Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 31, 1914, Image 7

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m&&M&,i, XSMMiioA l,I,wr.w. w"sivas&$s&WSvx -- &
In this photograph, taken In Warsaw, tho Russian troops aro seen preparing to go out to tho fighting lluo, and
mingling with them aro their mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts.
British officers, privates and Red
Is being prepared.
v y Vwv
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kii Sis TLN&ifcft. isiy
Misa Elizabeth Rold Rogers, a society belle of Washington, and Prince
t Christian of Hesse, nophow of tho kaiser and a captain in tho Gorman navy,
Whoso engagement lias been announced The prlnco says ho will lenounco
his title. t,6. overcome imperial objections to tho marriage, the date for which
ypendson tjjo fortunes of war.
German landsturm patrol on tho East Piussia frontier riding
uicu nurses captured
Are Cool and
riral respects tho
i the Indian forces
wi'un.quo fighting
Gurkhas, howovor,
kg to a .single raco.
itypes ot hjkus, tho
into clans. Thero
is tho "Khattarles."
clan, consisting of
It tho old military
Wus. They are not
as tho "Jats," another
Cross men in tho trenches trying to keep warm around a flro whllo their food
j,-av v. tStjJbMr. A &l''
KAtJrrnmei . - '"rmrs
from tho Russians.
Fearless Fighters.
Sikh clan, consisting of tall, atalwart
follows who aro a distinct contrast to
tho Mnzbie, who aro short, rather In
clined to bo stout, and havo very dark
skin and irregular foaturos.
All tho clans, howovor, aro noted
for their great powers ot endurance
fighting qualities and skill in handling
a gun and bayonet. Indeed, it has
often been said by military exports
that thero Is no mora cool and effoo
tlvo soldier in the world than tho Sikh.
To keep an army personally clean Is
ono of tho immense tasks that con
front tho conunandurs. Tho photo
graph shows a shown bath contrlvod
tn the Fronch trenches north of Sols
Aons, only a hundred yards from tho
German lines.
Novel Means of Communication.'
Wounded 11-ittsh soldiers in the
hands of tho Germans have hit upon a
novel way of communicating with their
families and friends at homo. Thoy
subscribe small sums of money to tho
German Red Cross society, but as few
of them have any cash thoy 1111 up a
draft or clgn a check to bo sent to
London and honored. On tho back of
tho draft tho banker Is requested 'to
communicate tho nows of tho drawer's
safety to his home Tommy Atkins
thinks it Is well worth a dollar sub
New Phonograph.
A Now Jersey invontor has adapted
a phonograph for uso with various
kinds of records, such as thoso in
which tho groove is latorally undulat
ing, and thoso In which tha undula
tions aro vertlrnl, by supplying a plu
rality of roproducors, any of which
may bo brought Into oporatlvo posi
tion and communication with the in
terior of tho bound conveyor.
So cold-blooded and invincible, in
deed, aro tney in a bayonot charge
that it frightens even tho most fear
loss fighters, who loso tlnlr norvo
whon confronted by tho merciless
stool in tho hands of these dauntless
and determined Indian troops.
Tho Sikhs mako equally goud ca ai
ry and Infantry men. In pioneer work
that is to say, In clearing forests,
cutting roads, making bridges, sinking
wells to provldo water for tho army,
laying and neutralizing mtncB, etc.,'
thoy cannot bo beaten.
MnMMcnMMtBSa i?.tgiBwiiMiiMMiHM
Siberian artillery and (Inset) infantry photographed in Warsaw Just nftor
city against tho German army.
tM- -1m" f'ir'- - Jtmwximiinmrmm
All along tho Gernmn-Russlan border barbed wlro entanglements have been erected by both tho Gormnns and
tho Russians as a protection against raiding parties from cither sldo. Tho photograph shows ono of theso barbed
wlro cntungloments and barricades AH along tho road, on both sides of It, are hugo stones, painted whlto. Guards
have been placed along tho lines to give nlarm when a raiding party Is seen. Theso guards aro dressed so that
they take on tho appearanco of tho waysldo rocks. Under tho treo in tho foreground may bo seen ono of theso
guards wearing a whlto great cont
tm ci ex m ia la m es la tm ku km mb ts
rim Shcik-ul-lslam. Turkish high
priest, proclaiming tho holy wnr
against tho allies. In front of tho
Mosquo of Faith In Constantinople.
Russian Commander In Chief Directs
the Great War Machine Like
I'ctrograd. "What I saw at tho
headquarters of tho Russian com
mander In chief, Grand Duko Nicholas,
would convince a blind man that Rus-
ain linu mniln front ntrlrla (,. n..
"" " w o- - ......, ,,, tun l
years," writes a coi respondent of tho
Russkoo Slovo. "At heudqunrters thero
Is not an individual who is not abso-'
lutely necessary for tho work to he ,
done Tho sllcnco of a monastery
reigns thero, and you can distinctly
heai tho pulso boats of tho army
Work begins in tho oarly morning,
froquontly boforo daybruak
"I dined with tho grand duko It
whs a tuily Hpartan table There was
no Intoxicating drink only wator nt
this quick, quiet nionl Everybody
woro tho bort of cxpruBslon which In
dlcuios (hat thero Ih not a mlnutu to
ho Inst, that all tho time must bo uti
lised to tho full In splto of this, tho
atmosphore w i democratic, thorp was
no ulr of oiiiulul Importance about any
"It Ib clear that In our army the o
havo been revived tho roBourcefulnt s
of I'oter the Hi oat, tho Iron will .f
Souaroff arid the dash ot Skobelt i
"Mother," British Howitzer, Is Very Effective.
London A FIrltlsh oflloor Bonds
from the front a grimly humorous de
scription of the recent additions to
tho artillery arm of the expeditionary
"Our nrtillory," ho write, "Is being
gradually re-enforced and wo aro ablo
now to reply to tho Gorman heavy
howitzers with ohell that Is oven
weightier than tholr much-vauntod
Ulack Marias,' Tho howitzer I refer
to la 'Mother,' Sbo has boon so chris
RuHslan oldcer with Cohsaik scouts
I of tho Austrian troops In tho vicinity
a SifiBWSisimUi!&?iH
' lwlWw .si NCh"15ls4l,Rv, m.KJmfWmf
i 8 3, fait ?h I'' '1 y'Bim.9 m w i '44 5s
Alunncs in lint luiuuii procfhiiu
Urltish battleship llulwark cuturlng tho
tened by tho TommlOB, and thonnmo
Ih not Innpproprlnto. Sho Is of matron
ly dimensions, but comoly withal, und
has done excellent work whllo sho has
boon with us, and moro thnn ono of
hor family of field batteries scattered
round tho front owon Its pxlstcnco to
tho nttontlon Mothor hua devoted to
tho Gorman olght-Inch heavy howit
zors. Mother's sholl weighs 300
pounds. Sho ranees most accurately.
I and, indeed, sho baa had four direct
their arrival there to help defend tho
mnklne obseratlons of tho
of Cracow.
of iho Mttlnm of tho sinking of tho
cotnetcry nt Gllllngham, England.
hltB on Gorman guns in the past fort
night. A direct hit is only recorded
by the airman when tho ahull actually
btrlkiM tiiu utieniy guu
"Mothor is UBiiully accompanied by
'Archibald,' which Is ono of tho now
antl aeroplnno guns. Archlo Is mount
ed on a motorlorry, utfo. justorday
brought down a TuuLo aeropluno,
much to our delight. IXlolrca a 13
pound shrapnel nhcll anum dally be
coming moro expert in liHmcntlons
to hostile aircraft. Our IllnAinch bat
tory is Etlll doing Its good w3rk,"
PoislbJIIty That Plant Long Sought
For Has Been Discovered in
Western Yexac.
Most flowering shrubs havo tholr
short season of bloom, and though at
that tlmo they nro of great beauty,
tho flowers last only n short tlmo.
Then wo must bo content to look at
tho green foliage, and attractive
though that Is, wo wish for a longer,
season of bloom.
Tho wish is mot In tho discovery In.
tho mountains ot western Texas, lr(
tho semi-arid regions, of n shrub which
bears tho namo Salvia Gregll.
Wo all know tho alluring beauty ot
tho annual salvia splendens. At n nea
son whon flowera nro scarco it clothos
ltsolf In a splendor and keeps up tho
procession of beauty until arrested by
tho frosts, now if wo could clothe a
shapely shrub with this radiant pro
fusion and havo l,t In bloom a long
tlmo, wo would havo just what wo
havo been looking for for years.
Tho Salvia, Gregil la a shapely shrub
thrco or four feet tall, well branched
and often of a globular form. It com
mences blooming oarly. It clothes lt
solf with a splendor of glowing rod
for about two months. Then It slaoks
up a Httlo, but as autumn approaches,
and most other flowors havo gone, it
puts on its scnrlet robes again, almost
overwhelming tho plant with tho splon
did flowers. Probably no shrub over
discovered is moro attractive Tho
question comes up ns to whether It
will stand tho northern climate. Flor
ists havo not ben in hnsto to dls
somlnato it. Thoy havo sent It to
sovoral of tho northern Btatos, whora
it haB proved hardy. During tho aw
ful drought of last year in Kansas It
stood tho tost bravely and kept right
on blooming. In Massachusetts and
Pennsylvania it camo through tho win
tor nil right. Docauso Its habitat is
tho high, dry portions of tho Went, it
will doubtless provo well adapted to
tho heat and drought of Kansas and
Nebraska. It certainly has tho power
to resist heat and drought and will
withstand tho winter.
New York's Preparation for the Fu
ture Is Worthy of Emulation by
Any Community.
Now York city has a committoo on
city planning. This committoo is com
posed of tho flvo borough presldonta
and tho president of tho board ol
aldormon of tho greater city. Kb par
ticular purpose, or hope, at this tltna
Ib to mako tho city a capablo dwelling
placo for 13,000,000 persons before this
generation Is succeeded.
That Is a stimulating lesson for lit
tlo big cities. It proveB that "it fa
never too Into to mend." It proves
indeed, thnt tho moro a city grows
tho moro It must amend and pay for
tho, Bhortslghtcdncss ot its youth.
If Now York (with 0,000,000 poopla
already and all pretty well crowded
together, with real estate values up
beyond tho dreams of nvarlco) can
tako up tho neglectod work of widen
ing streets, creating open air spots
and all tho rest of It, what Ib thorfl
to daunt any city? Should selfishness
of property owners bo permitted now
to Interfere with a clty'B making Itself
cnpablo nnd efficient for nil tho needs
of all tho people that aro soon to
mako It a greater city?
Work of Men of Hlfjhest Ability.
Ileforo tho nineteenth century not. .
only tho mon who executed, but espe
cially tho mon who directed tho work;
of laying out cities, were possessed of
much broador nnd moro goneral cul
turo than today can bo found in thosa
men who hold most influential posi
tions. Tho moot convincing examples
wero tho princes of tho old regime,
who In bo many caeca wero tho push
ing forco that brought about tho groat
artlstio achievements in city planning
that wo admire today. Theso mon, as
a rule, mado it tholr business to keep
in constant touch with tho leading ex
ponents of tho best and newest ideas.
All over Italy. Germany nnd Franco
courts could bo found that woro the
continuous meeting places of tho bost
artists, pnluters, architect, engineers
and thlnkorp on ovorj subject
Only in this atmosphoro of perpetu
ally enlightened discussion and con
genial criticism could tho flno concep
tions in artlstio city planning grow,
tho realization of which havo stood
tho test century nfter cdntury.
Artistic Lamp Posts.
Doslgned to embody beauty as well
ns Bervlco lamp posts erected on ono
of tho streots of Los Angoles nro
fitted with largo flower boxes which
circle tho poles Just beneath tho cIub
tor of lights which thoy support
Theso aro filled tho year around with
fornB and other plants which droop
gracefully over tho sides of tho has
kotB, always fresh and greon. Tho
offoct Is striking, giving tho Btroot
Just enough of tho artistic to tako
away from it much of that severely
commercial appearance characteristic
of most business thoroughfares in
American cities. Popular Mechanics.
Limits In Literature.
"You'vo read 'Tho Heavenly
Twins?'" asked nn Englishman of an
Irishman. "Yob, I havo." "And havo
you read 'Looking Rackwards?'"
"How tho dlvll could I do that?" said
Pat. London Evoning Standard.
Natural Indignation.
"What Ib ("holly bo indignant
about?' Ho was about to offer a
girl a platonlc regard "Well" Sho
ipoke first and told him that was al
die could offer him KonjaB-0