w DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. il .1 if YlJF w ir Neutral. "Can't ya give a poor old soldier o dlmo?" whined the panhandler. "1 Just come over from flghtln' fcr Franco and I ain't gotta cent to my name.'' "Sorry, old man," said Dlnglebat, with a deep Blgh. "I'd llko to help you out, hut in these delicate moments I must adhere to our national pollc) and dccllno to give aid to bolllgor chts." Judge. .A GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMEN r, Wmw& Mr. F. C. Case. Mr. F. C. Case of Welcome Lake, Pa., writes: "I suffered with Back- ache and Kidney Trouble. My head ched, my sleep was bioken and un- refreshing. I folt heavy and Bleepy after meals, was always nervous and tired, had a bitter tasto In my mouth, was dizzy, had floating specks beforo my eye, was alwojs thirjty, had a dragging sensation across my loins, difficulty in collecting my thoughts .and was troubled with short ness of breath. Dodds Kidney Pills nave cured mo of theso complaints Dodds Kidney Fills have dono their work and dono it well. You aro at liberty to publish this letter for the benefit of any sufferer vho doubts the merit of Dodds Kidney Pills." Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at jour dealer or Douds Mndlcine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Household Hints, Dainty Recipes; also music of National Anthem. All 3 sent free. Adv. Not Yet Due. Fashionable Rector Of course, you are praying for peace, Brother Milly uns? Richest Parishioner Well, no! My daughter is engaged to a count who is on the firing line. At last reports ho was still alive. Puck. FOR SKIN-TORTURED BABIES. A hot bath with Cutlcura Soap fol lowed by a light application of Cut! cura Ointment, gently rubbed on the surface, afford lmmedlato relief and point to speedy healment of sleep-destroying eczemas, rashes, itchlngs, burnings, scalings and crustlngs of the skin and scalp of Infants and chil dren, bringing rest to worn-out, anx ious mothers and peace to distracted households. For free sample each with 32 p. Skin Book, address postcard Cu tlcura, Dept. X, Boston. Sold every where. Adv. WHTSPF!?IN(ir TIWnillrfT ihn W ffi wvC WJSSMjisUtiKmmi iSSIS'Cr!r" ' v.'MPswKVt. , t Sir Rufus Isaacs. Sir Rufus Isaacs Is the first man of the Jewish race ever to hold tho office of lord chief justice of England. Beaconsfleld was a Jew, but the office that he held was that of prime minister. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a Bafo and sure remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it Tlnnra llio Signature of OSzAMM In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Beyond Dispute. "Which bullet do you consider tho deadliest?" "The one that hits." VOCIt OWN DJSCGOIST TVIIX TKLT. YOU Try Murine Kyo ltemcdy for lied. Weak, Watory Uyes and Granulated Kyelldbt No Smarting Just Kyo coinfort. Wrlto for liook of tbe Ke bj null Free. Murlno Kyo IlciueJy Co., Chicago. A popular love song is entitled "If I But Know." If either ho or she did know, the parson might be shy anoth er fee. Sioux City Directory IfJlro DEVELOPING IkOaaiiS and PRINTING 8end for Catalogue and Finishing Price List. ZIMMERMAN BROTHERS, 60S Pierce St.. SiouCity, It FOB 11EST BEIIVICE 8IIIP RICE BROTHERS Live Btock Commission Merchants at SIOUX CITY. Chicago or Xanana City SHIP YOUR LIVE STOCK TO Sioux City Live Stock Commission Companj Capital frCfJ nfld fin SIOUX CITY, IA. Stock OOU.UUUiUU inu rh 1637, bh 9M Let us know II you aro In need of market reports. Wo mill mall tod Lire Btock Becord f reo of charge. PHOTO SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Bett Developing and Printing at Popular Prices. F. D. HENNESSEY, 510 FIFTH STREET, SIOUX CITY, I0W4 THE MARTIN HOTEL ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 2BOROOMS RATES SI.OO AND UP. Frank's Cafe 'Tho best place to eat in Sioux City. Established 1006 416-418-420 Pierce Street Standard Sanim Go. PMH ofSlomClly, la, jJwKH55 Manufacturers of POTENT AN TI-HOG CHOLERA SERUM Auto. Phono 2324. Old 2400 STOCK VAHDS SIOUX CITY. IOWA DEFIANCE STARCH is constantly growing in favor because it Does Not Stick to tire Iron and it will not injure the finest fabric. For laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 ox. package 10c. 1-3 more starch for same money DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha. Nebraska Highest Cash Prices Paid For CHICKENS, VEAL, CREAM WRITE FOR SPECIAL PRICE LIST. THE R. E. COBB CO.. 14. 3rd Street. St. Paul, Minn. SOMETHING 'USEFUL FOR XMAS SBOia at me dmi etorci matt erprvwhera If rour dealer can nut tOUIlLAUllCri aiaUtyon llluitrttled - lumcruuuui'ii- I , K. WATEK3I AN Coffl'A N JIB l""iir v r t Vurk Watrfiivri Idezvl WESTERN CANADA'S OFFER IS AMERICA'S OPPORTUNITY TRAINED HORSE A NUISANCE 4 HE war correspondents of 1898 wrote columns of matter about tho heroes of Santiago who cllrrfbed on the- embankments in front of tho fighting men and wigwagged sig nals to tho fleet on tho other side of tho enemy. Wigwag went tho flags by day spelling out orders and informa tion, and wigwag went the lanterns ' by night spelling out more informa tion and orders. In fact, wigwag ging was about tho only method of communication with tho friends on tho other side of the enemy. Homing pigeons have been used from tlmo im memorial, and they also were used at Santiago. Today a different condition exists. As the Ger mans were sweeping down on Paris tho operator in Eiffel tower whispered through tho very air tho Germans were breathing to convey information to St Petersburg or Petrograd. The swish of tho wireless was unstoppable Tho Spaniards shot down tho American signal men on tho embankments in front of Santiago, but the rifle bullets from the Germans could not interfere with tho wireless mossago as it went on its way. Ono of tho most wonderful developments of tho wireless telegraphy camo at tho opening of tho Eu ropean war when it became possible to talk all tho way from Berlin to Long island. Germany talked across tho British fleet to her own ships sailing the Atlantic and warned them of the sudden tremor Tho only way to stop the wireless was to do stroy tho operator and he was thousands of miles away. In our last war wires were stretched all over the fields back of tho fighting men. Dis patchers carried word from colonel to general whero thoro had not been tlmo to string tho wires. In this war wires, too, have been Btretched on tho fields, pigeons still have carried messages, dispatchers have galloped back and forth, but in addition to all these messengers of war the fight ers all depended more, on tho invention, of Mar coni, tho great wireless telegraph. Tho wireless telegraph has proved Its value right on the field of battle. The man in tho front ranks, op tho outpost miles from the headquarters, could place himself in instant communication with his chief. The wireless telegraph made it posri ble for a German soldier lighting his way through Belgium to talk to a German soldier defending Alsace. It made it possible for a soldier at Brus sels to shout news of victory back to Berlin with out an Instant's delay. It made it possible for tho French and British to keop in communication with each other ami map out a now lino of defense when the Germans were hurling their mighty hosts against them. Marconi had already mado himself famous be fore the war broke out. His Invention was one of tho greatest boons tohumanlty becauso it saved lives aboard ship in tlmo of sea horror. It brought rescue to tho distressed and expedited shipping. From an instrument of humanity and peace It sprang to an instrument of war and ter ror. Llko tho pigeon or dove, tho personification of peace, it becamo an instrument of war. Perhaps next to tho wireless stations, tho most efficient messengers of war are tho homing pig eons. Theso birds, the wisest of their kind, aro employed to great advantage in English, French, German, Austrian, Italian, Russian and Japanese armies. Military authorities hold thoro Is no bet ter means for small detachments to communlcato with their headquartors nor could they want hot ter. On tho fields of Europe tho flights of tho birds aro in most instances so short that they do not have to stop for a rest, thus preventing the mes sages from falling into the hands of the enemy. A pigeon in its flight soars so high it is almost invisible to tho naked eye, thus it necessitates tho uso of high powor guns to bring it to tho ground. And any man who ever makes such a uhot can woll call It a miraclo. Tho king of England and tho emperor of Ger many, as woll as other rulers of European nations, have their own flying kits, and In tlmo of peaco thoy enter their birds in races with birds belong ing to their subjects. Tho crowned heads deem this royal sport. A bird equippod for flying with a message is encased in a bottlellko tube, the shape of its body. A spy puts his message in his pocket, proceeds on his mission, quickly writes his dlscovories on small bits of paper and places them in a tubo wz&z&j ssmrorrMT 2ZrtJtw;2v:j: 1 bound tight to tho bird's legs. Releas ing the bird, his message is started to Its destination with a speed that only wireless or tele graph can rival. Messages can bo fastened to birds in various ways, around tho tail feathers, under a wing, about the leg or secretly marked by plucking a cer tain feather, the painting of certain feathers and ninny jWGjsr-wrfKRi?- VmZJ$ CPmZR3tt2Wf$J&SB$J? tho lofts at Durban and Piotermarltzburg and in view of tho groat servlco which thoy performed it Is of more than passing notice. Tho dumb mes sengers were used in tho signal sorv(lce of this country during tho war with Spain. In tho French army aro more than thrco hundred thousand trained pigeons nnd moro than six hundred thou sand In tho postal sorvlco which can bo utilized in timo of war. Germany has moro than two hundred and fifty thousand well trained fliers and it, too, has its pigeon pqsta that can be utilized by tho government. During tho Russo-Japancso war an automatic camera was fastened about tho breast of a pigeon and accurately timed to mako photographs In tho air. Whon a homer Is released, It riBos rapidly into tho air, flying In 'largo circles, apparently getting its bearings. After rising several hundred feet it will clrclo to a point directly abovo tho place whenco It wns released, then dart in a straight lino toward its homo, bearing tho Important docu ments to its government. A pigeon cannot bo trained to fly to any point, but it can bo trained to be taken hundreds of miles from Its homo, ro leasod on battlo flolds mid return to its original homo with great hasto. Tho pigeons woro almost displaced by tho invention of wireless telegraphy, but a bird can bo carried easily whero a w i r o 1 o s s outfit would prove too bulky and could never bo taken. A spy can roleaBo a pigeon in tho raqo of the enemy whon vrnn I 47 , other equally ingenious contrivances. Messages aro often reproduced by photography upon films reduced to the smallest possible size which tho birds carry and which weigh tho moro fraction of an ounce. Recently thero appeared an account of the cap ture of a German spy. Ho was riding on a train in Belgium. Tho spy noticed that ho was under surveillance nnd hurriedly wroto the Information he had In his possession and released his winged messongor from the window of the train. Tho spy was captured, but tho messago could not bo stopped. Theso messengers of war sometimes aro called carrier pigeons. Thoy aro not. Carrier pigeons lack tho Instinct that enables tho homers to re turn to their cote. Carrier pigeons aro only for tho purpose of display at pet ttock shows. Many nations have established pigeon posts, whero birds aro trained to fly from ono city to another, or .from ono island to another. Thoy aro much faster than train or steamboats and a messago is much safer in their caro. ) They aro numbered today as ono of tho most deadly mes sengers of war. The first news of tho siege of Ladysmith, dur ing tho Boer war, was carried by homing pigeons. The pigeons used at Ladysmith wore taken from ho could not daro to try wireless, with j little , risk to tho bird. Tho messengers aro truly birds of war, not peace. SEIZED A GERMAN MEAL Incidents of soldier life In tho fighting zone aro read eagerly in London. How a small party of British cavalry cheated somo Germans of tholr supper is told in the following words: "A small party woro out on roconnoissanco work, scouring woods and searching tho country side. Just about dusk a hall of bullets camo upon our party, from a small spinney of fir trees on tho sldo of a hill. Wo instantly wheeled off as if wo were retreating, but, In fact, wo moroly pretondod to retire and galloped around across plowed land to the other sldo of tho spinney, fired on tho men and they mountod their horses and flow llko light ning out of tholr 'supper room,' leaving a finely cooked repast of beefsteak, onions and fried pota toes all ready and dono to a turn with about fifty bottles of lager beer, which was an acceptable rel ish to our meal. Ton of our men gavo chaxo and returned for an excellent feed." Tho same writer gives an account of a spoech of an old French squire, a rotirod general, who on tertalned tho troops at his houso. Ho Bays: "Tho old gentloman's two daughtors helped to wait on tho men, and after tho meal was over tho gonoral said: " 'My doar comrades, lot mo so call you. it is an old soldier who fought against Prussia forty- four years ago. I was then a captain ot cuirua slors who wolcomes you to his house with a heart full of emotion and in a volco trembling with sympathy and thick with tears, You honor mo by this visit. In tho mdst of all your trials and privations you have a soldlor's heart and colirago and choorfulnoss. By your wounds I know your sufferings. You seo mo old, but I am active and glad to bo honorod by your sharing such as I can offer you. Franco can novor repay the debt sho owes to England for giving to ub her best nnd bravest sons. My father was killed in tho war of 1870 at tho battle of Sedan.' "It was a plcturo to see tho grand old veteran, with faltering volco, strike tho men's hearts by tho first pbraso, 'My dear comrades,' but when ho raised his glass and gavo "Tho king and quoen of England' tho men stood up nnd tears chased each othor down their cheeks. Then tho parish priest said a fow kind wordB of wolcomo and Invited tho party to attend bonodlction In tho little church which adjoins tho park of tho general. This was a happy thought, for Protestants, Episcopalians and Presbyterians Joined with Catholics in a sol emn service of dovotlon under circumstances which show how easily, under stress of trial and adversity, tho barriors of class and creed fall down." GROW GRAINS IN WESTERN CAN- ADA, ENJOY AN EXCELLENT CLIMATE AND MAKE MONEY. With tho European wheat Holds desolated, and tho farming popula tion moro thnn decimated, thero will bo for n number of years a demand for food products that has not been ex perienced In tho memory of tho pros cnt generation. Evoryono rogrets the horrlblo war thnt has brought this about. Its effects nro felt not only In Europe but In every part of tho American continent Many linos of business have boon hurt, but only temporarily It Is hoped. Financial stringency Is being talked of There Is a way of overcoming theso things; and Western Canada offers tho solu tion In Its Immense agricultural area, whon tho possibility of retrieving losses, mnklng assured gains, and at tho same tlmo becoming a factor in providing tho world with tho ono great requisite wheat 1b so pro nounced that it cannot bo overlooked Thoro nro soveral ways In which excellent farming lands can bo se cured In tho provinces of Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta, and also British Columbia. In tho first placo tho offer of the Dominion Government of ICO acres of land free to tho settlor Is something not given by any other country. Con dltlons of sottlomont nro easy. Live upon tho land six months In each year, for a nerlod of thrco years, cultivate about thirty acres, and erect a habit ablo houso. Instead of cultivation, tho Ucoplng of a certain number of head of cattlo will carry with It tho samo valuo. Many of theso home steads may bo had in tho open pralrla area, whero every aero can bo put under cultivation, but to tho man with limited means, In tho park area, lying north of tho central portion of three of tho provinces named, thoro Is af forded tho best chance. In UiIb park country nro beautiful groves of poplar and willow, small lakes and streams, and sufficient open area to enablo ono to go into lmmedlato cultivation for crops of wheat, oatB, barloy nnd flax any ono of which docs wonderfully woll, giving prolific yields. In duo tlmo when moro land Is required for cultivation, theso groves may bo cut down at small cost. In tho meantime however, thoy have been valuable in providing fuel nnd shelter for cattlo. which thrlvo wonderfully on tho wild grasses that grow In nbundnnco. Another plan is to purchaso from somo of tho rnllway companies who hold largo tracts, or from somo re sponsible land company. Tho prices asked art exceedingly low nnd the terms eafcy. Whether ono may decide to locate In tho open pralrlo area or in tho park country tho land will be found to bo of tho samo general tox- turo, a rich black or chocolato colored loam on a clay subsoil. Again attention Is drawn to tho fact of tho great opportunities for farming that aro offorcd in Western Canada Already a number of holders of tructs of land thero, who nro residents of tho United States business mon, mer chants, lawyers, bankers mon of fore- r sight and keen knowledgo of busi ness, havo decided to cultlvato tho lands they havo been holding for speculation and wait no longer for it buyer to turn up. Thoy nro acting wisely. Canadian laws aro as fair and Just as can bo found In tho civilized world Military servlco is not compulsory, nor Is thoro ono ounco ot coercion used. Anything that is given to Great Britain .whether In money or men is entirely voluntary. Thero Is no draft ing nor conscription of any kind. Al ready over sixty thousand of the young mon of Canada havo volun teered for servlco, and thlrty-flvo thousand havo gono forward, many of theso having loft their farms in tholr lovo for Great Britain nnd a desire to fight for tholr country. As a conse quence, many farms may bo loft un filled. Therefore Canada Invites oth ers to coma in and take their places This then Is tho opportunity for the American who wishes to hotter his own condition, Advertisement British Officer's Experience Shows That It Is Not Always Wloo to Teach One Tricks. It Is not always wlso to teach a horse to play tricks, as this story, told by Gen. Sir Robert Badcn-Powoll in Pearson's Magazine, proves. John Leech's Inimitable circus borso that insisted on sitting down with his rldor whonovor ho heard a band play, is tho prototypo of a horso of mino, which, In a weak moment, I had taught to rear up and "salaam" whenever I leaned forward to mako a bow. It was all very protty when I waB out riding and mot any lady of my ac quaintance, but it becamo an infernal nulsanco when I wns odt pig sticking. I would lean forward to meet tho rush of a charging boar with my spear up would go tho silly beast on end, Just at the moment when his safety ' depended on my taking a truo and deadly aim with my spoar point Tho consequence wns that his hind legs showed many scars from boars' tusks, and ho was lucky that ho did not ond his career with his belly ripped open. I had, too, nt ono tlmo, a fine, but somewhat nervous charger. One day, on a parade, my mount suddenly gavo way with me, and quietly lay down. I thought for tho moment bo was ill, but, on rousing him, ho Immediately sprnng to his fcot again, qulto fit nnd well. A week or two lator, when rid ing with a friend, wo stopped for a moment to ndmlro tho vlow, when down ho went again, It was evident to me that ho had been trained to Ho down at a given signal, but I never could discover for tho llfo of me what that signal was. Words and Deeds. An ominent bishop wns advocating a moro liberal loosening of tho purso strings, nnd during a sermon ono day told his congregation that ho at one tlmo sont an, article to a paper, in which ho said: "Wo pray too loud and work too littlo." Tho intelligent compositor did a most satisfying Job nnd when it ap peared it read: "Wo bray too loud and work too lit tlo ." "I lot it go at that,'" said tho bishop. "Tho fact is, I bollovo tho printer was right, and I novor vontured to corroct him." National Monthly. SK womon aro taking up tho agricul tural courses in tho Wisconsin Stato university. Possibly the Truth, but "I understand you wero punished in school yestordny, Thomas7" Baid Mr. Bacon to his twelve-year-old boy. "Yes, sir," promptly replied the truthful Thomas. "It was for telling the truth, sir." "Your teacher said it waB for some reflection you mado on her ago." "That's tho way sho took it, fa thor. You seo, Bho drow a plcturo pt a basket of oggs on tho blackboard, and whllo sho was out ot tho room I Just wroto under thorn: "Tho lion that mado theso eggs isn't any chicken." Backache Spells Danger Do you know that your bad back may bo merely a hint ot tomo hidden, deep seated kl'Jni-y dleorderT Ccnsui record how that deaths from kidney disorders havo Increased 72 In 20 yeara. Feopla can't aeem to realize that the first pain In the back, the flnt dleorder of tho urine, demand! Inttant attention that it may be a ilgnal ot coming rheumatism, gravel, dropiy or fatal Bright'! dliease. The belt prevention of sertoui kidney dltorderi la prompt treatment the best mcdlclno-U Doan's Kidney Pills. A South Dakota Case . "Evtrv Plctiirs 7lli a .Story" 4r aches and dl zry Mrs. W. Truxes. 100 Linn St., Yank ton, a D., says: "I found as I was Bet ting along In yean that kidney trouble was comlne on me, but I didn't pay much attention to It at first, thinking that It would pass away. Finally my feet swelled and I surrnred from a trady backache. I got restless and was troubled by head pells. When I stooped. front of me got dark. cvervthlnir In uoan'a Kiunny I'liis ria me oi an mis trouble In a short time." Get Doan's at Any Store, EOo a Box DOAN'S'VfAV F03TER.MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. A PARADOX. "Childhood presents many paradoxes," asserted tho bachelor. "What inBtanco havo you in mind?" askod the friend. "A spoiled child may bo extremely fresh." A GREAT DIFFERENCE. "You always advised against speculation?" "Yes," returned Mr. Dustin Stax. "You novor played tho market yourself?" "No, sir. I never played it. I worked it." DIGNITY OF SUPREME COURT Member of That High Body Must Maintain It Wherever He May Happen to Be. How tho Justices of tho United States Supremo court deal with any attempt at an assault upon tho con fidences of the court was disclosed to an Indiscreet young woman who was visiting at tho house of an associate Justico of the court who had known her Binco sho was a child. Sho was sitting at tho tea table ono afternoon witn tho Justico and his wlfo, and, all unconscious of any wrongdoing, be gan to talk about a .case that was awaiting tho decision of the court Tho wife of tho Justico exhibited as much alarm and distress as! though a llvo dynamite bomb had been in troduced into tho company, but sho could not catch her visitor's oyo and stop her. "I hope," said tho prattling visitor, "that you will decide it in favor of the company, because, if you don't tho prlco of the stock auntlo left mo will go down." Tho Justice froze stiff. Ho as sumed what his wlfo calls his "prls-onor-at-tho-bar manner" as ho stood up. Ho was as gravo and as stern as could bo and ho nearly scared tho young woman to death as ho said: "My dear child, you must never speak on such a subject to mo again. I am going to leave tho room now as a mark of my displeasure at tho disrespect you havo shown mo and my position, and if you aro over so thoughtless again as to refor to the business of tho court in my prosenco, I shall soo that you aro novor ad mitted to tho houso afterward."- World's Work. Mrs. Shucks Knew, "An wo wont to a big department shop," said Undo Jed, on his return homo "an wo got into ono o' thom 'oro things wot whines yo clean up to tho top wot in tarnation is their nnrao, ma?" Shop-llftors, Jodedlar," Mrs. Shucks roplled. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tho most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douchos In treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by fomlnlno ills ithas no equal. For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham Medlcino Co. has recommended Paxtino In thoir prlvato correspondence with women, which proves ita superiority. Women who havo been cured Bay, It la "worth its weight ia gold." At (lruggfsts. COo. largo box, or by mall. Tho Faxton Toilet Co,, Boston, Mass. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome oy CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely ana gently on the liver. Luro Biliousness, Head ache, Dtzzl. ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK. Genuine must bear Signature W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 49-1914. rpilE chang may be critical and cause untold x Buffering in after-life. The modern young; woman is often a "bundle of nerves" "hich strunsr'' fainting spells emotional frequently blue and I aitsaiisnea witn inc. sucn gins snotua De Helped over this distressing stage in life by a woman's tonic and nervine that has proven successful for over 40 years. 'uwuMiJaUJ"1 m Dr. PierceyFavorite Prescription Is a keen enemy to the physical wcjrknespcs . - . f I " M Tho street tramways of Franco now emnloy un army of women ns conduc tors and pointsmen. Boforo marrying a living plcturo a man should havo enough saved up to purchaso a sultablo frame Qenoviovo Clark, daughter of Speak er of tho Houso Clark, will wrlto a book on cotton. 1 1 1 KlURTERS .BBHsniaW n TT IT yym uivntv 4P jygc- ' From Girlhood rcmilarirraduatedrjhvaicianof unus carefully adtpted to work In harmony of woman . A medicine nrenared hw .experience In treating woman's diseases the most delicate femlnlnt camtltutiosv It U now obtainable in liquid oribBr-coated tablet form at the drug ttore or tend SO one-cent lrn$ for trial bos, to Buffalo. Every woman max write fully and eorfldenlUlly to Dr. l'irrce ana liitiUtl of pnyitciana and Speclnlliti ,rtLlWXpV at the Invalid!' Hold and Sorglcal Inilltote. Buffalo, iVSWpt' N. Y.amlmayte sure that hrrcaievMII receive rate- .iy,s'' iuj, conicienuoui connuennai eonnurrsiion, anu thai xperlenced medical advice will lie given tohtrftee. as' n. rimers pleasant pellets ruo I m fotalt $lomach, llvrr and bowflt, ' ' v ircnin ray Iqlait stearic to rtr"f,- aBBSB 1WJ - ' Womanhood sa ffiwt jttflM -. -Aiuia-iii a . e-fVtSati,V !J -,ii-w - --i-