Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 17, 1915, Image 5

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Farmers --Try Oxxr Bank.
Hanked for Partners since 188029 veins. Know and like
tl.eai and They Like Us We
for i n
customers ALL the time.
With it
all -Absolute
It's really time you knew us.
t0 CVi float, r A I). T Hnf ty
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOC AIj APPLICATIONS, m Xhty cannot reach
the teat ol the disease. Catarrh U a blood or consti
tutional disease, and In order to cure It J oil must take
Internal remedies. Hall a Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally. and acta directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure Is not ft quack medi
cine. It as prescribed by one ot the best physicians
In this country for years and Is a regular prescription.
It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the
two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re
sults In curing catarrh. Bend for testimonials, tree.
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Props., Toledo, a
Bold by Dnmlsts. price 75c.
Take Halls 1-atnlly Pills for constipation.
First publication WMw
Notice to Contractors
Hunted proposals for Uioconsti net Ion of n,
complete olvctrlu lighting syRtom will lie
lecrmtnl by the Vlllngo or DnLotu Olty. Nt
brnskn. nt Its council loom until 2 p. in.
Juno 2o, ivis.nt which tlmo nil bids Mill 1ms
publicly opened mill rend.
The building of the electric lighting sys
tem mil consist or:
Division No. 1-
Tlio furnishing or nil lnbor nnd material
for n tinniiuUslon line from the South
Sioux tilcy limits to Dakota Ulty, accord
ing to plans and specifications.
KiiRliiKOrs estimate. JUIXMO.
Division No. 2
The furnishing ofnll Intxjr and n.aleilals,
for latmals, as sot foth In plans nnd ituucl
II ill
l.UKlileel'x Kstlmnlo. JI7IW.00
l)lslon No.!)
JJlio turiilslilhg of stieet llghti and the
iiWior fur connecting sninn.
KliRlneerN lMlnmtn. simmk)
A certified check of f. our cent, of the
amount or the pioposnl on a regular Neb
raska National or Stnte bank nnd pnynblo
to tlio Villngn l'ronstirer ot Dakota Oily.
Nebiasla. must accompany ench proposnl
ns niruaruntee that the con ti act will Imi ex
. ecu ted and bond Hied ns provided In theso
' Vl nsuiitl speclllcnllons are on llle with
the Vitiligo Ulork of Dnkotn Ulty, Nebraska,
and with II. .1. Itynu, KnHineei, 812 I'lerco
Street. Sioux Ulty, lawn, where tlioj cnu bo
AllcoulriictoiHdesliliiKiicopy of the plans
nnd sp ulllcntlous fur their own personal
use can obtain a copy fioni the t'liBlueors by
T-,ileposltlnK t'ldd. which III lie le (muled upon
JJtho rotui n of tlio plant In good condition.
Inoidei toiecele coiisldeinttou. nil pio
pnsnU must boon the printed form furnish
ed by either the Village Uleik or the uligln
tor. The Vlllngo of Dakota Ulty, NebiMska,
reserves the tight to lojeclnny orull bids.
Dated nt Dnkotn I'lty, N'ebi., this 2nd dny
of June, 1915.
Sidskv T. KitUMi
Vlllngo Uleilt.
First publication G-27-lvs
In the dlstilct cotut of Dnkotn County,
Sidney T. Trum. I'lnliitlir,
Georgo UiocUuell, Jann s
Urockwell, tlio Unknown
Heirs of .lames D. M.
OrouUwell, o t h o i w I s o
known H9 .1. D. M. Oiook
well. the Unknown Hells
of I). A. Oiockwell, otliei-M- Hal Notice.
wise known ns noicas A, I
Oroukwell, otherwlHe
known in Doicns Oroek
well Hates, the Unknown
Heirs of UhnilesKhk ami
the Unknown llelis of
.lames W. Vli tue.
To the nboo named defendants:
In pursuance of an order of Uuy T.Gines.
Judge of the District Doui t of linkotntlouu
ty, Nebraska, made In Uliambeisat l'ender,
Thurston Dountj, reliaska, on the '21st
dny of May, A. I.. IBIO. In t he nbolu untitled
cause, tlio defendants nnd ench of them
nre hereby notllled Unit on the 21st day of
AIny. 1IS, plnlntUTIlled his petition ngnlnst
them In the district court, the object nnd
prayer of which nro to quint the title In
tin TjDlntntllT, nnd ngnlnst nil persons
clnlmlnrf uudei snld defendants to lots
seventeen 1 17). and eighteen ( 1H), In block
eighty-eight (HS), In the Ullage of
Dnkotn Ulty Dnkotn Uounty. Ncbrnskn;
tho plnlntllT alleges that ho nnd his
grantors hnvo been In open and notorious,
continuous, exclusive and nderso posses
sion ot snld promises for inoro than ton
years Inst past; that the defendants Gcoige
Oiockwcll. James Orockwell. tho unknown
heirs of James I). M. Oiockwcll, otnerwlso
known ns J. I). M. Uiockwell. tho unknown
heirs of I). a, Orockwell. otherwise known
ns Dorcas A. Orockwell. otherwise known
ns Dorcns Uiockwell Hates, claim some title
or Interest In mid to snld lot 18, by virtue of
a deed from T. II. I Inrk ns president of tho
Dakota Ulty Uompnny; that tho defend
ants, unknown heirs of Uhnrles Klrk.clnlm
some Intel est In said lot 17 by virtue of ndeed
from Augustus Kountzo ns president of the
Dnkotn Ulty Uompnnv, and by vlrtuo of n
mayor's deed from Hnrnnbus ltatos ns may
or of the Village of Dnkotn Olty: that tho
defendants unknown heirs ot James W.
Vlrtuo claim some Interest In snld lot 17
nnd 18 by vlitue of n tax sale for tho yenr
You are required toanswor said potltlon
on or befoi e the fith dny of July, 1915.
Sidney T. Prunt, Plaintiff.
The nlmvo notice Is hereby approved and
declined to be sulllclent notice to all de
fondants as to pendency of snld action after
same shall hnvo baon published for four
succeaslvo weeks ns required bv law.
Guy T. Graves,
Judge of the District Court.
First publication 6-!f7-lw
In tho district court of Dakota county,
W. F. Kerr, whoso urst nnd
real nnme Ii
Wllllnni F. Kerr, Plaintiff,
Tho Unknown llelis of Wil
liam Cunningham. Tho
Hurllngton 'J i nst Compa
ny, n Corporation, Idn Wil
son, The Unknown Heirs
, of Georgo A. Wilson, Un
m known Heirs of G. A. Wil
son, Nellie anrstlng, Win.
l.opp, otherwise -known ns
William Iopp, una oo.llo
Iopp, Defendants.
Legal Notice.
To the above named dofendnntsi
In pursuance of on order of Guy T, Grav es,
Judge of tho DUtrlot Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska, made nt Chambers at
Pender, Thurston County, Nebraska, on the
aut dny of May, A. D, 1815, In the nbovo
entitled cnuse the defendants nnd ench ot
them nre hereby notllled that on the 10th
day of April, lDlp. plaintiff llled his petition
against them In snld court, the object nnd
prayer of which nre to quiet tho title In the
plulnttffs nnd tho defendants William Lopp
and Nellie Iopp and against nil other de
fendants or peisoni claiming under them,
to tho following described real estate In
Dakota county, Nebraska, to-wlt:
That part of the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter (SW l of BK ') of sec
tion twenty-eight 128), township twenty
nlno (2t), range ulno (S), east of the flth
P.M.. described as follows: Ileglnulng at
the southeast cqrner of C, S. Murphy's
tract situated. In the nbovo described 40
aero tract, thence running north on tho
east line qr u. s.Muipny's tract nt varia
tion of N. tf-IOW. t2 Xcpt, thonco enst on
Ihp south line Qt J. P. Twohlg's land u-40
North, 7t feet and & Inches to enst lino of
snld 40 acres, tlienco south u'-loeat on tho
quarter lino infect, thence westv-40 South
ilong the north lino of Tim Slmnahan's
land 7 feet and a inches to the place of
beginning, containing S 4-fith acres; tho
glalntllT alleges that he and his grantors
hd the defendants, William I.opp and
Nellie I,opp. and their grantors, hnvo boen
In open, notorious, continuous, exclusive
una advorso posesslon of said premises for
mote than twenty (20) years Inst pnst.
That the defendants, the Unknown Heirs
or William Cunningham, claliulsomo In
terest In Bald property without right: that
tho Hurllngton Trust Company defectively
released a mortgage w hlch they held ngnlnst
snld promUcs; that tho defendants, Un
known Heirs of Georgo A. Wilson, Up
know Heirs of G, A, Wilson und Ida Wilson,
claim an Interest In said premises through
u deed executed and delivered by mistake,
and that tho Interest of tho defendant,
Nellie Garstlng, Is now owned by the de
fendants. William Lapp nud Nellie I.opp.
ou are required to answer said petition
i on or beforo tho 6th day of July. IMA.
,. W.V. KKHH.
Whose Urst nnd real name Is
The above notice Is hereby npproved nnd
declared to lie sulllclent notice to all de
fendants of tho pendency of snld notion,
after tho snmo shall have been published
for four successive weeks ns required by
law, GUV T. QUA VK8.
Jtidgeof the District Court
make Faun Loans at 5 work
Ask ns for Anything Any-1
oaieiy - service mm aim nes.
Of... r ..' ii. iC-!!
"Jtv h h Oovnrnraont Bonn"
Ed. T. Kearney, Prosidont.
V..nl b
ltc .1 EsUto Itutiiiuco.
Local Items
Geo Orr shipped a car of hoprs
from here last Friday.
Mrs. Alfred Pizey, of Sioux City,
visited friends here last Thursday.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
M Will Sierk on Thursday, June 10.
ni a ladie's bar pin, with in
itii. J. W. U. Enquire at the Her
ald olnco.
Mrs. James Fueston spent a few
days last week with her children
near Homer.
Ross Johnson and wife, of Sioux
City, were Friday eveninp; guests of
friends in this place.
Mrs. Nevada Lattin went to Wat
erbury Sunday, where she has accept
ed a position in the hotel.
Dr. Nina Smith, of Homer, was a
guest at the Mrs. Fannie Crozier
home in this place Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. James Casebeer, of
Prescott ave., Sioux City, were Sun
day guests at the J. B. Leech home.
Rev. J. Crews, of Benson, Neb.,
was here several days last week so
liciting for the M. E. hospital at
Will Schriever began work Mon
day as motorman-conductor for the
Howards, on the S. U., U. L. & H.
street railway.
Rev. W. T. Kahse, Lutheran
missionary superintendent of Neb
raska, visited friends here Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Miss Kathleen Neiswanger has
closed her term of school near Pilger,
Neb., and has gone to Wayne to at
tend the summer Normal.
Chas. H. Ream is sporting a bran '
new watch, a present from the Ger
man Fire Insurance company of
Omaha, for which he is agent in this
Mrs. Jack McQuirk,
of Maskel,
here Satur-!
Neb., visited relatives
day and missed her train in the even
ing. Mr. McQuirk drove down in
his Ford in the evening after her.
Mrs. Tom Allaway and children
and Mrs. Audrey Alloway, of Homer,
visited relatives here last Thursday,
the former at the home of Fred
Duensing and the latter at the Mrs.
N. M. Altemus home.
The Rebekah lodge at this place
has surrendered its charter, and the
members here transferred their
membership to the South Sioux City
lodge. A number from here went
to South Sioux. City Saturday even
ing and were admitted to the lodge
Omadi lodge No 5, A. F. & A. M.,
installed the following officers at a
special meeting Saturday evening:
Harry H. Adair. W. M.; Frank H.
Forrest, S. W.; Sidney T. Frum, J.
V.; George Wilkins, Treas.; John H.
Ream. Sec: Geo. W. McBeath. S.D.:
Harry F. Aughey, J. D.: Herbert D.
Wood, Tyler.
Earl Wright came un from Lin
coln Saturday and accompanied Mrs.
Wright and two children home Mon
day, they having spent the past week
at the W. H. Clapphome. Miss Jess
Mclsaac, a teacher from Alcester, S.
D., and also a visitor at the Clapp
home, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Wright home for a summer visit.
Miss Mary Easton arrived here
Wednesday evening from Saco,
Mont., where she has resided on a
claim for the past three years, and
will spend the summer months with
relatives in this vicinity. She holds
a position in the schools near where
she is located. Her brother, Archie
Easton, conducts a drug store in
Saco, and is doing a nice business.
Prof. C. Jacobson writes us to
send his Herald to Lincoln, Neb.,
where he is now enrolled in the State
University for the summer session
to take the following subjects: Man
ual training, analytical geometry and
philosophy. He expects to spend a
few weeks at his old home in Mis
souri before entering upon his duties
as superintendent of schools at Ban
croft, Nebr.
Frank M. Sides, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Sides, left Saturday
for Clearmont, Wyo., where he will
work for Walter Bros., owners of
qne of the largest cattle and hay
ranches in Wyoming, during his
summer vacation. Frank has a sev
eral weeks' hunting and fishing trip
in view after the rush of haying is
over, also a trip to Yellowstone Na
tional Park, which is only about for
ty miles from where he will be locat
ed. Mrs. Ed Frederick, while driving
their auto down Main street Sunday
afternoon, bumped into the rear of
a buggy driven by Willie Sanford.
She thought he heard the warning
whistle but she got so close that be
fore she could clear the buggy the
auto struck It, Young Sanford was
thrown out but was not Jnjurod.
Tho buggy was damaged consider
ably, as the horso bocamo frightened
and broke loose from the rig before
he was caught.
The annual meeting for school dis
trict No. 1, Dakota City, was held
in the high school building Monday
afternoon. The treasurer's and sec
retary's reports were adopted as pre
sented, and an estimate of $3,500
made for school purposes for the
coming year. The matter of seat
ing the assembly room was left to
the discretion of the board as was
aiso me matter ot taking up one or
two outstanding bonds. Two mem
bers of the board were elected, and
S. A. Stinson and Herman Bierman,
whose terms expired, were re-elected
almost without opposition. Twelve
voters attended the meeting.
WeeciKer Forecast
for the week beginning Wednesday
of each week, issued by the U. S.
weather bureau for this locality:
Scattered showers are probable
and aeain on Sunday.
Temperatures rather above the aver-
nwhro Wvihln
The Herald 1 year, $1.
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkens.
Attorney R. H. Munger, of Sioux
CitVi wbb lookinsr after leual busi-
' ness here Saturday.
Preserve and beautify your home
with Mound City Paint and Varnish.
For sale at Dakota City rnarmacy.
Henry T. Krause and Miss Hazel
Davidson, of Thurston county, were
married by Rev. F. J. Aucock Wed
nesday. Rev. J. C. Ringer and wife ship
ped their household goods Monday
and departed for their new home at
Council Bluffs, la.
Miss Mabel Ream left Wednesday
evening for Sholes, Neb., for a
weeks visit at the home of her broth
er, John N. Ream.
Geo. W. McBeath is assisting Geo.
Wilkins in the county clerk's oflice
during the absence of the deputy
clerk, Miss EtTie Engelen.
G. P. Broyhill, Geo. W. McBeath
and family and Mrs John H. Ream
and daughter Mildred, were Homer
visitors Sunday, making the trip in
Mr. Broyhill's Mitchell Six.
Mr. and Mrs John B. Evans ol
served their fourth wedding anni
versary at their home north of town
Monday evening by entertaini . ;
their relatives and near neighbors.
The board of county commission
ers met Tuesday in regular session
as a board of equalization, and will
be in session three days to hear any
complaints in the matter of assess
ment. Premium lists for the Nebraska
State Fair to be held at Lincoln Sep
tember 6 to 11, have been received
at the Herald office. A fine program
of races and other entertainments is
A social dance will be given in the
Ayres hall, Dakota City, Friday even
ing, June 26th. Parker's four piece
orchestra will furnish music. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all
I who enjoy good music and dancing.
C. L. Middleton, of South Sioux
City, was held up and robbed in Sioux
City Satdrday night, along with four
other men in different parts of the
city. One of the victims, C. R.
sop, was shot four times but
Dr. Chas. T. Maxwell, of Sioux
City, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. H.
Maxwell, of this place, lett Tuesday
for San Francisco to attend the con
vention of the American Medical As
sociation. He will be away on the
trip abont three weeks.
Of all the months we like June
the best. T'is then we doff our coat
and vest, and make money than e'er
before for friends who buy, say
please give me some more. Business
is good and it is your continued pat
ronage that helps make it so. Thank
you. Neiswanger's Pharmacy.
Mrs. Eva Kilmartin came up from
Fremont Sunday, and returned Mon
day with her little son Carl, who
has been staying for some time at
the Mrs. Belle Barnett home. Mrs.
Kilmartin was granted a decree of
divorce from J. T. Kilmartin at the
session of district court held here on
Judge S. W. McKinley performed
the following marriage ceremonies
the past week: Glen D. Foltz, of
Sioux City and Anna G. Johnson, of
Inwood, la., on the 12th; E. J. Coo
ley and Jennie B. Little of Sioux
City, on the 14th; Carl T. Neilen, of
Isabella, b. L., and iNancy A. No
land, of Sioux City, on the lGth.
Adolph G. Boesen, a former resi
dent of this county, died May 2Gth
at his home in Springfield, Ore. Mr.
Boesen was married in 1901 to Miss
Carrie M. Hansen, of Honier, Neb.,
and soon after moved to Oregon.
He leaves a wife and nine chiidren.
He was born in Denmark and died
on the 47th anniversary of his birth.
An adjourned term of district court
convened here Monday with Judge
Guy T. Graves on the bench. No
jury was summoned for the session.
Besides a number of equity cases
disposed of, a divorce was granted
to Mrs." Eva Kilmartin from J. T.
Kilmartin, and the care and custody
of their minor child was granted to
Mrs. Kilmartin. A divorce was also
granted to Bertha Powell from
James F. Powell. Charles Seizor of
Sioux City, obtained a judgment
against Mable Moore, an erstwhile
denizen of South Sioux City, for
$2848.78. Tho caso of Mary Del
oughery vs. Lottie Burke, appealed
from Judge McKinley 'a court.
wherein Miss Deloughery sought to
regain possession at Anzetta iJurko,
the U-yearald daughter of the de
fendant, was tried to the court
Tuesday and tho judge affirmed the
decision of the lower court and gave
the mother the custody of the little
girl. It was shown during tho trial
that the mother had never signed
adoption papers releasing'her right
to the child when it was placed in
an Omaha orphanage several years
ago. The management of tho orph
anage homo gave the child to Miss
Deloughery a couplo of yoara ago.
Tho mother who is now living at
Meadow Grovo, claimed the child
and tho courts upheld her claim.
Tho case of Henry Ostmeyer vs. Al
fred Chaillie, in which the farm now
occupied by Chaillie is involved, was
tried to the court Wednesday. The
arguments in the case will be sub
mitted on written briefs, and the
decision rendered later on.
M. E. Church Notes.
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Service at 11 a. m. Subject:
"Christian Giving."
Evening service at 8 p. in. Sub
ject: "Christian Unity."
Trustee meeting Thursday even
ing at 8 p. m. at the parsonage.
True Blue meeting Friday at 7:30.
We cordially invite our Lutheran
friends to join us in worship while
they are without a pastor.
F, J. Aucock, Pastor.
From tho ltecord.
Mrs. C. A. Karst and Miss Clare
Mitchell returned Thursday from
Lake City, where they were visiting
Harrison, Vinnie and Sammy Har
den returned Friday from Nebraska
City, where they have been attend
ing the state school for the blind.
Mrs. Martha Shane expects to
leave in a short time for an all sum
mer's visit at points in Iowa and at
Pontiac, 111., her girlhood home.
Frank Hogan left this week for a
trip to San Francisco and Los Ange
les. He will visit tho exposition and
enjoy a month's vacation on the
western coast.
Mrs. Carrie Wilson, of Des Moines,
was a visitor with her brothers, Al
fred and Ward Austin, this week.
Mrs. Wilson is administratrix for
her mother's estate and was here on
Roy Mclntyre, of Eugene, Ore.,
arrived here Saturday for a short
visit with friends. He stated that
his father, R. A. Mclntyre, may re
turn to South Sioux City to live in a
year or so.
Marion Eimcrs, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J.J. Eimers, was taken to
the Samaritan hospital Monday,
where she underwent a minor opera
tion and tho young lady is now at
home again, making a rapid recov
ery. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith, of
' i. tlnrwl Crn wnrn viyitnra lim-n
with relatives a few days last week
.vhile on their way to Chicago, where
they will make their home. Mrs.
Smith will be remembered as Miss
Mabel Kloster.
State Superintendent T omas ad
vises the school district of South
Sioux City to issue special warrants
as a method of paying interest on
some old bonds. The last legisla
ture provided this as a substitute in
some cases for the issuance of bonds.
The special warrants draw inteiest.
The district is attempting now to
pay the interest on $25,000 worth of
bonds issued twenty years ago and
on which no interest has been paid.
Major Martin Suter, grandfather
of Chas. Suter of this city, is at the
Suter home this week attending the
G. A. R. encampment in Sioux City.
He makes his home at Ireton, but is
a frequent visitor here where he is
well known. He is 95 years old and
is the father of seven children, 21
grandchildren and GO great grand
children, to say nothing of being the
father of a civil war veteran, is
greeting old friends and acquaint
ances in the lobby of the Martin ho
tel today. Major Suter needs no
cane to get about and is enjoying his
visit to the fullest.
Hog Cholera Serum
One of the laws enacted by the
last legislature which is undoubtedly
of ereat benefit to the f ai mer and
which in a way effects eaph hog
raiser of the state, was what is
known as Senate File 197, regulating
the manufacture and sale of anti-hog
cholera serum and virus.
The federal government sometime
ago saw the necessity of regulating
the manufacture of these products
and it has been partially under the
supervision of the federal B. A.'I. for
the past year Or more. However, the
Nebraska law makes it imperative
that all companies who manufacture
or soil serum or virus in the state
procure a permit from the Live
Stock Sanitary Board and file bond
for $5000.00 with the Board for the
fulfillment of the law regulating
their product.
The one feature of the law which
affects the farmer or user of either
of the two products is that reports
must be made by both tho party
administering the serum or virus and
the party owning the hogs. The one
who administers the dose must make
a report to the Live Stock Sanitary
Board at Lincoln immediately, and
the owner of the hogs must make a
report at the end of thirty days.
The Live Stock Sanitary Board fur
nishes blanks for making these re
ports free of charge to owners and
users of serum.
It would be well for the swine
owners who contemplate vaccination
to look up this law before vaccinat
ing and to make sure that they pro
cure the right kind of serum by buy
ing only from companies licensed in
Nebraska. If they buy from com
panies licensed in Nebraska report
blanks are sent out with each lot ot
serum sold by such company.
$5,000.00 to loan on improved
real estate. Address box 9G1, Da
kota City, Neb,
Phenomenal Bargain.
We have boon fortuuuto iu making
urrungeraontH wliioli onublu un to ofllor
you n vuur'tt Bubaoriptiou to Fxrnior
uutl Urueilor and tliu Herald for only
(100. TIuh in an unumiiil bargain;
take. nclvunUgo of it TODAY. Your
aubsoriptlon to Fnrmor and Broodor
moans Unit jou nro entitled to freo
consultation with tho Speciul Sorvico
Denartmout of Furuior and Urcodor
upon any question portainiug to farm
ing and utook raising during tho term
of our Hubsoription to tliul rnagbzlno.
ThiH Reivlco ulouo is worth tho priuo
we flflk for both puliliontiotiB, Lot ub
unvo your order NOW. Pupora eont
to diffnriiut uddroHscH if doeirod.
Furmur nnd Uremlor In preeminent
ly n magazine of farm and stock facts.
It shows exactly how to do tho tilings
the wuy tlioy nro bring dono by the
moot micoi'RHftil farmers nnd brooders.
It gives olonr, DEFINITE nnd intolli
gent explunuWons of fnrm roetliuds
Hiid systems. It is broad und varied
in Hcopo und gives you ideas, pliuiH,
und methods thityou cun supply nt
onco und put dollnrs in your pockets.
I'lin following nro tlio dittos for hold
Iugdistilct onntt us glrtn by Judge
Qruv. b:
Cuming county, Murcli 8, Novem
ber LS; Dakota county, February 15;
Beptombor 27; Btuu'on county, Murch
1, Ootoborl; Oedar county, February
1, Beptomber l.'l; Dix n county, Murcli
22, Dooombor 0, nnd Thurston county,
April 5, Octohor 11,
Dikola City, Neb , June T, 1015
The board of county commissioners of
Dakota county, Nebraska, met pursuant to
adjournment. Members present Thos.
IrfniR. chairman, a. Ira Oavls. Oliver V
KMirr bldner T Frum, county attorney
ami Geo Wilkins, county clrrk
When the following proceedings were had
to It
Hoard accepts resignation ol John I" Mer
ger as road overseer district No Itf
Hoard appoints ltussell (1 Oncnsas oet
srerof road district No I'Jand approves his
The board allows claims hereinafter cnu
(iterated on the arlous In mis designated
and authorises the county clerk nut to write
warrants for same until there are funds
On county general fund
John T Ualev, 7 .iionthh' house rent for Mrs
0 Dnsolly. I n u), rejected
J b ll.icou, stamped envelopes and ex
pense money torhrtniMng Willie Ha
ke r, blind, from Nebraska City 10 25
S T Krutn. UW hours services onas-
sessor'a records , , ,.., , , ,, 5100
Geo i; Hall, examination of Held
notes, In rcsurcy , . BOO
J u rati I, expense and surveying on
Hwatnit., 187 31
John blerk Hldavs assessing .,..., iusl 60
J I Itockwcll, II das assessing.... . . 11 (
J l'Mc edlth,M)da)8 assessing. . .. 150 00
II irstoicr, 4J days assessing and
stamps ram
A 11 Anderson, '15 das assessing and
Mtamps , 105 00
J II Klynn, 3d days assessing , . I0f f
11 McKinley, 45 days assessing ..... 13001)
J I' lleeney, 40 days assessing UVtt)
l F Carney, postage, express, assess
or's salary, etc..,. 47u no
State Journal Co, supplies 1130
Mary T Martin, taxes refunded t SI
I)a Idson llros Co, rubber matting, etc 0 30
Nebraska Telephone Co, phone rent
and 1011 3148
llcrt Denton, damages to northeast
quarter southeast quarter section!',
township M, range it, for bridge.. .
lto Ar.i'our, viewing road,. .. , .. ...
Ilurroughs .vddtng Machine Co, ic-
pairs, . ....
WmVl)als, leoalrlng
Huso Publishing Co, records, supplies,
State lournal nt, tax lists and bond
Omaha I'rl . , marriage licenses,
Hammond .'v hens Co. dlnlomas .
3 Ml
61 "i
30 10
10 1H
Klopp.V HarliitiCo. supplies for su
perintendent's onicc 45 .in
Tim following claims wcro allowed
on U.j rond district fund:
llnrvey .ontmlro.8 dnys rond work,
uutn nnd tentn.dlst No. 1 t x 00
Oliuulo I'onry.Xdnys rond work, mini
nnd tentn.dlst 1 8 00
UIulsSmltli.Htlnys rond worL, uinn
nnd tenni, uisi ( kui
ltd Owons,Sllnys rond work, uinn
nnd tciun.dlst r 4 CO
Thco Klohorst. l'i dnys rond work,
uinn nnd tonm, tllst t 11,5
II J Klchorst, ftditys rond work, until
it ml tenm.dlsta 5f0 ai
V It Uargor, 4'4 ritys load woik, 2
mon nnd S tenuis, dlsts IU 00
S A Hi own, rupnlrlngrond nmuhlnury
dlst n 19 IB
S A Hrow n, lopnlrlng rond uinclilnory,
..... A R UK
tiini, ., ..... ...... .... . .. u.
John Sohn.SMidnys tond work, uinn
nnd until, dial ii sa mi
Nuls Anderson, Idnj s rond woik.iunu
nnd tentn.dlst 18 , 17 CO
Louis KinKlson.'.'diiysroml work.mnn
nnd tonm, dlst Id
Goorgo Jensen, 2 dnys rond work, innn
nnd tonm, (list 1(1
Potor Jonson, lduys loud woik, tnnu
nnd tonm, (list 10 -. . ,
llonzo .ttlreon, lupnlrlng grnder, etc.
J V HorKoi, 1 dnys rond work, uinn nnd
team, dlst 1.
Herman Anderson, 1 dnys rond woik,
dlst 15
Ilonnnu Anderson, 1 dnys tond woik,
dlstlW ,
Ilei mnu Andersen, J'idnys rond woik,
dlst 2i
Christen Ilnnson. 4lA dnys rond work,
innn nnd tonm, dlst 17
Out 1 Ilnnson, 1 dnys rond work, innn
nnd tonm, dlst 17
August Nlggonunn, 1 dnys tond work,
innn nnd tentn.dlst 10
V II llorgor, 44 dnys lond work, mini
nnd tunin. dlst IV
8 00
4 00
C H5
4 Ol
2 00
27 00
4 00
I 00
19 00
7 76
Jack Owens, l'dnys rond work, innn
nnd tonm. (list 19
H.I Klchorst. 1 dnys i ond work, uinn
nnd tonm. dlst 19 4 00
HO Owens, IU dnys 10ml work, mint
und tonm. dlst 19 7 Ml
Otto I-olir, ); days tond work, luuu
nnd tonm, dlst 20 , 14 u)
lleuiy Got.:, 1H dnys rond woik, mnn
und tenm, (list 2i, U)
Joseph lluicnn, T,4 dnys rond work,
mnn nnd tonm, (list 21 17 50
James Howard, rond work, 1 dny, mnn
nnd tenm. distil N 00
Josoph Ilngnn, 10 days rond work,
distal 42M)
John Heonoy, 7 dnys lond work, innn
und tonm, dlst zl 2HW
Joe Smith, 5 dnys rond work, mnn nnd
team, dlst 21 20 00
Oscnr .Sharp, 2' dnys rond work, mnn
nnd tonm, dlst 21 10 00
T.ouls Mogonson, rond woik, 1 dny,
man and tonm, dlst 21 4 00
Louis I-nrson, rond work, 1 dny, tnnu
nnd tonm. dlst 21 4 00
Homy Johnson, 4 dnys rond work.
mnnnnd tonm,dlst21 18 uu
Krnnk Simmons, 2 dnys rond work,
innn nnd tonm, dlst 21 s 00
l'aul Sharp, ldnys rond woik, mnn
nnd team, dlst 21 0 00
Troff Doroln.U'jdnys rond work, mnn
nnd tonm. dlst 22 20 70
Frnnk Krlckon, 12J4 days rond work,
(list 22 25 00
Goorgo Ilnyos, 3 dnys lond work, 2
mou nnd 2 teams, dlst 2.! 24 00
Tho following claims woro nllowed on
commissioner dlstrlot No I.
Atistln-Westoru Mnchlnory Co,, ro-
pnlix forgrndor , t 22 (X)
Tho following claims woro allowed on
commlsslonordlstrlct No. 2:
Qoorirn Doroln. C dnys rond work, mnn
nnd tenm J 20 00
Worth Thompson, 2 dnys oponlng
grade 4 00
Frnnk Simmons, C dnys rond work,
man and team, 20 00
Tlio following claims woie nllowed
rond (IrmtKliiK fund
Harvey Z.ontmlr" ilingglng ronds.
10 bouts, 1 man in i tennis t 0 00
William Rockwell .Hogging ronds,
0 hours, 1 man nnd i tenuis 3 00
K A Hnkko, (I rugging ronds 1H hours, 1
innn nnd 2 teams 10 so
John Must, dragging roads laK hours,
I man nnd 2 teams.. 11 10
Ohnrlos Hoch, dragging rondHfihours,
l mnnnnu 2 teams , am
V II Hundt, drngglng Kinds 20 bonis,
1 mnn nnd 2 tennis 14 0(1
Ohm lus Hoch. drugging ronds7 hours,
1 man ami 2 teams i w
A HOouglitiy.drngHlng loads 9 hours,
1 mnn nnd 2 tenuis 5 40
Jch n T l)aloy,drntflngroads26 hours,
1 innn nnd 2 tenuis la 00
llormnu Itopkon.ilrngglng ronds 7)i
hou rs, 1 man nnd 2 teams 4 60
linns Jonsoir, drugging rotdsUOhours,
1 mnnnnd 2 tenuis
18 (W
Tho following claims wore allowed
on the county brlilgo fund:
Nols Anderson, bridge work I 80 00
llarvoy Zentinlre, brldgo work and
hnullng plnnk ,, , , H ifi
Hoard refunds Ji poll tax to linns J An
derson, on rond fund of Homer,
llonid adjourned.
Georgo Wilkins. clerk
"Che Her&ild end
Slonx City Daily and Buuiluy
Journal 1
without Sunday !)
Meat Market
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish in Season
Cash paid for Hides
M. Wxzlzen
Pioprietor Dakota City
Specials for Saturday, June 19
For this Day Only
1 lb Dandelion 30c Coffee 25c
2 lbs fancy Dried Peaches for 25c
1 lb fine dried Apricots 15c
Corn, Kraut, Salmon and Peas, 3 cans. 25c
6 cans Dandelion Milk 25c
2 pkg Health Bran '. 25c
1 sack Puritan Flour. $2.00
1 25c pkg Rolled Oats 20c
All our Calicos per yd 6c
Ladies' Wrappers, each 95c
Berries, Pineapples, Oranges, New Potatoes, and
everything in the fruit line for Saturday trade.
Just ree'd a nice line of Shoes, the best $5.00 shoe
for Men on the market
DafcoteK. City,
I Harness and
II am better prepared than ever to do your harness
and shoe repairing. I can also fit you out with any
, thing you may want in the line of new harness on
I short notice, and at the lowest possible price.
A full line of Nets, Whips, Pads, Etc., always on hand
M. F. Broef fie
The Harness Man.
A Broad Choice
of Western. Tours
Besides tho low $50 Cnliforniu oxouraion rnlo bnaia, from Juno 1st thoro
is a $00 oxoursiou rnto with limit of Dooombor Slst.
Thin will bo u big KiiiHoii for Yollowttono Tark. Join tho throng 1 All
kinds of circuit tours thinugh tlio different gntowajs; inqairo about tho tour
to iipoltnuo, one wny Tin Glnoior Park, tho orhor way via YellowBtono Park,
nlso ubout tho Mountain uiiii Park tour, ono wuy via Colorado and Bait Luko,
tlio othor via Gardiner or Cody.
Then thoro is Glaoior Park with its incompnrablu soonory,
You hnvo always near you, Colorado resorts and ranohes, including
boautiful Estcs Park; no western resort has bo inoroasod in patronage tho
pnit fow j oars ub Estos Park.
Nenr also aro tho filnok Bills, with thoir famous pino forosts, Hot
Springe, Sylvan Lako and soeuio auto drives.
Iu tho Big Horn mountains nro tho summor ranohes near Sheridan and
Unuohestcr. In tho Big Horn BaBin is Thormopolis Hot Springs, famous for
its rboumntio ourcs. Look over tho Burlington map, it will suggest some tour
to jou, thou mako inquiries and nBk for dosoriptivo publications of any locality
you hnvo iu mind.
or N tw HAVtN.ConmcncuTj
True Economy
means the vUe pcndlng of one's
and getting la return an article that
h Is a
Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White Is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
stracts or Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy
of every Abstract I make.
J. J. EIMERS, Bonded Abstractor.
Shoe Repairing I
Hvbbardf N1 )
II. E. Gordon, Agent,' Dakota City, Nebr,
L. W. Wakelkt, G. P. A., Omaha, Nob.
Dakota City, Nebraska.
money nuking every dollar do full duty
will satltfy you in every way
real bargain because It Is sold at a popular
price) because it gives you the kind of sewing
you delight to J because it will turn out the work
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
of satisfactory service) because its improvements
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine) because it will please you
with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture.
In short you will find the 'White reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
Ad n m