IM DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. V J V, ri J War T ' Rl! 1(1115 HFAnARHY 5H IK f " :"l 1 Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-ccnt box. Sick headacho, biliousness, dizzi ness, coated tongue, foul tasto and foul breath always trace tbom to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in tho bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged In tho In testines, Instead of being cast out of tho system Is re-absorbed Into tho blood. When this poison reaches the dcllcato brain tlssuo it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening headache. Cascarcts immediately cleanso tho stomach, remove tho sour, undigested food and foul gases, tnk6 tho excess bile from tho liver and carry out all tho constipated wasto matter and poisons In tho bowels. A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work whllo you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and hovels regular for months. Adv. Tho man who borrows trouble Is al ways anxious to pay you back in your own coin. MEAT CLOGS KIDNEYS v THEN YOUR BACK HURTS Jake a Glacs of Salts to Flush Kid neys If Bladder Bothers You Drink Lots of Water. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistako by flush ing tho kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, thnv lioonmo nvorwnrkml from ths strain, get sluggish and fall to filter tho waste and poisons from the blood, then wo get sick. Nearly all rheu matism, headaches, liver trouble, ner vousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. ''"The moment you feel a dull acho In tho kidneys or your back hurts or if tho urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; tako a tablospoonful in a, glass of water before breakfast and in a fow day3 your kidneys will act fine. This fa mous salts is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize tho acids in urine so it no longer causes irrita tion, thus ending bladder weakness. Jnd Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves cent llthla-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep tho kidneys clean and active and tho blood pure,( thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv. The world's greatest misfit is illus trated by the big opinions of a small man. PUREST ON EARTH More than 30 years ago Salzcr's Catalog boomed Alfalfa, yeais before other seeds men thought of its value. Todiy Salter excels! His Alfalfa strains include Grimm, (Montana Liscom, Agr. College inspected). S-nlzer's Dakota Kegistcicd No. 30 all hardy ae oak. AiiSIifl jtf ""For 10c In Postage n c giuuiy man uui uwiujt SjMjiVty snd sample package of Ten Fa- SsifiW mous Farm Seeds.. including -tiV&J Spoltz, "The Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated , White Bonanza Oats, "Theyrue Winner;". Bil lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte, the Silo Filler. Alfalfa, etc., etc. Or Send 12c And we will mail you our big Catalog and six generous packages of Early Cabbage, f Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, "ladiah, Onion furnishing lota and lots of juicy delicious Vegetables during the early Spring and Summer. ill ill Or send to John A. Salzcr Seed Co , Box 705, La Crosac, Win., twenty cents and receive both above collec tions and their big catalog. 1 According to statistics, there are more men with blockheads than wood en lego. SELF SHAMPOOING With Cutlcura Soap la Most Comfort ing and Beneficial. Trial Free. Especially if preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dan druff and itching on tho scalp skin. These supcrcreumy emollients meet every skin want as well aa every toilet and nursery want In caring for the skin, scalp, hair and hands. Sample each freo by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcurn, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Many a marble heart does business beneath a sealskin jacket. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo ol CASTORIA, a safo and suro remedy fo infants and children, and see that u Signature of (zSfe In Tno For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castons When 1b a balloon like good bread? When it rises. V When Your Eyes Need Uaro 1't.e Murine Ero Medicine. Nnbmnttliiir- Kreis Kino Acts Oiiickly. Try It for Hcl. i.. bore KyeHuml Cii.iiuilnlcil Kyr'lda. Jin- . rompouuilecl ly our "' ullnta not "I'm "t Mftllfine tint lucu in Miivu-iuiitii rnvn i iu r.."llce for many Jy'ir- Siuv, iiiaii in u ij tlie mi one linn wmh v .-iitfLlfilw Ht (it rr llattlr. Murtix mvo in awiiic i " Slo a ii 4 60i- Write for Iluok of tin M If Murine Eye Remedy Company, Clileaco A 'v Kven tombstones Bpei k man when ho Is do.' n. wi: o' This remarkable photograph, taken from tho crow's nest of tho British warship Invincible, shows tho final scene in the battlo between tho English and German fleets off the Falkland islands. In tho foreground aro tho survivors of tho German flagship, and boats from a British drcadnaught aro seen starting out to pick them up. CHARITY 15 REPAID Meal for Beggar Wins Two Sis ters $25,000 Bequests. III Wanderer From Bohemia Rewards Benefactresses In Chicago Promise to Remember Them In Will Was Laughed At. Chicago. Four years ago a young man, ill and hungry, applied at tho rear door of a house in South Marsh field avenue for food. Tho maid called her mistress and the latter went to tho door. 'Como in," she said. "You aro cold. Warm yourself at tho fire." Tho young man was touched by tho woman's kindness and nearly broke Into tears. "You arc a Jew, are you not?" said the woman. "Don't be afraid to talk. Yoft arii under the roof of a Jewish family." Tho young man recovered himself. He told a story of coming to America from Prague, Bohemia, nnd of finding himsolf homeless and penniless. Ho was too proud to let his people know his condition. An hour before ho appeared at tho house in Marshflold avenue ho was discharged from the county hospital. Ho had fallen in tho street from ep ilepsy, and the hospital kept him threo days. The woman, greatly moved by his story, gave him a warm meal and lot him sleep tlmt night in the basement. An old suit of clothes belonging to her husband was given him and he was sent to a boarding house by his benefactress and her sister. His health became so bad that it was found necessary to deport him. Ho returned to Bohemia In September, 1911. Tho woman who was kind to the Jewish boy received word from a firm of lawyers that by his death she was left $25,000. Tho samo amount was bequeathed her sister. Mrs. Jennie Wolf of 801 South Marshfleld avenue Is one of the bene llclarles of the will. Her slstor, Miss Bessie Gordon of 3059 Jackson boule vard, Is tho other. Thoy wero notified by L. O. Thieme Co., Rector building, who wero BUNDLES FOR THE IDLE New York families responded heart ily to a Bundle day campaign organ ized by tho mayor's committee for tho relief of tho unemployed. From all parts of the city came bundles of clothing, hats, shoes and every other possible Item of wear. Tho Illustra tion shows Mrs. Vincent Astor at tho headquarters of tho commltteo assist ing In the distribution of tho bundles. "COFFEE AND" CHURCH LURE Topcka Baptists to Provide Rockers in Addition to Lunch at Prayer Meetings. Topeka, Kan. Coffee nnd dough nuts will bo served after all weekday prayer meetings of tho North Topeka Baptist church, it was announced. Also rocking chairs will bo provided that members might be comfortablo during services, and motor cars will tarry cripples nnd Invalids to and from FINAL SCENE IN GREAT NAVAL commissioned by a Praguo attorney to find tho two women. Mrs. Wolf is tho widow of Harris Wolf, a wholesale dealer in notions. William Popper was tho namo of tho young man who knocked at tho kitchen door of tho Wolf residence. Ho was the son of a Praguo art dealer, and had run away from homo. "Ho used to often toll us that when ho died ho would remember us in his will," said MrB. Wolf. "Wo would laugh." EVERY MAN TO GET OFFICE Kansas Town to Hold Election Which All Males Will Land Something. In Kansas City, Mo The glory of Nlckletown, Kan., Is now liko tho glory that was Rome's gone. Time was, when Nlckletown aspired to be tho county seat of Woodson county and to be rated among the flourishing county towns of Kansas. But those aspirations, along with nearly all of Nlckletown's papulation have de parted. Nlckletown, howover, refuses to re linquish its identity as a real town. It is going to hold a town election next spring and select regula." offlcors. There is ono cheerful featuro in It for tho male residents of Nlckletown all of them will get offices. Thero are now only four families left in tho town. T. Q. Allen, Frank Willis, George Cowles and Oscar Mul sow aro the men now remaining. Cowles is at present police judge. Ho says that offlco suits him and he wants to keep it. Tho other threo have agreed to let him have his little whim gratified. So tho trio all plan to run for mayor and tho two losers will con stitute, tho town council. It's up to tho women to cast tho deciding vote, as all three men say they will vote for themselves. It is considered like ly that tho man who treats- his wlfo best in the time between now and election will stand the rosiest chanco of getting to sign "Mayor" after his name. Nlckletown Is in the northeast part of Woodlawn county. INITIATION FEE IS ONE HOG Knights of Pythias Lodge Now Has New Member and Fine Porker. Albany, Ore. A pig was tho unique initiation fee which Walter Miller, Jr., paid to Join tho Knights of Phythlas lodge. So, as tho result of an offer and an accoptanco in a joking spirit, the lodgo now has a gocd hog which is worth moro than tho customary Initiation fee. Miller had expressed a desire to Join tho lodgo nnd was signing an ap plication for membership when ho asked tho amount of the initiation fee. "I've got a lot of good hogs and will trade you one of them for my Initia tion fee," he remarked Jokingly, nnd members of tho lodge promptly ac cepted tho offer. Ho volunteered later to keep tho hog and feed It free of charge until tho lodge desired to sell It, and this ho is doing. SOLDIERS SEND MONEY HOME Amounts Handled by the German Postal Authorities Are Very Large. Berlin. Tho soldiers In tho field aro sending home all tho money thoy can spare, and the amounts handled by the postal authorities aro in tho aggro gate very largo. According to a state ment of tho postmaster of Dresden, ond singlo division of tho Saxon re serve sent homo during ono month 20, 000 postal orders amounting to 800. 000 marks ($200,000), The same au thority computes tho amount paid out on such orders during thnt month by the various ofllccs within its district at 2,500,000 marks, which, nt tho samo ratio for tho wholo emplro, would give a sum approximately 100,000,000 marks. tho church. Members of tho congre gation decided upon theso innovations, acting upon tho theory that tho church should bo tho social center of tho community and that church Is most successful which offers a pleas ant plnco in which its members and strangers can meet. Grab All Stray Cats. Constantinople. All stray cats in Lebanon and Damascus havo been commandeered by tho Turks to pro tect army stores from rats. "BATTLE IN Cigars and Cigarettes Highly Prized at the Front. German Soldier Exchanges 50 Cigar ettes for Whole Steer Throw Dice to Decide Puffs of Cigar for Each Soldier. Berlin. Cigars and cigarettes aro tho most highly valued articles at tho front. In an interesting letter, just received hero, a German soldier tells of a trade whero he exchanged 50 cigarettes for a wholo steer. Ho writes: "Most of our boys at tho front aro Inveterate smokers. They know tho value of a good weed. SometlmeB a good smoko will make you forget that your stomach is empty. "For tho last two days I have been subsisting on bread and cigars. Our field butcher tho goulash gun, as wo call it cannot como up to tho battlo line, and so wo must livo on what wo carry in our knapsacks. A heavy black cigar will tide you ovor for a day when thero Is nothing else to chow. "A few days ago wo wero all long ing for some fresh meat Thore was none for miles around. Suddenly a Bavarian detachment camo along, with a whole drove of cattle. First they rofused to let us have any, but after some bargaining thoy trnded a fat steer for 50 cigarettes. "Every soldier In our army Is sup plied with two cigars every day at present. Besides almost everybody receives tobacco from homo. But some of the cigars wo receive are terrible. They wero so bad we could not smoko them. So wo throw them over Jo tho French, who eagerly gathered them in. They wero so dollghtcd that they gave us some cognac in exchange. This was before thoy commenced to smoko tho cigars. After they had lighted them they got highly Indignant and com menced to fire at us like mad. 'Thero were days when wo had noth ing to smoke but dried tea leaves and straw. Then again we have tobacco, but nothing to light our pipes with. We are not permitted to have flro In tho trenches, for tho smoko would draw tho enemy's Are. Matches aro very scarco and our electric flashlights give light, but no flre. So ono of my comrades has overcome this difficulty by using a strong magnifying glass which ho found In the pocket of a French officer killed in battlo. This works all right when tho sun is shining. "At times cigars were so scarco wo had to throw dice in order to decide to how many puffs each one of us was entitled. I was unfortunate enough to get only threo puffs." GIVE HIM A GOOD SPANKING Chicago Official Advises Mother of Fifteen-Year-Old Boy Who Got Married. Chicago. "Madam Just tako your son homo and glvo him a good spank ing; thon send him back to hlB wlfo," advised Juvonllo Officer Michael Loftus to a mother who complained that her son, James O'Malley, fifteen years old, had without the knowledge or consent of his parents acquired a wlfo seven years older than himsolf. It was related that Master James had married Miss Sclmn Arndt In Man itowoc, Wis., last September, and broko tho nowB when ho camo homo for the holidays. His mother desired to keep him hero, but ho protested that ho could not deBort his wife. Newspaper Appeal Brings $256,000. Leipzig, Germany. In rosponso to an appeal mado by tho Leipzig Tago blatt, 10,107 persons have brought a total of 1,023.000 marks ($250,000) in gold to that newspaper to bo ex changed for bank noteB. Tho gold has 1 been turned over to tho Rolchsbank. Wholesale Ventilation. A fow days ago I was in a downtown building in which one of tho largest corporations in tho country has its of fices. Tho hall on thnt floor was crowd ed with men and girls, chiefly tho lat ter, without their hats and outsido wraps. "What Is going on?" I asked the elevator, "a flro or a strlkoT" "Neither," ho replied. "Tho com pnny turns all its omployees out of tho ofllces for flvo mlnutos each hour of tho day and opens all the windows to Ycntllato tho rooms." BoBton Record, GGQ Hi Winter Chills Bring Kidney Ills A spell of cold, damp wcathor is always followed by a lino crop of kid ney troubles and backache Colds and chills damago tho kid neys. Other troubles common to win tor wcathor aro Just as bad. Grip, ton sllltis, quinsy, pneumonia or any other infectious discaso hurts tho kidneys by overloading tho blood with poisons. Tho kidneys got worn, weak and in flamed trying to work it off. It Isn't hard to strengthen weak kidneys though, if you net quickly. At tho first sign of backache, dizzy spoils, headaches, loss of woight, nerv ousness, depression and painful, irreg ular kidney action, start using Doan's Kidney Pills. Rest tho kidneys by simple eating, nvoldanco of overwork and worry, and getting more rest and sloop. A milk diet is flno. This scnslblo treatment should bring quick benefit and prevent Bori ous kidney diseases liko dropsy, gravel and Bright's disease Clip this ndvortisoment nnd mall It to tho address bolow for a freo trial of Doan's Kidney Plllo, tho best rcc- U 'JJOANS ISoWlrA.OoalOTfrlcoEcnbi Fa?Mwi Ccfe! Hard to Land. An English correspondent said in Washington: "I onco tried to interview Lord Kitchener, tho English war minister. I tackled him after dinner In a ho tel loungo as ho sipped his coffee and puffed on a hugo cigar. Ho stared at mo whon I proffored my request, then he blow a cloud of smoko and said: "I never gave an interview in my life, and I nover intend to.' "That seemed docislvo enough. 1 felt myself getting red, nnd I stam mered, as I prepared to go: "'Well, thon, Lord Kitchener, will you at least glvo mo your autogruph? It would bo worth having.' "Ho blow another cloud of smoke. Then ho answered: "'You'd hotter go off nnd mnko your own nutograph worth having.' " THE E1HG ON WHLAT The United States Wheat Pro duction Admits of 100 Mil lion Bushels for Export. Tho talk in tho press some little tlmo back of placing an embargo on wheat, brought forcibly to tho minds of tho peoplo of the United States a condition that may at somo time in tho near futuro face them. 100 mil lion bushels of an export of wheat means a splendid rovenuo to tho country as well as to tho farmer, and if this wore assured year after year, thore would bo reason for con siderable congratulation. But last year's magnificent and abundant crop, which was estimated nt 891 million bushels, cannot bo expected every year. With a homo consump tion of 775 million bushels, and a production in many years of little moro than this, tho fact Is .apparent that nt an early date tho United Stntcs will have to Import wheat. It will be then that tho peoplo of tho United States will bo looking to other markets for a supply. And it is then thnt tho value of Western Canada lands will bo vlowed with consider able favor. Tho great area of wheat lands In Canada will then bo called upon to provido tho grenteBt portion of tho old world's supply, and also, In tho opinion of tho writer, that of tho United States as well. At present thero are only about 12 million acres of theso lands producing wheat. Thero are flvo times that many acres that can bo brought under successful culti vation. Apart altogether from tho valuo of these lands as wheat pro ducers thero is an Increased valuo to them from tho fact that tho soil is especially adapted to tho growing of many other klndB of grain as well as nil manner of cultivated grasses, while tho native grasses are a won derful asset in thomselves. Tho cli mate is especially favorable to tho raising of livo stock, such as horses, cattlo, sheop and hogB. All theso bring into the limelight tho adapta bility of tho soil, tho cllmato and all other necessary conditions, to tho carrying on of dairy farming, in a moBt profitable way. Thero is no question that high prices for all that the farmer can grow or ralso will continue for somo years, and thU is tho great opportune timo to tako advantage of what Western Canada offers. Lands mny bo had as a freo grant. Theso nro mostly lo cated some llttlo dlstnnco from rail ways at the present time, but sooner or later will bt well served by rail ways that aro projected Into these districts. Land may also be socured by purchase at reasonable price, and on oasy terms from holders of same. In many cases farms partly improved may bo rentrvi. A Winnipeg pnper said recently: "Canada wnnts Ameri can immigrates. They mako good Canadian citizens." And thon spenk ing of tho erroneous impression that has gained orno publicity in a portion of tho United States press, says: "It cannot bo too forcibly impressod upon tho American mind that In coming to Canada they plnco themselves un der the freost democracy tho world knows. No cltlzon of this country, whether native or naturalized, can bo compelled to military service Tho only compulsion la tho compulsion of conscience and patriotic duty. That Is tho motlvo that has proraptod thou sands of Canadians to offer their lives. They are fighting as freo men," Ad vertisement. Playing Poker. "Does tho doctor play poker?" "Yes, ho specializes in It. Indian npolis Star, , TEvtrw Pttturt ''J TtU$ Starf "I'd be all right only for mj, back. " jhu i ill y .ib ww mm,- urn mJJM?ulWf5VptUvSry5ilC Wuttk erVhcn'Y6QrackTs tomo-Hcmnberihe'Nam9 fftV mm ta m x i u mm -ii ii mm - -mimm i m wr 71 Chocolates In Fathlon. Matinee girls mako and break fash ions in confectionery, and Just now thero Is a deadly set toward chocolates of all kinds. Timo was whon tho chocolato cream was every girl's ideal of luscious delight Thon camo days when bonbons ruled and when tho clover girl behind tho candy counter slipped only a Bmall proportion of chocolates into a box of assorted sweets. But chocolato has como to its own again. Perhaps this is why Georgia Cohan introduced a touching scene in his play, "Hello, Broadway." You see, tho girl ho Is in love with makes an awful discovery. And oh, How she raves when tho secret comes out I Sho finally throws Georglc ovor becauBo ho confesses he's a chbcolato fiend. "Oh, double O!" sho again raves. "Ain't It awful, and to think I always thought ho was a perfect gen tleman." GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, Gloss, Thickness. Almost evoryono knows that Sago Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustro to tho hair whan faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair, Years ago tho only way to got this mixture was to mako it at homo, which la mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any store- for "Wyotn's Sago and "Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a largo bottlo of tho famous old recipe for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray I Try it! No ono can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, a3 it docs it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a spongo or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking ono small strand at a tlmo, by morning tho gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Adv. ,, ifc,.. More Meat Next Season. Authorization has boon secured from tho secretary of agriculture to graze on tho national forests of California for tho season of 1915, 212,280 cattlo nnd horses, 505,750 sheep and goats, and 7,950 BWlno. Compared with tho grazing season of 1914, theso numbers constitute a considerable net Increase. During tho year approximately 835,000 acres in tho national forest permit wero eliminated from tho forests. Quite Happy. "Did tho play havo a happy ending?" "Comparatively so. All money was refunded after tho second act." Fun. Somebody that knows nothing about it says that tho happiest day In a mar ried man's Ufo is tho day before tho wedding. Co-operativo societies in Dradford, Englnnd, have between 40,000 and 50, nnn members. They stop the tickle. Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops stop coughs quickly. A pleas ant remedy Ec at all good Druggists. A bom shopper Is a woman who can make tho roundB of tho bargain coun ters without spending a cent Probably nothing makes a woman so angry as to, ask a man for his candid opinion of her and get It. Don't bo in a hurry to accept a bald head ub an official badgo of wUdom. Beauty Is Osly Sua Deep It is vitally nec essary there fore, that you take good care of your skin. ZONA POMADE if used regularly will beautify and preserve "your complexion and help you retain the bloom of early youth for many years. Try it for 30 days. If not more than satisfied you get your money back. 50c at druggists or mailed direct. Zona Company, Wichita, Kan. KIDNEY FILLS smsnii fBSBBlEi&dSBBBBBBBBl IF5tsSOTriSjM ommonded kidney remedy, in the world. You'll dccldo it worth a trial, when you read this enthusiastic! testi mony. Cold Caused It Kidneys Weakened With Re suiting Pain and Misery Alonio Adams, Osceola, Iowa, un: "Some. yean a bo I suffered from a terrlbla cold which settled In my kidneys, cnuilnjr lum bago. No ono who has not had this trouble can know how painful It Is. Sharp, shoot Ins pains darted through my kidneys and left me almost helpless After such nn at tack, I could neither stoop nor straighten. Nights, I wasn't able to rest well and morn ings I was tired and exhausted. My kidneys acted Irregularly all the time. The kidney secretions contained sediment and wcr painful In passige. In getting; up from chair, I generally had to graer something; for support. I doctored and used different remedies, also put plasters on my back, but with no good results. At last I got so bad that I couldn't attend to my work. I final ly heard of Donn'a Kidney rills and com menced using them. It wasn't long before my back began to get better and tho other ailments left me. Doan's Kidney Pills gar me a cure and I have had no trouble for some tlmo." lVtfpprietoa The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly bo overcome D? CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS.. Purely vegetable act surety ana cenuy on uio liver, euro Biliousness, Head ache, rii. ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature tK Pat's Investment. Fat bought a pig in tho fall, paying $7.50 for it; during tho winter he bought $10.50 worth of feed for It, and in tho spring sold the pig for ?17.50. A neighbor asked him how much ho got for it, nnd when Pat told him, ho said: ItWoll, you didn't mako much on it, did you7" "No," said Pat, "but you see I had tho uso of tho pig all winter," Every body's Magazine. Quite So. "Now thoy aro advertising dread naught gray. They ought not to drag tho various colors into this imbroglio." "What do you mean?" "Gray has always been considered a neutral tint." Kansas City Journal. Most peoplo aro too polito to speak tho truth on all occasions. real guarantee ' on rooting! useless risk Is to buy roofine not guaranteed by a responsible con-' cern. When you buy our roofing you ?;ot the written guarantee of the world's arrest manufacturer of roofing and building papers. Buy materials that last Roofing our leading product is guaranteed S years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply and 15 years for 3-pIy. We also makejower Ericed roofinp, elate surfaced shingles, uildinjr papers, wall boards, out-door paints, plastic cement, etc Aik your denier for products made by us. They nre reasonable la price and we stand behind tuem. General Roofing Manufacturing Co. orlr larv'tt maovfaflvrtrt ofBoeJlng and Building Paptrt H,wTtVCilr Dilon Chleite Pitb&anh PUUuUlphla Aduta OaTtlud Detroit SULnh CUclli KuuiCRy Minaeipotl SiaFriathto S.tllU Lniaa IIinAcrt Sr&ity PIGS, PECANS PofiftW mean jiroiperitr In Docatur Ooonty, South veil Uoorslaibost aecttun of great Southern Btato. Good farming lanl, aultablo (or any crop. (10 to KJO rwr uoro. Mild winters, no droughts, coploui rains all year. Health ex cellent. Ben4 (or booklets, to Board of Trade, Ba!nbrldge,Goorgln DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure tho finest fabric. For laundry purposes it has no cquaL 16 oz. package 10c. 1-3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE SI-ARCH CO., Omaha, Nebrsski POTATO LOW PRICES Bailer's Pedigree PoUtoes helped putWIsoonilnway on tbu top with Its enormous potato jlold. Wn can do aaine for Iowa. UIU SUKU UATALOQ VUBO. John A. Salter Seed Co., Box 705, La Crosse, Wis. BEST MARKETfor POULTRY VEAL-CREAM HIDES EGGS MEANS Write it a for Price List and Tags. THE R. E. COBB COm 14 E. 3rd Street. St Paul, Minn. Sioux City Directory "Hub of tho Northwest." FOR BK8T SEimCE SHIP Mve Stock Commission Merchants nt SIOUXaiTY, Ohleaea or KanmamCHy 8h7pYOUr1!VE 8TOCKTO Sioux City Lite stock Commission GoftpR) i4w Rn nnn.nn . sh. ?& Htw'U ddlliUUUiUU SatrtMU37. Bimw lt ns know II yon are In need ot market report. W wlU mall jou Uto Stock Hecord tree o( clitrae. W. N. U., 8I0UX CITY, NO. 9-1915. jmmmw:iQTFK &WW BRITTLE 4r JmEc a, i $&2&&-zg xJW i"ifer i filthtjt CflB A i-W0i9JM iMflP'A Bt m Lenamteea mmmmmmmmsm tmaummm