Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 10, 1914, Image 4

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Dakota County Herald
Subaoriptton Price, $1.00 Tor Yoar.
A weekly newspaper published At
uaKoU City, HebrasKa.
Permission has boon granted for tho
transmission of thispaporthrouRh the
malls as socondolass matter.
Tolephono No. 48.
Official Paper of Dakota County
Farm Notes.
Issued by the University of Nebraska
College of Agriculture.
Boxbntto county Is organizing a
farmers' nssooiation with the expec
tation of hiring a county ogriculturo
agent or demonstrator about tho first
of tho year.
Thra tho oooporatioa of tho county
Muporintendonts of Schools of Madison,
Wttyno, Pioroo, and Stanton connties,
the Norfolk commercial clab, and tho
farm demonstrator of Madison county,
a junior agrioultnro snort course was
given nt Norfolk rooontiy for tho young
peoplo of four counties, Two hundred
fifty delegates averaging ID years of
ago woro in attendanoo. Tho instruc
tion was furnished by tho Agriculture
Extension Sorvioo,
Tho Boys' and Girls' Olub m emboru
of tho community may upply for entry
tags now of the Agriculturo Extension
Borneo, University Farm, Lincoln,
for tho annual stato contest of Boys'
and Girls, Dlubs to bo held in Lincoln
during Organized Agriculturo week,
Entries may bo made between January
1 and 12. At this contest will be
found samples as well as reports and
stories of the work dono by tho sowing
and cooking club, corn olub, potato
olub, and gardening olub.
Hog cholera vaccination demonstra
tions are proving to bo tho hit of the
season at Nebraska (armors' institutes.
Lottors oo mo pouring daily into tho
offices of tho Agriculturo Extension
Sorvioo, University Farm, asking for
demonstrations at institutes, short
courses, and at a largo numbor of
special gatherings. Every available
man is being furnishod in rcsponso to
tho domand. In sootions whoro tho
hog cholera has been provalent, nil
vices are roturned that thoao meetings
have savod hundreds of dollars to the
Birds known bb carrion foodors
should bo kept awuy from the herd of
hogs, according to tho veterinarians at
tho University Farm, if tho farmor
expects to Jwngo a thorogoing fight
against hog oholora, Ono moans of
kooping away these birds, especially
crows, is to allow no carrion to bo ex
posed. Another moans is tho uso of
tho shotgun. If oholora is in tho
neighborhood, birds of every sort visit
ing tho lots may bo looked upon with
suspioion. It is possiblo for thorn to
carry on their feet for many miles tho
germs of oholora found in oxoremont
and wallows.
One interesting feature of tho ex
periment station and colicgo of agri
culturo exhibit at tho stato corn show
held during OrgoniEod Agriculture
wook at Lincoln, January 16 to 23,
will bo a collection of tho typos of
grain sorghums some of which are
promising crops for central and west
ern Nebraska. Tho more promising
of these ato dwarf milo, fotorita, and
dwarf kaoliang for grain purposos.
These crops have provod auooessful
and have boon grown extensivoly in
western Kansas, weslotn Oklahoma,
and western Texas in proforcnoe to
If an automobile is used only'oooa
Bionally during tho winter, it will not
bo neeesary to romovo tho tires, but
thoy ahould be partially dollatod.
Tho wheels should bo support od by
jaoks, ',
Tiros should not bo loft standing on
greasy or wot floors. Greaso is injur
ious to tho rubbor and moistuso to tho
If tho oar is laid up for tho winter,
the wheels should bo jnokod up and
tho tires romovod. If thoro are any
cuts' in tho rubber thoy should bo re
paired in order that moisturo may not
outer the fabric.
During tho winter, after tires have
beon wrappod in paper or burlap to
keep thorn as dry as possible and to
proteot thorn from tho sunlight, they
should be placed in n dry room with a
temperaturo ranging botwoon 40 and
05 degrees. No sunlight Bhould oomo
direotly on the tires.
Inner tubes should bo romoved and
be eithor deflated or rollod loosely
with a slight air prossuro left in them
The tubos Bhould then bo given tho
aame care as the tires. Oollogo of
Agrioultnro, Univorellyof Nebraska.
Thrco months of school have gono,
No.t that numbor of patronB have visit
ed us.
A olass in bookkeeping bogan that
On Friday afternoon, Dooombor 18,
tho vurious grades will give Christmas
Paul Mason, BtdU Neiswanger, Bam
HelkeB, Earl Wright and thoPrinoipal
wont to Emerson, bb delegates, ropro
Benting Dakota Oity high sohool nt
the Btudonf b conference of high sohoola
over Saturday and Sunday, Partic
ulars will bo noxit week.
South Sioux 01 ty basket ball girls
defeated tho Dakota Oity girls by a
sooro of 10 to 7. Tho game was faBt
Next Saturday afternoon tho Emer
son basket ball girls will play Dakota
Oity girls hero.
Saturday evening tho boys and girls
of the high flobool will give a baskot
rapper to whioh everybody will bo in
vited. There will bo one ompty box
old. The one who gets that box will
have the privilege to ask for any one
thing in any oaea box, and will also be
permitted to ehooje any girl with
whom to share.
I to mo of' Interest
from our Exchanges
Obert Tribune: Jack McQuirk and
wifo wero visitors with friends
Sioux Oity last Sunday
Wynot Tribuno: WobIi JohnB ro
turned homo last wcok after a month
spent in picking corn in South Dakota,
llartington Nows: Mrs 0 L Culler
wont to Dakota Oity Saturday morn
ing to spend tho day with her mother,
Mrs Adair.
Wayno Domoorat: Chas Kato, from
Des Moines, la, wns hero a few days
last wook, visiting his unolo, Johu
Hufford, and greoting his many
friends hero.
Lyons Mirror: Autonius Larson,
of Homor, stopped hero on his way to
Lincoln,... Mrs FJoronco Nixon and
daughtor, Florence nnd son William,
took Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs
Jean Waito.
Normal Notes in Wayno Demoorat:
Mr John Rookwell, olass of 1014, now
superintendent of tho Butto schools,
says in a loiter: "I thoroughly enjoy
my work. My teachers aro fine, my
building splendid. Tho board of ed
ucation good, tho peoplo congonial
and onthusiastio and tho Html on ts tho
best over."
Emorson Enterpriso: Jeff Taylor
was called to Dakota Oity Tuesday as
witnoss in n $25,000 damage suit....
Mr and Mrs Oeorgo Haaso entertain
ed eightoon of their relatives to a
Thanksgiving dinner.... Mr and Mrs
Levi MoEntaffer anu children went to
Carroll to spend tho day with Mr and
Mrs Qoorgo Holekamp,
Newcastle Times: Mr nnd Mr Cor
nell, of Ponca, spent Thanksgiving
day lioro in Nowcastio with their son
Fred and family.... Mr and Mrs Boa
corn and baby camo up from Vista,
Wednesday evening of lust wook, to
visit at tho homo of her mothor,
Mrs John Coleman and family
Mr and MrH.T V Twohlg and family,
of Jaokeon, Nebr, and Mrs MoHonry,
of Plainview, Nobr, motored up to
spoud Sunday with their nieco, Mrs J
B Oonncry and family.
Pondor Times: EJ and Dr Smith
woro over from Homer yesterday... .
0 A Bedding has sold tho Pondor Bo-
publio to a Mr Walden, cousin of our
J B Waldon, a rcsidont of Sioux coun
ty, Nebraska. Tho chango is offectivo
immtdiatoly and Mr Waldou will
move hero with his family. Ho is not
a newsnaper man but hue engaged Mr
Anderson, who hns beon connected
with tho Itopnblic, to assist in getting
out tho papor. In tho deal, Mr Bod
ding gets a section of Sioux county
soil which, wo understand, is taken in
at $10 por aero. During IjIh short
newspaper career at Pender, Mr Bod
ding bus had several years of expe
rience, and loaves hero with two nioo,
juoy libel suits on his hands.
Sioux Oity Journal, Hth : Tho dual
lifo of Bay Willey was exposed yester
day whon ho was roturnod to Jamos
town, N D, by Sheriff Dana Wright
to answer to charges of abandoning
his wifo and flvo email children.
Willey lived in Sioux City under tho
nnmo of Oalvin Brown and was mar
riod more than a vnur aon n MJna
Nora Esholman, according to tho at-
taouos oi mo suorui s onioe. Brown
oporated a drav lino fur anvnrni
months. When confronted bv Sher
iff Wright, of Stutsman county, N D,
in tho COUntv inil vpatnrilnv Tlrnwn
confessed, it was said, that his right
name was Willoy and that no deserted
his wifo and children at .Jnmnnrnnm
two yr ars ago. Willoy returned to
North Dokota without requisition pa
pers, doolaring to tho sboriff that "ho
wub reauy io taKo ills modiolno."
Willov'a HOnOnil wlfn 1M tint, nmrnn. tn
m " mm mmmm HV M M u u WW
bo much concornod over hie arrest,
and did not visit him onoo in tho
county jail, Jailor MoDougal deolarod.
MrS WllloV Nn 3 nnltM nnf lin fnrm.1
yesterday. Friends of Willoy, who
...- 1 1IT1 m. m ..
wub Known as ".kgu, ueolarou no was
married to Miss Esholman at Dakota
Oity more than a year ago. County
Judge D 0 Heffernan performed the
coromony. Following the marriago
tho couplo lived at several down town
hotels. Brown continued his oxuresii
business. Ho diBUOfied of Ills tAnmn
several months ago. Shoriff Wright
stated that a charge of bigamy proba
bly WOUld bo fllml ntrnlnuf Will nt
Allen Nana Mian TJnH. T.nnnn.'
was visiting friends horo Sunday....
uuimiuHiiumi union anu child
ren, of near Nacoru. Bnnnt Thnnlrmiv.
ing day at tho Elmot Smith homo... .
uir vrm rugrim nnd airs Alfrod Pil
grim, of South Sioux Oity, spent Sun
day horo with thoir sister, Mrs Frank
Halo. ...Margaret Shortloy was born
Novomber 29, 1882, at St Alexandria,
Canada, and diod in Allen, Nobraeka,
Novomber 3U, 19U, aged 82 years and
1 doy. She was baptised und con
firmed in tho Episcopal ohuroh. Sho
was married to Uoorgo Twamloy Feb
ruary 27, 18P4. To this union wero
born six ohildron, four of them have
prooodod her to tho SpiritLand.Mory,
Uathorine, Oeorgo, Margaret, Re
becca und Bortha. She camo to Da
kota county, Nebr, with her husband
and family in 1873. Two yoara later
hor husband dopnrtod from this lifo.
On May 12, 1880, Bho was married to
Josioh Long. Tho samo yoar sho
moved to Larohwood, Iowa. Hor lat
er days woro Bpont horo and nt Laroh
wood. Sho joined tho Congregational
ohuroh at hor Iowa homo in 1880 and
oontinuod a member until hor doath.
Ihoro remain to mourn hor loss, two
sons, Biohard Twamloy, of Allon,
Nebr, and Benjamin Twnmley, of
Larohwood, la, a brother, Biohard
Shortloy, of Dakota Oity, Nobr, throe
sistors and two biothors in Canada:
twelvo grand children and throe great
grand children ; bosides n number of
other relatives and a host of friends.
Bhort BorvJoeB wero held horo Wodnos
day morning at tho homo of her grand
daughters, Miesos Beatrioe and Mar-
gnrot Nordyko. Tho Rov J n Hard
o nduntod tho snnio. Tho remains
wero shipi cd Io Larohwood, la, for
burial. After a long, and useful life
sho has passed away. She reared her
own monument while she lived in the
hearts of all who know her, Her life
work was complete and today tLo au
tumn loaves fall upon nnothor grave
that hides from our sight all that is
mortal of a trim and noblo woman,
Control City, Colo, Rogistor-Cnll:
Fifty years with thoir lights and
shodowfl havo paesod into oblivion
sinoo John Slattory mado Miss Eliza
Drumm his wifo and helpmnto. Fifty
years of wodded bliss havo gone, nnd
Thursday, Novombor 25th, 1914, mark
ed tho anniversary of their golden
wouding. A largo circlo of relatives,
friends and noighlors, over three hun
dred in number, visited tho homo du
ring tho day to extend to thorn their
congratulations and happy wishes for
such an event. Tho doy wus ideal, and
according to Mr Slattory, just such a
day as his wedding day, half a oentu
ry ago, Tho homo wus dcoorated with
golden wodding bells festooned across
tho ceilings, and tho arrangements car
ried out showed the outoful prepara
tions of tho youngor members of tho
family. Tho occasion was ono big hap
py ovont and lasted into tho night,
tho guests being loth to loavo such hos
pitablo hosts. Thursday morning at
10 o'clock, special services woro held
in St Mary's ohuroh, high masB being
sung by Father B E Naughton, spoo
ial muslo boing also prepared by tho
choir for tho occasion. His sermon on
"Soncity of tho Marringo Tio," was
listenod to with groat intorest, and
among other things ho laid stress on
tho diginity und strfot legislation thut
tho ohuroh has always maintained
concerning propor offorts and dignity
in which tho groatsocraraent was hold.
Ho deplored tho torriblo ovil of di
vorces provalent to our country, and
declared no Institution in tho world
maintained and incurred such u nririt
of respect and admiration for suoh
principles that rosard tho snarodnoBs
of tho Boman Oatholio church. After
briefly remarking about tho iovous
oharaotor of tho occasion, whioh was
indeed mrM fitting. Fathor Naughton
nonoluded by extending his sincercst
felioitationa and good wishes for the
fnturo to vononiblo jubilariuns in his
own namo and tho nnsombled relatives
and friends A unique fenturo of tho
ceremony wus tho fct that tho nt-
tonding ncolyteB wore both eraud-
childron of tho couplo, Masters Johu
and Oeorgo Heuor assisting Fathor
Naughton. After tho church survioos
a well appointod, aumptuous, and do
lioiouB dinner wua teudorod to the old
timers of tho county nnd assembled
guoBts at tho homo. Father Naugh
ton, who was tOHstmuster, called on
each ono present for toastB. Many
appropriate ones woro givon, soino full
of oratory, whilo others boasted of wil
nd brevity. Each ono given was full
of hopo thut thoy may bo spared to
nttond tho diamond wedding. An
original toast was givon by Mr Slat
tory, which wub as follows :
Friends und uoighbors, ono nnd all,
To greot you, we implore,
And happy to think you'll help recall
Tho duys of 04
Tho times havo changed in many ways
Sinoo tho timoi when wo woro
Your health, your happiness, wealth
of days,
Wo'll drink in 1014.
Tho bonodiotipn, given by Father
Naughton, was full of hope, that tho
happinoss and ploaBuro of tho occasion
would only bo a forounor of many hap
py, usoful and brjght joars to come.
Opon house receptions oooupicd tho
remaiuder of tho day, tho Si Ann's so
ciety attending in a body, and in tho
ovoning a largo number of tho youuger
eleinont enjoyed singing, dancing and
numerous games until a Into hour. It
was a day long to bb remembered, and
perhaps wo muy yot bo ablo to writo
up their diamond anniversary, John
Blattery was born in Iroland, in 188G,
and Mrs Slattory was also born in the
sumo county in 1847, being married
Novembor 25th, 18G4, in Jackson,
Nebr. Thoy arrived in Gilpin county
that year, and havo resided horo over
sinoo. Mr and Mrs Slattory aro both
enjoying tho host of health, and wore
tho recipients of an unusually largo
numbor of handsoma prosents for thoir
anniversary, whioh tahowod tho doop
osteom in whioh they aro held by thoir
friends and neighbors.
To Mr Slattery is givon tho honor
of naming the hamlet of Wide Awake,
ho also disooverlng tho Hnwloy Gard
ner mino on quartz hill. As tho result
of their union, oloveu sons and daugh
ters, woro born, seven of whom aro
now alivo and residonts of this oity.
Tho mo.nbers of the family are: Mrs 0
H Honor, Missos Mary and Irene
Slattory und Moasra Bonjamin Ola
ronoe, Thomas and Percy Slattory.
Your Daily Paper. ,
Evory family wants a daily paper
and wants tho host ono it oan get,
Tho Stato Journal is making a . out
prioo offor of tho daily and Sunday pa
paper to bo mailod from now until
January 1, 1910 for only $4, or with
out Sunday for $8, providing tho order
is sent in during Decombor. Tho aw
ful war makes the newspaper a neces
sity in many familios that never read
a duily before Tho coniiug logidla
turo will bo of local intorest to ovory
Nobraskan, and tho general tolograph
and news features of Tho Journal
make it tho papor you want. Its tho
kind joa ouu road out loud beforo all
of your family. Tho advertising is
also clean. You save a dollar by send
ing in this month, bosiiles getting tho
papor free for tho balauoo of tho year.
Tho Journnl is constantly making nu
effort for economy in all publio affairs.
The Journal stands for tho things do
signed to bestow tho greatest good to
tho greatest numbor, not as a talking
point to sooure uow roadors, but it is
dally praotiolng what it prooohes.
Tho Journnl is printed oarly iu tho
morning and rnaohes nearly all tho
stato towns and rural routes with muoh
later news than papors printed the
night boforo. Send to tho Stato Jour
nal, Liuooln, Nob., and you will ro
coivo tho papor tho remaindor of tho
yoar freo.
Farm For Rent
Two farms of 100 acres oaoh, Call
at Bonk of Dakota County, Jackson,
Nebr, and Mr Leo O Kearney, will
arrange for lease,
i KMMQW&WMmwmwMwwxiiaKi
Mr Uamm in bnny hauling n car
load of alfrtlfa men!.
John Frodricksen, and Ben Booney
wero city passengers Tuesday.
Fancy grooorios of nil kinds, at O.
Anderson Co'a,
Maud Soronseu roturnod tn hor homo
Sunday, after u weok'n visit with
friends nt Hubbard.
Goorgo Ebcl finished work nn tho
Frank O'Donnald residence nor Wat
orbury, Ust wook.
Wo want your butter and eggs, and
will pay tho highest market price. 0
Anderson Co'e.
Frauk Mahon was u business caller
horo Woduesday,
Ernorst Geortz and W J Nelson
wero county seat callors last week.
Lon Harris purchased a blooded pig
at Allen tho first of tho wook.
Tho holiday season is nearly horo
and wo aro now showing on elegant
nssortmnnt of toys. Seo our stock
boforo it is picked over. 0 Andorson
John Beaoom sold n couplo of his
full blooded pigs last woek.
Maud Sorocsen, Mrs E Ohristonsen,
Mary and Jim Green, Alfred FriokBon
and Mrs Paul Shnrp wero east bound
passengers last Friday.
Tho Danish Sisterhood will havo
n mooting nnd election of officers noxt
Saturday, Doomber 12th.
Shop oarly, and seleot your Xmas
gifts whoro you can savo money and
get bettor goods than going to tho city.
0 Anderson Co.
Helen Fox, of Jiokson, visited at
John Howard's from Friday until
Mr and Mrs J P Bookwell spent
several days of lust woek at Dakota
Oity with their daughter, Mr Frauk
Patrick Jones uutoed to Sioux Oity
last Friday,
Tho best brand of overshoes on
tho market at 0 Anderson Co'e.
Mr A Anderson returned last week
from u two weeks stay ut tho homo of
his daughtor noar South Sioux Oity.
Andrew Andoison wb on a hunt
ing trip last Sunday. Ask him
J P Bookwell wns on tho siak list
the first of tho wook.
For warm clothing of all kinds, gs
to 0 Anderson Oo's.
Mr and Mrs Growoook visitod over
Souday at tho Jesso Graves homo.
A card party was givon Sundav
ovoning at tho Tom Long home. A
very pleasant time was had.
Mr and Mrs L Harris woro in Ho
mer a couple of days last week.
Christmas gifts for tho little tots
and tho big folks, for the old and the
young, in endless varioty, nt 0 Ander
son Co's.
Margaret Hurtnott was in Sioux
Oity Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs Chris 8oronsonato Sun-
day dinner at tho Ohristensen homo.
Mrs Harry Oovell spent a oonnln of
days last woek at tho homo of her
mothor, Mrs M Boacom.
Thoro will bo sorvioe in tho Luther
an church at Hubbard, Sunday, Do
oombor 18. Everyone is eordiallv in-
vtod. Paul A J Bnolow, pastor.
A Uuristmas trco and a box social
will bo given at tho Elk Valley school
nouse .uecombor ua. All nro iuvitod,
Ladies to bring their boxes and tho
mon not to forget their pooketbooks.
uuuh unsionsen, wuo was eome-
whnt shook up in a runaway a couplo
or wookb ago, is getting along nicely.
No mattor it it is a toy of the obean-
est kind or a handsomo present for the
who or Bweotnonrt, we can supply
your wants. Evorything for Xmas, at
0 Andorson Co's.
Panl Sharp is loading a car with
all of his belongings, and will movo to
Oaklohama in a day or two, whore ho
and Ills family will mako their homo.
William Linafeltor, of Alpena. S D.
ia a guost in tho homo of his sistor, Mrs
uarrison c rye, tUo past weok.
James Hammeis and family, of
Huron, S D, autoed here ono day last
weoa anu woro over ntgnt visitora in
tho Hana Enudson homo. Thoy were
enrouto to tho homo of Ed Hammers,
noar Watorbury. Mr Hammer for
merly lived hero,
Walter and Boy Znlauf, who woro
attending tho univorsity at Lincoln,
came homo last week,
John Waters, whilo cranking his
fathor's oar in Sioux Oity ono day last
wook, had tho misfortune to break his
arm at the wrist, Ho was prepar
ing to go to Lohrville, Ia, whore
ho bought a storo. Ho roturned horo
aud his brothers Joo nnd Frank havo
gono to Lohrvillo to look after tho
businucM thoro.
Mrs P Nichols was called to Groat
Falls, Mont, on account of tho illness
of her mother.
Geo Toller departed last weok for
WoouBOokot, S D, to look utter his
farm property thero.
Fr,.nk Kennely, of South Sioux Citv
Bf oat over Sunday with rolativoi horo.
Tho Misses Mary MoGonigal and
Holon Biley, of Sioux City, spent Sun
day with the home folks,
Frauk Duvoy was up from Sioux
Oity ono day last wook lookinct after
somo fenoing ho is having dono on ono
of his farms.
Tuosday being tho feast of tho As
sumption and n holiday of obligation,
no sohool was in session for tho day.
Mr and MrsErnost Demary, of Sol
ma, Calif, aro guesta in tho Alfred
Demary home.
Born, to Mr aud Mrs Joo Hogan, of
Waterbury, Novembor 29. 1914. a
daughtor. Mrs Hogan waa formerly
Hose Gill, of thisplaco.
List of lettors remaining in tho post-
ofllo ut Juoksou, Nob, for month ond-
log Novembor 80. 1914. Mr Josonh
Bupp, W J Biohards. M J Flynn, P.
airs W J Biloy, who has bpon quito
sick ho past woek, is muoh improved,
Will Best of Winnebago visited over
nc nil.
Sunday at tho homo of his sistor, Mrs
Geo Bellies.
J W Bridonbaugh loaves today for
Uath, III, on an extonded visit.
Adolph Dartels purchased a flno now
piano for his family as a Xmas gift.
Fred Biofnian returned TueBdny
fron a business trip to Spencer und
Bloomfiold, Nobr.
Thos Marshall und wifo, of Win
throp, Iowa, stopped over here on
thoir return from u visit in Kausus,
to visit tho Coughtrys and Erio Uier
man familhs.
Tho Salem Lutheran Missionary Aid
havo entered u group of dolls in tho
doll contest at Davidson Bros, Sioux
City, and they would appreciate it if
all tho Dakota county peoplo would
turn thoir coupons in to them. Evory
little bit helps.
Mrs Chas Knto und baby boy aro
hero from Des Moino, la, on a visit nt
tho homo of Mtb Kate's parents, Mr
and Mrs S A Hiokes.
Henry Bodenbender arrived horo
from Salt Lake Oity Fridny to spend a
few dnys with his mothor, wko hns
beon seriously ill for some time. Ho
returned homo Sundny leaving his
mother somewhat improved.
Tho Salom Luthornn Missionery Aid
will moot with Mrs Will Ostmoyer ut
2-80 P M, Thursdnv. Decombor I7th.
Tho December committee is Mrs Will
Ostmeyer, Mrs Herman Eble, Mrs Ed
Morgan and MrB Ohns Siork. A 4
oolook luncheon will bo served, nnd
everybody is cordially invited.
Henry Laoniis returnod Tuesday
from u wooks visit at Obert, Nebr,
with liia granddaughter, Mrs Jack
Several from hero are planning to
attend tho turkey dinner given by tho
Eastern Star ut Dakota Oity this
Thursday evouiug.
Mrs Saddie Abbott went to Dakota
Oity Woduosda'y for a few days visit
with relatives.
Tho insurance adjustor for tho
Mntuul Benefit, Hoaltn ami Accidevt
association, of Omaha, was here
Wednesday and settled for tho death
of Win Holsworth who wus killed
Thursday of last weok in an auto acci
dent at Sofith 8ioux Oity. Tho draft
was dated four days after tho death
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by locul application!, as thejr cannot reach the dis
eased portion ot tna ear. There U only one way to
cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition ot the
mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deal
neos Is the result, and unless the Inflammation con be
taken out and this tuba restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases
out ot ten ore caused by Catarrh, which Is nothlia
but on inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ol
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free.
a i fc . V',i- CUENEY & CO.. Toledo, a
Bold by Druzglsts. 7SC
Take Hall's Family Fills tor constipation.
The Herald, $1 per
Notice Is hereby si von that on before Jan
uary 1, 1915, sealed bids will be received nt
tho county clerk's ofllce tor furnishing
books, lettorheada. envelopes, stntlonery
and blanks, as follows :
Kocorils,8qr. plnln.each.
Ileoords,8ar, ruled, prlntod heads, looso
leaf, MoMlllon patent book.
Records. 8 qr, plain, printed heads, loose
lenf.. MoMlllon patent back.
nocorus. 8 qr. printed, loose Iosf, McMll
len patent back.
Heoords, 8 qr, plain, each.
Records, 8 qr, ruled, printed.
All books must be mado of the best linen
lodger papor, full Russia binding, to open
tint, nnd to correspond with books now in
letterheads, full shoot, printed, best
quality paper, per D, nnd per M.
Letter heads, half sheet, printed, bost
quality paper, per V, and por M.
Knvolopos, printed, No 1, size 6K. white,
Envelopes, printed, No 10, Manila, Par M.
Knvelopes, prlntod, No 11, Mnnlln, PorM.
Bnnford'8, Cnrter's or Arnold's Ink, per qt.
Banford's, Cartor's or Arnold's Ink, per
Hponcorlnn, Uluolnuiu, or Glllott'a
points, or equal, por gross
rnoeror Dixon's
pencils, lio.xnuou. per
LAO IlnrdtlUUth. MoDlllltornnvlnu nnn.
ells. No 7a b hard, per gross.
lsiuo or rea allocking pencils, por gross.
Hounto soiatch pads, perdoz.
Typewriter paper, size 8x18)$, best quality
paper, per ream.
Legal blanks, full sheet, por O, I) nnd M.
legal blanks, half shoot, perO, I) und M.
legal blanks, qunrlor sheet, por O, D nnd M
Lega( blanks, olghthsueot, por O.Diwul M
Separate bids will also be received for
publishing dollnauent tax list, notices, nnd
commissioner's proceedings, as follows:
Por lino, first Insortlon, nnd per lino tor
eaoh Insortlon thereafter.
ior puMiauing dounqucnt tax list, per
lino first Insortlon. nnd nor lino rm-onnii m.
sorttou thereafter.
For printing bar dockets, each opening.
Tho board rosorves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Accepted blddor to give bond for faithful
performance of contract.
Dated nt Dakota Oity, Nob, Nov ). 1H.
County Clerk.
Heating and
Gas Fitting
Estimates Cheerfully
Furnished. All work
Dakota Cltr, Neb.
W,.,n? v"7 0,lr1bank "8 """! l-o superior Service-absolute Safety
Warm Weloorao henyou would Oouip "Smile Also."
uuu lueaBou depositors swo.ir
its really time you linow.
he Mid-West Bank
i cortillentof-
A. Ira Davis
Phone us at Homer, Nebr.,
I Emerson Nebraska I
important southern resorts and cities. The trenernl
braces tours of the South, going
including Washington, D C. Burlington Serv ce via St Louis,
Kansas City or Chicago.
Descriptive rate leaflets and literature Will be furnished upon
application. '
TO CALIFORNIA Arrange to join one of the Burlington's
Personally Conducted Tourists Sleeping Car Parties to Southern
California via the All Year Route, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake;
they form one of the most successful features of the Burlington's
passenger service.
'Eight Routes to the Pacific Coast.'
'Personally Conducted California Parties.'
'Winter Excursions.' Beaatifully illustrated publications of
southern railroads and resorts available on request.
liii fHfffrfi f f T
The World's Phones
More than 646 of all the world's telephones are
in the United States. There were, on January 1,
X913, exaotly 8,729,592 telephones in operation in the
United States and only 4,841,282 in all the rest of
the world.
Here are the latest telephone statistios:
Population r Telephones of
Country (Estimated (Jan. 1st, World's
1913.) 1913.) Telephones
United atate 97,402,000 8,729,092 64.32
Germany 60,000,000 1,302,672 9.60
Great Britain 46,123,000 738,738 5.44
Franco 39,01C,C00 293,195 2.16
Sweden,......, 5,604,000 217,544 1.60
Allj.oiher nations.. 1,480,000,000 2B9,i3Z 16.88
The wonderful telephone development has heen
built up in the United States because the people
hero get the most efficient telephone service in the
world and get it at a less cost than the people of any
other nation.
Prize Offers from.Leading Manufacturers
Book on patents. "Hints fpjnvcntors." "Inventidns needed:"
"Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for1
search of Patent Office records. Ourjttr., Greeley was formerly.
Acting Commissioner of Patents, and os'such had fulKchargeiof
the U. S. Patent Office.
fro) j
Sioux City, Iowa
BY, not at, our bank.
Snfo ns n Govern
ment Bond"
Ed T. Kenrnoj,
Safe depooit vaulkEleotria protection
Dan F. Sheehan
No. 222, Line GG,
or write us (j
Winter Tours
Tourists fares
are in effect to
plan em-
one route and returning another.
Assistant Immigration Agent
1004 Ftirnani St. Omalin, Nob.