DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD; DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. NOT I Cat, fo William C. Drr, Frank B. Cottoh, Horace Morlfton. 01lvr W. Morrell, Adll C. William, Mary U Pertrso, kiolin B. I'eare. Johh D, Williams, David W. Will lams, iSllzabrth Allen Cotton, Arrln Frri er Cotton Morlfton and her husband Hot neo Morlson, Charles narns.nl Prince, Harry W Cotton, Joseph K Cotton, Knte Rhcnnnn, William I', llathbun, Anna Brtlrd, John Rathbiin, Charles llathbun, Frances llathbun, Mary Nolton, Irene Shobo, Jason U WlKle, Jcsslo C. Qunp bell, nobcrt A Campbell, the unknown heirs of Frank B. Cotton, iloocared. the unknown heirs of Arrla Cotton, docensed, the unknown heirs of William C. Cotton, deceased, tho unknown liclrs of Walter Q. Cotton, deceased: Tou and each of you will 'ako notice that on the 2d day of October, A. D. 19H, Timothy J. O'Connor, plaintiff hero in filed his petition In tlio district court of Dakota rountv, Nebraska, against tho fcbova named defendants and others, tho object nnd prayer of which nro to re move tho rlovids from hli title to the southeast quarter of the southwest quar ter (SEH swW), the west linlf of the northwest quarter (W14 NW'i), tlic Routheant quarter of the northwest quar ter (SEU mvy), nil In section seven (7), township twenty-BPven (27), ranfjn nine (0), tho ftast half of the southeast quarter (BH SIl), the southeast quar ter of the northwest quarter (SE'i NWVt), tho northwest quartor Of the southeast quarter (NW4 PB). nnd th southwest quarter of the northeast quar ter (SW(i NI5U) of nedlon nineteen (10), township twenty-seven (27),,ran?o nine (9), nil east of tlio Cth Principal Meridian, sltuato In Dakota County, Nebraska, occa sioned by tho claims of said defendante nnd tho followlnjj deeds, mortKaces, f leases, proceedings and sale nnd tho mis takes and defects therein to-wlt: A certain deed from Asa llathbun ti Jvl O. Vlets dated the 12th dav of .Tulv, 1859, recorded nt parte 667 of Heeil Buok 1-D of tho deed records of said Dakota County. Intondln? to eonvov the south half of the northwest quarter nnd the northwest quarter of tho northwest qimr ter of section seven (7), townshln twen ty-seven (27). range nlno (9), and a deed from the said Asa llathbun and wife tc tho said Levi C Vlcto attomptlnrr to con vey tho same promises, dated the 21(1 dav of January, 18(14, rocorded on pnr?o 1)1 ol Deed Bonk F of tho deed records of said Dakota County, tho description of the real estAto conveyed by snld deeds bolnc uncertain and Imnroper; also a deed from Jesse Wlclo nnd Nancy WlRle. his wife, to Charles C, Orr, bearing date tho 12th day of July, IBS'), recorded on pace 3fi of Deed Book 55-D of tho deed records ol said Dakota County, Intondlnjr thereby ti convey tho south half of tho southwewl quarter nnd the northwest quarter of tli south wc-st quarter of section soven (7) township twenty-seven (27), rnnpo nln (9): east of tho fith I'rlnclpal Meridian In said County of Dakota: the descrlptlor on said deed Is uncertain and Is not nr accurate description of said property. Al?o by reason of the nrocodlntrs nn salo had In the estate of Cnrnllno II Cof fin ns one of the heirs of William li Cnf. nn, deceased, .i tho district court of Da kota Countv, Nebraska, In connection with tho other heirs of said William H Coffin as touoltlngx and affecting the southwest quarter of tho northeast quar tor, the northwest quarter of tho south east quarter and tho oast half of the northeast quarter of section nineteen (19), township twentv-soven (27), rango nlno (9), and tho deeds oxeeutcd pursu ant to wild nroceedlnga bv William C. Cotton, guardian of tho said Caroline TI Coffin to John 1 Coffin, said deeds belnr described as follows' One dated the 14th day of January, 1871, nnd recorded on paco Eft of Deed Book IT of the doed rec ords of said County of Dakota, tho other bolng dated tho 2d day of January, 1RS2 nnd recorded op page R2 of Deed Book O of the deed records of said County of Dakota Also the cloud occasioned by, the deed of Jonathan French, John D Williams nnd Mnsci Williams, surviving trustees under the will of David W. Williams, de ceased, to C. J. O'Connor, Intending and attempting to convoy nn undivided one half Intercut In tho southwest quarter of tho northeast quarter and an undi vided one-half Interest In the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion nineteen (19), township twenty-seven (27), rango nlno (!), east, In said Dakota County, said deod being dated tho 4th dm of September, 1884, and recorded In Deed Book S nt pago 131 of the deed records of said Dakota County, and In which snlri land Is located In townshln twontv-nlnn (29), In said range nlno (9), whon It should ho township twentv-soven (27) nnd to correct the description In said deed. And the cloud occasioned bv the Imne fe.t execution, oT the release of a mort gage from tho plaintiff Timothy J. O'Con nor to William C. Orr and Lottie A. Orr. said mortgage being recorded at pago 32 of Mortpago Book Q of the mortgage rec ords of said Dakota County, said relcose to said mortgago pot being witnessed t' said release bclnjr recorded on page 497 of Mortgage nook U of tho mortgage rec ords of said Dakota County and bearing date September 14, 1903. nnd affoctlnr nnd covering tho cast half of the south west quartor of section seven (7), town ship twenty-soven (27), rango nlno (9) east, in xtid County of Dakota. Also tb remove tho cloud occasioned by the Improper recording nnd oxcrutlon of a releasa of a mortgage given by Cornel ius J, O'Connor to TCato Sherman convoy ing tho southwest quarter of tho north east quarter and tho northwest quarter of the southeast quartor of section nine teen (19), township twenty-soven (27), range nine (9), in said Dakota County and which was Improperly nnd Imperfectly re leased bv n release bearing rlntn tlin 5.1 rl ,J day of February, 1889, nnd recorded nt ' page 607 of Mortgago Book L of the mort gage recorus or sain lAinoia I'ouniv To restrain tho defendants aiuve named from making or enforcing any lien of or claim to any portion of said zeal estate and for general equitable relief You are required to answer said peti tion on or before tho 30th day of Novem ber, A- D. 1914. Datod this 2d day of October, A. D 1914. TIMOTHY r. O'CONNOTl, .... . . Plaintiff. Upon application duly made to (ho tin aeslgnoa Rt Chambers, It Is ordered that a notice In , tho form aboyo set forth bo published for four wcoks In the Dakota County Herald and when bo published It shall be'duo and legal notice to tho de fendants, r Judge of the District Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. Flrgt publication 1022 4w 'StNEUMATW SUFFERERS SHOULD USE N H Foi atll forma ot Rneumafism LURB2.e&. SCIATICA. COUT. NEURALGIA HD KIDNEY TROUBLES. m&m . mrnm rur raimJ .tvea Qtrftk IUtff i M Otkt RMMel. uro MMPLE "H'lf" rTWIl H IWQUWT Vwwmou Rheumatic Cure Cet HIE BOYS' MAGAZINE FREE! orr f Till. BAB' MAUA. ilaa la U world. Cieu, Kit. a liUMI to;)' Wt, faMlaktlnrf alorlu and In. atraatlrq arUclaa, Uf Ibunn louvoat i ararr Uva tor. L.aollfBllr Ula-alraua Ibrnikwit, totli lu tuk tn4 wblta and U vttlori IlrparV meat dtreitd to kteetrklt, Mcctaalaa, Atalatlaa, AaUur CafMulrr. AcaaUur fAutac. rapbr aoa Suup aod Oofa Crfllof. Tt AlaMUDa barturi,t la aaifr tha IwfaiMat clarta of WALTKB UAMr, tuflaaa forciuMt asUarllf u Ut aaljMt. tt4 fdai for f Ttt 'ri raai 4 aiM f funmnutt, Aaaraaa HtiaiIf.tQfata,rinhri, HflU$L,1nfoaA,t$. iWS pots' JUAOAZIXZ U tm tal, at alt ik aJanJ.) WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE &&j& "0lcS&.Fun KSB'SK HH11; Burlesque Mes, pic;iyCii4rUliati Ernbod0on Ak Anftoij. LAOIES' DIKE MATINEE DAILY " CONT OO HOMC CAYINQI I DICIV'T VJ8IT THE QAYETY ADyfiirag LOUD DlBraell put It Juatly when ho said that war docs not solve, hut complicates, writes a corre spondent of tlio Chicago News from Uulgaria. This truth was very clearly demonstrated In tho Halkans In tho last two bloody years. The Christian states woro against tho Turk In order to solve by forco of arras tho long mooted eastern ques tion. Tho result of tho struggle In this peninsula Is well known to tho world. Tho Macedonian question, which was tho real eastern question, was not solved, but out of It sprang, In addition to It, an Aegean question, an Eplrus question, a Thraclan ques tion, a Dobroudjan question, and last, but not least, tho question of Salonlkl. I need not touch upon tho subject of tho desolation and depopulation of tho affected districts, which today havo tho appearanco of a vorltablo wlldernpss. Tho recont Dalkan wars cost tho Balkan states $1,000,000,000 In monoy and a million lives, count ing tho thousands of victims of rnclal persecution that died nnd aro dying from exposuro and famine. In Bul garia moro than 3C0.000 refugees sought shelter from Macedonia, Thraco and Dobroudja, Flight of Moslsms. Thon followed tho flight of tho Turkish population from Macedonia and Novl-Pajaar district. In ono wook sorao 10,000 Mosloms passed through Sofia station on their way to Asia. All were natives of Novl Pajaar. Tho Turkish government re- Tho reasons for tho decay of Sa lonlkl aro obvious to thoso who aro Versed In tho history and conditions of tho Balkans. During Turkish times Salonlkl wob a flourinhlng port becauso It sorvod ns n distributing port. It supplied with goods, not only Macedonia, but also Kplruo, Albania, Thraco anil oven northeastern Bul garia and southern Servla, Salonlkl goods wcro sold ovon In Sofia and Belgrade. That was mado possible becauso of tho low tariff that existed between Turkey nnd thoso states. But Macedonia alone would havo been sufficient to feed its capital. That is why It Is said that Macedonia could not exist without Salonlkl and vlco versa. Today, howover, Mace donia la divided betwoen Greece, Servla and Bulgaria, Greece having the smallest part of It. Ilenco Sa lonlkl has no border land of any ac count. That being the caso, not only has tho commorco in and about Salonlkl been hamporcd, but tho adjoining states, Servla and Austria In particu lar, havo found It necessary to de mand a frco outlet at that pojft. Mooting after meeting has been hold and urgent requests havo been mado by tho citizens of Salonlkl to tho Athenian government to find some way of preventing tho commercial death of tho city, but thus far In vain, Tho sugar nnd flour industry, tho shoo factories and nearly tho entire manufacturing Bystem havo been al most destroyed. Business transae- s IN I 111 01 Need NoJ Remain Uncomfortable In Crowded Quarters in ' the City. 'DEAL WITH REAL ESTATE .MAN Plan of Operation Outlined fvlott Convenient Bungalow Typo of House, Such as Is Described Here, Should Be Within Reach of Moat. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD, Mr. William A Itadford will nnswor questions nnd give ndvleo VH1SR OF COST on nil subject! pertaining to tlio subject of building, for the readers of this paper On account of Ms wldo experience as Editor, Author and Manufacturer, he is, without doubt, the highest authority on all these subjects. Address all Inquiries to William A. Itadford, No. 1827 Pralrlo avenue, Chicago, III., and only enclose '.wo-cent stamp for reply. It is trao that many thousands of city dwellers who have, In their nat ural lovo of the country, a longing for a homo with ground and garden, are unable to secure what thoy desire, for various reasons principally . becauso of a lack of means. City dwellers aro compelled for tho most part 'to llvo In flats or apart ments, with nevor a look at trees or grass. Privacy, so much to bo de- with a houso, which, unllko this one, has no Individuality. Thero is a large living room 1G feet square) and, nt the right of this, Is tho dining room 13 foot 0 Inches by 12 feet In dimensions. Tho kitchen Is reached from tho dining room through a pnssngeway, This Is a good ar rangomont, for tho reason that all smoko and steam from tho kitchen will bo kept out of tho dining room. Another of tho good features about UiIb houso 1b tho fact that it Is well lighted, ana overy room will bo bright nnd dheory. Tho second floor Is reached by a stalrwny lending from the living room. . BedRh I ! ' I H'O-xu-or I 8 Cos VClos I LbsttJ I Hall ..-ft1 J az..ipL Clos Clos I Ijr"- Bed Rm. I I "'- I4-0-XI2.-0' "-M, i i i 1- ..loCEncEKS9Ba. .l Second Floor Plan. On this floor aro two bedrooms, which, with tho ono on the first floor, pro vides three In all. Tho bathroom Is located at tho end of a hall that ex tends through tho houso, thus as suring plenty of air on summer nlghtB through tho windows at each end. An X General view Saloniki tallated and during tho lnst several months tho Christians havo boon forced to floo from Thraco nnd Asia Minor. This affected chlofly tho Oreok element. Mr. Vonlzelos, In pro testing to tho porte, declared that In Salonlkl alono 5,000 Grcolc refugoos arrlvod dally for somo tlmo after Enstor. Had the Balkan states foroscon tho torrlblo calamities that befell them ns a result o'r their war with tho Turk, I am sure thoy would hayo nover un dertaken It. ' It Js nearly n year Blnco tho last war wns over; still llfo In Macedonia, EpIniB and Thraco Is unboarablo, tho people aro on tho vorgo of starvntlon, tho cities aro decaying and commorco Is dead. Adrlanoplo. Monastlr, Uakub and Salonlkl, not to speuk of tho In terior, aro merely elmdowa of Oiolr formor state. Salonlkl, tho capital of Macedonia, has been declared by all to bo dying fast. When It Is remembered that In the days of tho Apostlo Paul Salonlkl was a very prosperous city numbering somo throo hundred thousand inhabi tants, and that In TurklHh tlmos, too, It was second only to Constantinople In Importance, ono Is at a loss to ac count for Its stagnation and dilapida tion today. Many believed that tho port In tho hands of a modorn state, would faro tar better than under tho Turks. BIG SPENDERS ARE SCARCE New York Hotel Man Says Patrons of the Present Day Are Much More Economical. "Hotola and restaurants are expect ing something moro than usual from society this winter," said one hotel man, who Is as well up on tho restau rant situation as anybody In Now York. "It Is believed that fasutonablo people will do llttlo ontertalnlng In tholr homes. It will bo chenpor and easier to Invito tholr friends to a restaurant, whoro thoy may havo danc ing after tho dinner, "As a matter k fuel, tho day of tho lavish spender Is gone, so fur aH Now York 1b concerned. Wo shall nover see again tho ora that onded nlno or ton years ago. Thoso wero tho dayB when men from Chicago or Pittsburgh vied with each other In tho extrava gance of tholr entertainments. It wiih nothing for a dinner to cost $25 a coverx Now a days, tho nvorago Is about f4.C0. "Tho chaugo In spending habits hns forced tho hotels to employ cost ac tlons nro tardy and insecuro nnd tho exports and imports for tho year will not amount to one-fourth tho average of formor years. Two weeks ago another mass meet ing took place In tho city which was attended by leading Crook morchants as well as others. It was urged In a resolution that tho city bo mado a freo commercial town. Hard Problem for Greece. Under these circumstances ono can understand why Grecco grantod Servla a freo zono In that port, Ab soon, howover, as tho news of that concession was mado public Austria demanded the same right. But Bhould Austria bo permitted to have froe ac cess to Salonlkl It will bo equivalent to making tho city another Hamburg. Honco tho question of Salonlkl Ib now puzzling Grooco. Greece Is placed In a difficult dilemma. Sim must choose between a doad Salonlkl, thereby de priving thousands of hor cltlzenB ot tholr dally bread, or yield to tho do mnuds of Servla and Austria and sub sequontly of all interested natlonu to make It nn International ernporluri. Uncompromising Orthodoxy. "Before 1 married John I made him promlso nevor to ubo tobacco." "So you have no fear of his Brook ing!" "None. That is to say, not In this world." countnnts. Tho manager of every modem house Is now ablo to know, when a mutton chop Is placed on the table, Just how -much of each' Item ol tho hotol'a expenses that chop has to carry." sired, 1b out of tho question becauso of tlio common hallway; and tho tramping of feet overhead is a con stant reminder that the place Is not n homo but merely a place to stay. The wholo Idea of the builders of city "homes" Is to economize spaco and got all tho rooms possible on a glvon piece of ground, in order to earn revenue. All Bight 1b lost ot tho artistic and everything must bend to tho ono purpose of earning an income from tho investment. Tho occupants llvo along, anil constantly dream of a little cottage with a few vines and a garden place In the back yard, and a pJsco for tho children to play where hey will not be undor tho constant csplonngo of a Janitor with a grouch. This Is all wrong. And, furthor, lt Is unnecessary. You may bo a salaried man. You may think you cannot do differently. You may not havo the money to buy tho ground. It Itf truo. nnd to authorlzn 1 a buildor to put you up a houso such , as you want. You have always thought that oven If you bought a houso you muBt tako ono already . mado by somo real estato Arm and j pay their high price. i Now, listen. Tho real estate man has selling expense. Ho has adver tising bills, ofllco rent, clerk hire, maintenance of salesmen, nnd many other expenses in addition to his prof its, all of which figure in the price of nny given house. It Is snfo to say Not Enough for Him. Everyono who has visited St. Pnul and Minneapolis knows thero Is a de cided fooling of rivalry between thoso two largo, growing cltloa, A spenkor addressing an nudlenco nt St. Paul, spoko of tho reckless driving of mo tor cars thut at thnt time wns preva lent lu Minneapolis nnd expressed tho hopo that St. Paul would not follow tho oxamplo of her rlvnl city. "Why," Bald tho spoukor, "I have hoard thut Borne four or flvo Inhabitants are" killed lu Minneapolis by automobiles every week." And to IiIh amazoment from tho audleuco came a volco: "Wu'ul, It ain't enough." Natural Affinities. "Our troops combed tho country the other day " "Wlnt happened ?" I "Wo bad n brush with the enemy." I Porch 1 P ""'"JJc'lI Kitchen n j Bed Rm 4 " 1 Living Room " n' I 16'o-xuyo- U Uiis'iHG Rm. jj IWIW Porch i i First Floor Plan. that this real estate man would bo glad to eliminate this oxpenso If ho could mako a deal that did not In volve all these factors. Ho builds to Bell. Suppose you were to tako to Ulm the plan of tho house shown hero, and Eny: "You are In tho business of building and soiling houses on small payments. You want your cuBtomera satisfied. Probably you uro going to build a number ot houses in the next few months. Here, now, is a houso that Just suItB me. If you will build It, I will tako It on tho same termB you would ask for ono that you might build from somo other plan. I will sign tho contract now." There Is no piobablllty that the or dinary roal estate man would rofuso your terms. And what would you havo? You would ".havo tho samo houso you would got If you owned a lot nnd built on It. Now, tho houso shown hero Is ono of the popular bungalow type of houses, nnd It Is especially nttractlvo on account of tho fact that tha porch Is included under the roof of the houso. Nor Is It expensive. It ought to bo built comploto for about $2,500. This houso Is 31 feot 0 Inches wldo, and 33 feet long. It has an attractive porch with strong lln,os. The design Is one that will mako overy porson look at tho house as ho passes by; aud it is ono that will always sell, If I at any futuro ttmo conditions should 1 arise that would cnuso you to want to j dispose of It That ,you canuot do J unusual arrangement, and one that wlllappeal to overy housewife, 1b tho fact that there aro six closets In this house, providing plenty of storage places. A6klng Hubby for Mon.jy. In an Interesting llttlo article en titled "Feminine FInanco" in tho Worn an5s Home Companion, Loo Mncallster saya In part: "If there is monoy to be had, it Is foolish for a woman to shrink from asking for It as If jshe wero nn undo aerving child. Also, if her husband ie only thoughtless, it is unfair to him. Most men wish to spare their wives evory possible discomfort, and it is Billy for a wifo to experience needless inconvenience and feel sorry for her self tho while when a little common eense would do away with It. Men can't understand such a point of view. Whatever they want they ask for, and they can't see why a woman should ob ject to doing the samo thing. And a woman shouldn't. There aro times, of course, when a woman waiits moro money than she thinks her husband can afford to give her, and when It Is necessary for her f.o bo at home tho groater part of tho Ime. In that caso, some plan can be found If It bo dill-1 gently sought." The Old Companies. The Old Treat ment. The Old Care. They the b-st in all the land. I represent the Hartfo'd, Phenix, Continental, Columbia, Royal, the really Strong Insurance Companies. I have a fine list of lands for sale and wish Yours, when you sell. Write every kind of Insurance. Do Conveyancing, draw up Will", Deeds, Leases, EtJ. RIGHT. Very much desire YOUR business, and will care for it well. O. F. McKcevcr iS?."1 Successor to ltd. T. Kearney. Insurance. - Real Estate. - Steamship Tickets. 3E33nS3jSS52r I I, II I I III Mill t I II II 'A Growing Business Built on Our Reputation" SHIP US YOUR &tt.l(z, ios ajacl SKep I Steele, Siman & Co. SIOUX CITY, IOWA Tom Steele. Miumsor RaySlman, Cr.ttle Siilesmnn. Dave Pruirner, TIob Si tjheop Salesman pprB, ffloe. Hundreds of Dakota County Farmers Ship Us. Ask them about us. Our Best Boosters. We Work for You. Write Us. Ship Us. i SSa r....r-iim.im.jj..jLi-"iai'ijwi-nUMI' WHB MnHMHaHMaMatiHaSHraKaK'fCTf New Device for Cameras. An autographic arrangement which enables a photograpuor to make a per manent record on a negative In a roll film enmera, Identifying a plcturo at tho timo tho exposuro Is made, has been Invented, and tho patent sold by tho Inventor for ?300,000. Tho object Is offected through tho use of two strips of especially pre pared paper which cover the film. A hinged loaf built In tho back of tho camera, when oponed, bares a strip of red paper which protects tho sensi tized Aim from light. This paper Is coated with a wax-llko substanco which 1b easily scratched by a sharp-pointed instrument. When anything is writ ten with a stylus on tho surface of this paper, the coating breaks under the tracing, and Just enough light Ib admlttod through tho lnnor nancr to make an impression of tho words on tho negative. Popular MehanlcB Magazine. To Teach Children About Trees. A movement is on foot at Shreve port, La., to make it possible for tho school children of that city to secure an education In treo knowledge. It Is the intention of thoso behind the movement to have on hand at all times samplos of all trees In the bark and after being manufactured bo that tho school children may acquire a knowledgo that may bo ot use to them in later years. Another move ment on foot in that city, Is to have all ot the trees adorning the highways of tho city, labeled bo that not only tho children, but grown peoplp will be ablo to ascertain tho difference bo twoon the various kinds ot southorn trees, Amorlcnn Forestry. Titles and Taxes In 8paln. In Spain titles of nobility aro taxed In the samo way as houses or land. Moreover, each separate title Is taxod and for this reason cortaln members of ancient families In which a number of UtloB havo accumulated drop somo In order to save money. Owing to tho system long provalcnt In Spain by whlqh women of noble birth transmit tholr tltlo not only to their children but to tholr husbands, bo that a plobelan marrying a duchess becomes a duko, Spanish titles rarely become extinct unless tho hpldors deliberately discard them. In Accord. "How did you enjoy Professor Dob bor8 lecturo on dreams T" "Prettv woll. I fell asleep and had ono nivsolf" DIVORCE YOURSELF From Dirt, Dust and Drudgery asinc aw .v l - w VT Wfl2Z&& esiag&g&SZ5SSr Combination Pneumatic Swcea Re!ea from btoon dr.-tjery 'rem tcs stab ol taov in; and lifting furniture asd from tfcs dangercm watering of 6at and fjermi ffcat are raised by the ua- of tris broom end ths old fashionea caroet sweeper, call bs at!a.'ccd by the uk of the Duntlev'Comoination Pnc.iir.atic Sweeper, vIiicfc",a!tKs!i2'n easily operated by hind, creates pcwerfuHuction force wnicli draws out all the ckt rad ddt found in your rugs end carpcU and at the :me time the revolving brvih p:c!; up ell lint, pins, threadi, ravelin;!, eta. THE 0UHTIEY SWEEPERS are made in three tizet and to! J under a rigid guarantee for one year. You may try a Dud ley in your own home for 10 day r'roa of Chirgo. For more detailed Information Write 'TODAY IS 1 sr B 4 -Agents Wanted- Duntley Pneumatic Sweepei CO. C501 So. State st. Chiengo, 111. JU Westcott's Undertaking Parlors Auto Ambulance , Old Phone, 426 New J?hone 2067 Sioux City Iowa. U3fS Ask Your Dealer to Show You 03 03 .4 a a i S5?aJ&aP5jy 1 'SWKSaP CO w o. 3 o 3 CD CO Pi o 7C- The Famous Sturges Bros. Harness If they Don't Have Them, write or call on Sturges Bros., 4ii Pearl St., Sioux City, la. Licensed Btnbalmer Lady Assistant Ambulance Service Ball 71 Auto 0471 415 Sixth Stteet Sioux City, Iowa j Henry' Place Hast of the Court House for the Best in I Wines, Liquor and Cigars ! o Bond & Lillard, Old Elk, Sherwood Rye Whiskies. FKsliif Beer ESottlo or Ko4 a I!."t?risy Kr-vsrxv waccle, Pmicot.city. Nbrmk - , ai- .ita e Wawn mm t evmm t mess i astjec i wsrsu. m