Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 01, 1915, Image 7

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Handling of Striped Materials
There Will Still, However, Be a
Heavy Deficit of the World's
Normal Crop.
' " " i- Tim i.nr inr.i..iii.iiinw,. i , ,. J
vPH k
A grain export who has been watch
ing tho grain markets and tho world's
grain fields for a number of years,
says: .'
"Thero Is at tho present time about
two billion bushels of wheat, the pro
duction of tho countries at war, tied
up. This Is about one-half tho world's
total production of wheat, which Is
four billion bushels. Ono writer ar
gues that, granting that tho warring
nations produco n one-half crop In
tho coming year, a deficit of ono bil
lion bushols will still bo shown. Tho
threo countries upon which tho filling
of this deficit of ono billion bushels
will rest aro tho United States, Can
ada, and Argentina. Tho combined
output of these three countries Is only
1,249,000,000, their exportable surplus
would of course bo much less, so It
can easily bo seen that the question
Is not ono to bo easily solved and It
behooves all tho abovo countries to
Increase their respective productions
as much as they possibly can, for
when the war Is over and trade begins
to re-establish Itself and tho nations
undergo a process of rehabilitation,
jfeo demand for all breadstuffs will bo
"During tho threo years following
the declaration of peaco tho farmers
of all neutral wheat-producing coun
tries will havo ample opportunity to
market their wheat at good prices,
and It may safely bo assumed that tho
demand will bo heavy. Canada has
an unusual opportunity In that sho
has tho natural environment for wheat
production; sho is under tho protec
tion of tho British flag, and sho will
not bo molested upon tho water to
any great extent; sho can increase
her acreage and greatly enhanco her
production. In other words, sho can
become a far greater wheat-producing
country than sho is at the present
If tho summing-up as made by this ex
port be correct, is there not the very
best reason for tho continued effort
that is being made by the Government
of tho Dominion of Canada to secure
settlers on tho productive vacant
lands of the country? Not only are
these lands capable of producing high
class wheat in largo quantities, but
cattle, pigs, sheep and horses also do
well. Tho climate is admirably suited.
"Mabel Is certainly a great one for
loohlng on tho bright side of things.
At the wedding the other day, I said
what a pity It was raining so, and
what do you think she answered?"
"That an everything else was so
In harmony with the decorations, it
las lucky tho bride carried a shower
Some peoplo are proud of their
Gas is used in pulling teeth and
gelling mining stocks.
Yields To Lydia E, Pink
ham's Vegetable
Elkhart, Ind.: "I suffered for four
teen years from organic inflammation,
i e male weakness,
pain and irregulari
ties. The pains in
my side3 were in
creased by walking
or standing on my
feet and I hod such
awful bearing down
feeHngs, was de
pressed in spirits
and became thin and
pale with dull.heavy
eyes, 'i had six doc
tors from whom I received only tempo
rary relief. I decided to give Lydia E.
Finkham's Vegetable Compound a fair
trial and also tho Sanative Wash. I have
now used tha remedies for four months
and cannot express my thanks for what
they havo dona for me.
"If these lines will be of any benefit
you havo my permission to publish
them." Mrs. Sadie Williams, 455
James Street, Elkhart, Indiana.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound.mado from native roots and herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and to-day holds the record of being tho
mosi successful remedy for female ilb
wo know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on filo in tho Pinkham
laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to
prove this fact
If you Iiavo t!io slightest lottf)t
that LyrtlaK. PinKlmm's Vegeta
ble Compound wltt help you.ivrlto
to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mnss.,l-oriul-vice.
Your letter will bo opened,
read and answered by n woman,
and hold in strict confidence.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That' Why You're Tred Out of Sorti
-Havo No Appeti'
will put you ri:
in a few days.
They d
their duty.
Cure Con
stipation. Biliousness, Jndigeatjon and Sick Headache
Genuine mus bear Signature
W N. U SIOUX CITY, NO. 14-1913,
mm sickness
i ' . 1 1 ' i ii i i
MSTZ . 'p
ghtaHHUAK fcKb
ffr Jc-f ' I
JBMmWti&r WmWm -M
mmw Mfll T-
y m&Sif -JB INI sx.
It seems that everything is woven
In stripes this year, and tho frock of
gingham for the half-grown schoolgirl
may show them as well managed as
they aro in the visiting gown made for
her mother. The handling of striped
fabrics is not a particularly simple
matter, but when well done tho re
sults aro something to bo proud of.
A good model for a dress of striped
material is shown in the picture. It
Is in every way commendable forhe
girl of from nine to fourteen years und
merits tho attention of those who
must provide clothes that shall be at
tractive for girls or the awkward ago.
One of tho strongest points in favor of
striped fabrics for children's wear lies
in tho fact that they allow simplicity
and variety at the samo time. By the
simple expedient of changing tho di
rection of the stripes the trimming
is provided of the same material as
tho frock.
Tho model shown is so good that
It should bo followed exactly as It is,
by the copyists who use it. The bodice
is cut with long shoulders and largo
arm's-eye, and tho simplest of neck
openings. In It the stripes run up
and down and the' slight fullness gath
ered in at tho waist line gives them
New Combination Garment
A "new combination has appoared
among undermusllns and has proved
1 a great success In tho Bpring dis
plays. It has appealed to the senses
of utility, economy and daintiness,
which women exercise when outfitting
themselves with summer underwear.
This garment is called the "envelope
chemise" and Is engagingly pretty as
well as practical.
To cut tho new unnblnatioi), one lias
only to vary th'J lower part of a
chemise pattern tiy sloping tho side
seams outward to provido for a flare
at tho bottom. Also the back breadth
Is cut longer thau tho front breadth
und with a tab at the center of tho
lower edge. This tab Is moro or less
narrow and Is provided with button
holes which fasten over small, flat
pearl buttons se'.ved to tho bottom
edge of the front breadth.
This arrangement divides the skirt
of tho chemise, making It as easy to
walk in as muslin or silk pants and
giving the appearance of a short un
der petticoat.
Tho envelope chemlso Is. doveloped
In nainsook or other thin cotton fab
rics and in wash silk or ciepo do Blilno.
It Is trlmmod with tho usual llngoilo
laces. The corset cover, panta and
short skirt may bo dispensed with
when this chemise Is adopted, since It
takes tho placo of ouch of them.
'Colored Blouses.
Colored handkerchief' linen blouses
aro shown again this year. You re
member last year they wore Intro
duced for country wear. They aro
still on tailored linens, frequently
with pockots. They havo long sleeves
and sometimes tho fronts ara scal
loped. , Red Hair and, Light Eyebrows.
A word of warning to tho red-haired
woman with light brows and lashes.
Don't mako them black; tho effect
tho right direction. They slant to
ward the middle of tho belt at tho
back and front. At each side a band
of the material, having tho stripes
running horizontally, makes a neat
decorative feature and adds to the
shapeliness of tho waist. In tho elbow
length sleeves the stripes run length
wise. Tho neck and sleeves arc finished
with an embroidered edging in a sim
ple, well-made design. Pearl but
tons, two at each side, and simulated
buttonholes of narrow braid, aro ef
fective llttlo touches on tho front of
tho waist.
The skirt Is moderately full with
panel at the front and plaits at tho
sides and back. Abovo the three-Inch
hem a band of the materlalvith the
stripes running horizontally, gives the
skirt a neat finish and a desirable
Hare at the samo timo.
The belt may be of patent leather or
sucdo or of somo heavy fabric. Alto
gether, this dress follows many good
points -in tho modes of spring for
grownups and at the samo time con
trives to bo prettily childish and very
practical. It is meant to bo developed
in waBh fabrlci and is easy to launder.
In tho picture two developments 'or
this new garment aro Bhown, ono with
laco sleeves and laco trimmings and
tho other made with small hand-run
tucks at tho front, a narrow handmade
edging about the bottom and top and
finishing tho arm's eye. Any needle
woman can mako this chomlso and it
Is a very slmplo matter to launder it.
It Is cool for summer wear, for It dis
penses with nt least one piece of un
Smart Outing Costumes.
Tor smart country club costumes
in norfolk style thero Is a now silk
material called khakl-kool, which
comes in various crisp weaves re
sembling shantung and rajah pongees
and in Bmart shades of sand, putty,
dreadnaught gray and in pearl and
oyster white These costumes are
very slmplo and very smartly tailored
with belted coats above wido circular
skirts. Tho natural shade of tho
khakl-kool Is sometimes matched by
natural silk stockings; stockings to
match tho dark and light gray shades
are also carefully selected for wear
with black ' pumps or boots. This
khakl-kool has a virtue of springing
up, however It Is crushed, and will,
without doubt, bo fnnclnd also for
surumor motor coats.
you achlovo by so doing will bo weird
In tho extreme, artlllclalness being
Its predominant note
In such a case light brown water
cosmotique, well diluted and care
fully applied. glveB tho vory best re
sults, for It imparts to tho brows and
lashes a ruddy brown tint which has
at least tho appearance of bolng nat
ural, which coal-black brown with led
hair aio decidedly not. v
If resolutions could not he brokin,
few soulJ be made
fVJ t l VOMhmh.
VxhtJ.7 fuMiS0' ,mt "i'
Save the Coupons!
Mrs. Homespun What'll
tribute to tho "ilnlster's
wo con
donation party?
Farmer Homespun Wall, I dunno,
Hauncr. 'Taters is way up, perk is
way up, fowl is way up we'll save
money by giving him money.
Low round trip fares are now In
effect via the Sconlc Highway of tho
Northern Pacific Ry. to California's Ex
positions via the North Pacific Coast.
These tickets permit liberal stop-overs
and enablo tho tourist to include both
expositions as well as a -stop-over at
Yellowstone National Park via Gardi
ner Gateway.
If you will advlso when you will plan
your western trip, I will be pleased to
quote rates, send a copy of our hand
somo Expositions folder as well as
Yellowstone National Park and travel
literature, and assist you in any way
possible In planning your 1915 vaca
tion trip. A. M. Cleland, General Pas
senger Agent, 517 Northern Pacific
rty., St. Paul, Minnesota. Adv,
Any woman can keep an expense ac
couut, but not moro than one in a
thousand can make it tally with her
in Roofing
If your roofingf is not guaran
teed by a responsible company
you run the risk of finding
out its defects after it is on
I the roof. It costs no more to get a
written guarantee with tho beet re
tDoiwibility behind it.
Buy materials that last
our leadlnz product It guaranteed, S earn
for 1-ply. 10 enrs for 2-ply nnd 15 yearn for
S-pty. We also make lower priced roofing,
Mate Rurfnced shingles, bulldlmr pnpeni.wnU
boards, out-door paints, plastic cement, etc.
Ask your dealer for products made by us.
They ore reasonable lu price and we stand
behind them.
General Roofing Manufacturing Co.
Wtrltf largul mamifacturtri of Roofing
and VulUlIng I'aptn
NrwT.rkCItr Botes CUcu Pittdirfli
rUUihlpUa Atluts ClucUiJ D.lr.lt
SLUsU Clsdasati KsaitlCllr MlaittnOt
StaFrucbco SttU Ldea llimbarr Sissiy
Official Denial
No War Taz un Homestead Lend in Cannd
The report that a war tax in to be placed ou
Qometttead lamlu In Weatern Cinuuit having
been Rlren connlileralilo circulation In tha
United Htntes, UiIh to advlho all enquirers
that uo Hut h tax lift been placed, nor lu thero
any Intention to place n war tux of any nature
on such lands. (Hiirned) W. 1. Kcott, Bupt of
Immlcratlon, Ottawa, Car.ada, 11 .rch IStU, lOli.
Write un for I'rlco lutat and Tuzo.
Ill E II. E. COBB CO., 14 E. 3rd Stteet, St. Paul, Minn.
Iiieii,1).U. Jtuokalrce 1 1 1Kb
cat refertuota. lleat renulti.
In tha VWhDJT RpUIuiproTcd farms, raw land, any
IllillC IV llCdl DCIIurruaiiP, Wrlto to Nurlhnesl
Loan A. Itealtr Ou., Wtillu Sulphur Hprlnn, Mont
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest."
Live Oloek CorumlHslon Merchants at
9ICUXOITY, OhlOMBa or KanoooOltj
down these simple rules for better
1. Drink lots of water. 2. Eat slowly. 3. Chew your
food well. 4. Have plenty of chewing gum on hand. Use
it shortly after meals and chew until the "full" feeling
Be sure of the Perfect Gum in the Perfect Package made
clean, kept clean, sealed ugainst all impurities:
The Wrigley Spearmen want to
help you remember these bene
ficial, long-lasting aids to teeth,
breath, appetite and digestion.
So they have done all the old
t3a& Kssncr Building
lli Wlflnriff
iJz3M KSSH liEi
vmaKamBBamemKmmmw "
British Army Authorities Recognize
the Good Qualities of the
Unhandsome Animal.
It would appear from the quality of
tho latest arrivals of mules hero that
they aro to bo used for cavalry pur
poses. Tho lot at Epsom are declared
by experts to bo as cltau ns polo
ponies, ablo to gallop, and qulto big
enough for tho purpose they nre
about fourteen hands two inches high.
Thoy would outrun any of tho heavy
stamp of horse, of which thoro aro
plenty left, whilst horses suitable for
cavalry purposes aro scarce all over
the world. Mules, of course, aro used
by Spanish and Mexican cavalry, but
they have not hitherto been used In'
tho British army except for transport
and for mountain batteries. Tho llko
llhood is that there will bo a revival of
tho mounted infantry idea, to tnko
light cavalry men who aro now work
ing in tho trenches from placo to placo
where motor traffic Is impossible. Sir
Garnet Wolscloy In 1872 foretold some
thing of tho kin-1 in his "Wellington
Essay," where ho said that mounted
infantry on mules or oven in carts, ac
companied by a small proportion of
real cavalry, would bo of signal use in
days to como. Tho mulos and pontes
that formed tho whole of Sir Fred
orlck Ttcgers' transport from Kabul
to Kandahor ho had no oxon or
camels carried two "maunds," which
Is about ono hundred and sixty-pounds,
but wero canable of carrvlnir much
more. A mountain battery mule's load
runs up up to 220 pounds, but ho 1b
novor as big as uven fourteen hands
Manchester Guardian.
Certainly Not Scotch.
Guests of tho Into Sir Henry Camp-bell-nannermnn
wero discussing the
nationality of J. H. Taylor, the former
golf champion, writes a contributor to
Fry's Magazine, nnd ono of tho party
asserted that tho 'player wns a Scot.
Sir Henry was Inclined to ngreo with
"Well," said ono of th6 visitors, "all
I know nbout Taylor is that he's a vory
nice 'man. My club engaged him to
play an exhibition match at a fixed fee?
but it was so wet that play was Impos
sible. When he was offered tho fee
ho firmly refused to tako It, and would
recolvo only his bare traveling ex
penses." Cnmpbell-Bnnnt-rmnn turned to tho
other man who had been so sure uf
Taylor's Caledonian birth and said,
"I'm afraid that fact is fntal to our
Frank Opinion of King.
Victor Emmanuel, king of Italy, Is
a kern fisherman and spends hour
aftor hour with IiIb rod, though tho
best of luck does not always uttend
his piscatorial expeditions. Once,
after soveral hours' nngllnir had
brought him only throe poor fish and
ho wus returning to tho castle, lm was
mot by n peasant with a magnificent
catch ot trout. "You seem to bi r i
Kreat fisherman, to Judge by yittr
catch," coMinuntud tho poasant "1
should say you wero about as lucky
as tho king." "Why?" Inquired his
majesty, "Oh," repllod tho peasant,
'ho thinks n great dual of himself as
a sportsman, but ho is a poor body,
much moro fit to bu a king than u
"Is ho well versed?"
"Yes. Ho's a fool in many languages
and on many subjects."
t 5 I '
I When a wifo gives her husband a
pleco of her mind sho losus tint much
and lu gains nothing
An eminent physician
Mother Goose " stunts " to the
" tune " of the new Wrigley
jingles. Their book is 28-pages
in four colors. It's free. Send
for your copy today. Address
MpVtotakfc mmv vijHttK
Get the Premiums!
Man of Many Duties.
A contributor to tho Dockot sends
tho following concerning a law of
North Caroliua:
"It was probably a surprlso to tho
justices of tho North Carolina su
preme court to learn tho general as
sembly's opinion of their needs, as ex
pressed in chapter 15G of tho Public
General Laws of 1911 as follows:
" 'Section 1. That tho fireman of tho
supremo court building shall bo ap
pointed by the chief Justice and as
sociate justices of tho supremo court,
and when not engaged In his duties as
fireman shall act us assistant janitor
of the supreme court, and shall assist
In tho cleaning and caro of the su
preme court and perform such other
dutlcB as may be designated by tho
said justices of tho supremo court."
"It scorns that tho general assem
bly hns hero created the ofllco of fire-mun-bath
But Many More May Come If You
Neglect Them. Try Cutlcura Free.
Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment are
most effective In clearing the skin of
pimples, blackheads, redness, rough
ness, itching and irritation as woll as
froolng tho scalp of dandruff, dryness
and itching, besides satisfying every
want of the toilet and nursery.
Sample each freo by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. "Y,
Boston. Sold overywhero. Adv.
Had Enough of War.
After a season In tho trenches, kneo
deep In mud and water, yet not hav
ing seen ono of the enemy in all that
time, 1'rlvato Cox wns Invalided
homo. Aftor relating all the adven
tures which ho anil his comrades had
experienced, ho coucluded, "And now
I comes 'omc full of bloody rheuma
tism an' I 'opes I never seo a bloody
battln arcaln."
A Cheerful Liar.
"Sir," sho said angrily, "I under
stan '. you wild I had a face that would
stop a clock."
"Yes, that's what I said," lie calm
ly replied. "Any woll-rogulntod clock
would pause und hold up its hands in
adinlratlcn at sight of your lovoly
Children of Today.
"If you don't give me a piece of your
choculaU. Kdlth, I'll toll mamma Unit
yon nic secrotl) ungugod "
pulsory in Canada but there is a great
BU W m. a I IL-. W VM HIJIil
fLif&n J wiisrf
:iflbrvL&rnJrnhMnH 4tThO
young men who nave voiunteereu ior service, inc cuiuaic . """""",-"-asrecable,
railway facilities excellent, good schools and churches convenient.
Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Superintendent
Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
J. M. McLcUii, Drawer 197,WitertowB, S. D.
R. A.Carrlt, 311 Jickioo St., St. Paul, Mlna.
Canadian Government Astate
wwii Km
mW 510
In the Breeding Season Condors Roost
in the Moat Broken and
Inaccessible Places.
Thoro is a splendid specimen of the
malo condor In a glass caso in tho
bird room pf tho Children's museum In.
Brooklyn. Though ho stands 8 feet
high, tho spread of his wings is nine
"Tho condors Hvo throughout tho
Andes, principally in Chile and Peru.
Thoir fnvorlto haunts are tho level ot
perpetual snow," writes MIsb Anna B.
Gallup In tho Museum Nows. "During
a portion of the year condors roost 'la
tho trees on the lower mountain
slopes, but in the breeding season (tho
Bummer months ot November and De
cember) they retire to the most
broken and terrific precipices, 10,000
to 15,000 feot above tho sea level,
whero no other creature can dwell.
Thero, on a ledgo or shelf of rock, the
fomalo lays two white eggs nqarly
four Inches in length. Sometimes buo
places a fow sticks around them, per
haps tq keep them from rolling out ot
' After -about seven weeks, in Feb
ruary or early in March, the young"
hatch, entirely covered with soft white
down that afterward turns to a brown
Surely a Rascal.
A short timo ago a man was charged
in Glasgow with stealing a horring
barrol. After tho charge had been
proved the principal accuser thus ad
dressed tho magistrate:
"'Deed, Sir Balllo, the man at the
bar is a great rogue; tho stealing o'
tho barrel is nacthlng to some ot his
tricks. Ho stole my sign-board last
week, and what does your honor think
lie did wl't?"
Magistrate That would be hard tor
mo to say.
Witness Weol, sir, I'M tell ye. He ,
brought it into my ain shop, wi' my
nin name on't, and offered to sell me't,
as ho said ho thought it would bo o'
rnalr use to mo than onybody else."
Easy Driving.
"Bligglns says ho was driven to
"Maybo ho was driven," remarked
tho sardonic neighbor. "But BllgginB
Is a Jimid sort of man and awfully
easy to stampedo.''
You may just as woll tell your wife
tho truth; sho'll find it out, anyway.
Canada is Callmbii
io her RicliWheat lands
"She extends to Americans a hearty in
vitation to settle on her FREE Home
stead lands of 160 acres each or secure
some of the low priced lands in Mani
toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
This year wheat is higher but Canadian land just
as cheap, so the opportunity is more attractive than
ever. Canada wants you to help to feed the world
by tilling some of her soil land similar to that
which during many years has averaged 20 to 45
bushels of wheat to the acre. Think what you
7ry, can make with wheat around $1 a Dusnei anu
' Sy lnnd so easv to net. Wonderful yields also of
Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming:
is fully as profitable an industry as grain,
lie uovernmeni mis yiwr ...&
farmers to put increased acreage mlo
fTin Militnrv service is not com
demand fpr farm labor to rephtce the many