Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 28, 1915, Image 8

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Tho Latest Fancy in Veils
"A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation"
alt!, M affadi SK6p
Steele, Siman &, Co.
r-B- " " i
llalph Works slgnc to pitch for Kan
sas Cttv association team.
Kloyd Perritt, the Los Angeles pitch
er, mistook n guide for a mountain
lion nnd shot him.
Six' of tho old Brooklyn team have
become major league manngors and
six Iinvo boenmo minor league manag
Tho Giants aro tho first baseball
club to own their own tiainlng
grounds. Marlln, Tex, looks good to
Tho National league Is proposing to
enforce a rulo regarding asking waiv
ersthat Is, that waivers once asked
cannot bo recalled.
Although Joe .lackson ndmlls that
A rederal league scout has been nego
tiating with him, ho insists that hf haa
no intention of jumping.
Al Ilromwich, new third sackor pur
chased from Davenport by White Sox,
hit .310 last season. Ho Is noted for
making long hits In the pinches.
i .(
Tom Steels.
Rny Slmnn, Dmc Prusmer, Harry GppcMen,
Unttlo Snleamnn.
Host & Hlioep Unlcsman
Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us.
Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters.
We Work for You. Write Us. Ship Us.
e vaxam o n raas tsftsr b
Melbourne Inman, English Billiard Champion.
j, clia
i wn
Melbourne Inman, English billiard
champion, who was touring tho United
tateo and Canada In company wicn
flllo Hoppc and playing matches in
'which English billiards and tho Amorl-
can game alternated, comes of a Hue
$ of forbears notod for their skill with
me cue. ins granuraiuer ami m
granduncle were excellent players, al
though not professionals. Ilia father,
Robert W. Inman, who is still living,
conducted a club for Rontlonmn play
,jgJrs and gavo instructions.
wfis of 1911-12, 1912-13, 1913-14, con-
stels of preliminary rounds o 9,000
! joints for JBOO a side If there are
.enough entrants, and the finals match
f! UL iO,VUU JUII1LE3 IUL fl,VU U Diuv,
, imrso of 250, a gold medal, tho
challenge cup, and tho not gal ro-
jeolpts. Theso events aro conducted
u by thp Billiards Control club of Lon-
don. His last triumph brought Inman
nearly three thousand dollars from all
sources. Ho defeated Thoman Fleece,
challcngor, who had provlousl; borctun
George Gray and H. W. Stevenson.
Following tho tourney proper lntnan
dofeated Stevenson In a special m-itch
for ?1.000 a side.
In figuring his $3,000 carnlngn. In
man recolved 1,750 from tho galo re
ceipts, $1,000 stnko money, ami the
$250 purse. Tho matches were played
in Holborn hall, London, 1.C00 points
a day, at admission prices cqu'valont
to CO cents, $1 and $1.50 in United
States money.
Inman holds the world's rocord of
744 for tournament play, established
last year In his match with Recce. Ho
has recorded 787 and 891 in practlca
Ho also holds tho Canadian mark of
C01 set at Winnipeg and tho South
African mark of GIG made at Pretoria.
yoe Shugruo, Crack Little New York
Scrapper, Has His Maulers In
sured for $20,000.
, 'Joe Shugruo, the littlo Now Yorker
"4Jvi'hS' has a ton-round popular decision
&ver Lightweight Champion Froddio
Welsh, will take no chancos with his
hands. Ho took out a $20,000 accident
i hhHI" 7HI
1 KriflF
1 te-
Instrument in Use by Various Clubs
Eliminates AH' Arguments Be
tween Contesting Players.
Arguments over tho starting of
players is eliminated to a great ox
tent by an Instrument now employed
by virtually every golf club in this
part of tho country. This device is
a long piece of pipo mounted at an
anglo on wooden or steel legs, tho
opening being large enough to accom
modate a golf ball. Tho higher end
Is opon, while tho lower end is
plugged, and an oponlng mado near
tho end, from which ono ball may bo
romovod at a time. Dy being covorcd
all tho way down, not ono ball can bo
displaced from tho order in which it
was inserted Into tho tube.
As playors reuch tho fink too, If
thoy cannot lcavo at once, they drop
an initialed sphoro Into thotube, nnd
when it comes to the end tho ownorV
nnmo Is called and ho, his pair or
foursomo, tees ofr. If tho owner of a
ball Is not present when his Initials
aro called, his hall Is placed last In.
lino and ho must await its next np
pcaranco boforo ho mny start.
Tho old system of harbor shop pre
cedence is eliminated ontlroly, for
tliero can bo no question as to tho
ownership of balls now, with every
player having his initials sunken Into
tho guttn percha, and ono inclined to
"slip ono over" by substituting his
ball for ono ahead of his Is balked.
Football, baseball nnd track titles
wero won by tho University of Illinois
teams In 1914.
Coach Haughton says tho open foot
ball game is worthless unless merely
as a vnriatlon while Coach Zuppko de
clares it Is good.
Monthly smokers at which football
is lectured upon is tho now plan of
Coach Frank Hinckley nt Yalo and
will bo part of a Bystcm
Harvard's big football games In 1915
will be played as follows: Saturday,
November C, Princeton at Princeton;
Saturday, November 20, Yale nt Cam
bridge. In tho event that Frank Mount
Pleasant is unable to sever present
connections, is 13 said that Glenn War
nor's successor at Carlisle will bo Lone
Star Dletz, tho famous Indian back and
lineman, who has been Warner's as
sistant. Des Jardlon, who become a coach af
ter graduating from Chicago next June,
is out after a Maroon record. By com
mencement tho celebrated center who
captained Chicago last fall and who
for two consecutive seasons lias made
Camp's All-American, will have won
12 "C's."
l.....M.,ft.........,........... - !
Tho Chandlers, J. O. and Znch, aro
going to train for E. IX Gould of
Kearney, Neb.
It is announced that "Pop" Geers
is going to take Etawah, Anvil nnd
some others to tho Pacific meeting.
"When Mr. Small sold Peter Scott
for $30,000 ho did not do such a bad
Job, If tho g, c. bars that kind of
Ed Geers, tho veteran driver of
light harness racp horses, has in 25
years piloted winners of :nore than
$1,178,000 in purso money.
Tod Sloane. considered by many
tho greatest Jockoy who over strode a
horso, is nowadays seen about Paris
wearing tho Red Cross armlet.
Efforts aro onco mora being made
to got a license for Carroll Shilling,
tho Texas Jockey now off tho turf for
over two yoars. Shilling is wealthy
but is anxious to rldo again.
Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant
Ambulance Service
Wm. IT. 55ack.5vsomL
Ball 71
Auto 8471
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa
Ask Your Dealer to Show You
THE latest fad which has seized
upon tho feminine fancy nnd is
about to run Its courso is tho wearing
of a full, straight-hanging veil. It is
usually of net bordered with narrow
ribbon, but, beforo long, veils of chan
tllly and other laces may outnumber
those of figured not. In splto of tho
popularity of figured lace in the smaller
fnco veils the fact remains that they
aro less becoming than plain or dotted
Tho smartest of the new veils are
shaped to flaro and ripple nbout the
bottom, , after tho manner of tho now
skirts. Thoso in taupe color, twine
color and black hold first place and
look especially well with the now deml-
season hats which aro early in th
field as harbingers of tho coming ol
spring. '
A new design in veils of figured not
13 shown in the picture, having pendant
fern leaves as a pattern on a net
ground. It Is interesting as a novelty,
but the more Irregular floral designs
are more attractive.
An illustration of the two most popu
lar nets is given also, showing ono
with a square and ono with a hexag
onal mesh. Veils of this kind are
bordered with velvet dots, some of
them squaro and others round, and In
size varying from a sixteenth to a half
inch in diameter.
lit mm
Tw. "UrfilfD UTTf tCtl JOuTIvdVt' J."1. 1" WU.
Hats for Southern Journeyings
.. ....,
t Joe ShuQrue,
policy to repay him In case anything
Jiappens to his maulers. Joe has three
big fights on and an injury to his hands
would set him back Just about the
amount of his policy.
Aged Brooklyn Church Official Makes
Rowling Rocord Rolls One
Perfect Game.
Age is evidently no hindrance
against a first-class bowlor. At
least that is tho case with Lewis
K. Thvwton, a trustee of tho Hanson
Placo Uaptist church of Brooklyn.
Thurston, who is sixty-six years old,
rolled threo match gameB and oh
talnod an averago of 243. Ills scores
Tor thu match wero 208, 300 and 221.
After rolling 12 straight strlkea for a
perfect game, Thurston stuck right
t his task nnd rolled four moro In
tho third garao of tho night, making
a total of 1C straight strikes, a record
tjiat any bowlor might well bo proud
of, Previous to his perfect game
Thurston hold tho high acoro record
for tho alleys, 27C.
Thirty-Four Thousand Games Wero
Played In Which 152.0CW Playors
' Took Some Part.
Intcrcolleglato football during tho
last BeaBon was played by 4G0 col
leges, 0,000 secondary schools, and by
1.C00 teams not connected wth edu
cational Institutions but representing
nthlotlc associations, largo and small.
Thirty-four thousand games wero
played and 152,000 playors partici
pated in tho games and practice. Not
withstanding tho distractions of war
and tho handicaps of tight moiiev,
moro people than ever boforo attend
ed tho games of tho country, estimates
placing tho number around 7,292,000
persons. Tho culmination in attend
ance, of course, was nt tho Harvard
Yalo gamo, whore 70,000 poisons oc
cupied almost 29 miles of scats ii tho
magnificent Yalo bowl.
Tho noxt national tennis champion
ship may bo staged at tho Fox Hill
courts of tho West SIdo Tennis club
of Now York. TIiIb organization is
onco more making a determined effort
to land tho big ovent.
Tho war has left mattors In a
chaotic stato In Australia. Tho Davis
cup still remains in Now York be
cause it was not doomed wlso to ship
it across tho 1'aclflc to fall a prize
to a German man-of-war.
The Famous Sturges. Bros. Harness
If they Don't Have Them, write or call on
Sturges Bros., 411 Pearl St., Sioux City, la.
H ..--, ,-mmb, . mm . , 9 M
Westcott's Undertaking
Auto Ainbuiance
Old Phone, 426 New Phone 2067
Sioux Cityf lows.
I w
................ ....-...,
Oulmet In Hockey.
Francis Oulmet, tho famous golfer,
has branchod out in tho sport world
and Is now a full-fledged manager of
a IlnBtou hockey team composed of
golfers. And, llko all real managers,
he has cast his challengo to tho world.
Ho wants it understood that his
hockey bovoii Is ready to moet teams
from any golf club.
Tho Natlonnl Dllllnrd Players, it is
said, will drop the caso against Ed
gar T. Apploby of Columbia univer
sity. "Unintentional violation of tho
othics of tho gamo" woro tho charges.
IIoppo becomes the permanent own
er of tho 18.2 trophy. Sutton has
doflnltoly declined to play in Milwau
kee and IIoppo has therefore hold tho
trophy against challenge long enough
to lnsuro Its permanent ownership.
4 ..-.. .....
n4 fox Willing to Swap Players.
Prsfcldynt Lannln of the Doston lied
mc i quoted aa saying that tho com
h winter promises to break all roc
oftfs l the matter of swapping ball
fiiayam imwf! Uo big leiguo clubs.
'H Mkiwwkidgea lio has boon trying
';. ii. m. trade or two on tho sue.
ftLjjj, oC Maaar Carrlgan. but us I
,t tKor Muf P w i"""r.
Tho Mussachusotts logisla-
turo will bo asked to put pro
fessjonal boxing In that stato &
under tho Jurisdiction of tho 'X
new department of health, and
to limit professional bouts to
six threo-mlnuto rounds. These
are provisions Included in a bill
filed by Senator Bagley, Ama-
teur boxing is not affected by
the proposed legislation.
Patsy Hrannlgnn shaded Johnny
Kllbanp, champion, In a six-round
bout at Pittsburgh. It was a popular
Johnny Dundoo claims tho distinc
tion of having been tho busiest littlo
boxer in tho land In 1914. Dundee en
gaged In two dozen fights.
IP theso fortunate ones who escape
winter by journeying South are wor
ried by misgivings as to what they
shall wear, they may set their minds
at rest. Gowns for southern tourists,
as enchanting as those In seasons
past, and millinery as exquisite as has
over boon worn, aro all at hand.
Whether or not they are inspirations
from creators of styles In Paris or in
America is not tho Important matter
They aro hero and they aro lovely,
and those who wear them or thoBO
who go to seo them aro not to bo dis
appointed. In hats for southern wear the Pana
ma Is playing tho leading role. There
aro many shapes to chooso from in
this beautiful weave. Among thorn
moderatoly largo hats on the sailor
order, with either straight or rolling
brims, and others that droop back and
front contrlvo to bo becoming to al
most every wearer.
Many peoplo must conflno their trav
eling to America this year, and a great
er thrbng than ever will see nnd bo
seen in the fashion pnrado grounds of
tho South. What is worn thero will bo
worn later In tho North. Styles thut
survlvo nnd for which a demand Is
created will become our fashions for
tho summer senson. It Is pleasant to
contcmplato, therefore, tho survival of
such attractive headwear as tho two
hats shown here.
A drossy pauama, in shophordoss
stylo, is edged with a narrow border
of lace and trimmed with a band and
hanging loops and ends of velvet- rib
bon. A flower motif with foliage is
applied flat to crown and brim with
out any attompt at regularity. This is
a wonderfully chic and elegant hat.
Tho second hat has been christened
with soveral names, each with refer
onco to tho straw of which It is mado.
Ono hoars it called "tho lamon straw,"
"tho barnyard" and "tho rustic." This
last best expresses it. It is wovon of
largo lustrous straws and shown in
many colors. It looks best in uio
straight-brimmed shapes, of which an
example is given here.
Poinsettlas, simulated in ribbon, or
other flowers posed flat against tho
crown, make a most effective trim
ming against so brilliant a background.
Bits About Blouses.
It Is fashion's decree that fussy
blousos havo had their day for a
time at least and so wo must give our
attontlon to much simpler designs.
Thoy aro extremely smart and very
becoming to most women.
This season wo havo a number of
rtow blouse matorlals, most Important
among which aro the pussy willow
silks and a lovely new chiffon crepo,
known as georgette cropo.
Unlike chiffon, tho georgette crepe
needs no net foundation, for, while it
is qulto thin, it is moro opaquo and
washes beautifully.
The pussy willow silks come in a
heavier quality than cropo do chine,
and aro a sort of cross between that
and messallno, with a flno subdued lus
ter to thorn.
Either of tho two fabrics Just men
tioned will work up nicely In a blouse
In white, palest pink or yellow, mauve,
navy, pea green or rust color. Theso
nro tho omartest blouso colorings Just
Oisry 7s
East of the Court House for the Best in
Wines, Liquor
Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies.
Bottle or Kaii
EEcntxry jKr-MzrkwSedle,
Dntcoiik City. Nnbrlt
is.n e euxiWA jnetia es
Abstracts of - Title
A SIm.ixHI Hnrety BoDd
Guuruv- th- (iooaroy of aver?
xtroi I ruftke
e iQ8J iSKxagu
Suooenwir to
4?EKt?y wsnr omm
Dakota County Abstract Co;
Bonded Abstractor g
h. j. e; d Tfci rs r a I
m fMrn 'rjt ntaMtr ww wrv-
Work has been begun on tho big
athlotlo park of Fordham university.
Jack Graves, a Canadian, will coach
tho Lehigh lacrosso team for tho noxt
threo years.
12. 1). do Q rout will bo tho lato James
H. Sullivan's succosBor to tako charge
t tho athletic games to be held in
"onnectlou with tho Panama oxposl
Capes of Satin.
I'lavo you noticed tho fascinating lit
tlo capos of black satin or velvet
which nro being worn with llngorle
frocks? They aro circular In cut and
hang from tho shoulders like those
worn by tho cnvallors of tho Kllza
bothan era Whlto satin or molro Is
usod to lino tho capes, and thoy nro
sometimes tied nbout tho neck with
heavy cords of silk. Thoy aro to bo
had in dlfforent lengths and somo of
them aro longer at tho center back.
Tho voguo for tho capo has evon ox-
Velvet for Dusting.
A piece of velvet Is a flno cleaner
for tho brass and for polishing silver
wnio It Is bettor than chamois, it
quickly removes the dust from wood
work, and if UBcd to rub tho stove aft
er It has been blacked It will produce
a high polish. There is nothing bet
tor to dust a felt hat, and silk dresses
and other silk urtlclos should always
bo dusted with It, for It cleans per
fectly without cutting or otherwise
injuring tho silk.
tonded to tho realm of evening gpwns,
for thoro aro lovely modols of whlto
silk, chiffon or lace, with capos nt
black chantilly luco suspended grace
fully from tho shoulders.
A. Ira Davis
Dan F. Sheehen
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Phone us at Homer, Nebr., No. 222, Line G6, or write us
I AT 1
TT-grrin:'jm jjjww?irffiscragnrr.ii'i!-sv.giifflfui"j,i)'i;l,. inn n hiiib i
Patlonco So they have separated 1
Patrice Yes; thoy couldn't got
along as man and wlfo.
"What wbb tho trouble?"
"It seems thoy graduated from dlf.
ercnt institutions nnd their college
yells didn't harraonlzo."
gxjtf.1 .w.a:-n.n'..!B.n!'.in wiwiwwTMTvwnTg'wn
Davey Bros. Tire Repair Co.
423 Water Street
Sioux City, Iowa
Prompt Service
Satisfaction Guaranteed
? '
H. t
1Mb it
Lk m
; .