1b a great deal of poverty in
NIco, and Paris is tho nearest of all."
"Tho American girls aro vory Im
aginative," said Julia Redmond. "Wo
must have somo romance in all wo
"I And thp. American girls very
charming," said Tromont.
"Do you know many, Monslour?"
"Only ono," ho said serenely.
Miss Redmond changed tho subject
quickly and cloverly, and beforo ho
know It, Tromont wbb telling her
stories about his own military serv
ice, which had been mado in Africa.
Ho talked woll and entertained them
both, and Julia Redmond listened
when ho told ber of tho desert, of its
charm and Its desolation, and of its
dangers. An hour passed. Tho Mar
quise d'Escllgnac took an ante
prandial stroll, Mlml mincing at her
"Co pauvro Sabron I " said Tremont
"Ho has disappeared off tho face of
the earth. What a horrlblo thing it
was, Madomolsollol I knew him in
Paris; I romembor mooting him
again tho night beforo ho loft tho
Midi. Ho was a flng follow with a
career before him, his friends say,"
"What do you think has become of
Monsieur do Sabron?"
Miss Redmond, so far, had only
been able to ask this question of hor
bunt and of the stars. Nono of thorn
had been able to tell her. Tremont
shrugged hts shoulders thoughtfully.
"Ho may hnvo dragged himself
away to dio in somo ambush that thoy
have not discovered, or likely ho has
been tako captive, lo pauvro dlablol"
"France will do all it can, Mon
sieur . , ."
"They will do nil thoy can, which
Is to wait. An extraordinary measure,
if taken Just now, would probably re
sult in Sabron being put to death by
his captors. He may bo found to
morrowho may never bo found."
A slight murmur from tho young
girl beside him mado Tromont look
at her. Ho saw that hor hands were
clasped and that her face was qulto
white, her eyes staring fixedly beforo
her, out toward Africa. Tremont
"You aro compassion itself, Mado
molsolle; you have a tender heart.
No wonder you wear tho Red Cross.
I am a soldier, Madomolscllo. I thank
you for all soldiers. I thank you for
Sabron . . . but, wo must not talk
of such things."
He thought her very charming, both
romantic and Idealistic. Sho would
make a delightful friend. Would sho
not bo too lntenso for a wife? How
ever, many women of fashion Joined
tho Red Cross. Tremont was a com
monplnco mnn, conventional in his
heart and in his tastes,
"My children," said tho marquise,
coming up to them with Mlml In her
arms, "you aro as serious as though
wo were on a boat bound for the
North Polo and expected to live on
tinned things and salt fish. Aren't
you hungry, Julia? Robert, tako Mim!
to my maid, will you? Julia," said
her aunt as Tromont wont away with
tho little dog, "you look dramatic, my
donr; you're palo as death in splto of
this dlvlno air and this enchanting
sen." She linked her arm through
her niece's. "Tako n brisk walk with
mo for flvo minutes and whip up your
blood. I bellovo you wcro on tho
point of making Tromont somo un
wise confession."
"I assure you no, ma tanto."
"Isn't Dob a darling, Julia?"
"Awfully," returned her niece absent-mindedly.
"llo's the most eligible young man
In Paris, Julia, and tho moat difficult
to please."
"Ma tanto," said tho girl in a low
tone, ho tells mo that Franco at
present can do practically nothing
Out of the Deoert
From a dreamy littlo villa, whoo
walls wero streaming with bougnln
vlllea, Miss Redmond looked over Al
glors, over the tumult and hum of it,
to tho sea. Tremont, by her side,
looked nt her. From head to foot
tho girl was In white. On ono sldo
tho bougalnvlllea laid its scarlet flow
ers against tho stainless linen of her
dress, and on her othor arm was tho
Red Cross.
Tho American girl and tho French
man had becomo tho best of friends.
Sho considered him a sincere com
panion and an unconscious confed
erate. Ho had not yet decided what
ho thought of her, or how. His prom
iso to remain on the yncht had been
broken and ho paid his godmother
and Miss Redmond constant visits at
their villa, which tho marqulso rented
for tho season.
Thero wcro times when Tremont
thought Miss Redmond's exllo rr fa
natical one, but ho always found her
fascinating and a lovely woman, nnd
ho wondered what It was that kept
him from laying his tltlo and his for
tuno nt her feet. It had been under
stood between tho godmother and
himself that ho was to court Miss
Redmond a l'nmerlcalno.
"Sho has been brought up In such
a .shocking fashion, Robert, that noth
ing but American love-making will
lllpjl I .If
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest"
"The Ornament, Monsieur?"
about finding Monslour do Sabron.
Fancy a great army and a great na
tion helpless for the rescue of a sin
glo Boldicr, and his llfo at stako!"
"Julia," said tho marqulso, taking
tho trembling hand in hor own, "you
will make yoursolf ill, my darling,
and you will bo no ubo to anyone, you
"You're right," returned tho girl.
"I will bo silent nnd I will only pray,"
Sho turnod from her nunt to stand
for a fow moments quiet, looking out
at tho sea, at tho bluo water through
wnicn tho boat cut aud flow. Along
tho horizon wns a mist, rosy and
translucent, nnd out of it white Al
glors would shlno boforo mnny hours.
When Tremont, nt luncheon n littlo
Inter, looked nt Ills guosts, ho snw a
now Julia. Sho had loft hor coat with
tho Red Cross in hor cabin with hor
hat. In hor pretty blouso, hor pearls
around hor neck, tho soft Himh
hor cheeks, Bho was apparently only
a light-hearted woman of tho world.
Sho teased her aunt gently, sho
laughed very dollclously nnd lightly
uiuu wuii mo uuc uo Tromont, who
oponod a bottle of champagne Tho
Marqulso d'Escllgnac beamed upon
hor niece. Tromont found hor more
puzzling than ovor. "Sho suggests
tho chameleon," ho thought, "bIio has
moods. Beforo, sho was a tragic
muao; nt luncheon sho is an ndor-
ablo sybarite."
Sang for the Sick.
nppenl to her1. You will have to make
lovo to her, Robert. Can you do it?'
"But, marralne, I might as well
mnko lovo to a sister of charity."
"Thero was la Belle Helolse, and no
woman is Immune."
"I think sho Is engaged to somo
American cowboy who will como and
clnim hor, marralne."
His godmother was offended.
"Jtubblsh!" she snid. "She Is en
gnged to no one, Bob. Sho is an
idealist, a Rosalind; but that will not
prevent her from making an excel
lent wife."
"Sho is certainly very beautiful,"
said tho Due do Tromont, and ho told
Julia bo.
"You are vory beautiful," said tho
Due do Tremont to Miss Redmond, as
sho leaned on tho balcony of tho villa.
Tho bougalnvlllea leaned against her
breast. "When you stood in tho hos
pital under tho window and sang to
tho poor devils, you looked Hko an
"Poor things!" said Julia Redmond.
"Do you think thnt they liked it?"
"Liked it!" exclalmod tho young
man enthusiastically, "couldn't you
see by their fnces? Ono poor devil
snid to mo: 'One enn dlo better now,
Monsieur.' There wns no hopo for
him, it seoms."
Tromont nnd Marqulso d'Escllg
nac hnd docilely gono with Julia Red
mond overy day nt a certain hour to
tho different hospitals, whero Julia,
after rendering somo slight services
to tho nurses for Bho was not need
edsang for tho sick, standing in tho
outer hallway of the building opon on
overy side. Sho know that Sabron
was not among theso sick. Whero ho
wns or what Bounds his ears might
hear, sho could not know; but sho
sang for him, anu the fact put a
sweetness in hor voico that touched
tho ears of tho suffering and uplifted
those who woro not too far down to
be uplifted, and as for the dying, it
helped thorn, aB tho soldier said, to
Of Course He Had Killed Eleven Men
and Never Been Licked, but at
That He Had Mistaken
Hit Vocation.
When wo opened tho old "Four X"
in Nevada, it was no time nt all be
fore a lively town was founded and
hundreds of people camo pouring in.
In thoso dayB every community had
Its terror. He was supposed to bo
able to outdrlnk, outyell, outshoot and
outright everything on legs in Ills Ju
risdiction. Sometimes ho was a free
lnnco and again ho was employed as
a sort of policeman. Wo wanted a
man to protect company property and
ono day a giant of a chap weighing
205 pounds and six feet tall applied for
tho place.
"Are you a fighter?" was tho first
question asked of him.
"I nm," replied he. "I've hnd 29
fights in seven weeks."
"Afraid of anything mortal?"
"Nothing mortal or Immortal."
"Shoot both handed?"
"I do."
"Uso the bowio knife?"
"Perfectly at home with it, sir."
"How many men hnvo you killed
this last year?"
"Well, this has been an off year
with me, as I wnB sick in bed for six
weeks nnd so I haven't got but
"Suppose, now, that a terror from
somo other camp should como over
here to clean you out? Havo you ever
met any other terror and downod him
a genuine terror, from tho headwa
ters of Fighting creek?"
"I can't say that I over havo, sir
not a regular terror, sir."
"Then you can't tell how you would
"Why, I should probably fight him."
"Cut you can't say for sure. How
ever, come back at four o'clock this
Wo sent over to Cedar Flats, flvo
miles away, for tholr terror. Wo know
him to be tho genuine stuff, and when
ho arrived wo posted hlra as to what
was wanted. At four o'clock when our
alleged terror returned to tho shaft,
tho Cedar Flats terror suddenly
waltzed out on him with a halr-ralslng
whoop and called out:
"Whar's tho bloody, bloomln' hyena
who has been passing hlsself off
around here as a fighter? Whoop!
Maugh, Ugh! Somebody p'lnt him out
to mo and then tie my hands and legs
while 1 bite his ears off!"
Our alleged terror turned palo and
looked norvous and tho Cedar Flats
man pranced around cracking his
heels together nnd shouting:
"Whoop! Put him out! Let him
stand beforo mo! Tie mo all up in
knots, bend mo up in that bar'l, and
then I'll lick him or go ovor tho cliff!
Great snakes, but won't somebody
show mo tho fellow who says "
I pointed to our terror and the Ce
dar Flats man let out a scream and
rushed for him. The chap who had
only killed 'leven men Just fell right
down in a heap, and it was flvo min
utes boforo we could bring him to.
Ho wns whiter thnn ffour, and llmpsy
as n rng, and It was all of half an hour
before ho could walk away.
"How do you account for it?" I
asked hlra as ho was ready to go.
"I must havo gone In tho wrong busi
ness," ho gloomily replied.
"How do you mean?"
"I ought to havo been a preachor."
Chicago Dally Nows.
Dot Dereloping and Printing at Popular Price,
HEAL INSTITUTE, UOT-I PUrcs Stmt, Sl.u CHr, Isws
We telUnr inako TIRE and TUUE special
Ua "THE LYON BRAND" 4,000 mile guar
anteed tire. Ship us your CASINOS nnd
TUBES for repairs. Prompt lor vice; reason
able prices. Experienced Chicago Tire Repair
Man In charge. 402 6th St, 0pp. P. 0., Slam City, ll
West Hotel
Sioux City, la.
Moat centrally
nnd most popu
lar hotel in the
City. Our Cafe' uniurpaaaed. Ratea
$1.00 to $2.50 per day. European plan.
A Piano Bargain
7f Write for details of our nnoini hi.i.r.ir
fNo. 5. Do not buy a piano until you learn
The Pellctier Company, Siou City, Uwa
TllH IOWA SHnOM OOMrAHT U producing a
serum that will lmraanli from Vtf, to WfC ot bori,
nhen properly administered to hogs that are In
proper condition to be Taeclnated. This is tetUfled
by the State Authorities of North Dakota, who nsed
oyer a million cublo centimeter of our serum last
7,e!tf'.R,??.'? PV"1 otnora. TIIHRH IS A KHASON
KOa TIIIS. Wo aro not imni to make the cheap
en serum, but the beet. Send card for booklet.
Vaixinatiit ttctker plu Jar salt. fTrtts for price.
Little Willie Evidently Had at Some
Time Beheld a Slot Machine
In Operation.
There aro some very funny things
In a big store besides the things tho
girls say about tho floor walker or
ti i fancies tho ribbon-counter boys
havo about the personalities of buy
ers and heads of departments.
For instance: Tho other day a
small lad, with an unmlstakablo stamp
of tho country, was trailing his moth
er along through a big store. Ho was,
hanging back, and sho was pulling.
Tho boy never had been in a big
store, and the place was full of many
All of a sudden his pulling and lag
ging became a stubborn and pro
nounced utter stoppage.
"Como on, Willie," said the mothor.
"Aw, maw, wait," begged the boy.
"No," protested his mother. "What's
the matter with you?"
"Look!" cried tho boy. Ho was
pointing to a young man leaving an
employee's time clock, which the
young man had Just punched.
"Walt, maw," continued Wllllo, "I
want to see what ho wins!"
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of th Northwest."
Lire Stock Commission Merchants at
MtOUXOITr, Ohloago or fCanm mm Olty
phonh on wniTH vs.
City Property
Irom $1,000 up la 3100,000. Good Iowa farms
and Nebraska (anna, also Minnesola and Dakota
ranches. E.S.Brown, 309 Neb. St., Sioux City, la
Unexpected Chicken,
A stranger, arriving in a small town,
hailed a passing resident and in
quired: "Can you direct mo to a place
where they tako boarders?"
"Hemmandhaws keeps 'em," the
man replied.
"Is that a pretty good place?"
"Fair to ralddlin'."
"Havo chicken very often for din
ner?" "Reg'lar and unexpected."
"What do you mean by regular and
"They havo chicken reg'lar overy
Sunday "
"I see"
"And they also have It when an
automobllo unexpectedly kills ono in
the road." Judge.
lb?.!' American Heavy Car Typ
at the following prices only for a short time.
Site B0x3. plain 17.75, non-skid 1 8 CO
" SUxS, " 10.10, " 10
Bxt, 16 65, 17 RS
Mxt. ll0, " 1815
" Wx4, " It 00, " 10.S5
8JH. " MM. ZS"
Other sties In proportion. Shipped O.O.I)., with the
prlrllcjie of examination. Vulcanizing and tire re-
falrlUK oar specialty. Send In jour old tires.
IALLEU. BROS., 413 Pearl St.. Sioux City. la.
Tabloid Aeroplanes.
Tho British reason, qulto logically,
that tho smaller tho aeroplano and the
faster it enn fly the less dangor of its
being hit by BhotB flred from earth.
So tho British alrmon favor an unusu
ally small machine, which thoy call
tho "tabloid. " A very light frame is
flttod with on 80-horsopower motor,
which will drlvo tho frail machine
through tho air at tho rate of 100
mlle3 an hour. Tho onglno is covered
with armor. Tho aviator Becking to
drop a bomb on tho enemy approaches
his target at a height of 5,000 feet.
When straight abovo it, ho turns tho
noso of his machine straight down and
drops at terrific Bpecd. When within
500 feet of tho target ho drops hiB
bombs as quickly as possible and then
shoots skyward nt a tromendous pace.
Amorlcan Boy.
Gunmakero to the Kaiser.
Ordinarily tho Kmpps manufacture
railway equipment, motor cars and
othor steel products for purposes of
peace, as woll as guns. Now, how
ever, tho entire establishment is be
ing dovoted exclusively to tho making
of guns and war munitions. The im
mense furnaces aro boiling tons of
white-hot metal, and tho stacks belch
ing forth volumes of black smoko as
tho great army of gunmakers work in
day and night shifts under tremendous
war pressure. Busy Berthas aro be
ing prollflcally produced. Guns for
naval and coast defenso, for siege
and fortress purposes, field and moun
tain guns, antiaircraft guns, guns of
all kinds and calibers, with acces
sories and appointments, such as ar
mored turretB, shields, observation sta
tions, conning towers, armored caso
monts, disappearing carriages, hoist
ing and lifting apparatus for ammuni
tion; great 8hells,torpedoes, shrapnel,
case shot, all kinds of ammunition,
armor plate and ordnanco wagons, in
fact, all tho dread implements in the
arsenal of war stream forth in steady
shipments. Review ot Reviews.
All His Fault.
Ono witness in a recent police
court case was an old Irish woman.
Immediately the prisoner's lawyer
asked her a question sho began talk
ing, and talked and talked and talked.
"Stop! Stop!" ordered the magis
trate, hammering on his desk.
But tho old woman still talked on.
"Here, you in tho witness box, do
be quiet!" thundered tho magistrate
again. "Oh, do stop for a minute!"
And tho old woman still went on.
Then tho magistrate turned angrily
on the lawyer.
"Look hero, Mr. M ," ho shouted,
"you started her now stop her!"
Out of Long Experience.
Barristers should always be respect
ful to the court and accept decisions
with good humor, says Dr. Blako Odg
ers, who illustrates the proper atti
tude of tho profession.
A young barrister who held differ
ent viewe from the court, remarked
on ono occasion that he was surprised
to hear the judge mako a certain state
ment, whereupon tho leading counsel
apologized for his junior on the
grounds of his youth.
"When he Is as old as I am, my
lord," he said deferentially, "ho will
never be surprised at anything your
lordship says or does." Yorkshire
Howard Hotel
European plan, 1 B0 rooms, 80-room fireproof annex,
thoroughly modern. Rates 78 cents and $1,00
without bath; $1.80 up with bath. Popular price
restnurant In connection. RODERil.
Treated and removed without the knife,
pay when through. No delay.Write or call on
flR. SCOTT, aSS Nebraska St.. over Royal
Theatre, opposite Weal Hotel. Sioux Ctty.U.
E. HUU8SEAU, MBr. Cor. Oth & Water Sta.,
eionz City, Iowa iiu MJi Uwa rsaa tie.
All Kinds Hardwood Interior Finish
Dank, Store and Office Fixtures
007-511 Wator St. Sioux City, la.
Make a career by earning
a bigger salary? Let us
tell you how. Write for
Success Book 75. Steno
lypy means to labor less and
accomplish more. Hitlonal Bus
iness Training School, Sioux CHr, &
The Lias
(Pat. Applied rer)
Far Remorlnf Transiersal or Straight Cut Demountable Rloa
Hint Did Its Work.
When tho young British officer, or
dered to the front, called on hla tailor
to get 0 fresh outfit, the tailor could
not forget that there was an unset
tled account.
But he felt nervous about broaching
the subject.
"I see the enemy," said the young
ofllcer, "has had a check."
"Lucky enemy!" said the"-tailor,
The young officer looked puzzled for
a moment and then took the gentle
hint Noxt day the bill was settled.
EM a5a35 lH
w Cflr 'f
Contracting tho Rim
Tills Is one of the best tools ever Invented f or remov
ing demountable rims (rom tho tire. It not only
removes the rim but holds It In such a. shape that U
makes the replacement a very easy operaUon. The
tool Is strongly made, and when not In use It takes
up a very small space In the tool box. PRICE $1.30.
Dealers ask lor proposition. Manufactured by
Albertson & Company
110-12-14 Jennings St., Sioux City, la.
SIOUX SPARK PLUGS, best for the money.
What She Would Say.
Bashful Student What would you
say if I wore to throw a kiss at you?
Miss (blushlngly) I'd say you were
tho laziest follow 1'vo ever met. Co
lumbia Jester.
See L. S. A. First.
Blanch She's going to travel.
Beulah So? Going to Europe?
"Oh, no, Bhe'a going to travel In this
"I see. Sho believes In Bafety first."
Some Plans.
"Made any plans' for tho summer?"
"Yes; I'm going somewhere with the
No, Cordelia, the knife one girl
gives another will not cut friendship
and tho odds aro It won't even cut
molded butter.
Of Far More Importance.
Pat and a friend were reading an
account of a shipwreck, in which they
wero greatly interested.
"Pat," said his friend, "In case of a
shipwreck, presonce of mind Is worth
everything else."
"Prlslnco of molnd, ye say," replied
Pat earnestly. "Faith, and I don't
agree wld ye. In tolme of shipwreck,
abslnco of body Is of far more Impor
tance than prlslnce of molnd." Na
tional Monthly.
A Saving.
"I see you're laying out a tennis
court in your yard. I didn't know you
played the game."
"I don't, but you see I won't havo
to mow that part of tho lawn after I
take tho turf off."
The Grand Smash.
"So you bought an auto. How are
you getting along?"
"On crutches."
Compiled for the Benefit of Visitors
Who Without Proper Guidance
Might Get Into Trouble.
All persons are prohibited from
playing with the animals. If you are
a monkey, don't recognize your friendB
at the zoo. Fraternizing with tho ac
mals is considered a serious offenBe,
no matter if the animal shows more
intelligence than tho ono trying to
torment him.
It shall bo unlawful to stroke the
whiskers of Caesar, tho male Hon, or
to pull tho tails of any of the lions jat
any time. Visitors must not Interfere
with the food that Is given tho lions
or put their hands Into tho mouths or
the beasts.
Making eyes at tho baboons and
shaking hands with tho monkeys are
not permitted at any time. Visitors
must not pull the horns of the buffalo
or strike the ears of tho ostrich.
Children aro warned not to ride on
tho backs of tho deer.
Violations of theso park regulations
will be punishable by solitary con
finement in the dog pound for Elx
months. Springfield News.
Slots cut part way through the
blade facilitate the work of a now hoe
for mixing mortar and cement.
"Your name, please, miss."
"Iona Carr."
"Oh, you do? What make?"
A really busy man never knows how
much he weighs.
Andalusia's olive crop is a poor one
owing to a recent drought.
(MM mnsssM
"Thoy Sy" Stories Aro Prevented
From Spreading by the Trace-It-Sack
From Albany, N. Y., 1b reported n
iTraco-It-Back club. 'Somo men had
Heen listening to a "thoy Bay" story,
and ono suggested that wero tho atory
.traced back to Its source, not much
iof It would bo left. Another pro
posed to trace It back and Boe. The
result was bo striking, that tho men
at onco formed themselves Into a club
for tho purposo of tracing such things
to their sourco and bo preventing much
aerlous mlschlof from careless and un
founded statements. Tho club now
numbers many mombors.
A club of that sort could find em
ployment and usoful work to do In
overy community. Mombors or tho
Albany club aro oxcoodlngly caroful
now about what thoy say. Just a
hint of doubt about tho matter and
thoy appoint somcono to investigate.
This la sufficient to causo the recall
Hopeful Mission.
If oven ono of thoso 300 commercial
travelers who havo gono to South
Amorlca succeeds In making a South
American boo a United States Joko
tholr toll will not havo been in vain.
Cleveland Leader.
of nil that ono was not positively Buro
about. Rash, hasty talk has boon tho
causo or untold misory. It Is wlso to
mako no statement without having
valid reason for believing It truo. It
would bo no bad plan for ovoryono to
bo ns caroful of his speech as If a
Traco-It-Bnck club woro going to In
vcstlRato his statements.
A Paradox.
Tho man who sells IiIb honor deals
In something that ho has not got.
Youth's Companion.
Hard-Up King Created Baronetcy.
Tho tltlo baronet was created, but
not invented, by tho "British Solo
mon." It waB to King James I, fre
quently In tho financial morass of Mr.
Mlcawber, that tho earl of Salisbury
suggested a schomo whereby 200 gen
tlomon might be persuaded to pay
1,000 each for tho honor of being
Btyled baronets, or potty barons. To
tho king's objection that such a step
might give offense to "tho goneral
body of the gentry," tho cynical Salis
bury replied : "Slro, you want tho
money, which will do you good, whllo
tho honor will do tho gentry vory little
harm." This cogont argument con
vinced tho king, and tho old chivalrous
order of kulghthood was mipursodod
by tho new order ot pseudo-barons.
Holds The Lead
For over seventeen years Grape-Nuts, the pioneer health cereal, has, had' no
equal, either in flavour or nutrition.
Thousands of families use it regularly because
When Crown Was In Pawn.
In former centuries tlo crown usod
to bo tho favorlto way ot ralslug
money, and tho royal Jewols used
to bo In pawn most ot tho tlmo.
At tho time ot tho coronation of
Oeorgo IV tho crown was In pawn, and
was hired out for tho occasion at a
cost of J3B.000. Tho king wanted to
buy It, but Lord Liverpool thought
It an unnecessary oxtravagance. Fi
nally thoy browbeat tho poor pawn
broker down to $35,000, although tho
crown was then valued at $760,000,
and In celobratlon Georgo IV had to
march through tho streets for miles
wearing a G-pound weight on his
Has qualifies which make
it the ideal food
Delicious Flavour,
Rich Nourishment,
Quick Preparation,
and withal, easily digested.
Grape-Nuts and cream, in place of heavy,
indigestible food, helps to make one cooler and
more comrortaDie on not uuya, mu uuw wj
and brain in a way that gives zest and energy.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
So)d by Grocers everywhere.
From a Doctor With 40 Years Experi
ence. "In ray 40 yoars' experience as a
teacher and practitioner along hy
gienlo lines," says a Calif, physician, "I
have never found a food to compare
with Grape-Nuts for the benefit of tho
general health of all classes of people.
"I have recommended Grape-Nuts
for a number of years to patients with
the greatest success and every year's
experience makes me more enthusias
tic regarding its use.
"I make it a rule to always recom
mohd Grape-Nuts when giving my pa
tients instructions as to diet, for I
know Grape-Nuts can be digested by
"As for myself, when engaged In
much mental work my diet twice a
day consists of Grape-Nuts and rich
cream. I find It Just the thing to build
up and keep the brain In good working
"In addition, Grape-NuU always
keeps the digestive organs in a per
fect, healthy tone." Name given by
Postum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich.
Strong endorsements like the abovo
from physicians all over the country
have stamped Grape-Nuts the most
scientific food In tho world.