i DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. BE I II firzz ,f JMr ) 4 now UNCLE SAM FIGHT DISEASE Edward D-Clark v-, ETWEEN tlio people or tno uuiiuu aiuiH uiiu uiDuunu mm death stnnds tho government's public health service. Perhaps it will bo urged that tho great body of physicians of tho United States is the real safeguard of tho people. This is in every high sense true, but in support of tho first soemlngly wide-reaching statomont lot it bo known that tho physicians of tho public health scrvlco en gage themselves faithfully and with proved offl ciency in tho labor of prevention of which, as tho time-tried saying has it, an ounce is worth a pound of cure. Tho surgeons of tho public health service aro not only sontlncls in tho field of worfaro against disease, but they aro tho advance guard of tho soldiers engagod in tho fight Tho campaign rec ords show that on many fields by early victories they bavo m&do groat battles unnecessary. It Ib iv largo part of their duty to over com o Uio enomy on his first nppearanco, and In many instances to mako impoDsIblo his appcaranoo in tho field which lio cooks to sow with tho gorms of dlscaoo which sxo his weapons of offense. In tho popular prints ono rcadB columns of tbo ."activities of government in preparations for pos sible -war. Thoro seems to bo a delight in dread amughta and abiding Interest in battalions. Of tho Hfo-snvlng functions of tho tjuvuruuient ono reads little. Tho worlc of tho medical sorv Ico is as devoted and more dangerous than that of tbq sol dier. Tho doctor In his invos ligations, experiments and ministrations fncos death in tho tlmo Jf poaco, and in tho tlmo of war tho surgoon with tho Boldior is on tho battle Hold. There Is a living inter est in tho dally work of tho public health scrvlco of tho United States. It fB carried on for tho benefit of all tho peoplo, hundreds of thousands and perhnps millions of whom know too llttlo of tho labor in their behalf. m Tho public health sorvico of United States is a bureau of tho department of the troas ury. It falls directly within tho offlco of assistant Becro- i.j ul iuu treasury, Byron It compllshment in lines o ' LTk, d whose ac Tl known to itiSSr'Z BkirSiSP ?, Z ' W. Kerr, W. C.' . ."." " HK. inOV nm nil nfnHnnnl in WnnlilrKpfnn ..! , .. J . rious branches in all parts of tho country! Itoccntly In tho medical council thoro appeared SS .bUt c?ncIu8,V0 statement of tho man. ituTnT 0t th0 pubno honlth rvJco oTtho United States government: of'tCh0oSnH thrUB,h th0 ,,cnUh authorities of tho fitatos, tho sorvico collects data upon tho prevalence and distribution of disease, admlnls tors tatorstato quarantine, suppresses epidemics, conducts research work, maintains national nW ant no, examines Immigrants, regulates tho manu facture and salo of blologio medicinal products in interstuto traffic and furnishes medical treatment to various branches of tho government service. Officers of tho sorvice may bo assigned to duty in any part of tho world." It is the lntontion In tho present artlclo to tako up and descrlbo only ono or tho works and Holds of labor of the public health sorvico. Tho waters of Chesapeake bay and Its Inlets and tributaries form tho flnld of an enormous industry. It is from theso waters that aro taken a largo part of tho shell fish approved as a deloctablo food by thousands and perhaps millions Who novor saw salt water. How many AmorlcanB noddlug with tho approval of appotlto over their oysters on tho half Bholl know that It has been mado a matter of government concorn that tho shell fish should bo a food as feafe to tho health as It is grateful' to tho taste? It has been said that the American poople Bhow great interest in a dreadnought, a big ship built for offensive purposes, and, if it is not putting it too strongly, mainly for tho sinking of other Bhips and their crews along with thom a killing pur pose. Is it not to bo hoped that an equal if not a greater interest may ono day bo created in tho little ships of tho government wlioso only work and only purpose aro Bavlng onoB? In tho control of tho public health sorvico is a llttlo ship called tho Bratton. It benrB tho namo of a surgeon of tho sorvice who did commanding work for mnnkind in a great yellow fovor opldomlo and who laid down his llfo for humanity. The Bceno of tho Dratton's activities is on tho wa,tors of the great shell fish producing bay which washos Maryland and tho tributaries thereto, It Is ono of tho ships helping to guard the lives of ninety mil lions of peoplo. Tho work of safeguarding tho shell fish beds from pollution and thereby performing tho work of prevention at a source from which danger fre quently springs, falls In tho field of direction of Assistant Surgeon-General J. W. Kerr, "Ji charge of tbo division of scientific resoarch." To givo an idea of tho immensity of tho field of precau tion, prevention and euro coming undor tho direc tion of ono man it may bo said that Doctor Kerr's duties as sot forth in tho organization chart of tho scrvlco appear as follows: Laboratories; leprosy investigation station, Hawaii; hyglonlo laboratory, Washington, D. C; division of chomls try, zoology, pharmacology, pathology and bac teriology. Field investigations: Diseases affect ing man, pollution of streams by sowago and In dustrial wastes, rural hygleno and school hygiene. Tho services of tho good ship Ilratton are given MM; m Tf 'JiMk i tmsMxx7X!iz?is Ji-.f- auv w i -?&x.' vonnrjus n r in i ssatvSftfc. f w 1 m jfF&se&vtwa .dfe. u i? .momv&r.i smt mutant 4B jk. faXnmMlfk Mtmmm mm, tAmmmtmmmmmmw ' 'M-HWlHB I l L'?yS4 ' &af2snW ' Mm I ' IMP' mi i iimm r-'rmmtwm j&mi. rummmu' .m-m-i Iff! il i .j 'f' M?ffaH"nnMTnfOH r'SWF'i'' 1 lBTBHIiBlWIIliB ii rTTiiii JT fix X hcalth p lll . iiW V X. ohrmx -(PSPSstw x IiW X. wJ&' BBHTT'i u I X. JPEffi cjZmlS. !9HPiPIWMHHHH3HyHHHHKitBHHHLiKl m !vv Atul'" BH 1 in ijiii in -pM HRf mm: Wm ' hi Py lif WiWftBiiiJ . ef . v- mi mBm .-. -""-, AQUATIC -"----"----- t..,M4 Vivian Nlckalls, coach of tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania crow, is nego tiating with his brother, Guy Nlck alls, who coaches tho Yalo crow, for a raco botwen tho two colleges on April 3 WRESTLING -"" --,."- Johnny Dllllter has won another wrestling chamrlonshlp. What of it? That's what wo sny, what of it? Manager Jack Herman regrets thut Zbyszko has scon fit to dodgo German and Austrian bullets, for ho says tho wrestling gamo lookB good for tho winter. BASEBALL ...... ...- .-. ..... ... STRONG MAN AT PENNSYLVANIA IN BAD Rabbit Maranvlllo may go on tho stago this winter. Tho statements mado by President Gilmoro that tho Feds drow l.GOO.OOO fans during tho year in tho eight ball parks is regarded as fact. This means that each club averaged 200,000, which is not a largo average by any means. McGraw received a letter from Tilly Shafor from California intimating thero was a chnnco for him to get back into tho gamo with tho Giants next year. Tho letter mado tho Giant lead er feel very good. GOLF A Santa Barbara (Cal.) hotel adver tises it has thrco kinds of golf in con nection; probably bad, worse and worst. About January 1 tho golf bugs will lay up their tools for tho winter, tak ing them out again about January 15, howovor, for early spring practice. You can't stop 'em. Detroit Is regarded as tho almosl certain location of tho next amateui golf championship, as tho West has had but ono in tho last five meets. The Detroit course Is that regarded by Var- don as tho best in America. Mike Dorlzas, Strong Man of Pennsylvania. HORSE RACING TH JLWP 13iATrOM WfCH GUARPO PffJJCXEU7HXP&?Mtr JrATCW QT CAP OAA'ljtj to tho division of scientific re search. Dr. H. S. Camming ia in command of tho coastal work of this ship which means bo much to tho public, which porhaps knows llttlo of what is being done in its behalf. This ship a commander Is also a doctor, a surgeon and a scientist. On tho ship knowledgo Is trained aga list tho onoray. Tho Ilratton's cruises aro mado in behalf of tho wolfaro of American cltl zona nnd thoy constitute no menaco to tho coun try of nny people on earth. It is the first duty of tho Bratlon to safeguard tho oystor Industry of tho waters in which the Bhlp sails. Safeguarding tho oystor industry moans .safeguarding tho health of tho consumers of oysters and other shell flah. In 1912 a law was passed which gave Into the hands of tho pub lic health service tho work of field investigation Into tho causes of diseases affecting man, nnd tho duty of enforcing rules of Bafoty at tho sources of trouble. Undor the samo law tho serv ice was charged with tho work of tho study or .tho pollution or streams by sowago and by Industrial wastes. Tho work In connection with tho oyster industry falls within tho field of tho duties im posed upon tho scrvlco by (his law of 1912. Tho Bratton steams all through tho coast waters of tho Chosapcako, making incursions into tho Inlots, bays and tributary rivers. Under the dlroctlon of tho surgeon In charge shell fish aro takou from tho bods at all tho sources or supply. With them aro taken samples or tho water at dlt foront depths and also samples of tho material Which forms tho bed of tho coastal waters, tho bays and tho streams at tho points where tho test Is to bo applied. ' Bacteriological and chomlcal examinations aro mado of tho sholl fish, tho water and tho bottom material. Tho bacteriological examination is the most important. It discloses the total number of bacteria and tho numbor of colon bacilli which are present. Tho .presence of colon bacilli In great numbers shows tho prosonco or fecal mat tor and arouses instant wnd earnest attention and painstaking examination and report, Tho layman probably knows in a general way that typhoid fever through tho method of Its in troduction into tho system Is ono of tho gravo dangers which threatens tho peoplo through Its food supply It must not bo supposed for a mo ment that tho work of tho scientists on tho Brat ton cease when thoy have taken their samples and havo detected tho prosenco of elemonts which may constltuto danger to the public health. Whon thero ia suspicion that tho coastal waters, tho sholl fish bed, or tho waters of a beach which are used for bathing purposes by tho peoplo, aro affectod by dangerous deposits, tho land whose drainage flows Into tho suspected waters Instantly Is studlod. All useful Information concerning It Is obtained and means aro taken to correct condi tions which havo contributed to tho pollution of tho wators or havo wholly produced It. Tho study of tho Bectlon of tho land which is suspected of supplying through Its dralnago tho mattor which on deposit becomes a menaco through the sholl tlsh supply or othorwlso to tho public health, comprises an Inquiry Into tho pros- coffffAff? or r"ctfQfiArroft ent and past conditions of health of tho commu nity, whether or not typhoid and other com munlcahlo dlseaso aro or havo been prevalent, tho numbor of cases of such diseases and their location, tho general sanitary condition of tho houses, the land and tho Inhabitants. It Is a comprehensive work and it is carried out In every locality where thero is a thought that danger may exist. At Capo Charles tho public health service has an experiment station. It Is a well and pictur esquely located building, fitted with all tho need ed appliances for tho scientific work which thoro is prosecuted. At a llttlo distance Is a building which Is used for a tank houso In which aro placed nil tho material which is to bo tho sub ject of bacteriological and chemical examination. From tho beginning of each working trip until tho final results of tho examinations of tho material collected aro known, the work of tho scrvlco mon Is most thorough. Nothing is left to chanco nnd nothing Is omitted which might In any way help tho safeguarding labor. In this Btudy or possible shell fish bed, or water pollution, tho public health servico has conductod some work In the Mississippi sound. In tho time to come unquestionably tho field of labor will bo widely oxtended. Tho valuo of tho service Is un questionable and It has beon so recognized by. tho sclontlflc world. Tho sholl fish Industry Is an enormous ono and It Is of surpassing valuo. Tho public health sorvico not only works for tho peo ple, but for the Industry Itsolf, which, of couioe, ennnot thrlvo if its product becomes charged with danger to tho public health. In a word, ono of tho great works of tho public health sorvico Is to see to It that ono gront part of tho food supply of tho Unltod States Is made nnd kept safo. The reports of tho public health sorvico aro mado public and tho government and tho Individ ual Btntos profit by thom. In tho agricultural de partment thero aro two governmental agencies which make uso of tho Information which tbo public health servico supplies. Thoro aro pure rood and sanitary laws In the Unltod Statos and thoro are means ot reaching offendors against thom. Threo departments of the govornmont, tho treasury, agriculture, and, If occasion requires, tho attorney-general's department, constitute a partnership of correction and, If tho case Justifies, of prosecution. Tho Bratton is a small ship, but undor tho di rection of tho servico and of Its complement of scientists It Is dolus n great work tor tho public health of tho peoplo of theso United States of America. J. L. Dodgo will drive his mare, Lady Wanetka, 2:10, next year. J. Malcolm Forbea Is to bo tried again, this time by Gecrs, who will see if the stallion can como back. Cal Shilling, America's best jockey, who was suspended a year ago foi rough riding, may bo reinstated by Christmas. Murphy was 42( times first this year, 32 times second) 26 times third, 12 times fourth and 41 times outside ol tho lino at tho pay window. Peter Pearl, 2:09V4, winner of the $1,000 stako for 2:24 trotters at tho De troit short circuit meeting in June, will bo In tho Murphy stable next year. Driver Thomas Murphy won ovei ono hundred thousand dollars in purses on tho harness circuit this sea son. Of this Poter Volo, an unbeaten three-year-old, contributed most. (UV FRANK O. MENKE.) "Tho Reversal, or Changing from a Lamb to a Lion" ought to be tho titlo of thlB squib which concerns Mike Dorlzas, who footballs for and gets his book knowledgo at tho University of Pennsylvania, which is in Philadel phia. Mlko Is a Greek and he's a strong Greok. Mlko busted all kinds of lift ing records, weight throwing records and strong man records at Pennsy and everybody thought that Miko would mako a valuable footballer. Mlko gavo tho gamo the up and down a year or so ago, and decided that he didn't caro much about it. However, extreme pressure was brought to bear upon Mlko this year and at last, Mlko Jumped into the moleskins, was put through a course of stunts and handed a football diplo ma which entitled him to a regular job on tho Pennsylvania line. Mlko nearly squashed a couple of his foomen during tho early games this year when Pennsy was pitted against some of tho smaller elevens. Mlfeo, with his tremendous strength, rode rough-shod over his rivals when ever rough-shod riding was required. He bunged up a couplo of foes and It wounded his tender feelings. "Looka here," said Mlko some weeks ago to Captain Journeay. "My being in the game ain't a squaro deal for those other fellows. I'm so darned strong that I hurt tho other fellows and I don't wanti to hurt anybody. Guess I'd better quit." "Nix on your quitting," remarked tho Pennsy criptaln. "Never mind about hurting tho other fellows. This Isn't a game of ping-pong. When you hit tho lino hit It and hit it hard. Your mob Is to make holes in the line so some of our halfbacks can get through. You go and mako those holes, Mike." Well, Mlko continued in tho gamg, but Mike wasn't tho samo Mlko or early In the season. Miko showed too much gentleness in the game. Mlko made openings for his backfleld men whenever called upon to do so, but whon he did ho usually lifted his HONOR FOR AL0NZ0 A. STAGG H-....--i .... PUGILISM It is doubtful it Johnny Kllbano, the featherweight champion, will over at tempt to mako 122 pounds again. c Sam lloblneau, tho Philadelphia llghtwolght, has been making a nice showing in tho six-round game in tho Quaker city. Harry Foloy claims ho has discov ered a wondortul boxer In the person of Ralph Grunau, a lightweight of Portland, Ore. Eddlo Shovlln, tho Boston welter weight, who has been boxing Instruc tor at Dartmouth collego, has resigned to accept a similar position at Cornell. Now "Ono Punch" Hogan clamors for pugilistic recognition. If he's any thing llko "Ono Round" Hogan somo body will put tho reverse English on that namo pretty quick. Eddlo McGoorty had hardly landed on American terra flrma whon he be gan to hurl defiance at Chip, Clabby and Mlko Gibbons for tho middle weight championship of tho world. It looks as if Jim Flynn, tho fireman- fighter, Is about all in. Jim, who has beon battling for over thirteen years, has met all sorts of fighters and al ways gavo a good account pt himself. Name of Athletic Field Changed to Commemorate Work of Noted Coach and Member of Faculty. Tho board or trustees of the Uni versity of Chicago has announced tho result of a voto at a recent meeting, when It was decided to change tho official name of the rootball, baseball, and track athletic grounds from tho former titlo of the Athletic field of tho University of Chicago to Stagg field. In commenting on tho reason -for tho chango la namo, members of tho board of trustees authorized tho statement PLUTO'8 PET. Cerborus wns barking at the gatos of hades. "He's all right," Pluto ruminated, "but I do hope they won't tax mo for throo dogs this year." Even he had his troubles. POINTS OUT TURKEY'S FAULT Lack of Ideals Responsible for Suc cession of Defeats During the Balkan War. At tho opening of tho Balkan war Ottoman public oplnlou did not show solidarity, and this not alone from tho political point of view, but also so cially True, our hearts wero not on I beaten nud ruinod, that was why wo tiroly unlmprceecd bj tho proBpect ot wore driven back from tho Adriatic victory; nsu yei in spuo or tnm reel- to the nhores of tho Marmora. ,Jn.7 Tturuitc of all tho; excitement, our I Wo do not wish to attribute to Juat social statUB showed ovory sign of n lack of Ideal. What advantages wore wo to reap from tho successes wo wero to gain 7 Nobody know, In fact, overybody thought of other things. Apparently ovon all that overturning was not enough to awuken tho na tional consclonco or rouso In public opinion tho aubllmo spirit or unity l-reciaexy lor mat reason wo wero ono cause all theso disasters; but any how it tho lack or a national ldoal was not tho only cnuso, It was ouj or tho main causos or our dofeat, A nation ennnot bo founded Blmply on matorlal forces; for material things chango easily. Social organisms that depend entirely on their matorlal forces, nnd aro outlroly without any strong moral basis, any great faith, cannot find any standing ground at a tlmo ot change Thoy aro abruptly shaken down. Thoy remain Impotent, they go from defeat to' defeat, as wo did during tbo Balkan war. Tho unshakon faith that gives a nation an Ideal, compensates for the loss of material forces, and allows one to look calmly at ovorturnlngs. Con stantinople Tasllr 1 Efkiar. Troubles of His Own. "She Is said to bo the handsomest married woman In New York ooclety " "And her husband ," "Well, of course she gets plenty of admiration Ho Ib said to. bo tho groucbleat mau " Kansas City Jour inn) "- FOOTBALL " " ' ,...,. IHHni A. Stagg. rival out of position and then asked his foo to "pardon mo, old chap" And then came the Carlisle game. Mlko round himself opposed to Busch, tho deposed captain of tho Indian eleven. Busch didn't size up as any more powerful in Mike's eyes than did some of the other foes against whom Mlko had been pitted and Mlko, during ono of tho opening plays, at tempted to shoulder Mr. Busch out of tho way Instead of ramming into Mr. Busch Just about as hard as ho could ram. Mr. Busch was very much surprised at Miko's early conduct. Ho couldn't quite "mako" Mike. Ho puzzled over it for a few minutes, trying to figure out just what Mike was trying to spring on him. Mr. Busch it may be stated, didn't know that Mike's actions Were influenced by a tender regard for tho physical welfare of his foes. Ho thought it was some trick Mlko was attempting. As stated, Mr. Busch tried to figure out just what Mlko was putting over on him. He failed to figure It out, and dismissing tho question from his mind, he set about playing football tho way that football should bo played. Well, on the Monday following the PennBy-Carllslo game, a modern Her cules was noticed limping across the Pennsy campus. He wore a huge bandage over his head. There was a huge gash on the forehead of this modern Hercules, there wero brulsefe on his body, there wero aches and pains In every Joint and one kneo was so swollen that it made walking a laborious task. "Who's that fellow," queried a spec- , tator. "Miko Dorlzas," answered a student. "Mike, did you say? It doesn't look like Mlko." "No, it doesn't but it's Mike just tbo same. I was in tho dressing room a llttjo while ugo and I know that It's Mlkowecause I was close enough to hear Miko's voice and tho voice came from the same fellow that you seo do ing that limping." "Street car hit Mlko?" "No, a fellow named Busch did It." ! '''"'"'"'"'Nrf'NW'NXrf'V AMATEUR RULE CAUSES TALK Bllllardlsts Havo Varied Ideas on Sub Ject of Ball on Line In Balk Line Contests. Morris D. Brown, national amateur champion In 1912, Is an uncompromis ing advocate of a rulo that will pro vide that In balk-line games between amateurs a ball on a line shall be decided "out." At the annual moet ing of the National Association of Am ateur Billiard Players ho mado an un availing effort to havo such a rule adopted. Defining his attltudo, ho says: "The gamo of billiards is a gentlomau's game, essentially so as an amateur pastime. Every gentleman will con cede every other gentleman tho bene fit ot a doubt. Thero always Is a doubt as to whether a ball called on a lino is actually in such a position. I contend that no hum mi eye can accu rately determine tho question. "I consider the rule defining a ball on tho lino as 'in' objectionable. The professional motto 'as fair ono as the other' does not appeal to me. Tho chief argument against my motion was that tho rulo as it stood was estab lished when balk-line was introduced and had ever since applied In both pro fessional and amateur contests." Tho only way to win greenbacks on a football gamo is to pick ono team to win and then bet on tho other. Dalton, former captain and kicking star at West Point, holped coach tho Unlvorsity of Pennsylvania puntors early in tho soason. Glenn Warner, tho Carllslo Indian coach, Is an old Cornell player and for several yoars had chargo of tho football toam at Ithaca. Hubbard Bushnoll, Michigan quar terback, marrlod Miss Adolo Johnson a year ago, but kopt the marrlago se cret. Oddly, tho further wo "doelop" our football, tho closor wo get to tho kind thoy havo played In England fJnco Tom Brown's day. Robert A. Fowler, nsslstant trainer of tho Harvard football team, who sovoral years ago was well known as a dlstanco runner, haB been signed by tho Princeton athlotlo management to coach tho Tiger cross-country toam. Prof. Alonzo that tho-action had been taken as an indication of tho place held by Direc tor Stagg In the esteom of tho Chi cago students nnd alumni, and to com memorate his work in tho firm estab lishment of intercolleglato athletics on a successful baste at Chicago. Prof. Stagg went to tho Midway in 1892, when tho university was found ed, and has held a placo at the head of athletics ever since. He Is ranked as a full professor of the university faculty, and holds tho position as di rector of athlotlcs and head ot the de partment or physical culture. Referee Caught In Crush. In tho Now York Unlvorslty-Haver-ford football gamo Referee Ed Thorpe wna bowled over twice. Each tlmo ho found it nocossary to blow his whistle for tlmo out while ho recovered from two sovero smashups Tho intricate formations and trick plays omployed by Haverford developed so quickly that before Thorpe had an opportuni ty to Judgo their legality ho was caught unawares and knocked over At tho close of the game Thorpe limp ed to tho dressing room SLEEPY BALL PLAYER FIRED Vic Willis Was Sound Asleep When Umpire Emsllo Ordered Him Ban- l6hed From the Field. There is only ono Instance on rec ord of on umpire putting a man out of a game who was asleep. Vic Wil lis was tho victim. ,Vlc was with the Boston team, and tho players on tho bench wero warbling at Emsllo every Instant. Bob was listening hard, striv ing to identify tho culprits and keep ing an eyo toward the bench. Finally ho whirled and called out: "Willis off tho field. Get out of there!" The Boston players suddonly be enmo convulsed with mirth. Emsllo rushed to tho bench to enforce his mandate, and thero was Willis, sound asleep and snoring, with his head rest ing against tho side of tho bench. Emsllo had to wake him up and or der him off to mako good. Place for World's Scries. A rumor from the East says efforts havo beon mado by several club own ers to secure Yale's now stadium for tho 1915 world's serlos. , So far as tho seating capacity is concomed, tho arrangement would bo ideal. Americans Lost Heavily, A prominent Amorlcan leaguo mag nato is authority for thf statement 1 that ovory club In the organization with two exceptions, lost heavily this season. He declared tho Atlilet.ce . aro 30,000 in tbo hole & 11 w aUI ' Mi k T-' V Mr "--twrj-y