Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 15, 1915, Image 5

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j..-ini-riKiuiui ruiin nimr rm imrmaiwi n i i ti iittit inmrrmi Winn Irwin iim ii.,r,i. .. ,
Dakota City
Specials for Saturday Only
2 boxes Grape
2 boxes Shredded Wheat
Cranberries, per qt ,
bars Flake White Soap, for 25c
3 Cans Corn , . 25c
3 Cans of Peas '. 25c
Tomatoes 25c
1 large cans
1 qt can Olives
3 10c boxes Hippo Washing Powder.
Dakota City,
-W .
City Hotel Again
Open to Public
kk-ffn N Q ' 1 "1 TtH
hv . HnHiiiiKrl
Local Items
The City Hotel is again, opened to
the public. Mr. Nick Kirsch, the
new proprietor, has leased the build
ing and has refitted it in fine shape
and is ready to accommodate all
who may come. Dakota City has
been" without a hotel for the past
year, and will appreciate the serviee
which Mr. Kirsch has promised.
The traveling public is cordially
welcomed to the new hostlery.
lfeiifii ifc?TMfb$
Mrs. Geo. E. Heikes and little son
were visitors in Winnebago Tuesday.
Mound City Paints and Varnishes
preserve and beautify Dakota City
The fishing season is now open and
some fine specimens are being taken
at Crystal lake.
The telephone repair gang moved
to South Sioux City Monday to over
haul the lines at that place.
Mrs. Sarah Dueschel and son,
John Dueschel, of Mapleton, la.,
were visitors here the first of the
week at the Harry H. Adair home.
J. N. Johnson was down from Na
cora Saturday on business. He vis
ited the Herald sanctum and left an
advertisement for a coat he found
Found A coon skin coat, about a
mile southeast of Nacora, Neb.
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying for this notice.
Call at E & B store at Nacora,
Neb 2w.
The Dakota City schools have set
April 24th for the annual clean-np
day, and earnestly invite all to coop
erate with them in the good work.
Let everybody turn out and give
them a good boost.
Once upon a time the first'of April
was New Years day. April Fool
jokes arose out of the confusion oc
casioned by the change. Had you
failed to give us your orders in April
it would have been no joke to us.
But you didn't fail, and we eppreci
Real estate loans. Geo Wilkens.
Frank Broyhill delivered a new
Ford car to Mrs. MidkitT at Homer
"Painting and paperhanging. Let
Brasfield do your housecleaning.
Phone 20. '
A baby boy is reported at the
Hem V. I-utors homo at Emerson
G. W. Sayro reports a now grand
daughter at the Clyde Wilson homo
at Moville, la.
House cleaning and vard raking is
all the rage at present. A good-
thing help it along.
Walter Miller was oncratcd on at
a Sioux City hospital tor appendici
tis and stomack trouble.
Fred Parker and wife were visit
ors at Lyons Saturday and Sunday
at the W. E. Sncthen home.
Chas. Ream returned Saturday
from Omaha whore ho served the
week on the federal grand jury.
Why go hungry when you can get
a good lunch between meals at Van
do Zedde's, in the Schriever store.
Mrs. Margareto Barnes and four
children were over from Hinton, la.,
Saturday to see Grandma Hileman.
S. T. Frum Harry H. Adair, Geo.
Wilkins, Mell A. Schmied, H. D.
Wood and John H. Ream attended
the cerimonial of the Shrine in Sioux
City Monday evening.
Wm. Wilson, of Fremont, Neb.,
has accepeted the position as drug
gist in the Dakota City Pharmacy.
He will move his tamiiy here as soon
a residence can bo secured.
Ordinance No. 237, reguhting
management the new water vu.iis
system in Dakota City, appears in
this issue of the Herald. Read it,
and then post it in your hat for fu
ture reference.
WANTED A good steady gentle
manly salesman to handle a Ward's
wagon in Dakota County. No ex
perience needed. For full particu
lars write promptly to Dr. Ward's
Medical Company, Winona, Minn.
Established 1856.
State Examiner Mahoney, of
Omaha, was here from Saturday un
til Monday night going over the
books of County Treasurer J. S.
Bacon. He found everything in
splendid shape, the accounts and cash
balancing to a penny. Dakota coun
ty can congratulate herself on hav
ing so capable a man as Mr. Bacon
in charge of its treasury.
At a meeting of the village coun
cil at South Sioux City Tuesday
evening the contract for installing
an electric light system Was let to
the Johnson Eletric Co., of Omaha,
its bid being $7,400, and the second
lowest among the four bidders on
the contract. A committee was also
annointed to take up the matter of
furnishing electricity for Dakota
City. An arrangement has been
made by the two towns to ODtain
electric current from the Sioux City
Service Co., and now that South
Sioux City has let the contract the
arrangement between the two towns
can be completed, and the matter of
extending the line to this place will
be taken up.
April, 5 11)15.
Send Your Husband for Meat
ocoiMonly. Ho rauy not kpow much
about it, but even ho will Heo why
you insist ot, doing jour meat buying
hero. As wo lieop the choicest meats
to bo linil, ho minnot go very far
wrong in his selection for tho tublo.
Hut come mostly voursolf.
Prompt ilnil courteous treatment,
mid ti clioico selection of mo'tts are
things to on n Ride r.
W. F. Lorenz, Jr.
Improvement and
Care of Pastures
kI i:&fl
mjS3CjP thJSS
In planning the home of
to-day, the bath room is given,
far more thought and con
sideration than in former years.
Mound City
Bath Room Enamel
Is greatly in demand for
enameling the walls and wood
wdrk of bath rooms in both
old and new dwellings on ac
count of its rich white lustre
and its resistance to both water
and wear.
Get it at
Heating and
Gas Fitting
Estimates Cheerfully
Furnished. All work
Dakota City, Neb.
with Sohriover Bros, Hardware
The Herald, $1 per
ate it. Thank you! Dakota City
Pharmacy. t x
An applicant for citizenship in the
district court at West Point, recent
ly, when asked by the government's
representative "who is the head of
the state?" replied in a flabergasted
manner, "Dan Stevens." It reminds
us of an incident that occurred here
a few years ago, following the state
campaign. An applicant for citizen
ship was asked the same question
and promptly replied: "Jim Dahl
man." Uudoubtedly the bibulous
Jim had made an impression on the
applicant, during his automobile
tour of the county.
The many frieuds of Rev. Aucock
have entered his name in the contest
for ministers, in which Davidson
Bros. Co. are giving round trip tick
eta to the Panama Exposition to ten
ministers. Many from Dakota Lity
and surrounding territory patronize
this firm, and are justly entitled to
it, therefore let those holding cou
pons add their mite to the pleasure
of an individual as well as the edu
cational value resultant to the com
munity. The committee in charge
have arranged to have coupons left
at Ross' store, to be filled out by a
committee and left at Davidson's
store. Let every one help in this
worthy enterprise.
Everybody is especially invited to
be present at the Salem Lutheran
chuech Frinay evening April 16. On
this date the Hawkeye quartet will
give a concert worth while, and
those who hear their excellent pro
gram will be accorded a rare treat,
besides assisting the Salem Ladies
Aid treasury. The young men com
posing tins quartet are counted
among Sioux City's best singers, and
have sung at a large number of the
city's best functions. They have the
reputation of being splendid enter
tainers and their concert promises to
be one of the best' ever given in Sa
lem. It is the earnest wish of the
ladies of the Salem Aid Bociety that
this quartet be greeted by an old
time Salem crowd.
Miss Ruby Van de Zedde, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Van de Zedde
of this place, was united in marriage
Wednesday afternoon at the Van de
Zedde home in this nlace. to Mr.
Alfred W. Lang, of Withee, Wis.
Rev. F. J. Aucock. pastor of the M.
E. church performed the ceremony
in the presence of the immediate
members of the family. The bride
ia a Dakota countv cirl. havingspent
her entire life among us, and is of a
pleasing disposition. Her acquaint
ance with Mr. Lang began wnen sne
was in charge of the telephone ex
change at Homer, where Mr. Lang
resided a few years ago. He now
resides at Withee, Wis., where he is
publisher of tho Clark County Jour
nal, a live and rustling paper. We
wish the hanny couple a long life of
wedded bliss. They will remain here
a few days before" leaving for their
future home,
One of the most difficult problems
it seems to me of stockmen and farm
ers in this region is to secure good
summer pasture. Many farmers
claim that it is not profitable to pas
ture our high priced land. There
mav be more or less truth in this
statement, but most pastures could
be made to produce much more u
given the proper care.
For old nasture it is a good plan
to sow new seed to thicken up the ,
stand and to reseed places that have
been tramped out. Pasture land
should receive a coating of manure
every five or six years. In fact ex
periment stations have found that
where pasture is in rotation it is
more profitable to apply manure to
a pasture than to a grain crop".
Manv farmers greatly decrease the
production of their pastures by turn
ing stock on them too early in the
spring. Most pastures are eaten
down very close in thefall, and early
pasturing does not give the grass a
chance to get a start and results in
short pasture all summer. Much
more grass would be produced ' du
ring the season if stock was kept oif
the pasture until the latter part of
April, and let it get five or six in
ches high before turning on stock.
The grass would then have more sub
stance to it and much more growth
would result. Of course this plan
would necessitate having a larger
supply of winter feed on hand.
Here is where a goou suo woum
come in to advantage.
In case any one wishes to seed any
new pasture this spring or next fall
I would suggest that you try the
following mixtures: For hill land,
Brome grass and sweet clover; ior
clay hills, red top, Canada blue grass,
red clover and sweet clover; for
swampy land, red top, timothy, blue
grass and Alsike clover; for either
hill or valley land, timothy, red clo
ver brome grass or blue grass, white
clover and sweet clover.
The mam thing with pasture is to
get a variety of grasses so that some
of them are growing at all times of
the growing season. I am not sure
that sweet clover will prove a good
pasture plant for this county, but it
is proving successful in other north
Nebraska counties and I see no rea
son why it will not be of value to
Dakota county. A number ot peo
ple are trying it out this year and
there will be enougn grown to teat
its value. I should like to see farm
era give the pasture problem some
attention as it is one of tho greatest
problems of eastern Nebraska tann
ers. If you have had any experience
with seeding pastures and have
found any pasture mixture that has
given good resultsdon'tbo backward
about telling your neighbors.
County Demonstrator and Agent
U. S. Dept. Agriculture.
Drtkotn City, Nob
The board ot county commissioners of
Dakota County. Nebraska, mot pursuant to
adjournment. Members present- Tliotnns
I.ii.Ohnlrninn, A. Ira Davis. Oliver W.
Klslier, Sidney T. Kruiu. county uttornoy.
and (Ico, Wllklus, cleric. Wlioti the follow.
Iiir proceedings wero line), to-wlti
Tho followiiiK claims wore allowed
on tho county funeral fund:
Mell A Hchinled. publnhlnit proceed-
liilM. etc..' $(111X1
I? A .Icnklnsou, professional services 11 iv
J 1 Meredith, fuel furnished paupors 10 Ui
John II lloam. pulillslilliR proceed
liiKs.oto 01 HJ
Nobruskn Hospital for Insane cure of
Oullennnd llftlu J. 01 tXi
lliimmoiHl A Htovom Oo, supplies for
superintendent ill !K
V li Vosi, 1st quarter snlary .70 u)
J J McAllister, professional sorlres
iuenso Htuto vs Klines 1 00
Omnliii I'rlntltiK Oo, supplies for vnrl-
ntn ntlli'n -
Klopp A llnrtlott Oo, election unit us
smmiiont ml nnllos. eta
MoAlloitor.fc l.onmor. professional so
vices Stnte V9 Ourtls
J 8 lloucoii, envelopes mid postmio. ,
Hurt Krooson. letterheads, etc .....
Mrs K K lA'ndom, bonrdliiK prisoned l
11 K Honsonnood.proretsioiiiu services
roudercd Mrs Welsh 6 CO
Win K Davis, repairing typewuier,
supplies, etc ..
J K Alumror, board of lieultli
John It Ileum, same
Hurt Krooson.snmo
.Inmos Hlynn.snino
Geo It Utilise, sumo
Huso Printing Uo, one Maxwell's .Ills'
tleo Practice, etc
Hammond Printing Oo. supplies
Perkins llros Company, distress win-
rants binders, eto !M 20
State Jurnnl Uo, bcuvoiikoi- iccoril,
tax tables, etc
Untvorslty Publishing Oo, cMimlun
Hon iiuesttoiis
Omalia Printing Oo, blunts forcounty
judge ..
Miles T Hollly, boarding paupers, etc
S A Htlnson, provisions lor paupors
lohn 11 Heaiii, lcitnl blanks, eniils.eto
i" A Wood, G mouths lent for Suyru
and Connelly
O It Mnxuoll, professional services .
Alluwuy llros, provisions furnished
Mrs Alary Harris
Geo Wllklus, 1st quarter salary, pus-
taKe.etc MA 01
(IcuOaln, salary for March, etc . .. llf Hi)
Cloo lluruott. Jr. two trips l poor farm 3 00
John PKi'umpor, upprulM . feus and
mlleairo II NO
M MCKlvorKiin, siuno ,
Olevelaud&Bons, clothltiR for Willie
linker, blind boy
S T Kruiu, 1st quartor salary, etc
W It Mills, lamps for court house
Klectrlo HiiKliiccilntC Oo, IlKht fin-
Davidson liros (to, curtains, padded
pnpor, etc
itemttiKton Typewriter On, plutteu..
Oorklns ohomlcal Oo disinfectant fur
Mlinilll's olllce
O W Klsher. Is quartor salary 12.1 00
Thomas Lour, same.. lift ix
John lllleinaii, salary for March . , 60 (M
I) J llariett, witness rcesln State vs
Klines 7M
Otmrlos Gilbert, Hnmo WOO
K IS Dunn, same 7 00
Oscar McGrull S BO
O K Kdwards, same i CO
Krank Ilreska, same , U 00
Koy Taylor, same 2 no
Frank Warren, sumo 2 Ui
Glenn George, same . 4M
D M WclRlo.sume -i Mi
J Ij Ilnelgrovo.saino , ,. i! B0
Joseph Olomants. samo 2 f0
Win A lUininiell, enino 2 50
O WHlioran. samo uu
Win Nicholson, same.. 2 w)
A Ij MutliwlR, some V 00
Hammond & Stephens Company, sup
plies for superintendent fi 0.1
Klopp Printing Company, lecords . .. 60 oo
Ed J McU, witness fees In State vs
ICImes 2 50
Mrsl'rank Aniraerman, same 8 Mi
Mrs Pra k Church, same 2 Mi
.1 II Hurkc, name 2 BO
Oscar Stamm, same..., 2 Ml
John Jenkins, same 7 00
John Hawker, same 7 00
George Curry, same no
Koy Kronen, same u no
Henry Walters, samel 9 00
Ed Hansel, same 4 50
Hen smith, same 2 Mi
Mrs Hen Smith, same ... I Ml
Leonard Deuorc, Br, same IM
llruee Alward. same 2 B0
l''red Itoscnbaura, same 7 00
Oscar Ebcrhardt, same 8 '
Fred Curry, same,.,. w, (...., M)
11 II Ulrlch, same ..: a Mi
Mrs Fred Curry, same,. .....,..., im
FrankQordon, same..-. ... 4 BO
II M Herman, same, - M
wm r.masav, same -
WJ Plestly, same. 4 B0
Frank Davcy. expenses advanced for
surveying, 810J.10, rejected.
Claim allowed on road district lund:
W L Urovhtll. road work, dlst No U....J3H 00
a O Owens, ' " "
EJEIchorst, " " "
Theodore Elchorst, " "
Theodore Kunl, "
HMonkemeyei, ' "
nimrlpo Tlnrir. " " "
J J Mitchell, repalringroad machinery,
dlst No it..
SU 7
100 00
4 20
13 P0
6 7S
1 78
2 7R
2 7.1
11 BB
75 :
13 U0
120 M
111 7fi
m oo
tV) JM
8 00
il H)
211 0,1
7 Ou
12 SO
IB 40
1 CO
37 H)
n,,,. 10 00
B.... 5 00
IB,... 1100
15.... 14 00
15,... 4 00
15.... 4 CO
8 45
Claims allowed on commissioner district
Nol. .
Thomas Dribble, services rendered
opening swamp grade S oo
CarlSundt, same -ou
O WT'lshcr, same J 00
ilEHrown, same 1 o
noard appoints Christian Hansen overseer
of road district No 17, and approves his
Doard grants change of road petitioned
for by George O Hlesslng, and others, in ac
cordance with prayer of petition.
Hoard orders county clerk to correct name
In personal tax schedule of John Sohn. and
allows county treasurer to collect such per
sonal tax without Interest.
iinnri nrripm rnnntv clerk to correct per
sonal tax schedule of Charles H Guernsey
by deduction mortgage given on real estate
and so assessed.
Hoard allows John Hums of Jackson, Ne
braska, :.M) per week for provisions.
Hoard adjourned to May 21, 1015.
Oeorge Wllklns,
County Clerk.
Ordination No. Ii.'l7.
An Ordinance Providing for the Manage
ment or the Water Worka of the Vil
lage of Dakota City, Nebraska, Estab
lishing Water Rates and Regulations
for the Government of Water Con
sumers and for Prbtecting Said Water
Works, including Pipes, Hydrants and
Other Apparatus From Injury, and
Providing Penalties for the Violation
of the Provision Thereof.
Section I. That tho rules, regulations and
water rates horoluafter piovlded shall bo
tho contract with every person, company
or corporation who Is supplied with wntor
through tho wnter woiks system of tho
Village, nod eery such person. company
or corporation by tnklng wntor sluill bo
bound horobys and whuii(ior nny of these
provisions! ur such others ns tho ilonnl of
Trustees may liorenftor adopt, uro violated,
tint water shall bo cut on from tho building
urplacu of stieh violation, oven though two
or inoro parties may bo receiving wntor
through tho sumu tnp, and shall not tio
ngnln turned on except by order of tho
tho WnlerOommlssionor nnd on a pnyinent
of tho expense of shutting It olTnnd turning
It on. Uxed at 11.00. to bo paid to tho Water
noiiiinlsnioiiitr. and iinnn n satisfactory un
derstanding with tho party that no further
cause lorcompiaiiii shun niise, ami incase
of such violation any payment nmile for
tho water by the person committing such
Solution shall bo thereby forfeited to tho
.sections. Kvcry person desiring wntor
from the Village must ninko application
therefor to tho Water Oouimlssloiier upon
blanks to lie furnished by htm for thnt pur
pose. The application must state fully nit
the uses for which the water Is Intended,
and no different or additional use will be
allowed exeunt by pel mission of tho Water
Oouimlsstoiior. Nut more than one liouso
shall bo supplied from unn tap except by
special poi mission of tho Wntor Commit
slouor. No permit to uso water upon nny
such application shall be granted for a per
iod of loss than ono quartor. linil nil fine
tlons of a quarter Hholl be chargod nnd con
sidered as it run quartor.
(section 3. All water supplied to consum
ers shall bu measured by meter of staildnid
construction, which motor shall bo fur
nished to consumers by tho Vlllngo ot un-
kotaOllyat the cost pi Ico of sitld meter,
and no wnter shall be furnlshod to eonsuiu-
ursoteepi niosntno lio measured by motor
fun. IsIm" v said Vlllnae.
Soet'i i Water will not bo turned Into
nny In i i private sorvlco plpo mcept
upon tin rof tho Water Oouimlssloiier
orhlsdiiiy tt.ithorlred agent, nor until tho
applicant shall hnvo paid rent duo for tho
curient turin; nnd plumbers nro strictly
prohibited fiom turning tho water Into
any sorvlco plpo oxcept on suoh order, This
rulo not to bo construed to provont any
plumlior ndmltt lug wnter to tost pipes only.
Section B. No consumer shall supply
water to othor persons nor suffer thom to
tukolt olT tho promlsds, nor after wotor Is
introduced lutonny building or upon any
pi utilises, shall any person mako or employ
any plumber or other person to mnlto, tnp
or connect with tho plpo upon tho
premises ror alteration, extension or at
tachment without permission ot tho Water
Section 0. A feo of seven dollars shall
accompany tho application, provided for In
section 2, of this Oldluniice, which kovon
dollars shall bo used by tho said Vlllngo for
the purpose of defraying tho expense of
materials used In bilnglng tho water to tho
cuib lino ot premises, for whloh such
nPDllca'tlonlH made. mid materials furnish
ed by said Vlllngo In bilnglng snld water
to the curb lino shall be, one gooso-neclc,
one corporation cock, one stop coclt mid
stop box.
Section 7. Parties owning pioperty nt n
dlstnnco from the mains of snld water
works, limy mnVo application to tho Hoard
of Trustees of said Vllliwo toconstruat two
Inch mains In the streots of snld Vlllnsa to
tliu ninnorty for which anollcntlon Is made.
and If the Hoard of Trustees of said Vitiligo
after Investigation nnd after the nnnrovul
by the water commissioner sunn ileum it
advisable and nllow said applicant to con
struct snld mains, then In thnt caso said
applicant may lay said two-inch main nt
his own oxponso nnd at a piico to bo agreed
upon by nppllcnnt and snld Hoard of Trus
tees, mm mo applicant constructing emu
ninlus shall bo allowed orodlt for tho
amount of wntor used upon cost of con
sti notion of said mains, nnd wntor rents so
earned shall be nppllod to tho payment ot
cost of construction until saldi two-Inch
mains so constructed shall Im fully paid for,
aftor which tlmo snld mains shall bo the
property of said Vlllngo. provided however,
tho Village shnll nt all times hnvo tho right
to allow thoownor of tho property abutting
upon snld two-Inch mains, to tnp samo far
wntor supply ns though said main had been
I a Ul by the Village ot Dakota Olty. In the
llrst lnstnnco,
Mention 8. Tlio Wator Commissioner, per
sonally or by nttont, shall hnvo free ncocss
ootwoon tnu uours oi ia,, aim u i-. in. to
all promises or buildings whore wnter Is
delivered or consumed for tbo purpose of
dxninlnlng tho pipes auu imnrosnmi tno
manner of using wntor and tho amount
Section 0. No person shnll mako any ad
dition, nltorntlon or change whatever, or
employ nny plumbor to mako repairs In or
about nny water cook, sorvlco pine, hydrant
or othor wntor fixture, without Hint having
secured n permit from tho Wntor Commis
sioner and paying tho reasonable and fixed
chnrgos therefor
Section 10, No hose shnll bo usod by the
consumers of water unless application has
beou mndo therefor nnd granted by the
Wntor Oouimlssloiier, nor shall nny hose
bo usod without a nozzle, whloh nozzle
shall not oxoood ii Inoliln dlnmator, pio
vldod thnt hoso for sprinkling gi omuls,
lawns, gardons, nnd wishing windows, shall
b ud only from tho llrst day of April to
thoflrstday of October, nnd shnll bo used
between tho hours of 0 nnd 0 In tho fore
noon, and a and 81ii tho nftornoon.
Seotlon 11. The Vlllngo of Dakota Olty
rasorves tho right to shut on or remove
wnter from the mains for tho purpose of
making repairs or extensions' to tho wotui
works aftor reasonable) notice shhll have
been given to all consumers nITectod by suoh
cutting olT of tho wntor Bupply.
Seotlon 12. When wator has boon turned
nil from nny consumer for non-payment of
water rents or violation of tho provisions ot
this Ordinance, tho consumer shnll not turn
thu wnter on or permit It to bo turned on
without the written consent ot tho AVntor
Section 13, ah oousumors sunn koop
Specials for Saturday, Apr. 17
For this D&y Only
1 50c sack Duck Wheat 25c
0 qls Cranberries 25c
3 lbs May Day Coffee I 85c
1 lb full cream Cheese 22c
1 25c pkg Oats .- .' . . ..20c
t doz fresh frosted Cookies 5c
l 10c pkgs Corn Flakes ". . . . . 25c
' pkgs Spaghetti or Macaroni 25c
7 bars Electric Spark Soap 25c
y2 lb llcrshey's Cocoa 20c
New radishes, lettuce, onions, celery and straw
berries for Saturday.
Dakoif. City,
Ncbra.sk. cv
Having purchased the Edwards & Bradford
Lumber Co.'s business in Dakota City, I will at
all times endeavor to keep a complete stock and
serve you to the best of my ability.
Come in and let's get acquainted.
: :
MID-WEST BANK-Offers $50.00 Prize
$50.00 cash for boy r girl-10 to 19 raising BEST
acre of Corn.
Winner may also win State and National Prizs.
Write us now TODAY enter ancl receive FREE par
ticulars. Earl teller of Coper, Iowa, raised 139 bushels last year;
102 more than the ten year average.
DO IT NOW, (Ite "Worthwhile" knowing this REAI,
Farmers' Bank.)
Kfte Mid-West Bank
"Thnt ALWAYS treats you RIGHT." Ed. T. Koarnoy, President
i Certificates . A. D . T. Bafoty Vaults.
IuBtiranae. GOOD Banking.
For Sale
Thirty-six head of fall shoats.
These pigs are Poland China stock
and in good thrifty condition.
F. F. McGlashan.
4-8 Tel. 12 L 72.
Klrat publication 3-25-iw
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Dakota county,
Nebraska, . . .
Htato of Nebranka. Dakota county, rs.
To MAWitrot lloenny, Kl a A, "ooy.
Janiei I'. Jloonoy, John K.lIeuney.Oliarlos
K. Heoncy, Mary Ij. Hoonoy. llnyinond V.
uan.iov iinnnitji v. Iliionoy. Honiara IS.
Ilconey. anil all persons intoreitod la tho
estatoof Frank Hoonoy, Ueceaoodi
On roadlna tlio petition of MnrBurot Hoo
noy. praylnit n Until dottlomont ana allow
unco of hor account Wed In tills court on
tho 20th day ot March, 1016, and alo pno
filed heroin on tho Jttnd day pf September.
1011, and contlnuod to April 17. 1016. and for
her dlsoharKO and tho roleaso of her bond.
It is jiorony orcioruu muv un, mm m.
persons Interested In nald mutter may, and
do, appear nt tho county court to bo hold In
nnd for snld county, on tho 17th day of
April, A. D.1B16, at 10 o'clock a. m to show
causo, if ouy tlioro bo, why tliotirnyorof tho
potltlonor should not bo (trained, and that
notleo of tho pendency of said petition
nnd tho hoarlnK thereof bo (tlvoii to all
persons interested in said matter by pub
fish In it a copy of thlsordor in tho Dakota
County Hoinld.nwookly nowspapor print
ed In said county, for four successive
.,! prior to snld day of 5I1(Iilyt
fHKAT. (jounty Judge.
I'lrst tmhlcatlom.B-2w
Notloo Is hereby Klvon that sealed bids
will bo leceived by tho Hoard of Trustees of
tho Vlliaitn of Dakota Olty, Nebraska, on or
boforo tho SWtli day of April, 1818. for tho
rental for the year Wlfi. of tho prop,
orty known n tho moo traok, which
Includes all of the loti owned by tlio
Vlllauoof Dakota Olty, Nour., In blocks 3-JO,
226, fl. 2JI, 870 and 5WUn said vllluito. Hald
propel ty will bu let for tho year IU16, to tho
hiuht'st iosponshlB bidder for caii with
the uxprossml liituntlon thnt tlio party
iiuinu until nroinlsosduiliiKsalil year shall
keep tho race track uiereoii nt oqihiuioii to
tholrownsorvloo pipes In (tood repair nnd
Dhnll proteot them from frost nt tliolr own
ilsknud oxpotm
Hrctlon U, '1 h .olIowliiK shall bo estab
lished n the '.Ml 'i' ratos to consumers of
wator fiom Hi' ' itor works of the VllliiHtf
of Dakota Oltj Nebraska:
U', cents per 1000 Bullous,
SS.00 por year.
Water lents payoblo nunrtoily.
Knntlnn IK. No nnraon shall willfully, neo
llHCiitly or carelessly bronk, injure or Inter-'
foio wltli oruisturuany uuiuuiik, maaiiiu
ory, apparatus, fixtures, attachments or
appurtenances of tho water works of this
Vlllnun.oi-anv tmhtia or urlvnto hydrant.
hose, water tiouith, stop-cock, meter, water
supply, or sorVlce pipe, or any part thereof,
nor shall any poison deposit nny thlint In
any stop-cock or box, or commit nny not
tondliiBtoobitiuot or Impair the.useof tho
UeotlonlG, All hydrants oieoted In snld
VIIIiiro for the purpose of exllitmitshlutt
Uro ate hereby declared to bo public by
drants, nnd no porno n or poisoni (othor
than momliors of tho Ilio dopaitinont.and
thon only for tho uso and. purposes of Bald
department, or persons cspo lully author
ized by tho Vlllntto or WaterC ommtsstonor,
and thou only In tho oxomtso of tho author
ity dolc(tated by said Vlllauo or Water
Commissioner) shall opon any ol tlio said
hydrants or nttompt to diuw water from
same, or nt any tlinouncovor or remove any
protection from said hydrants or In any
mannor interforo with same.
Hootlon 17. jNo person shall mnko any ox
nnvntinn in niiv street or hluliway within
six feot of any laid wntor pipe while tho
(tround is frozen, or din up or uncover so ns
to oxposo to tho frost any water plpo or
sower of tlio Vlllauo, oxcopt Milder tho di
rection of tho Water Commissioner.
Heollau W, Any person violating nny ot
thu provisions of tills Ordlnniico shnll to
deemed uulltyof n misdemeanor, nnd upon
conviction shnll bo fined In any sum not
loss than Ten Dollars nor more thnu One
Hundred Dollars, and shall pay tho;ooits
of prosecution and stand committed to tlio
county Jail until such lino ami ousts nro
HPOtlonlQ, This Ordinandi shall tako ef
fect and bo luforco from nnd after passaao
nn I publication us icqulred by law.
l'nssed tho 8th day of April, line.
Chairman Hoard Trustees
HrnKKvT. Piium.
VUlnito Clerk.
Free Literature Describing the I
oreai aiirorma. jxposmons
Writo at oaco to this bureau (or litorutnrodesariptivoof thogreftt
Pnunma-Puciflo Intertintionul Exposition, which opened in Son
Frnnoisooou Fobruarj 20, nnd tho groat Panama-California Ex
position now opon at San Diegn.
This bureau is propnrod (o Bupply complete information in regard
to railroud rates, hotel accommodations, interesting sido trips
and reliable, authentic, unbiased information about any eeotion
of tho groat Paoiilo CoaBt country,
Send us twenty cents in stamps and wo will send yon book do
soribing the Punama-PaciUa International Exposition, book do
soribing tlio Panama-Oalifornia Exposition, a map of California
and a samplo copy of Sunset Magazino, tho groat Paoiilo Const
national magazine, containing beautiful pictures of the Exposi
tion. Tho regular prico of tho niagr'ine in twenty cents por
copy, Address
Sunset Magazine Service Bureau
8an Franoisco o o California
Hirst publication t-lf,-l)w
Notice Is hereby Klvon that on tho uth
day of April, 1010. DuitRnu A HelTeinuu
Hied with tlio vlllauo olork of Hubbard, No-
hrasua. their nppueaiiun nun (luuwuu mr u
For Sale
Qood young team, weight
'Will sell ono or both,
John B, Evans,
that the same can and may bo used by tho llcenso to sell malt, spirituous nnd vinous
iuii.110 nt nny tlmo said rnco track shall bu I liquors, nnd conduct a saloon in said vll-
UOIIianueu, uiu imiJiiu iitim hi, nun iuiui vnH
the rltflit to o upon snm piemises aim uso
40 More Choice Farms
In the Big Horn Basin
Irrigated from tho newly constructed lateral "A" of tho Shoshoup Pro
ject near Powell, Wyo, will bo oponod by tho Govornmont for entry by settlers
on some dato tu April. Tlioro are over 405 prosperous farmers in this locality
ono of tho most advauood communities of tho various Govornmont enter
prisoa. Out of tho 51 farms doolarod "choice" by Govornmont exports on January
1, 1915. thoro yot remain about 15. Lateral "A" lands aro lino nnd prospect
iva settlors aro urged to uet quiokly. Watoh for tho date theso lands are to
bo opened and be thoro at Powell ready to lllo on that dato. Only $52 for
perpetual Govornmont water right, 20 years' titno, no interest,
Sottlod laudB ulongsido nro now prioed at from $90 to $100 au uore. It
is hnrdly neoesHury io advortiso theso lands. They will go fast enough, but
wo foel it our duty to advieo you so that you may have a fair ohanco with
ottiora who know about this opening. Writo me.
Assistant Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam St. Omaha, Nol),
Qnil tineka? a laootraok
Tno Hoard reserves the rluhl to reject
any und all bids) nnd all bids should bu In
thohundsof tho Vlllnae Clerk by H o'clock
p. in., of suld Wth day of April. 1W16.
H. T. Kkvm,
Vlllntto Olork ot Dakota Olty, Nebr,
Ily order o Hoard of Trustees,
iauounlot lO.ln block ID, under tlio laws of
ti.. 1 Htutn nr Nehrnska und ordinance of
snld vlllaxe, dtirlmt tho fiscal year beiilii-
iilnir the irst Tuesday 111 may, iiuo.
Any audnlloblHPtloiis to tho (tiuntliiK of
said lloonse should Ih) 011 lllo with tho vll
lnuo eloik by tho until day of April, 1UIC.
- - - .. ,. ...
DuKRUll t
n.O. Hoffernan,
Yllluve Olork,
Sfifi lis
for Sale
Bills !