DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. BRITISH BATTLESHIP SUNK IN DARDANELLES SUBMARINES OF THE ATLANTIC FLEET )i 'i t k' jf l- h - rtVvcy r -j s:ss "- Ct s S ST.'-' 8 1 ' V V Sy-IP' J?vKji' gsyV'N Av. m '.Jan.... , , r British buttleshlp Goliath which was torpedoed and sunk In tho Dardanelles, several hundred lives being lost. ATLANTIC FLEET BATTLESHIPS AT NEW YORK Tin TTiXpF5 !'" 38?A. P 1.L . ... . - a"" ' rnH?. i H iww' .. w 'if'-.-u?'-.j MW TT ft "V Ckk. Am wfLwiiuu. :mm & Sr. Jrabt. iys vzKlif - W$rlr&t uw ' t &' X ' S Ji . ifl V. Ill rJMmmMmtimr vfii: . '-rri rfanEac3 ,K'..."i tcs "?;;r ";vSlaBc'i r, " ? s Tw v " " " ,CV'C-!'"' '' ' f5- . A ...XT 2 SJJSSSS2! Some of the battleships of tho Atlantic fleet photographed as they entered New York harbor for tho annual review by tho president. SCHOOLSHIP STARTS ON LONG CRUISE i"SN "s:v N v ' d tflK 1 x r w , " 'w SjX ttaf 1' U H&. &L -0'A iA ..(S.s?. . ' ''. jwesa-. x-stMLiii "' . ... -i ft.i .i.AVi Tnwwtiiu.. -X kSu, ...-.,.. . v-jiClv. J-j. Wfu 1A .n" vNsssVS.A-t'-AVT.7!'T.','TXrin3(i "." .--.. - i w,. y. , yyijjafihMgaewiwwM. M - i JVYv,Mrtt7rrv " V;, jS ? sX-- vs.s-t: New York state nautical school ship St Thomas as sho started for tho Island of St. Thomas on the first lap of her 15.000-mllo voyage. ELECTION SCENE IN TOKYO tL 1 A m&m 21 r. n MiiUiaK.WvK wjsWj. . ! -: smBi ! .i'.--Rsa . i27 lT!r Sft iNi y.- tV A 1: 'V ? ,ri mi, 3&!w ' .MVrtAL &t.'i SiVi" ''CVSa Hi-T-V " 'IrtliOfr. . K. - Lwl mm&. . S" a s " A' &. r 'txw .... :a . tv'H.Ki.'fc fc '' mlF : ? tMi A mmv &tm n ' ' H1F1 ' '.: I ;&i ?i a w : i-rrAaR ': j "" ;i Jti (IIS K 3 i8teElgaf Ml '. teWS 3.Ui 'J Y fl:1 uwno eu3 . & K'. i-;'' jat a.JSKi ' jfx r - - idam During tho recent electlona in Japan the banners put up by tho various candidates in Tokyo were so numerous that In tho vicinity of the polling places they interfered with street tralllc ILLINOIS WOMAN MAYOR fli WrV im.s as y '&r. ' JBTAiSJ KJ?S . . t Mrs. A. D. Canfleld, mayor of War ren, 111., is tho first woman to bo elected to that position in any Illinois city. Sho is a widow, seventy-four years old and conducts a millinery shop. She has promised to put an end to pool rooms, gambling and tho liquor traffic in Warren. Are There Private Armies? It is illegal to have an army of your own, but tho law wlnlcs at private armies in ono or two cases.. Tho duko of Atholl had for they have now gone to tho groat war a pri vato army of 200 men, and has often provided guards of honor for King George from their ranks. In fact, Queen Victoria once reviewed this pri vate army. Tho duko of Atholl's pro vate army is for its size tho finest body of soldiers in tho world, nil over six feet in height, sturdy Scotsmen picked from tho fittest of tho fit The duko of Kifo nlso kept a pri vate army which numbered a hundred men, who were urmed with huge pikes exactly as tho soldiers wcro armed centuries ago. The Stuart Archers and tho Farqu harson Clansmen are two other private armies of which Scotland can boast. Tho marquises of Donegal, too, have for hun-lrcds of years kopt a private army. Pearson's. TIED BOMB ON DOG'S TAIL But v Doomed Animal Escaped and Vrecked the House of His Owner. Anxious to rid himself of a dog that had grown to bo a nuisance, George Verbos of Indiana. I'a., bothought him Eolf of a brilliant bchomo. How easy to take tho animal Into tho woods, rope him to a troo nnd then tio a stick of dynamite to its tail. Ho would dash off, ilio poor bruto would wag Its faithful tall, and tho dy namite would 3sat tho treo and then It worked well with the excoptlon of tho wigwagging. For as Vcrboa darted behind a tree a safe distance away ho saw tho ropo part not tho rope on tho tail, but on tho dog's oth er end. Harking Joyously, tho animal loped toward Its master, his tall waving wildly. Verbos sprinted madly for bis house, tho dog gaining at every bound. As he slammed tho door behind him Severe Training. "What I admlro about nilthcrs is his quiet self-possession." "Ho acquired that In tho last fow years." "In what way?" "Hy sitting in tho nudlenco whllo ills wifo mndo speeches on woman suffrage." tho dog leaped under tho porch. Then tho last part of tho plot. Thero was an awful explosion and tho porch nnd part of tho houso wall wero wrecked. Verbos? Ho wasn't hurt. Nor was tho dog. Saving Money on 8hoes. You can savo monoy on shoos If, before wearing a now pair, you soak tho soles for twelvo hours In linseed oil and dry, Itepcat tho process three tiinos. Flvo of tho submarines of tho Atlantic fleet In tho Hudson rivor lying nlongsido tho monitor Tonopau. CRUISER THAT CUT THE TURKISH CABLES KfSaMHHHHRCTO.WtAftW.T'&S4u?c& v "WLV -v-sfir V hillM m ' il i I ' ' I llMI ' I IEiIMiIi I " 'IMI I IW I i fflBBBilKHSlalRljflSSi , . ' ' ? ''' e e T. VJA - M ' " PHOTO hy UNOeKWOOO Ay i $ PHOTO M JNCeiv0oi s - 5 Ono of tho brilliant feats of the allied fleet In tho Dardanelles was tho cutting of tho cables between tho forts on tho European and Asiatic sides. This was accomplished by tho British light cruiser Amothyst, though sho was subjected to a terrific flro and wns struck by n number of shells. SALLY PARNESS, BUTCHER wml Mi When Now York city recently opened its great cosmopolitan market thero was an innovation that was pleasing to tho woman shoppers espe cially. This was tho placing of Sally Parness, n skilled butcher, In ono of tho big meat booths to soo that tho housewives got just what thoy wanted. Faith in the Seed Catalogue. I never lose my fnlth In tho annual seed catalogue In splto of divers and sundry disappointments. With new zest every year I read of those won derful strawberries, ono of which would fill a tumbler, nnd tho over-bearing raspberries that aro In fruit from Juno to December, and of tho mam moth squashes which only a Hercules can lift. And I am very sure to try somo of them and get any amount of fun out of my anticipations of similar results. No matter if tho realization falls far short of tho plcturo in tho gorgeous cataloguo; I lay tho results to my poor er soil, or lack of skill in cultivation, and have just as much confidence In tho novelties which next spring's cata loguo oxplolts as tho "very largest richest, juciest, most molting (always a favorito word) fruit in tho world." I would not loso my faith in tho seed and fruit catalogues for all tho squashes and rnsphorrlcs that grow. Francis E. Clark, in Countrysldo Maga Elno. VINCENT ASTOR GETS A HYDROPLANE BEST MEAL OF THE WEEK On Sunday Evening Everybody Get What He or 8he Wishes, and Enough to Satisfy. Sunday ovonlng supper Is tho bost meal of tho whole- wcok, It it Ib Just tho ordinary kltchon Sunday evening supper and not tho fancy sandwich, chafing dish, hot chocolate, musical, literary, high-brow kind. Thoro may havo boon chicken for dinner or a roast and gravy and mlnco pio, and nobody is very hungry. At least every body thinks ho Is not hungry until ho gets Into tho kltchon. "Just put tho things on tho tablo nnd everybody help thcmsolveB," mother says. It is not grammatical, but It Is tho way sho says it, and tho best way to say It. And everybody docs help "thcmsolveB," father nnd mother and tho two or three or seven or eight children, all round tho tablo nnd tho sink and tho Ironing board, sitting on tho radiator and tho flroless cookor. Mnybo father decides that ho will mako pancakes, and nothing Is moro fun than watching father cook. May bo mother consents to stir up somo mush. Mush Isn't so much to eat, but It Is nlco to watch her mako It. May be you Just pick tho meat off tho chicken bones, and everybody gets his fingers or his spoon in tho pot of dumplings and gravy. At any rate everybody gets exactly tho thing that tastes best to him and Sunday ovonlng supper In the kitch en la tho only tlmo and place whoro you can got that. If you llko mus tard, you havo mustard; It you llko chill sauco, you havo chill sauco; It you llko Btrawberry preserves, you havo Btrawberry preserves. It has been years and years slnco thero was over moro than ono kind of "spread" or "relish" on tho dinner tablo. Tho only troublo is that tho family cats much moro than it over cats In tho dining room, nnd thero is never anything loft over for Monday. Somo housokoopers would not permit a Sunday ovonlng supper in tho kitchen for 'anything. Thoy put tho chicken or roast away for Monday, and servo bread and milk or tenkottlo tea at vho dining tablo. That kind of Sunday ovonlng supper Is no good at all, and must not bo confusod with the help yoursolvcs, cvorybody-in-tho-pot sort. Indianapolis News, Vincent Astor (right) about to try out a now $14,000 hydroplane built for him at Mnrblohcad, Mass. Tho flying boat has a speed of from 45 to 70 miles an hour, and is equipped with a roomy cabin for thrco persons. ARGENTINE MAGNATE AND FAMILY HERE Colonial Closets. In a quaint old colonial cottago aro many closets, fow If any of them lo cated according to modern notions of couvonlenco. Tho clothes closet that ought to bo In tho sparo room up stairs Is downstairs In the library with tho spare-room bureau; tho up stairs closets aro under tho eaves of tho sloping roof tho way to utllizo them to tho b03t advantage Is to enter on your hands and knees, carrying an electric torch botween your teoth. In sido tho closot you turn on your back, Illuminate tho pendnnt garments with your torch, drag whatever you select down from tho hook, grasp it firmly with your teeth, nnd so out again on your hands and knees, rolling tho elec tric torch gently beforo you. Wo soo now why In thoso good old days chosts of drawers wcro popular fortunately wo havo ono of our own that somehow has got up tho stairway; and wo soo also, as wo begin to scttlo Into it, what Is perhaps tho secret of this humbler colonlnj architecture. Tho Colonial Jack who built this houso wanted somo rooms round a chimney and a roof that the snow would slldo off; nnd so ho built it; and whorover ho found n spaco. ho made n closet or a cupboard; and becauso lie had no other kind, ho put in small-paned win dows; nnd all ho did wns substantial and honest and beautiful, In Its humblo way, by accident. po- Misplaced Pity. Mrs Anna Steinnuor, Boston's llcowomnn, said, tho other day: "My duties afford mo shocking revo lutions. I am nstonlshod nt tho num ber of Iioston women who smoke. And ns for the men of noston well!" Tho fnlr policewoman smiled grim ly and added: "How many, many a Iioston wifo brushes In tho morning tho billiard chalk from her husband's coat-slcoves, and thinks, with tears In hor eyes, of tho overtime tho poor boy puts In nearly every ovonlng at his dreary doBk by tho whitewashed wall!" W-NNNNNi'N,WNiVN.Vi SAYS DECREASES ARE SHOWN ' Samuel Halo Pearson of Jlucnns Aires, ono of tho moBt Important Allan cinl inon In tho world and tho greatest capitalist of South Amorlcn, with his wifo (nbovo at left) and two of Ills daughters. Mr. Pearson enmo to represent tho Arguutlno Republic at tho financial congress In Washington. Less Lead and Zinc Concentrates Sold In 1914, According to Gov ernment Bulletin. Decreases In tho vnluo of lend and zinc concentrates sold In tho central states wcro shown In 1911, compnred with tho previous year, nccordlng to a bulletin Just Issued by the geological survey. Tho total valuo of load con centrates of all classes sold hy pro ducers In tho central sUitoa In 1014 was fll.70fi.121, compared with $1-.-2oi,0i:i In 111K1. Tho valuo of nil zinc concentrates sold decreased from ?1'J, 021,7 II! in 1013 to $ll.8G3,420 111 1914. Apptoxlmately U.ICD.DOO tons of ore waro mined nnd treated to obtain lead and zinc concentrates valued at $2:i,(ifi9,riU. Tho avorago valuo ob tained hy tho operators of lead and .iiic mines In the central states per ton of ciudu ore mined nnd milled was $t.CI. From all load, zinc and coppor minus lu the cuntral btatoa in 1011 about 23,73,000 tons of oro wore mined and treated about 1,700,000 tons moro than tho oro sold or treated In 1913. Save the Dayl Jim Snodekur, an East Tonuosscan, had been to meeting nnd romomherod It when his mules bulked at pulling tho wagon out of a mudholo. "Git up thar, Uuck an" Whoolor," ho shouted "an If It wasn't tho Lord's holy Sa bath day I'd lick hell outen you!" Now York Evening Post. Denefits of Irrigation. Greece grow great on taxes from men who know how, to irrigate The climate and soil of Grccco was tho samo ns that of California vast mountains nnd arid plains. Through tho garden of Plato ran a diverted stream whoso waters wero cold and sparkling from tho moun tains. Plato was under the ditch; for Acndamus, who owned the ranch, had bankod his nil on a canal which final ly mndo him ono of the millionaires of Athens. Hero It was that Aristotle lived, whoro tho sky was bluo threo hun dred days In tho your, amid the lavish and laughing luxuriance of land where God supplied tho sunshino and man tho wnter. Horo It was that ho wrote, "The land that produces beautiful flowers and luscious fruits will also produco noblo men nnd women," Steam-Dried Hay. Tho up-to-date well-equipped farm seems now to havo a method of pro tection during tho hay season, against tho losses which havo been experi enced In so many cases by thu wet ting of tho rain and tho preventing of proper drying. Experiments show thivt grass can bo dried by steam within thirty minutes from tho tlmo it Is cut, and then bo ready to bo stored away. Tho product thus ob tained Ib superior to tho ordinary suu drhid product, having a sweetar flavor and kcoplnjK fully as well. This can bo nppllod, of course, only on a farm that has a htoam plant, but It Is fairly simple, ar..l It certainly seems to promise to tho farmer a protec tion against ono of his Inevitable trials in the past. Naval Courtesy. Just as all preparations had been completed for tho search for tho lost United States submarlno In Honolulu hnrbor tho Japanese cruiser Idzumo novo hor anchor and prepared to leave port. Beforo making for the outside tho warship steamed In a senilclrcl about tho point whero tho submarlna was believed to llo. Tho crow wor drawn up In salute and tho warship's flag was dipped in honor of tho 21 men who went to their death on board tho F-4 Naval men aro punctilious in mat ters of etiquette, and tho world would bo bettor If the Bamo conditions pre vailed In other walks of life. 1