Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 15, 1915, Image 1

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Motto: All The News When It Is News.
State Historical Socitty
NO 33.
VOL. 23.
r ..?
besiegers are driven off
When garrison sallies
Gen. Nevarro Taken to Brownsville
Dangerously Wounded at Close of
Fight Armored Train la Forced
Wwtcm Newspaper Union News Bculte.
Brownsville, Tox. In a sortlo Tues
day tlio Carranza garrison at Mata
moros inflicted a heavy blow upon tlio
Villa army besieging them. Qen.
aulo Navarro, second In command of
&he Villa troops, was brought to
Brownsville dangerously wounded, and
the Carranza consulate here claimed
that the Villa dead number 300.
Information from Carranza officers
and soldiers in- Nuevo Laredo, Mex., In
dicated that 300 Villa holdlers who sur
rendered after Tuesday's battle be
tween Villa and Carranza armies near
Huisachlto, thirty miles south of tho
border, as well as a number of Mexi
can women, variously estimated at be
tween ten and eighteen, wero sum
niaiily executed by the Carranza
It wns stated that a Carranza gener
al ordered machine guns turned on one
party of surrendering Villa men, re
sulting in tho death of 7G In the party
Another Carranza officer is credited
with having killed 120 prisoners with
a machine gun, while other Carranza
commnndors are said to have used re
volvers freely, killing Villa men as
well as women camp followers. Tho
wounded, it was stated, were bayo
netted on the field.
Carranza officers In Nuevo Laredo
say the wholesale executions wore or
dered In retaliation for nlleged simi
lar killing of Carranza forces under
Gen. Manclovio Herrera roccntly by
.Villa troops.
When a train of freight cars ar
mored with machine guns attompted
to leave Matamoros in the direction
of tho Villa lines. The Villa guns
dropped two shells close to tho train,
whereupon -the -engineer backed into
Czar's Invasion Held Up by Forces at
London. Two gateways into Hun
gary still remain barred despite the
tremendous hammering by the Rus
sian forces, and as tho Beskld pass Is
tho less important of the two strat
egically, their further advance into
Hungary hangs upon the possession
of Uzsok pass, where the Invaders are
meeting with tho most stubborn oppo
sition. Several days ago the Russians cap
tured a position which gave them com
mand of a road loading to the rear of
Uzsok pass, but since then tho Teuton
ic allies have chocked tho movement
in that direction. The importance of
the Carpathians operations Is indicat
ed by the half hearted actions reported
from other sections on the long east
ern front, where even tho counter of
fensive In east Gallcia, which evident
ly was planned to divert tho Russian
efforts from the passes, seems to have
been prosecuted with little energy.
Seek "Billy" Sunday.
New York. "Billy Sunday is to be
asked to go to England to wage a pro
hibition campaign among the working
men of that country. A request for
Sunday's address, it say, has been
mado of its London correspondent by
4 Sir Henry Edward Randall, director of
""the business men's campaign for pro
hibition in England.
Poisons Self and Four Children.
Spokane, Wash. The bodies of Mrs.
Luther A. Leonard and her four chil
dren, wero found dead In tho family
home here. The pollco reported Mrs.
Leonard had poisoned her children and
then hadipolsoned herself.
Select Twin Cities,
Chicago. The national convention
of tho Prohibition party mot hero
Tuesday and selected tho Twin cities,
St. Paul and Minneapolis, as the meet
ing place of tho 1916 prohibition con
vention, July 19, 191C, was the date
Villa Near Breakdown.
San Antouto. Geu Villa (is reported
in a messago from AguaBcalientos to
be on tlio verge of a nervous break
down, duo tb recent reverses of his
forces and personal troubles with somo
of his officers.
Pass Dry Resolution.
Tallahusse, Fla. The lower houso
of the Florida legislature passed a res
olution for submission to the voters In
191C of a constlttulonal amendmenl for
etntewido prohibition.
Gavel Sends Solons Home.
Lincoln, Neb. Tho Nebraska legis
lature Is no more. The house adjourn
jyruesday afternoon at 3:22 o'clock,
and the senate followed suit eight min
ute later.
Huerta Lands In New York.
Now York, Gen. Victorlano Huerta.
former provisional president of Mex
lco, who for Hourly u yoar has been in
Spain, arrived hero Monday on the
Spanish bteamship Antonio Lopez from
Berlin Denies Claims and Says
. Rushes Are Repulsed With Heavy
Losses to the Enemy Teutons Cap
ture Drel Grachten.
London, April 12. Tho French of
fensive In tho district betweon tho
Moubo and tho Moselle has developed
into one of tho most desperato bat
tles of tho war.
Official reports given out In Paris
on Friday declare that tho important
nosUlon of Les Epargcs, which domin
ates tho plain of Woovre, now is com
pletely In tho handB of tho allies.
Trenches hero, it Is reported, wero
"choked with German dead."
In the forest of Montmaro, it is
claimed, fifteen attacks of tho Ger
mans In efforts to retake trenches cap
tured Thursday wero repulsed. Tho
reports nddB that heaps of German
bodloB Jay upon the ground afterward,
whilo in Champagne tho GermanB
were mowed down In a similar offen
sive movement.
The French claim also the capturo
of 600 feet of ground in tho forest of
Tho French are lncessantlj bom
barding St. Mlliiel, tho point of tho
wedge they are trying to force out,
and at tho same timo aro attacking
tho two sides of tho wedge with in
fantry and artillery In an endeavor to
reach tho roads which lead from St.
Mlhlel to Mctz. If tho progress al
ready is oa great as the French claim
it to bo, theso roads should now be
almost within reach of tho French
Berlin denies the claims of success
made by the' allies, however, and offi
cial statements say that nil French
attacks wero repulsed In this region,
with tremendous loss to tho French.
Tho Germans report that the Belgians
have btien driven out of Drel Grach
ten, on the Yser canal, with heavy
Oil Magnate Leaps From Auto and
Helps Pick Up Uncon
scious Child.
Tarrytown, N. Y., April 12. Tho big
Rockefeller limousine with John D.
Rockefeller as one of tho occupants
ran Into and severely hurt George
Edgar, twelve years old, on Friday. Tho
boy's parents aro poor. The chauffeur
was at tho wheel, and with Mr.
Rockefeller inside wero members of
tho family and two nurses. Tho auto
mobllo was just rolling out of- the
Rockefeller grounds on an outing to
West Point. Mr. Rockefeller was first
out of tho car and helped the woman
nurses pick up the unconscious boy.
Tho Injured boy was taken to Tarry
town hospital, The visible hurts are
llp cuts and scratches but a concus
sion is possible.
Mr. Rockefeller telephoned to tho
"Do everything posslblo to help tho
Later ho sent a messenger to the
parents expressing his sympathy and
assuring them that everything would
bo done for the child.
Treasury Officials Base Statement on
Bank Reports Rovlval of Trade
Activity Spreads to Every Line.
Washington, April 10. Treasury of
ficials predicted continued improve
ment in business conditions through
out the country. Their optimism was
based on reports from eighty national
bank examiners, which tho depart
ment mado public on Friday in a state
ment declaring tho recent paBt has
been marked by a steady return to
conditions existing before tho Euro
pean war upset American commercial
relations, both domestic and foreign.
Rovlval of business activity In vir
tually every line was found. Good
crops are expected.
Member of Wisconsin State Assembly
- Kills Self In Milwaukee Had
Been Financially Involved.
Milwaukee, April 12. By leaping
.head first from tle tenth story of the
First National bank building, Chris
topher Paulos, sixty-one, a member of
the stnto assembly, committed suicide
on Friday. His head struck tho pave
ment. Lust "January Paulos became
Jinvolved In somo financial difficulties
when several checks anneared at the
'bank when there was not sufficient
cash to his credit to meet them
Doctor Dies; Typhus Victim.
Washington, April 12. Dr. Ernest
P. Magrudor of this city, ono of tho
physicians at tho head of tho Ameri
can Red Cross unit In Serbia, has fall
en n victim of typhus fovor. His
death was reported from Belgrade.
Bob Fltzslmmons Marries.
Washington, April 12, Hob Fltzslm
mons, the former heavyweight cham
pion, married MIbb Temo Zlllen, asso
ciated with him for some time on tho
stage. The bride's gift from the
fcrldi groom was $85,000 in jewels.
Has Plurality of 138,891, Breaking All
Records 243,797 Women
Cast Votes.
Chicago, April 8. William Halo
Thompson was swept Into the mayor's
chair on Monday in n Republican land
slide that carried nearly tho entire Re
publican city ticket to victory. Rob
ert M. Sweltzor, Democratic entrant,
was bowled over in an overwhelming
ly largo vote. It was tho biggest ever
cast in a local election.
Elghty-sovon per cent of tho total
registration of 7G9.017 was polled. Of
this 243,707 votes wero cast by wom
en, who for tho first tlmo participated
In a mayoral election.
Tho vote for mayor was:
Men. Women. Total.
Sweltzcr, D.. 102,074 89,718 251,792
Thompson, R 246,119 144,564 390.C83
Stedman, 8... 16,013 7,813 23,826
Hill, P 1,838 1,701 3,590
Total vote.. 426,094 243,797 699,891
T'ompson plu. 84,045 54,846 138,891
Tho women's vote was nn Important
factor in Thompson's victory. Thomp
son received about 5C per cent of tho
women's voto.
Tho avnlancho swept In the rest of
tho Republican city ticket Charles
H. Sergei was elected city treasurer;
John Siman, city clerk; Hosea W.
Wells, judgo of the municipal court.
Tho "voto of protest" for minor can
didates proved a myth. Stedman, So
cialist, got 23,820 votes, loss than tho
party polled four years ago; Hill, Pro
hibition, got 3,590.
Thompson won tho mayoralty in
the face of one of the bitterest per
sonal campaigns that could bo con
templated, and despite the fact that
tho supporters of Robert M. Sweitzer
controlled ono of the greatest polltl'
cal machines that has been operated
In Chicago 'slnco the election of Wil
liam McKinley president In 1896.
Washington, April 8. Admiral
Moore, In charge of the work of lo
cating and raising tho lost submarine
F-4 at Honolulu, reported to tho navy
department that no results had been
obtained thus fnr, although the res
cue force was working over it.
Berlin, via London, April 9. Crown
Princess Cecelia on Wednesday gave
birth to a daughter. The mother and
child aro doing well. The crown
princess, who is n daughter of the lato
Frledrich Franz HI of Mecklenburg
Schworln, married Frederick William,
tho Germqn crown prince, in June,
1905. Thoy now have flvo children,
four boys, tho eldest being nine years
of age, and ono daughter.
Hartford, Conn., April 8. By a
vote of 124 to 105 tho resolution pro
viding for a referendum on a pro
posed constitutional amendment ex
tending suffrage to women, was de
feated in the houso of representatives.
Admiralty Finally Accepts Official
British Report of Destruc
tion of Craft.
Berlin, via Amsterdam, April 9.
The German admiralty has given out
an official statement in which the loss
of the submarine U-29 is accepted.
Tho text of the communication fol
lows: "Tho submarine U-29 has not
returned from its last cruise. Accord
ing to a report of tho British admi
ralty of March UC this vessel, with her
crow, was Bent to tho bottom. She
thereforo must bo regarded as lost."
It Is generally accepted that tho U
29 was commanded by CapL Otto
Weddlgon, who had charge of tho U-9
when this submarine sank the cruisers
Hoguo, Abouklr and Cressy last Sep
Nineteen Towns Added to No-Saloon
Column Wets Capture Only
Four Villages.
Mllwaukeo, Wis., April 8. The vote
In Wisconsin cities, towns and villages
on tho wet and dry question showed
a gain for tho dry element In numbor
of towns gained, but the larger cities
voting on tho Issue Mndlson, Supe
rior, Ashland and Belolt remained In
tho wet column.
Forty-one places which wero dry
voted to remain so, and CC voted to re
tain saloons. Probably tho moat Big.
nlflcant feature of the voto was that
19 cities and towns which were for
merly wet wero swung Into the dry
column, while only four villages which
were dry went over to tho wet columu.
American Boy Held as Spy,
London, April 10,-rThe American
embassy has been asked to aid Mr.
and Mrs. Conrad Schauerman of New
York in procuring tho reloaso of thoir
son, who Is reported to bo hold by the
Gormaus as a spy.
Street Car Men 8trlke,
Syracuse, N. Y., April 10. Not a
car wheel turned on tho Auburn and
Syracuso Electric railway, becauso ot
a strike of tho Amalgamated Assocla
tlon of Street and Electric Rullwaj
Vienna Declares Enemy Suffered
Heavy Losses During Battle Fought
on Easter and Repulsed In the La
borcza Valley.
London, April 10. Gonoral Booro
vltch's army in tho Carpathians has
been cut in two places, according to
nn official statement from Petrograd,
which says that tho eastern wing ot
tho Austro-German forces now is In
a precarious position, Tho czar's staff
claims also that they havo driven
through Rostock pa'ns and captured
Reporting on tho fighting at another
point, Vienna ' sayo 10,000 Russians
wero captured in tho Easter battle
and that tho Invaders have met with a
posltlvo repulse In tho Laborcza val
ley. Petrograd, via London, April 10.
Tho Russian armies havo thrown back
the Austrinns In the district ot Bart
fold and in tho district of Lupkow
pass. Having advanced through the
Beskld mountains between Mozolabo
roz and Uzsok, a distance of sixty
Tho Russians havo crossed tho crest
of tho Bcsklds at Grotnmonoo and ap
parently havo a clear road to tho
plains of Hungary. x
Vienna, via London, April 10. At
tho war olflco tho following statement
was Issued:
"Obstlnato fighting In the sector ot
tho East Beskld mountains (along tho
boundary between Hungary and Ga
llcia) which has laBted for several
weeks, reached Its climax at Easter.
Continual Russian attacks, especially
on both Bides of tho Laborcza valley,
where tho enemy was, re-enforced by
a majority of the troops which had be
sieged Przemysl, wero, repulsed with
enormous losses to tho enemy. Counter-attacking,
German and Austrian
troops captured on the heights to the
west and cast of tho valley sevoral
strong Russian positions..
"Though, the fighting ht this point
has not yet terminated, our success in
tho Easter battle, In which somo 10,
000 unwounded prisoners wero cap
tured, is indisputable."
Germany Takes Liability for Destruc
tion of U. S. Ship Case Will Go
Before Prize Court.
Washington, April 10. The German
answer to tho American note present
ing a claim for tho destruction of tho
William P. Frye was mado public by
the state department on Thursday.
Whllo tho notion ot Captain Thle
rlchens in sinking the Fryo is justi
fied by tho Gorman government, Herr,
von Jagow, Gorman minister for for
eign affairs, tolls tho United States
thiit the' American owners of tho ship
4ind cargo will receive compensation
"oven if tho prize court should declare
tho cargo contraband," because tho
Prussian-American treaties of 1799
and 1828 provide that contraband be
longing Jo tho citizens of either nation
"cannot bo confiscated by the other In
any caso, but only detained or used In
consideration of payment of tho full
valuo of the samo."
Young Egyptian Fires Shot at Ruler
But Bullet Misses Mark, Says
Cairo, April 10. An attempt to as
sassinate tho sultan was mado on
Thursday, but failed. A young Egyp
tian fired at him. The bullet failed
to tako effect.
The present sultan of Egypt, Prince
HuBseln, was placed on tho throno by
tho English on December 18, last, tho
former sultan having been deposed be
cause of his pro-German sympathies.
Sultan Hussoln Is In everything excopt
birth more of an Englishman than a
Turk. Ho wns educated In Englnnd
and Is In full sympathy with the Eng
lish annexation of Egypt.
French Government Places Commis
sion for 90,000 Tons of Steel
for Shrapnel.
Pittsburgh, Pa:, April 8. An order
for 45,000 tons of steel rounds for
shrapnel has been placed with tho
Carneglo Steel company by a Cleve
land concern acting for tho French
government. Tho order Is said to bo
really a doubling of ono placed by tho
samo Interests with tlio Lackawanna
Stool company and calling for 90,000
tons at a cost approximately $2,300,000.
Paris Bars the Tango.
. Paris, April 12. The Argentina
tango was absolutely banned in Paris
by a decree pf expulsion Issued
against live tango professors who had
established themselves hero and wore
organizing classes.
German Scientist Is Dead,
Berlin. April 12. Tho death of Prof.
Frledrich Loonier, tho Gorman scien
tist', who in 1881 dlscoverpd tho dlph
thcrla bacillus, was announced hero
on Friday. Doctor Loolilcr was born
In 1852
Says Help Failed to Arrive Vessel
Will Da Held Inactive Until
End of War.
Newport News, Vn., April 9.
Commander Thlcrlchons of tho Ger
man auxiliary cruiser Prlnz Eltol
Frlodriqh on Wednesday night hand
ed tho following letter to Collector of
Customs Hamilton:
"I Inform you that I Intend to in
torn S. M. S. Prlnz Eltol Frlondrlch.
Tho relief I expected appears not to
havo arrived In timo, so tho number
and forco of tho enemy's cruisers
waiting outsldo tho bay makes It
seem impossible for tho dash for tho
open sen to bo mado with any hopo of
"I havo decided not to deliver tho
crew and ship to a fruitless and cer
tain death.
"I am greatly obliged for tho cour
tesies shown by all United States au
thorities. "Respectfully yours,
Collector Hamilton immediately
wired tho news of tho Prlnz Eitel
commander's action to Assistant Sec
retary of tho Troasury Peters, who
was in chargo of the caso In Wash
ington. Ho then lifted tho embargo on tho
doparturo of morchantment flying bel
ligerent flags, releasing about twenty
five British steamers.
Officers und crow of tho Eitel wore
downcast. Commander Thlorlchons
himself declared that tho action ho
had been forced to tako mado him
sick; that ho was heartbroken to bo
compelled to resort to such a stop.
Mayor Roberts and 26 Aids Convicted
Government Wins Voto
Buying Case.
Indlannpolls, April 8. All of tho 27
defendants, including Mayor Donn M.
Roberts, in tho Terro Hnuto election
fraud casos wero found guilty by a
jury on Tuesday. Tho case has been
on trial in tho fedoral court hero
slnco March 8.
Judgo Anderson announced that
sentence would bo passod on the 27
who were found guilty and tho 89
who havo pleaded guilty next Monday.
Tho federal government based its
claim to jurisdiction on tho fact that
a United States senator and n mem
ber of congress were bolng voted for
In tho election. The Indictment charged
that qualified voters wero prevented
from exercising that right, that quali
fied persons wero prevonted from serv
ing on election boards, and that per
sons who had committed no offense
wero deprived of their liberty without
duo process of law. Tho final count
charges u schomo to dofrnud tho gam
blers and saloonkeepers of Terro
Haute, and in furtherance of this
schema a letter was placed In tho
malls. This count Is based on section
215 of tho penal codo of tho United
Has 200 Passengers From Germany
First Voyage Since October, When
She Struck a Mine.
Now York, April 9. Bringing 200
passongora, mostly from Germany,
and a cargo that Included 8,500 ca
naries, 300 partridges, 200 pheasants,
four swans and two Belgian storks,
the Holland-American steamship Noor
dam arrived on her first transatlantic
Yoyago slnco Inst October, when she
was damaged by striking a inlnc Her
officers report that tho Eugllsh chan
nel Is sown with mines, a pussago
only 2,000 feet wide bolng loft for
PLAN STRIKE OF 20,000,000
International Labor Leaders Said to
Be Making Supreme Effort to
Force World Peace.
Now York, April 9. International
labor leaders here are trying to arrnngo
a strike throughout tho world ot 20,
000,000 trades unionists ub r means ot
stopping tho European war, according
to Ernest Bohm, secretary of the Cen
tral, Federated Union.
Huerta to Visit U. S. Soon.
Washington, April 10. Inquiries
havo beou started by the government
to find out tho purposo of tho coming
visit to the Unitod States of Victo
rlano Huerta, the formor Mexican dic
tator deposed by the administration,
Tho statu department has been ad
vised officially that Huerta 1b duo to
arrlvo In New York Saturday on tho
steamer Antonio Lopez. This will
bo his first visit to this country.
Shorter Hours for Women.
New York, April 12. Announce
ment Ib mado by tho Western Union
Telegraph company of an eight-hour
day In placo ot nlno hours for woman
employees, to taku effect at once. The
order affects 2,000 women.
Ma G'v War Nurses Vote.
Ottawa, Ont., April is.-r-Ai! oldlers
In the Canadian contingent, whothoi
twenty-ono years old or "not, and f
malo nurses should bo given tho voto,
It was urged boforo tho house of com
mono In cointnitfon
Alnsworth voted Sunday baseball by
ten votos.
Elmwood Is erecting a now city
pumping station.
Tho state bowling tournament is be
ing held at Lincoln this weolt.
Nebraska City will begin at onco
the laying of fifteen blocks of paving.
Tho state banking board has Issued
a charter to tho Stato Bank of Winne
bago. A commercial club of thlrty-Uvo
members has been organized nt Alns
worth. Burglars secured $76 when thoy en
tered tho moat market of E. C. Twiaa
at Louisville.
Seven hundred dologatea will attend
tho A. O. U. W. grand lodgo meeting
at Lincoln, May 11 to 14.
EvangollBtic meetings In progress at
Beatrlco for tho past two weeks re
sulted in thirty conversions.
Minden Is making extensive prepar
ations to entertain tho visitors who
will attend the G. A. R. dncompment
thero in May.
A numbor of G. A. R. posts over tho
6tato celebrated tho fiftieth anniver
sary of Lee's surrender nt (Appomat
tox, last week.
Farmers of Johnson county report
that tho wheat nover looked finer nt
this timo of tho year than It docs at
tho present timo,
Humphrey Lee OWham, a' pioneer
of Cass county nnd u resident of tho
stato for almost fifty years, Is dead at
his homo In Murray.
Work has begun on tho Tulmngo
drainago district, by which It la hoped
to drain all tho south and west por
tions of Otoo county.
Ruth IIorz6g, three years old, ot No
braska City, fell Into a tub of boiling
water and' rccolved Injuries from
which she died lator.
Tho spring meeting of tho Nebraska
City district Presbytery will bo hold
nt tho Presbyterlal church In Tecum
sell. April 12, 13 and 14.
Church Howe, of Auburn, who has
been under treatment at a hospital for
somo time, has returned to his homo
much Improved in health.
iga 12, of Chadron, the champion of the
Boys' and Girls' gardening club, conducted
co-operatively by the U, 8. Department of
Agriculture and the Agricultural Exten
sion Service, University Farm. Myrtle
Raited over a ton and a quarter of vege
tables on a patch slightly over half the
plzo of a city lot at a net profit of $71.40
Dr. A. I Weatherly of Lincoln, In
Eihargo of the peace work In Nebraska,
ms received from Mrs, C. W. Hayes of
Omaha, petitions circulated In that
city, and bearing 13,000 signatures.
James Doyle, 70 years old, section
foreman at Janson, since tho Rock
aland was built in 1887 through that
town, has been retired and pensioned
y the company for twenty-five years'
Continuous service.
Prof, E. H. Barbour, stato geologist,
Bays that tho skeleton of tho pre
historic mammoth found at Campbell,
Neb., Is ono of Uie largest found in
Nebraska and probably ono of the
best specimens found in the United
Congressman C. E. ReavlB will be
chief orator at tho Fourth of July cele
bration at Syracuse.
Over 1,000 pupils of the city schools
havo enrolled In the Lincoln Garden
ing club, carried on in co-operation
with the United States department ot
agriculture and tho agricultural ex
tension service, university farm
Dr. Inez Philbrick, president of tho
Lincoln Equal Suffrage association,
has been appointed us one ot an or
ganizing committee of a woman's
peace conferenco to be held at tho
Panama-Pacific exposition at San
Will Madgett, who started life as &
bootblack on the streets of Hastings
and has since risen to prominence in
business circles of the city, was elect
ed mayor Tuesday,
While toying with a revolver at
their home in Omaha, Mrs. Earl L.
Frantz accidentally shot her husband
of six weeks through tho breast, hlB
death resulting n few hours later.
Edward Doughorty, Jr., was found In
an unconscious condition lying on a
lawn at Lincoln by a newsboy at 6;30
Tuesday morning and died soon after.
Death was caused by acuto congestion
of tbe lungs due to exposure.
Dr. W. C. Wnsser, pastor of the
Methodist church, at York, has re
ceived a call to a church at Terro
Hauto, Ind. It is suld ho will not ac
cept at present.
Joo Stecber, tho. Podgo county
wrestler, dofeated Wostergaard, the
Do Moines champion, In straight falls
at tho Lincoln auditorium Monday
The body of Hnrry French, former
Burlington agent at Malmo, was found
alongsldo the track near Ashland, a
bullet hole in his body nnd a .32 cali
bre revolver lying; beside it, Judication
Reports Back Salaries Bill With
Resolution of Curtailed
Western Newspaper Union News Sarvle.
Economy minus efficiency is nil, aad
thoBo handmaidens of state finance
must travel tho road together In Ne
oraska during tho coming two years,
according to the senate, which has re
ported out tho big salaries appropria
tion bill.
Tho amended bill, as shaped by the
sonato finance commltteo, met th
hearty approval ot tho uppor house
majority. It repudiates eory salary
cut made by tho houso and puts all of
tho state's employes back on the
former basis.
Tho samo thing is likely to bo done
to tho big maintenance appropriation
which will likely bo reported out to
morrow. If thero aro any cuts they
will como In somo of the itoms which
tho houso raised. For iustanco, there
is a possibility less than remote
thnt tho appropriation for normal
training in high schools will bo cut
considerably from tho $125,000, to
which it was raised by tho house.
The sonato amendments to tho sal
ary bill aro very numerous.
Tax Publication Bill.
Tho Nebraska presB association ,bllt
for tho publication of personal tax
lists goes to tho governor as amended.
Tho houso concurred in tho amend
ments attached by tho senate Tho
bill is just tho samo ono that passed
tho houso, although tho sonato thought
It was changing tho measure from an
optional proposition to a mandatory
ono. The houso made tho bill read
that "tho county board may in its dis
cretion" require tho publication. The
senate changed the word "may" to
"shall" in order to make tho meaBure
mandatory and it read "tho county
board shall In its discretion."
House Kills Bunch of Bills.
(All bills not on tho sifting file were
killed In a bunch by the house Friday
morning. As only about twenty blllB
remained on the sifting file, tho mem
bors thought they could seo tho time
ot final adjournment brought a little
closer by this action. This being in
legislative fiction a continuation of
Thursday's session, tho morning roll
call was omitted. Likowlse the chap
lain's prayer was left out, but Chap
lain Mills was called on for remarke
and. ho delivered a'-frrle'f farewell. talk,
to the membors.
Railroad Trespass Bill Dead.
Tho last railroad bill to show its
head in the legislature H. R. 233, by
Mallery, to forbid trespassing on the
right of -way went tho way of all tho
others that have preceded it. A motion
by Mr. Peterson to order tho bill en
grossed for third reading was dofeated,
37 to 46. It was then indefinitely post
poned. State Xand Commissioner Fred
Beckman has compiled a list ofitaite
lands under lease in tho various coun
ties. His tabulation shpwa that the
stato ha 1,C06,426.67 acres of land,
which is under lease. Tho average
yearly rental per aero In each county
Is shoVn. Two years ago $2,000 was
appropriated by tho legislature to pay
for the expenses of reappraising state
lands. Lands in a few counties wero
reappraised, resulting in nn increase
of $20,000 In rental for tho etate. The
present legislature will appropriate
$4,000 for reappral8ement of land and
as soon as tho legislature adjourn
state lands In fifteen or twenty coun
ties will be ordered reappraised.
"Playin' hookey" from the stato
legislature wat a popular pastime
Monday and tho house found it diffi
cult at times to transact business. In.
tho mlddlo of tho afternoon condjtlons
got so bad that tho houso dispatched
two truant officers, tho sergeant-at-arms
nnd an assistant, to round up
somo of the absentees at tho ball
game and tho hotel. Nino were round
ed up nt tho ball game nnd the two
nt the Lludell, much to the edification,
almost glee, of those studious mem
ber's who had stuck to their tasks
though the budding trees without had
beckoned most alluringly, likewise
tho baseball game.
Change in the assesment date from
April 1 to March 1 of each year Is
provided tor n jho Sienry bill, which
was given its right way in the sen
nto Monday. Tho xjensuro la indorsed
by somo ot the tax experts of the
One swai'of the flnanco committee's
nx put to doath throe-quarters ot a
million dollars worth ot appropriation
bills in the houso Tuesday. The de
capitated bills Included the $200,000
for a stntet packing plant and nil tho
printing plant bills.
The monthly report of Warden Fen
ton shows that the number of convicts
In tho penitentiary increased from 371
to 373 in tho month of March. Nine
teen prisoners wero received and fif
teen paroled, ono died and ono was
Rural credit bank legislation has re
ceived the approval of the houso, the
bill on that subject going through
committee of the whole by a large ran
Jorlty. The only mombers who spoke
ngalnst It were Stelnmeyer of Gag
and Hoffmelster of Chase. It wutf ac
tively boosted by tho farmer members,
and half a dozen petitions were pre
sented from farmers' unions In differ
ent parts ot tho state, requesting Jta
passage Mr Stelnmevcr moved that
tho bill be indefinitely postponed.