Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 19, 1914, Image 7

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Red Crown 8hows Remarkable Tctt
f &? ' r
I fc
y.f fl
M Iffl
Better cookies, cake
and biscuits, too. All
as light, fiufly, tender
and delicious as mother used
to bake. And just as whole
some. For purer Baking- Pow
der than Calumet caanotjic bod
at any price.
'Ask your grocer. '
r, fforll'a Pnr Focd EipaiUIoa.CMuro.SL
v Suit Espauiian, Freoca, Muck, 191Z
Yea doa'1 un nwner wlen yon lay cheap or Ms-can j
Wkiif powder. Pea't ba nultd. BsyCaiaaet. It's
mora ecoaomicar more wholejome firei beitreioIU. I
lalomtt i tar anptntr la loar milk and aeda.
They're Different
"These dressing room rows among
actresses aro different from other
"In what way?"
"They can stay at daggers drawn
with one another and still bo making
Tho fellow who tells a girl her voice
has tho flexibility of a violin may bo
hinting to be her beau.
There aro times when it takes a
mighty strong-minded woman to hold
her tongue.
Vox 31 ysari W. &. Douglas bna guaranteed the
Valua by havlnsr his name and the retail price
tamped on the sole before the ahoea leave the fac
tory. Tula protects the wearer affuln.it high prices
for Inferior shoos of other makes. W. L. Douglas
ahoea are always worth what yon nay for them, if
yon could aee how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are
made, and the high grade leathers aaed. you would then
understand why tbey look better, lit better, hold their
ehaue and wear longer than other makes for the price.
If the W. I. DouRlas shoes ate not for sale In your
Ylctnlty,order dlroct from factory. Shoes sent erery.
where, i'oatage free In (he U. 8. Write for alius,
trated ;ut ulnar showing how to order by mall.
W. L. D0U01aS, 210 Spark 8t,,Brocfcton,Masl
Slightly used and
i rebuilt typewrit
. ere at low prices.
Bent nn approval
anrwhero with
nut. A.l AnnlMrAllnr write for fttock list. II. K.Hwan
son Uompuny, til Jbocust utreet, Dos Moines, Ion.
Highest Cash Prices
THE R. E. CODQ CO.. 14, 3rd Street. St. Paul. Minn.
a. cult., 8 r. house, outbldgs , 1 n. orch , eta
Bargain prlco V Colling, 11.2, Granville, la.
Tama co., la ; B a. cult, C r house, outbldgs ,
a a orch IJarr L. W Carpenter. Tama, la
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of tho Northwest."
Live Stock Commission Merchants at
8IOUXOITT. Ohlcnao or Kansas Ottj
Sioux City Live Stock Commission Compan)
Ixt us know If ynu am In in i d t f n arkrt rcpori
We will null you Live btock liecord f rco of charge,
'V. N, U SIOUX CITY, NO, 47-1014 j
HEN'S WOMEN'S f1 ,3,0S
Prosperity of Small Communities Men
aced by the Operations of the
Catalogue Houses.
At a recent convention In Chicago
a paper was reud by Capt. D. P. Dolan
of Western, In which relationships of
tho farmer and tho country merchant
wore taken up and thoroughly dis
cussed with tho end In vlow of thor
oughly Impressing tho gathered bard
waro men with the necessity of meot
lng tho tillers half way. Tho paper
has had almost a natlon-wldo circu
lation Blnco that meeting, and com
ments havo been very profuso whor
over tho trado papers in which It was
reproduced havo been read. A few
extracts from It aro of Importance to
the public generally and lndlcnto what
several hundred business men aro
thinking about at this very moment.
These outllno tho woof of trado trans
actions between country and town and
show that there Is a pronounced inter
dependency between both which to re
sult In prosperity of tho Btato must
bo adhered to by each In the belief
that ho is meeting tho other fellow
half way, and that tho other is doing
tho samo to him. Tho paper, In part,
reads as follows:
"Our business fcare aro enhanced
by i the operations of tho catalogue
houses. These become menaces bo
cause If patronized to tho exclusion of
tho rural trade they will kill tho coun
try towns which aro tho source and
center of the best things In Amerlcnn
life. The futuro of tho catalogue
houses depends upon tho attltudo of
tho people toward them. Every com
munity must have some trading facili
ties, a place where tho people can
bring their produce and get needed
merchandise and staples In return."
Olive Wood Is the Material That
Should Be Employed Wherever
It Is Possible.
In building so-called rustle fences
too freo use is mado of eucalyptus
poles, wood that is too hopelessly
straight for any rustic fence except
of strictly formal design. Ono of the
most satisfactory rough fences known
to tho City Beautiful man is mado
of olive wood. In design, coloring,
and general harmony with Its rustic
surroundings and setting it is unsur
passed. Ollvo wood is an ideal ma
terial for any and all work of rustic
character. On the other hand,
eucalyptus poles are Ideal for supports
for bridges, as stout poles of this ma
terial may be had of great strength
and of considerable length. Across
such stringers could be nailed a floor
composed of smaller poles about two
inches in diameter. Any superstruc
ture deemed necessary could then bo
built of ollvo or some material less
London's New Civic Ideal.
London university has taken up a
modern position and given a lead to
Oxford and Cambrldgo by appointing
a professor of town planning. Realiz
ing the vast importance of tho move,
we asked the occupant of the new of
fice, Stanley D. Adshead, for a few
Btaterrfents aB to tho lines upon vhlch
ho will work.
"You can't study the shell without
tho mollusk, or, at least, tho living In
mate," said Mr. Adshead. "Tho chair
Is prxtlcularly opportune. Of courso,
tho school will go further than plan
ning suburbs. As well as lecturo
courses for students, It has been sug
gested that there should bo courses of
public lectures."
If this comes to pass, tho general
nubile will be able to keep abreast of
expert opinion, and to take a practical
and effective Interest In tho city's wei.
faro. T. P.'s Weekly, London.
House Beds.
Every building should have a space
fnr nlnnts left closo to the foundation.
No cement or other walks should be
allowed within three feet If conditions
toIH nllow. and In now places this Is
always possible. Tho anglo formed by
ground and building siioum oe nnea
with plants and an occasional vino
Bhould clamber over a corner or along(
a porch. Tho house should appear to
rlso out of a mass of shrubs and plants,
as a gem rises above Its setting In
Jewelry. No place has n proper finish
without such provision for embellish
ment. Bridegroom Forgot He Was Married.
Clark Conkllng tolls of a man In
LyonB who bad long boarded at a res
taurant, but finally there came a time
when he was caught by tho gracious
smiles of a young woman. The wed
ding passed off Just like any other
wedding, but the next day being a
very busy one for hubby, ho forgot all
about being married and at dinner
time he entered tho restaurant and
took his seat at his accustomed place.
It was not until ho waa half through
with his dinner that tho Idea occurred
to him that ho was married and his
wife probably had a dinner waiting
for blm at home, mo aroso nastily,
went homo and ato about twice as
much as ho ought to havo eaten In
order that his wife would not find out
uow forgetful ho was.
The Wrong Diagnosis.
"I liko your faco? sir," said tho In
luisltivo strangor. "It is a cheery face,
i faco with a mission; it 13 tho faco of
i man who bolioves In reducing the
iurdens and annoyances of his fel
low men."
"Hobby it is," said tho llttlo man.
"You're tho sort of man who be
loves in banishing tho shadows," the
nqulsltlvo man went on,
"Nope," repliod tho little man with
i vigorous shake of his head. "You've
lost me this time. I'm the man who
juts up tho awnings."
Commander Llvn Booth (right) of tho Salvation Army in America, and sotno
bandages for the wounded soldiers of tho European armies.
French Aviator Thinks It Is
Strange Insect.
When High In the Air He Stretches
Out His Hand and Grasps What
to His Amazement Proves
to Be Bullet.
London. A French alator Is re
ported to have brought from tho skies
a German rifle bullet which he had
caught in his hand. Tho story goes
that he was flying at a height of about
seven thousand feet when ho sudden
ly became awaro of a small black ob
ject close to his head. Ho thought It
was an Insect of some kind, and was
sufficient of an entomologist to rcalizo
that a flying Insect at such an alti
tude was a curiosity So he stretched
out his hand and grasped what to his
amazement proved to bo a bullet.
Ho explained afterward that it was
ovidently a rifle bullet that had been
flred almost vertically and had
reached its utmost elevation. He
arrived on his aeroplane Just at tho
moment when tho bullet slowly turned
over and was about to fall again.
Looking for bullets In the air Is n
new interest, and calculations based
Girl Injured In Street Car Accident
Unable to Collect Damages Owing
to Company's Bankruptcy.
New York. Harriett Nugent, tho
young girt who has Just been dis
charged from tho King's county hos
pital to which place she was taken
when found wandering In a pitiable
condition, due to lack of nourishment,
on a Brooklyn street, is tho principal
figure "In ono of the most Interesting
phases of the law's delay ever written
of. When three years old Harriett
was run over by a Madison street car
and badly crippled. Benjamin Op
penlieim, a prominent young attorney,
" u-LAx a'-AvW. iZ
Harriett Nugent.
took her caso to court and received a
verdict of $5,000 against the company.
The Metropolitan Street Railroad com
pany refused to pay this claim and
managed by devious ways to havo Ben
jamin Oppenhelm disbarred. One of
the employees of tho company was
told to burn certain vouchers ho had
In his possession, but believing 'they
wpuld somo day bo of value to him
did not do so. In 191S this man's land
lady discovered among tho papers tho
data which proved that Oppenhelm
was wrongfully disbarred. Her evi
dence restored him to the bar. Tho
verdict received by him 17 years ago
has now, with Interest, reached tho
sum of $14,000, but still tho girl can
not, because of tho bankruptcy of tho
street railway company, collect tho
amount of hor Judgment.
Young Woman Ends Holiday In New
York When Pet Dies In
Now York. When u young woman
from San Dlogo, Cal., ran out of her
room on the fifteenth floor of the Mc
Alpln with crumpled telegram in
her hand mJ crying, "She's dead,
she's dead'" the clerk for that floor
did what she could to comfort the
rlof stricken one Ordinary measures
Wi$mWm v "i f tMtaw&XM I
vwjs&ZMtWi.m .V!S "'
on the known muzzlo velocity of tho
rifles nro made ns to tho most favor
able altitudes. A wag suggests "catch
bullets" ns a now nerodromo gume aft
er the war.
Tho "kite balloons" --nployed by
the Germans promptly beenmo "Ger
man sausages," In tho language of
Tommy Atkins. They are not (lrst-rato
craft for observation, being stationary,
but they are not bo easy to bring down
as aeroplanes. "Tho s.iusngo drive,"
therefore, provides good sport for
bomb droppers.
A story is told In tho Aeroplane of
an officer of high rank who had never
berore been up in nn aeroplane, and
who waB taken up us an observer by
an English pilot. Coming Into the
fire zone tho aeroplane was hit several
times and ono of tho contact cables
waB cut through, rendering the task
of keeping the machine in hand al
most impossible. Tho pilot very skill
fully, however, managed to make a
safo descent and to land within his
own lines.
Then his passenger, who had not in
tho least understood what had hap
pened, roundly abused him for his
cowardice. When the situation was
explained, and he realized that ho
had had a narrow escape with his
life, he was duly apologetic and grate
ful. Some curious souvenirs are in pos
session of members of the corps. Thoro
are, for example, altimeters, "speed In
dicators and revolution Indicators
pierced and smashed by bullets.
German Band Serenades Soldiers
on Firing Line.
Musicians Lie In Advanced' Trenches
All Night and Play Melodies Appro
priate to Action Leaders
Get Iron Cross.
Berlin. A concert In tho firing lino
Is thus described by Bandmaster Adolf
Becker with ono of tho German ar
mies in France:
"After a long march wo went into
camp-at G and promised ourselves
a good night's rcBt. At 2:30 wo were
suddenly and nidoly waked up; our
outposts had como into touch with
strong French forces and tho wholo
camp suddenly became alive. A sharp
fight was soon In progress. The
French artillery wus firing incessant
ly from a covered position. Their
shells came with a sharp whiz, to ex
plodo with a mighty crash. Their In
fantry also kept up a hot lire. I went
forward with my muslclanB In a cov
ered position and mot Colonel von
p. ( who ordered mo to contribute
my part to this Infernal concert.
"I crawled forward, thorefore, with
my men to the most advanced trench,
asked thorn to get out their instru
ments, nnd wo played to tho great
amusement of the troops tho beuutlful
aln 'I Feel So Fine In the Evening.'
After some timo the moon camo out
from behind ft thick bank of clouds
and lit up the battlefield with Its burst
ing shells, and wo gave it a welcome
with the melody, 'Oood Moon, You
Movo So Quietly,' and the soldiers
Joined In with spirit.
"Somewhat later the French at
tempted a forward movement, and wo
promptly received them with 'Dolly,
You Are the Light of my Eyes.' Tho
French did not seem to trust this as
surance, however, for they hastily
withdrew, to tho resounding laughter
of our men, who did splendid shoot
ing. In order to make it clear to the
Convict Wants Speedy Death.
Sacramento, Cal. Immodlato death
via the hangman's noose Is tho plea
of Samuel Swearlngton, under sen
tence at Sacramento. Ho was asked
If he had any preforenco as to the
time of death. "Make it as soon as
possible, your honor. Tomorrow would
suit me. I want It over with," ho ro
pllcd. wvw
failed, and tho young womnn becamo
hysterical. Mrs. Lois Hughos, tho
manager of tho woman's floor, was
telephoned for and hurried up at the
top speed of tho olovator.
Mrs. Hughes sent for tho young
woman's fathor nnd brother. Ono took
tho tolegram nnd read It. They looked
one at another, tho elder helplessly,
and tho younger man defiantly.
"Sho'll insist upon going straight
back homo," said tho father.
"Fiddlesticks!" oxclulmed tho broth
er. "I am not going to huvo my holl-
of tho workers In Now York making
Wife and Her Two Children Share
Fate of Victim of Terrible
WilkcB-Barro, Pa. In ono of the two
homes which they own Joseph Nor
mnn, aged thirty-two, with his wife
and two children, nro ehut completely
off from tho world. The wlfo and
children are prisoners becausu they
choso to risk leprosy to bo with tho af
flicted husband and father. For ex
perts hnve declared Norman to bo a
leper. Already tho skin on his faco
bears unmistakable ovidenco of the
dicad malady.
When convincing pi oof hnd b"cen ob
tained that Norman wns a leper the
door of his homo was opened for the
escape of wlfo and children. Mrs.
Norman was Instructed to cut away
from her huaband forever. Sho loft
the house because sho believed she
must. Next day she took her llttlo
sons and with them went to tho city
officials and begged to bo allowed to
return. They endeavored to dissuade
"I cannot llvo without my husband,"
sho cried, falling on her knees. "I was
happy as his sweetheart. I was happy
when ho made me hie wlfo. I have
been happy during tho 11 years that
we have lived together and struggled
to lay asldo a llttlo money for tho
rainy day. My lovo has been fnnned
into a flamo by his goodness nnd his
care of mo. I becamo his wifo for hot
ter or for worse. I havo tried to bo
a kind, dutiful and loving wife. I
havo borne
both lovo."
htm children, whom wo
French just whom they had In their
front, I next struck up tho florco Itnd
etzki march, nnd just as tho rising sun
was coloring the east blood-red, I
closed tho concort with tho hopeful
choral, 'Fair Beams tho Morning Star.'
Many of tho soldiers, holding their
rifles In firing position, Joined in lus
Miss Pankhurst Declares Suffragists
Will Go to War If They
Are Needed.
Now York. Miss Chrlstabol Pank
hurst, famous daughter of Jior equally
famous mother, tho leader of the mil
itant suffragists of Great Britain, de
clares that the women aro ready to
go to war if tho government wnnta
them. Miss Pankhurst is making .
lecturing tour through Jho larger cit
ies of tho country. Sho recently re
ceived the degreo ot LL.B. from ono
ot the colleges in England, and is
hero shown In tho cap and gown worn
ou that occasion.
day spoiled by her foollshnoss. I am
going to stny right hero in Now York
as long as wo planned."
"What a heartless sou!" said Mrs.
Hughes to herself.
"No use making such a fuss over
a dog, anyhow," went on tho younger
It wns Mrs, Hughes' timo to fool
like going into hysterics.
So yesterday aftoruoon tho young
woman and hor fathor, sure enough,
took tho train for homo. Tho brothor
staved on.
Jit '
f MM
aV laaHaWaWHaaaHi
iaH aaaaaaaHaaBaamaaaaaaH
aaaaT X aaaaaaaaaaHSh.
Miss Christabel Pankhurst.
Wostem Canada occupies a stronger
position todny than it over has occu
pied. Taking ono year with another,
tho efficiency of Its lands to produce
hns been well proved. It hns not been
snld of It that year in nnd yoar out
there wcro bumper and bounteous
crops. If such a condition oxleted It
would bo phenomenal In tho history
of any country. With an extensive
territory producing grain, hogs, cattle
and sheep, of somo 800 miles wide nnd
1,000 miles long, it Is easy to' con
ceive of a wide variation In tempera
turo and climato; thoro 1b variation In
rainfall and snowfall; every section is
not tho best in tho district somo nro
better than othors and some worse,
but aa a general thing, tho groat por
rontago Is "hotter." This past year
hns shown that somo portions aro not
altogether Immuno from porlods of
drought. Tho samo may bo said of ad
joining states to tho south. But this
year has also shown that In the
greater portion of Western Canada
drought does not appear, but oven In
tho drought-stricken area of this year,
past years havo shown that tho soil
produces wonderfully well and oven
this year, with modern methods,
known as "dry-farming," good crops
wore harvested. The largo number
of Amerlcnns who during the past six
teen yenrs hnvo been attracted to
Canada hnvo not gono simply becauso
of tho advertising of that country, hut
becauso their friends and tholr old
timo neighbors have done well thoro,
nnd with enrcful nnd judicious farm
ing almost ovcryono has done woll.
As n result of the great Influx of
Immigration tho open or prnlrle homo
steading area Is bolng rapidly taken
up. Tho fact that this la so la ovi
denco thnt Wcstorn Cannda lands are
productive, nnd on theso open plains
today aro to bo seen tho homos of
Buccohaful fnrmers from almost every
Btato In tho Union. They havo earned
their patents and now own outright
their 1C0 acres of land, together prob
ably with nn adjoining 1G0 acres,
which they havo purchased or pre
empted, all of which is worth from
$25 to $30 per acre. Thoy originally
started by growing grains altogether,
but they found that thoy could socuro
I a uuuur iui;u lur jiniuu ui iiiuu cjiuiii
by feeding It. to hogs and cattle, and
tho most successful ones aro those
who havo followed this course
But to meot the wants of tho new
comer n now homestead area has been
opened up, known us tho "park coun
try.' In this park country nro to bo
found beautlfulgrovos of poplar and
willow, small lakes and streapis, with
sufficient open area to enablo ono to
go into immodlato cultivation of crop,
and in duo timo when thoy wish moro
land to bo put under cultivation, thoy
may at small cost cut down somo of
tho groves, which in tho meantlmo
havo been valuable In providing fuel
nnd in giving Bheltor to cattle.
Notwithstanding the high character
of tho opon prairie lands and tho fact
that farmers thoro have realized In a
splendid way, thoro 1b tho opinion
backed up by a lot of experience that
this parkllko country contains soil
oven better than that of tho opon area
roforred to.
Tho opportunities, therefore, for
money making nro ns great today as
thoy over were. The opportunities for
carrying on farming successfully aro
fully as great aB thoy ovor woro. Of
this park area wo havo an immenso
quantity of land yot to bo sottled. It
Is true that tho railroads lmvo not yot
penetrated these districts to tho extent
that thoy have tho open area, but thle
will como and as settlements advnnco,
bo will railroads build. For tho pres
ent thero Is a temporary lull in rail
road building, but it Is always tho
caso that where thoro Is a demand
thero will como a supply, and It will
not bo long boforo the park country
will bo penetrated by railroads that
will give sufficient accommodation for
all noeds, but to thoso who prefer It
thoro aro lots of opportunities for pur
chasing land nearer towns and vil
lages and at low prices and on easy
Whether ono cares to purchaso or
homestead it can better bo done by
paying n visit to tho country and It
will repay you to spend some little
timo visiting tho dlfforont districts.
Near Relatives.
"Who is that lady dressed in black,
mother?" asked Bobby, as ho sat with
hlB mother on a forry-boat
"That is a Sister of Charity, my
boy," replied his mothor,
Bobby pondered dooply for a mo
ment, nnd then ho said, "Which is
sho, mother, Faith or Hope?" From
tho Bazar.
Control of employment ngonclea in
Luxembourg will bo taken over by the
Tho man with a grievance never
misses an opportunity to mention It.
A fool friend can wiold a hammer as
effectively as a btttor enemy.
That Weak
accompanied by pain here or there extreme nervousness
sleeplessness may be faint spells or spasms all ore signals of
distress for a woman. She may be growing from girlhood Into
womanhood passing from womanhood to motherhood or later
suffering from that chance Into middle luo which leaves so many
wrecks of women. At any or all of theso periods of a woman's life
the should take a tonic and nervlno prescribed for just such cases
by a physician of yast experience in tho diseases ot women.
Favorite Prescription
has successfully treated moro cases In past
can now be had In sugar-coated, tablet form as well as In tho liquid, bold by medicine
dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of 50 cents In stamps.
Miss Elizabeth Lordahl of Berkeley, Cal., in a recent letter to Dr. Picrca laid: "I was pomplctcly
broSen down In litulth.Iwaiaclilneand had ialnanllovrmyl)dynnUwaioncrvou8 that I touid tercam
If anyon talked to me, but 1 had the eood for tuno to meet n nurse who had been curd by Dr lltrco a
Inscription, 1 havo never had an occaiion to consult a phyiiclan Blnco-am in ttctlleni .health,"
Dr. Pierce's Pleasnnt
Hver and boweU siiKur-coated. tiny granules
Judged by C. A. C. Committee,
Surprising results woro obtained
Tun day in Chicago, when, In a dlfl
tnnco test on tho boulovards, a 1915
big six went 28.7 miles on a gallon of
Red Crown ganollno. Tho tost was
mado to demonstrato tho fuel economy
of high test ganollno, by tho technical
commltteo of tho Chicago Automobllo
Red Crown gasoline, C8 test, was do
elded upon by tho judges and drivers
as tho best gasollno to bo used. All
j through tho trip tho clutch wns not
slipped, excopt when traffic congestion
I mado it necessary. Tho dash adjust
ment on tho carburetor wns discon
nected, and In order that tho test bo
a fair one, tho fan was In operation
throughout tho run.
Next camo tho acceleration test.
With tho carburetor adjustment tho
samo as during tho economy run, tho
enr was driven from standing start to
thirty miles an hour In 12 4-5 oeconds.
Tho flexibility test saw tho car run
at four miles an hour, then speeded
up to forty-four.
Tho test proves that tho six la not
nn oxecss'lvo fuel consumer, whero the
best gasollno is used.
Superior Knowledge.
Llttlo Walter and Gerald had
ceased to wonder at tho arrival of an
other baby brother after a few weeks
had elapsed slnco that oventful oc
casion. Their attention wns now di
rected to an importation of baby kit
tons. "Whero do you s'poso thoso kittona
camo from?" queried four-year-old
Gerald. "Did tho stork bring them
Just like baby brothor?"
Sovon-yaar-old replied with ponder
ous precision:
"Of courso not, silly. Storks couldn't
bring kittens. God mndo them. God
said, 'Let thero bo kittens and thero
wns kittens.'" Harpor'B Magazine.
Reduction In Living Costs Made Pos
sible by Perfect Product.
The BUdden and highly alarming In
crease In coat of food necessities, such
as augur and Hour, demand luercanrd
domeHtla economy. For incomes havo
not advanced with thla wur-tlnio soar
ing of food prices.
Wtiato of food as well as coat ot
food must bo considered and minimized
In these days ot exorbitant prices.
Fortunately tho greatest food wasto
with which tho housewife 1ms to con
tend bake-day (allures and tho waste
of costly baking materials Is rendered
prcetitnlle by tho perfect leavening
power ot Calumet Baking Powder.
Calumet Is an absolutely suro baking
powder of absolute purity. It never
rails to produce fully raised bakings
Unit aro tender and temptingly deli
cious. For Its wonderful leavening
strength nevor varies. It's always uni
form and always unexcelled. . .
To pay more than is asked for Calu
met simply means a useless waste ot
money. To pay le, and obtain an In
ferior powder, means the useless waste
Of linking MnterlnU.
Order a can of Calumet Savo a sub
stantial sum on tho prlco asked for
Trust Brands when you bur It. Savo
the flour, sugar, butter and eggs so
often wasted by Ulg Can Powders
when you ue It. You aro safo in or
dering Calumet, In trying It, ill testing
tho truth ot theso claims, for If you are
not thoroughly natlslled tho purchase
prlco will bo refunded by your local
In buying a can ot Calumet send the
slip found in tho one-pound can to tho
Calumet Baking Powder Co., Advertis
ing Dppnrtmont, Chicago, 111., and you
wlil recolvo ono of their handsome 72
pago Cook Books, Illustrations hi ool
ors, and a book that will bo a guide t
economy In tho kitchen. Adv.
American Cheese.
Imported cheese will bo scarce whilo
this war lasts, but plenty of good
cheese is mado in this country. Ameri
cans have never consumed aB much
cheese us thoy should have, yet it Is
ono ot tho cheapest and most nutrl
trltlous food products available. For
eign cooks havo taught Now Yorkers
its value, but few Amorcans outsido
this city know how extensively it Is
used in cooking and ns a condiment
New York Commercial.
J. M.
Sinclair of Ollvohill,
"I strained my back,
nn awful
my kidneys and
bad backacho and
inflammation ot
tho bladder. La
ter I becamo bo
much worse that
I consulted a
doctor, who said
that I had Dia
betes and that
my heart was af
fected. I suffer
ed for four years
Mr. J. M. Sinclair.
and was In 'a norvouB stato and very
much depressed. Tho doctor'B medii
clno didn't help mo, bo I decided to
try Dodds Kidney Pills, and I cannot
say enough to express my relief and
thankfulness, as they cured mo. Dia
mond Dinner Pills cured me of Con
stipation." Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at
your v dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, ,N. Y. Wrlto for Household
Hints, also music of National Anthem
(English and Gorman words) and rec
ipes, for dainty dishes. All 3 sont freo.
k Only Way.
"What-wlU I do about that student's
gutternl tones?"
"Curb 'era."
Aa long as a man Is ablo to keep out
of jail ho thinks no other chap has
anything on blm in tho way of good-
forty years than any other known remedy. It
Pellets reaTulnf e stomach.
Slff VWWb