, -r n rgliiru xtMmitkH,ntn,ii;rmmmftmaitam v o riAKOtA C6UNTY HBKALD; DAKOTA enY, NEBRASKA. Dakota City Grocery Fresh Groceries of all kinds and f at Prices that are Right I Just Arrived a nice lot of Shoes, Ginghams, Calicoes, Percales, Etc. Come in and get First Choice We will save you money if you trade with us. 1 V'l If you don't buy it here, how can we save it for you Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs W. L. ROSS Dakota City, Nebraska Let Me Sell You Land $im If w$0h I ', Yr"t In Nebraska and South Dakota ,J "" Sixf I t -SK? '-V. ' AW I JJJ? The best Corn and Alfalfa land in the states. I can sell at provate or public auction. I I Farms for Trade Land ranging in price from $60.00 to S 150.00 per acre. Lrist Yor Fa- WitK M E. F. Rasmussen, Auctioneer "Your Humble Servant" Ponea, Nebr. Phone 50 P. O. Box 101 ! Prize Offers from.Leading Manufacturers Book on patents '"Hints talnvehtors." "Inventions needed:;'' "Why some inventors fail."' Send rough sketch or model for1 search of Patent Office records. OurJVlr.'Creeley was formerly: Acting Commissioner of Patents, and'.as.such had full chargejo! the U. S. Patent Office. GREELEY&MclNTIRE WASHINGTON',-!)! C E8P& tTw Jl "l5wA. ffm, 4( feTT teifi o& etesmai usam n aacaa u ohm Abstracts of Title 8uo0e..o,to . Dakota County Abstractor; Bonded Abatracter J. E1ME A tlU.000 Surety Bona Guarantee, the soonrsoj of erj Abutmot I tn.kt J ar R I . 4wm j . - miw ua The Herald &U2f& One DOLLAR SPECIALS For Saturday, only, Dec. 3 FRESH MEAT 8PE0IAL8 Boat boo! boiling moat 11a lb Dost boot rib roast 17o K Dost Loin steak 25o lb Dost round otonk 23c lb Fork chops 19a lb BAV8AOE AND COLD MEAT 81'KCIALS Berlin sausage, or pressod hatu. 18o lb Minced ham 17o lb Bologna 14a lb Frankfort sausugo 14o lb Livor sausago, ICo, or 2 lb for, 2Go lb SMOKHD MEAT SPECIALS Morrolla Hams 18o and 20o lb Box Bacon 22o lb Salt pork 18o lb Extra Boloct oystors, por quart. . . 45o All this moat only. to bo sold Saturday I will also havo tho freshest lino Grocorios and Cookies in town. of Mystio flour, por stick $1.70 17 lbs sugar $1.00 All tho above goods will bo sold for spot cash only. W.F.LOREN2, Jr. Tho Gash Byntem Wins. Local Tfems Mirttsmsnismiursniwiim ml 1 T -K-' OWIWMl sssnasmumuummmfust jixrv-j- gg MHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH That's $50.00 a Week, almost $10.00 a Day Boiling Victor Safoa and lire-proof boxes to merchants, doctors, lawyers, dentists and well-to-do farmers, all ot -whom realize the need of a safe, but do not know how easy It Is to own one. Salesmen declare our proposition one of the best, clean-cut inoney-maklnK opportuni ties ovur received. Without previous experi ence YOU cnu duplicate- tho success ot others. Our 'handsomely tlliutrotect SOO-paice catalog 'Will enable you to present tho subject to cus- jou wera piloting them through, our factory. Men appoint d ua Eulemupu recelvo advice and Instructions for rrlllui: safes. rllni convincing talking poiuU v.hloh It Is Impossible for a prospective customer to deny. Why don't. YOU be tho lut to apply from your vicinity before someone else gets tho turritoryf e ct; fs,vor only ou talesman out of each locality. i nc ziin annivrrnry ni our company van wlebmud by erecting the most modsrn sad) factory In the world. Wide awake men Viho rtcelved our special selling Inilureim-nt, rendered Itnccesanry todnublu our output. W e am suenalUB many thousands ot dorian en larirltieour sales urbanization, but to learn all particulars, It will coat you only the price of a postal card. Our NW Homo. Ctpaoliy 20,000 ( Aiwuklly. Ask for Catalogue 16T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK GO. cromii, mh ' A son camo to tho Eugono O Wilcox homo in South Sioux Oity Saturday. Mound City Paints and. Varnishes prosorvo and beautify JJnKota taty Fharmaoy. Frof O Jacobsou spent his Thanks giving vaoation noar Sloan, Towa, nt tho homo of a brother. M M Itoam and O R Judd and their wives, of Sioux City, woro Sunday visitors at tho Frank Broyhlll homo. John Kramper, ono of tho well-to-do farmers of tho west part of tho county, was a business in this plaoo Monday. M O Ayres roturnod Sunday from a trip to Oalifornia and Oregon. Ho was accompanied homo by his son Ed gar. Miss Beulah Barnott was a visitor at Wayno Thanksgiving day with RIibb Ethel Patterson, former telophone operutor in this place. Dakota Oity Pharmaoy has added n full lino of magazines and perodioials. Will tako subscriptions for anything in this line. Dolivorios mado promptly David Clapp, of Kindorhook, N Y, who has boon horo on a montbB visit at tho homo of his paronts, Mr and Mrs W H Olapp, departed Monday evening for his home. Mrs Mary It MoBoath returned Mon day from u several days visit with her daughter, Mrs G ILBeat, who is in a sanitarium at Oakdale, Iowa. She left hor daughter much improved. Our most popular clubbing offer this year is Tho Youth's Companion and The Herald for only $2.50. The regular prioo is $3.00. Savo CO cents by subscribing now bofore tho offer is withdrawn. W A Niomoyer, bailiff, and Herman Biorman aad John B Evans), jurymen in tho federal court at Omaha, oumo homo last Thursday, court having ad journed for tho week. They roturnod to Omaha again Monday. Wm W Armour and Alexander H Baker, two of Dakota county's oldest and best citizens, took their loavo Tuesday for Oalifornia, whero they will spend tho winter with relatives, tho former at Los Angeles, nrnl tho latter at San Diego. Tho ladies of tho M E church will hold a bazar and servo supper tit the Masonio hall Friday, Decomber 1th, Thero will bo aprons and fancy ar ticles for sale. Wait until after the sale bofore purchasing the Xraus pres ents you had planned for your friends. Mrs Margaret Long, n former resi dent of this county, died Monday at tho homo of hor prrauddaURhtois, MissoB Beatrioeand Margaret Nordyke, at Allen, Nebr. Hor death resulted from heart failuro. The doooasod wo man resided in this locality for many yoars und loaves many friends hero who deploro her death. Rev J Grows, a former M E pastor in this place, but now living at Ben son, Nebr. entered a pen of Wyan dotte onocookerel and four pullets in tho Douglass county poultry show last week, and oarried off first prize for tho pen Ho got his start in Wyan dotts from Lowis Blanohard's poultry yards in this county, which goes to show that Dakota county can supply good chickens as well as the best in corn and other grains. What might havo proved a disas trous fire, if tho wind had been blow ing from tho north, ooaured horo last Thursday morning at ubout 0 oclook. A barn on tho lots in tho roar of tho tolcphono ofllco was disoovored ablazo at that oarly hour by mombors of tho R E Evans family, who gavo tho alarm. Tho voluntoor ilro deportment wus soon on tho ground, but tho fire had gained suoh headway that all thoy could do was to keep it confined to tho ono building, whioh thoy did with lit tlo troublo, owing to tho fact that littlo or no wind was stirring. Tho barn bolonged to R E Evans, and was used by his son, John B Evans, as a storo room for his farm machinery, oto. Tho orign of tho flro is unknown, al though many surmise thut it was caused by "hdboos" who havo beon making a practico of sleeping in tho loft whero several tons of hay woro stored. Mr Evans carried insurance to tho amount of $120 on tho barn, and his eon had $400 on the maohinery toroa thoroi Tho Hornld 1 year, $1. Atty Goo Learner wns in Pohon on business TiiesdrtV uight. Lowis Oooloy was down from Wake Hold a couploof days last wook, Miss Ncllio Flommiug was a weok end visitor with relatives nt Laurel. Kido Roam was down from his farm near Wtitorbnry a Oouplo of days this wook. F F HnsHo of Emerson,' was a visitor at tho homo of his paronts in this plaoo Sunday. S W Foltz and family drovo to Hin ton, Iowa and spoilt Thanksgiving with rolativos. Mrs L G Evorcst of South Sioux Oity, was a Tuesday night gncst of Mrs R L Brovhill. Tho I O O F lodgo enjoyed an oystor supper, following thoir regular meet ing Monday ovoning, Mrs F M Bolton and ohildrou, of Sioux Oity woro Thanksgiving guests at tho F II Forrest homo . S T Fnum wont to Ponca last Thursday to roforoo tho Ponoa-Sonth Sioux City football gamo. Now cottago in South Sioux Oity for salo at a bargain. D S Marker, 405 Fourth street, Sioux Oity. Mrs Mollio Broyhill nntl sou Harry woro visitors at tho A J Nordyko homo in Sioux City Thanksgiving day. A sou was bom to Er and Mrs Bort Miller of Lioux,Oity, Nav 10th. Thoy resided in this plaoo n ffiw yoars ago. MiB Gruco Kayton. toaohor of tho seventh und eighth grades, spent her Thanksgiving vaoation at Lyons, Nob. Davo Fair went hor, wifo and son, of Otiorokoe, Iowa, wero Thanksgiviug guests hero at tho homo of Mr Fair weather's sister, Mrs O E Doolittlo. F MoKornan ot Sioux Oity, brother ot "Doo" McKornnn of f'is plaoo, ib conlluod in tho Sioux 0 y dotontion hospital with a bad enso of smallpox. Tho following letters remain un claimed in tho Dakota postnflloo for tho month ending Novum bor 80, 1914: Miss Ida Barrett, M Wilcox. John H Roam, Postmaster A turkey dinner will bo given by tho ladieB of tho Eastern Star to tho Ma sons und thoir friends in tho bunqiiet hall ot tbn MaBonio lodgo, in Dakota City Thursday ovoning of next wook; Frank Sides and Fred Sahriovor went to Lincoln Sunday afternoon to tako up their univorsity work nftpr spending tho Thanksgiving vacation at home. Kozy Studio, Fourth and Douglas streets, Sioux Oity, is making Xmas photoB until Decomber 25 only, at fol lowing prices: $8.00 photos for $ft,50. $6.00 photon for $2 50. Wo guaranteo our work, Wo mako nil sizes. No roduotion after Dooombor 25, Ohas T Barto camo down from Wnketlold on business last Friday, and wnstakon with a slight paralytic stroke at his houso in tho east part of town whero ho was batching. Friends looked after him until Monday, when his wifo camo down from Wakefield and took him home. Work on Iho well of tho water plant which is boing installod horo was re sumed this weok, aftor a soyorul days lay off on aooount of trouble with tho well casing. Fairly good progress iB now boiu made, and tho system may yot bo instullod boforo winter if tho weather remains good. It is reported hero that John Millor, who laBt your movod to Boyd, Minn, haB sold his belongings thero and moved to California to reside. ' Sam Nelson, who accompanied him to Min nesota, is looking nftor what property Mr Millor left on tho pluco he had rented and not dispoeod of. Xmas photos at a big reduction, I am going to make tho reduction in prices to advertise and increaso my business boyond any provioUB year, all work guaranteed or monoy rofund od. Now is tho timo to havo Xmas photos mado, no roduotion aftor Xmas. Do Luxo Studio, 405 Fourth stroet, Sioux City. Tho board of county commissioners at a speoial meeting held last Friday, decided to not fight tho collodion by tho stato of tho insano account whioh had boen standing sinoo 1802. Prac tically every coutnty in tho stato has effected it settlement ou tho basis of paying theprincipal tbeBtatoagroe ing to throw off tho intorcst. In Da Lota county's cuso tho principal amounts to $1,842.24, and tho interest to $3 057 70. Luther Smith, an old Dakota county boy, und a brother of Elmer Bruith of thix place, wus a visitor hero the first of tho wook witli his brother. Ho had just roturnod from Oalifornia whore ho wont a fuw yors ago to soolc a now location, fie says the olimatb and surroundings iu tho far west aro sim ply line, hut that a mun cannot livo on thut aloue, henco liis roturn to Nebra ska. He has n proposition to locato in Winnebago iu tho butcher business. Tho moving picture bIiow, which by tho way is still showing to good houses Tuesday Thursday and Saturday nights has put on a doll contest for tho littlo tots girls up to four or flvo yoors of ago. Tho ono rooeiving tho groatest number of votes will bo given u hand some doll for Christmas. If thoso ontoring tho contest will furnish tho manager ot tho show with a photo of thoir girl ho will havo a pioturo made to throw on tho soroon ouch show night with tho number of votes receiv ed. District court is still in soBsiop, tho inry roporting for duty Monday, whon tho dumugo cuso of Bon Krauso against Potor Kautz, u saloon koopor of Homer was taken up. Krauso is aoting as guardiau for Lizzio ivunzi, un insano person, whoso fatbor was Killed, in a runaway uccidont on tho reservation whilo nndor tho influence ot liquor, about two yoars ago. Kautz is being suod tor $10,000 damages for Boiling liquor to Kunzi, It is expected tho oaso will go to tho jury tonight (Wed nesday), Tho next cuso to bo taken up is tho cuso of tho stuto against Goorgo KimoH, ohargod with holding up and robbing Frunk Bresko, of Wis consin, as thoy woro crossing tho com bination bridgo to South Sioux Oity, An Open Letter from Senator H. P. Shumway Wakefield, Neb, Nov, 27, 1011. 1 wish to thank you ono and nil for tho friendship and support you so gen orously gavo mo during my campaign for Stato Sonator Two of mv children nio attonding tho Stato University. Wo woro for tunalo in ronting a furnished houso and Mrs Shuciway will keop houso for us. I will havo to bo in Douvor Bot tling up my brother's ostato until tho legislature oonvonoBl when I will Join thorn at Lincoln, Thero "our latoh string lianas out", and o givo you nil a aorilinl invitation, that it you visit Lincoln, como nnd soo us at 2210 Sheridan Blvd If I can bo of onv sorvico to tou plotBtf command, luul I would liko to roooivo sutrpnstions regarding legis lation. Very respectfully vonts. II. P. Shumway. No Fake War News IN Sioux City Journal DurinR tho prosent European Wnr you want facts not rumors, Tho Sioux Oity Journal receives Both Day and Night roports of tho most rolinblo uowB-gathoring organization on tho faoo of tho globe Tho Assoclatod I'rosB. This organization has its staff mon iu all tho capitols of Europe Its obiof conoorn is to soud facts, not rumors. It f eokB to mako cortain that its dispatches aro authentic boforo thoy uro pl"od on tho wires. Tho ' o of Tho Journal at all timos is t .vrt its readers tho faots uot to mi .o.(l thorn, with falso, dis tressing and unconfirmed report and it will ndhoro to that polioy dur ing tho prosent course of ovonts in Europo. Tho Journal, in rcooivlng both Doy and Night Associated PresB Reports, gives its roudors n twenty-four hour sorvico, In publishing Motning, Evouiug and Sunday Editions, Tho Journal is propared to givo a sorvico that cannot be equaled by that ot anv othor nowspaper in this sootion. The Sioux City Journal Morning Evening Sunday SIOUX CITY, IOWA Phenomenal Bargain. Wo havo boon fortuunto iu making arraugomonts whioh onablo us to ofilor you a year's subscription to Former and Uroodor and tho Herald for only $1.00. This is un unusual bargain; tako advantngo of it TODAY. Your subscription to Farmor and Breodor mean Hint vnu are ontitlpd tn frpn consul . 1. 1 n an In hiri I S iu Dopnrtmout of Farmer und Breodor upon any quosilon pertaining to farm ing and stock raising during tho torm of your subscription to that magazine This sorvico alono is worth tho prioo wo ask for both publications. Lot us havo your ordor NOW. PaporB sont to difforont addresses if dosired. ABOUT VAIIMER AND UltEKDKU, Farmer nnd Breodor is pro-eminont-ly a magazino of farm and stook faots. It shows oxaotly how to do tho things tho way thoy aro being dono by tho most successful farmers and brooders. It gives oloar, DEFINITE and intelli gent explanations of farm mothods and systems. It is broad and varied in scopo nnd gives you ideas, plans, and methods that you oan Bupply at onoo and put dollars in your pookots. A Dollar for a Daily by mail from now until April 1, 1015, giving you all tho wur news ttoth from tho sent of troublo, through tho big press associations and spooil sorvico. Political affairs aro indopo jontly treat ed as tho papor is not tiod up with any intorests. Next wiuor'ri legislature will bo fully reported in the intorests of tho taxpayers of Nobrasku. Mar kets, spooiul urtioles and a vigorous polioy mako this tho paper you Bhould read. This is tho lowest priced daily in the stato at this out prior, nnd peo ple who havo boen getting along with out a daily oan now afford ono. Try it. Tho paper will stop whon tho timo is up, Send your ordor direot to Lincoln Daily Nows. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application, ut they cannot reach tho dls. cased portion ct the car. Thero la only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies, neatness Is caused by an inflamed condition ot tha mucous lining- ot tho Eustachian Tube. When this tuba Is Intlnmed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed, neat ness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nlno cases out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any com of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, a Bold bv Druxirlsta. foe. Take Hall's Family l'Uls for constipation. R R Time Table C, St. P., M.ft O. Trains loavo Dakota City at tho fol loving timo : WOllTU HOUND BODTH HOUND G:2Gpm Omaha 7:58 am 10:10 am Omaha 12.32pm 4 :08 pm Norfolk f8 :38 am 10:87 am Norfolk t&:18 pm 7 :8ft am . . . .NowcobUo . . . . 10 :10 am 1:82 pm " ...."5:50 pm daily oxcopt Sunday, f do not stop SUNDAY TUAINB 12 :18 pm Omaha 2:80 am 4:08 pm...... Norfolk 8:88 am 9:87 am Norfolk 5:18pm C B& Q OUTU No. 91 Looal Froighf 7:16 am 17 " Passenger.. 12:58 pro NOHTH No. 92 Looal Froight 2 :25 pm 10 Looal PaBBongor..G :00pm dally. daily oxoopl Sunday. ADVERTISERS ty v Are In Good Company Here Farm For Rent Two farms of 100 acres caoh. at Bunk of Dakota Nebr, and Mr Leo arrango for loaso, Call County, Juokson, O Keurnoy will WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THB mi im rw- m miriian iinnumniiriim- - n ST 1 7V SON'S Specials for, Saturday, Dec, 3 FW tHis Dixy Only All our best Calico nt 06Kc ycr yd Odd sizes of mens and womens Shoes up to $3.50 for $1.50 1 gal pure Apple Cider ;.35c 1 sack full Patent Flour $1.60 1 doz Eggs 28c 1 lb good Butter 30c 1 lb Armour's best Lard 14C Good Boiling meat 13C Wienies , 15C 3 cans large size Kraut 25c 3 pkgs Yeast Foam t 10c 1 lb good Coffee , 25c K lb COc Tea . 20c 4 bars Big 4 Toilet Soap ; 10c 2 pkgs Post Toasties 25c 10 dis on all men's Suits and Overcoats. Stinson's Dakota. City, Nb jra.sSc.ek. full of life and action, filled with the fire of fine inspiration and followed by 250 short stories of ndvcntuic, win mane "fteYOUFS COMPANION Better han Ever in 1915 The-, tne Family Page, a rare Editorial Page, Boys' Page, Girls' Page, Doctor's Advice, and " a ton of fun," Articles of Travel, Science, Education. From the best minds to the best minds, the best the world can produce for you and everyone in xne nome, i nere is no age CUT THIS OUT rati send It (or name of tliU twiner) wth$2.00 for Tho COMPANION for 1915, mid wc will cend Sm IX I4 E '" tnn 'twos or i riL iuni E woelu of 1014. ii'KEE T"p COMPANION HOME 1 -' CALENDAR for 101G. THFN J!10.-52 Wwkljr I.ues of l nci TUC COMPANION for 19. limit to enthusiasm for The Youth's Companion. 52 Titties a Year not 12. v Send to-day to The Youth's Com panion, Boston, Mass., for THllEC CURHENT ISSUES-FREE; SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE C. St. P. M. & O. JRy. iiiperior Train Service To Chicago via the Chicago, and North-Western Line From. Sioux City Loavo Sioux Oity. Arrive Ohioago... .Doily 4:50 pm .Daily I'M am From Omaha. Lv Omaha, daily.. 7:40a, 18:00m. 0;00p, 8:32p, 0:00p, 0.55a, 12.55ut ArOhiooRo, daily.. 8:45p, 0:4Ga, 7:84a, 11:00a, 0:30a, 11:80a, l:30p Boat and most oomploto eerioo to Ohioago. Convenient hours of ur- 1 rival. AffordH COIinnotinnn P.ilHt nnil Hnntli nmr llm Ponmi. llnnMa fl Track System between Missouri Rivor and Ohioago. Automatic Elootrio Sufoty Signals All the Way to Chicago Arrive) Ohioago iu a World Famous Passougor Terminal Exoursion Fares to Florida and South For reservation of slooping oar ucoommodations, call upon or address B. C. Buchannan, Agont, Dakota City, Nob. Q. H. MacRae, Qon, Pass's. Agt., St, Paul, Minn. Musical Burlesque Brand Naw Show EVERY WCEK Clean, CIiiij Entertainment. Eyeubody Qoeis Auk Knjboilr. LADIES' DIME MATINEE DAILY DONT 0.0 HOME 8AYINO.I I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY I'RANK DAVEY, JR. RAY M, DAVEY. Davey Bros. Tire Repair Co. 423 Water Street Sioux City, Iowa Prompt Service Satisfaction Guaranteed See Us for Sale Bills ifS