Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 17, 1914, Image 5

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W lttHwr?rtKUismnrHrirmMrrmre4
ll f -.KVi".
hJ v.
SSkr 5?rO
- m wr
For Saturday, only, Dec. 19
Best hoof boiling uiOHt.: llo lb
Host boef rib roast 17o lb
Host Loin stoak 2Go lb
Host round stoak 23c lb
Pork chops.,, 18o lb
Berlin sausage or pressed ham. 18o lb
rMino (1 bam 17o lb
"Asoiogna 14o lb
Frankfort sausage.. .......... 14o lb
Liver sausago, !Go,or2 lb for. 2Do lb
Morrolls HamB 18o and 20o lb
Ilex Uaoon 22o lb
Salt pork 1 80 lb
Extra select oysters, per quart. . . 45o
All thismeut
to bo sold Saturday
I will also buvo the freslfest lino
Grocoiies and Coofcfos in town.
17 II s sugar $1.00
All tbe abovo goods will be sold for
spot cash only.
Tlio Cash System WinB.
Heating and
Gas Fitting
Estimates Cheerfully
Furnished. All work
Dakota City, Nob.
Local Items
See Stinsou's stock of Xmas trees.
Mound 'City Pninta and Varnisbes
prescrvo and beautify Dakota City
Mrs Roland Orr loft last Friday for
Bavenna, Neb, to spend a week or two
with ber daughter, Mrs Clyde Hodgins.
Auto owners to tho number of sev
eral hundred have received notice of
tho expiration of their lioonse tho first
of the year.
Today, Thursday, at 12:30, F J
Dungan will hold an auction salo of
his personal effeots at his plaoo 8 miles
southwest of Dakota Oity.
M O Ayres expects to leave tbe
omming week for California, to spend
the winter months. His son Edgar
will accompany him on the trip.
Dakota City "Pharmacy has added a
full line of magazines and perodioinls.
Will tuko subscriptions for anything in
this line. Deliveries made promptly.
Word came laBt week of tho arrival
of a bright little baby girl at the home
of Mr and Mrs Homer B Hetts, at
Dallas, S D. Mrs Hetts was formerly
Miss Emma Frederick of this oity.
Our most popular clubbing offer
tliis year is Tho Youth's Companion
and Tho Herald for only $2.C0. Tho
regular price is $3.00. Save 60 cents
by subscribing now bofore tho offer Is
Boyd S Leedom and wifo of Gordon,
Nebr, and their son-in-law, Fred Frye
of Osmond, Nebr. were visitors lioro
tho past week with relatives. Boyd
took bis wife to a Sioux City hospital
for an operation.
Hormau Bierman came homo Satur
day from Omaba whero ho has boon
At doing jury duty In tho federal court
WI U OlUlikU fJUOU, Will. A. ..MUH T MB
'detained on a case and will bo home as
soon as tho case is finished.
L J O'Brien, whose advertisement
as plumber, beating and gas fitting
appears in tbe Herald, is now located
in tho Shriever Bios hardware storo
whore he is prepared to taoklo any
thing in his line of work, and will
guarantee to do it right.
Nearly a hundred Masons, Eastern
Stars and their friends enjoyed tho
turkey dinner givon by tho ladioB
Thursday evening in tho Masonio ban-
luot hall in this place. It was n troat
orth going milos to partako of. Fol
jwing tho banquet work in tho En
tered Apprentice degroo was exempli
fied on two oandinated in tho lodgo
Figures prepared by tho United
States Department of Agrioulture in
dioato that for tho last five years No
braska has produced l.G per cent of
tho applo crop of tho Unitod States.
It is stated by tho fodoral experts that
Nebraska has produced an nverogo of
2.865.000 bushels for tho last Ave rears
. y while tho avernsro production in tho
Yi Unitod States fur tho samo period was
Br 170.473,000 buBholB,
Ron! estote loans. Goo Wilklns Ad
E lsar Aj n s is holding down a "sit''
iu tho Ejgloofllco.
Our joiooI closes Friday Blteruoon
of this Wck for a two w cells holiday
Now ooUbko in South SiouxlOity for
sale Ht h bargain. D S Marker, 40G
Fourth strcot, Hionx uiiy.
Charles Gibson, of Dotroit, Mich,
was a guest Sunday of Miss Myrtlu
Bangbman, at tho v a uaugnraan
8orno Tonic: Slaok coul for hog.
121 oonts par hundred lbs ut tho Ed
wards & Bradford yards, South Sioux
Oity, Nebr.
Tho Hlalform on tho south sido of
tbo Omaha dopot has been romovod by
tho company toinako rcom for nuoiner
siJo track.
Judge 11 E Evans went to Lincoln
Monday evening to attend a legislative
oommitloa mooting of tho stato bar
Mrs Will Broyhill and daughter
M .il of Homer, wore guests of tho
,tl Irllio Bioyhill homo u couplo of
tin. ' st wcok.
Mitb E.hel A Hook, neico of Mrs D
H'nugor, wus married at high noon,
Wednesday, at her home in Cody, Nob
to Nilo Dunbar of that placo.
Don Forbes wont to Bullagh, Nobr,
last Friday on business, Mrs Forbes
who remained at homo to oaro for tho
farm, was taken seriously ill with
quinsy nnd is undor tho oaro of a
trainod nurso.
Misses Forle and Boss Stinson of
Leeds, Iown. and thoir nophow. Roy
Lillio, of Maxbas, N D, who is visiting
at the Stinson homo in Leeds, woro
Sunday guests at tho D M Neiswanger
homo in this plaoo.
It was announced Saturday night at
tho moving picture bIiow that tho
theater would oloso fur tho present.
MrHulloway stated that tho expenses
woro too high horo to warrant contin
uing tho business.
A Now Year'u ball will bo givon in
tho Ayres hull at Dakota City, Friday
ovening, January 1, 1915, to which all
are cordially invited. Oulligan'a four
pieco orchestra of Sioux Oity, has
been engaged for tho occasion.
Eozy Studio, Fourth and Douglas
streets, Sioux Oity, is making Xmas
photos until December 25 only, at fol
lowing prices: SH.011 photos lor $u.ou.
$G. 00 photos for $2 CO. Wo guarantee
our work. We rauko nil sizes. No
roduotion after Dooembor 25.
A card from A H Baker states that
ho and Wm Armour arrived in Cali
fornia last Thursday it day uh'ead of
timo. and found tho weather and cli
mate ideal. They cau realize what
thoy missed by not being here Monday
morning when tho thermometer regis
tered 14 below.
TJ S Deputy Marshal Sides went;
south last week to Omaha, taking a
bunah of Thurston county people along
to answer to oharges in the federal
court of Introducing boozo onto tho res
ervation. Among tho victims wero
Judge Fljnn, of Pender, and Joe
Lnmero of Winnebago .
Xmas photos at a big reduction.
I am going to make the roduotion in
prices to advertise and incroaBO my
business boyond any previous year,
all work guaranteed or money refund
ed. Now is tho time to havo Xmas
nhotos made, no reduction after
Xmas. Do Luxe Studio, 405 Fourth
stroet, Sioux City.
"Doo" Mo Kornau, rnral mail carri
er on routo 2, has equipped his mail
wagon with a gasoline heating plant..
He aajs that oven with tho frigid
weather we havo been experiencing tho
past woekv he can sit in his wagon with
out an overcoat and be perfootly com
fortablo, in fact he has to fan himself
with his hat part of tho time.
Arthur Seymour arrived hero Tues
day morning from Ryder, N D and
will spend tho hollidays here with his
cousin, Alfrod Soymonr, and family.
Tho Soymonr boys own tbreo quarter
sections, of land near Ryder, and
Arthur is superintending tho farming
of it, and in faot is doing most of the
work himself. The weather in North
Dakota has been flno so far Mr Sey
mour states.
Annual Meeting.
The Dakota County Farm Manage
ment association will hold its first an
nul meeting iu the Danish Brother
hoocUmll at Hubbard, Nobr, Wednes
day, Deoomber, 23, 1914.
Forenoon Seislon.
10:00 a m, Regular business meeting
Board of Directors.
Afternoon Session.
2:00 pm, Annual address, Pros J F
Address, Senator E P Brown.
Annual report county demonstra
tor, Hugh Graham.
Treasurer's report, 11 H Adair.
Report of committees.
3:30 Election of officers.
Unfinished business.
Now business and gonoral dis
cussion. Adjournment.
480 Short meeting of now Board of
Dirootors aud nowly oleoted
Every body oordially invited and
all members especially urged to.be1
If the fall pigs are to como thru tho
winter without having a number of
runts among them, now is the timo to
exeroiso oaro in feeding. Little pigs
should grow, not fatten. Fattening a
littlo pig checks his growth und ren
ders him liable to thumps. On this
account, do not feed too oiuqh corn.
Givo a ration that will provide bono
and musolo building material, Such
a ration oan bo mado up of shorts 2
parts and corn 1 part, or skim milk 3
parts and corn 1 part. Whon tho pigs
get to weighing 75 pounds or moro,
this ration oan be mado to consist of
tankage 1 part aud corn 10 parts.
Almost any one of tho small grains
oan be substituted for oorn in tho ra
tion given. Whon small grains aro
used, they should be ground or crush
ed. Let tho pigs have freo access to
good alfalfa hay. There is nothing
that will tako the placo of alfalfa for
growing pige. Nebraska College of
Wt ln. . r4 I ninraei
iiaiuo ui iikii
from our Exchanges
Dixon Journal: J M Johnson, of
South HlotiT Oilv, w in town Mon
day invoicing thu E & B stoak.
Lyons Mirror: Miss Sylvia LaniBon
oTWalthill waH n Sunday visitor at
tho homo of Mr and Mrs M M Warner.
Hartincton Nows: Miss Berniro
Potorson, Latin Toaohor in tho public
sohool at Laurol, visitod at the linme
of Mr and Mrs OJj Culler from tfl
day evening to Saturday noon.
Sioux City Journal 11 : Died in
South Sioux Oity, la, Wednesday,
Docombor 9. 1914, Mrs Clarr J Curry,
37 years old. Funeral services will bn
hold at Wostcott's chapel at 11 oolock
Saturday morning. Tho body will l-o
sont to Elk Point Saturday afternoon
for bnrial.
Ponder Republic: Davo Ileacom
spent part of last wook visiting his
mother who roaidos at Hubbard
Dick Waldon is on a business trip to
Minneapolis and expeots to stay about
two wooks . ... Miss Harriett La mpon
left for Sioux City Wednesday evening
for o fow days visit with rolatives.
8ioux Oity Duily Nen s 1 1 : A qulot
wedding was solcmnizod in Dakota
Oitv on Thursday afternoon by ,indg
Hefforman whm Misi LaVeino Krol
man booarao tho brido of L O Todd, 01
tho Todd Plumbing Co. Tho yo"-r
couplo planned to keep tho wedditg u
soorot, but thoir plans wero frustrated
by prying friends.
Wayne Domoorat: Miss Svbil Dix
on went to Jaokson Monday to spend a
week at tho O'Neil homo.... John
Ream, who lived near Wayne when
a young man died at tho stato hospitsl
at Norfolk Friday, and tho body, ac
companied by his brother Wm Room
from O'Noill was sont here for burial,
and whs laid to rest in the cemetery
Gary, S D, Inter-Stato: R M Ler
ke, whoso former homo has been in
Dakota City, Nebraska, arrived hero
last week with a oar of household
goods and stock and machinery. Mr
Lorko has rented tho Wm Oarr farm
west of town for a tnrm of three years,
Mr Lorko has been farming in Nebras
ka for about thirty years. Ho iB a
brother-in-law of Rudolph Barteln.
Wynot Tribune: Bruno Pmkolraan
and wife returned to Jackson Monday
morning after an over Sunday visit
with relatives and friends here . . . .Con
ductor Morin and Engineers Harring
ton and Wall woro summoned to Ponoa
Tuesday as witnesses in a caso iigninfit
tho railroad company for tho killing of
a horse threo years ago, but beforo
train timo they were notified that tho
caso had boon postponed to tho next
term of, court ' '
Pondor Times: Mrs MM Warner
of Lyons was iu Pender Friday attend
ing the Eichler funeial. She was ac
companied homo by MrsErmo Van
Motor who was her guest until Mon
day.... Tho First National bank of
Pondor, the First National bank of
Winnebago, tho Winnebago TownBito
Co, E A Wiltso and W E Whitcomb
are parties to arbitration proceedings
with Judgo R E Evans of Dakota City
as arbitrator. Tho proceedings aro
being held in tho district court room,
and havo boen on deck all week.
Those from out of town that arc in
attendanoo boBides Judgo B E Evans
are, W E Whitoomb, Erlo K Wiltse,
and A M Smith of Winnebago, Judge
Dickinson and Harry Bromo of Omaha.
Sioux Oity Journal 13: Funeral
sorvioes for Mrs Clara J Curry, who
died in South Sioux City, wero held at
Wostoott's ohapel yesterday morning
at 11:80 oolock. Tho body was sent
to Alton, la, last night foi bnrial... .
Froteotsou against future fires was
sought yesterday in tho organszation
of tho South Sioux Oity volunteer flro
department, whoso object is to inorease
tho eflioienoy of tho villago's flro fight
ing system. Lewis Hall nan elected
chief of tho organization und thiity
six firomon were chosen from tho three
Mr Hall stated that tho organization
would go ahead with the plans by
purchasing new apparatus from timo
to lirro os funds pornutto 1 and drill
ing tho volunteers in the handling of
tho apparatus. One crntral station
where the flro fighting implements
will bo housed and possibly a substa
tion at the other end of the village for
auxiliary purposes probably will bo
built. The organization oxpocts to
obtain funds from tho village council
to purohaso tho noedod apparatus.
Twelve firomon havo boen chosen
from each of tho threo wards to form
tho threo companies of tho brigade.
A meeting of tho volunteers will bo
held in a fow days to work out a plan
of fire fighting.
Tho dostruotion last weok of tho
homo of James Woodcock ou the odgo
of tho villago booauso of lack of an
ofilolont fire ffghting organization and
previous fires that havo wrought great
damage in tho town lod to tho organi
zation of tho now department. v
Another Prompt Settlement
Mr William Holsworth, who was
killed near Bouth Bioux Oity last
Thursday, Docember 8rd, when an
automobile turned turtle, had wn acci
dent insuranco policy in Tho Mutual
Benefit Health & Accidont Awoeiution
of Omaha, and on Monday, Dooembor
7tb, Mrs Holsworth, his wifo, received
a oueok for $1,01)0, from tlio company,
this boing the amount of the polioy.
This claim w'ai paid within ono hour
from tho timo tho company leurnod of
tho accident.
This company pays thousands of
dollars yoarly to tho sick and injured
iu this territory. If you aro thinking
of taking out some insurance, writo to
the company for oiroulnrn, etc
Mutual Hemefis Health & Acoident
Association. Omaha, Nebr.
Farm For Rent
Two farms of 1G0 acres ouch. Oall
at Bank of Dakota County, Jaokson,
Nebr, und Mr Loo O Kearney will
arrango for loaiio,
S A rtiTH- a a. -fttrfMK Jb a -fv
dmf ymkT. 7ti3&m, jmmm r. jzm? mr
IKiniL J fSSSfsr-' "&ii' , I h--ii- -t6&3tiW Y ') r 7XsJl nSJfJJ&F'tf BHMl
Mr m
h Lmtt
Dakota City
- f nnBIWWWM MMM.M..iii i
. il ' i . i
Luther Harden, Pioneer,
Called by Death.
As a result of a paralytic' stroko
thioh bef el him Saturday night, Lu
ther Harden, ono of tho oldest resi
outs of this placo, passod poaoofully
away ut the home of his daughter,
Mis Eva Orr, Tuosday right nt abost
12 o'olookr having novor regained con
scionsuoss after ho was striokon.
Mr Harden was born in Indianapo
lis, Ind, Dooembor 27, 1831, and would
have been 80 yoars old had ho lived
until tho 27th of this monjh. Ho
oamo with his parents to Iowa in 1837.
Ho was married to Miss Surah Jane
Underwood, March, 6, 1857, in Jeffer
son county, la. ,Mny 9. 1807, he
landed in Dakota county, Nebr, und
made this his homo continually until
his death. Ho operated a butohor
shop in Dakota Oity for many years,
and was associated with D T Hodgos,
of Sioux Oity. in supplying tho upper
Missouri river Indian ngenciB with
beef. In tho summer months the
cattle were, driven to tho agenoirti aud
delivered, ami in thu winter mouths
tho beef wus delivered dressed.
Ho located on ivfium north of town
after quitting the butcher busiuesH,
whero ho remained until ho sold tho
farm about twenty juarH ago, when ho
retired fiom aotivo farm life, and later
mflvod town an with his wifo, mado
his homo with his ouly daughter, Mrs
Eva L Orr.
Mr Harden is survived by two child
ren, Mrs EvuL Orr and Burges G
Hardon. Two children died in infan
cy, und his good wifo passod to her
reward a few years ago, Tho only
other near relativo is. ;i bister, Mrs
Murgnrot JohcBon, of Independence,
Deoensod was a dqvout and fuijhfnl
momber of tho M E church in this
plaoo, having unitod with it many
years ago.
Although au unassuming man, of
quiot domeanor, his life was a busy
ouo and many of tho important enter
prises of early days found him ut tho
Tho funeral services will be hold
today, Thursday, at 2 o'olook from tho
Methodist ohuroh in this place, Itov F
J Auooak oflioiating. Burial will bn
mado at Graceland Park cemetery,
Sioux Oity, the service at tho gravo
being hold in tho ohapel at tho como
tory.' Bov Scouts of America
Dakota City Troup No. i.
The first Patrol of this Troop is now
organized. Tho following aro tho do
tails. "Kangaroo Patrol."
Ory, "Ooo oo." Oolors, greon nnd
Patrol loader, Alfred Johnson ; Assis
tant, Haiold Antrim; Scout soriho,
Emil Arisnes; Teudorfoet, Samuel Stin
son, Theodoro Fredoriok, Floyd Van
Horn, Houry Krumweide, Ralph Gra
A soooud Patrol is in course of pre
paration. Iu this Patrol Lconurd
Nowsomo lias qualtlieu.
Keith Evans is acting as assistant
scout mastor.
F J Auoook, Scout Master,
Merry Christmas
And offer a few Suggestions of
Good Things to Eat .$ and Useful Gifts
We will have a large assortment of Xmas Trees from 3 to 7 feet in height, and
priced from 15c to 35c each.. Send us your order for a tree early, that we may
have the size you wish. A good, durable tree holder for 25c.
Candy 10c to S1.00 per lb
Extra good Xmas mixed candy per lb, 12c
New Crop Nuts
English walnuts per lb 25c
Soit shell almonds per lb , 25c
Best brazils per lb 25c
Filberts per lb 30c
Best quality mixed nuts per' lb T. ,25c
Pv can meats per lb S0c
Almond meats per lb 75c
Walnut meats per lb S0c
We have a Large Assortment of Men's Women's and Children's Sweaters from
50c to $2.00 each. Ladies' Bath and House Slippers, all colors, in Leather and
soft soles, 75c to $1.50 per pair. Fancy Handkerchiefs in Xmas boxes, 5c to 60c
Neckties, bocks, Supporters,
Oar Store will be Open uivrit
1 5? ?01fl S
Dakota Oity, Neb, Deo 7, 1914,
The bonrd of oountv rnintnUfllniinra nf
Dakota county. Nebraska, mat pursuant to
mljourninont. Mombors present, Oliver V
Fisher, chairman; Thomas Lour, Ouo V
Tlmoker, and Ooo Wilklns, county cleric.
When tho following proceudliiRs were
had. to-wlt:
Claims allowed on county bridge fund:
II II RenlnRer, 800 cubic feet .,f cement
work, labor, etc il3 31
Claims allowed on commissioners' district
Fred Jacobson, 11 hours drajsglnK $ 8 25
WWJoycif, n a as
QWUatcs.TH " " n icj
F II Learner, U " ' 075
JUBvans, l ' " " 11150
VVlISundt, 31 ' " 2323
John Stalling, road work, 3J dav, i!
men and a teams 25 23
Clay Armbrlght, dragging and rjdad
work 75 on
John OThackcr.Hdays grading w.th
Steams , , vBO 00
Claims allowed on commissioners' district
S J Thompson, 3 days road work, man
and team
Lou s Frlcken, s days road work, man
audieam 8 00
Renze jc arcen, repair for road ma
chinery ;,... 1100
John Luzio, a day adlng, 1 man and
i! teams 13 00
KrnctOoertz, hauling 9 oadn of sand 13 W)
Frank Frlcken 7 days road work 11 00
Henry w'olfe,3H days work on road,
man and team at , 14 00
Loula Dcrnln. 1 days work on road,
man and team.. IB 2.1
Albert Frlcken, 5 days roai work,
man and team , SO 00
Frank Lussler, Jr, road work, grad
lng.etc 43 00
NeU Anderson, road work, grading,
etc , 4800
O L Dodge, road work, grading, etc.... 65 00
iicrt Francls.-o, lulling In bridge ap
proach V 0080
Mvern Hnnepn. Illltnf? In lirltlpG un
proach ,.., t 00
Hans Uonnlckson, 88 days road work. . 147 00
Claims allowed on commissioners' district
Harvey Zentmire, dragging roads. .,,( 8 75
11 0 Owens, road work 10 to
W to Uuckland, 4H days road work,
min and team , , 18 00
Peter Sorcnson. 0 days road work,
man and team 34 09
Harry Krlcksen, 7 days road work,
man and team , 38 00
V 11 lSlllott, 7 days road work, man
and team 38 00
II O Kasdal, 4!i days road work, 3 men
and a teams 3000
II a (lasd.il. 0 davs road work, man
ana ream.., uo w
Peter Sorenson. 13 davs road work.
man and team 48 CO
11 0 Itasdall, 7 days road work. 3 men
and n teams W CO
Chris Miller, 8 days road work, 3 men
and 2 teams , MOO
OcorgcNOeorgennen. road work 117 M)
John D Thacker, 8 days grading, 8
teams sso 00
Claims allowed on road district fund:
QeoPenrr. 1 davs road work, district
Nol , I
Arthur Purdy, 1 day road work, man
and team, district No 1
Harvey Zentmlrc, road, work, district
S 00
QeoPenry, U days road work, .1 an
aud team, district Nol 0 00
Rlvah Frazter, Hi d, ys road work,
man and team, district No 1 0 00
Ham i'uray, a uays roau work, uisinci
Nol 000
Harris llros, 1( days road work, man
and team, district No 1 0 Co
Virgil Zcntmlrc, 1M days road work,
man and team, district No 1 0 00
llarvev Zentmlre.3K davit road work.
dlstrlctNo 1 1000
.,oe Udell. law davs road work, district
Nol SI 00
Harvey Stentmlrc, road work and
overseeing, dlstrlctNo 1 63 00
WW Joyce, road work, repairs and
axle grease, district No 2 133 00
J w uei''orrest, road work, district no
8 .
3.1 S3
I 50
10 50
13 00
8 69
H It Thompaon, road work, district No
3 ,
James Mordcr, road work, dlstrlctNo
3 ,
O W Miller, road work, district No 3. .
Itcnze &Oreen, repairs for road ma
chinery, district No 4 .,
Wm Maekey, 10K days road work, man
and team, dlstrlctNo 4 43 00
wmnoueinicin, njioays roaa wore,
Cranberries per qt 10c
Fresh solid meat oysters per qt 45c
Fancy large celery per bunch 10c
Large California oranges per doz 35c
Size 54 Florida grape fruit per doz 85c
Fancy Jonathon apples perdoz. ... 15 to 35e
We will have a fresh stock of figs,
dates, lettuce, parsley, grapes, and Jer
sey sweet potatoes.
and Combination Sets in Xmas boxes.
IVooa Xmas and TVew
man and team, district No -4 40 00
Louis Pedcrson, 14 days road word. 3
men and 2 teams, district No 4 113 23
O V Uorowsky, 1 day road work, dls-
trlctNoO 8 W
O W Thacker, 1 day road work, dis
trict NoB 4 00
ii 1 Klchorst. 2 days road wurk, man,
and team, district No 5 6 00
Kay Zcnitnlre, 4 days road work, man
aud team, district NoB 10 On
W L. Uroy hill, 3 days road work, 3 men
and a teams, district No B 20 00
13 J Ktchorst, ujj davs road work, man
and team, district No 5 88 00
OeoN Jeorgenson, lining iu and road
work, district No 0 80 CO
dco N Ocor ensen, 7H days road
worK, man ana team, district no 0.. su uu
Itcnze & Green, repairs for road ma
chinery, district No 7 1
3 50
tllMUtlll 71 UUJO AUH.M 11V1 tLt IUUU H4V
team, district No 7 ao 00
itenze urcen. repairing roaa raa-
Phillip Surenson, 25 days road work.
man and team, dl trlct No 14 100 IX)
John llonderson, AM days road work,
H men and 3 teams, district No 15.... 87 50
Mkrtln Itasmusscn, SO days road work,
3 men and 3 teams, district No 10 . ISO 00
Henry Flllmcr; 3 days rqad work, 2
men and 3 teams, district No 30 S3 00
Martin Hosh, U4 ddys road work, dls
trlctNo 18 ..., 300 75
H J Elchorst, 3 days road work, 3 men
and 3 teams, dlstrlctNo iu 10 CO
It Leuhr, 1 days road work, man and
team, district No so 3 00
Ilenze & Green, re pi Irs for roid ma
chinery, district No30 SCO
D .V Woods, 4'4 days road work, raau
and team, dUtrictNoso 18 00
Atnll Andfrnnn. K dilvn rn.l(! work. 3!
men and Uteama, district No 30...... S3 0
noard orders cler k to notify county trcas J
urers to transfer saw irom roaa aisirici no
li to road district No. 3, ai its portion of 1U13
ta.T collections caused by thu division ot
said road district No. li.
Hoard adlourned to meet December 31,
George Wilklns,
County Clerk
Farm Notes.
Issued by the University of Nebraska
College of Agriculture.
Tho number of silos hm been doubl
ed iu Dawoa county thruout tho sum
mor und tall, largoly thru tho effort
of tho Duwos County Farmors' Aebo
oiation A silo day was observed by
nanny of the fnrmots of tho oounty du
ring tho summer, and visits wero mado
to farms whero silos woro in ueo.
Muut and pie aro hooomingloss pop
ular in tho diot of tho studouts at tho
Nobruskn Univorsity Farm, uocording
to obrorvations of tho management nt
Homo Economics Hull. It has been
tlio practice lor sovorai years to sorve
meals to tho students praoticully at
cost. Las Juno it was deuidod to es
tablish a oafotoria and do nway with
tho accustomed mothod ot serving
meals. Sinoo tho students havo had
tho opportunity to ohooso their own
fcods, tho consumption of mout has
fallen off oyor 20 por oont and vegeta
bles havo oo mo into more common use
A similar deoroaso has beon noted in
tho eating of pie. Fruittt aud light
puddings havo takou its plaoo as a
Few more certain methods for tho
sproad of hog oholera may bo found
than leaving exposed tho oiiroasses of
hogs that havo died of oholera. Even
tho a oaroas mny bo Isolated from oth
or hogs, it may bo that seopago from
tho oaroftea will lenolt a uoighborlng
Mm m;
yssfM mk
ysMm Aif
slroam and thuB endanger u rtholo seo
tion ot tho state. Again, dogs, oats,
or birds, attracted to tho spot, may
carry tho gorniB to a hog lot far dio
tant and porhups spread tho disonao
for many miles. Tho department of
animal pathology at tho Nebraska
Uulvorsity Farm urges thut every hog
dying of oholera or of any other oon
tagious disouso should bp immodiatoly
burnod in oomplianoo with tho stato
In caso an nntomobilo is used to
suoh nn oitoutthat it would bo im
practicable to romovo tho storago bat
tery duriug zero temperatures, it
will bo sufficiently cared for if kept ful
ly charged. It has been found that
whon a storago battory is completely
discharged it will froezo at 20 de
grees nbovo zero; whon threo fourths
discharged it will freezo at zero; whon
half discharged it will freezo at 20 bo
low zero; and whon a fourth discharg
ed at (10 holow zero,
This shows, thoreforo, that there
will bo no danger of leaving tho bat
tery in tho oar evon daring severely
oold weather providing it is kept com
paratively well oharged, Tho amount
of tho charge oan best bo detected by
testing tho spooiflo gravity of tho cell.
In tho abaenoo of any hydronometer
at homo, it oun uo tested at any ga
rage. It must bo romombered that tho
storago battory will gradually become
disohargod whon standing idle. For
this roason, whon the oar is not being
used for some time, tho motor should
bo run ocoassionally, thus allowing
tho generator to ohurgo tho battory.
Tho battory Bhould bo oharged in this
way at least once in two weeks, Ne
braska College of Agrioulture.
- . ,i
Nebraska Farmers Make
Many Recommendations
Many important questions woro uot
od upon by the Nebraska Farmers'
Uougress, iu soasion in Ouiuha last
wook, and resolutions adopted express
ing tho viowo of tho congress ou these
matters, Moro than flvo hundred del
egates from all parts of tho stato wera
in attoudnnoo, theso delegates ropra-
sonung numors' organizations witu a
combinod memborship ot sovouty-four
thousaud and ton.
A resolution dononnolng public ware
houses was adopted, thon rescinded,
and one favoring the establishment of
a publio wnrohouse and public grain
inspection substituted. The congress
deolarod for a bettor rural school sys
tem und to continuo tho rural school
commission, and recommended the
roappoiutment of Dr L C Kigiu nsUop
uty state veterinarian.
Tho importunt legislatnro demands
woro for appropriations for state serum
plant, swiuo barn on state fair grounds,
government iuspootionof all hog ohol
era sornm sold in tho state, and the
legislature will bo asked to submit a
proposition to cull a constitutional con
vention. The Herald 1 ytwr, tl.
i- Vr.