Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 29, 1915, Image 5

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    '1:. r- c ;"ti
Ce Mid-West Bank
"Tlsnt ALWAYS Trcvta You RIOHT"
To Yuri . l'ltlZKS-Hest neri- of corn inlspil liy loy m to 19, ,
tii Husy, boys, tend your nnma NOW lit our lloy'i Corn uontpst. Uosts liottiliiR
J uit jour name, tifte, mlrtress, ntul Rood i-nrnest work. Hold under Nntlonnl rules so
winner iillRlhlB for other prizes ofTered. Open for boys 111 to 10 In Woodbury nnd riyni
uillli counties, Iowa; Dakota ntul Dl.ioii cuiinlle.. Nclir., ntul Union county, S. 1).
'Hi mo entetliitt here, must send us tun cam oleum. All corn to be sold nnd pro
ceed lidded to our next year's prlrft. .
Wm know and llko Farmers after HI) years bunking for tliem wish to help nil possi
ble. If boys show proper Interest futuio corn crops will bo doubled
Kurl Keller of Oooper, Iowa, last year' winner, raised 1311 bushels to the ncro, while
the ten year avernKe was but S7.
HwiArul iinva in .inn fnt.tliv iituv nnlMr the mora tlie Hiflrrlnr.
Write us today select and test your seed prparo your ground work hard for the
fcrlzM. The writer has lived In these three line corn iiitia Iowa. Nebraska and South
"T)nko', and wishes to know which one ralsds the Ix-st corn and ItOYH.
Wo p.tv 4 prr ceut mi deposits THE MID-WEST BANK
Mak.. Farm Loans at 6 per cent 1UU iul 'J!31 , , , .
Ed. T. Koarnoy,, President
Deafness Cannot
by lbc.il applications, as they cannot reach the dl
cased portion at the car. Tnero Is only one way to
cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of ths
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deaf
ness Is the result, and unless tho Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cues
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nolhi(
but an Inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ol
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot do cured
by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Bend tor circulars, free.
F. J. CIIENEY & CO- Toledo. 0.
Bold by Druggists, 7fc.
Take Uall's Family Fills for constipation.
Report of the Condition of
The Bank of Dakota
of Dakota City, chnrter No. 001, In the state
of Nehrnika, at tho closo of buslnesi
s April
.-I, lino.
I.ouiWuml discounts I 162,6W TO
llnuklnit house furnlturo anil llx-
tures fl.COflOO
Other renl estate . "''i "
Current expenses, taxes and Inter-
ui l.uld UCOffi
ls from nut'l and state
jfcdili 80.7M IB
oWncy .i
Gold coin 2,MSti
Sliver, nickels nnd cents. 171 18 Ti.'m 88
Total I 838.8 IS 19
Onpltal stock paid In S 20.000 00
Hurplu fund .wx) 00
Undivided prollts B.SflO
IndlvldunldeposltsRUb- .
Joottoeheek I 77.180 61
Demand cortlflcntus of
deposit 72 (19
Time oortlllcates of de
posit , UB.idl 18
Due ' to national and
state banks 11,78118 SOCKS' G
Depositors' Kiiainnty fund 2.200 IB
Total I 238,810 10
SrATHOK Nkiihakka, j 9
Uoiiuiy o( Dakota, I "'
1, M.O. Ayies, I'rcsldent of the ahovo
named bank, do heioby MWenr that tho
iiuovu statement Isueorrectnnd ti tie copy of
the report made to thestnte banlcliitt board.
Attest: M.O. Ayres,
Harry II. Adair, dliector. President.
JI. IS. Skeon. Director.
.Subscribed and sworn to lwfoie mo this
27th day of April. 11115.
J. J. KlMRltS.
(hkai.I Notary Public.
My commission expires January 28. 11117.
Report of the Condition ol
Bank of Dakota County
of Jackson. Charter No. 651, In the Statu of
Nebraska, at tho close of ijuslness April
21, 1916.
Ioans and discounts $ 137,808 29
617 07
Hanking liouso furniture and fix
Current expenses, taxes and inter
est paid ,
Due from nut'l and state
banks 18,087 29
Currency 2.927 00
(loldooi I.eOoOO
Sliver, nickels nnd cents... 085 67
4,207 28
l.BB 42
22.181 88
Total t 108,811 62
Capital stock paid In $20,000 00
Surplus fund s.mw oo
Undivided prollts t 6,237 08
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 62,759 21
Ilewiind certificates of
(rfloslt 160 00
Time certificates of de
posit 72.081 64
Due to national and state
banks..., 10,668 21 188.138 M
Depositors' guaranty fund 2.127 43
Total $100,811 62
Statu ok Nkiiuahka, j .
County of Dakota. (
I, Ixo O. Kearney, cashier of tho above
named bank, do hereby swenr that the
ubove statement Is ncorrect nnd true copy of
the report made to the state banking board.
attkbt: I'KR O. Kkaiinev,
M.O. Ayres. Director. Cashier.
HAiutY H. Adaih. Director.
Subscribed uud sworn to beforo me this
28th day of April. 1915.
Loretto K. Kearney,
(hkal) Notary Public
My commission expires Jan, 4. 1919.
Klrst publication 4-8-2w
Notice Is heroby Klvon that sealed bids
will ho received by tho Hoard of Trnstoes of
the Vlllnao of Dakota City, Nobrnska, on or
before the 20th day or April, uud. ior me
rental for tho year 1916. of tho prop
erty known as the race track, which
includes all of tho lots owned by the
Vitiligo of Dakota City, Nebr., In blocks 225,
228, 23.1, 234, 279 and 280, In said village. Said
property will bo let for tho year 1915, to the
hlguest responsible bidder for cash with
the exprcssod Intention thnt tho party
using said premises during said year .shall
keep tho race track thereon in condition so
that the same can and may be used by the
public at aby time said race track shall be
demanded, tho public at all times reserving
the right to go upon said promises and use
suld track as a race track,
Tno Board reservos tho right to reject
any and all bids; and all bids should lw in
the builds of tho VlllagoClork by 8 o'clock
p. m., of Bald 20th day of April, 1915.
S. T. FiUJM.
Village Olork of Dakota City. Nebr,
By order ot Board ot Trustees.
First publication 4-lC-Hw
Notice Is hereby given that on the 0th
il.iv of AdtII. 1915. Duggan & JfefTernan
tiled Willi tiie village cierx oi iiuooaru, Ne
braska, their application and potltlon for a
license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors, and conduct a saloon In said vil
lage on lot 16, In block 18, under tho laws of
the state of Nebraska and ordinances of
'said village, during tho fiscal year begin
ning the first Tuesday in May, 1916.
Any and all objections to the granting of
said license should be on illo with tho vil
lage clork by the With day of April, 1915.
Dugguu 4
D.C. HeiTornan,
Village Olork.
In planning the home of
to-day, the bath room is given
far more thought and con
sideration than in former years.
Mound City
Bath Room Enamel
Is greatly in demand for
enameling the walls and wood
work of bath rooms in both
old and new dwellings on ac
count of its rich white lustre
and its resistance to both water
and wear.
Get it at
Be Cured 1 1 TjL
IMM-aOTqv-m-i piv rarrmKmmMmBBiB
- Sioux City, Iowa
Wm. Goertz, of Hubbard, was here
on business Tuesday.
A ron was born to Mr. and Mrs.
o Jill, of Jackson, Tuesday.
La, no' Gribble was a visitor at
Meadow Grove, Neb., the past week.
W. J. Farmer, of Airlie, Minn.,
was a visitor at the J. B. Leech homo
Mound City Paints and Varnishes
preserve and beautify Dakota City
Geo. Haase and wife, of Emerson,
' welcomed a daughter to their home
Mrs Mary R. McBeath is havinp
an addition built to her house to be
used as a sleeping porch.
Miss Clara Cook, of Wayne, has
been elected to the third and fourth
grades of the schools in this place.
A snecial meeting of the Masonic
lodge will be held Saturday evening
for work in the Entered Apprentice
C. R. Perry has rented the Rich
ard Shortley house and will occupy
it as soon as M. F. Laughlin and
wife vacate it.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frederick took
their little daughter Florence to
a Sioux City hospital Wednesday to
have her tonsils removed.
Epworth League meeting at the
M. E. church on Sunday at 7 p. m.
Address by the pastor. Open invi
tation to all young-feeling folks. .
Mrs. R. L. Broyhill and Mrs. Edith
Herman were visiting at the W. L.
Broyhill and Kay Zentmire homes
near Homer a couple of days last
At a joint council meeting last
week Rev Paul A. J. Beulow resign
ed as pastor of the Homer and Hub
bard Lutheran churches to take ef
fect May 16th.
Arthur Seymour underwent an op
eration at St. Joseph's hospital Sat
urday for the removal of his tonsils.
He was able to return home Mon
day and is recovering nicely.
Found1 A coon skin coat, about a
mile southeast of Nacora, Neb.
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying for this notice.
Call at E & B store at Nacora,
Neb. 2w.
The village board has given it out
that horses and cattle must not be
turned loose to graze on the streets,
as the village marshal has instruc
tions to take up all stock found run
uing at large.
The Misses Martha and Amy Gal
ley, of CreigKton, Nebr., visited in
this place from Thursday until Satur
day with their cousin, Mrs. Lorena
Hilborn, chief operator of the local
telephone exchange.
A card received by Eric Ansnes
from Esten Olsen, of Newell, S. D.,
announces the birth of a son to them
recently. This makes thirteen chil
dren Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have living,
and they are all children to be proud
A. H. Bliven and wife, of South
Sioux City, old time residents of
Dakota county, left last week for
San Francisco, where they will spend
the balance of the summer vissting
relatives and taking in the sights at
the exposition.
Homer B. Skeen and wife of Cody,
Nebr., are spending the week here
at the home of Mrs. Skeen's father,
M. O. Ayres. Mr. Skeen purchased
a new Mitchell "Six" from G. F.
Broyhill while here, and with his
wife will make an overland trip to
the Pacific coast later in the season.
Once upon a time the first of April
was New Years day. April Fool
jokes arose out of the confusion oc
casioned by the change. Had you
failed to give us your orders in April
it would have been no joke to us.
But you didn't fail, and we eppreci-
ate it. Thank you! Dakota City
WANTED A reliable and active
man or woman in bioux to organize
neighborhood magazine clubs. Mem
bers receive their fayorite magazines
at i less than the regular price and
pay monthly. New plan. Work of
organizing pleasant and highly profit
able and can be done at spare times.
Regular monthly income. In reply
ing give qualifications and reference.
Magazine Company, box 155, Times
Square Station, New" York City.
Judge S. W. McKinley performed
wedding ceremonies for the follow
ing parties during the past week:
Harry E. Murray, 31, and Mrs. Em
ma Carpenter, 26, both of Sioux
City, on Thursday; John Korolik. 22,
and Nada Chernoosvich, 19, both of
Sioux City, on Saturday: Earl T.
Price, 31, of Sioux City, and Bessie
Smith, 18, of Beresford, S. D., on
Monday; Samuel G. Hooper, 36,
Sioux City, and Laura I. Bennett, 21,
of Cherokee, la., on Tuesday.
Some excellent work was done last
Friday afternoon clean-up day by
the Commercial club and the city
schools. While the majority of the
residents of the town had already
cleaned up their premises, there was
still enough left to keep the force
busy all the afternoon, and then
they did not get around to all the
places that needed attention. This
annual spring clean-up like an an
nual bath is a mighty good thing
in a way, yet it would be much bet
ter if the people would tidy up a lit
tle oftener and not make a whole
sale job of it.
i tnra i 1 1 kiiak
WevtHr Forecast
for the week beginnim? Wednesday
of each week, issued by the U. S.
weather bureau for this locality:
Gennerally fair weather with tern
peratres somewhat above the season
al average probably during the next
several day.., but local showers and
lower temperature indicated toward
the end of the week.
The Herald 1 year, $1.
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkens.
Mrs Mary N. Lattin was here from
Moville, la., over Sunday.
Painting and paperhanging. Lot
Brasfield do your housecleaning.
Phone 20.
Mrs. Mell A. Sehmied went to
Lincoln Sunday to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Bud Dryden.
Coon Thorn was down from near
Nacora Tuesday transacting business
at the court house Tuesday.
The M. E. Ladies Aid will meet on
Friday afternoon of this week at the
home of Mrs. Mollie Brroyhill.
Whv go hungry when you can got
a good lunch between meals at Van
de Zedue's, in the achnever store.
Mrs. W. S. Baughman departed
Tuesday for Kendallville, Ind., to
see her mother who is in failing
Frederick Lueders and Mrs. Wil
helmine Dierking were married at
the home of Mrs. Dierking in South
Sioux City Wednesday. .
Chris Paulson and wife, of Morn
ingside, welcomed a son to tlwir
home Saturday. Mr. Paulson ro ,.a
ed here until a few years ago.
Judge R. E. Evans leaves next
week for Washington, D. C, on busi
ness of a legal nature. He expects
to be away about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Keith, cousins of
R. E. Evans, visited last week at the
Evans home, leaving Thursday for
San Francisco to visit the exposition,
LOST A black Shephard dog with
brown nose and feet. Reward will
be given for the return to Nick
Kirsch at City Hotel, Dakota City,
Neb., or to this office.
The dance in the Ayres hall Tues
day evening was a very enjoyable af
fair, although the attendance was
not as large as expected with the
class of music furnished,.
George Barnett, jr., was a passen
ger to Fremont last Friday and
brought little Carl Kilmartin home
with him, where he will stay for a
time while his mother, Mrs. Eva
Kilmartin, is doing nursing.
At the next meeting of the Dako
ta City Commercial club on Wednes
day eVening, May 5th, the matter of
permanent river protection will be
discussed. All who are interested
should make it a point to be there.
A small crowd of farmers was
present at the cout house last Friday
evening to hear H. Williams of the
U. S. Department of Agriculture ex
plain the system of "Farm Survey"
which is being carried on by the gov
ernment. WANTED A good steady gentle
manly salesman to handle a Ward's
wagon in Dakota County. No ex
perience needed. For full particu
lars write promptly to Dr. Ward's
Medical Company, Winona, Minn.
Established 1856.
Nearly every man and woman in
South Sioux City has signed a peti
tion for the appointment of A. L.
Mathwig as chief of police. Quite a
difference from that accorded the
Sioux City officer. However the
new mayor of South Sioux City is
not favorable to Mr. Mathwig.
U. S. Marshal W. P. Warner was
up trom Umaha last week superin
tending some work on his farm south
west of this place. He rode the
seeder while planting forty acres of
alfalfa, and in order to limber up
the following day built 100 rods of
fence. He says there is nothing like
farm life to create an appetite.
Rev. C. J. Ringer will arrive from
Benson, Neb., this week and will oc
cupy the .pulpit at the Salem Lu
theran church Sunday, at 11 o'clock
a. m., and at the Dakota City church
at 8 p. m. The Dakota City Luther
an parsonage is being papered, paint
ed and put in readiness for Rev.
Ringer's family, who will move here
the coming week.
There will bo Joy and bunuty every wliuiu
When tho hills uiul vnllevH nml woocIIiuiUh
Ohnnge to verdure groon from the l)iirrun
When nature nwnkons in Joyful Muy.
Tho forest and plain, the glen and tho glade
Will bo clothed In green of many n shade.
There'll bo flowers of ovory color and hue,
Their petals Jeweled with pearliest dew
The fragrant air then by soft breozes fanned.
Tho bf rds will return to the green woodland
In leafy bowors to gather a throng
To praise their creator with Joyful song.
Tho placid lakes, bordered by woodlands
Ileflectlug blue skies and olouds silvery
Tho babbling brook and the eddying
Sparklingorystalllke to greet the sunbeams
Transfixed In their course, from Icy bounds
Gleefully hurrying on to tho sea,
K'er to aid In the perpotuntlon,
Ktornal harmony of creation.
Suoh wonders of nature over rovealed,
Tho mountains and plains, streams, forest
and Held,
Oreaied In this terrestrial space
Kltlior for usefulness, Ixmuty and giacut
llutterllles, birds, the exemplified bocs,
The flowers and plants, the towering trees,
The green turf beneath, tho blue sky above,
Kach and all proclaim the Creator's love.
Awakening ot nature that dormant lay,
rjomo8 forth In full bounty in playful May,
When the hills nnd valleys mid woodlands
Are transformed to scenes so wondrous fulr
Mary V. Vom,
Property owners are hereby noti
fied to clean the alleys and vacant
lots on their premises of all manure
piles and rubbish, or the same will
be done by the village marshal and
the costs taxed to the property.
By order of the Village Board.
Wm. Lahrs, Village Marshal.
Lot tho Good Work Continual
Says Pastor Russell.
Presbyterians Lead In Theological
Progress Will Not Other Denomina
tions Co-operate? What Can De
Done For the Non-elect and Non
regenerate Infants of tho Past?
Pastor Russell Not Able to Agroe,
Although Sympathetic His View of
the Matter as Outlined In the Bible.
London, August
3.-A Ulblo Stu
dents Convention
lins been In prog
ress hero for suv
ernl tlnys in tho
London Tnber
unele, Lancaster
ante, W. l'nstor
Ilussell delivered
two addresses to
day. AVo report
ono of them, from
the text, "Elso
were your cuu
dren unholy, but now nro they holy."
1 Corinthians 7:14.
The l'nstor declared his test was
, -obably tho bnsls of much of tho pre
vailing confusion on tho subject of In
fant salvation and infant damnation.
Before discussing his-text, ho wished
to call attention to a very advanced
theological step recently taken by the
Presbyterian General As-nmbly in Uio
United States. Accordlni to telegraph
ic dispatches, it hnd altered the Con
fession of Ifnlth so as to savo non-elect
Infants as well as elect ones.
Tho thought that God hnd arranged
n plan whereby somo lnfnnts would
go to Heavcii at death, and other in
fants to eternal torture, has for cen
turies troubled tho minds of all Chris
tiansCatholic and Protestant. Some
said that elect infants would bo saved,
and non-elect infants tortured. Others
held that baptised Infants would bo
saved, and other Infants not baptised,
or sprinkled, would go to eternal tor
ture. Others held that nono could bo
saved without regeneration; and these,
being perplexed as to how Infants
could bo regenerated, could hardly havo
any hope of Infant salvation. For cen
turies good people have suffered terri
bly because of theso confused ideas.
Tho Pastor then showed how foolish
nil these theories seem when contrast
ed with the slmplo and beautiful teach
ing of Scripture that tho salvation of
all young and old, of heathen lands
as well as unnsuan is uirougu uu
resurrection power of Messiah's King
dom. He then said, Why should wo
trouble longer with tho errors of tho
Dark Ages, when God's Word is now
shining so brightly?
Unable to Agree.
Pastor Husscll declared that ho felt
great sympathy for tho move of tho
Presbyterian brethren; but neverthe
less, ho could not agree with their con
clusions, believing that . tho Biblo
teaches otherwise. IIo realized that
tho Presbyterian view of Election
made It difficult for them to deal with
the non-elect, both adults and infants.
Ho found Scriptures declaring thnt
God is selecting tho Church from
amongst tho world. Ho conceded, that
thoso not electjWould properly be cnll
ed non-olect. Hut ho found nothing
in tho Bible to indlcato that non-election
to jolnt-heirshlp In Messiah's
Kingdom means predestination to an
eternity of torture.
Many havo been consigning adults
and infants to tho number of 00,000
every day (30,000 infants dally), or 32,
000,000 every year, to eternal torture,
because non-elect, unregenerato or un
baptised. Surely all intelligent people
aro out of accord with such a proposi
tion. Surely somo great mlstako lias
been mado during tho Dark Ages, and
God has been slandered.
The Pastor then demonstrated that
God Is tho very personification of Wis
dom. Justice., Lovo and Power; where
as n God who would foreordain 32,000,
000 beings per year to pdss to an eter
nity of torture would be, not n God,
hut tho most torrlblo devil imaginable.
Bible students aro realizing that tho
Bible teaches nothing of tho kind wo
once supposed. As their eyes of un
derstanding open, they npprcclato tho
Dlvlno character as never beforo.
All Condemned Need Rede'mptlon.
After reminding his hearers that ac
tordlng to Scrlpturo wo aro saved by
faith, not by being infants, tho Pastor
showed conclusively from tho Biblo
that although infants sharo in Adam's
death sentence and havo provision in
Jesus' redemptive work, nevertheless
they can bo snved only by coming to a
knowledge of God and Jesus, nnd then
exercising faith and obedlonco to tho
extent of nblllty. His position seems
undobn table.
Tho speaker then roviewed tho Biblo
teaching that all mankind sinned in
Adam, and camo under tho Dlvlno
curse, or sentence of death not etern
al torment "In duo tlmo Christ died
for tho ungodly'' thoso who lived bo
foro Ills crucifixion and thoso born
ilncc, Becauso of this goneral redemp
tion, co-cxtenslvo with tho curse, there
Is to bo a resurrection out of sin and
death conditions bnck to perfection of
life. Only thoso who intelligently ro
Ject this grace of i God will die tho Sec
ond Death.
Meantime, all lnfnnts nnd ndults
at denth go to Shcol, Hades, tho tomb,
there to await tho resurrection Morn
lug Messiah's Kingdom. Then tho
dend shall come forth from tho tomb
"every mnn In his own order."
Amanda Mogensen was a city shop
per Tuesday.
E. RasrmiBscn and family visited
at tho Mrs. Knudscn homo the first
of the week.
Wilfred E. Voss, county superin
tendent, was in Goodwin Wednes
day. W. Franklin, T. Mitchell, Mrs. M.
Beacom and Mrs. II. Leir were city
passengers Wednesday.
M. Hawk and wife, C. Rasmussen
and wife and C. Mogensen returned
from Iowa Monday, where they had
visited friends and relatives for sev
eral days.
C. Andersen was sick tho first of
the week with the mumps.
Marie Rnsmussen and Mrs. J. Seirk
were city shoppers Saturday.
C. Mogensen nnd J, Hinken ship
ped a car of cattle Sunday,
Mrs. A. Carpenter and J. Hogun
were city passengers Friday.
F. Nelson and wife visited at the
Mrs. Knudscn home Sunday.
Phenomenal Bargain.
Wo hnvo bouu lortuiiiito in making
arrangements wiloli onublo us to ofllor
yon a vent's subscription to Fiirmor
nnd Breudor uud tho llcrnld for only
1-1,00. TIiIh is un utiUMtml burguin;
tnke advantage of it TODAY. Your
subscription to Furmor and Brooder
menus tlnit jou uro entitloil to freo
couHultiition with tho Bpooinl Sorvioo
Department of Farmer and Broedor
upon any (jiu'H'.ion portainiug to farm
ing uud stock mining during tho term
nf jour subscription to thai mnguzine.
This sorvico nloun Is wortli tho price
wo ask for bntli (mbliontions. Let us
Iihvh you'r nrder NOW. Papers sont
to different nddrtRtun if desired,
Farmer and Breeder id pro eminent
ly a mngnzino of farm ami stock fnots.
It shows exnotly how to do tho things
tho way they are bring douo by tho
most successful farmers ami brooders,
It gives clear, DEFINITE and intelli
gent explunatiniiB of farm methods
nud systems. It is broad nnd vnriod
in scope and gives yon ideas, plnus,
nud mothods that you onu supply at
onco a ii(1 r- ( dollars in your pookets.
For Sale
Have only UO bushels of Reed's
Yellow Dent Seed corn left. This
corn is the best I ever offered for
sale, and my aim is always to furnish
a pure and dependable seed corn for
the market.
F. F. McGlashan.
4-21) Tel. 12 L 72.
Guaranteed 7,000 Miles Service
Double Service Tires aroclonlilu tho thick
iipsh of the best Htundiiril miiko tlrus.
Tim 100 porcont greater wonrlnn surfneo
imuirully wives tlmt mnoli nioro mllengu
mul mi vice, The nvcniiui of 12 miles of
toiitfli rubric ntul one inch mtrfncti trend
rubber mnkes these tires absolutely punc
ture proof.
These tires excoll nil othors for use In the
country over routch 1111U rugged roiuls na
well us on linnl pavements. They nro us
ensy riding mul loslllontaitnnyotheriineu
nmtlo tire tho ulr space mul pressure being
tho same.
They nro tho most economlenl nnd "enro
freo" tires nimlti unit uro used whoie tires
must uedepeuded on nnd tire tioublog can
not bo toleiated. Jinny Double Service stylo
tires aro In use In tho United Btntor gov
ernment and European War sorvico.
uur output is limited ton certain amount,
but torn short time wo oiler the following
reduced speclnl prices ns an Introductory
Extra Heavy
'Ires Tubes
7.25 J2.20
8,(VI 2.30
10J 8.10
11.40 8.15
12.75 3.20
12.00 3.01)
I1I.MI 3.70
14.25 4.00
11.10 4.10
15.75 4.20
1S.70 4.85
10.80 4.00
17.45 4.05
17.05 4.70
21.20 5.00
22.50 5.75
23.00 0.20
24.40 U.35
20.80 0.00
20.30 0.00
All othor sizes not Included In uuovo list
also furnished. Non-skids nt 10 per cont
Tonus: Payment with order nt above
speclnl prices, n 10 per cont discount allow
ed on ardors for two or moro tires. All per
sonal checks must bo certlllod.
Try thoso tiros and bo couvlnco:l of their
very high ciuallty.
Bold direct to tho consumer only.
Report of the Condition of
The Hubbard State Bank'
of Hublmrd, chnrter No. 743, In tho stnto of
Nohrnskn, nt tho closo ot business April
21, 1U15.
Loans nnd discounts 2 09,550 (X)
Overdrafts 405 10
Banking house, furniture and flx-
tuios 2,45000
Ourrent expenses, taxes and Inter
est puld 40 26
Duo from national nnd
stnto bank 44.28157
aurroncy 3,025 00
Gold coin 1,020 00
Silver, nickels nnd finu, 1,000 M ft.OOS HS
Total JI2I,15 81
Onpltal Htock mi ' In ,... 10,000 00
Surnlus fund.
227 77
ilvldcd prollts...
depoiltH HHll-
leot to check f 45,fll IW
Demand eortlllcntes ot
doposlt 1 2,070 82
Time certlflcaleB of de
posit 6H,70J) 100.477 13
Depositors' guaranty fund 1,21(1 Bl
Totnl J121.UI5 81
State of NoWasku, ,, 1 . .
County of Dakota. I "" I.MIchnel Wators,
cashier of tho above named bank, do hereby
swear that the abovo statement is a correct
and true copy of tho report made to tho
stnto bunking Injard. Mioi'aki, Watkiih.
Attest J. H. Waters. Director. Cashier.
D. K. Waters, Director.
Subscribed and swdrn to Ixiforo mo this
971 1, ilnvnf Anrll.lUlB. (loo. Timlin.
(skal) Notary 1-uhllo.
My commission expires Kopt. id, hub.
Heating and
Gas Fitting
Estimates Cheerfully
Furnished. All work
Bafcoto Cltr, Neb.
v.ith Hohriover Uros, Hard ware
Trade: Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a aketrli and description ma
nnlcklr ascertain our opinion froo nliotuor au
Intention l prolmblr jmtentut'le. Communion,
(lonintrlcll-tonmlontlul. HANDBOOK " I'ateiiu
int free.
l'ntouli taken
1. imuosi VKUiicx luraucunuK uuiuma.
mien mruuLwi jiiunii vu. rvcuivc
t, without cliarvo, la tuo
Scientific fflnericati.
A liandioniclf lllnntratoit weoklr. I.areeU c'.r
culatluii of unr elonllllo Journal, Tcrim. U u
Tpari four muntlis, ti- 00IJ brail newadealer.
Specials for Saturday, May 1
For this D&y Only
, Wc have 20c Broken Mixed Candy, per lb 7c
l'lb English Walnuts, per lb .20c
1 Sack Puritan Flour $2.10
3 lbs hand picked Navy Beans 25c
G cans of Milk for 25c
A 35c Broom, for 30c
3 cans of Pink Salmon 25c
3 Cans of Mustard Sardines ....'... 25c
2 pkjs Sterilized Wheat Meal ". . . 25c
3 pkgs Toethpidks for 10c
5 doz Clothes Pins 10c
2 lbs fancy dried Peaches 25c
Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Strawberries, Pineapples,
Cocoanuts, and Lettuce for Saturday trade.
Dakota City,
Choice of
Routes via
at. Puut
Olncior Furk
Priuoo Buport
Pugot Bound
Ban Franoiaco
Los AngolcB
Ban Diego
Bait Lnko City
Color nil 0
B. C. Buchannan,
Agout, Dakota City, Nob.
An Appetizing1 Joint
W. F. Lorenz, Jr.
Dakota City
Where Are You
Going This Summer?
Not nvorvbody can go to California; tho oummor will bring thousands
from tho East to tho ranch resorts and hotels of Soenio Colorado, tho Black
Hills, the Big Horn Mountains, thp Absaroka Mountain ranches beyond Cody.
TUE NATIONAL rARKBThis 1b going to bo a big season for
Glacier and Yellowstono National Parks, nnd for Estes Park, Colo., just
north of Douver, adjoining tho now Rooky Mountain National Park. The
inoruasod numbor of Eastern visitors to these western summer localities dur
ing tho summer of 1914 showed tho "grip" that tho glorious summer life of
tlio mountains was muing wiui Jiiusiorn people.
Publications now coming off the press. An oarly mention is mado to
0 ill them to your attention and to indicato tho wisdom of making your plans
early. Writo mo of tho locality yon havo iu mind.
Burpee's Seeds
for 1015 it a bright new book
jccu .umiog, onu a saie
free. Write for it today,
W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Travel' knowledge in qual
ity and quantity is offered
in the scenic, historic and
modern features in connec
tion with a California trip
to .he Two Greatest Expo
positions of History.
From Dakota City, $74.45, Round Trip,
ono dirootion via StjPanl and Pugot Bound to
both Expositions; opposito dirootion via Kansas
City or Omaha.
$53.00 Round trip via Omaha nud direct
routes: go ono way, roturn another. Excursion
fares in effect daily via tho
C. St. P. M. & O. Ry.
For Further Particulars, Call "Upon or Addres
Q. H. MacRae,
Gon. P(bb'h. Agt., St. Paul. Minn.
is what every frugal house
wife, who is a good pro
vider, is looking for, and
we have them here daily
in tempting variety. Fresh
and tender cuts of roast
beef, veal, mntton, pork,
etc., with steaks, chops
and boiling meat's. And'
our hams and bacon are
the best, because of their
fine, rich flavor.
H. IS. Gordon, Agent, Dakota City, Nebr
L. W. "Wakeley, G, P. A., Omaha, Neb.
die supplied, every year, direct to mote
American planter! than are the teed of
anv other crowert. Qurnee'i Annual
of 182 page, known as Me Leading American
guiue 10 success in me girucn. 11 is inaiicu
"Lest you forgel." A postcard will do.