Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 28, 1915, Image 3

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Cleveland Has Greatly Reduced Cost
of Public Utilities Supplied to
Its Citizens.
Clovotyind ha3 dono bettor than most
cltlca In the application of the com
munal or municipal Idea to public serv
ices or utilities. It has a municipal
cold storage, In connection with n
market, which coBt $2,000,000, and la
doing well on the Investment. It has
achieved a threa-cent car fare. It
now ects out for threo-cent.electrlclty.
It was paying $90 to $100 a year for
Btreot arc lights and the prico for pow
er use was eight cents a kilowatt
Two small electrical plants wero es
tablished. Tlo cost of street aro
llghte dropped about half. Tho cur
rent was sold by tho city from Its
small plants at throo cents. A heavy
loss was predicted. Instead of that,
tho plants more than paid cxponsos.
Mayor Baker proposed a Balo of $2,
000,000 worth of bonds with which to
build a plant to sell electricity at throo
conts. Tho bond Ibsuo was passed by
tho peoplo and tho operation ot tho
now plant began last July. In Aug
ust there was fi profit ot $500 on the
three-cent prlco. In September tho
vrofit was $1,700, and on tho basis of
business now In hand and contracted
for tho superintendent estimates the
profit for tho first year at $100,000,
which would about cover Interest
charges, depreciation and taxes If It
were a private concern. When the
plant Is completed and running at full
capacity the superintendent estimates
that there will bo a net profit of $500
000 annually.--Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Birmingham (Ala.) Women's Clubi
Forming Leagues In All School
Grades of the City.
Tho women's clubs of Birmingham,
Aln, have been tho means of forming
junior clvlft leagues In every school
grdo In tho busy city.
Tho women, feeling that tho chil
dren wero growing up without knowl
edge of city noods, decided to edu
cate for good citizenship.
First, they cleaned up tho school
yards, thon the parks and tho streets.
Today i;very young citizen who joins
a. Ieaguo in his or her school grade
signs this pledge:
"I will not injure any tree, shrub or
"I promlso not to opit upon the
floor in a street car, nchoolhoese or
nnyi public building, or upon tho ilde
walk. "I pledge myself not to deface any
fenco or public building. -
"I will not scatter paper or throw
rubbish in public places.
$ will not uso profane language at
any time.
"I will always protect birds
"I will protect tbo property of oth
ers as I would my own.
"I will promise to bo a true ad
loyal citizen."
School Gardening an Asset.
School gardens, embellishment of
school grounds, is an Important fac
tor in the reputation of a city, enhanc
ing the beauty and value of the vari
ous points where situated and in theso
days of rapid travel In automobiles,
of great interest to residents nnd vis
itors alike. Such beautirtcatlon cannot
fall to make lasting Impressions upon
travelers nnd visitors, who almost in
variably judge of cities and other
communities by the public Improve
ments and embellishments, whllo tho
satisfaction and delight of pupils and
parents Is still of greater Importance
than all other considerations.
- , Gives Hornet Luncheons.
H. B. Coles of tho engineering staff
of tho state highway commission has
learned not to bo too friendly with
hornets. A few days ago when ho was
ating his luncheon a hornet came
along. Ho gave him something to eat.
Tho visitor called his mate. Tho fol
lowing day four hornetB ato luncheon
with him, and on the next day as Mr.
Coles opened his pall a whole swarm
of hornets came lighting on him and
his luncheon. Ho took to tho tall and
unhewn, leaving the hornets In full
possession. Carpenteria (CaL) Dis
patch to the San Francisco Exemlner.
Tho Polish Race.
Mr. Brandes says In his history of
Poland: "Individualism was tho death
of Poland. It was an enthusiastic and
unpractical peoplo, noble-minded and
untrustworthy, pomp-loving and vola
tile, vivacious and thoughtless, a peo
plo who despised severe and fatiguing
labor, and loved all lntenso and dell
cato, sensuous and Intellectual enjoy
ments, but, above all, who worshiped
independence to the point of Insanity,
freedom to the extent of tho llborum
veto, and who, when they had lost in
dopondenco and freedom, remained
faithful to their old love."
Crawford "Why do our officials will
fully destroy every natural beauty tho
city possesses?
Crabshaw That gives them a
chance In a few years to ask for mil
lions to make the city beautiful.
A Better Idea.
"Why aro you lato for school, Han
"Wo had tho most delicious pan
cakes for breakfast, aud It takes a
long tlmo to make them. Mother sent
you a note."
"Hum!" sniffed tho teacher. "Why
didn't she send me a few of the pan
cakes?" Beyond Fteach.
"Cheer up; there's a silver lining to
very cloud, you know."
"Yes; but I'm no aviator."
This Style of House Has Many
Advantages That Combine
to Make It Popular.
Same Foundation Wall and Same Size
ncof Covers Both Floors Interior
Arrangement Admirable lnvlts
Command of Light
and Air.
Mr. William A. RmUord will answer
questions and fitvo udvlco KHEE OP
COST on nil subjects pertalnlns to tho
subject of budding, for tlio renders of this
paper. On account ot his wide experlen 'e
us Kdltor, Author nnd Manufacturer, ho
Is, without doubt, tlio highest authority
on nil these, subjects. Address all Inquiries
to William A. Itadford, No. 1S27 Prairie
avenue Chicago. III., nnd only enclose
two-cent stamp for reply.
A square-built, full two-story houso
is shown in this design. It Is intended
for a family of four or flvo who like
to entertain their friends in a mod
crato way.
A liouee that is nearly squaro cuts
up into comfortable rooms to better
advantago than almost any other
houso plan. There is a great advan
tago In squaro corners that uro free
from roof Interference, becauso ot
light and ventilation. In northenn sec
tions a houso thnt Is noarly squaro
and is built two stories high is easily
heated. Thero is economy in build
ing after this fashion because tho
samo foundation wall and tho same
slzo roof covers both floors. Such
houses always look well from tho
street. They never go out ot fashion.
This house Is built of ordinary
two by fours In plank framo construc
tion manner. Tho studding la board
ed on the outsldo with cheap lumber,
and the lumber is covered with build-
Ing paper and metal lath The metal
lath Is filled with stucco.
In cold climates especial attention
is given to tho window and door
frames to havo tho stucco carefully
worked Into tho cracks and crevices
and to havo the outsldo window cas
ings tit clouo against the outside
stucco finish. Sometimes fresh stucco
mortar is troweled up closo to tho
window and door frames just boforo
nailing on the casing, so that the
casing settles Into tho fresh, soft
Tho outside appearance of tho
house is distinguished by an old-fash-lond
English entrance porch nt tho
side. This porch Is artistic and in-
Flrot Floor Plan.
terostlng becauso of the two box seats
at tho sides ot the cntranco and tho
little gable end roof supported by
heavy brackets that protects tho front
door and porch scats from the weath
er. On summer evenings such porch
seats aro occupied by the men, who
like to sit and smoko and talk. Such
a porch Is an invitation to enjoy sum
mer evening sociability.
Opening off from tho large living
room is a splendid loggia. A loggia
differs from a porch or veranda In
not having an outsldo entrance. It
mnkes a very pleasant outdoor sum
mer living room that usually is fur
nished to suit tho fancies of tho young
er members of the family. Some
times loggias are fitted up extrava
gantly, but' In most instances good
taste Is displayed, with comfort as tho
object rather than ostentation.
Tho main fcaturo downstairs Is tho
large living room 18 feet C Inches by
13 feet. Largo living rooms aro de
signed to accommodato all tho mem
bers of the family and their friends,
and are supposod to bo furnished ac
cordingly. Tho plan hero shown provides two
corners for largo davenports and
plenty ot floor spaco for largo uphol
stered chairs. Largo living rooms de
mand largo pieces of household furnt
turc, or else tho modern heavy uphol
stored chalrB and davenports demand
largo living rooms to properly placo
them. At any rato, largo living rooms
and comfortable furniture havo grown
to fit each other and tho two together
havo added moro comfort to the so
clablo end of n modern Iioubo than
any other combination.
In thlB particular plan the loggia
may bo enclosed '.with casement win
dows to shut tight In winter, so that
the loggia becomes a Bun parlor at-
tachment to the big living room. This
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, arrnngomnnt requir . uino miuus ot
heating tho sun parlor
Thoro Is one largo chlmnoy In the
confer of tho houso with throe Hues,
ono for tho furnnce and ono for tho
kitchen range, bosldos contcr flue
which eoes up directly over tho flro
place. Tho valuo of a flrcplaco depends
principally upon tho lluo It Is moro
Important to have a good draft for n
llrcplnco than for n stove, because tho
llroplaco Is open and the draft cannot
be so oaslly controlled. It a liroplacc
smokes It is not used. Fireplaces with
nres In them aro valuablo a3 ventila
tors becauso heated nir goes up with
a rush that carries Impurities with It
A comfortnblo way to boat a houso
of this kind la to- run the furnaco low
so as to tnk6 tho chill out of tho air
Second Floor Plan.
In all tho rooms In tho house; then
tho nddltlonnl heat from tho fire
place keeps tho living room comfort
able. Upstairs thoro aro threo splendid
bedrooms nnd a bathroom. A num
ber of clothes closets and a linen
closet help to mako up tho necessary
conveniences of a modern house.
Thero also Is an alcovo opening off
from tho front bedroom, which Is In
tended to be furnished with a crib for
young children.
It will bo noticed that tho spaco on
tho uppor floor Is practi:ally all util
ized for useful purposes. Thoro is
very littlo room taken up In the hall
way. In fact, there Is just euough
wall spaco to accommodato tho dif
ferent doors opening Into tho rooms.
Tho outsldo appearanco of tho
house may bo much Improved at
slight ospenso by training climbing
vines against tho sides of tho front
porch, also tho loggia may bo deco
rated in tho samo way by hanging
wlro trellis supports from the cavos.
Tho best trellises for climbing vines
aro made of squaro mesh wlro fencing
with wires six or eight inches apart.
Such trellis supports aro good for all
kinds of climbers that hang by ten
drils or by winding about tho sup
port. Trumpet vinos and others that
climb by rootlets should not be plant
ed near a houso. They aro better on
heavy wooden trellises out in tho
Activities of Women.
Among the over four thousand flvo
hundred applicants for positions In
New York city ono recent week thero
wore 573 women.
Unemployment caused by tho war
Increases among women in London at
tho rato of 1,000 a week.
Mnny women are among tho 120
volunteers who aro furnishing blood
for tho wounded soldiers in tho Lyons
(France) hospital.
Miss Lillian Scott has been elected
president of tho Kansas State Teach
ers' association, and it is tho first
time In B2 years' history of tho asso
ciation that a woman has been so hon
ored. Miss Scott has been bead of tho
department of pedagogy in Bakor uni
versity since 1891.
Word of Great Fighters.
Great fighters havo been able, at
critical moments, to address their men
in words that Inspired them with fresh
spirit for tho fray, and encouraged
them to fnco frightful odds with a
confidence bom of tholr enthusiasm
that carries all before It nnd nlmoBt
wins tbo fight before it is begun. Our
own history, as well as that of tho
old world, is filled with striking in
stances. Who can recall without a
thrill Farragut's command to "Go
ahead!" when warned of tho presence
of torpedoes In tho bay? Or Grant's
calm responso, "Wo propose to fight
It out along theso lines If it takes all
Duck Turns Into 8oap.
At tho Stato University museum is
the body of a duck that has turned
largely Into soap. Doctor Wolcott
Tound tho bird up in the sandhill re
gion on a recent specimen hunting
trip. This Is the first known specimen
of the kind. Doctor Wolcott explains
tho phenomenon by saying that tho
duck was fat and tho water, alkali and
sun hot. Tho action of tho latter on
the alkali and tho fat simply mado
soap of that portion of tho duck thnt
was suocoptiblo of being so trans
formed. Lincoln (Neb.) correspond
ent Omaha Bee.
It Is tho testimony of woll-quallfled
students of soclnl problems that tho
major portion of tho juvenile delin
quencies, and adults offenses as well,
flow from tho suppressions or perver
sions of tho "play instinct" luheronl
In all human nature. Tbo phrase "tho
criminal typo" should no longer bt
used. WlckcdnesB Is energy lacking
a proper outlet for Its exorclao. Curl
Man Register;
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On Dale of Silk In Vat of Scalding
Water the Sufferings of a Life-
tlmo Were Compressed Into
a Few Minutes.
A man who Is now at tho head ot
ono ot tho largest establishments for
dyeing silks lit this country tells a
story of a Btrnngo and thrilling adven
turo that ho passed through when
ho was still only the superintendent
ot tho "boiling room."
"Silk, ho says, In tolling tlio story,
"has been tho means' of my living,
and onco it saved my llto. Have you
over been in n room whoro thoy boll
the raw Bilk? H'b n hot, steaming
placo, with groat bubbling vnts that
aro sunk to a level with tho floor.
Tho raw Ellk, In bales, all fluffy and
sticky, comes in on rolling trucks and
Is dumpod into tho vats. Tlio mass
has to bo stirred about a good deal
beforo it goes under.
"Just boforo tho noon hour ono day
a truck enmo in with two bales on It.
"'Dump It into number six vat,' I
told tho men. Til 'stir It If you fel
lows want to go to dinner.'
"When thoy had gono 1 began to
look round for tho stirring fork. I
couldn't find it nnywhero. 'Confound
Illll!" said I to myself. 'Ho loses ev
erything.' "I had hardly got tho words out ot
my mouth when my foot went off tho
edgo of the vat. I felt mysolt falling
and I was seized with tho full coif
vlctlon of death.
"I had tlmo to think over Just how
terribly hot tho boiling water would
feel and to wonder how much of mo
would bo left when tho men camo
back from dinner. Then 1 felt, myself
land flat on my back on tho mass ot
floating silk.
"To this day I can Beo tho vory
look of tho old smoky roof as I lay
on tho island of Bilk with tho boiling
water on all sides. It was horribly
hot there; the perspiration started out
all over me, and I felt that I must
"First, however, I shouted as loudly
as 1 could. When no ono answered I
cautiously tried to turn on my sido.
Tho bale of fiber began alowly to roll
over. Noarly paralyzed with terror,
I threw out one arm. It was just
enough chnngo in balance; I felt the
rolling motion stop. Thon I know U
wouldn't do to movo. I lny on my
back, poised on tho middlo of tho balo,
and walled for help. After a minute
or two I began to rcallzo that tho silk
was slowly sinking Into tho vat.
"You could hardly notice tho motion.
At first I could look out of tho corner
of my pyo nnd sea tho edge of vat num
ber olghL A littlo later, when I looked
again, it was out of my lino of vision.
I couldn't move without having the
balo roll over, and If I remained still
1 would go down Inch by inch into tlio
scalding water bolow.
"I can remember" that T became a
little hysterical. It's funny, what
tricks tho mind plays.
" 'This is dyeing with a vengeance,'
I said aloud, and I even laughed as 1
said It.
"It was growing hotter. Steam had
begun to percolate through tho silk,
and I was wet through with the stifling
clouds that rose from tho surface ot
tho water. I had no idea of timo. Dy
and by, however, somo ono answered
my shouts. Tho door opened and two
men came rushing across tho room.
"'Get a pole!' shouted one.
"I knew that would bo fatal; tha
slightest push and I would roll over In
to tho steaming stew.
"'Boyd,' cried I, 'don't touch mo or
it will bo all over! Ono of you turn
off the feed pipe. Let tho other man
go down tlio ladder. Tho plpo that
empties this vat Is on tho left. Turn
It on full. Do It quick!
"I could hear tho chugt chug! of tho
steam being cut off from tho vat; a
moment later I could see tho wet rim
that broadened round tho edges, nnd I
know tho water was fulling, It took
half an hour to empty number six. For
a while tho two men ran, round llko
excited Juno bugs. Then they got n
rope end sat on tho edge of tho vat
watching mo with great staring eyes.
"As tho water ran out, tho silk sank
now on ono sldo, now on tho other.
Onco it started to roll. Both tbo mon
grunted and sat up very straight. Sud
denly ono of them cried out:
"'There's tho bottom!'
"I felt tho mass of silk settle ngalriB'.
something. I heard tho Inst water gulp
as It ran out. Thon I fainted away."
Youth's Companion.
First Cremations In America.
Thirty-eight years ago tho first sci
entific cremation In tho United States
took place at Washington, Pa. Tho
pioneer cremator was Dr. Julius Lo
Moyne, and tho subject was tho body
ot Baron do Palm, a Russian theoso
phist. Tho following spring tho body
of Mrs. Benjamin Pitman of Cincin
nati was cremated. But the American
precedent had been set 83 years bo
foro when under penalty ot losing a
legacy of 60,000 pounds If he refused,
tho Hon of Henry Laurens, South
Carolina's Revolutionary pntrlot, con
signed his father's body to n funeral
pyro. Tho ghastly oxporlenco of Boo
ing his infant child corao to llfo just
boforo burial in tho earth is said to
havo beon rosponBiblo for Laurens de
mand to bo crematod.
What Puzzled Donald.
An amusing story was told in con
nection with tho appointment ot tho
emperor of Russlu as colonel in chief
of tho Scots Greys, who, it may bo
mentioned, fought in tho Crimea dur
ing tho war. After tho appointment
had boon duly promulgated an enthus
iastic subaltern of tbo regiment com
municated tho Information to his sol
dier Borvant.
"Donald," ho said, "havo you heard
tit nt tho emperor of Russia has boon
appointed colonel of tho regiment?"
"Indeed, sir," said Donald, "It's a
vcrra gran thing for him." Then, aft
or a puuso, ho luqulted: "Beg pardon,
sir, but will ho bo ablo to keep baith
Gently cleanse your liver and
sluggish bowels while
you sleep.
Get a 10-cont box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi
ness, coated tonguo, foul tnsto and foul
breath always traco them to torpid
Ilvor; delayed, fermenting food In tho
bowels or sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged In tho In
testines, Instead of being cast out
of tho systom la reabsorbed into tho
blood. Whon this poison reaches tho
dollcato brain tlssuo it causes con
gestion nnd that dull, throbbing, sick
ening beadnchc.
Cascareta immediately clcnnso tho
stomach, romovo tho sour, undigested
food und foul gnse3, tako tho excess
bllo from tho liver nnd carry out all
tho constipated wusto matter and
poisons in tho bowels.
A CaBcarot to-night will surely
straighten you out by morning. Thoy
work whllo you slcop-a 10-cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear, stomach swcot and your liver
and bowels regular for months. Adv.
Barney Knew.
Mr. Bnrnoy O'Kccfe. sadly Inobri
atcd, had wandered into a church
where n woddlng wns In progress. Un
notlcod ho sank Into a back scat.
Presently tho prencher asked tho
usual quostton whother anyona pres
ent had any reason to glvo why tho
coromouy should not bo performed,
and O'Koofe aroso with maudlin sol
emnity. "I've nothhV ng'In 'em, ycr rlverlncc,
an' no objection to mako, but beln' aB
I'm married mosllf I know they'll have
a rotten time."
Cauie for Thankfulness.
In a Sunday school in a northern
town thero was ono little negro girl
in tho class.
Tho teacher asked each little girl to
think ot something that she should be
thankful for.
Each girl told of somo special blcsB
lng that was hers. Whon sho came to
the littlo negro sho said: "Now, Sa
dlo, what' Is your special blessing?"
"Dat my faco Is black an' I don't
havo to wash It but onco a weok," was,
tho roply.
Terrier la a Vegetarian.
Mrs. M. R. L. Freshcl of Boston,
president of tho Millennium Guild, an
organization which opposes tho slaugh
ter of animals, has a Yorkshlro torrler
that Is a vegotarlan. Sister, as tho
terrier Is known, according to Mrs.
Freshol, haB never cnton meat. This
Is what Sister likes: Lentils, peas,
beans, celery, carrots, rndlshcB, let
tuce, apples, nuts, eggs, oatmoal and
buttered toast.
He Need" t Despair.
A Scotch girl Who had accidentally
cut Iho po'lnt of'hrr In'dex finger with
a chopper was coming from church
with her finger bandaged.
"What's tho matter wl' yer haun.
Miss Parrlsh?" queried an admirer
who accompanied her homo.
"Oh," replied tho young lndy, "I
chopped n woo bit off my forefinger."
A Suggestion.
"Hq's his own worst onomy."
"Then he ought to apologize to him
Belf and Btart all over again."
A hen sits still and earns hor corn,
but It's powerful few men who can
do 1L Macon Novs.
A blanket mortgago will keep tho
mortgagor hopping If not warm.
Descret News.
Two of the hardest things In tho
world to get rid ot are colds and
How Much Wasted?
Last year s wheat crop in the U. S. was a record yield, surpassing all expectations.
All of the nourishment of this enormous crop should go into food for mankind,
but much of it will be wasted,
In making white flour and many foods, the outer, or bran coat of the wheat ia
discarded, This ,bran-coat contains vital mineral salts, iron for the blood, lime for the
teeth and bones, phosphate of potash for the brain and nerves, etc., etc., aU absolutely
necessary to health.
All of these mineral elements are retained in making
About three-quarters of a million bushels of selected wheat are used by the
factories of the Postum Cereal Company, and none of the nutriment of this wheat
is wasted.
Grape-Nuts is made from wheat and malted barley. The food comes ready
to serve and costs less than a cent a dish. It's mighty good, too.
Poultry Men Exchange
About Noble Bird.
Appealed to One as Having a Comical
Aspect How Editor Broke Man's
Habit of Allowing His Chick
ens to Run.
"A customer was. Just tolling mo
of thu oxporlenco of his littlo boy who
this morning learned a lesson on tho
habits of that comic biped known as
tho chicken," said a well-known poul
try denier. "Ho said that whllo at
breakfast ho heard tho little chap
patter downstalra and run to tho out
kitchen, whoro was kept a chlckou
which had yesterday boon presented
to tho boy by his undo. Upon open
ing tho door ho sot up a howl.
" " 'What's up, son?' cried tlio father.
" 'Ho wouldn't go to bed!' walled tho
"Thero tho Wyandotto roo3tcd On
tho edgo of tho box, Ignoring tho beau
tiful nest tho ownur had prepared In
sldo, expecting tin chicken to crawl
in Uko a pup and curl up to sloop."
"Yes," resumed tho poultry man,
who talks Interestingly on tho subject
of the walking birds, "tho chicken Is
a stupid thing to bo, with Its by-product,
tho egg, so Important a factor in
tho food supply.
"Ho Eooma so comical to mo. Ho
roves about all day, trying to catch
up to his head, which ho tlirusta for
ward and thon Btops even with. In
cidentally, tho sldo-oyes spy a bug
hero and thero.
'His head retains somothing of tho
shapo and motion of his ancestor, tho
"Tho tall feathers aro Important to a
chicken in maintaining Its balance
When lost In battle or by accldont, tho
crlpplo will fall oa his nose in run
ning. "J saw a woman In Bucks county
killing chlckenB for tho Philadelphia,
market Hor method of slaughter was
to hang tho fowls head downward
from a lino ntrotched between two
trees. Sho went along the row and
icut each chic (ten's throat with a Jack
knlfo. "Ono Immense Plymouth Rock
roostor developed such powerful ro
flcxos that ho broko tho ropo twico,
and n tar ropo had to be substituted to
Insure tho execution. This woman al
so killed pigeons In tho samo way.
"I recently heard of somo smart de
vices to break a hatching hen. Ono
was to placo n loud ticking dollar
watch In tho nest. At first tho 'cluck'
lookod In every direction ns if for an
onomy, then sho became panicky,
bribtled up nnd jumped Jrom tho nest
In torror.
"Ono hen was going about with a
square block of wood tied between
her legs. After sovoral trials it pene
trated to hor littlo walnut bean that
sho could not Bit dewn, and sho gnvo
un tho Idea of hutching tho china egg
fnlwnys left In tho nest as a nuclous
for tho laying hens.
"I havo a now chicken story, by tho
wny; got It from a Jersoy farmer:
"Brungardner was greatly annoyed
by neighbor Fenstcrmaker's chickens,
which passed the daylight hours in his
garden. Ho did not wish to quarrol
with Fonstcrmakor. Ono day ha' told
tho local editor of his troubles.
" 'How many henB do you keep your
Belf?' asked tho scribe.
"Only two.'
" 'All right, leave it to ma.'
"Tho next Issue of tho papor had a
paragraph calling attention to tho phe
nomenal laying of Bningardner's honB.
From two hens ho was collecting from
six to Bovon eggs a day. Fonstermak
cr shut up his chickens. 'Brungard
r.cr's getting my eggs,' ho remarked
to tho editor."
Wero it not for a womau'B vanity,
sho would be flattery proof. ,
1 Million Bushels
a Reason" for
For Five Years
I was
with a
Cured me
and Well.
Mrs. Magnle Durbln, 203 Victory
St., Littlo Rock, Ark., writes: "1 woo
troubled for Ave years with a chronic
dlscnsc. I tried everything I heard
of, but nothing did mo any good.
Some doctors said my troublo was
catarrh of the bowels, and somo said
consumption of the bowels. One
doctor said he could cure mc". I took
his medicine two months, but it did
mc no good. A friend of mine ad
vised me to try Peruna nnd I did so.
After 1 had taken two bottles 1 found
It was helping me, so I continued Us
use. nnd It has cured me bound and
well. 1 can recommend Peruna to
nny one, -and If any one want to
know what Peruna did for me If they
will wrlto to m 1 will answer
oromptly." ,
Forgot His Sweetheart.
Doctor Brandes, tho Danish man ot
letters, who recently visited this
country, tells a curious story of him
self, Bays tho Chicago News. At tho
very moment ho bad appointed to
kcop n tryst with his sweetheart he
was doep iu Ilcgcl.
"With a passionate deslro to reach,
a comprehension of tho truth, I grap
pled with tho 'system,' began with tho
encyclopedia, read tho threo volumes
of 'Aesthetics, tho 'Phenomenology ot
tho Mind,' then tho 'Philosophy o!
Law' again, nnd finally tho logic, tho
natural philosophy and the philosophy
of tho mind in a veritable Intoxication
ot comprehension and delight."
Tho lamentablo sequel wus that he
forgot all about tho young girl to
whom ho had to say good-by.
Force of Habit.
"Ever slnco you'vo been In town,"
said tho city relation, "you'vo boen go
ing to a soda fountain two or three
times a day and ordorlng lemonade."
"Yep' replted Farmer Corntosaef.
"A habit's a hablL"
"But you don't drink tho lomonado."
"I don't want It. I'm wlllln' to par
tho nickel bo as to got a Btraw to
chew." Washington Star.
.Tuvonllo wit sometimes la doubly
"How many bad boys does It tako
to make a good ono?" a tactless social
worker onco asked of a claa3 of lively
street urchins.
"Ono If you treat him well," cams
tho quick reply.
Indignation of Brother Bulglnback.
".Dar'a 'bout fou' thousan' cullud peo
plo In dls town, mostly BwlndleBl" In
dignantly stated old Brother Bulgln
back. "I dono traded dat no-'count
raulo o' mino to Brudder Ink Judson
for a watch. And do dog-gono watch
Is no-'count too!"
To Be Surs.
"Pa, what Is tho short and ugly
"It depondsv on tho circumstances,
son. A word that is pleasing ordinar
ily can bo quite transformed when
spoken by a person who Is In n ugly
His Place.
"That dancer Is wall-oyod."
"Then introduce him to tbo
The man who Is pleased with him
self is usually easily satisfied.
If wo could only settlo our bills by
paying compliments!
TvX" If
Grape - Nets
Sold by Grocers everywhere. '